Ejemplo n.º 1
    public void GenerateBarrelPositionCode()
        GaeAnimationInfo animation = MainSpriteController.instance.currentFrame.animationInfo;
        FrameInfo        info      = MainSpriteController.instance.currentFrame;

        if (animation != null)
            if (!info.path.Contains("idle_001"))
                Debug.Log("this shouldnt ever happen, but ill let it slide");
            float barrelOffsetXString = info.muzzleflashPositionX / 16f;
            float barrelOffsetYString = info.muzzleflashPositionY / 16f;

            string offsetCode = $"gun.barrelOffset.localPosition = new Vector3({barrelOffsetXString}f, {barrelOffsetYString}f, 0f);";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(animation.AnimationDirectory))
                File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(animation.AnimationDirectory, animation.animationName + " barrel offset code" + ".txt"), offsetCode);
                Debug.Log("nice, it (should have) worked");
                Debug.LogError("Shit, path was empty!");
 public void SetAnimation(GaeAnimationInfo animation)
     currentAnimationInfo = animation;
     index = 0;
     if (animation == null)
         mainSprite.sprite = null;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public FrameInfo(Texture2D texture, Sprite sprite, string path, GaeAnimationInfo animationInfo)
     this.animationInfo  = animationInfo;
     this.texture        = texture;
     this.sprite         = sprite;
     this.path           = path;
     this.hand1PositionX = 0;
     this.hand1PositionY = 0;
     this.hand2PositionX = 0;
     this.hand2PositionY = 0;
     this.offsetX        = 0;
     this.offsetY        = 0;
     this.isTwoHanded    = false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public FrameInfo(Texture2D texture, string path, GaeAnimationInfo animationInfo)
     this.animationInfo  = animationInfo;
     this.texture        = texture;
     this.sprite         = Sprite.Create(texture, new Rect(0, 0, texture.width, texture.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), 1);
     this.path           = path;
     this.hand1PositionX = 0;
     this.hand1PositionY = 0;
     this.hand2PositionX = 0;
     this.hand2PositionY = 0;
     this.offsetX        = 0;
     this.offsetY        = 0;
     this.isTwoHanded    = false;
    //similiar to importSingleImages, however it only has one path, and attempts to find other matching files based on that. loads all the frame info objects into a single tab
    public void ImportAnimation()
        Image.sprite = DefaultTexture;
        paths        = StandaloneFileBrowser.OpenFilePanel("gotta make them guns ey?", "", "png", false);

        if (paths.Length > 0)
            FileInfo info     = new FileInfo(paths[0]);
            string   fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(paths[0]);

            string     animationName = RemoveTrailingDigits(fileName);
            FileInfo[] files         = info.Directory.GetFiles(animationName + "_*.png");

            GaeAnimationInfo animationInfo = new GaeAnimationInfo();
            animationInfo.AnimationDirectory = info.DirectoryName;

            animationInfo.frames = new FrameInfo[files.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < animationInfo.frames.Length; i++)
                animationInfo.frames[i] = LoadSingleFrame(files[i].FullName, animationInfo);
            animationInfo.animationName = RemoveTrailingDigits(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(files[0].FullName));

            RectTransform viewPort = StaticRefrences.Instance.TabArea.GetComponent <ScrollRect>().content;
            RectTransform tabArea  = StaticRefrences.Instance.TabArea.GetComponent <RectTransform>();

            var newButton = Instantiate(ImgTabPrefab, viewPort, false);
            newButton.name = animationInfo.animationName + " button";
            RectTransform buttonRectTransform = newButton.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            buttonRectTransform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            float ratio = tabArea.rect.width / buttonRectTransform.rect.width;

            newButton.transform.localScale = new Vector3(ratio, ratio, 1f);

            TabDisplay newButtonTabDisplay = newButton.GetComponent <TabDisplay>();
            newButtonTabDisplay.TMPtext.text  = animationInfo.animationName;
            newButtonTabDisplay.animationInfo = animationInfo;

    //this method attempts to load the image as well as a corrosponding json file, and create a matching FrameInfo object based off of those
    private FrameInfo LoadSingleFrame(string path, GaeAnimationInfo animationInfo)
        path = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(path), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path));

        string pngPath  = path + ".png";
        string jsonPath = path + ".json";

        if (!File.Exists(pngPath))
        byte[]    bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(pngPath);
        Texture2D tex   = new Texture2D(2, 2);

        tex.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
        Sprite sprite = Sprite.Create(tex, new Rect(0, 0, tex.width, tex.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), 1);

        if (File.Exists(jsonPath))
                string        jsonInfo      = File.ReadAllText(jsonPath);
                FrameJsonInfo frameJsonInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FrameJsonInfo>(jsonInfo);

                for (int i = 1; i < frameJsonInfo.attachPoints.Length; i++)
                    //this bit of code relies on conversion exceptions to make sure the data type is right. this only happens to class members are marked as [JsonRequiredAttribute]
                    //this is probably really bad practice. especially since it relies on loaded objects to be of " Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject" type but i dont know any better as of writing this
                        frameJsonInfo.attachPoints[i] = (frameJsonInfo.attachPoints[i] as Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject).ToObject <ArrayTypeUnkownAndSize>();
                    catch (Exception) {}
                        frameJsonInfo.attachPoints[i] = (frameJsonInfo.attachPoints[i] as Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject).ToObject <AttachPoint>();
                    catch (Exception) {}
                float convertedX1 = 0;
                float convertedX2 = 0;
                float convertedY1 = 0;
                float convertedY2 = 0;
                bool  isTwoHanded = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < frameJsonInfo.attachPoints.Length; i++)
                    if (frameJsonInfo.attachPoints[i] is AttachPoint)
                        if ((frameJsonInfo.attachPoints[i] as AttachPoint).name == "PrimaryHand")
                            AttachPoint hand1 = frameJsonInfo.attachPoints[i] as AttachPoint;
                            convertedX1 = hand1.position.x * 16 - frameJsonInfo.x;
                            convertedY1 = hand1.position.y * 16 - frameJsonInfo.y;
                        else if ((frameJsonInfo.attachPoints[i] as AttachPoint).name == "SecondaryHand")
                            AttachPoint hand2 = frameJsonInfo.attachPoints[i] as AttachPoint;
                            convertedX2 = hand2.position.x * 16 - frameJsonInfo.x;
                            convertedY2 = hand2.position.y * 16 - frameJsonInfo.y;
                            isTwoHanded = true;
                return(new FrameInfo(tex, sprite, convertedX1, convertedY1, convertedX2, convertedY2, frameJsonInfo.x, frameJsonInfo.y, isTwoHanded, path, animationInfo));
            catch (Exception)
                throw new Exception("json seems to be invalid! or i dont know how to read jsons (prob the second one ;) )!");
        return(new FrameInfo(tex, sprite, pngPath, animationInfo));
Ejemplo n.º 7
    public void GenerateOffsetCode()
        GaeAnimationInfo animation = MainSpriteController.instance.currentAnimation;

        if (animation != null)
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("//make sure the animation name and variable names are correct, the program may have made the wrong decision \n");
            builder.Append("// it is better to be getting your clips like so \"gun.sprite.spriteAnimator.GetClipByName(gun.shootAnimation);\" and vary the animation name of course\n");
            builder.Append("tk2dSpriteAnimationClip animationclip = gun.sprite.spriteAnimator.GetClipByName(\"" + animation.animationName.Trim('_') + "\");\n");
            builder.Append("float[] offsetsX = new float[] {");
            builder.Append((animation.frames[0].offsetX / 16).ToString("f4", culture));
            for (int i = 1; i < animation.frames.Length; i++)
                builder.Append((animation.frames[i].offsetX / 16).ToString("f4", culture));

            builder.Append("float[] offsetsY = new float[] {");
            builder.Append((animation.frames[0].offsetY / 16).ToString("f4", culture));
            for (int i = 1; i < animation.frames.Length; i++)
                builder.Append((animation.frames[i].offsetY / 16).ToString("f4", culture));
            builder.Append("//simple method \n");
            builder.Append("for (int i = 0; i < offsetsX.Length && i < offsetsY.Length && i < animationclip.frames.Length; i++)");
            builder.Append("int id = animationclip.frames[i].spriteId;");
            builder.Append("tk2dSpriteDefinition def = frames.spriteCollection.spriteDefinitions[id];");
            builder.Append("Vector2 offset = new Vector2(offsetsX[i],offsetsY[i]);");
            builder.Append("def.position0 += offset;");
            builder.Append("def.position1 += offset;");
            builder.Append("def.position2 += offset;");
            builder.Append("def.position3 += offset;");

            builder.Append("//it is reccomended you keep a cleaner more maintainable code by doing this\n");
            builder.Append("//first add this method to your toolbox\n\n");

            builder.Append("static void AddOffsetToTk2DFrame(tk2dSpriteAnimationFrame frame, Vector2 offset)\n");
            builder.Append("for (int i = 0; i < offsetsX.Length && i < offsetsY.Length && i < animationclip.frames.Length; i++)\n");
            builder.Append("\tint id = animationclip.frames[i].spriteId;\n");
            builder.Append("\ttk2dSpriteDefinition def = frames.spriteCollection.spriteDefinitions[id];\n");
            builder.Append("\tdef.position0 += offset;\n");
            builder.Append("\tdef.position1 += offset;\n");
            builder.Append("\tdef.position2 += offset;\n");
            builder.Append("\tdef.position3 += offset;\n");

            builder.Append("//then you can this \n");
            builder.Append("for (int i = 0; i < offsetsX.Length && i < offsetsY.Length && i < animationclip.frames.Length; i++)\n");
            builder.Append("\tyourToolBox.AddOffsetToTk2DFrame(animationclip.frames[i],new Vector2(offsetsX[i],offsetsY[i]));\n");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(animation.AnimationDirectory))
                File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(animation.AnimationDirectory, animation.animationName + " offset code" + ".txt"), builder.ToString());
                Debug.Log("nice, it (should have) worked");
                Debug.LogError("Shit, path was empty!");
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public FrameInfo(Texture2D texture, Sprite sprite, float hand1X, float hand1Y, float hand2X, float hand2Y, float offsetX, float offsetY, bool isTwoHanded, string path, GaeAnimationInfo animationInfo)
     this.animationInfo  = animationInfo;
     this.texture        = texture;
     this.sprite         = sprite;
     this.hand1PositionX = hand1X;
     this.hand1PositionY = hand1Y;
     this.hand2PositionX = hand2X;
     this.hand2PositionY = hand2Y;
     this.offsetX        = offsetX;
     this.offsetY        = offsetY;
     this.isTwoHanded    = isTwoHanded;
     this.path           = path;