Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override ResourceObject InstallToDisk(string resourceName, string resourceVersion, DirectoryEntry directory, ResourceInstallFlags flags)
            JObject resourceJson  = null;
            var     npmPackageUrl = RegistryUrl + resourceName;

                using (var client = new HttpClient())
                    var resourceRegistryStr = client.GetStringAsync(npmPackageUrl).Result;
                    resourceJson = JObject.Parse(resourceRegistryStr);
            catch (Exception ex)
                    $"Unable to load a [{Name}] resource from registry from Url [{npmPackageUrl}]. Reason:{ex.GetReason()}");

            var versions = resourceJson["versions"] as JObject;

            if (versions == null)
                    $"Unable to find `versions` property from [{Name}] package from Url [{npmPackageUrl}]");

            var             downloads       = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            string          selectedVersion = null;
            SemanticVersion lastVersion     = null;
            bool            isLatestVersion = false;

            foreach (var prop in versions.Properties())
                var versionName  = prop.Name;
                var versionValue = prop.Value as JObject;
                if (versionName != null && versionValue != null)
                    var downloadUrl = ((versionValue["dist"] as JObject)?["tarball"] as JValue)?.Value as string;

                    if (downloadUrl != null)
                        downloads[versionName] = downloadUrl;

                        if (versionName == resourceVersion)
                            selectedVersion = resourceVersion;
                        else if (resourceVersion == "latest")
                            SemanticVersion version;
                            if (SemanticVersion.TryParse(versionName, out version))
                                if (!version.IsPrerelease || (flags & ResourceInstallFlags.PreRelease) != 0)
                                    if (lastVersion == null)
                                        lastVersion     = version;
                                        selectedVersion = versionName;
                                    else if (version > lastVersion)
                                        lastVersion     = version;
                                        selectedVersion = versionName;
                                    isLatestVersion = true;

            if (selectedVersion != null)
                // In case of a latest version, we will try to load the version from the disk if it is already installed
                if (isLatestVersion)
                    var resource = GetOrInstall(resourceName, selectedVersion, flags | ResourceInstallFlags.NoInstall);
                    if (resource != null)

                // Otherwise, we have to download the package and unzip it
                var downloadUrl = downloads[selectedVersion];
                    using (var client = new HttpClient())
                        // TODO: check if the file is ending by tgz/tat.gz?
                        using (var stream = client.GetStreamAsync(downloadUrl).Result)
                            using (var gzStream = new GZipStream(stream, CompressionMode.Decompress))
                                gzStream.UntarTo(directory, "package");

                        return(LoadFromDisk(resourceName, selectedVersion, directory));
                catch (Exception ex)
                        $"Unable to download and install the [{Name}] package [{resourceName}/{resourceVersion}] from the url [{downloadUrl}]. Reason:{ex.GetReason()}");

            Plugin.Site.Error($"Unable to find the [{Name}] package [{resourceName}] with the specific version [{resourceVersion}] from the available version [{string.Join(",", downloads.Keys)}]");