Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static void ballScore(Entity zone, int points = 1)
            if (!ballEnt.HasField("carrier"))
                Log.Write(LogLevel.Error, "Ball scored without proper setup! Carrier was not set");
            Entity scorer = ballEnt.GetField <Entity>("carrier");

            if (scorer == null || scorer == level)
                Log.Write(LogLevel.Error, "Ball scored with no valid carrier!");
            GSCFunctions.PlayFX(ballExplodeFX, zone.Origin);
            ballEnt.Unlink();//Unlink from parent ent
            ballEnt.MoveTo(zone.Origin, 1, .5f, .5f);
            scorer.Notify("objective", "captured");
            AfterDelay(1000, () => ballEnt.MoveTo(zone.Origin + new Vector3(0, 0, 5000), 3, 1));
            AfterDelay(4000, () => respawnBall());
            string team  = zone.GetField <string>("team");
            int    score = GSCFunctions.GetTeamScore(team);

            GSCFunctions.SetTeamScore(team, score + points);

Ejemplo n.º 2
    private static void nukeAftermathEffect()
        Entity  aftermathEnt = GSCFunctions.GetEnt("mp_global_intermission", "classname");
        Vector3 up           = GSCFunctions.AnglesToUp(aftermathEnt.Angles);
        Vector3 right        = GSCFunctions.AnglesToRight(aftermathEnt.Angles);

        GSCFunctions.PlayFX(effects[2], aftermathEnt.Origin, up, right);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static bool botAI(Entity ai, Entity botHitbox, bool isCrawler, bool isBoss)
            if (!ai.GetField <bool>("isAlive") || !botsInPlay.Contains(ai) || botHitbox.GetField <int>("currentHealth") <= botHitbox.GetField <int>("damageTaken"))
            if (!ai.GetField <bool>("isAlive"))
                return(false);                              //Do another check after height check
            //check time inactivity
            int currentTime = GSCFunctions.GetTime();
            int lastTime    = ai.GetField <int>("lastActiveTime");

            if (currentTime > lastTime + 120000 && !isBoss && !freezerActivated)

            Entity  target     = null;
            Vector3 botOrigin  = ai.Origin;
            Vector3 botHeadTag = ai.GetTagOrigin("j_head");// + new Vector3 (0, 0, 5);

            float Ground = GSCFunctions.GetGroundPosition(botOrigin).Z;

            #region targeting
            if (glowsticks.Count != 0)//Find a glowstick first
                foreach (Entity g in glowsticks)
                    if (freezerActivated)
                    if (g_AIZ.isGlowstick(ai.GetField <Entity>("currentWaypoint")))
                        target = ai.GetField <Entity>("currentWaypoint"); continue;
                    if (botOrigin.DistanceTo(g.Origin) > 500)
                    bool tracePass = GSCFunctions.SightTracePassed(botHeadTag, g.Origin, false, botHitbox);
                    if (tracePass)
                        target = g;
                        ai.SetField("currentWaypoint", g);
                    //Log.Write(LogLevel.All, "No trace available");
            if (target == null && !freezerActivated)//If we haven't found a glowstick, find a real target
                float dist;
                float tempDist = 999999999;
                foreach (Entity p in Players)//Find a player
                    Vector3 playerOrigin = p.Origin;
                    dist = botOrigin.DistanceTo(playerOrigin);
                    if (p.SessionTeam != "allies" || !p.IsAlive || p.GetField <bool>("isDown") || p.GetField <bool>("isInHeliSniper") || dist > 600)
                    Vector3 playerHeadTag = p.GetTagOrigin("j_head");
                    bool    tracePass     = GSCFunctions.SightTracePassed(botHeadTag, playerHeadTag, false, botHitbox);
                    if (tracePass)
                        //Log.Write(LogLevel.All, "Traced {0}", p.Name);
                        //if (target != null)
                            bool isCloser = playerOrigin.DistanceTo(botOrigin) < tempDist;//GSCFunctions.Closer(botHeadTag, playerHeadTag, targetHeadTag);
                            if (isCloser)
                                tempDist = playerOrigin.DistanceTo(botOrigin);
                                target   = p;
                                ai.SetField("currentWaypoint", ai);
                                //Log.Write(LogLevel.All, "{0} is closer", target.Name);

                         * else
                         * {
                         *  target = p;
                         *  //ai.ClearField("currentWaypoint");
                         *  ai.SetField("currentWaypoint", ai);
                         *  ai.ClearField("visibleWaypoints");
                         *  //Log.Write(LogLevel.All, "Target is null");
                         * }
                    //Attacking players
                    float attackDist = botHitbox.Origin.DistanceTo(playerOrigin);

                    if (attackDist <= 50 && !ai.GetField <bool>("isAttacking"))
                        ai.SetField("isAttacking", true);


                        if (ai.GetField <bool>("primedForNuke"))
                            playAnimOnBot(ai, anim_lose);
                        else if (isCrawler || ai.HasField("hasBeenCrippled"))
                            playAnimOnBot(ai, crawlerAnim_attack);
                            playAnimOnBot(ai, anim_attack);
                        AfterDelay(700, () =>
                            if ((isCrawler || ai.HasField("hasBeenCrippled")) && ai.GetField <bool>("isAlive"))
                                playAnimOnBot(ai, crawlerAnim_walk);
                            else if (isBoss && ai.GetField <bool>("isAlive"))
                                playAnimOnBot(ai, anim_run);
                                if (ai.GetField <bool>("isAlive"))
                                    if (isInPeril(botHitbox))
                                        playAnimOnBot(ai, anim_run);
                                        playAnimOnBot(ai, anim_walk);
                            if (ai.GetField <bool>("isAlive"))
                                ai.SetField("isAttacking", false);

                        if (ai.GetField <bool>("primedForNuke"))

                        Vector3 dir = GSCFunctions.VectorToAngles(ai.Origin - p.Origin);
                        float hitDir = dir.Y - p.GetPlayerAngles().Y;
                        //Log.Write(LogLevel.Debug, "Dir = {0}; Angle = {1}", dir.ToString(), angle);
                        AfterDelay(100, () =>
                            GSCFunctions.PlayFX(fx_blood, p.Origin + new Vector3(0, 0, 30));
                            if ((p.HasWeapon("riotshield_mp") || p.HasWeapon("iw5_riotshield_mp")) && ((p.CurrentWeapon != "riotshield_mp" && p.CurrentWeapon != "iw5_riotshield_mp" && hitDir > -80 && hitDir < 80) || (p.CurrentWeapon == "riotshield_mp" || p.CurrentWeapon == "iw5_riotshield_mp")))
                                p.FinishPlayerDamage(null, null, dmg / 2, 0, "MOD_FALLING", "none", p.Origin, dir, "none", 0);
                                p.FinishPlayerDamage(null, null, dmg, 0, "MOD_FALLING", "none", p.Origin, dir, "none", 0);
                            AfterDelay(8000, () => p.Health = p.MaxHealth);
                    //End attacking
                if (target == null)//No players, find a waypoint
                    if (ai.HasField("currentWaypoint") && ai.HasField("visibleWaypoints"))
                        //Entity currentWaypoint = ai.GetField<Entity>("currentWaypoint");
                        //if (currentWaypoint.HasField("visiblePoints") && !ai.HasField("visibleWaypoints")) ai.SetField("visibleWaypoints", new Parameter(currentWaypoint.GetField<List<Entity>>("visiblePoints")));
                        float waypointDist = botOrigin.DistanceTo(ai.GetField <Entity>("currentWaypoint").Origin);
                        if (ai.GetField <Entity>("currentWaypoint") == ai && ai.HasField("visibleWaypoints"))
                            List <Entity> visibleWaypoints = ai.GetField <List <Entity> >("visibleWaypoints");
                            int           randomWaypoint   = g_AIZ.rng.Next(visibleWaypoints.Count);
                            ai.SetField("currentWaypoint", visibleWaypoints[randomWaypoint]);
                        else if (waypointDist < 50)
                            ai.SetField("visibleWaypoints", new Parameter(ai.GetField <Entity>("currentWaypoint").GetField <List <Entity> >("visiblePoints")));
                            ai.SetField("currentWaypoint", ai);
                    else if (!ai.HasField("currentWaypoint") || !ai.HasField("visibleWaypoints"))//Recalculate point
                        foreach (Entity v in h_mapEdit.waypoints)
                            bool waypointTrace = GSCFunctions.SightTracePassed(botHeadTag, v.Origin, false, botHitbox);//Check for waypoints
                            if (waypointTrace)
                                ai.SetField("currentWaypoint", v);//Set the first seen one as current
                                ai.SetField("visibleWaypoints", new Parameter(v.GetField <List <Entity> >("visiblePoints")));
                    if (ai.HasField("currentWaypoint") && ai.GetField <Entity>("currentWaypoint") != ai)
                        target = ai.GetField <Entity>("currentWaypoint");
            //Now we are done targeting, do the action for the target

            #region motion
            if (ai.GetField <bool>("isAttacking"))
                return(true);                                 //Stop moving to attack. Prevent bots getting stuck into players

             * foreach (Entity bot in botsInPlay)//Prevent bots from combining into each other
             * {
             *  if (ai == bot) continue;
             *  Vector3 closeOrigin = bot.Origin;
             *  if (botOrigin.DistanceTo(closeOrigin) < 10)//Move away from the bot and recalc
             *  {
             *      Vector3 dir = GSCFunctions.VectorToAngles(closeOrigin - botOrigin);
             *      Vector3 awayPos = botOrigin - dir * 100;
             *      ai.MoveTo(awayPos, botOrigin.DistanceTo(awayPos) / 120);
             *      ai.RotateTo(new Vector3(0, -dir.Y, 0), .3f, .1f, .1f);
             *      return true;
             *  }
             * }

            if (target != null && glowsticks.Count == 0)//Move to our target if there are no glowsticks
                Vector3 targetOrigin = target.Origin;
                //if (target.IsPlayer) targetHeadTag = target.GetTagOrigin("j_head");
                //else targetHeadTag = target.Origin;
                float angleY = GSCFunctions.VectorToAngles(targetOrigin - botOrigin).Y;
                ai.RotateTo(new Vector3(0, angleY, 0), .3f, .1f, .1f);

                if (botOrigin.DistanceTo2D(targetOrigin) < 100 || Ground == botOrigin.Z)
                    Ground = targetOrigin.Z;

                int   speed    = 100;
                float distance = botOrigin.DistanceTo(targetOrigin);

                if (((isInPeril(botHitbox) && !ai.HasField("hasBeenCrippled")) && !ai.HasField("hasBeenCrippled")) || isBoss)
                    speed = 170;
                else if (ai.HasField("hasBeenCrippled"))
                    speed = 30;
                float groundDist = Ground - botOrigin.Z;
                groundDist *= 8;//Overcompansate to move faster and track along ground in a better way
                if (Ground == targetOrigin.Z)
                    groundDist = 0;                          //Fix 'jumping bots'
                ai.MoveTo(new Vector3(targetOrigin.X, targetOrigin.Y, Ground + groundDist), distance / speed);

                string state = ai.GetField <string>("state");
                if ((state == "post_hurt" || state == "idle" || state == "dancing") && state != "hurt" && state != "attacking")
                    if (isCrawler || ai.HasField("hasBeenCrippled"))
                        playAnimOnBot(ai, crawlerAnim_walk);
                    else if (isBoss)
                        playAnimOnBot(ai, anim_run);
                        if (isInPeril(botHitbox))
                            playAnimOnBot(ai, anim_run);
                            playAnimOnBot(ai, anim_walk);
                    ai.SetField("state", "moving");
            else if (target != null && (glowsticks.Count > 0 && g_AIZ.isGlowstick(target)))//Move towards a glowstick and dance
                Vector3 targetOrigin = target.Origin;
                if (Ground == botOrigin.Z)
                    Ground = targetOrigin.Z;
                float angleY = GSCFunctions.VectorToAngles(targetOrigin - botOrigin).Y;
                ai.RotateTo(new Vector3(0, angleY, 0), .3f, .1f, .1f);
                float  randomX = g_AIZ.rng.Next(-100, 100);
                float  randomY = g_AIZ.rng.Next(-100, 100);
                string state   = ai.GetField <string>("state");

                if (botOrigin.DistanceTo(targetOrigin) > 50)
                    int   speed    = 100;
                    float distance = botOrigin.DistanceTo(targetOrigin);

                    if (((isInPeril(botHitbox) && !ai.HasField("hasBeenCrippled")) && !ai.HasField("hasBeenCrippled")) || isBoss)
                        speed = 170;
                    else if (ai.HasField("hasBeenCrippled"))
                        speed = 30;
                    float groundDist = Ground - botOrigin.Z;
                    groundDist *= 8;//Overcompansate to move faster and track along ground in a better way
                    if (Ground == targetOrigin.Z)
                        groundDist = 0;                          //Fix 'jumping bots'
                    ai.MoveTo(new Vector3(targetOrigin.X + randomX, targetOrigin.Y + randomY, Ground + groundDist), distance / speed);
                else if (state != "dancing")
                    ai.Origin = botOrigin;
                    playAnimOnBot(ai, anim_lose);
                    ai.SetField("state", "dancing");
                if ((state == "post_hurt" || state == "idle") && state != "hurt" && state != "attacking")
                    if (isCrawler)
                        playAnimOnBot(ai, crawlerAnim_walk);
                    else if (isBoss)
                        playAnimOnBot(ai, anim_run);
                        playAnimOnBot(ai, anim_walk);
                    ai.SetField("state", "moving");
            else if (target != null && (glowsticks.Count > 0 && !g_AIZ.isGlowstick(target)))//Move towards a player while a glowstick is out but not in sight
                Vector3 targetOrigin = target.Origin;
                if (Ground == botOrigin.Z)
                    Ground = targetOrigin.Z;
                float angleY = GSCFunctions.VectorToAngles(targetOrigin - botOrigin).Y;
                ai.RotateTo(new Vector3(0, angleY, 0), .3f, .1f, .1f);

                int   speed    = 100;
                float distance = botOrigin.DistanceTo(targetOrigin);

                if (((isInPeril(botHitbox) && !ai.HasField("hasBeenCrippled")) && !ai.HasField("hasBeenCrippled")) || isBoss)
                    speed = 170;
                else if (ai.HasField("hasBeenCrippled"))
                    speed = 30;
                float groundDist = Ground - botOrigin.Z;
                groundDist *= 8;//Overcompansate to move faster and track along ground in a better way
                if (Ground == targetOrigin.Z)
                    groundDist = 0;                          //Fix 'jumping bots'
                ai.MoveTo(new Vector3(targetOrigin.X, targetOrigin.Y, Ground + groundDist), distance / speed);

                string state = ai.GetField <string>("state");
                if ((state == "post_hurt" || state == "idle" || state == "dancing") && state != "hurt" && state != "attacking")
                    if (isCrawler || ai.HasField("hasBeenCrippled"))
                        playAnimOnBot(ai, crawlerAnim_walk);
                    else if (isBoss)
                        playAnimOnBot(ai, anim_run);
                        if (isInPeril(botHitbox))
                            playAnimOnBot(ai, anim_run);
                            playAnimOnBot(ai, anim_walk);
                    ai.SetField("state", "moving");
            else//failsafe, just stand still if there is no other options
                ai.MoveTo(new Vector3(botOrigin.X, botOrigin.Y, Ground), 1);
                string state = ai.GetField <string>("state");
                if (state != "idle" && state != "hurt" && state != "attacking")
                    if (isCrawler || ai.HasField("hasBeenCrippled"))
                        playAnimOnBot(ai, crawlerAnim_idle);
                        playAnimOnBot(ai, anim_idle);
                    ai.SetField("state", "idle");
