private void NpcSkillAttackInternal(RoleView target, NpcSkillAttackEvent evData) { var skillKey = evData.bUseSkill ? AnimNames.Skill : AnimNames.Attack; SkillData skillData = null; roleData.skills.TryGetValue(skillKey, out skillData); if (skillData != null) { var targetFrameAction = new FrameActionData(); //被击者 targetFrameAction.currHp = evData.currHp; targetFrameAction.maxHp = evData.maxHp; targetFrameAction.amount = evData.amount; targetFrameAction.bPlaySound = evData.bPlaySound; targetFrameAction.type = FrameActionType.Passive; targetFrameAction.skillParams = skillData.skillParams; target.OnTakeDamage(targetFrameAction); var myFrameAction = new FrameActionData(); //攻击者 myFrameAction.type = FrameActionType.Active; myFrameAction.skillParams = skillData.skillParams; myFrameAction.bPlaySound = evData.bPlaySound; = target; myFrameAction.animClipName = evData.bUseSkill ? AnimNames.Skill : AnimNames.Attack; timerMgr.CreateTicker(skillData.frameDatas, myFrameAction, OnFrameAction); } else { GLogger.Red("!!!NpcSkillAttackInternal:>>" + evData.attackerid + " " + evData.defenderid + " " + evData.bUseSkill); } }
Vector3 FindBattlePos() { Vector3 currPos = embattlePosMgr.GetBattlePos(); GLogger.Gray("Find Battle Pos::>" + currPos + " npcid:>" + mynpcId.value); var viewPortMargin = LogicConst.Viewport_Margin; if (myNpcData.npcType == NpcType.Hero) { var targetData = npcDataMgr.GetNpcData(targetId.value); if (targetData.position.x < myNpcData.position.x) { currPos.x -= viewPortMargin / 1.5f - 0.6f; } else { currPos.x += viewPortMargin / 1.5f - 0.6f; } } else { var v = myNpcData.faceDir == FaceDir.Left ? 1 : -1; currPos.x += v * viewPortMargin / 1.5f; } currPos.y = myNpcData.position.y; currPos.z = myNpcData.position.z; return(currPos); }
/// <summary> /// 移动NPC事件完成 /// </summary> /// <param name="param"></param> private void OnEvMoveNpcOK(object param) { var npcid = (long)param; GLogger.Green("OnEvMoveNpcOK:>" + npcid); var npcData = npcDataMgr.GetNpcData(npcid); if (npcData != null) { npcData.npcState = NpcState.Ready; } if (!npcDataMgr.IsAllNpcStateOK(NpcType.Hero, NpcState.Move)) { return; //移动还没有全部完成 } if (eventMgr.IsEndTurnEvent()) { Debug.LogError("IsEndTurnEvent EXEC OK!!!"); } else { eventMgr.NewTurnEvent(delegate(Vector2 pos) { Debug.Log("OnNpcMoveOK event at " + pos + " execute ok!!!"); }); } }
/// <summary> /// 下一个事件 /// </summary> void MoveNextEvent(Vector2 currPos) { if (events.Count == 0) { if (execOK != null) { execOK(currPos); } return; } var evData = events.Dequeue(); if (evData == null) { MoveNextEvent(currPos); return; } GLogger.Yellow("MoveNext evType:" + evData.type); var currEvent = sceneEvents[evData.type]; if (currEvent != null) { if (evData.type == EventsType.MoveNpc || evData.type == EventsType.MoveCamera) { currEvent.OnExecute(currPos, evData.value, () => MoveNextEvent(currPos)); } else { currEvent.OnExecute(evData.value, () => MoveNextEvent(currPos)); } } }
public override void Enter() { base.Enter(); mynpcId = npcFsm.GetVar <long>("mynpcId"); myNpcData = npcDataMgr.GetNpcData(mynpcId.value); GLogger.Red(mynpcId.value + " enter Death..."); DoNpcDeath(); }
public override void OnMessage(byte[] bytes) { //解包读取 var person = DeSerialize <Person>(bytes); GLogger.Log(; ///封包发送 networkMgr.SendData <Person>("Person", person); }
/// <summary> /// 下一个事件 /// </summary> void MoveNextEvent(Vector2 currPos) { if (events.Count == 0) { if (execOK != null) { execOK(currPos); } return; } var evData = events.Dequeue(); if (evData == null) { MoveNextEvent(currPos); return; } GLogger.Yellow("MoveNext evType:" + evData.type); switch (evData.type) { case EventsType.SpawnHeroNpc: OnEvSpawnHeroNpc(() => MoveNextEvent(currPos)); break; case EventsType.SpawnTeamNpc: OnEvSpawnTeamNpc(evData.value, () => MoveNextEvent(currPos)); break; case EventsType.Dungeon: OnEvDungeon(evData.value, () => MoveNextEvent(currPos)); break; case EventsType.Dialog: OnEvDialog(evData.value, () => MoveNextEvent(currPos)); break; case EventsType.MoveCamera: OnEvMoveCamera(currPos, evData.value, () => MoveNextEvent(currPos)); break; case EventsType.MoveNpc: OnEvMoveNpc(currPos, evData.value, () => MoveNextEvent(currPos)); break; case EventsType.LoadScene: OnEvLoadScene(evData.value, () => MoveNextEvent(currPos)); break; case EventsType.StartFight: OnEvStartFight(evData.value, () => MoveNextEvent(currPos)); break; } }
public override void Enter() { base.Enter(); mynpcId = npcFsm.GetVar <long>("mynpcId"); targetId = npcFsm.GetVar <long>("targetId"); myNpcData = npcDataMgr.GetNpcData(mynpcId.value); myNpcData.npcState = NpcState.Attack; GLogger.Log(mynpcId.value + " enter Attack..."); NpcSkillAttack(); }
public override void Enter() { base.Enter(); mynpcId = npcFsm.GetVar <long>("mynpcId"); targetId = npcFsm.GetVar <long>("targetId"); targetId.value = 0; myNpcData = npcDataMgr.GetNpcData(mynpcId.value); myNpcData.npcState = NpcState.Search; GLogger.Log(mynpcId.value + " enter Search..."); }
/// <summary> /// 攻击完成 /// </summary> /// <param name="eventId"></param> private void OnNpcSkillAttackOK(long eventId) { var gameEvent = evMappingMgr.Remove(eventId); if (gameEvent != null) { var attackEvent = gameEvent.evParam as NpcSkillAttackEvent; if (attackEvent != null) { attackEvent.callback(attackEvent.defenderid); } } GLogger.Log("OnNpcSkillAttackOK:" + eventId); }
public override void OnMessage(byte[] bytes) { //解包读取 var person = Person.Parser.ParseFrom(bytes); GLogger.Log(person.Name); ///封包发送 using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) { // Save the person to a stream person.WriteTo(stream); bytes = stream.ToArray(); networkMgr.SendData("Person", bytes); } }
IEnumerator OnLoadAssetBundle(string abName, Type type) { string url = GetAssetFullPath(abName); if (m_AssetBundleLoadingList.ContainsKey(url)) { m_AssetBundleLoadingList[url]++; yield break; } m_AssetBundleLoadingList.Add(url, 1); GLogger.Gray(url); var abUrl = Application.isEditor ? abName : url; var request = AssetBundle.LoadFromFileAsync(url); if (abName != AppConst.ResIndexFile) { string[] dependencies = m_AssetBundleManifest.GetAllDependencies(abName); if (dependencies.Length > 0) { m_Dependencies.Add(abName, dependencies); for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.Length; i++) { string depName = dependencies[i]; AssetBundleInfo bundleInfo = null; if (m_LoadedAssetBundles.TryGetValue(depName, out bundleInfo)) { bundleInfo.m_ReferencedCount++; } else if (!m_LoadRequests.ContainsKey(depName)) { yield return(mResMgr.StartCoroutine(OnLoadAssetBundle(depName, type))); } } } } yield return(request); AssetBundle assetObj = request.assetBundle; if (assetObj != null) { var RefCount = m_AssetBundleLoadingList[url]; var bundleInfo = new AssetBundleInfo(assetObj, RefCount); m_LoadedAssetBundles.Add(abName, bundleInfo); } m_AssetBundleLoadingList.Remove(url); }
/// <summary> /// 战斗结束 /// </summary> private void OnBattleEnd(GameEventData eventData) { var battleEndEvent = eventData.evParam as BattleEndEvent; var battleType = battleEndEvent.type; if (battleType == BattleType.TurnBase) { Util.CallLuaMethod("LeaveDungeon", (Action) delegate() { GLogger.Red("BattleEnd---->>>" + battleType); }); } else { GLogger.Red("BattleEnd---->>>" + battleType); } }
/// <summary> /// 动作剪辑播放完成回调函数 /// </summary> /// <param name="obj"></param> private void OnPlayingClipOK(string clip) { switch (clip) { case AnimNames.Attack: //战斗完成 case AnimNames.Skill: OnNpcSkillAttackOK(clip); PlayRoleAnim(AnimNames.Idle, true); break; case AnimNames.Damage: //被击完成 if (!bRunning) { PlayRoleAnim(AnimNames.Idle, true); } break; } GLogger.White("OnPlayingClipOK::>>" + clip); }
/// <summary> /// 动作剪辑播放完成回调函数 /// </summary> /// <param name="obj"></param> private void OnPlayingClipOK(string clip) { switch (clip) { case AnimNames.Attack: //战斗完成 case AnimNames.Skill: OnNpcSkillAttackOK(); PlayRoleAnim(AnimNames.Idle, true); break; case AnimNames.BeAttacked: //被击完成 if (!bRunning) { PlayRoleAnim(AnimNames.Idle, true); } break; } GLogger.Log("OnPlayingClipOK::>>" + + " " + clip); }
/// <summary> /// 受到伤害 /// </summary> private void OnNpcSkillAttack(GameEventData evData) { var evBattle = evData.evParam as NpcSkillAttackEvent; if (evBattle != null) { var eventid = evData.eventId; var attackerid = evBattle.attackerid; var defenderid = evBattle.defenderid; var attacker = npcMgr.GetNpc(attackerid) as RoleView; var defender = npcMgr.GetNpc(defenderid) as RoleView; if (attacker != null && defender != null) { GLogger.White("OnAttackNpc:>>eventid:" + eventid + " attacker:" + attackerid + " defender:" + defenderid + " currhp:" + evBattle.currHp + " maxhp:" + evBattle.maxHp); attacker.NpcSkillAttack(defender, evBattle, delegate() { Messenger.Broadcast <long>(EventNames.EvNpcSkillAttackOK, eventid); }); } } }
/// <summary> /// 下一波敌人 /// </summary> public void MoveNextTurn() { var teamCount = CurrHandler?.GetTeamCount(); GLogger.Gray("MoveNextTurn--------->>>" + teamCount); if (teamCount == 0) { if (npcDataMgr.IsAllNpcStateOK(NpcType.Hero, NpcState.Attack)) { timerMgr.AddTimer(0.5f, 0, (obj) => { if (execOK != null) { execOK(); } }); } } else { this.SpawnNpcTeam(); CurrHandler?.MoveNextTurn(); } }
/// <summary> /// 当载入关卡 /// </summary> static IEnumerator OnLoadLevel(LevelType levelType, LuaTable self, LuaFunction onLeave, LuaFunction onEnter) { Scene scene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene(); var levelName =; LevelType currLevel = (LevelType)Enum.Parse(typeof(LevelType), levelName); var op = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(levelType.ToString()); yield return(op); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); if (LevelType.Loader == levelType) { if (onLeave != null) { onLeave.Call <LuaTable, LevelType, Action>(self, currLevel, delegate() { Util.StartCoroutine(OnLoadLevel(newLevel, self, onLeave, onEnter)); }); onLeave.Dispose(); onLeave = null; } } else { if (onEnter != null) { var loadMsg = "OnLoadLevel " + levelType + " OK!!!"; onEnter.Call <LuaTable, LevelType, Action>(self, levelType, () => GLogger.Yellow(loadMsg)); onEnter.Dispose(); onEnter = null; self.Dispose(); self = null; } } }
public void Initialize(Vector2 pos) { currPos = pos; GLogger.Yellow("Initialize Battle Pos====================:>>" + pos); embattlePosMgr.Initialize(pos); }
/// <summary> /// 当载入关卡 /// </summary> static IEnumerator OnLoadLevel(LevelType levelType, LuaTable self, LuaFunction onLeave, LuaFunction onEnter) { int levelid = (int)levelType; var op = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(levelid); yield return(op); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); if (LevelType.Loader == levelType) { if (onLeave != null) { onLeave.Call <LuaTable, LevelType, Action>(self, levelType, (Action) delegate() { Util.StartCoroutine(OnLoadLevel(newLevel, self, onLeave, onEnter)); }); onLeave.Dispose(); onLeave = null; } } else { if (onEnter != null) { var loadMsg = "OnLoadLevel " + levelType + " OK!!!"; onEnter.Call <LuaTable, LevelType, Action>(self, levelType, () => GLogger.Yellow(loadMsg)); onEnter.Dispose(); onEnter = null; self.Dispose(); self = null; } } }
public BattleFSM() { GLogger.Cyan("Current FSM Type:" + LogicConst.BattleType); }
/// <summary> /// 战斗开始 /// </summary> private void OnBattleStart(GameEventData eventData) { var battleStartEvent = eventData.evParam as BattleStartEvent; GLogger.Magenta("BattleStart----->>>" + battleStartEvent.type); }