protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GsaProp2d prop = new GsaProp2d();

            // element type (picked in dropdown)
            prop.Prop2d.Type = Property2D_Type.UNDEF;
            if (_mode == FoldMode.PlaneStress)
                prop.Prop2d.Type = Property2D_Type.PL_STRESS;
            if (_mode == FoldMode.Fabric)
                prop.Prop2d.Type = Property2D_Type.FABRIC;
            if (_mode == FoldMode.FlatPlate)
                prop.Prop2d.Type = Property2D_Type.PLATE;
            if (_mode == FoldMode.Shell)
                prop.Prop2d.Type = Property2D_Type.SHELL;
            if (_mode == FoldMode.CurvedShell)
                prop.Prop2d.Type = Property2D_Type.CURVED_SHELL;
            if (_mode == FoldMode.LoadPanel)
                prop.Prop2d.Type = Property2D_Type.LOAD;

            GH_Integer gh_ID = new GH_Integer();

            DA.GetData(0, ref gh_ID);
            int idd = 0;

            GH_Convert.ToInt32_Primary(gh_ID, ref idd);
            prop.ID = idd;

            GH_String gh_Name = new GH_String();

            DA.GetData(1, ref gh_Name);
            string name = "";

            GH_Convert.ToString_Primary(gh_Name, ref name);
            prop.Prop2d.Name = name;

            GH_Colour gh_Colour = new GH_Colour();

            DA.GetData(2, ref gh_Colour);
            System.Drawing.Color colour = new System.Drawing.Color();
            GH_Convert.ToColor_Primary(gh_Colour, ref colour);
            prop.Prop2d.Colour = (ValueType)colour;

            if (_mode != FoldMode.LoadPanel)
                GH_Integer gh_Axis = new GH_Integer();
                DA.GetData(3, ref gh_Axis);
                int axis = 0;
                GH_Convert.ToInt32_Primary(gh_Axis, ref axis);
                prop.Prop2d.AxisProperty = axis;

                if (_mode != FoldMode.Fabric)
                    //Material type
                    GH_ObjectWrapper gh_typ  = new GH_ObjectWrapper();
                    MaterialType     matType = MaterialType.CONCRETE;
                    if (DA.GetData(4, ref gh_typ))
                        if (gh_typ.Value is MaterialType)
                            gh_typ.CastTo(ref matType);
                        if (gh_typ.Value is GH_String)
                            string typ = "CONCRETE";
                            GH_Convert.ToString_Primary(gh_typ, ref typ);
                            if (typ.ToUpper() == "STEEL")
                                matType = MaterialType.STEEL;
                            if (typ.ToUpper() == "CONCRETE")
                                matType = MaterialType.CONCRETE;
                            if (typ.ToUpper() == "FRP")
                                matType = MaterialType.FRP;
                            if (typ.ToUpper() == "ALUMINIUM")
                                matType = MaterialType.ALUMINIUM;
                            if (typ.ToUpper() == "TIMBER")
                                matType = MaterialType.TIMBER;
                            if (typ.ToUpper() == "GLASS")
                                matType = MaterialType.GLASS;
                            if (typ.ToUpper() == "FABRIC")
                                matType = MaterialType.FABRIC;
                            if (typ.ToUpper() == "GENERIC")
                                matType = MaterialType.GENERIC;
                    prop.Prop2d.MaterialType = matType;

                    GH_Number gh_THK = new GH_Number();

                    double thickness = 0.2;
                    if (DA.GetData(7, ref gh_THK))
                        GH_Convert.ToDouble_Primary(gh_THK, ref thickness);
                    //prop.Prop2d.Thickness = thickness;
                    prop.Prop2d.MaterialType = MaterialType.FABRIC;

                //handle that the last two inputs are at different -1 index for fabric mode
                int fab = 0;
                if (_mode == FoldMode.Fabric)
                    fab = 1;

                GH_Integer gh_grd = new GH_Integer();
                DA.GetData(5 - fab, ref gh_grd);
                int grade = 1;
                GH_Convert.ToInt32_Primary(gh_grd, ref grade);
                prop.Prop2d.MaterialGradeProperty = grade;

                GH_Integer gh_anal = new GH_Integer();
                DA.GetData(6 - fab, ref gh_anal);
                int analysis = 1;
                GH_Convert.ToInt32_Primary(gh_anal, ref analysis);
                prop.Prop2d.MaterialAnalysisProperty = analysis;

            DA.SetData(0, new GsaProp2dGoo(prop));