public override void PostCheck(GEDCommon rec) { var me = rec as IndiRecord; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(me.Ident)) { UnkRec err = new UnkRec(); err.Error = UnkRec.ErrorCode.MissIdent; // TODO "INDI missing identifier"; // TODO assign one? err.Beg = err.End = me.BegLine; err.Tag = rec.Tag; me.Errors.Add(err); } // TODO should this be checked in the SEX routine so line # points at the actual line??? // Make sure sex is set if (me.Sex != '\0') { if (!"MFUmfu".Contains(me.Sex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))) { me.Sex = 'U'; UnkRec err = new UnkRec(); err.Error = UnkRec.ErrorCode.InvSex; // "Non-standard SEX value corrected to U"; err.Beg = err.End = me.BegLine; me.Errors.Add(err); // TODO as warning } } CheckRestriction(me, me.Restriction); // TODO check restriction value on events }
public override void PostCheck(GEDCommon rec) { MediaRecord me = rec as MediaRecord; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(me.Ident)) { UnkRec err = new UnkRec(); err.Error = UnkRec.ErrorCode.MissIdent; // TODO "Missing identifier"; // TODO assign one? err.Beg = err.End = me.BegLine; me.Errors.Add(err); } // A FILE record is required if (me.Files.Count < 1) { UnkRec err = new UnkRec(); err.Error = UnkRec.ErrorCode.MissFile; // "Missing FILE"; err.Beg = err.End = me.BegLine; me.Errors.Add(err); } // Each FILE record must have a FORM foreach (var mediaFile in me.Files) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mediaFile.Form)) { UnkRec err = new UnkRec(); err.Error = UnkRec.ErrorCode.MissForm; // "Missing FORM"; err.Beg = err.End = me.BegLine; me.Errors.Add(err); } } }
internal static void writeIds(StreamWriter file, GEDCommon rec, int level = 1) { if (rec.REFNs.Count < 1 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(rec.UID) && rec.AFN == null && rec.RFN == null) { return; } foreach (var refN in rec.REFNs) { file.WriteLine("{0} REFN {1}", level, refN.Value); // TODO don't have original 'TYPE' lines } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rec.UID)) { file.WriteLine("{0} _UID {1}", level, rec.UID); } if (rec.AFN != null) { file.WriteLine("{0} AFN {1}", level, rec.AFN.Value); } if (rec.RFN != null) { file.WriteLine("{0} RFN {1}", level, rec.RFN.Value); } }
public override void PostCheck(GEDCommon rec) { var me = rec as NoteRecord; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(me.Ident)) { UnkRec err = new UnkRec(); err.Error = UnkRec.ErrorCode.MissIdent; // TODO {Error = "Missing identifier"}; err.Beg = err.End = me.BegLine; me.Errors.Add(err); } if (me.Builder.Length > 0) { // Store an in-line note to the database string text = me.Builder.ToString().Replace("@@", "@"); #if SQLITE me.Key = SQLite.Instance.StoreNote(text); #elif LITEDB me.Key = LiteDB.Instance.StoreNote(text); #elif NOTESTREAM me.Key = NoteStream.Instance.StoreNote(text); #else me.Text = text; #endif } else { me.Text = ""; } //me.Text = me.Builder.ToString().Replace("@@", "@"); // TODO faster replace me.Builder = null; }
private void VerifyRepo(Atest torun) { // Verify REPO specific details GEDCommon res = torun("REPO", "1 NAME fumbar"); var rec = res as Repository; Assert.IsNotNull(rec); Assert.AreEqual("fumbar", rec.Name); }
internal static void writeRecordTrailer(StreamWriter file, GEDCommon rec, int level) { writeIds(file, rec); writeIfNotEmpty(file, "RIN", rec.RIN, level); writeSubNotes(file, rec as NoteHold); writeSourCit(file, rec as SourceCitHold); writeObjeLink(file, rec as MediaHold); writeChan(file, rec); }
private void VerifySour(Atest torun) { // Verify REPO specific details GEDCommon res = torun("SOUR", "1 ABBR fumbar"); var rec = res as SourceRecord; Assert.IsNotNull(rec); Assert.AreEqual("fumbar", rec.Abbreviation); }
private void VerifyIndi(Atest torun) { // Verify INDI specific details GEDCommon res = torun("INDI", "1 SEX U"); var rec = res as IndiRecord; Assert.IsNotNull(rec); Assert.AreEqual('U', rec.Sex); }
private void VerifyNote(Atest torun) { // Verify NOTE specific details GEDCommon res = torun("NOTE", "1 CONC fumbar"); var rec = res as NoteRecord; Assert.IsNotNull(rec); Assert.AreEqual("fumbar", rec.Text); }
private void VerifyObje(Atest torun) { GEDCommon res = torun("OBJE", "1 FILE ref\n2 FORM tif"); var rec = (res as MediaRecord); Assert.IsNotNull(rec); Assert.AreEqual(1, rec.Files.Count); Assert.AreEqual("ref", rec.Files[0].FileRefn); Assert.AreEqual("tif", rec.Files[0].Form); }
private void VerifyFam(Atest torun) { // Verify FAM specific details GEDCommon res = torun("FAM", "1 HUSB @P1@"); var rec = res as FamRecord; Assert.IsNotNull(rec); Assert.AreEqual(1, rec.Dads.Count); Assert.AreEqual("P1", rec.Dads[0]); }
private void listBox2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // 1. have a record // 2. get lines from file for the record // 3. determine range of lines for the error // 4. for each line from file: // 4a. if line is within error range // 4ai. set format to Red // 4aii. else // 4aiii. set format to black // 4b. append text // 4c. append environment.newline ListBoxItem2 lbi = listBox2.SelectedItem as ListBoxItem2; int beg = lbi.rec.BegLine; int end = lbi.rec.EndLine; if (_lastrec != lbi.rec) { _lastrec = lbi.rec; _lines = ReadLineSet(beg, end); } int errbeg = lbi.err.Beg; int errend = lbi.err.End; richTextBox1.Clear(); int errLoc = 0; // track location of error lines to insure visibility for (int i = beg; i <= end; i++) { string lin = _lines[i - beg]; if (i >= errbeg && i <= errend) { richTextBox1.SelectionColor = Color.Red; errLoc = richTextBox1.SelectionStart; } else { richTextBox1.SelectionColor = Color.Black; } richTextBox1.AppendText(lin); richTextBox1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); } targetVCenter(errbeg - beg, errend - beg); //richTextBox1.SelectionStart = errLoc; // insure error lines are visible //richTextBox1.ScrollToCaret(); }
internal static void writeChan(StreamWriter file, GEDCommon rec) { if (rec.CHAN.Date == null) { return; } file.WriteLine("1 CHAN"); file.WriteLine("2 DATE {0}", rec.CHAN.Date.Value.ToString("d MMM yyyy").ToUpper()); // TODO change time? writeSubNotes(file, rec.CHAN, 2); // TODO otherlines }
public override void PostCheck(GEDCommon rec) { SourceRecord me = rec as SourceRecord; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(me.Ident)) // TODO common? { UnkRec err = new UnkRec(); err.Error = UnkRec.ErrorCode.MissIdent; // TODO {Error = "Missing identifier"}; err.Beg = err.End = rec.BegLine; me.Errors.Add(err); } // No required data except Xref id? // TODO Warning: no data provide }
public override void PostCheck(GEDCommon rec) { var me = rec as FamRecord; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(me.Ident)) { UnkRec err = new UnkRec(); err.Error = UnkRec.ErrorCode.MissIdent; // "Missing identifier"; // TODO assign one? err.Beg = err.End = me.BegLine; err.Tag = rec.Tag; me.Errors.Add(err); } // TODO NCHI value doesn't match # of CHIL refs? CheckRestriction(me, me.Restriction); // TODO check restriction value on events }
public static void NonStandardRemain(string remain, GEDCommon rec) { // Extra text on the record line (e.g. "0 @R1@ REPO blah blah blah") is not standard for // most record types. Preserve it as a note if possible. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(remain)) { UnkRec err = new UnkRec(); err.Beg = err.End = rec.BegLine; err.Error = UnkRec.ErrorCode.InvExtra; rec.Errors.Add(err); if (rec is NoteHold) { Note not = new Note(); not.Text = remain; (rec as NoteHold).Notes.Add(not); } } }
public override void PostCheck(GEDCommon rec) { Repository me = rec as Repository; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(me.Ident)) { UnkRec err = new UnkRec(); err.Error = UnkRec.ErrorCode.MissIdent; // TODO {Error = "REPO missing identifier"}; err.Beg = err.End = me.BegLine; me.Errors.Add(err); } // A NAME record is required if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(me.Name)) { UnkRec err = new UnkRec(); err.Error = UnkRec.ErrorCode.MissName; // TODO {Error = "REPO missing identifier"}; err.Beg = err.End = me.BegLine; me.Errors.Add(err); } }
public void Parse(GEDCommon rec, GedRecord Lines, GSFactory gsfact) { ParseContext2 ctx = new ParseContext2(); = gsfact.Alloc(); // new GEDSplitter(GedParser._masterTagCache); ctx.tagCache = GedParser._masterTagCache; ctx.Lines = Lines; ctx.Parent = rec; int max = Lines.Max; for (int i = 1; i < max; i++) { var line = Lines.GetLine(i); ctx.Begline = i; ctx.Endline = i; // assume it is one line long, parser might change it, ctx); TagProc2 tagProc; if (ctx.Tag != null && _tagSet2.TryGetValue(ctx.Tag, out tagProc)) { tagProc(ctx); } else { // Custom and invalid treated as 'unknowns': let the consumer figure it out // TODO gedr5419_blood_type_events.ged has garbage characters in SOUR/ABBR tags: incorrect line terminator, blank lines etc. LookAhead(ctx); rec.Unknowns.Add(new UnkRec(ctx.Tag, Lines.Beg + ctx.Begline, Lines.Beg + ctx.Endline)); } i = ctx.Endline; } // TODO post parse error checking on sub-structures PostCheck(ctx.Parent); // post parse error checking gsfact.Free(; = null; }
public void CheckRestriction(GEDCommon rec, string restrict) { // Common post-processing restriction checking if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(restrict)) // nothing specified, nothing to do { return; } switch (restrict.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "confidential": case "locked": case "privacy": break; default: UnkRec err = new UnkRec(); err.Error = UnkRec.ErrorCode.InvRestrict; err.Beg = err.End = rec.BegLine; rec.Errors.Add(err); break; } }
public GEDCommon Parse(GedRecord rec) { // Given a glop of lines which represent a 'record', parse it into GED data (INDI/FAM/NOTE/OBJE/REPO/SOUR/etc) Tuple <object, GedParse> parseSet = Make(rec); if (parseSet == null) { return(null); // EOF } if (parseSet.Item2 == null) { return(parseSet.Item1 as GEDCommon); // unknown or NYI record type } GEDCommon recC2 = parseSet.Item1 as GEDCommon; #if PARALLEL _allTasks.Add(Task.Run(() => parseSet.Item2.Parse(recC2, rec, _GedSplitFactory))); #else parseSet.Item2.Parse(recC2, rec, _GedSplitFactory); #endif return(parseSet.Item1 as GEDCommon); }
public override void PostCheck(GEDCommon rec) { //var me = rec as IndiRecord; }
public abstract void PostCheck(GEDCommon rec);
public void HasErrors(GEDCommon rec, int count) { Assert.AreEqual(count, rec.Errors.Count); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, rec.Errors[0].Error); }
public void Init(ParseContext2 ctx, StructCommon parent) { base.Init(ctx); Parent = parent; Record = ctx.Parent; }