Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static T CreateSyscall(SyscallImportAttribute syscallImport)
            // Create the shellcode used to perform the syscall

            var syscallIndex = GetSyscallIndex(syscallImport.DllName, syscallImport.FunctionName);

            var shellcodeBytes = Environment.Is64BitProcess ? Assembler.AssembleSyscall64(syscallIndex) : Assembler.AssembleSyscall32(syscallIndex);

            // Write the shellcode into the pinned object heap

            var pinnedArray = GC.AllocateArray <byte>(shellcodeBytes.Length, true);


            // Wrap the shellcode in a managed delegate

            var shellcodeAddress = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(pinnedArray, 0);

            if (!Kernel32.VirtualProtect(shellcodeAddress, shellcodeBytes.Length, ProtectionType.ExecuteReadWrite, out _))
                throw new Win32Exception();

            return(Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer <T>(shellcodeAddress));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor that initializes an evaluator to use a specified GPU with a specified network file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="networkFilename"></param>
        /// <param name="gpuID"></param>
        public LC0LibraryNNEvaluator(string networkFilename, int gpuID)
            if (gpuID < 0 || gpuID >= NNEvaluatorStats.MAX_GPUS)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(gpuID));


            SessionID       = sessionIDPool.GetFreeID();
            GPUID           = gpuID;
            NetworkFilename = networkFilename;

            AllocErrorCode allocError = Alloc(SessionID, networkFilename, gpuID);

            if (allocError != AllocErrorCode.NO_ERROR)
                throw new Exception($"Error returned by LC0 library in call to Alloc: {allocError}");

            // Allocate arrays pinned so we can pass the pointer to the DLL
            // TODO: would it be better to used fixed each time we call out to DLL?
            ItemsInStruct  = GC.AllocateArray <CeresTransferBlockInItem>(MAX_POSITIONS_PER_BATCH, pinned: true);
            ItemsOutStruct = GC.AllocateArray <CeresTransferBlockOutItem>(MAX_POSITIONS_PER_BATCH, pinned: true);

                fixed(CeresTransferBlockInItem *inputs = &ItemsInStruct[0])
                fixed(CeresTransferBlockOutItem * outputs = &ItemsOutStruct[0])
                    ptrBlockInItems  = (IntPtr)inputs;
                    ptrBlockOutItems = (IntPtr)outputs;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public static long CreateGarbage()
        byte[][] smallGarbage = new byte[2000][];

        // This will force us to use more than one region in the small object heap
        for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++)
            // It will roughly span one page
            smallGarbage[i] = new byte[4000];

        // This will force us to use more than one region in the large object heap
        byte[] largeGarbage = new byte[33 * 1024 * 1024];

        // This will force us to use more than one region in the pin object heap
        byte[] pinnedGarbage = GC.AllocateArray <byte>(33 * 1024 * 1024, /* pinned = */ true);

        GC.Collect(2, GCCollectionMode.Forced, blocking: true, compacting: true);
        long committed = GC.GetGCMemoryInfo().TotalCommittedBytes;


Ejemplo n.º 4
        public WinUSBInterfaceStream(WeakReference <WinUSBInterface> parentInterface)
            this.parentInterface = parentInterface;

            if (!parentInterface.TryGetTarget(out var usbInterface))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Weak reference to parent interface is unexpectedly invalid");

            this.interfaceNum = usbInterface.InterfaceNum;

            winUsbHandle = usbInterface.BorrowHandle();

            if (usbInterface.InputPipe is byte readPipe)
                this.readPipe = readPipe;
                readBuffer    = GC.AllocateArray <byte>(usbInterface.InputReportLength, true);
                readPtr       = (byte *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref readBuffer[0]);

            if (usbInterface.OutputPipe is byte writePipe)
                this.writePipe = writePipe;
                writeBuffer    = GC.AllocateArray <byte>(usbInterface.OutputReportLength, true);
                writePtr       = (byte *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref writeBuffer[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static void DoWork()
            // Allocate POH objects
            var arr0 = GC.AllocateUninitializedArray <int>(100000, true);
            var arr1 = GC.AllocateArray <int>(200000, true);

            int k = 0;

            while (k < 3)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: Restarting run {1}", Thread.CurrentThread.Name, k);
                int[] largeArray = new int[1000000];
                for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
                    int[] saveArray = largeArray;
                    largeArray = new int[largeArray.Length + 100000];
                    saveArray  = null;
                    //Console.WriteLine("{0} at size {1}",Thread.CurrentThread.Name,largeArray.Length.ToString());


Ejemplo n.º 6
        private static async Task DoReceiveAsync(Socket udpSocket, ThroughputCounter throughput, CancellationToken cancelToken)
            // Taking advantage of pre-pinned memory here using the .NET5 POH (pinned object heap).
            var buffer    = GC.AllocateArray <byte>(PacketSize, true);
            var bufferMem = buffer.AsMemory();

            while (!cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                    var result = await udpSocket.ReceiveFromAsync(bufferMem);

                    // The result tells me where it came from, and gives me the data.
                    if (result is SocketReceiveFromResult recvResult)
                catch (SocketException)
                    // Socket exception means we are finished.
        internal ConcurrentDictionary_YcsbBenchmark(Key[] i_keys_, Key[] t_keys_, TestLoader testLoader)
            this.testLoader = testLoader;
            init_keys_      = i_keys_;
            txn_keys_       = t_keys_;
            numaStyle       = testLoader.Options.NumaStyle;
            distribution    = testLoader.Distribution;
            readPercent     = testLoader.Options.ReadPercent;

            statsWritten = new AutoResetEvent[threadCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++)
                statsWritten[i] = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            threadThroughput     = new double[threadCount];
            threadAverageLatency = new double[threadCount];
            threadMaximumLatency = new double[threadCount];
            threadProgress       = new long[threadCount];
            writeStats           = new bool[threadCount];
            freq = Stopwatch.Frequency;
            input_ = GC.AllocateArray <Input>(8, true);
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                input_[i].value = i;

            store = new (testLoader.Options.ThreadCount, testLoader.MaxKey, new KeyComparer());
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private static unsafe ReportHandler[] GetPinnedArray()
            var array = GC.AllocateArray <ReportHandler>(1, pinned: true);

            array[0] = new ReportHandler
                getVersionId         = &GetVersionId,
                printDebug           = &PrintDebug,
                onErrorControlROM    = &OnErrorControlROM,
                onErrorControlPCMROM = &OnErrorPCMROM,
                showLCDMessage       = &ShowLCDMessage,
                onMIDIMessagePlayed  = &OnMIDIMessagePlayed,
                onMIDIQueueOverflow  = &OnMIDIQueueOverflow,
                onMIDISystemRealtime = &OnMIDISystemRealtime,
                onDeviceReset        = &OnDeviceReset,
                onDeviceReconfig     = &OnDeviceReconfig,
                onNewReverbMode      = &OnNewReverbMode,
                onNewReverbTime      = &OnNewReverbTime,
                onNewReverbLevel     = &OnNewReverbLevel,
                onPolyStateChanged   = &OnPolyStateChanged,
                onProgramChanged     = &OnProgramChanged

Ejemplo n.º 9
            internal T[]? Rent()
                T[]?[] arrays = _arrays;
                T[]? result = null;
                bool lockTaken     = false;
                bool allocateArray = false;

                    _lock.Enter(ref lockTaken);
                    if (_index < arrays.Length)
                        result           = arrays[_index];
                        arrays[_index++] = null;
                        allocateArray    = result == null;
                    if (lockTaken)
                if (allocateArray)
                    result = GC.AllocateArray <T>(_arrayLength, pinned: true);
        public unsafe BottomLevelAccelerationStructure(Api api, RayTracingProperties rayTracingProperties, BottomLevelGeometry geometries)
            : base(api, rayTracingProperties)
            _geometry = GC.AllocateArray <AccelerationStructureGeometryKHR>(geometries.Geometry.Count, true);

            _buildOffsetInfo = GC.AllocateArray <AccelerationStructureBuildRangeInfoKHR>(geometries.BuildOffsetInfo.Count, true);

            _buildGeometryInfo.SType                    = StructureType.AccelerationStructureBuildGeometryInfoKhr;
            _buildGeometryInfo.Flags                    = _flags;
            _buildGeometryInfo.GeometryCount            = (uint)_geometry.Length;
            _buildGeometryInfo.PGeometries              = (AccelerationStructureGeometryKHR *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref _geometry[0]);
            _buildGeometryInfo.Mode                     = BuildAccelerationStructureModeKHR.BuildAccelerationStructureModeBuildKhr;
            _buildGeometryInfo.Type                     = AccelerationStructureTypeKHR.AccelerationStructureTypeBottomLevelKhr;
            _buildGeometryInfo.SrcAccelerationStructure = default;

            // Note: Could use stackalloc here, but the model count might be too high
            uint[] maxPrimCount = new uint[_buildOffsetInfo.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i != maxPrimCount.Length; i++)
                maxPrimCount[i] = _buildOffsetInfo[i].PrimitiveCount;

            fixed(uint *maxPrimCountPtr = &maxPrimCount[0])
            GetBuildSizes(maxPrimCountPtr, out _buildSizesInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new page-locked 1D array.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accelerator">The parent accelerator.</param>
        /// <param name="extent">The number of elements to allocate.</param>
        /// <param name="uninitialized">True, to allocate an uninitialized array.</param>
        internal unsafe PageLockedArray1D(
            Accelerator accelerator,
            LongIndex1D extent,
            bool uninitialized)
            if (extent < 0L)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(extent));
#if NET5_0
            array = uninitialized
                ? GC.AllocateUninitializedArray <T>(extent.ToIntIndex(), pinned: true)
                : GC.AllocateArray <T>(extent.ToIntIndex(), pinned: true);

            fixed(T *ptr = array)
            Initialize(accelerator, new IntPtr(ptr), extent);
            array  = new T[extent];
            handle = GCHandle.Alloc(array, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            Initialize(accelerator, handle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), extent);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public static int RunTest(String[] args)
     int[] large  = new int[100000];
     int[] pinned = GC.AllocateArray <int>(32, true);
     Console.WriteLine("Test Passed");
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiate the epoch table
        /// </summary>
        public LightEpoch()
            long p;

            tableRaw = GC.AllocateArray <Entry>(kTableSize + 2, true);
            p        = (long)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref tableRaw[0]);
            // Over-allocate to do cache-line alignment
            tableRaw    = new Entry[kTableSize + 2];
            tableHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(tableRaw, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            p           = (long)tableHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
            // Force the pointer to align to 64-byte boundaries
            long p2 = (p + (Constants.kCacheLineBytes - 1)) & ~(Constants.kCacheLineBytes - 1);
            tableAligned = (Entry *)p2;

            CurrentEpoch       = 1;
            SafeToReclaimEpoch = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < kDrainListSize; i++)
                drainList[i].epoch = int.MaxValue;
            drainCount = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public BlittableAllocator(LogSettings settings, IFasterEqualityComparer <Key> comparer, Action <long, long> evictCallback = null, LightEpoch epoch = null, Action <CommitInfo> flushCallback = null)
            : base(settings, comparer, evictCallback, epoch, flushCallback)
            overflowPagePool = new OverflowPool <PageUnit>(4, p =>
                                                           { }

            if (BufferSize > 0)
                values = new byte[BufferSize][];

                pointers       = GC.AllocateArray <long>(BufferSize, true);
                nativePointers = (long *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref pointers[0]);
                pointers       = new long[BufferSize];
                handles        = new GCHandle[BufferSize];
                ptrHandle      = GCHandle.Alloc(pointers, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                nativePointers = (long *)ptrHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private unsafe static void AllocateArrayCheckPinning()
            var list = new List <long[]>();

            var r = new Random(1234);

            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                int size = r.Next(2, 100);
                var arr  = i % 2 == 1 ?
                           GC.AllocateArray <long>(size, pinned: true) :
                           GC.AllocateUninitializedArray <long>(size, pinned: true);

                fixed(long *pElem = &arr[0])
                    *pElem = (long)pElem;

                if (r.Next(100) % 2 == 0)


            foreach (var arr in list)
                fixed(long *pElem = &arr[0])
                    Assert.Equal(*pElem, (long)pElem);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private unsafe void EnsureInitialized()
            if (Volatile.Read(ref PointerList) == null)
                lock (ManagedArray)
                    if (PointerList != null)

                    StructArray = GC.AllocateArray <ParameterDescriptionStruct>(ManagedArray.Length, true);
                    var list = GC.AllocateArray <IntPtr>(ManagedArray.Length, true);

                    for (int i = 0; i < ManagedArray.Length; ++i)
                        ref var elem = ref StructArray[i];

                        elem = ManagedArray[i].internalDescription;

                        list[i] = (IntPtr)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref elem);

                    Volatile.Write(ref PointerList, list);
        public MultiProducerSequencerRef2(int bufferSize, IWaitStrategy waitStrategy)
            if (bufferSize < 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("bufferSize must not be less than 1");
            if (!bufferSize.IsPowerOf2())
                throw new ArgumentException("bufferSize must be a power of 2");

            _bufferSize             = bufferSize;
            _waitStrategy           = waitStrategy;
            _isBlockingWaitStrategy = !(waitStrategy is INonBlockingWaitStrategy);
            _availableBuffer        = GC.AllocateArray <int>(bufferSize, pinned: true);
            _availableBufferPointer = (int *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref _availableBuffer[0]);
            _availableBuffer = new int[bufferSize];
            _indexMask  = bufferSize - 1;
            _indexShift = DisruptorUtil.Log2(bufferSize);

Ejemplo n.º 18
        protected AServer(Configuration config)
            ManualMode = config.Test == TestType.Manual;

            // Use Pinned Object Heap to reduce GC pressure
            MessageBuffer = GC.AllocateArray <byte>(config.MessageByteSize, true);
            config.Message.CopyTo(MessageBuffer, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public void AllocateArrayTest()
     //从.Net 5开始支持
     //AllocateArray 在托管堆根据长度分配数组,对数组对象分配默认值
     People[] arr = GC.AllocateArray <People>(16);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        unsafe public static void Main(string[] args)
            var pinnedArray = GC.AllocateArray <byte>(128, pinned: true);

            fixed(byte *ptr = pinnedArray)
                // This is no-op 'pinning' as it does not influence the GC
        public EchoServer(Configuration config, BenchmarkStatistics benchmarkStatistics) : base(IPAddress.Parse(config.Address), config.Port)
            ManualMode = config.Test == TestType.Manual;
            // Use Pinned Object Heap to reduce GC pressure
            message = GC.AllocateArray <byte>(config.MessageByteSize, true);
            config.Message.CopyTo(message, 0);

            this.benchmarkStatistics = benchmarkStatistics;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="EntryTable{TValue}"/> class with the specified capacity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="capacity">Capacity of the table</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="capacity"/> is less than 0</exception>
        public EntryTable(int capacity)
            if (capacity < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(capacity));

            _freeHint  = 0;
            _allocated = new BitMap();
            _table     = GC.AllocateArray <TEntry>(capacity, pinned: true);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public AllocObject(bool poh)
     if (poh)
         m_array = GC.AllocateArray <int>(ArraySize, true);
         m_array = new int[ArraySize];
Ejemplo n.º 24
        private static T CreateSyscall(string dllName, string functionName)
            var dllBytes = dllName.Equals("ntdll.dll", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? Registry.NtdllBytes : Registry.Win32UBytes;

            // Look for the function in the DLL

            var peImage = new PeImage(dllBytes);

            var function = peImage.ExportDirectory.GetExportedFunction(functionName);

            if (function is null)
                throw new EntryPointNotFoundException($"Failed to find the function {functionName} in the DLL {dllName}");

            // Create the shellcode used to perform the syscall

            Span <byte> shellcodeBytes;

            if (Environment.Is64BitProcess)
                // Read the syscall index

                var syscallIndex = MemoryMarshal.Read <int>(dllBytes.Span.Slice(function.Offset + Constants.SyscallIndexOffset64));

                shellcodeBytes = Assembler.AssembleSyscall64(syscallIndex);

                // Read the syscall index

                var syscallIndex = MemoryMarshal.Read <int>(dllBytes.Span.Slice(function.Offset + Constants.SyscallIndexOffset32));

                shellcodeBytes = Assembler.AssembleSyscall32(syscallIndex);

            // Write the shellcode into the pinned object heap

            var pinnedArray = GC.AllocateArray <byte>(shellcodeBytes.Length, true);


            // Wrap the shellcode in a managed delegate

            var shellcodeAddress = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(pinnedArray, 0);

            if (!Kernel32.VirtualProtect(shellcodeAddress, shellcodeBytes.Length, ProtectionType.ExecuteReadWrite, out _))
                throw new Win32Exception();

            return(Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer <T>(shellcodeAddress));
Ejemplo n.º 25
         * public static ulong StaticValue;
         * static void Main(string[] args)
         * {
         *  Console.WriteLine("Start");
         *  long sum = 0;
         *  MyNode node = new MyNode();
         *  Enumerable.Range(0, 2 Environment.ProcessorCount).Select((i) =>
         *  {
         *      return ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((_) =>
         *      {
         *          while (true)
         *          {
         *              var myType = new MyType();
         *              unchecked
         *              {
         *                  node = node.ChildNode = new MyNode(); // Hold some memory that will survive over garbage collection
         *                  Interlocked.Add(ref sum, myType.Fibonacci(1000));
         *                  try
         *                  {
         *                      MyMethod1();
         *                  } catch
         *                  {
         *                  }
         *              }
         *          }
         *      });
         *  }).ToArray();
         *  Console.WriteLine("Press key to exit");
         *  Console.Read();
         * }
         * static void MyMethod1()
         * {
         *  ThrowSomeException();
         * }
         * static void ThrowSomeException()
         * {
         *  throw new ArgumentNullException("test");
         * }
        public static int RunTest(String[] args)
            int numAllocators = 1024;

            int[]         root1 = GC.AllocateArray <int>(AllocObject.ArraySize, true);
            int[]         root2 = GC.AllocateArray <int>(AllocObject.ArraySize, true);
            AllocObject[] objs  = new AllocObject[numAllocators];

            Random rand   = new Random();
            int    numPoh = 0;
            int    numReg = 0;
            int    i      = 0;

            while (true)

                int pos = rand.Next(0, numAllocators);

                bool poh = rand.NextDouble() > 0.5;
                objs[pos] = new AllocObject(poh);

                if (poh)

                if (i % 1000 == 0)
                    //Console.WriteLine($"Did {i} iterations Allocated={GC.GetAllocatedBytesForCurrentThread()}");

                    throw new Exception("pouet");

                int[] m_array = new int[100];

            Console.WriteLine($"{numPoh} POH allocs and {numReg} normal allocs.");
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public static int RunTest(String[] args)
            int[] large  = new int[100000];
            int[] pinned = GC.AllocateArray <int>(32, true);

            // don't let the jit to optimize these allocations

            Console.WriteLine("Test Passed");
Ejemplo n.º 27
        private static void AllocateArray()
            // allocate a bunch of SOH byte arrays and touch them.
            var r = new Random(1234);

            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                int size = r.Next(10000);
                var arr  = GC.AllocateArray <byte>(size, pinned: i % 2 == 1);

                if (size > 1)
                    arr[0]        = 5;
                    arr[size - 1] = 17;
                    Assert.True(arr[0] == 5 && arr[size - 1] == 17);

            // allocate a bunch of LOH int arrays and touch them.
            for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                int size = r.Next(100000, 1000000);
                var arr  = GC.AllocateArray <int>(size, pinned: i % 2 == 1);

                arr[0]        = 5;
                arr[size - 1] = 17;
                Assert.True(arr[0] == 5 && arr[size - 1] == 17);

            // allocate a string array
                int i   = 100;
                var arr = GC.AllocateArray <string>(i);

                arr[0]     = "5";
                arr[i - 1] = "17";
                Assert.True(arr[0] == "5" && arr[i - 1] == "17");

            // allocate max size byte array
                if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
                    int i   = 0x7FFFFFC7;
                    var arr = GC.AllocateArray <byte>(i);

                    arr[0]     = 5;
                    arr[i - 1] = 17;
                    Assert.True(arr[0] == 5 && arr[i - 1] == 17);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public BasePointer(IVirtualScreen screen, string Name)
            ReportBuffer  = GC.AllocateArray <byte>(Unsafe.SizeOf <T>(), pinned: true);
            ReportPointer = (T *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref ReportBuffer[0]);

            T report = CreateReport();

            *ReportPointer = report;

            VirtualScreen = screen;
            Device        = VMultiDevice.Retrieve(Name);

            ScreenToVMulti = new Vector2(VirtualScreen.Width, VirtualScreen.Height) / 32767;
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public unsafe CommandBuffers(Api api, CommandPool commandPool, uint count)
            (_api, _commandPool) = (api, commandPool);

            var allocInfo = new CommandBufferAllocateInfo();

            allocInfo.SType              = StructureType.CommandBufferAllocateInfo;
            allocInfo.CommandPool        = _commandPool.VkCommandPool;
            allocInfo.Level              = CommandBufferLevel.Primary;
            allocInfo.CommandBufferCount = count;

            _commandBuffers = GC.AllocateArray <CommandBuffer>((int)count, true);
            Util.Verify(_api.Vk.AllocateCommandBuffers(_api.Device.VkDevice, &allocInfo, (CommandBuffer *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref _commandBuffers[0])), $"{nameof(CommandBuffers)}: Unable to allocate command buffers");
Ejemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct new instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eventHandler">Event handler</param>
        /// <param name="bufferSize">Buffer size</param>
        public SeaaBuffer(EventHandler <SocketAsyncEventArgs> eventHandler, int bufferSize)
            socketEventAsyncArgs = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();

            buffer = GC.AllocateArray <byte>(bufferSize, true);
            buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
            handle = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            bufferPtr = (byte *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref buffer[0]);
            socketEventAsyncArgs.SetBuffer(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
            socketEventAsyncArgs.Completed += eventHandler;