private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) { if (other.CompareTag("Player")) { GAME.CheckpointSave(); } }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) { if (other.CompareTag("Player")) { GAME.LoadScene(sceneName); } }
public TeamModel GetGameByID(string id) { int _id = Convert.ToInt32(id); FileUpload fileservice = new FileUpload(); using (SPORT_LINK_DBDataContext db = new SPORT_LINK_DBDataContext()) { var query = from gm in db.GAMEs where gm.Game_Id.Equals(_id) select gm; if (query.Count() != 0) { TeamModel data = new TeamModel(); GAME gm = query.First(); data.G_ID = gm.Game_Id; data.TeamOne = gm.Team1; data.TeamTwo = gm.Team2; data.Date = Convert.ToString(gm.sDate); data.Venue = gm.Venue; data.LeaguName = gm.LEAGUE.Name; data.LeagueID = Convert.ToInt32(gm.League_Id); data.ImagePath = fileservice.getGameImagePathById(Convert.ToString(gm.Game_Id)); return(data); } else { return(null); } }; }
public int AddMatch(Game game) { using (SPORT_LINK_DBDataContext db = new SPORT_LINK_DBDataContext()) { var query = (from res in db.GAMEs where res.Game_Id.Equals(game.ID) && res.League_Id.Equals(game.LeagueID) select res); if (query.Count() == 0) //AddGame { GAME toinsert = new GAME(); // toinsert.Game_Id = game.ID; toinsert.Team1 = game.TeamOne; toinsert.Team2 = game.TeamTwo; toinsert.sDate = game.sDate; toinsert.Venue = game.Venue; toinsert.GameType = game.Type; toinsert.League_Id = game.LeagueID; db.GAMEs.InsertOnSubmit(toinsert); db.SubmitChanges(); } }; using (SPORT_LINK_DBDataContext db = new SPORT_LINK_DBDataContext()) { var queryID = (from tm in db.GAMEs select tm).ToList(); GAME res = queryID.Last(); int ID = res.Game_Id; return(ID); }; }
//Setujemo scene public void SetGameState(GAME state) { switch (state) { case GAME.MENU: menuPanel.SetActive(true); gameOverPanel.SetActive(false); playPanel.SetActive(false); break; case GAME.READY: menuPanel.SetActive(false); gameOverPanel.SetActive(false); playPanel.SetActive(true); break; case GAME.GAME_OVER: menuPanel.SetActive(false); gameOverPanel.SetActive(true); playPanel.SetActive(true); sudoku.fillValues(); break; case GAME.PLAYING: break; } }
void CreateGrid() { float W = GAME.Instance().mapSize.x / 2 + 5; float H = GAME.Instance().mapSize.y / 2 + 5; int noGrids = 20; float w = 2 * W / noGrids; float h = 2 * H / noGrids; var grid = new GameObject("Grid"); for (int i = 0; i < noGrids; i++) { GameObject lrGO = Instantiate(LinePrefab, parent: grid.transform); LineRenderer lr = lrGO.GetComponent <LineRenderer>(); lr.SetPositions(new Vector3[] { new Vector3(-W, -H + i * h, 0), new Vector3(W, -H + i * h, 0) }); } for (int i = 0; i < noGrids; i++) { GameObject lrGO = Instantiate(LinePrefab, parent: grid.transform); LineRenderer lr = lrGO.GetComponent <LineRenderer>(); lr.SetPositions(new Vector3[] { new Vector3(-W + i * w, -H, 0), new Vector3(-W + i * w, H, 0) }); } }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) { if (other.CompareTag("Player")) { GAME.StartFromLastSave(); } }
/// <summary>Expected to get called every frame, increacements timer</summary> public void update() { if(timer > 0f && canCount) timer -= GAME.DeltaTime / (float)GAME.GetFramerate(); else if(timer <= 0f && !doOnce) stop(); }
public static int RollGold(GAME game, CLASSES Class) { setGoldDice(game, Class); int Dice = 4; int multiplier = 10; int Gold = 0; if (game == PATHFINDER) { Dice = 6; } if (game == DND5e) { if (Class == MONK) { multiplier = 1; } } for (int i = 1; i <= GoldDice; i++) { Gold += (multiplier * Rolling.RollD(Dice)); } return(Gold); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { game = GAME.Instance(); originalScoreScale = scoreText.transform.localScale; CreateGrid(); Cursor.SetCursor(cursorTexture,, CursorMode.Auto); }
public void AddGame(GAME game) { using (var gameContext = new GamesDBEntities()) { gameContext.GAMES.Add(game); gameContext.SaveChanges(); } }
private void OnCollisionStay2D(Collision2D collision) { if (collision.collider.CompareTag("Wall")) { Rect currentMapSize = GAME.Instance().CurrentMapSize(); transform.position = new Vector3(,, 0); } }
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision) { if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Player")) { GAME.Instance().IncreaseScore(score); Action(player); Disappear(); } }
public connection_struct(string name, bool is_in_game, bool is_in_party, GAME current_game, bool online, int conn_id) { = name; this.is_in_game = is_in_game; this.is_in_party = is_in_party; this.current_game = current_game; = online; this.conn_id = conn_id; }
//khởi tạo giỏ hàng theo magame được truyền vào với so lượng mặc định là 1 public Giohang(int MaGame) { iMaGame = MaGame; GAME game = data.GAMEs.Single(n => n.MaGame == iMaGame); sTenGame = game.TenGame; sAnhbia = game.Anhbia; dDongia = double.Parse(game.GiaBan.ToString()); iSoluong = 1; }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "CODGAME,CODUSER,CODPLATAFORMA,DESCRICAO,ANO")] GAME gAME) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(gAME).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(gAME)); }
void Awake() { instance = this; if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) { for (int i=0; i<killIfAndroid.Length; i++) { Destroy (killIfAndroid [0]); } } }
public void POST(GAME game, string username, int score) { string url = ""; url = GetURLFromGame(game, username); web = new WWW(url, GetJSON(score)); //WWW www = new WWW(url, form); user.StartCoroutine(ExecuteREST(web, "POST")); }
public void Draw(int mx, int my, MouseState state) { GAME.SprBatch.Begin(sortMode: SpriteSortMode.FrontToBack, blendState: BlendState.NonPremultiplied, samplerState: SamplerState.PointClamp); var width = GAME.SprBatch.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width; var height = GAME.SprBatch.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height; int chunkHCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(width / ZOOM_FACTOR) + 1; int chunkVCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(height / ZOOM_FACTOR) + 1; var LUCorner = new Vector2(ViewX - 0.5f * width, ViewY - 0.5f * height); var initChunkPoint = new Vector2((float)Math.Floor(LUCorner.X / ZOOM_FACTOR), (float)Math.Floor(LUCorner.Y / ZOOM_FACTOR)); var initDrawPoint = new Vector2(-LUCorner.X + (int)initChunkPoint.X * ZOOM_FACTOR, -LUCorner.Y + (int)initChunkPoint.Y * ZOOM_FACTOR); //Game.DebugInfo.DebugMessage += $"Position: {new Vector2(ViewX, ViewY)}\n"; for (int x = 0; x < chunkHCount; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < chunkVCount; y++) { var chunkPos = new Vector2(initChunkPoint.X + x, initChunkPoint.Y + y); var drawPos = initDrawPoint + new Vector2(x * ZOOM_FACTOR, y * ZOOM_FACTOR); GetChunk(chunkPos).Draw(drawPos); } } Game.DebugInfo.DebugMessage += $"Chunks: {_chunks.Count}\n"; var xx = (LUCorner.X + mx) / (SCALE * CELL_SIZE); var yy = (LUCorner.Y + my) / (SCALE * CELL_SIZE); int cx = (int)Math.Floor(xx / CHUNK_SIZE); int cy = (int)Math.Floor(yy / CHUNK_SIZE); int vx = (int)Math.Floor(xx % CHUNK_SIZE); int vy = (int)Math.Floor(yy % CHUNK_SIZE); vx = (vx + CHUNK_SIZE) % CHUNK_SIZE; vy = (vy + CHUNK_SIZE) % CHUNK_SIZE; var chunk = GetChunk(cx, cy); chunk.DrawGrid(initDrawPoint + new Vector2((cx - initChunkPoint.X) * ZOOM_FACTOR, (cy - initChunkPoint.Y) * ZOOM_FACTOR), new Vector2(vx, vy)); Game.DebugInfo.DebugMessage += chunk[vx, vy].ToString(); if (state.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed && chunk[vx, vy].Content.Count > 0) { chunk[vx, vy].Content[0].Delete(); } var gx = cx * CHUNK_SIZE + vx; var gy = cy * CHUNK_SIZE + vy; if (state.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && !GAME.SpawnExist(gx, gy)) { GAME.AddSpawn(gx, gy); } GAME.SprBatch.End(); }
public static string displayRace(RACE R, GAME G) { string sub = null; if (G == DND5e) { sub = displayRace5e(R); } return(sub); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { body = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); bulletSpawnOffset = transform.Find("BulletSpawnOffset"); _GAME = GAME.Instance(); maxSpeed = playerLevels.playerSpeedLevels[0]; bulletSpeed = playerLevels.bulletSpeedLevels[0]; shootInterval = playerLevels.bulletShootIntervalLevels[0]; noBullets = playerLevels.bulletCountLevels[0]; currentMana = maxMana; }
public static int RollHP(GAME game, CLASSES Class, int lv) { setHPDice(game, Class); int HP = HPDice; for (int i = 2; i <= lv; i++) { HP += Rolling.RollD(HPDice); } return(HP); }
public static void displayBackground(int[] background, GAME G) { List <string> backgrounds = collectBackgrounds(G); frmref.BackgroundOutput.Text = backgrounds[background[0] - 1]; frmref.TraitOutput.Text = background[1].ToString(); frmref.IdealOutput.Text = background[2].ToString(); frmref.BondOutput.Text = background[3].ToString(); frmref.FlawOutput.Text = background[4].ToString(); displayBackgroundSpecial(background[1], background[5]); }
public EditGamePageDataContext(GAME game) { games = new ObservableCollection <GAME>(); genres = new ObservableCollection <GENRES>(); genreContainer = new ObservableCollection <GenreContainer>(); day = new List <string>(); month = new List <string>(); year = new List <string>(); InitGames(); = game; gameId = game.ID; InitGameGenres(); InitDescription(); openFileDialogCommand = new Command(ExecuteOpenFileDialog); openFileDialogCommandGameFile = new Command(ExecuteOpenFileDialogGameFile); openFileDialogCommandBackImage = new Command(ExecuteOpenFileDialogBackImage); openFileDialogGameFile = new OpenFileDialog() { Multiselect = false, Filter = "Executable file *.exe|*.EXE" }; openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog() { Multiselect = true, Filter = "Image files (*.BMP, *.JPG, *.GIF, *.TIF, *.PNG, *.ICO, *.EMF, *.WMF)|*.bmp;*.jpg;*.gif; *.tif; *.png; *.ico; *.emf; *.wmf" }; GameName = game.NAME; Cost = game.COST.ToString(); Publisher = game.PUBLISHER; BackImage = game.BACK_IMAGE; Image = game.IMAGE; InitDays(ref day); OnPropertyChanged("Day"); InitMonthes(ref month); OnPropertyChanged("Month"); InitYears(ref year); OnPropertyChanged("Year"); }
// GET: Game/Create public ActionResult Create() { var idUser = User.Identity.GetUserId(); GAME objGame = new GAME(); objGame.CODUSER = idUser; objGame.ANO = DateTime.Now.Year; ViewBag.CODPLATAFORMA = new SelectList(db.PLATAFORMA, "CODPLATAFORMA", "DESCRICAO"); ViewBag.CODUSER = new SelectList(db.AspNetUsers, "Id", "UserName", idUser); return(View(objGame)); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "CODGAME,CODPLATAFORMA,CODUSER,DESCRICAO,ANO")] GAME gAME) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { gAME.TITULOEMPRESTADO = false; db.GAME.Add(gAME); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(gAME)); }
private string GetURLFromGame(GAME game, string username) { switch (game) { case GAME._2040: return(games.UrlScore2040(username)); case GAME._Back2Earth: return(games.UrlBack2Earth(username)); } return(null); }
public void PUT(GAME game, string username, int score) { Dictionary <string, string> headers = new Dictionary <string, string>(); headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json"); headers.Add("X-HTTP-Method-Override", "PUT"); string url = GetURLFromGame(game, username); web = new WWW(url, GetJSON(score), headers); user.StartCoroutine(ExecuteREST(web, "PUT")); }
protected void Update() { if (dayTimerIsStarted) { dayTimer -= Time.deltaTime; if (dayTimer <= 0) { ++_daysSurvived; dayTimerIsStarted = false; GAME.EndGame(); } } }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { EMPRESTIMO eMPRESTIMO = db.EMPRESTIMO.Find(id); db.EMPRESTIMO.Remove(eMPRESTIMO); GAME objGame = db.GAME.Find(eMPRESTIMO.CODGAME); objGame.TITULOEMPRESTADO = false; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public static void setHPDice(GAME game, CLASSES Class) { if (game == PATHFINDER) {/* * //12 * if (Class == 1) * { * HPDice = 12; * } * * //8 * else if ((Class == 2) || (Class == 3) || (Class == 4) || (Class == 6)|| (Class == 9)|| (Class == 15) || (Class == 16) || (Class == 17) || (Class == 18) || (Class == 21) || (Class == 22) || (Class == 24) || (Class == 25) || (Class == 26)) * { * HPDice = 8; * } * * //10 * else if ((Class == 5)|| (Class == 7)|| (Class == 8)|| (Class == 13)|| (Class == 14)||(Class == 19) || (Class == 20) || (Class == 23) || (Class == 28)) * { * HPDice = 10; * } * //6 * else if ((Class == 10)|| (Class == 11)|| (Class == 12)|| (Class == 27)) * { * HPDice = 6; * }*/ } else if (game == DND5e) { // 12 barbarian //8 bard cleric druid monk rogue warlock //10 fighter paladin ranger //6 sorcerer wizard if (Class == BARBARIAN) { HPDice = 12; } else if ((Class == BARD) || (Class == CLERIC) || (Class == DRUID) || (Class == MONK) || (Class == ROGUE) || (Class == WARLOCK)) { HPDice = 8; } else if ((Class == FIGHTER) || (Class == PALADIN) || (Class == RANGER)) { HPDice = 10; } else if ((Class == SORCERER) || (Class == WIZARD)) { HPDice = 6; } } }
private void AddRemovePlaform(GAME.Modules.Warframe.Common.Missions.Enums.Platforms platform) { _oData.Platforms ^= platform; }
public PlacedOrder ExecuteConsolidate(GameState gs, GAME.MODELS.HOUSE h, ref List<PlacedOrder> placedOrderList, ref List<Region> regionList, out string descText) { List<PlacedOrder> amibolValaszthatunk = new List<PlacedOrder>(); foreach (var item in placedOrderList) { if (item.order == ORDER_TYPE.CONDSOLIDATE || item.order == ORDER_TYPE.CONDSOLIDATE_PLUS) { if (item.ownerPlayerName == h) { amibolValaszthatunk.Add(item); } } } // na szoval //ezek igazabol terulet foglalo tokenek, szoval ahol vegrehajtjuk ott az a mienklesz if( amibolValaszthatunk.Count > 0 ) { PlacedOrder vegreh = amibolValaszthatunk[0]; for (int i = 0; i < regionList.Count; i++) { if (regionList[i].name == { regionList[i].house = h; } } descText = h + " use " + vegreh.order.ToString() + " at: " +; return vegreh; } throw new Exception("szintén"); //foreach (var item in amibolValaszthatunk) //{ // Region temp = new Region(); // for( int i = 0; i < regionList.Count; i++) // { // if ( == regionList[i].name) // { // temp = regionList[i]; // = h; // regionList.Remove(regionList[i]); // regionList.Insert(i, temp); // } // } //} // ////mostmar h jol elfoglaltuk a helyeket, toroljuk a parancsokat // //foreach (var v in amibolValaszthatunk) //{ // for (int i = 0; i < placedOrderList.Count; i++) // { // if (v.regionFrom == placedOrderList[i].regionFrom) // { // placedOrderList.Remove(placedOrderList[i]); // } // } //} }
public void Recruit( GameState gs, GAME.MODELS.HOUSE h, ref List<GAME.MODELS.Unit> unitList ) { //kinyerjuk a szajbatekert, de lenyeges adatokat az aktualis allasbol //ez a max elkoltheto int MusteringPoints = gs.PlayerList.Where(p => p.playerHouse == h).First().musteringPoints; //megnezzuk h mi lenne a legjobb belole int allUnitCount = gs.UnitsList.Where(u => u.player == h).Count(); int soldierCount = gs.UnitsList.Count(u => u.player == h && u.type == GAME.MODELS.UNIT_TYPE.SOLDIER); int knightCount = gs.UnitsList.Count(u => u.player == h && u.type == GAME.MODELS.UNIT_TYPE.KNIGHT); int machineCount = gs.UnitsList.Count(u => u.player == h && u.type == GAME.MODELS.UNIT_TYPE.MACHINE); bool recSold = false; bool recKnight = false; bool recMach = false; //torekedunk az S-K-M 40-40-20 aranyra if ( (soldierCount / allUnitCount) < 0.4f) { //katonat vonunk be recSold = true; } if ((knightCount / allUnitCount) < 0.4f) { //katonat vonunk be recKnight = true; } if ((machineCount / allUnitCount) < 0.2f) { //katonat vonunk be recMach = true; } //mostmar tudjuk h mit kell bevonni // kiszamoljuk h menyi DB-t kellene bevonni, majd ezt aranyositjuk az összes bevonhato pont alapjan int shouldrecS = 0; int shouldrecK = 0; int shouldrecM = 0; if (recSold) shouldrecS = Convert.ToInt32(allUnitCount * 0.4f); if (recKnight) shouldrecK = Convert.ToInt32(allUnitCount * 0.4f); if (recMach) shouldrecM = Convert.ToInt32(allUnitCount * 0.2f); int shouldRecPointS = shouldrecS * 1; int shouldRecPointK = shouldrecS * 2; int shouldRecPointM = shouldrecS * 2; int totalShouldRecPoint = shouldRecPointS + shouldRecPointK + shouldRecPointM; if (MusteringPoints == totalShouldRecPoint) { //akkor bevonhatjuk mindet } if (MusteringPoints > totalShouldRecPoint) { //aranyositani kell, felszorozni az arannyal a bevonas darabszamat h noljon float arany = (MusteringPoints / totalShouldRecPoint); if (recSold) shouldrecS = Convert.ToInt32(shouldrecS * arany); if (recKnight) shouldrecK = Convert.ToInt32(shouldrecK * arany); if (recMach) shouldrecM = Convert.ToInt32(shouldrecM * arany); } //KESOBB MEGKELLNEZNI // if (MusteringPoints < totalShouldRecPoint) // { // //aranyositani kell, be kell az arannyal a bevonas darabszamat h csokkenjen // float arany = (MusteringPoints / totalShouldRecPoint) * 100; // if (recSold) shouldrecS = (int)Math.Round(shouldrecS * arany); // if (recKnight) shouldrecK = (int)Math.Round(shouldrecK * arany); // if (recMach) shouldrecM = (int)Math.Round(shouldrecM * arany); // } //mostmar faszan megvan hanyat vonunk be, most megnzzuk hova vonhatjuk be oket List<GAME.MODELS.Region> lehetsegesHelyek = new List<GAME.MODELS.Region>(); foreach (var item in gs.RegionList) { if ( == h ) { lehetsegesHelyek.Add(item); } } //most ki kell szamolni hogy ezek kozul hova erdemes mekkora esellyel //legfontosabb: szomszedos erod, szomszedos varos, sajaterod List<GAME.MODELS.Region> TEMPlehetsegesHelyek = new List<GAME.MODELS.Region>(); foreach (var item in lehetsegesHelyek) { if (item.castle || { TEMPlehetsegesHelyek.Add(item); } else { foreach (var n in item.neighbours) { if ( || n.castle) { TEMPlehetsegesHelyek.Add(item); } } } } //leszurtuk a "jelentektelen" helyeket lehetsegesHelyek = TEMPlehetsegesHelyek; // MAJD HA MEG LESZ IDO MARCIUS VEGEN HAHAHA - AKKOR ////itt sulyozni fogjuk azt h hova kellene bevonni a lehetseges helyek kozul //List<Tuple<GAME.MODELS.Region, float>> sulyozottHelyek = new List<Tuple<GAME.MODELS.Region, float>>(); // //foreach (var item in lehetsegesHelyek) //{ // //sulyozasi szempontok: // // - milyen egysegunk van ott //} string[] avaiableNext = new string[] { "S", "S", "K", "K", "M" }; string next = "S"; int freeID = gs.UnitsList.Count; Random rnd = new Random(); int random = rnd.Next(0, lehetsegesHelyek.Count); while ( ( shouldrecK <= 0 && shouldrecS <= 0 && shouldrecM <= 0) || MusteringPoints >= 0) { switch (next) { case "S": if (MusteringPoints-1 < 0) { goto end; } GAME.MODELS.Unit u = new GAME.MODELS.Unit(); u.ID = freeID; freeID++; u.player = h; u.position = lehetsegesHelyek[rnd.Next(0, lehetsegesHelyek.Count)]; unitList.Add(u); MusteringPoints = MusteringPoints - 1; shouldrecS--; next = avaiableNext[rnd.Next(0, avaiableNext.Count())]; break; case "K": if (MusteringPoints - 2 < 0) { goto end; } u = new GAME.MODELS.Unit(); u.ID = freeID; freeID++; u.player = h; u.position = lehetsegesHelyek[rnd.Next(0, lehetsegesHelyek.Count)]; unitList.Add(u); MusteringPoints = MusteringPoints - 2; shouldrecK--; next = avaiableNext[rnd.Next(0, avaiableNext.Count())]; break; case "M": if (MusteringPoints - 2 < 0) { goto end; } u = new GAME.MODELS.Unit(); u.ID = freeID; freeID++; u.player = h; u.position = lehetsegesHelyek[rnd.Next(0, lehetsegesHelyek.Count)]; unitList.Add(u); MusteringPoints = MusteringPoints - 2; shouldrecM--; next = avaiableNext[rnd.Next(0, avaiableNext.Count())]; break; default: break; } } end: return; }
public PlacedOrder ExecuteAttack(GameState gs, GAME.MODELS.HOUSE h, ref List<PlacedOrder> placedOrderList, ref List<Unit> unitList, out string descText, GameInfo gInfo) { descText = null; List<PlacedOrder> amibolValaszthatunk = new List<PlacedOrder>(); foreach (var item in placedOrderList) { if (item.order == ORDER_TYPE.ATTACK_MINUS || item.order == ORDER_TYPE.ATTACK_NORMAL || item.order == ORDER_TYPE.ATTACK_PLUS) { if (item.ownerPlayerName == h) { amibolValaszthatunk.Add(item); } } } // na szoval ///mindig az elsot hajtjuk vegre if (amibolValaszthatunk.Count != 0) { PlacedOrder vegrehajtando = amibolValaszthatunk[0]; descText = h.ToString(); //megnezzuk van-e ellenseg a target teruleten //ehhez tudnnonk kellh holvan ellenseg List<Region> ezenAmegyenEllensegVan = new List<Region>(); foreach (var item in unitList) { if (item.player != h && item.player != HOUSE.NONE) { if (!ezenAmegyenEllensegVan.Contains(item.position)) { ezenAmegyenEllensegVan.Add(item.position); } } } if (ezenAmegyenEllensegVan.Contains(vegrehajtando.regionTo)) { //csata // itt asszem bekéne hivni gameinfobol a csatát if (gInfo.Battle(ref unitList, ref gs.RegionList, vegrehajtando.regionFrom, vegrehajtando.regionTo)) { //megnyertuk a csattat //atmuvoljuk a seregunket HOUSE vesztes = HOUSE.NONE; foreach (var item in unitList) { //osszegyujtjok h kik vannak itt es koet rajkuk a sajt helyukre if (item.position == vegrehajtando.regionTo) { vesztes = item.player; } } if (vesztes == HOUSE.NONE) { throw new Exception("bajvanbaj,...\nTCS\n"); } //most szetdobjuk oket a tobbi mezore List<Region> lehetsegesmegyekazathelyezesre = new List<Region>(); foreach (var item in vegrehajtando.regionTo.neighbours) { if (( == vesztes) || ( == HOUSE.NONE)) { if (!lehetsegesmegyekazathelyezesre.Contains(item)) { lehetsegesmegyekazathelyezesre.Add(item); } } } descText = h + " execute attack(battle) from " + + " to " + + " ( result: WIN )"; foreach (var item in unitList) { if (item.position == vegrehajtando.regionTo) { Random rnd = new Random(); item.position = lehetsegesmegyekazathelyezesre[rnd.Next(0, lehetsegesmegyekazathelyezesre.Count)]; descText += "\n defeated unit: " + item.type + " ( ID: " + item.ID + " ) moved to: " +; } } return vegrehajtando; } else { descText = h + " execute attack(battle) from " + + " to " + + " ( result: LOST )"; return vegrehajtando; } } else {//movin' int sum = 0; foreach (var item in unitList) { //elvileg csak a sajatuk van itt if (item.position == vegrehajtando.regionFrom) { item.position = vegrehajtando.regionTo; sum++; } } descText = h + " execute attack(move) from " + + " to " + + " ( moved unit: " + sum + " )"; } //vegultoroljuk return vegrehajtando; } throw new Exception("itt valami elvan baszva"); }