Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle fixing the writing system values inside pasted text.  Eventually, we may
        /// want some form of UI to guide the process, but for now we just bash in the
        /// default vernacular ws wherever any other ws occurs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        private void OnPasteFixWs(EditingHelper sender, FwPasteFixTssEventArgs args)
            if (args.EventHandled)
                return;                                                 // only one delegate gets to play!
            bool       fFixed = false;
            int        wsVern = Cache.LangProject.ActualWs(LangProject.kwsVernInParagraph, m_hvoRoot, (int)StText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs);
            ITsStrBldr tsb    = args.TsString.GetBldr();
            int        crun   = tsb.RunCount;

            for (int irun = 0; irun < crun; ++irun)
                ITsTextProps ttp = tsb.get_Properties(irun);
                int          var;
                int          ws = ttp.GetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, out var);
                if (ws != wsVern)
                    fFixed = true;
                    int ichMin;
                    int ichLim;
                    tsb.GetBoundsOfRun(irun, out ichMin, out ichLim);
                    tsb.SetIntPropValues(ichMin, ichLim,
                                         (int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, var, wsVern);
            if (fFixed)
                args.TsString = tsb.GetString();
            args.EventHandled = true;
		public void PasteIntoMultiStringFieldDoesNotFlattenWsStyle()
			var args = new FwPasteFixTssEventArgs(m_tss, new TextSelInfo((IVwSelection)null));
			// Veryify that we are testing  with a field of the correct type (if this fails the model changed)
			Assert.AreEqual((int)CellarPropertyType.MultiString, Cache.MetaDataCacheAccessor.GetFieldType(LexSenseTags.kflidGeneralNote));
			InnerLabeledMultiStringView.EliminateExtraStyleAndWsInfo(Cache.MetaDataCacheAccessor, args, LexSenseTags.kflidGeneralNote);
			string differences;
			Assert.True(TsStringHelper.TsStringsAreEqual(m_tss, args.TsString, out differences), differences);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        static internal void EliminateExtraStyleAndWsInfo(IFwMetaDataCache mdc, FwPasteFixTssEventArgs e, int flid)
            var type = (CellarPropertyType)mdc.GetFieldType(flid);

            if (type == CellarPropertyType.MultiUnicode ||
                type == CellarPropertyType.Unicode)
                e.TsString = e.TsString.ToWsOnlyString();
		public void PasteIntoMultiUnicodeFieldFlattensWsStyle()
			var args = new FwPasteFixTssEventArgs(m_tss, new TextSelInfo((IVwSelection)null));
			// Veryify that we are testing  with a field of the correct type (if this fails the model changed)
			Assert.AreEqual((int)CellarPropertyType.MultiUnicode, Cache.MetaDataCacheAccessor.GetFieldType(LexEntryTags.kflidCitationForm));
			InnerLabeledMultiStringView.EliminateExtraStyleAndWsInfo(Cache.MetaDataCacheAccessor, args, LexEntryTags.kflidCitationForm);
			string differences;
			Assert.False(TsStringHelper.TsStringsAreEqual(m_tss, args.TsString, out differences), differences);
			Assert.That(differences, Is.StringContaining("TsStrings have different number of runs"));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void PasteIntoMultiStringFieldDoesNotFlattenWsStyle()
            var args = new FwPasteFixTssEventArgs(m_tss, new TextSelInfo((IVwSelection)null));

            // Veryify that we are testing  with a field of the correct type (if this fails the model changed)
            Assert.AreEqual((int)CellarPropertyType.MultiString, Cache.MetaDataCacheAccessor.GetFieldType(LexSenseTags.kflidGeneralNote));
            InnerLabeledMultiStringView.EliminateExtraStyleAndWsInfo(Cache.MetaDataCacheAccessor, args, LexSenseTags.kflidGeneralNote);
            string differences;

            Assert.True(TsStringHelper.TsStringsAreEqual(m_tss, args.TsString, out differences), differences);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void PasteIntoMultiUnicodeFieldFlattensWsStyle()
            var args = new FwPasteFixTssEventArgs(m_tss, new TextSelInfo((IVwSelection)null));

            // Veryify that we are testing  with a field of the correct type (if this fails the model changed)
            Assert.AreEqual((int)CellarPropertyType.MultiUnicode, Cache.MetaDataCacheAccessor.GetFieldType(LexEntryTags.kflidCitationForm));
            InnerLabeledMultiStringView.EliminateExtraStyleAndWsInfo(Cache.MetaDataCacheAccessor, args, LexEntryTags.kflidCitationForm);
            string differences;

            Assert.False(TsStringHelper.TsStringsAreEqual(m_tss, args.TsString, out differences), differences);
            Assert.That(differences, Is.StringContaining("TsStrings have different number of runs"));
Ejemplo n.º 7
		/// <summary>
		/// If the text for pasting is too long, truncate it and warn the user.
		/// </summary>
		void OnPasteFixTssEvent(EditingHelper sender, FwPasteFixTssEventArgs e)
			TruncatePasteIfNecessary(e, m_flid);
Ejemplo n.º 8
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Removes the hard formatting from text that is pasted.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sender">The sender.</param>
		/// <param name="e">The <see cref="T:SIL.FieldWorks.Common.RootSites.FwPasteFixTssEventArgs"/>
		/// instance containing the event data.</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public void RemoveHardFormatting(EditingHelper sender, FwPasteFixTssEventArgs e)
			ITsString tss = e.TsString;
			ITsStrBldr tssBldr = tss.GetBldr();
			for (int i = 0; i < tss.RunCount; i++)
				TsRunInfo runInfo;
				ITsTextProps props = tss.FetchRunInfo(i, out runInfo);
				ITsPropsBldr propsBuilder = TsPropsBldrClass.Create();

				// Copy the style name from the run properties
				string style = props.GetStrPropValue((int)FwTextPropType.ktptNamedStyle);
				if (style != null)
					propsBuilder.SetStrPropValue((int)FwTextPropType.ktptNamedStyle, style);

				// Copy the WS information from the run properties
				int var;
				int ws = props.GetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, out var);
				if (ws > 0)
					propsBuilder.SetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, var, ws);

				// Copy the ORC information from the run properties
				string orcData = props.GetStrPropValue((int)FwTextPropType.ktptObjData);
				if (orcData != null)
					propsBuilder.SetStrPropValue((int)FwTextPropType.ktptObjData, orcData);

				tssBldr.SetProperties(runInfo.ichMin, runInfo.ichLim, propsBuilder.GetTextProps());

			e.TsString = tssBldr.GetString();
Ejemplo n.º 9
		public void RemoveHardFormatting()
			// build the original string
			ITsStrBldr tssBldr = TsStrBldrClass.Create();
			ITsPropsBldr propsBldr = TsPropsBldrClass.Create();
			propsBldr.SetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptBorderColor, 0, 0x00ff00cc);
			propsBldr.SetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptSuperscript, 0, 5);
			propsBldr.SetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, 0, 711);
			propsBldr.SetStrPropValue((int)FwTextPropType.ktptNamedStyle, "My Style");
			tssBldr.Replace(0, 0, "This", propsBldr.GetTextProps());
			propsBldr = TsPropsBldrClass.Create();
			propsBldr.SetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, 0, 711);
			tssBldr.Replace(tssBldr.Length, tssBldr.Length, " is my ", propsBldr.GetTextProps());
			propsBldr = TsPropsBldrClass.Create();
			propsBldr.SetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, 0, 711);
			propsBldr.SetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptBold, 0, 1);
			tssBldr.Replace(tssBldr.Length, tssBldr.Length, "text.", propsBldr.GetTextProps());

			FwPasteFixTssEventArgs args = new FwPasteFixTssEventArgs(tssBldr.GetString());
			m_TeEditingHelper.RemoveHardFormatting(m_TeEditingHelper, args);

			// build what we expect it to return
			tssBldr = TsStrBldrClass.Create();
			propsBldr = TsPropsBldrClass.Create();
			propsBldr.SetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, 0, 711);
			propsBldr.SetStrPropValue((int)FwTextPropType.ktptNamedStyle, "My Style");
			tssBldr.Replace(0, 0, "This", propsBldr.GetTextProps());
			propsBldr = TsPropsBldrClass.Create();
			propsBldr.SetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, 0, 711);
			tssBldr.Replace(tssBldr.Length, tssBldr.Length, " is my ", propsBldr.GetTextProps());
			propsBldr = TsPropsBldrClass.Create();
			propsBldr.SetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, 0, 711);
			tssBldr.Replace(tssBldr.Length, tssBldr.Length, "text.", propsBldr.GetTextProps());

			AssertEx.AreTsStringsEqual(tssBldr.GetString(), args.TsString);
Ejemplo n.º 10
		/// <summary>
		/// If the text for pasting is too long, truncate it and warn the user.
		/// </summary>
		void OnPasteFixTssEvent(EditingHelper sender, FwPasteFixTssEventArgs e)
			if (!sender.Editable)
			TextSelInfo tsi = e.TextSelInfo;
			if (tsi == null)
			int flid = tsi.TagAnchor;
			if (flid == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// If the text for pasting is too long, truncate it and warn the user.
 /// </summary>
 void OnPasteFixTssEvent(EditingHelper sender, FwPasteFixTssEventArgs e)
     EliminateExtraStyleAndWsInfo(RootBox.DataAccess.MetaDataCache, e, m_flid);
		static internal void EliminateExtraStyleAndWsInfo(IFwMetaDataCache mdc, FwPasteFixTssEventArgs e, int flid)
			var type = (CellarPropertyType)mdc.GetFieldType(flid);
			if (type == CellarPropertyType.MultiUnicode ||
				type == CellarPropertyType.Unicode)
				e.TsString = e.TsString.ToWsOnlyString();
		/// <summary>
		/// If the text for pasting is too long, truncate it and warn the user.
		/// </summary>
		void OnPasteFixTssEvent(EditingHelper sender, FwPasteFixTssEventArgs e)
			EliminateExtraStyleAndWsInfo(RootBox.DataAccess.MetaDataCache, e, m_flid);
Ejemplo n.º 14
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// If the text for pasting is too long, truncate it and warn the user.
		/// This is shared by subclasses of RootSite for implementing handlers for
		/// RootSiteEditingHelper.PasteFixTssEvent.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected void TruncatePasteIfNecessary(FwPasteFixTssEventArgs e, int flid)
			int type = Cache.MetaDataCacheAccessor.GetFieldType((uint)flid);
			if (type == (int)CellarModuleDefns.kcptMultiString ||
				type == (int)CellarModuleDefns.kcptMultiUnicode ||
				type == (int)CellarModuleDefns.kcptString ||
				type == (int)CellarModuleDefns.kcptUnicode)
				ITsString tssCurrent = EditingHelper.CurrentSelection.GetTss(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.End);
				int cchSel = 0;
				if (EditingHelper.CurrentSelection.IsRange)
					cchSel = Math.Abs(EditingHelper.CurrentSelection.IchAnchor - EditingHelper.CurrentSelection.IchEnd);
				int cchMax = Cache.MaxFieldLength(flid);
				int cchIncoming = e.TsString.Length;
				if (tssCurrent.Length + cchIncoming - cchSel > cchMax)
					int cchPaste = cchMax - (tssCurrent.Length - cchSel);
					if (cchPaste < 0)
						cchPaste = 0;
						String.Format(SIL.FieldWorks.Resources.ResourceHelper.GetResourceString("kstidTruncatingPaste"), cchIncoming, cchPaste, cchMax),
					ITsStrBldr bldr = e.TsString.GetBldr();
					bldr.ReplaceTsString(cchPaste, cchIncoming, null);
					e.TsString = bldr.GetString();
Ejemplo n.º 15
		/// <summary>
		/// If the text for pasting is too long, truncate it and warn the user.
		/// </summary>
		void OnPasteFixTssEvent(EditingHelper sender, FwPasteFixTssEventArgs e)
			if (!sender.Editable)
			TextSelInfo tsi = sender.TextSelInfoBeforeEdit;
			if (tsi == null)
			int flid = tsi.TagAnchor;
			if (flid == 0)
			TruncatePasteIfNecessary(e, flid);
Ejemplo n.º 16
		/// <summary>
		/// Handle fixing the writing system values inside pasted text.  Eventually, we may
		/// want some form of UI to guide the process, but for now we just bash in the
		/// default vernacular ws wherever any other ws occurs.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sender"></param>
		/// <param name="args"></param>
		private void OnPasteFixWs(EditingHelper sender, FwPasteFixTssEventArgs args)
			if (args.EventHandled)
				return;					// only one delegate gets to play!
			bool fFixed = false;
			int wsVern = Cache.LangProject.ActualWs(LangProject.kwsVernInParagraph, m_hvoRoot, (int)StText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs);
			ITsStrBldr tsb = args.TsString.GetBldr();
			int crun = tsb.RunCount;
			for (int irun = 0; irun < crun; ++irun)
				ITsTextProps ttp = tsb.get_Properties(irun);
				int var;
				int ws = ttp.GetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, out var);
				if (ws != wsVern)
					fFixed = true;
					int ichMin;
					int ichLim;
					tsb.GetBoundsOfRun(irun, out ichMin, out ichLim);
					tsb.SetIntPropValues(ichMin, ichLim,
						(int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, var, wsVern);
			if (fFixed)
				args.TsString = tsb.GetString();
			args.EventHandled = true;