Ejemplo n.º 1
        public FunctionResult_Models GetEntriesCSV(Options_Models Options)
            using (var db = new BaseEntities())
                var FunctRes = new FunctionResult_Models(true);

                var Query = db.Schedules.Where(s => s.AppId == Options.AppId);

                //Filter Validity

                var query = Query.AsEnumerable();

                var Excludes = ScheduleExclusionFields.ToList();

                //Hide these 2

                if (query.Count() == 0)
                    return(new FunctionResult_Models(false)
                        message = "No Entries Found!"

                FunctRes.DataHeaders = ExcludeHeaders(query.FirstOrDefault(), Excludes);

                FunctRes.DataAsDictionary = query.OrderByDescending(s => s.CreatedOn).ThenByDescending(s => s.AppId).Select(s =>
                                                                                                                            ExcludeHeaders(s.GetType().GetProperties().Where(p => p.GetMethod.IsVirtual == false).ToDictionary(prop => prop.Name, prop => prop.GetValue(s, null)), Excludes, true).
                                                                                                                            ToDictionary(prop => prop.Key, prop => prop.Value)).ToList();

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public FunctionResult_Models GetEntries(Options_Models Options)
            using (var db = new BaseEntities())
                var FunctRes = new FunctionResult_Models(true);

                var Query = db.Schedules.Where(s => s.AppId == Options.AppId);

                Query = Options.isPast.ToUpper() == "True".ToUpper() ? Query.Where(s => s.EventDate < DateTime.UtcNow): Query.Where(s => s.EventDate >= DateTime.UtcNow);

                Query = Options.ValidOnly.ToUpper() == "Valid".ToUpper() ? Query.Where(s => (bool)s.IsValid == true) :
                        Options.ValidOnly.ToUpper() == "Invalid".ToUpper() ? Query.Where(s => (bool)s.IsValid == false) :

                Query = Options.isSent.ToUpper() == "True".ToUpper() ? Query.Where(s => (bool)s.IsSent == true) :
                        Options.isSent.ToUpper() == "False".ToUpper() ? Query.Where(s => (bool)s.IsSent == false) :

                //Other Filters?

                var query = Query.OrderByDescending(s => s.AppId).Skip((Options.Page - 1) * Options.PageSize).Take(Options.PageSize).AsEnumerable();

                //var SAS = GetSASToken();

                var count = query.Count();

                FunctRes.TotalCount = Query.Count();

                if (count == 0)
                    return(new FunctionResult_Models(false)
                        message = "No Entries Found!"

                FunctRes.DataHeaders = ExcludeHeaders(query.FirstOrDefault(), ScheduleExclusionFields.ToList());

                FunctRes.DataAsDictionary = ConvertEntriesToDictionary(query, ScheduleExclusionFields.ToList());

Ejemplo n.º 3
        //public FunctionResult_Models SubmitSchedule(Parameters_Models param)
        //    using (var db = new BaseEntities())
        //    {
        //        //try
        //        //{

        //        var FunctRes = new FunctionResult_Models(true);
        //        FunctRes.IsSendSMS = false;
        //        FunctRes.Schedule.IsValid = true;

        //        var CleanedMessage = CleanMessage(param);

        //        var CreatedOn = param.createdon != null && param.createdon != "" ? DateTime.Parse(param.createdon.ToString()).ToUniversalTime() : System.DateTime.UtcNow;//jfield.ContainsKey("createdOn") ? JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DateTime>(StandardContest.Models.Helpers.SerializerHelper(jfield["createdOn"].ToString()))  : System.DateTime.UtcNow;

        //        //ReturnFail only when message is totally not savable

        //        //Validation before matchfields
        //        var ValidationResult_Modelss = PreMatchFieldValidations(CreatedOn);
        //        if (!ValidationResult_Modelss.IsSuccessful)
        //        {
        //            FunctRes.Schedule.IsValid = false;
        //            FunctRes.IsSendSMS = false;

        //            FunctRes.ListOfReasonsForPossibleFailures.Add(ValidationResult_Modelss.ReasonForFailure);
        //            FunctRes.ListOfResponsesForPossibleFailures.Add(ValidationResult_Modelss.ResponseForFailure);

        //        }

        //        #region SpecificRegexMatching
        //        Regex regex = new Regex(ValidationRegexFull, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
        //        var MatchedMessage = regex.Match(CleanedMessage.Trim());
        //        // Set Fields which dont require validation
        //        FunctRes.Schedule.CreatedOn = CreatedOn;
        //        //FunctRes.Schedule.MobileNo = param.MobileNo;

        //        if (MatchedMessage.Success)
        //        {

        //            //Matched fields will now have a space infront of them because the space is now inside the regex of each field.
        //            var MatchedResultList = MatchedMessage.Groups.Cast<Group>().Select(match => match.Value).Skip(1).ToList().Select(s => s.Trim()).ToList();

        //            var FieldsL = FieldNames.Split(',').ToList();
        //            for (int k = 0; k < FieldsL.Count; k++)
        //            {
        //                if (FieldsL[k] == "EventDate")
        //                {
        //                    DateTime dt;
        //                    DateTime.TryParse(MatchedResultList[k], out dt);
        //                    FunctRes.Schedule.EventDate = dt;
        //                }
        //                else
        //                {
        //                    //MatchedFields.Add(FieldsL[k], MatchedResultList[k]);

        //                    var prop = FunctRes.Schedule.GetType().GetProperty(FieldsL[k]);
        //                    prop.SetValue(FunctRes.Schedule, MatchedResultList[k]);
        //                }
        //            }

        //            //Edit Schedule Logics

        //            FunctRes.Schedule = EditSchedule(FunctRes.Schedule);

        //            //Validate LOGIC using MatchedFields
        //            ValidationResult_Modelss = null;
        //            if (!ValidationResult_Modelss.IsSuccessful)
        //            {
        //                FunctRes.Schedule.IsValid = false;

        //                FunctRes.ListOfReasonsForPossibleFailures.Add(ValidationResult_Modelss.ReasonForFailure);
        //                FunctRes.ListOfResponsesForPossibleFailures.Add(ValidationResult_Modelss.ResponseForFailure);

        //            }

        //            FunctRes.IsSavable = true;

        //        }
        //        else
        //        {

        //            //If Invalid, for loop form regex on the fly to determine which field have error(use Key) RegexKeyPairValue,

        //            var FieldsL = FieldNames.Split(',').ToList();
        //            var BuildingRegex = "";
        //            for (int k = 0; k < FieldsL.Count; k++)
        //            {
        //                var CurrentFieldRegex = @System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ValidationRegex" + FieldsL[k]];

        //                if (BuildingRegex == "")
        //                {
        //                    BuildingRegex = "(" + CurrentFieldRegex.Remove(CurrentFieldRegex.Length - 1).Remove(0, 1) + ")";
        //                }
        //                else
        //                {
        //                    //check if optional field to omit space
        //                    //example of UOB regex ^(?: (?i)uob)?$
        //                    if (ValidationRegexOptionalFields.Contains(FieldsL[k]) /*CurrentFieldRegex.StartsWith("^(?:") && CurrentFieldRegex.EndsWith(")?$")*/)
        //                    {
        //                        //if optional field, then the space is already within the field itself
        //                        BuildingRegex = BuildingRegex + "(" + CurrentFieldRegex.Remove(CurrentFieldRegex.Length - 1).Remove(0, 1) + ")";
        //                    }
        //                    else
        //                    {

        //                        BuildingRegex = BuildingRegex + "(" + " " + CurrentFieldRegex.Remove(CurrentFieldRegex.Length - 1).Remove(0, 1) + ")";
        //                    }

        //                }

        //                var TestingRegex = k == FieldsL.Count - 1 ? "^" + BuildingRegex + "$" : "^" + BuildingRegex + "( ?)";

        //                Regex InvalidedRegex = new Regex(TestingRegex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
        //                var MatchNowOrNot = InvalidedRegex.Match(CleanedMessage.Trim());

        //                if (!MatchNowOrNot.Success)
        //                {
        //                    //Validation has failed at this field, therefore we assume this field to be the one causing the error.
        //                    FunctRes.ListOfReasonsForPossibleFailures.Add(FieldsL[k] + " Is Not Valid!");
        //                }

        //            }

        //            FunctRes.Schedule.IsValid = false;
        //            FunctRes.IsSavable = false;

        //            //FunctRes.ListOfResponsesForPossibleFailures.Add(ErrorMessageGeneric);
        //        }

        //        #endregion

        //        //Validation has completed, if IsValid survives, add it as true

        //        // CompleteReturnObject.Add("SuccessMessage", WarningList.Count > 0 ? "Matching has not been completed succesfully. " : "Matched Successfully. Please Submit.");

        //        //Decide whether to save Schedulefields based on validity
        //        string AppId;

        //        FunctRes.Schedule.Reason = FunctRes.ListOfReasonsForPossibleFailures.Count == 0 ? "" : FunctRes.ListOfReasonsForPossibleFailures[0].ToString();
        //        //FunctRes.Schedule.Response = FunctRes.ListOfResponsesForPossibleFailures.Count == 0 ? ValidMessage : FunctRes.ListOfResponsesForPossibleFailures[0].ToString();

        //        FunctRes.Schedule = SaveSchedule(FunctRes.Schedule, FunctRes.IsSavable);
        //        AppId = FunctRes.Schedule.AppId;

        //        FunctRes.message = "Successfully Saved with Schedule ID : " + AppId;
        //        return FunctRes;

        //        //Call Custom Logic Loop of After_Submit

        //        //}
        //        //catch (Exception ex)
        //        //{
        //        //    return new ReturnFail() { message = ex.ToString(), SendSMS = false };
        //        //}

        //    }


        //#region Online

        public FunctionResult_Models InsertSchedule(Schedules Schedule)
                bool __lockWasTaken = false;
                //lock object
                    Monitor.Enter(Globals.balanceLock, ref __lockWasTaken);
                    //Validation before matchfields
                    var ValidationResult_Modelss = PreMatchFieldValidations(DateTime.Now);
                    if (!ValidationResult_Modelss.IsSuccessful)
                        return(new FunctionResult_Models(false)
                            message = ValidationResult_Modelss.ReasonForFailure

                    var FunctRes = new FunctionResult_Models(true);

                    FunctRes.Schedule.IsValid = true;
                    var regex = new Regex("");
                    var Match = regex.Match("");

                    regex = new Regex(ValidationRegexMobileNo, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    Match = regex.Match(Schedule.MobileNo.Trim());

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Schedule.AppId))
                        FunctRes.Schedule.IsValid = false;

                        FunctRes.ListOfReasonsForPossibleFailures.Add("App Id is Invalid!");
                    if (!Match.Success)
                        FunctRes.Schedule.IsValid = false;

                        FunctRes.ListOfReasonsForPossibleFailures.Add("Mobile is Invalid!");

                    if (Schedule.EventDate.Equals(DateTime.MinValue))
                        FunctRes.Schedule.IsValid = false;

                        FunctRes.ListOfReasonsForPossibleFailures.Add("Event Date is Invalid!");

                    FunctRes.Schedule.Reason    = FunctRes.ListOfReasonsForPossibleFailures.Count == 0 ? "" : FunctRes.ListOfReasonsForPossibleFailures[0].ToString();
                    FunctRes.Schedule.Response  = FunctRes.ListOfResponsesForPossibleFailures.Count == 0 ? "" : FunctRes.ListOfResponsesForPossibleFailures[0].ToString();
                    FunctRes.Schedule.MobileNo  = Schedule.MobileNo;
                    FunctRes.Schedule.EventDate = Schedule.EventDate;
                    FunctRes.Schedule.Custom1   = Schedule.Custom1;
                    FunctRes.Schedule.Custom2   = Schedule.Custom2;
                    FunctRes.Schedule.Custom3   = Schedule.Custom3;
                    FunctRes.Schedule.AppId     = Schedule.AppId;

                    //Validation Success
                    //Run Additional logics , duplication etc.

                    using (var db = new BaseEntities())
                        //Validate LOGIC using MatchedFields
                        //ValidationResult_Models = ValidationLogics(FunctRes.Schedule, "WEB");
                        //if (!ValidationResult_Modelss.IsSuccessful)
                        //    return new FunctionResult_Models(false) { message = ValidationResult_Modelss.ReasonForFailure };

                        //Should make sure Schedule is savable before sending to AZS

                        //string fl;
                        //var fileresult = SendBlobToAzureStorage(Pfile, Schedule.FileName, out fl);

                        //if (!fileresult.Valid)
                        //    return fileresult;

                        //FunctRes.Schedule.FileLink = fl;
                        //FunctRes.Schedule.Response = ValidMessageOnline;
                        //Save Schedule after passing all checks
                        FunctRes.Schedule = SaveSchedule(FunctRes.Schedule, true);

                        FunctRes.message = ValidMessageOnline.Replace("{mobileNo}", FunctRes.Schedule.MobileNo); // "Successfully saved with ID : " + FunctRes.Schedule.AppId.ToString();

                    if (__lockWasTaken)
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new FunctionResult_Models(false)
                    message = ex.ToString()