Ejemplo n.º 1
    static FunctionApp CreateFuncsApp(ResourceGroup rg, Plan appServicePlan, Account storage, Container imagesContainer, SqlServer sqlServer, Output <string> connStr)
        var appInsights = new Insights("ai-funcs-", new InsightsArgs
            ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
            ApplicationType   = "web",

        var func = new FunctionApp("funcs-", new FunctionAppArgs
            ResourceGroupName       = rg.Name,
            AppServicePlanId        = appServicePlan.Id,
            Version                 = "~3",
            StorageConnectionString = storage.PrimaryConnectionString,
            AppSettings             =
                { "APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY", appInsights.InstrumentationKey },
                { "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE",       "1"                            }, // Using manual az webapp deploy to take care of this https://github.com/Azure/app-service-announcements/issues/110
                { "Container",                      imagesContainer.Name           },
            ConnectionStrings =
                new FunctionAppConnectionStringsArgs
                    Name  = "Default",
                    Type  = "SQLAzure",
                    Value = connStr,

Ejemplo n.º 2
    static FunctionApp CreateFuncsApp(ResourceGroup rg, Plan appServicePlan, Account storage, Container imagesContainer, SqlServer sqlServer, Output <string> connStr)
        var appInsights = new Insights("ai-funcs-", new InsightsArgs
            ResourceGroupName = rg.Name,
            ApplicationType   = "web",

        var func = new FunctionApp("funcs-", new FunctionAppArgs
            ResourceGroupName       = rg.Name,
            AppServicePlanId        = appServicePlan.Id,
            Version                 = "~3",
            StorageConnectionString = storage.PrimaryConnectionString,
            AppSettings             =
                { "APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY", appInsights.InstrumentationKey },
                { "Container",                      imagesContainer.Name           },
            ConnectionStrings =
                new FunctionAppConnectionStringsArgs
                    Name  = "Default",
                    Type  = "SQLAzure",
                    Value = connStr,

Ejemplo n.º 3
    public MyStack()
        // Create an Azure Resource Group
        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("pulumiresourcegroup");

        // Create an Azure Storage Account
        var storageAccount = new Account("pulumistorage", new AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier            = "Standard"

        // Create AppService Plan
        var appServicePlan = new Plan("asp", new PlanArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Kind = "FunctionApp",
            Sku  = new PlanSkuArgs
                Tier = "Dynamic",
                Size = "Y1",

        // Create Container
        var container = new Container("zips", new ContainerArgs
            StorageAccountName  = storageAccount.Name,
            ContainerAccessType = "private"

        // Create BlobStorage
        var blob = new Blob("zip", new BlobArgs
            StorageAccountName   = storageAccount.Name,
            StorageContainerName = container.Name,
            Type   = "Block",
            Source = new FileArchive("./functions/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/publish")

        var codeBlobUrl = SharedAccessSignature.SignedBlobReadUrl(blob, storageAccount);

        // Create FunctionApp
        var app = new FunctionApp("function-app", new FunctionAppArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AppServicePlanId  = appServicePlan.Id,
            AppSettings       =
                { "runtime",                  "dotnet"    },
                { "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE", codeBlobUrl },
            StorageAccountName      = storageAccount.Name,
            StorageAccountAccessKey = storageAccount.PrimaryAccessKey,
            Version = "~3"

        this.Endpoint = Output.Format($"https://{app.DefaultHostname}/api/Hello?name=Pulumi");
    public ArchiveFunctionApp(string name, ArchiveFunctionAppArgs args, ResourceOptions?options = null)
        : base("examples:azure:ArchiveFunctionApp", name, options)
        var opts = CustomResourceOptions.Merge(options, new CustomResourceOptions {
            Parent = this

        var storageAccount = new Account($"sa{args.Location}", new AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName      = args.ResourceGroupName,
            Location               = args.Location,
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier            = "Standard",
        }, opts);

        var appServicePlan = new Plan($"asp-{args.Location}", new PlanArgs
            ResourceGroupName = args.ResourceGroupName,
            Location          = args.Location,
            Kind = "FunctionApp",
            Sku  = new PlanSkuArgs
                Tier = "Dynamic",
                Size = "Y1",
        }, opts);

        var container = new Container($"zips-{args.Location}", new ContainerArgs
            StorageAccountName  = storageAccount.Name,
            ContainerAccessType = "private",
        }, opts);

        var blob = new ZipBlob($"zip-{args.Location}", new ZipBlobArgs
            StorageAccountName   = storageAccount.Name,
            StorageContainerName = container.Name,
            Type    = "block",
            Content = args.Archive,
        }, opts);

        var codeBlobUrl = SharedAccessSignature.SignedBlobReadUrl(blob, storageAccount);

        args.AppSettings.Add("runtime", "dotnet");
        args.AppSettings.Add("WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE", codeBlobUrl);

        var app = new FunctionApp($"app-{args.Location}", new FunctionAppArgs
            ResourceGroupName       = args.ResourceGroupName,
            Location                = args.Location,
            AppServicePlanId        = appServicePlan.Id,
            AppSettings             = args.AppSettings,
            StorageConnectionString = storageAccount.PrimaryConnectionString,
            Version = "~2",
        }, opts);

        this.AppId = app.Id;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    static Task <int> Main()
        return(Deployment.RunAsync(() => {
            var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("functions-rg");

            var storageAccount = new Account("sa", new AccountArgs
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
                AccountTier = "Standard",

            var appServicePlan = new Plan("asp", new PlanArgs
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                Kind = "FunctionApp",
                Sku = new PlanSkuArgs
                    Tier = "Dynamic",
                    Size = "Y1",

            var container = new Container("zips", new ContainerArgs
                StorageAccountName = storageAccount.Name,
                ContainerAccessType = "private",

            var blob = new ZipBlob("zip", new ZipBlobArgs
                StorageAccountName = storageAccount.Name,
                StorageContainerName = container.Name,
                Type = "block",
                Content = new FileArchive("./functions/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.0/publish"),

            var codeBlobUrl = SharedAccessSignature.SignedBlobReadUrl(blob, storageAccount);

            var app = new FunctionApp("app", new FunctionAppArgs
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                AppServicePlanId = appServicePlan.Id,
                AppSettings =
                    { "runtime",                  "dotnet"    },
                    { "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE", codeBlobUrl },
                StorageConnectionString = storageAccount.PrimaryConnectionString,
                Version = "~3",

            return new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "endpoint", Output.Format($"https://{app.DefaultHostname}/api/Hello?name=Pulumi") },
Ejemplo n.º 6
    public ArchiveFunctionApp(string name, ArchiveFunctionAppArgs args, ComponentResourceOptions?options = null)
        : base("examples:azure:ArchiveFunctionApp", name, options)
        var opts = new CustomResourceOptions {
            Parent = this

        var storageAccount = new Account("sa", new AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName      = args.ResourceGroupName,
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier            = "Standard",
        }, opts);

        var appServicePlan = new Plan("asp", new PlanArgs
            ResourceGroupName = args.ResourceGroupName,
            Kind = "FunctionApp",
            Sku  = new PlanSkuArgs
                Tier = "Dynamic",
                Size = "Y1",
        }, opts);

        var container = new Container("zips", new ContainerArgs
            StorageAccountName  = storageAccount.Name,
            ContainerAccessType = "private",
        }, opts);

        var blob = new Blob("zip", new BlobArgs
            StorageAccountName   = storageAccount.Name,
            StorageContainerName = container.Name,
            Type   = "Block",
            Source = args.Archive
        }, opts);

        var codeBlobUrl = SharedAccessSignature.SignedBlobReadUrl(blob, storageAccount);

        var app = new FunctionApp("app", new FunctionAppArgs
            ResourceGroupName = args.ResourceGroupName,
            AppServicePlanId  = appServicePlan.Id,
            AppSettings       =
                { "runtime",                  "dotnet"    },
                { "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE", codeBlobUrl },
            StorageConnectionString = storageAccount.PrimaryConnectionString,
            Version = "~2"
        }, opts);
    public HelloworldStack()
        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("main", new ResourceGroupArgs {
            Location = "uksouth"

        var function = new FunctionApp("helloworld", new FunctionAppArgs {
            Location          = "uksouth",
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,

        this.Url = Output.Format($"https://{function.DefaultHostname}/api/hello");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static async Task <IActionResult> CreateFunctionApp(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post", Route = "functionapp")] HttpRequest req,
                 databaseName: "FunctionAppDB",
                 collectionName: "FunctionApp",
                 CreateIfNotExists = true,
                 ConnectionStringSetting = "CosmosDBConnection")] IAsyncCollector <FunctionApp> functionApp,
            [ResourceDeployment("CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_PASS", "TENANT_ID")] IAsyncCollector <ResourceDeploymentContext> deployment,
            ILogger log)
                string      requestBody = new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEnd();
                FunctionApp input       = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FunctionApp>(requestBody);
                if (input.Id == null)
                    input.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                if (input.TemplateURL == null)
                    input.TemplateURL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-function-app-create-dynamic/azuredeploy.json";

                input.CreatedDate = DateTimeOffset.Now;

                var parameter         = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new TemplateParameter(input.Name));
                var deploymentContext = new ResourceDeploymentContext("functionAppDeploy", input.TemplateURL, parameter, input.ResourceGroup, input.Location);

                await deployment.AddAsync(deploymentContext); // This execute deployment

                log.LogInformation($"FunctionApp {input.Name} has been created.");

                // If success you write cosmos db record for managing functions apps.

                await functionApp.AddAsync(input);

                return((ActionResult) new OkObjectResult(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(input)));
            } catch (Exception e)
                log.LogInformation($"CreateFunctionApp: Error: {e.Message} : {e.StackTrace}");
                return((ActionResult) new System.Web.Http.ExceptionResult(e, true));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 static void SetFirewallRulesToAccessSqlServer(ResourceGroup resourceGroup, FunctionApp functionApp, SqlServer sqlServer)
     functionApp.OutboundIpAddresses.Apply(outboundIpAddresses =>
                .Split(new[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                .Select(ip =>
             return new FirewallRule($"{ip}.", new FirewallRuleArgs
                 ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                 ServerName = sqlServer.Name,
                 StartIpAddress = ip,
                 EndIpAddress = ip
Ejemplo n.º 10
        static Task <int> Main()
            return(Deployment.RunAsync(() => {
                // Create an Azure Resource Group
                var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("doaw20-rg");

                // Create an Azure Storage Account
                var storageAccount = new Account("doaw20st", new AccountArgs
                    ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                    AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
                    AccountTier = "Standard",
                    //EnableHttpsTrafficOnly = true

                var appServicePlan = new Plan("doaw20-asp", new PlanArgs
                    ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                    Kind = "FunctionApp",
                    Sku = new PlanSkuArgs
                        Tier = "Dynamic",
                        Size = "Y1"

                var container = new Container("zips", new ContainerArgs
                    StorageAccountName = storageAccount.Name,
                    ContainerAccessType = "private"

                var blob = new ZipBlob("zip", new ZipBlobArgs
                    StorageAccountName = storageAccount.Name,
                    StorageContainerName = container.Name,
                    Type = "block",
                    Content = new FileArchive("../HelloFunc/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/publish")

                var codeBlobUrl = SharedAccessSignature.SignedBlobReadUrl(blob, storageAccount);

                var app = new FunctionApp("doaw20-app", new FunctionAppArgs
                    ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                    AppServicePlanId = appServicePlan.Id,
                    AppSettings =
                        { "runtime",                  "dotnet"    },
                        { "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE", codeBlobUrl }
                    StorageConnectionString = storageAccount.PrimaryConnectionString,
                    Version = "~3"

                // Export the connection string for the storage account
                return new Dictionary <string, object?>
                    { "connectionString", storageAccount.PrimaryConnectionString },
                    { "endpoint", Output.Format($"https://{app.DefaultHostname}/api/HelloPulumi?name=DevOps@Work20") }
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public FunctionController(IFactoryConnection connection)
     _connection  = connection;
     _FunctionApp = new FunctionApp(connection);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private FunctionApp FunctionApp(string name, InputMap <string> appSettings, SubscriptionFilterConfig?subscriptionFilterConfig = null)
            var storageAccount = new Pulumi.Azure.Storage.Account(name, new Pulumi.Azure.Storage.AccountArgs
                ResourceGroupName      = _resourceGroup.Name,
                Location               = _resourceGroup.Location,
                AccountTier            = "Standard",
                AccountReplicationType = "LRS",

            var plan = new Plan(name, new PlanArgs
                Location          = _resourceGroup.Location,
                ResourceGroupName = _resourceGroup.Name,
                Kind = "FunctionApp",
                Sku  = new Pulumi.Azure.AppService.Inputs.PlanSkuArgs
                    Tier = "Dynamic",
                    Size = "Y1",

            var serviceBusSubscription = new Subscription(name, new SubscriptionArgs()
                Name              = name,
                NamespaceName     = _serviceBusNamespace.Name,
                TopicName         = _serviceBusTopic.Name,
                ResourceGroupName = _resourceGroup.Name,
                MaxDeliveryCount  = 10

            if (subscriptionFilterConfig != null)
                var typesList = new List <string>();
                if (subscriptionFilterConfig.AssemblyToScan != null)
                    var handlerTypes = subscriptionFilterConfig.AssemblyToScan.GetTypes()
                                       .Where(t => t.GetInterfaces()
                                              .Any(i => i.IsGenericType && i.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IRequestHandler <>))).ToList();

                    Console.Out.WriteLine("Got handler Types: " + string.Join(' ', handlerTypes.Select(t => t.Name)));

                    var messageTypes = handlerTypes.Select(ht =>
                                                           .FirstOrDefault(i => i.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IRequestHandler <>))
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("Got message Types: " + string.Join(' ', messageTypes.Select(t => t.Name)));

                    typesList.AddRange(messageTypes.Select(t => t.Name));

                if (typesList.Any())
                    var filterExpression = string.Join(" OR ", typesList.Select(t => $"sys.Label='{t}'"));
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("Creating Filter Expression: " + filterExpression);
                    var subFilter = new SubscriptionRule(name, new SubscriptionRuleArgs()
                        ResourceGroupName = _resourceGroup.Name,
                        NamespaceName     = _serviceBusNamespace.Name,
                        TopicName         = _serviceBusTopic.Name,
                        SubscriptionName  = name,
                        FilterType        = "SqlFilter",
                        SqlFilter         = filterExpression

            // create a new app settings input map - avoids adding the exception for having the same key but different value on the next function app
            var funcAppSettings = InputMap <string> .Merge(appSettings, new InputMap <string>()
                { "ServiceBusSubscription", serviceBusSubscription.Name },
                { "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE", "1" }

            var functionApp = new FunctionApp($"magicbus-{name}", new FunctionAppArgs()
                Name = $"magicbus-{name}",
                ResourceGroupName       = _resourceGroup.Name,
                HttpsOnly               = true,
                Version                 = "~3",
                AppServicePlanId        = plan.Id,
                StorageAccountName      = storageAccount.Name,
                StorageAccountAccessKey = storageAccount.PrimaryAccessKey,
                AppSettings             = funcAppSettings,

Ejemplo n.º 13
        // LINQPad script entry point
        // when deployed as an Azure Function this method is not used
        public static async Task <int> MainAsync(object userQuery, string[] args)
            var hasConsoleInput = false;

            if ("LPRun.exe".Equals(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.ModuleName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                hasConsoleInput = Environment.UserInteractive;

                // pipe trace to console
                Trace.Listeners.Add(new ConsoleTraceListener());

            if (userQuery == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("User query cannot be null. You should pass 'this' here.", nameof(userQuery));
            var userQueryTypeInfo = new UserQueryTypeInfo(userQuery);

            var currentQuery = Util.CurrentQuery;

            if (currentQuery == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("This script must be run from wthin a LINQPad context (either via LINQPad or LPRun).");
            var currentQueryInfo = new QueryInfo(currentQuery);

            var currentQueryPath = Util.CurrentQueryPath;

            if (currentQueryPath == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("A file name is required (save your LINQPad query to disk). Without it, we cannot establish a context for your functions.");
            var currentQueryPathInfo = new QueryPathInfo(currentQueryPath);

            // ========

            args = args ?? new string[0]; // note: `args` can be null
            if (args.Length == 0)
                if (FirstRun.ShouldPrompt())

                // ================================

                var workingDirectory = Path.Combine(Env.GetLocalAppDataDirectory(), currentQueryPathInfo.InstanceId);
                Debug.WriteLine($"workingDirectory: {workingDirectory}");

                // ================================

                Compiler.Compile(new UserQueryTypeInfo(userQuery), currentQueryInfo, new CompilationOptions(currentQueryPath)
                    OutDir = workingDirectory,
                }, currentQueryInfo);

                // ================================


                // todo: if AzureWebJobsStorage or AzureWebJobsDashboard is set elsewhere, like app.config we shouldn't override them like this

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AzureWebJobsStorage")))
                    Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("AzureWebJobsStorage", "UseDevelopmentStorage=true");

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AzureWebJobsDashboard")))
                    Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("AzureWebJobsDashboard", "UseDevelopmentStorage=true");

                // ================================

                var lastWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(currentQueryPathInfo.QueryPath);

                using (var fs = new FileSystemWatcher(currentQueryPathInfo.QueryDirectoryName, currentQueryPathInfo.QueryFileName))
                    var stream = new BlockingCollection <int>();

                    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ =>
                        foreach (var x in stream.GetConsumingEnumerable())
                            Thread.Sleep(250); // hold, for just a moment...

                            var lastWriteTime2 = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(currentQueryPathInfo.QueryPath);
                            if (lastWriteTime < lastWriteTime2)

                                Util.RunAndWait(currentQueryPathInfo.QueryPath, new[] { "-compile", "-out-dir", workingDirectory });


                                lastWriteTime = lastWriteTime2;

                    fs.Changed += (sender, e) => stream.Add(0);

                    fs.EnableRaisingEvents = true;

                    await JobHost.LaunchAsync(workingDirectory);


                // ================================

                    var options = CommandLine.Parse(args, new Options {
                    if (options.compile)
                        var compilationOptions = new CompilationOptions(currentQueryPath);
                        compilationOptions.OutDir = options.out_dir == null?Path.Combine(compilationOptions.QueryDirectoryName, compilationOptions.QueryName + "_" + userQueryTypeInfo.Id) : Path.GetFullPath(options.out_dir);

                        Compiler.Compile(userQueryTypeInfo, currentQueryInfo, compilationOptions, currentQueryInfo);
                        Trace.WriteLine($"Done. Output written to '{compilationOptions.OutDir}'");
                    else if (options.publish)
                        var compilationOptions = new CompilationOptions(currentQueryPath);
                        compilationOptions.OutDir = Path.Combine(compilationOptions.QueryDirectoryName, compilationOptions.QueryName + "_" + userQueryTypeInfo.Id + "_" + Environment.TickCount);
                            Compiler.Compile(userQueryTypeInfo, currentQueryInfo, compilationOptions, currentQueryInfo);

                            var publishSettingsFileNames = FileUtil.ResolveSearchPatternUpDirectoryTree(compilationOptions.QueryDirectoryName, "*.PublishSettings").ToList();
                            if (1 != publishSettingsFileNames.Count)
                                if (1 < publishSettingsFileNames.Count)
                                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Aborted. Found two or more '*.PublishSettings' files. " + string.Join(", ", publishSettingsFileNames));
                                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Aborted. Cannot find a '*.PublishSettings' file in '{compilationOptions.QueryDirectoryName}' or any of it's parents");

                            var kudu = KuduClient.FromPublishProfile(publishSettingsFileNames[0]);

                            var appSettings = kudu.GetSettings();
                            if (appSettings.TryGetValue("WEBSITE_SITE_NAME", out var siteName) && appSettings.TryGetValue("WEBSITE_SLOT_NAME", out var slotName))
                                Trace.WriteLine($"Publishing to '{siteName}' ({slotName})...");
                                Trace.WriteLine($"Site '{kudu.Host}' metadata is missing");

                            // this setting needs to be changed using the az command line
                            // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/set-runtime-version#view-and-update-the-runtime-version-using-azure-cli
                            // using the Kudu settings API doesn't update the application app settings

                            if (appSettings.TryGetValue("FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSION", out var functionsExtensionVersion))
                                if (functionsExtensionVersion != "~1")
                                    var text    = "The Azure Functions runtime version 1.x is required. Would you like to change the FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSION setting to ~1?";
                                    var caption = "Azure Functions Runtime";

                                    if (MessageBox.ShowYesNoQuestion(text, caption))
                                        var result = await Az.RunAsunc("functionapp", "list", "--query", $"[?name=='{siteName}']");

                                        if (result.Output.Count() != 1)
                                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Aborted. Cannot find Azure Function App '{siteName}'");

                                        var functionApp = result.Output[0];

                                        var g = (string)functionApp["resourceGroup"];

                                        var result2 = await Az.RunAsunc("functionapp", "config", "appsettings", "set", "-g", g, "-n", siteName, "--settings", "FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSION=~1");

                                        if (result2.ExitCode != 0)
                                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Aborted. Cannot configure Azure Function App '{siteName}'");
                                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Aborted. Azure Functions runtime version 1.x is required");

                            // need to check for cloud pad function app runtime
                            // if not found, offer to deploy it

                            if (!kudu.VfsExists("site/wwwroot/bin/CloudPad.FunctionApp.dll"))
                                if (hasConsoleInput)
                                    var text    = "It looks like the CloudPad.FunctionApp (runtime) has not been deployed yet. Would you like to deploy this now (you only do this once per Azure Function App)?";
                                    var caption = "Deployment";

                                    if (MessageBox.ShowYesNoQuestion(text, caption))
                                        Trace.WriteLine($"Deploying runtime... (this will just take a minute)");
                                    Trace.WriteLine($"Oh no. You have to deploy the CloudPad.FunctionApp runtime first");

                            Trace.WriteLine($"Deploying script '{currentQueryPathInfo.QueryFileNameWithoutExtension}' ({userQueryTypeInfo.AssemblyName})...");

                            if (Directory.Exists(compilationOptions.OutDir))
                                Directory.Delete(compilationOptions.OutDir, true);
                        if (options.interactive)
                            if (hasConsoleInput)
                                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");
                    else if (options.pack)
                        var compilationOptions = new CompilationOptions(currentQueryPath);
                        compilationOptions.OutDir = options.out_dir == null?Path.Combine(compilationOptions.QueryDirectoryName, compilationOptions.QueryName + "_publish") : Path.GetFullPath(options.out_dir);

                        Compiler.Compile(userQueryTypeInfo, currentQueryInfo, compilationOptions, currentQueryInfo);
                        Trace.WriteLine($"Done. Output written to '{compilationOptions.OutDir}'");
                    else if (options.install)
                catch (Exception ex)

                    if (hasConsoleInput)
                        Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");

Ejemplo n.º 14
        public MyStack()
            var projectName = Deployment.Instance.ProjectName.ToLower();
            var stackName   = Deployment.Instance.StackName;

            #region Resource Group

            var resourceGroupName = $"{projectName}-{stackName}-rg";
            var resourceGroup     = new ResourceGroup(resourceGroupName, new ResourceGroupArgs
                Name = resourceGroupName


            #region Azure Storage

            var storageAccountName = $"{projectName}{stackName}st";
            var storageAccount     = new Account(storageAccountName, new AccountArgs
                Name = storageAccountName,
                ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
                AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
                AccountTier            = "Standard",
                AccountKind            = "StorageV2",
                EnableHttpsTrafficOnly = true

            StorageConnectionString = storageAccount.PrimaryConnectionString;


            #region Func Blobs

            var container = new Container("zips", new ContainerArgs
                StorageAccountName  = storageAccount.Name,
                ContainerAccessType = "private"

            var lightsBlob = new Blob("lightszip", new BlobArgs
                StorageAccountName   = storageAccount.Name,
                StorageContainerName = container.Name,
                Type   = "Block",
                Source = new FileArchive("../Lights/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/publish")
            var lightsBlobUrl = SharedAccessSignature.SignedBlobReadUrl(lightsBlob, storageAccount);

            var cacheBlob = new Blob("cachezip", new BlobArgs
                StorageAccountName   = storageAccount.Name,
                StorageContainerName = container.Name,
                Type   = "Block",
                Source = new FileArchive("../Cache/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/publish")
            var cacheBlobUrl = SharedAccessSignature.SignedBlobReadUrl(cacheBlob, storageAccount);


            #region AppService Plan

            var planName       = $"{projectName}-{stackName}-plan";
            var appServicePlan = new Plan(planName, new PlanArgs
                Name = planName,
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                Kind = "FunctionApp",
                Sku  = new PlanSkuArgs
                    Tier = "Dynamic",
                    Size = "Y1"


            #region Lights

            var lightsName = $"{projectName}-{stackName}-func-lights";
            var lightsFunc = new FunctionApp(lightsName, new FunctionAppArgs
                Name = lightsName,
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                AppServicePlanId  = appServicePlan.Id,
                AppSettings       =
                    { "runtime",                  "dotnet"      },
                    { "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE", lightsBlobUrl }
                StorageAccountAccessKey = storageAccount.PrimaryAccessKey,
                StorageAccountName      = storageAccount.Name,
                Version = "~3"

            LightsFunc = lightsFunc.DefaultHostname;


            #region Cache

            var cacheName = $"{projectName}-{stackName}-func-cache";
            var cacheFunc = new FunctionApp(cacheName, new FunctionAppArgs
                Name = cacheName,
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                AppServicePlanId  = appServicePlan.Id,
                AppSettings       =
                    { "runtime",                  "dotnet"     },
                    { "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE", cacheBlobUrl }
                StorageAccountAccessKey = storageAccount.PrimaryAccessKey,
                StorageAccountName      = storageAccount.Name,
                Version = "~3"

            CacheFunc = cacheFunc.DefaultHostname;

Ejemplo n.º 15
 private Output <string> getEndpoint(FunctionApp app, Output <string> rootPath)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    public AzureStack()
        var config   = new Pulumi.Config();
        var deployTo = config.Require("DeployTo");

        // Create an Azure Resource Group
        var resourceGroupName = $"rg-ne-rpc-demo-{deployTo}";
        var resourceGroup     = new ResourceGroup(resourceGroupName, new ResourceGroupArgs
            Name = resourceGroupName

        // Create an Azure Storage Account
        var storageAccount = new Account($"nerpcdemo{deployTo}", new AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier            = "Standard"

        // Container for deployment artefacts
        var zipContainer = new Container("zips", new ContainerArgs
            StorageAccountName  = storageAccount.Name,
            ContainerAccessType = "private"

        var dataContainer = new Container("data", new ContainerArgs
            StorageAccountName  = storageAccount.Name,
            ContainerAccessType = "private",
            Name = "data"

        var appServicePlan = new Plan($"plan-{deployTo}", new PlanArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Kind = "FunctionApp",
            Sku  = new PlanSkuArgs
                Tier = "Dynamic",
                Size = "Y1",

        var blob = new Blob("azure-func", new BlobArgs
            StorageAccountName   = storageAccount.Name,
            StorageContainerName = zipContainer.Name,
            Type   = "Block",
            Source = new FileArchive("../azure-func/publish")

        var codeBlobUrl =
            SharedAccessSignature.SignedBlobReadUrl(blob, storageAccount);

        var app = new FunctionApp("app", new FunctionAppArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AppServicePlanId  = appServicePlan.Id,
            AppSettings       =
                { "runtime",                  "dotnet"                                                      },
                { "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE", codeBlobUrl                                                   },
                { "QuoteServerHost",          "https://vn651r8t22.execute-api.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/Prod" },
                { "DataConnectionString",     storageAccount.PrimaryBlobConnectionString                    },
                { "DataContainer",            dataContainer.Name                                            }
            StorageAccountName      = storageAccount.Name,
            StorageAccountAccessKey = storageAccount.PrimaryAccessKey,
            Version = "~3"

        this.StorageAccountName = storageAccount.Name;
        this.Endpoint           = Output.Format($"https://{app.DefaultHostname}/api/lookup");
        this.DataContainer      = dataContainer.Name;
Ejemplo n.º 17
    public FunctionsStack()
        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("functions-rg");

        var storageAccount = new Account("sa", new AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier            = "Standard"

        var appServicePlan = new Plan("functions-linux-asp", new PlanArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,

            // Run on Linux
            Kind = "Linux",

            // Premium SKU
            Sku = new PlanSkuArgs
                Tier = "PremiumV2",
                Size = "P1v2"

            // For Linux, you need to change the plan to have Reserved = true property.
            Reserved = true

        var container = new Container("zips", new ContainerArgs
            StorageAccountName  = storageAccount.Name,
            ContainerAccessType = "private"

        var blob = new Blob("zip", new BlobArgs
            StorageAccountName   = storageAccount.Name,
            StorageContainerName = container.Name,
            Type   = "Block",
            Source = new FileArchive("./functions")

        var codeBlobUrl = SharedAccessSignature.SignedBlobReadUrl(blob, storageAccount);

        // Application insights
        var insights = new Insights("functions-ai", new InsightsArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            ApplicationType   = "web"

        var app = new FunctionApp("app", new FunctionAppArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AppServicePlanId  = appServicePlan.Id,
            AppSettings       =
                { "runtime",                               "python"                                                           },
                { "FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME",              "python"                                                           },
                { "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE",              codeBlobUrl                                                        },
                { "APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING", Output.Format($"InstrumentationKey={insights.InstrumentationKey}") }
            StorageAccountName      = storageAccount.Name,
            StorageAccountAccessKey = storageAccount.PrimaryAccessKey,
            Version    = "~3",
            OsType     = "linux",
            SiteConfig = new FunctionAppSiteConfigArgs
                AlwaysOn       = true,
                LinuxFxVersion = "DOCKER|mcr.microsoft.com/azure-functions/python:2.0"

        this.Endpoint = Output.Format($"https://{app.DefaultHostname}/api/Hello?name=Pulumi");
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public Step3Start()
            const string prefix   = Common.Prefix;
            var          config   = new Config();
            var          location = config.Get("location") ?? "australiaeast";

            #region Resource Group
            var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup($"{prefix}-{Deployment.Instance.StackName}", new ResourceGroupArgs()
                Name     = $"{prefix}-{Deployment.Instance.StackName}",
                Location = location
            var name = $"{prefix}{Deployment.Instance.StackName}web";

            #region Static Website
            var staticWebsiteStorageAccount = new Pulumi.Azure.Storage.Account(
                new Pulumi.Azure.Storage.AccountArgs
                Name = name,
                ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
                EnableHttpsTrafficOnly = true,
                AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
                AccountTier            = "Standard",
                AccountKind            = "StorageV2",
                AccessTier             = "Hot"

            WebContainer =
                staticWebsiteStorageAccount.PrimaryBlobConnectionString.Apply(async v => await EnableStaticSites(v));
            StaticWebsiteConnection = staticWebsiteStorageAccount.PrimaryBlobConnectionString;

            #region Cosmos DB
            var cosmosDatabaseOutput = CosmosDatabase.Run(
                resourceGroup.Name, prefix, resourceGroup.Location);

            #region Azure Function
            #region Storage Account
            var storageAccount = new Account($"sa{prefix}{Deployment.Instance.StackName}",
                                             new AccountArgs
                Name = $"sa{prefix}{Deployment.Instance.StackName}",
                ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
                Location               = resourceGroup.Location,
                AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
                AccountTier            = "Standard"

            #region App Service Plan
            var appServicePlan = new Plan($"asp-{prefix}{Deployment.Instance.StackName}",
                                          new PlanArgs
                Name = $"asp-{prefix}{Deployment.Instance.StackName}",
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                Location          = resourceGroup.Location,
                Kind = "FunctionApp",
                Sku  = new PlanSkuArgs
                    Tier = "Dynamic",
                    Size = "Y1"

            #region Storage Container
            var container = new Container($"func-code", new ContainerArgs
                StorageAccountName  = storageAccount.Name,
                ContainerAccessType = "private",

            #region Function Zip Blob
            var functionAppFileLocation = "../TeamTimeZones/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/publish/";
            var blob = new Blob($"func", new BlobArgs
                StorageAccountName   = storageAccount.Name,
                StorageContainerName = container.Name,
                Type   = "block",
                Source = new FileArchive(functionAppFileLocation),

            #region Function App
            var codeBlobUrl = SharedAccessSignature.SignedBlobReadUrl(blob, storageAccount);
            var app         = new FunctionApp($"app-{prefix}",
                                              new FunctionAppArgs
                Name = $"app-{prefix}",
                ResourceGroupName       = resourceGroup.Name,
                Location                = resourceGroup.Location,
                AppServicePlanId        = appServicePlan.Id,
                StorageConnectionString = storageAccount.PrimaryConnectionString,
                Version     = "~3",
                AppSettings = new InputMap <string>
                    { "runtime", "dotnet" },
                    { "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE", codeBlobUrl },
                    { "db-account-endpoint", cosmosDatabaseOutput["db-account-endpoint"].Apply(x => x.ToString()) },
                    { "db-account-key", cosmosDatabaseOutput["db-account-key"].Apply(x => x.ToString()) }
                SiteConfig = new FunctionAppSiteConfigArgs
                    Cors = new FunctionAppSiteConfigCorsArgs
                        AllowedOrigins = "*"

            this.FunctionAppEndPoint = app.DefaultHostname;
Ejemplo n.º 19
    public MyStack()
        ProjectStack = $"{Deployment.Instance.ProjectName}-{Deployment.Instance.StackName}";

        StackSuffix = Regex.Replace(Deployment.Instance.StackName, "[^a-z0-9]", string.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

        var stagingModelVersion = GetModelVersionForStagingSlot();

        var productionModelVersion = GetModelVersionForProductionSlot() ?? stagingModelVersion;

        Console.WriteLine($"ML Model Version. Staging: {stagingModelVersion} Prod: {productionModelVersion}");

        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup(ProjectStack);

        var storageAccount = new Account("sa" + StackSuffix.ToLowerInvariant(), new AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier            = "Standard"

        var appServicePlan = new Plan("asp" + StackSuffix.ToLowerInvariant(), new PlanArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Kind = "FunctionApp",
            Sku  = new PlanSkuArgs
                Tier = "Dynamic",
                Size = "Y1",

        var container = new Container("cntzip" + StackSuffix.ToLowerInvariant(), new ContainerArgs
            StorageAccountName  = storageAccount.Name,
            ContainerAccessType = "private"

        var blob = new Blob("blobzip" + StackSuffix.ToLowerInvariant(), new BlobArgs
            StorageAccountName   = storageAccount.Name,
            StorageContainerName = container.Name,
            Type   = "Block",
            Source = new FileArchive("../ml/Predictor/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/publish/")

        var codeBlobUrl = SharedAccessSignature.SignedBlobReadUrl(blob, storageAccount);

        var appInsights = new Insights("fxai" + StackSuffix.ToLowerInvariant(), new InsightsArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            ApplicationType   = "web"

        var valuesMap = new InputMap <string>()
            { "runtime", "dotnet" },
            { "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE", codeBlobUrl },
            { "AzureWebJobsStorage", storageAccount.PrimaryConnectionString },
            { "ML_MODEL_URI", productionModelVersion },
            { "APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY", appInsights.InstrumentationKey }

        var app = new FunctionApp("fxapp" + StackSuffix.ToLowerInvariant(), new FunctionAppArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AppServicePlanId  = appServicePlan.Id,
            AppSettings       = valuesMap,
            SiteConfig        = new FunctionAppSiteConfigArgs
                Cors = new FunctionAppSiteConfigCorsArgs
                    AllowedOrigins = new InputList <string>
                    SupportCredentials = true
            StorageAccountName      = storageAccount.Name,
            StorageAccountAccessKey = storageAccount.PrimaryAccessKey,
            Version = "~3"

        var stagingSlot = new FunctionAppSlot("staging", new FunctionAppSlotArgs
            Name = "staging",
            ResourceGroupName       = resourceGroup.Name,
            AppServicePlanId        = appServicePlan.Id,
            StorageAccountName      = storageAccount.Name,
            StorageAccountAccessKey = storageAccount.PrimaryAccessKey,
            FunctionAppName         = app.Name,
            Version    = "~3",
            SiteConfig = new FunctionAppSlotSiteConfigArgs
                Cors = new FunctionAppSlotSiteConfigCorsArgs
                    AllowedOrigins = new InputList <string>
                    SupportCredentials = true
            AppSettings =
                { "runtime",                        "dotnet"                               },
                { "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE",       codeBlobUrl                            },
                { "AzureWebJobsStorage",            storageAccount.PrimaryConnectionString },
                { "ML_MODEL_URI",                   stagingModelVersion                    },
                { "APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY", appInsights.InstrumentationKey         }

        StorageConnectionString = Output.Format($"{storageAccount.PrimaryConnectionString}");

        StaginEndpoint = Output.Format($"https://{stagingSlot.DefaultHostname}");

        Endpoint = Output.Format($"https://{app.DefaultHostname}");

        ModelVersion = Output.Format($"{productionModelVersion}");
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public AzureApplications(Construct scope, string id) : base(scope, id)
            // Update organization name
            const string orgName = "jet";

            // define resources here
            var azureProvider = new AzurermProvider(this, "AzureRm", new AzurermProviderConfig
                Features = new[] { new AzurermProviderFeatures() }

            var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup(this, "basket", new ResourceGroupConfig
                Name     = "basket",
                Location = "canadaeast",
                Provider = azureProvider

            var appServicePlan = new AppServicePlan(this, "appServicePlan", new AppServicePlanConfig
                Name              = $"{orgName}-appServicePlan",
                Kind              = "Linux",
                Reserved          = true,
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                Location          = resourceGroup.Location,
                Sku = new IAppServicePlanSku[] { new AppServicePlanSku {
                                                     Size = "P1V2", Tier = "Premium"
                                                 } },
                DependsOn = new ITerraformDependable[] { resourceGroup }

            var appService = new AppService(this, "appService", new AppServiceConfig
                Name                  = $"{orgName}-appService",
                AppServicePlanId      = appServicePlan.Id,
                Location              = resourceGroup.Location,
                ResourceGroupName     = resourceGroup.Name,
                ClientAffinityEnabled = false,
                HttpsOnly             = true,
                DependsOn             = new ITerraformDependable[] { appServicePlan },
                AppSettings           = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Environment", "Production" },

            var appServiceSlot = new AppServiceSlot(this, "appServiceSlot", new AppServiceSlotConfig
                Name              = $"{orgName}-appServiceSlot",
                AppServicePlanId  = appServicePlan.Id,
                Location          = resourceGroup.Location,
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                AppServiceName    = appService.Name,
                HttpsOnly         = true,
                DependsOn         = new ITerraformDependable[] { appService },
                AppSettings       = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Environment", "Production" }

            var storageAccount = new StorageAccount(this, "ssd", new StorageAccountConfig
                Name                   = $"{orgName}ssd",
                Location               = resourceGroup.Location,
                ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
                AccountKind            = "StorageV2",
                AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
                AccountTier            = "Premium"

            var functionApp = new FunctionApp(this, "functionApp", new FunctionAppConfig
                Name                    = $"{orgName}-functionApp",
                AppServicePlanId        = appServicePlan.Id,
                Location                = resourceGroup.Location,
                ResourceGroupName       = resourceGroup.Name,
                Version                 = "3",
                StorageAccountName      = storageAccount.Name,
                StorageAccountAccessKey = storageAccount.PrimaryAccessKey,
                OsType                  = "linux",
                SiteConfig              = new IFunctionAppSiteConfig[]
                    new FunctionAppSiteConfig
                        AlwaysOn = true
                AppSettings = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE", "" },
                    { "FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME", "dotnet" }
                DependsOn = new ITerraformDependable[] { appServicePlan, storageAccount }

            // Grab tenant Id from azure and update tenantId for keyVault
            // $ az account list
            // Uncomment below lines

            // var keyVault = new KeyVault(this, "keyvault", new KeyVaultConfig
            // {
            //     Name = $"{orgName}-keyvault-1",
            //     Location = resourceGroup.Location,
            //     ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            //     SkuName = "standard",
            //     TenantId = "<replace_tenant_id>"
            // });

            var cosmosdbAccount = new CosmosdbAccount(this, "cosmosdb", new CosmosdbAccountConfig
                Name              = $"{orgName}-cosmosdb",
                Location          = resourceGroup.Location,
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                OfferType         = "Standard",
                Kind              = "GlobalDocumentDB",
                GeoLocation       = new ICosmosdbAccountGeoLocation[]
                    new CosmosdbAccountGeoLocation
                        Location         = resourceGroup.Location,
                        FailoverPriority = 0,
                        ZoneRedundant    = false
                ConsistencyPolicy = new ICosmosdbAccountConsistencyPolicy[]
                    new CosmosdbAccountConsistencyPolicy
                        ConsistencyLevel = "Session"

            var appServiceOutput = new TerraformOutput(this, "appweburl", new TerraformOutputConfig
                Value = $"https://{appService.Name}.azurewebsites.net"
            var functionAppOutput = new TerraformOutput(this, "fnWebUrl", new TerraformOutputConfig
                Value = $"https://{functionApp.Name}.azurewebsites.net"
            var cosmosDbOutput = new TerraformOutput(this, "cosmosDbURL", new TerraformOutputConfig
                Value = cosmosdbAccount.Endpoint
        public ArchiveFunctionApp(string name, ArchiveFunctionAppArgs args, ComponentResourceOptions?options = null)
            : base("myteam:azure:ArchiveFunctionApp", name, options)
            var opts = new CustomResourceOptions {
                Parent = this
            var prefix = args.Prefix;

            //Create storage account
            var storageAccount = new Account($"sa{prefix}{Deployment.Instance.StackName}",
                                             new AccountArgs
                Name = $"sa{prefix}{Deployment.Instance.StackName}",
                ResourceGroupName      = args.ResourceGroupName,
                Location               = args.FunctionAppLocation,
                AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
                AccountTier            = "Standard"
            }, opts);

            //Create an app server plan
            var appServicePlan = new Plan($"asp-{prefix}{Deployment.Instance.StackName}",
                                          new PlanArgs
                Name = $"asp-{prefix}{Deployment.Instance.StackName}",
                ResourceGroupName = args.ResourceGroupName,
                Location          = args.FunctionAppLocation,
                Kind = "FunctionApp",
                Sku  = new PlanSkuArgs
                    Tier = "Dynamic",
                    Size = "Y1"
            }, opts);

            var container = new Container($"func-code", new ContainerArgs
                StorageAccountName  = storageAccount.Name,
                ContainerAccessType = "private",
            }, opts);

            var blob = new Blob($"func", new BlobArgs
                StorageAccountName   = storageAccount.Name,
                StorageContainerName = container.Name,
                Type   = "Block",
                Source = new FileArchive(args.FunctionAppFileLocation),
            }, opts);

            var codeBlobUrl = SharedAccessSignature.SignedBlobReadUrl(blob, storageAccount);

            //Create Function Application
            args.AppSettings.Add("runtime", "dotnet");
            args.AppSettings.Add("WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE", codeBlobUrl);

            var app = new FunctionApp($"app-{prefix}",
                                      new FunctionAppArgs
                Name = $"app-{prefix}",
                ResourceGroupName       = args.ResourceGroupName,
                Location                = args.FunctionAppLocation,
                AppServicePlanId        = appServicePlan.Id,
                StorageAccountName      = storageAccount.Name,
                StorageAccountAccessKey = storageAccount.PrimaryAccessKey,
                Version     = "~3",
                AppSettings = args.AppSettings,
                SiteConfig  = new FunctionAppSiteConfigArgs
                    Cors = new FunctionAppSiteConfigCorsArgs
                        AllowedOrigins = "*"
            }, opts);

            this.AppId           = app.Id;
            this.DefaultHostname = app.DefaultHostname;
Ejemplo n.º 22
    public MyStack()
        // Get Pulumi Configs
        var config             = new Config();
        var appServicePlanSize = config.Get("appServicePlanSize") ?? "S1";
        var appServicePlanTier = config.Get("appServicePlanTier") ?? "Standard";
        var deploymentAgentOId = config.Get("deploymentAgentOId") ?? "11111111-1011-1111-1111-111111111111";
        var env      = config.Get("env") ?? "test";
        var location = config.Get("location") ?? "WestEurope";
        var tenantId = config.Get("tenantId") ?? "11111111-1011-1111-1111-111111111111";

        // Create an Azure Resource Group
        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup($"{ResourceGroupBaseName}-{env}", new ResourceGroupArgs {
            Location = location,
            Name     = $"{ResourceGroupBaseName}-{env}",

        // Create an Azure Storage Account
        var storageAccount = new Account($"{StorageAccountBaseName}{env}", new AccountArgs
            Name = $"{StorageAccountBaseName}{env}",
            ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier            = "Standard"

        // Create an App Service Plan
        var appServicePlan = new Plan($"{AppServicePlanBaseName}-{env}", new PlanArgs
            Location = resourceGroup.Location,
            MaximumElasticWorkerCount = 1,
            Name = $"{AppServicePlanBaseName}-{env}",
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Sku = new PlanSkuArgs
                Size = appServicePlanSize,
                Tier = appServicePlanTier

        // Get Function App Settings
        var appSettings = GetAppSettingsMap(config);

        // Create a Function App
        var functionApp = new FunctionApp($"{FunctionAppBaseName}-{env}", new FunctionAppArgs {
            Name = $"{FunctionAppBaseName}-{env}",
            StorageAccountName      = storageAccount.Name,
            AppServicePlanId        = appServicePlan.Id,
            Location                = resourceGroup.Location,
            ResourceGroupName       = resourceGroup.Name,
            StorageAccountAccessKey = storageAccount.PrimaryAccessKey,
            Identity                = new FunctionAppIdentityArgs
                Type = "SystemAssigned"
            Version     = "~3",
            AppSettings = appSettings,
            SiteConfig  = new FunctionAppSiteConfigArgs
                AlwaysOn = true,
                Use32BitWorkerProcess = false,
                WebsocketsEnabled     = false

        // Create keyvault
        var keyvault = new KeyVault($"{KeyvaultBaseName}-{env}", new KeyVaultArgs
            Location          = resourceGroup.Location,
            Name              = $"{KeyvaultBaseName}-{env}",
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            SkuName           = "standard",
            TenantId          = tenantId

        // Set Access Policies
        var functionKeyvaultAccessPolicy = new AccessPolicy($"{KeyvaultBaseName}-{env}-fn-policy", new AccessPolicyArgs
            ObjectId               = functionApp.Identity.Apply(identity => identity?.PrincipalId ?? "11111111-1011-1111-1111-111111111111"),
            KeyVaultId             = keyvault.Id,
            TenantId               = tenantId,
            KeyPermissions         = new string[] { "get", "list" },
            SecretPermissions      = new string[] { "get", "list", "set", "delete" },
            CertificatePermissions = new string[] { "get", "list" },

        var deplymentAgentKeyvaultAccessPolicy = new AccessPolicy($"{KeyvaultBaseName}-{env}-agent-policy", new AccessPolicyArgs
            ObjectId               = deploymentAgentOId,
            KeyVaultId             = keyvault.Id,
            TenantId               = tenantId,
            KeyPermissions         = new string[] { "get", "list" },
            SecretPermissions      = new string[] { "get", "list", "set", "delete" },
            CertificatePermissions = new string[] { "get", "list" },

        // Add Storage Account Secret
        var storageAccountSecret = new Secret($"{KeyvaultBaseName}-{env}-secret", new SecretArgs {
            KeyVaultId = keyvault.Id,
            Name       = "StorageAccountConnectionString",
            Value      = storageAccount.PrimaryConnectionString

        // Export the Function App Url
        this.FunctionAppUrl = functionApp.DefaultHostname.Apply(hostName => $"https://{hostName}");
Ejemplo n.º 23
    public FunctionStack()
        //Read the WebStorage Connection String from Config
        var config           = new Config();
        var azWebJobsStorage = config.Require("AzWebJobsStorage");

        // Create an Azure Resource Group
        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("pulumi-func-rg");

        // Create an Azure Storage Account
        var storageAccount = new Account("funcstorage", new AccountArgs
            ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountTier            = "Standard"

        //Create an App Service Plan
        var appServicePlan = new Plan("funcasp", new PlanArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Kind = "FunctionApp",
            Sku  = new PlanSkuArgs
                Tier = "Dynamic",
                Size = "Y1",

        //Create a Storage Container
        var container = new Container("funczips", new ContainerArgs
            StorageAccountName  = storageAccount.Name,
            ContainerAccessType = "private"

        //Create a Blog for pushing zip files
        var blob = new Blob("funczip", new BlobArgs
            StorageAccountName   = storageAccount.Name,
            StorageContainerName = container.Name,
            Type   = "Block",
            Source = new FileArchive("../bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/publish")

        var codeBlobUrl = SharedAccessSignature.SignedBlobReadUrl(blob, storageAccount);

        //Create a function app and deploy the function package
        var app = new FunctionApp("bdotnet-demo-func", new FunctionAppArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AppServicePlanId  = appServicePlan.Id,
            AppSettings       =
                { "runtime",                  "dotnet"         },
                { "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE", codeBlobUrl      },
                { "AzureWebJobsStorage",      azWebJobsStorage }
            StorageConnectionString = storageAccount.PrimaryConnectionString,
            Version = "~3"

        this.Endpoint = Output.Format($"https://{app.DefaultHostname}/api/TriggerBookVacation");
        public AzureStack() : base(new StackOptions
            ResourceTransformations = { Transformations.AddLocation, Transformations.AddTags }
            var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("rg-cloud-eng-pipelines", new ResourceGroupArgs
                Name = "rg-cloud-eng-pipelines"

            var plan = new Plan("asp-cloud-eng-trigger", new PlanArgs
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                Kind = "FunctionApp",
                Sku  = new PlanSkuArgs
                    Tier = "Dynamic",
                    Size = "Y1"

            var storageAccount = new Account("sacengpipelinetrigger", new AccountArgs
                Name = "sacengpipelinetrigger",
                ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
                AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
                AccountTier            = "Standard",
                AccountKind            = "StorageV2"

            var appInsights = new Insights("cloud-eng-pipeline-trigger", new InsightsArgs
                Name              = "cloud-eng-pipeline-trigger",
                Location          = resourceGroup.Location,
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                ApplicationType   = "web",

            var app = new FunctionApp($"cloud-eng-pipeline-trigger", new FunctionAppArgs
                Name = "cloud-eng-pipeline-trigger",
                ResourceGroupName       = resourceGroup.Name,
                AppServicePlanId        = plan.Id,
                StorageAccountName      = storageAccount.Name,
                StorageAccountAccessKey = storageAccount.PrimaryAccessKey,
                Version    = "~3",
                SiteConfig = new FunctionAppSiteConfigArgs
                    Http2Enabled = true,
                    ScmType      = "VSTSRM"
                AppSettings = new InputMap <string>
                    { "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE", "1" },
                    { "APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY", appInsights.InstrumentationKey },
                    { "APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING", appInsights.ConnectionString }

            FunctionAppName = app.Name;
            HostName        = app.DefaultHostname;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public AzureFunctionStack()
            bool newResourceGroup  = false;
            bool newappServicePlan = false;

            ResourceGroup resourceGroup;

            if (newResourceGroup)
                resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("linux-app-service");
                resourceGroup = ResourceGroup.Get("linux-app-service", "/subscriptions/ae9255af-d099-4cdc-90a7-241ccb29df68/resourceGroups/linux-app-service");

            var storageAccount = new Account("stefsapulumi", new AccountArgs
                ResourceGroupName      = resourceGroup.Name,
                AccountReplicationType = StorageAccountReplicationTypes.LocallyRedundantStorage,
                AccountTier            = StorageAccountTiers.Standard

            Plan appServicePlan;

            if (newappServicePlan)
                appServicePlan = new Plan("linux-app-service-plan", new PlanArgs
                    ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,

                    // Possible values are `Windows` (also available as `App`), `Linux`, `elastic` (for Premium Consumption) and `FunctionApp` (for a Consumption Plan).
                    Kind = AppServicePlanSkuKinds.Linux,

                    Sku = new PlanSkuArgs
                        Tier = AppServicePlanTiers.PremiumV2,
                        Size = AppServicePlanSkuSizes.PremiumV2Small

                    // For Linux, you need to change the plan to have Reserved = true property.
                    Reserved = true
                appServicePlan = Plan.Get("linux-app-service-plan", "/subscriptions/ae9255af-d099-4cdc-90a7-241ccb29df68/resourceGroups/linux-app-service/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/linux-app-service-plan");

            var container = new Container("azure-function-zips", new ContainerArgs
                StorageAccountName  = storageAccount.Name,
                ContainerAccessType = ContainerAccessTypes.Private

            string currentDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            Console.WriteLine($"currentDirectory = {currentDirectory}");

            var rootDirectory = Directory.GetParent(currentDirectory);

            Console.WriteLine($"rootDirectory = {rootDirectory}");

            string functionsAppPublishDirectory = Path.Combine(rootDirectory.FullName, "publish");

            Console.WriteLine($"functionsAppPublishDirectory = {functionsAppPublishDirectory}");

            var blob = new Blob("azure-function-zip", new BlobArgs
                StorageAccountName   = storageAccount.Name,
                StorageContainerName = container.Name,
                Type = BlobTypes.Block,

                // The published folder contains a 'zip' file
                Source = new FileArchive(functionsAppPublishDirectory)

            var codeBlobUrl = SharedAccessSignature.SignedBlobReadUrl(blob, storageAccount);

            var insights = new Insights("stef-ai-fa-l-v3p", new InsightsArgs
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                ApplicationType   = InsightsApplicationTypes.Web

            var functionApp = new FunctionApp("stef-function-app-linux-v3p", new FunctionAppArgs
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
                AppServicePlanId  = appServicePlan.Id,
                AppSettings       =
                    { "runtime",                               FunctionAppWorkerRuntimes.DotNet                                   },
                    { "DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_URL",            "https://index.docker.io"                                          },
                    { "WEBSITE_ENABLE_SYNC_UPDATE_SITE",       "true"                                                             },
                    { "WEBSITES_ENABLE_APP_SERVICE_STORAGE",   "true"                                                             },
                    { "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE",              codeBlobUrl                                                        },

                     * App Insights configuration will use the APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING app setting if it is set.
                     * APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY is the fallback and continues to work as-is.
                    { "APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING", Output.Format($"InstrumentationKey={insights.InstrumentationKey}") }

                // "storage_connection_string": [DEPRECATED] Deprecated in favor of `storage_account_name` and `storage_account_access_key`
                StorageAccountName      = storageAccount.Name,
                StorageAccountAccessKey = storageAccount.PrimaryAccessKey,

                // StorageConnectionString = storageAccount.PrimaryConnectionString,

                // Make sure a version 3 functionApp is created based on a 3.0 docker image
                Version    = FunctionAppVersions.V3,
                OsType     = FunctionAppOsTypes.Linux,
                SiteConfig = new FunctionAppSiteConfigArgs
                    LinuxFxVersion    = FunctionAppSiteConfigLinuxFxVersions.DotNetV3,
                    AlwaysOn          = false,
                    WebsocketsEnabled = false

            Endpoint = Output.Format($"https://{functionApp.DefaultHostname}/api/MyHttpTriggerFunction");