Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal static void Init()
            _FuncDelegate = Register;
            IntPtr addrToRegisterFunc = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(_FuncDelegate);

            string[] detour = new string[]

                "cmp edx, 0x004C4690",
                "jne @outRegister",

                "call " + addrToRegisterFunc,


                "push esi",
                "push edi",
                "mov edi, ecx",
                "call 0x007040D0",
                "jmp 0x00704129",
            IntPtr detourPtr = Memory.InjectAsm(detour, "RegisterFunctionDetour");

            byte[] orig = Memory.Reader.ReadBytes((IntPtr)0x00704120, 5);
            Memory.InjectAsm(0x00704120, "jmp " + detourPtr, "RegisterFunctionJmp");
        internal static void Init()
            _FuncDelegate = Unregister;
            IntPtr addrToRegisterFunc = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(_FuncDelegate);

            string[] detour = new string[]

                "push ecx",
                "call " + addrToRegisterFunc,


                "PUSH ESI",
                "PUSH EDI",
                "MOV EDI,ECX",
                "CALL 0x007040D0",

                "jmp 0x00704169",
            IntPtr detourPtr = Memory.InjectAsm(detour, "UnregisterFunctionDetour");

            byte[] orig = Memory.Reader.ReadBytes((IntPtr)0x00704160, 5);
            Memory.InjectAsm(0x00704160, "jmp " + detourPtr, "UnregisterFunctionJmp");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the image dimension, mouse delegation, and the
        /// graphical context setup of the instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="view"> HALCON window </param>
        public HWndCtrl(HWindowControlWPF view)
            viewPort     = view;
            stateView    = MODE_VIEW_NONE;
            windowWidth  = viewPort.ActualWidth;
            windowHeight = viewPort.ActualHeight;

            zoomWndFactor = (double)imageWidth / viewPort.ActualWidth;
            zoomAddOn     = Math.Pow(0.9, 5);
            zoomWndSize   = 150;

            CompRangeX = new int[] { 0, 100 };
            CompRangeY = new int[] { 0, 100 };

            prevCompX = prevCompY = 0;

            dispROI = MODE_INCLUDE_ROI;//1;

            //viewPort.HMouseUp += ViewPort_HMouseUp;
            //viewPort.HMouseDown += ViewPort_HMouseDown;
            //viewPort.HMouseMove += ViewPort_HMouseMove;
            viewPort.HMouseWheel += ViewPort_HMouseWheel;

            viewPort.SizeChanged += ViewPort_SizeChanged;

            addInfoDelegate    = new FuncDelegate(dummyV);
            NotifyIconObserver = new IconicDelegate(dummy);

            // graphical stack
            HObjList           = new ArrayList(20);
            mGC                = new GraphicsContext();
            mGC.gcNotification = new GCDelegate(exceptionGC);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the image dimension, mouse delegation, and the
        /// graphical context setup of the instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="view"> HALCON window </param>
        protected internal HWndCtrl(HWindowControl view)
            viewPort     = view;
            stateView    = MODE_VIEW_NONE;
            windowWidth  = viewPort.Size.Width;
            windowHeight = viewPort.Size.Height;

            zoomWndFactor = (double)imageWidth / viewPort.Width;
            zoomAddOn     = Math.Pow(0.9, 5);
            zoomWndSize   = 150;

            CompRangeX = new int[] { 0, 100 };
            CompRangeY = new int[] { 0, 100 };

            prevCompX = prevCompY = 0;

            dispROI = MODE_INCLUDE_ROI;//1;

            viewPort.HMouseUp    += new HalconDotNet.HMouseEventHandler(this.mouseUp);
            viewPort.HMouseDown  += new HalconDotNet.HMouseEventHandler(this.mouseDown);
            viewPort.HMouseWheel += new HalconDotNet.HMouseEventHandler(this.HMouseWheel);
            viewPort.HMouseMove  += new HalconDotNet.HMouseEventHandler(this.mouseMoved);

            addInfoDelegate    = new FuncDelegate(dummyV);
            NotifyIconObserver = new IconicDelegate(dummy);

            // graphical stack
            HObjImageList      = new ArrayList(20);
            mGC                = new GraphicsContext();
            mGC.gcNotification = new GCDelegate(exceptionGC);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        static void Task2()
            FuncDelegate[] fd = new FuncDelegate[3];

            fd[0] = new FuncDelegate(F2);
            fd[1] = EXP;
            fd[2] = LogDec;

            int func = 0;

            Console.Write("\nВыберите ф-ию (1 - полином 2-ой степени, 2 - экспонента, 3 - Log10): ");
            func = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.Write("\nВведите диапазон и шаг через пробел (min max delta): ");
            string[] data = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');

            SaveFunc("data.bin", double.Parse(data[0]),
                     double.Parse(data[2]), fd[func - 1]);
            double min;

            double[] mas = Load("data.bin", out min);
            Console.WriteLine($"Минимальное значение: {min}");
            Console.WriteLine("Рассчитанные значения: ");
            foreach (var d in mas)
Ejemplo n.º 6
        //      Newton method solver
        public static bool newton_solver(FuncDelegate func, JacobyDelegate J, decimal[] error, ref decimal[] x)
            decimal[] dx;
            decimal[] f;
            int iter_count = 0;
            bool is_solved = true;

                DMatrix A = J(x);
                f = func(x);
                decimal[] b = new decimal[x.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
                    b[i] = -f[i];

                dx = gauss_solver(A, b);

                for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
                    x[i] = x[i] + dx[i];

                f = func(x);


            } while ((is_error(f, error)) && (iter_count <= NEWTON_ITER_MAX));

            if (iter_count > NEWTON_ITER_MAX)
                is_solved = false;

            return is_solved;
Ejemplo n.º 7
            FuncDelegate objective,
            GradientDelegate gradient,
            double[] start_params = null,
            object fargs          = null,
            Dictionary <string, object> kwargs = null,
            HessianDelegate hessian            = null,
            string method    = "cg",
            int maxiter      = 100,
            bool full_output = true,
            bool disp        = true,
            alglib.ndimensional_rep callback = null,
            bool retall = true)
            // Default value is array of zeros
            if (start_params == null)
                var n = 10;
                start_params = new double[n];
            Dictionary <string, FitDelegate>
            fit_funcs = new Dictionary <string, FitDelegate>
                { "bc", _fit_bc },
                { "bleic", _fit_bleic },
                { "cg", _fit_cg },
                { "comp", _fit_comp },
                { "lbfgs", _fit_lbfgs },
                { "lm", _fit_lm },
                { "nlc", _fit_nlc },
                { "ns", _fit_ns },
                { "qp", _fit_qp }

            string[]      _methods = { "bc", "bleic", "cg", "comp", "lbfgs", "lm", "nlc", "ns", "qp" };
            List <string> methods  = new List <string>(_methods);

            _check_method(method, methods);

            var func    = fit_funcs[method];
            var _output = func(objective, gradient, start_params, fargs, kwargs, disp, maxiter, callback, retall, full_output, hessian);
            var xopt    = _output.Item1;
            var retvals = _output.Item2;
            Dictionary <string, object>
            optim_settings = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "optimizer", method },
                { "start_params", start_params },
                { "maxiter", maxiter },
                { "full_output", full_output },
                { "disp", disp },
                { "fargs", fargs },
                { "callback", callback },
                { "retall", retall }

            optim_settings = (Dictionary <string, object>)optim_settings.Concat(kwargs);
            return(Tuple.Create(xopt, retvals, optim_settings));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 internal static void SetUtcNowProvider(FuncDelegate <DateTime> utcNowProvider)
     if (utcNowProvider == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("utcNowProvider");
     SetUtcNowProvider(utcNowProvider, true);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the image dimension, mouse delegation, and the
        /// graphical context setup of the instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="view"> HALCON window </param>
        public HWndCtrl(HWindowControl view)
            viewPort     = view;
            stateView    = MODE_VIEW_NONE;
            windowWidth  = viewPort.Size.Width;
            windowHeight = viewPort.Size.Height;

            // initialize the image part to window size
            resetImagePart(widthImagePart, heightImagePart);

            if (widthImagePart > 0)
                zoomWndFactor = (double)widthImagePart / viewPort.Width;
                zoomWndFactor = 1;

            zoomAddOn   = Math.Pow(0.9, 5);
            zoomWndSize = 150;

            /*Set the boundaries and steps for changes for the GUI elements*/
            CompRangeX = new int[] { 0, 100 };
            CompRangeY = new int[] { 0, 100 };

            prevCompX = prevCompY = 0;
            initValX  = initValY = 0;

            /* Initialize the values for value range, step for
             * some GUI elements */
            setGUICompRangeX(CompRangeX, prevCompX);
            setGUICompRangeY(CompRangeY, prevCompY);

            //displayMode = MODE_VIEW_NONE;

            dispROI = MODE_INCLUDE_ROI;//1;

            viewPort.HMouseUp    += new HalconDotNet.HMouseEventHandler(this.mouseUp);
            viewPort.HMouseDown  += new HalconDotNet.HMouseEventHandler(this.mouseDown);
            viewPort.HMouseMove  += new HalconDotNet.HMouseEventHandler(this.mouseMoved);
            viewPort.HMouseWheel += new HalconDotNet.HMouseEventHandler(this.mouseWheel);

            addInfoDelegate    = new FuncDelegate(dummyV);
            NotifyIconObserver = new IconicDelegate(dummy);

            // graphical stack
            HObjList           = new ArrayList(20);
            mGC                = new GraphicsContext();
            mGC.gcNotification = new GCDelegate(exceptionGC);

            // set the variable bufferWindow to null for repaint-Method
            bufferWindow = null;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        static void Main(string[] args)
            FuncDelegate func      = new FuncDelegate();
            GetNumber    getNumber = new GetNumber();

            Console.WriteLine(getNumber.ReturnString(func.Multiplied, 4, 5));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public NumericIntegrator(int funcNumber, double a, double b, double precision, FuncDelegate func)
            this.FuncNumber = funcNumber;
            this.A          = a;
            this.B          = b;
            this.Accuracy   = precision;

            _func = func;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public HookHelper(Key[] keys, FuncDelegate externFunc)
            ExternFunc = externFunc;
            var th = new Thread(() => { StartMonitor(_monitorStatus); });

Ejemplo n.º 13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Disk disk = new Disk();

            FuncDelegate cleanfunc = disk.Clean;

            disk.Clean(null);   //clean 메서드를 호출
            cleanfunc(null);    //델리게이트 인스턴스를 통해 clean 메서드를 호출
Ejemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Wrapping function and gradient delegates into alglib version of gradient delegate
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="objective"></param>
 /// <param name="gradient"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static alglib.ndimensional_grad _get_alglib_grad(
     FuncDelegate objective,
     GradientDelegate gradient)
     return((double[] arg, ref double func, double[] grad, object obj) =>
         func = objective(arg);
         grad = gradient(arg);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Disk disk = new Disk();

            FuncDelegate cleanFunc = new FuncDelegate(disk.Clean);
            FuncDelegate workFunc  = disk.Clean;

Ejemplo n.º 16
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Disk disk = new Disk();

            FuncDelegate cleanFunc = new FuncDelegate(disk.Clean);
            FuncDelegate workFunc  = disk.Clean;

            disk.Clean(null); //clean 메서드를 직접 호출
            cleanFunc(null);  // 델리게이트 인ㄴ스턴스를 통해 Clean 메서드를 호출
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public static double MidRectIntegral(double a, double b, int n, FuncDelegate f)
            double result = 0, h = (b - a) / n;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                result += f(a + (i + 0.5) * h);
            return(result * h);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public static double SimpsonIntegral(double a, double b, int n, FuncDelegate f)
            double sum = 0;
            double h   = (b - a) / n;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                sum += (f(a + h * i) + 4 * f(a + h * (i + 0.5)) + f(a + h * (i + 1)) * h / 3);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public static double QuadCentral(double a, double b, double n, FuncDelegate func)
     Console.WriteLine("Метод центральних прямокутникiв");
     double h = (b - a) / n;
     double q = 0;
     for (double x = a; x < b; x += h)
         q += func(x + h / 2);
     return q * h;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public static double TrapIntegral(double a, double b, int n, FuncDelegate f)
            double sum = 0.0;
            double h   = (b - a) / n;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                sum += 0.5 * h * (f(a + i * h) + f(a + (i + 1) * h));
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public static double QuadCentral(double a, double b, double n, FuncDelegate func)
            double h = (b - a) / n;
            double q = 0;

            for (double x = a; x < b; x += h)
                q += func(x + h / 2);
            return(q * h);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 private UnloadWorldHook()
     Console.WriteLine("UnloadWorldHook loaded");
     _unloadWorldDelegate =
         Memory.Reader.RegisterDelegate <FuncDelegate>((IntPtr)0x490CE0);
     _unloadWorldHook =
             new FuncDelegate(Unregister),
Ejemplo n.º 23
        static void Test()
            Console.WriteLine("Enter a?b  ?(+-*/) ");
            string expression = Console.ReadLine(); ///20+30
            char   sign       = ' ';

                if (expression.Contains('+'))
                    sign = '+';
                if (expression.Contains('-'))
                    sign = '-';
                if (expression.Contains('*'))
                    sign = '*';
                if (expression.Contains('/'))
                    sign = '/';

                string[] numbers = expression.Split(sign);
                double   a       = double.Parse(numbers[0]);
                double   b       = double.Parse(numbers[1]);

                Matem        matem = new Matem();
                FuncDelegate func  = null;
                double       res   = 0;
                switch (sign)
                case '+': func = matem.Sum; break;

                case '-': func = new FuncDelegate(matem.Sub); break;

                case '*': func = Matem.Mult; break;

                case '/': func = Matem.Div; break;

                    throw new Exception("no sign");
                //    Console.WriteLine($"{a}{sign}{b}={func?.Invoke(a,b)}");
                Console.WriteLine($"{a}{sign}{b}={func(a, b)}");
            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public static void ThrowsException <T>(FuncDelegate func) where T : System.Exception
     catch (T)
     Assert.IsTrue(false, "Expected exception to be thrown");
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public static double RightRectIntegral(double a, double b, int n, FuncDelegate f)
            double h   = (b - a) / n;
            double sum = 0d;

            for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                double x = a + i * h;
                sum += f(x);
            return(h * sum);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public static double QuadCentral(double a, double b, double n, FuncDelegate func)
            Console.WriteLine("Метод трапеції");
            double h = (b - a) / n;
            double q = 0;

            for (double x = a; x < b; x += h)
                q += func(x + h / 2);
            return(q * h);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public static void SaveFunc(string fileName, double a, double b, double h, FuncDelegate f)
            FileStream   fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
            BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs);
            double       x  = a;

            while (x <= b)
                x += h;// x=x+h;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // No delegate
            GetNumber getNumber = new GetNumber(new CaculatePlus(6, 3));


            var func = new FuncDelegate();
            var getNumberDelegate = new GetNumberByDelegate();

            Console.WriteLine(getNumberDelegate.ReturnString(func.Plus, 5, 3));

Ejemplo n.º 29
     FuncDelegate objective,
     GradientDelegate gradient,
     double[] start_params,
     object fargs,
     Dictionary <string, object> kwargs,
     bool disp,
     int maxiter,
     alglib.ndimensional_rep callback,
     bool retall,
     bool full_output,
     HessianDelegate hessian)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public static double QuadRight(double a, double b, double n, FuncDelegate func)
     Console.WriteLine("Метод правих прямокутникiв");
     double h = (b - a) / n;
     double y1;
     double x1;
     double Intgrl = 0;
     for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
         x1 = a + i * h;
         y1 = func(x1);
         Intgrl += y1 * h;
     return Intgrl;
Ejemplo n.º 31
        public static double QuadLeft(double a, double b, double n, FuncDelegate func)
            Console.WriteLine("---------------------Метод лівих прямокутників------------------");
            double h = (b - a) / n;
            double y1;
            double x1;
            double Intgrl = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                x1      = a + i * h;
                y1      = func(x1);
                Intgrl += y1 * h;
Ejemplo n.º 32
 public IList BuildAll(FuncDelegate<object,Crossbow> convert)
     return BuildAll().Convert(convert);
Ejemplo n.º 33
        /// <summary>
        /// 自定义处理函数注册
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strPath"></param>
        /// <param name="func"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool RegisterFunction(string strPath, FuncDelegate func)
            lock (servletDicLock)
                if (pathToServletDic.ContainsKey(strPath))
                    return false;

                if (pathToFuncDic.ContainsKey(strPath))
                    return false;

                pathToFuncDic.Add(strPath, func);

                return true;
Ejemplo n.º 34
        /// <summary> 
        /// Initializes the image dimension, mouse delegation, and the 
        /// graphical context setup of the instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="view"> HALCON window </param>
        public HWndCtrl(HWindowControl view)
            viewPort = view;
              stateView = MODE_VIEW_NONE;
              windowWidth = viewPort.Size.Width;
              windowHeight = viewPort.Size.Height;

              // initialize the image part to window size
              resetImagePart(widthImagePart, heightImagePart);

              if (widthImagePart > 0)
            zoomWndFactor = (double)widthImagePart / viewPort.Width;
            zoomWndFactor = 1;

              zoomAddOn = Math.Pow(0.9, 5);
              zoomWndSize = 150;

              /*Set the boundaries and steps for changes for the GUI elements*/
              CompRangeX = new int[] { 0, 100 };
              CompRangeY = new int[] { 0, 100 };

              prevCompX = prevCompY = 0;
              initValX  = initValY  = 0;

              /* Initialize the values for value range, step for
               * some GUI elements */
              setGUICompRangeX(CompRangeX, prevCompX);
              setGUICompRangeY(CompRangeY, prevCompY);

              //displayMode = MODE_VIEW_NONE;

              dispROI = MODE_INCLUDE_ROI;//1;

              viewPort.HMouseUp += new HalconDotNet.HMouseEventHandler(this.mouseUp);
              viewPort.HMouseDown += new HalconDotNet.HMouseEventHandler(this.mouseDown);
              viewPort.HMouseMove += new HalconDotNet.HMouseEventHandler(this.mouseMoved);
              viewPort.HMouseWheel += new HalconDotNet.HMouseEventHandler(this.mouseWheel);

              addInfoDelegate = new FuncDelegate(dummyV);
              NotifyIconObserver = new IconicDelegate(dummy);

              // graphical stack
              HObjList = new ArrayList(20);
              mGC = new GraphicsContext();
              mGC.gcNotification = new GCDelegate(exceptionGC);

              // set the variable bufferWindow to null for repaint-Method
              bufferWindow = null;
Ejemplo n.º 35
 public static void Run(FuncDelegate target)
Ejemplo n.º 36
        /// <summary> 
        /// Initializes the image dimension, mouse delegation, and the 
        /// graphical context setup of the instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="view"> HALCON window </param>
        public HWndCtrl(HWindowControl view)
            _viewPort = view;
            _stateView = MODE_VIEW_NONE;
            windowWidth = _viewPort.Size.Width;
            windowHeight = _viewPort.Size.Height;

            zoomWndFactor = (double)imageWidth / _viewPort.Width;
            zoomAddOn = Math.Pow(0.9, 5);
            zoomWndSize = 150;

            CompRangeX = new int[] { 0, 100 };
            CompRangeY = new int[] { 0, 100 };

            prevCompX = prevCompY = 0;

            _dispROI = MODE_INCLUDE_ROI;//1;

            _viewPort.HMouseUp += new HalconDotNet.HMouseEventHandler(this.mouseUp);
            _viewPort.HMouseDown += new HalconDotNet.HMouseEventHandler(this.mouseDown);
            _viewPort.HMouseMove += new HalconDotNet.HMouseEventHandler(this.mouseMoved);

            addInfoDelegate = new FuncDelegate(dummyV);
            NotifyIconObserver = new IconicDelegate(dummy);

            // graphical stack
            HObjList = new ArrayList(20);
            mGC = new GraphicsContext();
            mGC.gcNotification = new GCDelegate(exceptionGC);