Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursive method that builds subgroupings for the specified group.
        /// It also attaches any questions pertinent to this group.
        /// </summary>
        private void BuildSubGroupings(MaturityGrouping g, int?parentID,
                                       List <MATURITY_GROUPINGS> allGroupings,
                                       List <MATURITY_QUESTIONS> questions,
                                       List <FullAnswer> answers)
            var mySubgroups = allGroupings.Where(x => x.Parent_Id == parentID).OrderBy(x => x.Sequence).ToList();

            if (mySubgroups.Count == 0)

            foreach (var sg in mySubgroups)
                var newGrouping = new MaturityGrouping()
                    GroupingID   = sg.Grouping_Id,
                    GroupingType = sg.Type.Grouping_Type_Name,
                    Title        = sg.Title,
                    Description  = sg.Description,
                    Abbreviation = sg.Abbreviation


                // are there any questions that belong to this grouping?
                var myQuestions = questions.Where(x => x.Grouping_Id == newGrouping.GroupingID).ToList();

                var parentQuestionIDs = myQuestions.Select(x => x.Parent_Question_Id).Distinct().ToList();

                foreach (var myQ in myQuestions)
                    FullAnswer answer = answers.Where(x => x.a.Question_Or_Requirement_Id == myQ.Mat_Question_Id).FirstOrDefault();

                    var qa = new QuestionAnswer()
                        DisplayNumber     = myQ.Question_Title,
                        QuestionId        = myQ.Mat_Question_Id,
                        ParentQuestionId  = myQ.Parent_Question_Id,
                        Sequence          = myQ.Sequence,
                        QuestionType      = "Maturity",
                        QuestionText      = myQ.Question_Text.Replace("\r\n", "<br/>").Replace("\n", "<br/>").Replace("\r", "<br/>"),
                        Answer            = answer?.a.Answer_Text,
                        AltAnswerText     = answer?.a.Alternate_Justification,
                        Comment           = answer?.a.Comment,
                        Feedback          = answer?.a.Feedback,
                        MarkForReview     = answer?.a.Mark_For_Review ?? false,
                        Reviewed          = answer?.a.Reviewed ?? false,
                        Is_Maturity       = true,
                        MaturityLevel     = myQ.Maturity_LevelNavigation.Level,
                        MaturityLevelName = myQ.Maturity_LevelNavigation.Level_Name,
                        IsParentQuestion  = parentQuestionIDs.Contains(myQ.Mat_Question_Id),
                        SetName           = string.Empty

                    if (answer != null)
                        TinyMapper.Bind <VIEW_QUESTIONS_STATUS, QuestionAnswer>();
                        TinyMapper.Map(answer.b, qa);


                newGrouping.Questions.Sort((a, b) => a.Sequence.CompareTo(b.Sequence));

                // Recurse down to build subgroupings
                BuildSubGroupings(newGrouping, newGrouping.GroupingID, allGroupings, questions, answers);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assessmentId"></param>
        public object GetMaturityQuestions(int assessmentId)
            // Populate response
            var response = new QuestionResponse
                Domains = new List <Domain>()

            using (var db = new CSET_Context())
                var myModel = db.AVAILABLE_MATURITY_MODELS
                              .Include(x => x.model_)
                              .Where(x => x.Assessment_Id == assessmentId).FirstOrDefault();

                if (myModel == null)

                // see if any answer options should not be in the list
                var suppressedAnswerOptions = myModel.model_.Answer_Options_Suppressed;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(suppressedAnswerOptions))
                    var a = suppressedAnswerOptions.Split(',');
                    foreach (string suppress in a)

                // The maturity target level is stored similar to a SAL level
                int targetLevel = 0;
                var myLevel     = db.ASSESSMENT_SELECTED_LEVELS.Where(x => x.Assessment_Id == assessmentId && x.Level_Name == "Maturity_Level").FirstOrDefault();
                if (myLevel != null)
                    targetLevel = int.Parse(myLevel.Standard_Specific_Sal_Level);

                // get the level display names
                // (for now assume that the assessment uses a single model)
                var levelNames = new List <MaturityLevel>();
                foreach (var l in db.MATURITY_LEVELS.Where(x => x.Maturity_Model_Id == myModel.model_id)
                         .OrderBy(y => y.Level).ToList())
                    levelNames.Add(new MaturityLevel()
                        Level      = l.Level,
                        Label      = l.Level_Name,
                        Applicable = l.Level <= targetLevel

                // Get all maturity questions for the model regardless of level
                // The user can choose to see questions above the target level via filtering.
                var questions = db.MATURITY_QUESTIONS.Where(q =>
                                                            myModel.model_id == q.Maturity_Model_Id).ToList();

                // Get all MATURITY answers for the assessment
                var answers = from a in db.ANSWER.Where(x => x.Assessment_Id == assessmentId && x.Is_Maturity)
                              from b in db.VIEW_QUESTIONS_STATUS.Where(x => x.Answer_Id == a.Answer_Id).DefaultIfEmpty()
                              select new FullAnswer()
                    a = a, b = b

                // CMMC has 17 domains, which correspond to Categories in the
                // MATURITY_QUESTIONS table.
                // TODO:  Eventually they should probably be defined in a new generic
                // MATURITY_DOMAINS table.
                var domains = questions.Select(x => x.Category).Distinct().ToList();

                // build a container for each domain
                foreach (var d in domains)
                    response.Domains.Add(new Domain()
                        DisplayText = d,
                        DomainText  = d,
                        Levels      = levelNames

                foreach (var dbR in questions)
                    // Make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces - it will affect the tree structure that is built
                    dbR.Category     = dbR.Category ?? dbR.Category.Trim();
                    dbR.Sub_Category = dbR.Sub_Category ?? dbR.Sub_Category.Trim();

                    // If the Standard_Sub_Category is null (like CSC_V6), default it to the Standard_Category
                    if (dbR.Sub_Category == null)
                        dbR.Sub_Category = dbR.Category;

                    var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response);

                    // drop into the domain
                    var targetDomain = response.Domains.Where(cc => cc.DomainText == dbR.Category).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (targetDomain != null)
                        // find or create a Category
                        var targetCat = targetDomain.Categories.Where(c => c.GroupHeadingText == dbR.Category).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (targetCat == null)
                            targetCat = new QuestionGroup()
                                GroupHeadingText = dbR.Category

                        // find or create a Subcategory
                        var targetSubcat = targetCat.SubCategories.Where(sc => sc.SubCategoryHeadingText == dbR.Sub_Category).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (targetSubcat == null)
                            targetSubcat = new QuestionSubCategory()
                                SubCategoryId          = 0,
                                SubCategoryHeadingText = dbR.Sub_Category,
                                // GroupHeadingId = g.GroupHeadingId


                        FullAnswer answer = answers.Where(x => x.a.Question_Or_Requirement_Id == dbR.Mat_Question_Id).FirstOrDefault();

                        var qa = new QuestionAnswer()
                            DisplayNumber  = dbR.Question_Title,
                            QuestionId     = dbR.Mat_Question_Id,
                            QuestionText   = dbR.Question_Text.Replace("\r\n", "<br/>").Replace("\n", "<br/>").Replace("\r", "<br/>"),
                            Answer         = answer?.a.Answer_Text,
                            AltAnswerText  = answer?.a.Alternate_Justification,
                            Comment        = answer?.a.Comment,
                            Feedback       = answer?.a.Feedback,
                            MarkForReview  = answer?.a.Mark_For_Review ?? false,
                            Reviewed       = answer?.a.Reviewed ?? false,
                            MaturityLevel  = dbR.Maturity_Level,
                            SetName        = string.Empty,
                            Is_Maturity    = answer?.a.Is_Maturity ?? true,
                            Is_Component   = answer?.a.Is_Component ?? false,
                            Is_Requirement = answer?.a.Is_Requirement ?? false
                        if (answer != null)
                            TinyMapper.Bind <VIEW_QUESTIONS_STATUS, QuestionAnswer>();
                            TinyMapper.Map(answer.b, qa);

                        qa.ParmSubs = null;

