Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static double DistanceLimitedAltitude(this FuelDataItem item,
                                                     double distance, double grossWt)
            var c = item.ClimbGradient(grossWt);
            var d = item.DescentGradient(grossWt);

            return(distance * NmFtRatio * c * d / (c + d));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static double EstimatedCrzAlt(this FuelDataItem item,
                                             double distance, double landingWt)
            var grossWt = item.EstimatedAvgWt(distance, landingWt);
            var lim     = item.DistanceLimitedAltitude(distance, grossWt);
            var opt     = item.OptCruiseAlt(grossWt);

            return(Math.Min(lim, opt));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public ClimbNodesCreator(
     AirportManager airportList,
     Route route,
     FuelDataItem fuelData,
     IReadOnlyList <IPlanNode> initPlan)
     this.airportList = airportList;
     this.route       = route;
     this.fuelData    = fuelData;
     this.initPlan    = initPlan;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Get AvgWindCalculator to approximate the wind.
        /// Returns null if user disabled wind optimization.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidUserInputException"></exception>
        public static AvgWindCalculator GetWindCalculator(
            AppOptions appSettings,
            Locator <IWxTableCollection> windTableLocator,
            AirportManager airportList,
            FuelDataItem fuelData,
            double zfwTon,
            string orig,
            string dest)
            if (!appSettings.EnableWindOptimizedRoute)

            if (windTableLocator.Instance is DefaultWxTableCollection)
                throw new InvalidUserInputException(
                          "Wind data has not been downloaded or loaded from file.\n" +
                          "If you do not want to use wind-optimized route, it can be disabled " +
                          "from Options > Route.");

            if (fuelData == null)
                throw new InvalidUserInputException("No aircraft is selected.");

            var origin = airportList[orig.Trim().ToUpper()];

            if (orig == null)
                throw new InvalidUserInputException("Cannot find origin airport.");

            var destination = airportList[dest.ToUpper()];

            if (dest == null)
                throw new InvalidUserInputException("Cannot find destination airport.");

            var dis = origin.Distance(destination);
            var alt = fuelData.EstimatedCrzAlt(dis, zfwTon);
            var tas = Ktas(fuelData.CruiseKias(zfwTon), alt);

            return(new AvgWindCalculator(windTableLocator.Instance, tas, alt));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static double EstimatedAvgWt(this FuelDataItem item,
                                            double distance, double landingWt)
            double    grossWt   = landingWt;
            const int iteration = 2;

            for (int i = 0; i < iteration; i++)
                var alt  = item.OptCruiseAlt(grossWt);
                var ktas = Ktas(item.CruiseKias(grossWt), alt);
                var time = distance / ktas * 60.0;
                var ff   = item.CruiseFuelFlow(grossWt);
                grossWt = landingWt + ff * time / 2.0;

Ejemplo n.º 6
 public InitialPlanCreator(
     AirportManager airportList,
     ICrzAltProvider altProvider,
     IWxTableCollection windTable,
     Route route,
     FuelDataItem fuelData,
     double zfw,
     double landingFuel,
     double maxAlt)
     this.airportList = airportList;
     this.altProvider = altProvider;
     this.windTable   = windTable;
     this.route       = route;
     this.fuelData    = fuelData;
     this.zfw         = zfw;
     this.landingFuel = landingFuel;
     this.maxAlt      = maxAlt;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// The argument 'plan' should be the return value of FuelCalculator.Create()
        /// method. Note that the fuel consumption depends on the weight of the aircraft,
        /// which depends on the vertical profile of the flight plan. Because of this,
        /// when FuelCalculator creates the DetailedPlan, the fuel values for
        /// nodes in climb segment are estimations.
        /// Use this method to compute the exact fuel amounts for each node.
        /// </summary>
        public static DetailedPlan ApplyCorrection(this DetailedPlan plan, FuelDataItem item)
            if (item.FuelTable == null)
            var nodes       = plan.AllNodes;
            var airDis      = nodes.AirDistance();
            var exactFuel   = item.FuelTable.FuelRequired(airDis, nodes.Last().GrossWt);
            var landingFuel = nodes.Last().FuelOnBoard;
            var factor      = exactFuel / (nodes[0].FuelOnBoard - landingFuel);
            var zfw         = nodes[0].GrossWt - nodes[0].FuelOnBoard;

            return(new DetailedPlan(nodes.Select(n =>
                var newFuel = (n.FuelOnBoard - landingFuel) * factor + landingFuel;
                return GetNode(n, newFuel, newFuel + zfw);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public FuelParameters(
     double Zfw,
     double ContPercent,
     double HoldingTime,
     double ExtraFuel,
     double ApuTime,
     double TaxiTime,
     double FinalRsvTime,
     double FuelBias,
     FuelDataItem FuelData)
     this.Zfw          = Zfw;
     this.ContPercent  = ContPercent;
     this.HoldingTime  = HoldingTime;
     this.ExtraFuel    = ExtraFuel;
     this.ApuTime      = ApuTime;
     this.TaxiTime     = TaxiTime;
     this.FinalRsvTime = FinalRsvTime;
     this.FuelData     = FuelData.WithBias(FuelBias);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"></exception>
        public FuelCalculator(
            AirportManager airportList,
            ICrzAltProvider altProvider,
            IWxTableCollection windTable,
            Route route,
            FuelDataItem fuelData,
            double zfw,
            double landingFuel,
            double maxAlt)
            if (route.Count < 2)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            this.airportList = airportList;
            this.altProvider = altProvider;
            this.windTable   = windTable;
            this.route       = route;
            this.fuelData    = fuelData;
            this.zfw         = zfw;
            this.landingFuel = landingFuel;
            this.maxAlt      = maxAlt;