private int recordMedianFingerCount(Stopwatch timer, double duration, double overallDuration, uint targetId, CancellationToken ct) { var leftHand = Options.SelectedJoints[0].Main == FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.LEFT_HAND; var recordedFingerCounts = new List <int>(); do { if (ct.IsCancellationRequested) { setDescription("Cancelled!"); return(-1); } if (UseHand) { recordedFingerCounts.Add(Fubi.getHandFingerCount(targetId)); } else { recordedFingerCounts.Add(Fubi.getFingerCount(targetId, leftHand, false)); } decrementDuration(overallDuration, timer); // With 10 ms sleep we should still catch all different values, but we don't get too many Thread.Sleep(10); } while (timer.Elapsed < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(duration)); recordedFingerCounts.Sort(); return(recordedFingerCounts[recordedFingerCounts.Count / 2]); }
public void refreshGestureLists() { foreach (var dt in m_basicRecognizersTable) { // Remove rows if too many while (dt.Rows.Count > Fubi.getNumUserDefinedRecognizers()) { dt.Rows.RemoveAt(dt.Rows.Count - 1); } // Update/Add rows for (uint p = 0; p < Fubi.getNumUserDefinedRecognizers(); p++) { string recName = Fubi.getUserDefinedRecognizerName(p); if (p >= dt.Rows.Count) { // New entry dt.Rows.Add(recName, false); } else if (dt.Rows[(int)p]["Name"] as string != recName) { // Replace entry with changed name dt.Rows[(int)p]["Name"] = recName; dt.Rows[(int)p]["IsChecked"] = false; } } } }
// Check what gestures the user is performing during the given time and take the one kept for the longest duration List <string> recordLongestGestures(Stopwatch timer, TimeSpan duration, CancellationToken ct) { var longestGestures = new List <string>(); var recordedGestureDurations = new Dictionary <uint, double>(); var id = getTargetID(); double lastTime = 0; do { if (ct.IsCancellationRequested) { setDescription("Cancelled!"); return(longestGestures); } var currentTime = timer.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0; var timeStep = currentTime - lastTime; lastTime = currentTime; setTimer(Math.Round(currentTime, 1)); for (uint p = 0; p < Fubi.getNumUserDefinedRecognizers(); p++) { FubiUtils.RecognitionResult res; lock (MainWindow.LockFubiUpdate) { res = recognizeGesture(Fubi.getUserDefinedRecognizerName(p), id); } if (res == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED) { if (recordedGestureDurations.ContainsKey(p)) { recordedGestureDurations[p] += timeStep; } else { recordedGestureDurations.Add(p, timeStep); } setGestureLabel(Fubi.getUserDefinedRecognizerName(p)); } } Thread.Sleep(10); } while (timer.Elapsed < duration); if (recordedGestureDurations.Count != 0) { // Find gestures that were recognized for at least half the duration var halfDuration = duration.TotalSeconds / 2.0; longestGestures.AddRange(from gesture in recordedGestureDurations where gesture.Value > halfDuration select Fubi.getUserDefinedRecognizerName(gesture.Key)); if (longestGestures.Count == 0) { // Add at least the gesture id with the longest duration in the dictionary var gestureId = recordedGestureDurations.Aggregate((l, r) => l.Value > r.Value ? l : r).Key; longestGestures.Add(Fubi.getUserDefinedRecognizerName(gestureId)); } } return(longestGestures); }
public void applyBinding(string gesture, bool down) { var b = getBinding(gesture); if (b != null && b.KeyMouseEvent != null && b.KeyMouseEvent != "") { var key = b.KeyMouseEvent; var mod = ""; if (b.KeyMouseEvent.Contains("+")) { var tokens = key.Split('+'); if (tokens.Length > 1) { key = tokens[1]; mod = tokens[0]; } else if (tokens.Length > 0) { key = tokens[0]; } } // First handle modifiers if (mod.Length > 0) { MouseKeyboardSimulator.sendKeyEvent("Left" + mod, down); } // Handle mouse buttons if (key == "LMB") { if (down || Fubi.getCurrentTime() - m_lastMouseClick > 1) { MouseKeyboardSimulator.sendMouseButton(MouseKeyboardSimulator.MouseButtonType.LEFT, down); if (!down) { m_lastMouseClick = Fubi.getCurrentTime(); } } } else if (key == "RMB") { MouseKeyboardSimulator.sendMouseButton(MouseKeyboardSimulator.MouseButtonType.RIGHT, down); } else if (key == "MMB") { MouseKeyboardSimulator.sendMouseButton(MouseKeyboardSimulator.MouseButtonType.MIDDLE, down); } else if (key == "X1MB" || key == "X2MB") { MouseKeyboardSimulator.sendMouseButton(MouseKeyboardSimulator.MouseButtonType.X, down); } // Handle keys else if (key.Length > 0) { MouseKeyboardSimulator.sendKeyEvent(key, down); } } }
private uint getPlaybackOrClosestHandID() { if (Fubi.isPlayingSkeletonData()) { return(FubiUtils.PlaybackHandID); } return(Fubi.getClosestHandID()); }
// Called on deactivation void OnDestroy() { if (this == instance) { Fubi.release(); Debug.Log("Fubi released!"); } }
void UpdateDepthImageTexture() { depthImageUpdateCompleted = false; // Get debug image Fubi.getImage(m_rawImage, FubiUtils.ImageType.Depth, FubiUtils.ImageNumChannels.C4, FubiUtils.ImageDepth.D8); UpdateDepthMapTexture(); depthImageUpdateCompleted = true; }
// AA: Removing this function disables click functionality so have not commented it out static public bool FubiGesture(Rect r, string name, GUIStyle style) { GUI.depth = -2; instance.m_gesturesDisplayed = true; if (instance.m_gestureSymbolDict.ContainsKey(name)) { MultiTexture2D animation = instance.m_gestureSymbolDict[name]; int index = (int)(Time.realtimeSinceStartup * animation.animationFps) % animation.Length; GUI.DrawTexture(r, animation[index], ScaleMode.ScaleToFit); if (GUI.Button(r, "", style)) { return(true); } if (instance.m_disableCursorWithGestures && instance.m_gesturesDisplayedLastFrame && rectContainsCursor(r) && clickRecognized()) { return(true); } } if (Fubi.getCurrentTime() - instance.m_lastGesture > 0.8f) { uint userID = instance.m_currentUser; if (userID > 0) { FubiTrackingData[] userStates; if (Fubi.getCombinationRecognitionProgressOn(name, userID, out userStates, false) == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED && userStates.Length > 0) { double time = userStates[userStates.Length - 1].timeStamp; // Check if gesture did not happen longer ago then 1 second if (Fubi.getCurrentTime() - time < 1.0f) { instance.m_lastGesture = time; // Reset all recognizers Fubi.enableCombinationRecognition(FubiPredefinedGestures.Combinations.NUM_COMBINATIONS, userID, false); return(true); } } // Unsuccesfull recognition so start the recognizer for the next recognition Fubi.enableCombinationRecognition(name, userID, true); if (Fubi.recognizeGestureOn(name, userID) == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED) { instance.m_lastGesture = Fubi.getCurrentTime(); // Reset all recognizers Fubi.enableCombinationRecognition(FubiPredefinedGestures.Combinations.NUM_COMBINATIONS, userID, false); return(true); } } } return(false); }
//AA: We don't need the FubiSwipeMenu. Removed 'FubiSwipeMenu(Vector2 center, float radius, string[] options, GUIStyle optionStyle, GUIStyle centerStyle)' // static public string FubiSwipeMenu(Vector2 center, float radius, string[] options, GUIStyle optionStyle, GUIStyle centerStyle) // { // if (instance) // return instance.DisplayFubiSwipeMenu(center, radius, options, optionStyle, centerStyle); // return ""; // } // static public bool FubiCroppedUserImage(int x, int y, bool forceReload = false) // { // if (instance) // return instance.DisplayFubiCroppedUserImage(x, y, forceReload); // return false; // } // AA: The 'DisplayFubiCroppedUserImage' function could be used to explain the problems with filtering private bool DisplayFubiCroppedUserImage(int x, int y, bool forceReload) { if (m_userImageTexture == null || forceReload == true) { // First get user image Fubi.getImage(m_rawImage, FubiUtils.ImageType.Color, FubiUtils.ImageNumChannels.C4, FubiUtils.ImageDepth.D8, (uint)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.None, (uint)FubiUtils.JointsToRender.ALL_JOINTS, FubiUtils.DepthImageModification.Raw, m_currentUser, FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.HEAD, true); // Now look for the image borders int xMax = m_xRes; int yMax = m_yRes; int index = 0; for (int x1 = 0; x1 < m_xRes; ++x1, index += 4) { if (m_rawImage[index + 3] == 0) { xMax = x1; break; } } index = 0; for (int y1 = 0; y1 < m_yRes; ++y1, index += (m_xRes + 1) * 4) { if (m_rawImage[index + 3] == 0) { yMax = y1; break; } } // Create the texture m_userImageTexture = new Texture2D(xMax, yMax, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); Color[] pixels = new Color[xMax * yMax]; // And copy the pixels int i = xMax * yMax - 1; index = 0; for (int yy = 0; yy < yMax; ++yy) { index += (xMax - 1) * 4; // Move to line end for (int xx = 0; xx < xMax; ++xx, --i, index -= 4) { pixels[i] = new Color(m_rawImage[index] / 255.0f, m_rawImage[index + 1] / 255.0f, m_rawImage[index + 2] / 255.0f, m_rawImage[index + 3] / 255.0f); } index += (m_xRes + 1) * 4; // Move to next line } m_userImageTexture.SetPixels(pixels); m_userImageTexture.Apply(); } GUI.depth = -4; GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(x, y, m_userImageTexture.width, m_userImageTexture.height), m_userImageTexture); return(false); }
public override void trainValues(double start, double duration, CancellationToken ct) { waitForStart(start, ct); var userId = getTargetID(); var fifthDuration = duration / 5; var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); // Record avg pos for first fifth duration var startPos = recordAvgValue(stopwatch, fifthDuration, duration, userId, ct); while (stopwatch.Elapsed < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(duration - fifthDuration)) { if (ct.IsCancellationRequested) { setDescription("Cancelled!"); return; } decrementDuration(duration, stopwatch); } // Record avg pos for last fifth duration var endPos = recordAvgValue(stopwatch, duration, duration, userId, ct); // Record measurement distance if (Options.MeasuringUnit != FubiUtils.BodyMeasurement.NUM_MEASUREMENTS) { float measureConfidence; Fubi.getBodyMeasurementDistance(userId, Options.MeasuringUnit, out m_measureDist, out measureConfidence); } // Calc change between first and last fifth avg position AvgValue = endPos - startPos; // Apply active axes if ((Options.IgnoreAxes & (uint)FubiUtils.CoordinateAxis.X) != 0) { AvgValue.X = 0; } if ((Options.IgnoreAxes & (uint)FubiUtils.CoordinateAxis.Y) != 0) { AvgValue.Y = 0; } if ((Options.IgnoreAxes & (uint)FubiUtils.CoordinateAxis.Z) != 0) { AvgValue.Z = 0; } // Calculate speed m_speed = (endPos - startPos).Length / (duration - fifthDuration); }
static private bool clickRecognized() { bool click = false; if (Fubi.getCurrentTime() - instance.m_lastMouseClick > 0.5f) { uint userID = instance.m_currentUser; if (userID > 0) { // Check for mouse click as defined in xml FubiTrackingData[] userStates; if (Fubi.getCombinationRecognitionProgressOn("mouseClick", userID, out userStates, false) == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED) { if (userStates != null && userStates.Length > 0) { double clickTime = userStates[userStates.Length - 1].timeStamp; // Check that click occured no longer ago than 1 second if (Fubi.getCurrentTime() - clickTime < 1.0f) { click = true; instance.m_lastMouseClick = clickTime; // Reset all recognizers Fubi.enableCombinationRecognition(FubiPredefinedGestures.Combinations.NUM_COMBINATIONS, userID, false); } } } if (!click) { Fubi.enableCombinationRecognition("mouseClick", userID, true); } if (Fubi.recognizeGestureOn("mouseClick", userID) == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED) { Debug.Log("Mouse click recognized."); click = true; instance.m_lastMouseClick = Fubi.getCurrentTime(); // Reset all recognizers Fubi.enableCombinationRecognition(FubiPredefinedGestures.Combinations.NUM_COMBINATIONS, userID, false); } } } return(click); }
private void initFubi() { List <string> availableSensors = new List <string>(); availableSensors.Add(Enum.GetName(typeof(FubiUtils.SensorType), FubiUtils.SensorType.NONE)); FubiUtils.SensorType type = FubiUtils.SensorType.NONE; int avSensors = Fubi.getAvailableSensors(); if ((avSensors & (int)FubiUtils.SensorType.OPENNI2) != 0) { type = FubiUtils.SensorType.OPENNI2; availableSensors.Add(Enum.GetName(typeof(FubiUtils.SensorType), type)); } if ((avSensors & (int)FubiUtils.SensorType.KINECTSDK) != 0) { if (type == FubiUtils.SensorType.NONE) { type = FubiUtils.SensorType.KINECTSDK; } availableSensors.Add(Enum.GetName(typeof(FubiUtils.SensorType), FubiUtils.SensorType.KINECTSDK)); } if ((avSensors & (int)FubiUtils.SensorType.OPENNI1) != 0) { if (type == FubiUtils.SensorType.NONE) { type = FubiUtils.SensorType.OPENNI1; } availableSensors.Add(Enum.GetName(typeof(FubiUtils.SensorType), FubiUtils.SensorType.OPENNI1)); } string selectedName = Enum.GetName(typeof(FubiUtils.SensorType), type); foreach (string sType in availableSensors) { int index = sensorSelectionComboBox.Items.Add(sType); if (index > -1 && sType == selectedName) { sensorSelectionComboBox.SelectedIndex = index; } } switchSensorOnNextUpdate = false; Fubi.init(new FubiUtils.SensorOptions(new FubiUtils.StreamOptions(640, 480, 30), new FubiUtils.StreamOptions(640, 480), new FubiUtils.StreamOptions(-1, -1, -1), type)); Fubi.loadRecognizersFromXML("MouseControlRecognizers.xml"); }
public void autoCalibrateMapping(bool leftHand) { uint id = Fubi.getClosestUserID(); if (id > 0) { FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint elbow = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_ELBOW; FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint shoulder = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_SHOULDER; FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint hand = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_HAND; if (leftHand) { elbow = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.LEFT_ELBOW; shoulder = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.LEFT_SHOULDER; hand = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.LEFT_HAND; } float confidence; double timeStamp; float elbowX, elbowY, elbowZ; Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointPosition(id, elbow, out elbowX, out elbowY, out elbowZ, out confidence, out timeStamp); if (confidence > 0.5f) { float shoulderX, shoulderY, shoulderZ; Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointPosition(id, shoulder, out shoulderX, out shoulderY, out shoulderZ, out confidence, out timeStamp); if (confidence > 0.5f) { double dist1 = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(elbowX - shoulderX, 2) + Math.Pow(elbowY - shoulderY, 2) + Math.Pow(elbowZ - shoulderZ, 2)); float handX, handY, handZ; Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointPosition(id, hand, out handX, out handY, out handZ, out confidence, out timeStamp); if (confidence > 0.5f) { double dist2 = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(elbowX - handX, 2) + Math.Pow(elbowY - handY, 2) + Math.Pow(elbowZ - handZ, 2)); MapH = (float)(dist1 + dist2); // Calculate all others in depence of maph MapY = 250.0f / 550.0f * MapH; MapW = MapH / m_aspect; MapX = -100.0f / (550.0f / m_aspect) * MapW; } } } } }
protected Vector3D getCurrentJointValue(uint targetID, FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint jointID, FubiUtils.BodyMeasurement measureID = FubiUtils.BodyMeasurement.NUM_MEASUREMENTS) { float x, y, z, confidence; double timeStamp; if (Type == XMLGenerator.RecognizerType.JointRelation || Type == XMLGenerator.RecognizerType.LinearMovement) { if (UseHand) { Fubi.getCurrentHandJointPosition(targetID, (FubiUtils.SkeletonHandJoint)jointID, out x, out y, out z, out confidence, out timeStamp, Options.Local, Options.Filtered); } else { Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointPosition(targetID, jointID, out x, out y, out z, out confidence, out timeStamp, Options.Local, Options.Filtered); if (measureID != FubiUtils.BodyMeasurement.NUM_MEASUREMENTS && Type == XMLGenerator.RecognizerType.JointRelation) { float measureDist, measureConfidence; Fubi.getBodyMeasurementDistance(targetID, measureID, out measureDist, out measureConfidence); if (measureDist > 0) { x /= measureDist; y /= measureDist; z /= measureDist; } } } } else { var mat = new float[9]; if (UseHand) { Fubi.getCurrentHandJointOrientation(targetID, (FubiUtils.SkeletonHandJoint)jointID, mat, out confidence, out timeStamp, Options.Local, Options.Filtered); } else { Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointOrientation(targetID, jointID, mat, out confidence, out timeStamp, Options.Local, Options.Filtered); } FubiUtils.Math.rotMatToRotation(mat, out x, out y, out z); } return(new Vector3D(x, y, z)); }
private void recognitionStart(string gestureName, uint targetID, bool isHand, FubiUtils.RecognizerType recognizerType) { switch (recognizerType) { // case FubiUtils.RecognizerType.PREDEFINED_GESTURE: // { // Console.WriteLine("-->" + (isHand ? "Hand " : "User ") + targetID + ": END OF " + gestureName + "\n"); // } // break; // case FubiUtils.RecognizerType.USERDEFINED_GESTURE: // { // Console.WriteLine("-->" + (isHand ? "Hand " : "User ") + targetID + ": END OF " + gestureName + "\n"); // } // break; case FubiUtils.RecognizerType.USERDEFINED_COMBINATION: // case FubiUtils.RecognizerType.PREDEFINED_COMBINATION: // { // // Nothing to do here.. // } Console.WriteLine(recognizerType.ToString() + "-->" + "User " + targetID + ": START OF " + gestureName + "\n"); uint numStates; bool isInterrupted, isInTransition; int gestureState = Fubi.getCurrentCombinationRecognitionState(gestureName, targetID, out numStates, out isInterrupted, out isInTransition) + 1; Console.WriteLine("State:" + gestureState + " NumStates:" + numStates + " IsInterupted:" + isInterrupted + " IsInTransition:" + isInTransition); activeGestures.Add(gestureName); //if (true) // (gestureState == numStates) //{ // if (gestureName == gameStageGesture[gameStage]) // { // if (gameStage != 5 || isHipWobble) // setProgress(gameStage + 1); // } // else if (gestureName == "hipWobble") // isHipWobble = true; //} if (gameStage < gameStageGesture.Length) { gestureStep = testExpression(gameStageGesture[gameStage], activeGestures); // lets gui update know to advance to next stage } break; } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog dlg = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog(); dlg.FileName = "SampleRecognizers"; // Default file name dlg.DefaultExt = ".xml"; // Default file extension dlg.Filter = "MXL documents (.xml)|*.xml"; // Filter files by extension // Show open file dialog box Nullable <bool> result = dlg.ShowDialog(); // Process open file dialog box results if (result == true && dlg.FileName != null) { // Open document Fubi.loadRecognizersFromXML(dlg.FileName); // Enable clear button if we have loaded some recognizers button3.IsEnabled = (Fubi.getNumUserDefinedCombinationRecognizers() > 0 || Fubi.getNumUserDefinedRecognizers() > 0); } }
private GameObject cam; //, pointerObject; void Start() { FubiNET.Fubi.init(new FubiUtils.SensorOptions(new FubiUtils.StreamOptions(640, 480, 30), new FubiUtils.StreamOptions(-1, -1, -1), new FubiUtils.StreamOptions(-1, -1, -1), FubiUtils.SensorType.KINECTSDK)); if (!FubiNET.Fubi.isInitialized()) { if (!FubiNET.Fubi.init(configXmlPath)) { Debug.Log("Fubi can't initialiaze"); BroadcastMessage("LabelMsgVisualize", "Failed to initialize kinect sensor....", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); BroadcastMessage("KinectFailed", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); //for session manager } } if (Fubi.isInitialized()) { FubiNET.Fubi.setAutoStartCombinationRecognition(true); //Fubi 0.5.1 wrapper FubiNET.Fubi.loadRecognizersFromXML(recognnizerXmlPath); BroadcastMessage("KinectStarted", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); //for session manager } cam = GameObject.Find("Main Camera"); //pointerObject = GameObject.Find("PointerObjects"); }
// private string DisplayFubiSwipeMenu(Vector2 center, float radius, string[] options, GUIStyle optionStyle, GUIStyle centerStyle) // { // if (!(radius > 0 && options.Length > 0 && options.Length <= m_swipeRecognizers.Length)) // { // Debug.LogWarning("FubiSwipeMenu called with incorrect parameters!"); // Debug.DebugBreak(); // return ""; // } // // GUI.depth = -2; // string selection = ""; // m_swipeMenuDisplayed = true; // // ScaleMode smode = /*(options.Length >= 2) ? ScaleMode.StretchToFill :*/ ScaleMode.ScaleToFit; // // // Display center and explanation text // float centerRad = radius * 0.25f; // Rect centerRect = new Rect(center.x - centerRad, center.y - centerRad, 2.0f * centerRad, 2.0f * centerRad); // // // Check for right hand in front for general activation // if (m_currentUser > 0 && Fubi.recognizeGestureOn(m_handToFrontRecognizer, m_currentUser) == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED) // m_lastHandToFront = Fubi.getCurrentTime(); // else if (Fubi.getCurrentTime() - m_lastHandToFront > 1.2f) // m_handToFrontEnd = Fubi.getCurrentTime(); // // Check for left hand in front for general activation // if (m_currentUser > 0 && Fubi.recognizeGestureOn(m_leftHandToFrontRecognizer, m_currentUser) == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED) // m_lastLeftHandToFront = Fubi.getCurrentTime(); // else if (Fubi.getCurrentTime() - m_lastLeftHandToFront > 1.2f) // m_leftHandToFrontEnd = Fubi.getCurrentTime(); // // bool withinInteractionFrame = m_currentUser > 0 && (m_lastHandToFront - m_handToFrontEnd > 0.5 || m_lastLeftHandToFront - m_leftHandToFrontEnd > 0.5); // if (withinInteractionFrame) // { // if (!m_swipeMenuActive) // { // m_swipeMenuActive = true; // Fubi.enableCombinationRecognition(FubiPredefinedGestures.Combinations.NUM_COMBINATIONS, m_currentUser, false); // } // GUI.DrawTexture(centerRect, m_swipeCenterActive, smode); // GUI.Label(centerRect, "Swipe for \nselection","-hover"); // } // else // { // m_swipeMenuActive = false; // GUI.DrawTexture(centerRect, m_swipeCenterNormal, smode); // if (m_lastHandToFront > m_handToFrontEnd || m_lastLeftHandToFront > m_leftHandToFrontEnd) // { // GUI.Label(centerRect, "Hold arm", centerStyle); // } // else // GUI.Label(centerRect, "Stretch arm \nto front", centerStyle); // } // // // Display the options and check their recognizers // float rotAdd = 360.0f / options.Length; // float currRot = (options.Length > 2) ? 0 : 90.0f; // Rect buttonRect = new Rect(); // buttonRect.height = radius * 0.35f; // buttonRect.width = (options.Length > 2) ? (Mathf.PI * (radius / 2.0f) / options.Length) : buttonRect.height; // buttonRect.y = center.y - (0.65f* radius); // buttonRect.x = center.x - (0.5f * buttonRect.width); // for (uint i = 0; i < options.Length; ++i) // { // Rect textRect = new Rect(buttonRect); // textRect.y = center.y - radius; // textRect.height *= 0.5f; // string text = options[i]; // GUI.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity; // bool selected = false; // int recognizerGroup = options.Length - 1; // uint recognizerIndex = i; // // // if (Fubi.getCurrentTime() - m_lastSwipeRecognitions[recognizerGroup][recognizerIndex] < 0.5 // || Fubi.getCurrentTime() - m_lastLeftSwipeRecognitions[recognizerGroup][recognizerIndex] < 0.5) // last recognition not longer than 0.5 seconds ago // { // GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(currRot, center); // GUI.DrawTexture(buttonRect, m_swipeButtonActive, smode); // Vector3 newPos = GUI.matrix.MultiplyPoint(new Vector3(,; // textRect.x = newPos.x - textRect.width / 2.0f; // textRect.y = newPos.y - textRect.height / 2.0f; // GUI.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity; // selected = GUI.Button(textRect, text,"-hover"); // } // else // Display button also usable for mouse interaction // { // GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(currRot, center); // GUI.DrawTexture(buttonRect, m_swipeButtonNormal, smode); // Vector3 newPos = GUI.matrix.MultiplyPoint(new Vector3(,; // textRect.x = newPos.x - textRect.width / 2.0f; // textRect.y = newPos.y - textRect.height / 2.0f; // GUI.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity; // selected = GUI.Button(textRect, text, optionStyle); // } // // // // Check for full swipe // // Of right hand // if (!selected && m_currentUser > 0 // && withinInteractionFrame // && Fubi.getCurrentTime() - m_lastSwipeRecognition > 1.0f) // at least one second between to swipes // { // selected = Fubi.getCombinationRecognitionProgressOn(m_swipeRecognizers[recognizerGroup][recognizerIndex], m_currentUser, false) == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED; // if (selected) // { // m_swipeMenuActive = false; // Fubi.enableCombinationRecognition(FubiPredefinedGestures.Combinations.NUM_COMBINATIONS, m_currentUser, false); // m_lastSwipeRecognitions[recognizerGroup][recognizerIndex] = m_lastSwipeRecognition = Fubi.getCurrentTime(); // } // else // Fubi.enableCombinationRecognition(m_swipeRecognizers[options.Length - 1][i], m_currentUser, true); // } // // // Or left hand // if (!selected && m_currentUser > 0 // && withinInteractionFrame // && Fubi.getCurrentTime() - m_lastLeftSwipeRecognition > 1.0f) // at least one second between to swipes // { // selected = Fubi.getCombinationRecognitionProgressOn(m_leftSwipeRecognizers[recognizerGroup][recognizerIndex], m_currentUser, false) == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED; // if (selected) // { // m_swipeMenuActive = false; // Fubi.enableCombinationRecognition(FubiPredefinedGestures.Combinations.NUM_COMBINATIONS, m_currentUser, false); // m_lastLeftSwipeRecognitions[recognizerGroup][recognizerIndex] = m_lastLeftSwipeRecognition = Fubi.getCurrentTime(); // } // else // Fubi.enableCombinationRecognition(m_leftSwipeRecognizers[options.Length - 1][i], m_currentUser, true); // } // // // if (selected) // { // selection = text; // if (m_swipeSound && m_swipeSound.isReadyToPlay) // AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(m_swipeSound, new Vector3(0,0,0), 1.0f); // break; // } // currRot += rotAdd; // } // return selection; // } // bool calibrateCursorMapping(uint id) { m_aspect = (float)Screen.width / (float)Screen.height; if (id > 0) { FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint elbow = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_ELBOW; FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint shoulder = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_SHOULDER; FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint hand = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_HAND; float confidence; double timeStamp; float elbowX, elbowY, elbowZ; Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointPosition(id, elbow, out elbowX, out elbowY, out elbowZ, out confidence, out timeStamp); if (confidence > 0.5f) { float shoulderX, shoulderY, shoulderZ; Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointPosition(id, shoulder, out shoulderX, out shoulderY, out shoulderZ, out confidence, out timeStamp); if (confidence > 0.5f) { double dist1 = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(elbowX - shoulderX, 2) + Mathf.Pow(elbowY - shoulderY, 2) + Mathf.Pow(elbowZ - shoulderZ, 2)); float handX, handY, handZ; Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointPosition(id, hand, out handX, out handY, out handZ, out confidence, out timeStamp); if (confidence > 0.5f) { double dist2 = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(elbowX - handX, 2) + Mathf.Pow(elbowY - handY, 2) + Mathf.Pow(elbowZ - handZ, 2)); m_mapping.height = (float)(dist1 + dist2); // Calculate all others in depence of maph m_mapping.y = 200.0f / 550.0f * m_mapping.height; m_mapping.width = m_mapping.height / m_aspect; m_mapping.x = -100.0f / (550.0f / m_aspect) * m_mapping.width; //Debug.Log ("m_mapping.x=" + m_mapping.x + "m_mapping.y=" + m_mapping.y + "m_mapping.height=" + m_mapping.height + "m_mapping.width=" + m_mapping.width); return(true); } } } } return(false); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { // update FUBI Fubi.updateSensor(); // // AA: Collision detection for our game object // // Convert from GUI coordinates (Top-left: 0,0 to Bottom-right ) to Screen coordinates ((Bottom-left: 0,0 to Top-right )): // // Screen-coordinate.y = Screen.height - GUI-coordinate.y; // Ray ray = Camera.mainCamera.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector2(m_absPixelPosition.x, Screen.height - m_absPixelPosition.y)); // // // check for underlying objects // RaycastHit hit; // if(Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit)) // { // foreach(GameObject obj in MyGameObjects) // { // if(hit.collider.gameObject == obj) // { // // if (clickRecognized()) { // // an object was hit by the ray. Color it // if(obj.renderer.material.color == { // obj.renderer.material.color =; // break; // } // else { // obj.renderer.material.color =; // break; // } // } // } // } // } // // update flags if gestures or the swipe menu have been displayed if (m_gesturesDisplayed) { m_gesturesDisplayedLastFrame = true; m_gesturesDisplayed = false; } else { m_gesturesDisplayedLastFrame = false; } if (m_swipeMenuDisplayed) { m_swipeMenuDisplayedLastFrame = true; m_swipeMenuDisplayed = false; } else { m_swipeMenuDisplayedLastFrame = false; } // Render tracking image // AA: This if (!m_disableTrackingImage && (!m_disableTrackingImageWithSwipeMenu || !m_swipeMenuDisplayedLastFrame)) { // uint renderOptions = (uint)(FubiUtils.RenderOptions.Default | FubiUtils.RenderOptions.DetailedFaceShapes | FubiUtils.RenderOptions.FingerShapes); // Fubi.getImage(m_rawImage, FubiUtils.ImageType.Depth, FubiUtils.ImageNumChannels.C4, FubiUtils.ImageDepth.D8, renderOptions); // Updatem_depthMapTexture(); } }
private void updateStats() { //Check all users var numUsers = Fubi.getNumUsers(); var numHands = Fubi.getNumHands(); if (numUsers == 0 && numHands == 0) { warnLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { warnLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } int currentIndex = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < numUsers + 1; i++) { var id = (i == numUsers && Fubi.isPlayingSkeletonData()) ? FubiUtils.PlaybackUserID : Fubi.getUserID(i); if (id > 0) { // Not existent yet if (currentIndex >= statsTree.Items.Count) { statsTree.Items.Add(new TvUser()); ((TvUser)statsTree.Items[currentIndex]).IsExpanded = true; } // Wrong type, i.e. TvHand instead of TvUser if (statsTree.Items[currentIndex].GetType() != typeof(TvUser)) { statsTree.Items[currentIndex] = new TvUser(); ((TvUser)statsTree.Items[currentIndex]).IsExpanded = true; } var tUser = (TvUser)statsTree.Items[currentIndex]; = id; // Update user defined combinations var numRecs = Fubi.getNumUserDefinedCombinationRecognizers(); uint actualRecs = 0; for (uint pc = 0; pc < numRecs; ++pc) { var name = Fubi.getUserDefinedCombinationRecognizerName(pc); while (actualRecs >= tUser.Recs.Count) { tUser.Recs.Add(new TvRec()); } var rec = tUser.Recs[(int)actualRecs]; = pc; = name; uint numStates; bool isInterrupted, isInTransition; rec.currState = Fubi.getCurrentCombinationRecognitionState(name, id, out numStates, out isInterrupted, out isInTransition) + 1; rec.numStates = numStates; rec.isInterrupted = isInterrupted; rec.isInTransition = isInTransition; if (Recognitions.ContainsKey(id) && Recognitions[id].ContainsKey(name) && Fubi.getCurrentTime() - Recognitions[id][name] < 2.0) { rec.bgColor = "LightGreen"; } else { rec.bgColor = Color.Transparent.Name; } if (Hints.ContainsKey(id) && Hints[id].ContainsKey(name)) { rec.hint = Hints[id][name]; } actualRecs++; } while (tUser.Recs.Count > actualRecs) { tUser.Recs.RemoveAt(tUser.Recs.Count - 1); } ++currentIndex; } } for (uint i = 0; i < numHands + 1; i++) { var id = (i == numHands && Fubi.isPlayingSkeletonData()) ? FubiUtils.PlaybackHandID : Fubi.getHandID(i); if (id > 0) { if (currentIndex >= statsTree.Items.Count) { statsTree.Items.Add(new TvHand()); ((TvHand)statsTree.Items[currentIndex]).IsExpanded = true; } // Wrong type, i.e. TvUser instead of TvUHand if (statsTree.Items[currentIndex].GetType() != typeof(TvHand)) { statsTree.Items[currentIndex] = new TvHand(); ((TvHand)statsTree.Items[currentIndex]).IsExpanded = true; } var tHand = (TvHand)statsTree.Items[currentIndex]; = id; // Update combinations var numRecs = Fubi.getNumUserDefinedCombinationRecognizers(); uint actualRecs = 0; for (uint pc = 0; pc < numRecs; ++pc) { var name = Fubi.getUserDefinedCombinationRecognizerName(pc); while (actualRecs >= tHand.Recs.Count) { tHand.Recs.Add(new TvRec()); } var rec = tHand.Recs[(int)actualRecs]; = pc; = name; uint numStates; bool isInterrupted, isInTransition; rec.currState = Fubi.getCurrentCombinationRecognitionStateForHand(name, id, out numStates, out isInterrupted, out isInTransition) + 1; rec.numStates = numStates; rec.isInterrupted = isInterrupted; rec.isInTransition = isInTransition; if (HandRecognitions.ContainsKey(id) && HandRecognitions[id].ContainsKey(name) && Fubi.getCurrentTime() - HandRecognitions[id][name] < 2.0) { rec.bgColor = "LightGreen"; } else { rec.bgColor = Color.Transparent.Name; } if (HandHints.ContainsKey(id) && HandHints[id].ContainsKey(name)) { rec.hint = HandHints[id][name]; } actualRecs++; } while (tHand.Recs.Count > actualRecs) { tHand.Recs.RemoveAt(tHand.Recs.Count - 1); } ++currentIndex; } } while (statsTree.Items.Count > currentIndex) { statsTree.Items.RemoveAt(statsTree.Items.Count - 1); } }
public void applyHandPositionToMouse(uint userID, out float x, out float y, bool leftHand = false) { x = float.NaN; y = float.NaN; float handX, handY, handZ, confidence; FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint joint = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_HAND; FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint relJoint = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_SHOULDER; if (leftHand) { joint = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.LEFT_HAND; relJoint = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.LEFT_SHOULDER; } double timeStamp; Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointPosition(userID, joint, out handX, out handY, out handZ, out confidence, out timeStamp); if (confidence > 0.5f) { float relX, relY, relZ; Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointPosition(userID, relJoint, out relX, out relY, out relZ, out confidence, out timeStamp); if (confidence > 0.5f) { // Take relative coordinates float rawX = handX - relX; float rawY = handY - relY; // Convert to screen coordinates float newX, newY; float mapX = m_mapX; if (leftHand) { // Mirror x area for left hand mapX = -m_mapX - m_mapW; } newX = (rawX - mapX) / m_mapW; newY = (m_mapY - rawY) / m_mapH; // Flip y for the screen coordinates // Filtering // New coordinate is weighted more if it represents a longer distance change // This should reduce the lagging of the cursor on higher distances, but still filter out small jittering float changeX = newX - m_x; float changeY = newY - m_y; if (changeX != 0 || changeY != 0 && timeStamp != m_timeStamp) { double changeLength = Math.Sqrt(changeX * changeX + changeY * changeY); double changeDur = timeStamp - m_timeStamp; float filterFactor = (float)Math.Sqrt(changeLength) * m_smoothingFactor; if (filterFactor > 1.0f) { filterFactor = 1.0f; } // Apply the tracking to the current position with the given filter factor m_x = (1.0f - filterFactor) * m_x + filterFactor * newX; m_y = (1.0f - filterFactor) * m_y + filterFactor * newY; m_timeStamp = timeStamp; // Send it MouseSimulator.sendMousePos(m_x, m_y); x = m_x; y = m_x; } // Check for mouse click if (Fubi.recognizeGestureOn("mouseClick", userID) == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED || Fubi.recognizeGestureOn("mouseClick1", userID) == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED) { if (m_timeStamp - m_lastMouseClick > 1) { MouseSimulator.sendMouseButton(true, true); MouseSimulator.sendMouseButton(true, false); m_lastMouseClick = m_timeStamp; } } } } }
private void releaseFubi() { Fubi.release(); }
private void fubiMain(object filterOptions) { m_renderOptions = 0; m_renderOptions |= (int)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.Shapes; //m_renderOptions |= (int)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.Skeletons; //m_renderOptions |= (int)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.UserCaptions; //m_renderOptions |= (int)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.Background; //m_renderOptions |= (int)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.SwapRAndB; // m_renderOptions |= (int)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.DetailedFaceShapes; //m_renderOptions |= (int)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.BodyMeasurements; // m_renderOptions |= (int)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.GlobalOrientCaptions; // or //m_renderOptions |= (int)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.LocalOrientCaptions; // m_renderOptions |= (int)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.GlobalPosCaptions; // or //m_renderOptions |= (int)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.LocalPosCaptions; m_renderOptions |= (int)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.UseFilteredValues; var rgbOptions = new FubiUtils.StreamOptions(); var irOptions = new FubiUtils.StreamOptions(); var depthOptions = new FubiUtils.StreamOptions(); var invalidOptions = new FubiUtils.StreamOptions(-1); lock (LockFubiUpdate) { if (!Fubi.init(new FubiUtils.SensorOptions(depthOptions, rgbOptions, irOptions, m_selectedSensor), (FubiUtils.FilterOptions)filterOptions)) { // the following for when the init fails m_selectedSensor = FubiUtils.SensorType.NONE; Fubi.init(new FubiUtils.SensorOptions(depthOptions, invalidOptions, invalidOptions, m_selectedSensor), (FubiUtils.FilterOptions)filterOptions); Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new TwoStringDelegate(showWarnMsg), new object[] { "Error starting sensor! \nDid you connect the sensor and install the correct driver? \nTry selecting a different sensor.", "Error starting sensor" }); return; } Fubi.getDepthResolution(out m_width, out m_height); m_numChannels = FubiUtils.ImageNumChannels.C4; // All known combination recognizers will be started automatically for new users Fubi.setAutoStartCombinationRecognition(true); // Load XML with sample mouse control gestures if (Fubi.loadRecognizersFromXML("TutorialRecognizers.xml")) { // // This requires to update the gesture list used for selecting key/button bindings and for xml generation // Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new NoArgDelegate(refreshGestureList), null); // // Now we can load the default bindings using the above recognizers // Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new OneStringDelegate(m_fubiMouseKeyboard.Bindings.loadFromXML), "KeyMouseBindings.xml"); } } Fubi.RecognitionStart += new Fubi.RecognitionHandler(recognitionStart); Fubi.RecognitionEnd += new Fubi.RecognitionHandler(recognitionEnd); DispatcherOperation currentOp = null; videoFile.fileName = "trainingData/tempRecord2.vid"; videoFile.startPlayback(); while (m_running) { lock (LockFubiUpdate) { // Now update the sensors Fubi.updateSensor(); Fubi.getImage(s_buffer2, FubiUtils.ImageType.Depth, m_numChannels, FubiUtils.ImageDepth.D8, m_renderOptions, (int)FubiUtils.JointsToRender.ALL_JOINTS, m_selectedDepthMod); } // And trigger a GUI update event currentOp = Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new NoArgDelegate(updateGUI), null); // Wait for the GUI update to finish while (currentOp.Status != DispatcherOperationStatus.Completed && currentOp.Status != DispatcherOperationStatus.Aborted) { Thread.Sleep(5); } } // Wait for the last GUI update to really have finished while (currentOp != null && currentOp.Status != DispatcherOperationStatus.Completed && currentOp.Status != DispatcherOperationStatus.Aborted) { Thread.Sleep(2); } // Now we can release Fubi safely Fubi.release(); }
private void updateFubi() { if (clearRecognizersOnNextUpdate) { Fubi.clearUserDefinedRecognizers(); if (Fubi.getNumUserDefinedCombinationRecognizers() == 0 && Fubi.getNumUserDefinedRecognizers() == 0) { button3.IsEnabled = false; } clearRecognizersOnNextUpdate = false; } if (switchSensorOnNextUpdate) { Fubi.switchSensor(new FubiUtils.SensorOptions(new FubiUtils.StreamOptions(), new FubiUtils.StreamOptions(), new FubiUtils.StreamOptions(-1, -1, -1), (FubiUtils.SensorType)Enum.Parse(typeof(FubiUtils.SensorType), sensorSelectionComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString()))); switchSensorOnNextUpdate = false; } label1.Content = "User Count : " + Fubi.getNumUsers().ToString(); // Update Fubi and get the debug image int width = 0, height = 0; FubiUtils.ImageNumChannels channels = FubiUtils.ImageNumChannels.C4; FubiUtils.ImageType type = FubiUtils.ImageType.Depth; uint renderOptions = 0; if (shapeCheckBox.IsChecked == true) { renderOptions |= (uint)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.Shapes; } if (skeletonCheckBox.IsChecked == true) { renderOptions |= (uint)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.Skeletons; } if (userCaptionscheckBox.IsChecked == true) { renderOptions |= (uint)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.UserCaptions; } if (localOrientCheckBox.IsChecked == true) { renderOptions |= (uint)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.LocalOrientCaptions; } if (globalOrientCheckBox.IsChecked == true) { renderOptions |= (uint)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.GlobalOrientCaptions; } if (localPosCheckBox.IsChecked == true) { renderOptions |= (uint)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.LocalPosCaptions; } if (globalPosCheckBox.IsChecked == true) { renderOptions |= (uint)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.GlobalPosCaptions; } if (backgroundCheckBox.IsChecked == true) { renderOptions |= (uint)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.Background; } if (swapRAndBcheckBox.IsChecked == true) { renderOptions |= (uint)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.SwapRAndB; } if (fingerShapecheckBox.IsChecked == true) { renderOptions |= (uint)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.FingerShapes; } if (detailedFaceCheckBox.IsChecked == true) { renderOptions |= (uint)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.DetailedFaceShapes; } if (bodyMeasuresCheckBox.IsChecked == true) { renderOptions |= (uint)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.BodyMeasurements; } FubiUtils.DepthImageModification depthMods = (FubiUtils.DepthImageModification)Enum.Parse(typeof(FubiUtils.DepthImageModification), comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString(), true); if (checkBox3.IsChecked == true) { Fubi.getRgbResolution(out width, out height); channels = FubiUtils.ImageNumChannels.C3; type = FubiUtils.ImageType.Color; } else { Fubi.getDepthResolution(out width, out height); channels = FubiUtils.ImageNumChannels.C4; type = FubiUtils.ImageType.Depth; } // Display the debug image if (width > 0 && height > 0) { WriteableBitmap wb = image1.Source as WriteableBitmap; if (wb != null && (wb.Width != width || wb.Height != height || wb.Format.BitsPerPixel != (int)channels * 8)) { wb = null; image1.Width = width; image1.Height = height; buffer = new byte[(int)channels * width * height]; } if (wb == null) { PixelFormat format = PixelFormats.Bgra32; if (channels == FubiUtils.ImageNumChannels.C3) { format = PixelFormats.Rgb24; } else if (channels == FubiUtils.ImageNumChannels.C1) { format = PixelFormats.Gray8; } wb = new WriteableBitmap(width, height, 0, 0, format, BitmapPalettes.Gray256); image1.Source = wb; } Fubi.updateSensor(); Fubi.getImage(buffer, type, channels, FubiUtils.ImageDepth.D8, renderOptions, depthMods); int stride = wb.PixelWidth * (wb.Format.BitsPerPixel / 8); wb.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, wb.PixelWidth, wb.PixelHeight), buffer, stride, 0); } //Check postures for all users for (uint i = 0; i < Fubi.getNumUsers(); i++) { uint id = Fubi.getUserID(i); if (id > 0) { bool changedSomething = false; // Print postures if (checkBox1.IsChecked == true) { // Only user defined postures for (uint p = 0; p < Fubi.getNumUserDefinedRecognizers(); ++p) { if (Fubi.recognizeGestureOn(p, id) == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED) { // Posture recognized if (!currentPostures.ContainsKey(p) || !currentPostures[p]) { // Posture start textBox1.Text += "User" + id + ": START OF " + Fubi.getUserDefinedRecognizerName(p) + " -->\n"; currentPostures[p] = true; changedSomething = true; } } else if (currentPostures.ContainsKey(p) && currentPostures[p]) { // Posture end textBox1.Text += "User" + id + ": --> END OF " + Fubi.getUserDefinedRecognizerName(p) + "\n"; currentPostures[p] = false; changedSomething = true; } } if (PredefinedCheckBox.IsChecked == true) { for (int p = 0; p < (int)FubiPredefinedGestures.Postures.NUM_POSTURES; ++p) { if (Fubi.recognizeGestureOn((FubiPredefinedGestures.Postures)p, id) == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED) { if (!currentPostures1[p]) { // Posture recognized textBox1.Text += "User" + id + ": START OF" + FubiPredefinedGestures.getPostureName((FubiPredefinedGestures.Postures)p) + "\n"; currentPostures1[p] = true; changedSomething = true; } } else if (currentPostures1[p]) { textBox1.Text += "User" + id + ": --> END OF " + FubiPredefinedGestures.getPostureName((FubiPredefinedGestures.Postures)p) + "\n"; currentPostures1[p] = false; changedSomething = true; } } } if (changedSomething) { textBox1.ScrollToEnd(); } } // Print combinations for (uint pc = 0; pc < Fubi.getNumUserDefinedCombinationRecognizers(); ++pc) { // Only user defined postures if (checkBox2.IsChecked == true) { if (Fubi.getCombinationRecognitionProgressOn(Fubi.getUserDefinedCombinationRecognizerName(pc), id) == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED) { // Posture recognized textBox2.Text += "User" + id + ": " + Fubi.getUserDefinedCombinationRecognizerName(pc) + "\n"; } else { Fubi.enableCombinationRecognition(Fubi.getUserDefinedCombinationRecognizerName(pc), id, true); } } //else // Fubi.enableCombinationRecognition(Fubi.getUserDefinedCombinationRecognizerName(pc), id, false); } for (uint pc = 0; pc < (uint)FubiPredefinedGestures.Combinations.NUM_COMBINATIONS; ++pc) { if (checkBox2.IsChecked == true && PredefinedCheckBox.IsChecked == true) { if (Fubi.getCombinationRecognitionProgressOn((FubiPredefinedGestures.Combinations)pc, id) == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED) { // Posture recognized textBox2.Text += "User" + id + ": " + FubiPredefinedGestures.getCombinationName((FubiPredefinedGestures.Combinations)pc) + "\n"; } else { Fubi.enableCombinationRecognition((FubiPredefinedGestures.Combinations)pc, id, true); } } //else // Fubi.enableCombinationRecognition((FubiPredefinedGestures.Combinations)pc, id, false); } if (checkBox2.IsChecked == true) { textBox2.ScrollToEnd(); } } } uint closestId = Fubi.getClosestUserID(); if (closestId > 0) { // For printing the user orientation //float[] mat = new float[9]; //float confidence; //double timeStamp; //Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointOrientation(closestId, FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.Torso, mat, out confidence, out timeStamp); //float rx, ry, rz; //FubiUtils.Math.rotMatToRotation(mat, out rx, out ry, out rz); //label1.Content = "UserOrient:" + String.Format("{0:0.#}", rx) + "/" + String.Format("{0:0.#}", ry) + "/" + String.Format("{0:0.#}", rz); if (controlMouse) { float x, y; FubiMouse.applyHandPositionToMouse(closestId, out x, out y, leftHandRadioButton.IsChecked == true); label2.Content = "X:" + x + " Y:" + y; } if (checkBox4.IsChecked == true) { FubiPredefinedGestures.Combinations activationGesture = FubiPredefinedGestures.Combinations.WAVE_RIGHT_HAND_OVER_SHOULDER; // TODO use left hand waving if (Fubi.getCombinationRecognitionProgressOn(activationGesture, closestId, false) == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED) { if (controlMouse) { stopMouseEmulation(); } else { startMouseEmulation(); } } else { Fubi.enableCombinationRecognition(activationGesture, closestId, true); } } } }
private FubiUtils.RecognitionResult recognizeGesture(string recognizerName, uint targetID) { return(UseHand ? Fubi.recognizeGestureOnHand(recognizerName, targetID) : Fubi.recognizeGestureOn(recognizerName, targetID)); }
private void button4_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Fubi.resetTracking(); }
public void generateXML(MainWindow w, CancellationToken ct) { // Important for corrrectly converting numbers to strings Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); RecognizerXMLGenerator recognizerGen = null; switch (Type) { case RecognizerType.JointRelation: case RecognizerType.JointOrientation: recognizerGen = new StaticPostureXmlGenerator(RecognizerName, w, RecOptions, Type); break; case RecognizerType.LinearMovement: recognizerGen = new LinearMovementXmlGenerator(RecognizerName, w, RecOptions, Type); break; case RecognizerType.AngularMovement: recognizerGen = new AngularMovementXmlGenerator(RecognizerName, w, RecOptions, Type); break; case RecognizerType.FingerCount: recognizerGen = new FingerCountXmlGenerator(RecognizerName, w, RecOptions, Type); break; case RecognizerType.TemplateRecording: recognizerGen = new TemplateRecordingXMLGenerator(RecognizerName, w, RecOptions); break; case RecognizerType.Combination: recognizerGen = new CombinationXMLGenerator(RecognizerName, w, CombOptions); break; } if (recognizerGen != null) { recognizerGen.UseHand = UseHand; recognizerGen.trainValues(Start, Duration, ct); if (!ct.IsCancellationRequested) { var trainedFromPlaybackUser = Fubi.isPlayingSkeletonData() || Type == RecognizerType.TemplateRecording || StartedWithPlayback; if (recognizerGen.generateAndSaveXML() && trainedFromPlaybackUser && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(RecOptions.PlaybackFile)) { // Save start and end markers of the file in case of success var file = new XmlDocument(); file.Load(RecOptions.PlaybackFile); var currentFubiRecNode = file.GetElementsByTagName("FubiRecording")[0] as XmlElement; if (currentFubiRecNode != null) { currentFubiRecNode.SetAttribute("startMarker", RecOptions.PlaybackStart.ToString()); currentFubiRecNode.SetAttribute("endMarker", RecOptions.PlaybackEnd.ToString()); file.Save(RecOptions.PlaybackFile); } } } } w.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => { w.menuTabCtrl.IsEnabled = true; })); }
// Initialization void Start() { //AA: Filter visalization related initializations filter = new Filter(); fv = new FilterVisualization(); fm = new FilterManager(); fv.filterOutputLocX = Screen.width / 3 - 50; fv.Initialise(); fv.DrawCircle(); m_colorTextureDictionary = new Dictionary <string, Texture2D>(); foreach (Texture2D tex in m_colorTextures) { m_colorTextureDictionary.Add(, tex); } LoadFilters(); // First set instance so Fubi.release will not be called while destroying old objects instance = this; // Remain this instance active until new one is created DontDestroyOnLoad(this); // Destroy old instance of Fubi object[] objects = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(FubiUnity)); if (objects.Length > 1) { Destroy(((FubiUnity)objects[0])); } m_lastMouseClick = 0; m_lastGesture = 0; // Init FUBI if (!m_disableFubi) { // Only init if not already done if (!Fubi.isInitialized()) { Fubi.init(new FubiUtils.SensorOptions(new FubiUtils.StreamOptions(640, 480, 30), new FubiUtils.StreamOptions(640, 480, 30), new FubiUtils.StreamOptions(-1, -1, -1), FubiUtils.SensorType.OPENNI2), new FubiUtils.FilterOptions()); if (!Fubi.isInitialized()) { Debug.Log("Fubi: FAILED to initialize Fubi!"); } else { Debug.Log("Fubi: initialized!"); } } } else { m_disableTrackingImage = true; } // Initialize debug image // m_depthMapTexture = new Texture2D((int)(m_xRes / m_factor), (int)(m_yRes / m_factor), TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); // m_depthMapPixels = new Color[(int)((m_xRes / m_factor) * (m_yRes / m_factor))]; // m_rawImage = new byte[(int)(m_xRes * m_yRes * 4)]; m_userImageTexture = null; // Disable system cursor if (m_defaultCursor != null && m_disableFubi == false) { Screen.showCursor = false; } else { Screen.showCursor = true; } // Default mapping values m_mapping.x = -100.0f; m_mapping.y = 200.0f; m_mapping.height = 550.0f; // Get screen aspect m_aspect = (float)Screen.width / (float)Screen.height; // Calculated Map width with aspect m_mapping.width = m_mapping.height / m_aspect; if (Fubi.isInitialized()) { // Clear old gesture recognizers Fubi.clearUserDefinedRecognizers(); // And (re)load them if (Fubi.loadRecognizersFromXML("UnitySampleRecognizers.xml")) { Debug.Log("Fubi: gesture recognizers 'BarRecognizers.xml' loaded!"); } else { Debug.Log("Fubi: loading XML recognizers failed!"); } // load mouse control recognizers if (Fubi.loadRecognizersFromXML("MouseControlRecognizers.xml")) { Debug.Log("Fubi: mouse control recognizers loaded!"); } else { Debug.Log("Fubi: loading mouse control recognizers failed!"); } } }
public void applyHandPositionToMouse(uint userID, out float x, out float y, bool leftHand = false) { x = float.NaN; y = float.NaN; float handX, handY, handZ, confidence; var joint = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_HAND; var relJoint = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_SHOULDER; if (leftHand) { joint = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.LEFT_HAND; relJoint = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.LEFT_SHOULDER; } double timeStamp; Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointPosition(userID, joint, out handX, out handY, out handZ, out confidence, out timeStamp); if (confidence > 0.5f) { float relX, relY, relZ; Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointPosition(userID, relJoint, out relX, out relY, out relZ, out confidence, out timeStamp); if (confidence > 0.5f) { // Take relative coordinates var rawX = handX - relX; var rawY = handY - relY; // Convert to screen coordinates var mapX = m_mapX; if (leftHand) { // Mirror x area for left hand mapX = -m_mapX - m_mapW; } float newX = (rawX - mapX) / m_mapW; float newY = (m_mapY - rawY) / m_mapH; // Filtering // New coordinate is weighted more if it represents a longer distance change // This should reduce the lagging of the cursor on higher distances, but still filter out small jittering var changeX = newX - m_x; var changeY = newY - m_y; if (Math.Abs(changeX) > float.Epsilon || Math.Abs(changeY) > float.Epsilon && Math.Abs(timeStamp - m_timeStamp) > float.Epsilon) { var changeLength = Math.Sqrt(changeX * changeX + changeY * changeY); var filterFactor = (float)Math.Sqrt(changeLength) * m_smoothingFactor; if (filterFactor > 1.0f) { filterFactor = 1.0f; } // Apply the tracking to the current position with the given filter factor m_x = (1.0f - filterFactor) * m_x + filterFactor * newX; m_y = (1.0f - filterFactor) * m_y + filterFactor * newY; m_timeStamp = timeStamp; // Send it MouseKeyboardSimulator.sendMousePos(m_x, m_y); x = m_x; y = m_x; } } } }
// Called for rendering the gui void OnGUI() { // AA: Position the depth image so the user can see the kinect output if (!m_disableTrackingImage && (!m_disableTrackingImageWithSwipeMenu || !m_swipeMenuDisplayedLastFrame)) { // Debug image GUI.depth = -4; GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(25, Screen.height - m_yRes / m_factor - 25, m_xRes / m_factor, m_yRes / m_factor), m_depthMapTexture); //GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(Screen.width-m_xRes/m_factor, Screen.height-m_yRes/m_factor, m_xRes / m_factor, m_yRes / m_factor), m_depthMapTexture); } //AA: add the GUI elements int shift = 42; GUI.Box(new Rect(5 + shift, 25, Screen.width / 3 - 130, Screen.height - 50), "FILTERS"); m_bUseSimpleAverage = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(45 + shift, 50, 200, 30), m_bUseSimpleAverage, " SIMPLE AVERAGE 10"); m_bUseMovingAverage = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(45 + shift, 90, 200, 30), m_bUseMovingAverage, " MOVING AVERAGE"); m_bUseSimpleAverage5 = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(45 + shift, 130, 200, 30), m_bUseSimpleAverage5, " SIMPLE AVERAGE 5"); m_bDblMovingAverage = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(45 + shift, 170, 200, 30), m_bDblMovingAverage, " DOUBLE MOV AVERAGE"); m_bUseExpSmoothing = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(45 + shift, 210, 200, 30), m_bUseExpSmoothing, " EXP SMOOTHING"); m_bUseDblExpSmoothing = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(45 + shift, 250, 200, 30), m_bUseDblExpSmoothing, " DOUBLE EXP SMOOTHING"); m_bUseAdaptive = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(45 + shift, 290, 200, 30), m_bUseAdaptive, " ADAPTIVE DBL EXP"); m_bUseMedian = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(45 + shift, 330, 200, 30), m_bUseMedian, " MEDIAN"); m_bUseCombination1 = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(45 + shift, 370, 200, 30), m_bUseCombination1, " SIMPLE AVG + Median"); m_bUseCombination2 = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(45 + shift, 410, 200, 30), m_bUseCombination2, " DBL MOV AVG + Median"); m_bUseNone = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(45 + shift, 450, 200, 30), m_bUseNone, " NONE"); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(50 + shift, Screen.height - 75, 150, 30), "Clear")) { WriteableAreaResize(); fv.DrawCircle(); } // If some button has been pressed OR this is the first exection if (GUI.changed) { LoadFilters(); if (fm.filters.Count == 1) { m_principalCursor = 0; } } int count = 0; if (m_bUseSimpleAverage) { GUI.Label(new Rect(15 + shift, 45, 30, 30), m_colorTextureDictionary[fm.colors[count].ToString()]); count++; } if (m_bUseMovingAverage) { GUI.Label(new Rect(15 + shift, 85, 30, 30), m_colorTextureDictionary[fm.colors[count].ToString()]); count++; } if (m_bUseSimpleAverage5) { GUI.Label(new Rect(15 + shift, 125, 30, 30), m_colorTextureDictionary[fm.colors[count].ToString()]); count++; } if (m_bDblMovingAverage) { GUI.Label(new Rect(15 + shift, 165, 30, 30), m_colorTextureDictionary[fm.colors[count].ToString()]); count++; } if (m_bUseExpSmoothing) { GUI.Label(new Rect(15 + shift, 205, 30, 30), m_colorTextureDictionary[fm.colors[count].ToString()]); count++; } if (m_bUseDblExpSmoothing) { GUI.Label(new Rect(15 + shift, 245, 30, 30), m_colorTextureDictionary[fm.colors[count].ToString()]); count++; } if (m_bUseAdaptive) { GUI.Label(new Rect(15 + shift, 285, 30, 30), m_colorTextureDictionary[fm.colors[count].ToString()]); count++; } if (m_bUseMedian) { GUI.Label(new Rect(15 + shift, 325, 30, 30), m_colorTextureDictionary[fm.colors[count].ToString()]); count++; } if (m_bUseCombination1) { GUI.Label(new Rect(15 + shift, 365, 30, 30), m_colorTextureDictionary[fm.colors[count].ToString()]); count++; } if (m_bUseCombination2) { GUI.Label(new Rect(15 + shift, 405, 30, 30), m_colorTextureDictionary[fm.colors[count].ToString()]); count++; } if (m_bUseNone) { GUI.Label(new Rect(15 + shift, 445, 30, 30), m_colorTextureDictionary[fm.colors[count].ToString()]); count++; } if (prevScreenWidth != Screen.width || prevScreenHeight != Screen.height) { // Resize writeable area, redraw the circle WriteableAreaResize(); prevScreenWidth = Screen.width; prevScreenHeight = Screen.height; fv.DrawCircle(); } //AA: Draw the writeable area fv.Apply(); for (int i = 0; i < fv.m_filterOutputTexture.Count; i++) { GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(fv.filterOutputLocX, fv.filterOutputLocY, fv.filterOutputWidth, fv.filterOutputHeight), fv.m_filterOutputTexture[i]); } // Cursor m_gotNewFubiCoordinates = false; if (Fubi.isInitialized()) { // Take closest user uint userID = Fubi.getClosestUserID(); if (userID != m_currentUser) { m_currentUser = userID; m_lastCalibrationSucceded = false; } if (userID > 0) { if (!m_lastCalibrationSucceded) { m_lastCalibrationSucceded = calibrateCursorMapping(m_currentUser); } FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint joint = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_HAND; FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint relJoint = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_SHOULDER; // Get hand and shoulder position and check their confidence double timeStamp; float handX, handY, handZ, confidence; Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointPosition(userID, joint, out handX, out handY, out handZ, out confidence, out timeStamp); if (confidence > 0.5f) { float relX, relY, relZ; Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointPosition(userID, relJoint, out relX, out relY, out relZ, out confidence, out timeStamp); if (confidence > 0.5f) { // AA: Filtering should happen here for the hand and relative joints separately // If true, use the smoothed joints for calculating screen coordinates fm.UpdateJointFilters(new Vector3(handX, handY, handZ), new Vector3(relX, relY, relZ)); for (int i = 0; i < fm.filters.Count; i++) { if (m_bUseJointFiltering) { //Debug.Log ("Prehand " + new Vector3(handX, handY, handZ) + " relJoint " + new Vector3(relX, relY, relZ)); Vector3 handPos = fm.joints[i]; // filter.Update(new Vector3(handX, handY, handZ), Filter.JOINT_TYPE.JOINT); Vector3 relJointPos = fm.relativeJoints[i]; //filter.Update(new Vector3(relX, relY, relZ), Filter.JOINT_TYPE.RELATIVEJOINT); //Debug.Log ("hand " + handPos + " relJoint " + relJointPos); handZ = handPos.z; handY = handPos.y; handX = handPos.x; relZ = relJointPos.z; relY = relJointPos.y; relX = relJointPos.x; m_relativeCursorPosition = fm.relativeCursorPosition[i]; } // AA: End // Take relative coordinates float zDiff = handZ - relZ; float yDiff = handY - relY; float xDiff = handX - relX; // Check if hand is enough in front of shoulder if ((yDiff > 0 && zDiff < -150.0f) || (Mathf.Abs(xDiff) > 150.0f && zDiff < -175.0f) || zDiff < -225.0f) { // Now get the possible cursor position // Convert to screen coordinates float newX, newY; float mapX = m_mapping.x; newX = (xDiff - mapX) / m_mapping.width; newY = (m_mapping.y - yDiff) / m_mapping.height; // Flip y for the screen coordinates // Filtering // New coordinate is weighted more if it represents a longer distance change // This should reduce the lagging of the cursor on higher distances, but still filter out small jittering float changeX = newX - m_relativeCursorPosition.x; float changeY = newY - m_relativeCursorPosition.y; if (changeX != 0 || changeY != 0 && timeStamp != m_timeStamp) { float changeLength = Mathf.Sqrt(changeX * changeX + changeY * changeY); float filterFactor = changeLength; //Mathf.Sqrt(changeLength); if (filterFactor > 1.0f) { filterFactor = 1.0f; } // Apply the tracking to the current position with the given filter factor // AA: Filtering should happen here for joint-to-relativejoint (VECTOR) filtering // AA: filtering code Vector2 tempNew = new Vector2(newX, newY); fm.UpdateVectorFilters(m_relativeCursorPosition, tempNew, filterFactor); // If true, use the calculated factor for smoothing, else just use the new if (m_bUseVectorFiltering) { m_relativeCursorPosition = fm.vectors[i]; //filter.Update(m_relativeCursorPosition, tempNew, filterFactor); } else // Just give equal weight to both { m_relativeCursorPosition = filter.Update(m_relativeCursorPosition, tempNew, 0.5f); } // AA: Calculate all filters // fm.UpdateVectorFilters(m_relativeCursorPosition, tempNew, filterFactor); m_timeStamp = timeStamp; // Send it, but only if it is more or less within the screen if (m_relativeCursorPosition.x > -0.1f && m_relativeCursorPosition.x < 1.1f && m_relativeCursorPosition.y > -0.1f && m_relativeCursorPosition.y < 1.1f) { MoveMouse(m_relativeCursorPosition.x, m_relativeCursorPosition.y, i); // Each filter must store it's own value of relative position, absolute and previous absolute positions fm.relativeCursorPosition[i] = m_relativeCursorPosition; fm.absPixelPosition[i] = m_absPixelPosition; fm.prevAbsPixelPosition[i] = m_previousAbsPixelPosition; DrawFilterOutputs(i); m_gotNewFubiCoordinates = true; m_lastCursorChangeDoneByFubi = true; } } } } } } } } // AA: FUBI does not move mouse if the confidence value is too low if (!m_gotNewFubiCoordinates) // AA: this only executes when input is coming from mouse { // Got no mouse coordinates from fubi this frame Vector2 mousePos = Input.mousePosition; // Only move mouse if it wasn't changed by fubi the last time or or it really has changed if (!m_lastCursorChangeDoneByFubi || mousePos != m_lastMousePos) { //AA: Old code for cursor placement m_relativeCursorPosition.x = mousePos.x / (float)Screen.width; m_relativeCursorPosition.y = 1.0f - (mousePos.y / (float)Screen.height); // Get mouse X and Y position as a percentage of screen width and height MoveActualMouse(m_relativeCursorPosition.x, m_relativeCursorPosition.y, true); m_lastMousePos = mousePos; m_lastCursorChangeDoneByFubi = false; } } }