public static PropertyBag SerializeSite(Site site) { PropertyBag bag = new PropertyBag(); bag[FtpSiteGlobals.Site_Name] = site.Name; bag[FtpSiteGlobals.Site_ID] = site.Id; Application application = site.Applications["/"]; bag[FtpSiteGlobals.VirtualDirectory_PhysicalPath] = string.Empty; if (application != null) { VirtualDirectory directory = application.VirtualDirectories["/"]; if (directory != null) { bag[FtpSiteGlobals.VirtualDirectory_PhysicalPath] = directory.PhysicalPath; bag[FtpSiteGlobals.VirtualDirectory_UserName] = directory.UserName; bag[FtpSiteGlobals.VirtualDirectory_Password] = directory.Password; } } bag[FtpSiteGlobals.Site_Bindings] = GetFtpBindings(site.Bindings); FtpSite ftpSiteElement = FtpHelper.GetFtpSiteElement(site); bag[FtpSiteGlobals.FtpSite_Status] = (int)ftpSiteElement.State; return(bag); }
public static FtpSite GetFtpSite(ManagementConfigurationPath configPath, ServerManager serverManager) { FtpSite ftpSiteDefaultElement = null; if (configPath.PathType == ConfigurationPathType.Server) { ftpSiteDefaultElement = GetFtpSiteDefaultElement(serverManager.SiteDefaults); } else { Site site = serverManager.Sites[configPath.SiteName]; if (site == null) { WebManagementServiceException exception = new WebManagementServiceException("GetSettingsExceptionError", string.Empty); throw exception; } if (!IsFtpSite(site)) { WebManagementServiceException exception2 = new WebManagementServiceException("SiteIsNotFtpSiteExceptionError", string.Empty); throw exception2; } ftpSiteDefaultElement = GetFtpSiteElement(site); } if (ftpSiteDefaultElement == null) { WebManagementServiceException exception3 = new WebManagementServiceException("GetSettingsExceptionError", string.Empty); throw exception3; } return(ftpSiteDefaultElement); }
public void AddSite(PropertyBag bag) { // ensure bag not empty if (bag == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("bag"); } // ensure site not exists string name = (string)bag[FtpSiteGlobals.Site_Name]; if (ServerManager.Sites[name] != null) { throw new Exception("SiteAlreadyExistsExceptionError"); } // ensure site path string directory = (string)bag[FtpSiteGlobals.VirtualDirectory_PhysicalPath]; if (!Directory.Exists(FileUtils.EvaluateSystemVariables(directory))) { throw new Exception("SiteDirectoryDoesNotExistExceptionError"); } // ensure site binding PropertyBag bag2 = (PropertyBag)bag[FtpSiteGlobals.Site_SingleBinding]; if (bag2 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("bindingBag"); } string bindingInformation = (string)bag2[FtpSiteGlobals.BindingInformation]; SitesHelper.DeserializeSiteProperties(ServerManager.Sites.Add(name, "ftp", bindingInformation, directory), bag); // authorization PropertyBag authBag = (PropertyBag)bag[FtpSiteGlobals.Authorization_Rule]; if (authBag != null) { AddAuthorizationRules(name, authBag); } ServerManager.CommitChanges(); Site site = ServerManager.Sites[name]; try { FtpSite ftpSiteElement = FtpHelper.GetFtpSiteElement(site); // if (ftpSiteElement.ServerAutoStart) { ftpSiteElement.Start(); } } catch { } }
public static PropertyBag SerializeSiteDefaults(ServerManager serverManager) { FtpSite ftpSiteDefaultElement = FtpHelper.GetFtpSiteDefaultElement(serverManager.SiteDefaults); PropertyBag bag = new PropertyBag(true); SerializeFtpSiteProperties(ftpSiteDefaultElement, bag); return(bag); }
/// <summary> /// 创建新的FtpSite对象 /// </summary> public void CreateFtpSite() { _FtpSite = new FtpSite(HostName, Port, UserName, Password); _FtpSite.IsShowHidenFile = IsShowHidenFile; _FtpSite.IsUseMlsdToListFolder = IsUseMlsdToListFolder; _FtpSite.IsNotSupportFEAT = IsNotSupportFEAT; _FtpSite.StringEncoding = StringEncoding; _FtpSite.BufferSize = BufferSize; }
/// <summary> /// Gets state of the site with sepcified name. /// </summary> /// <param name="siteName">Site's name to get state for.</param> /// <returns>Site's state.</returns> public ServerState GetSiteState(string siteName) { FtpSite ftpSite = GetIisFtpSite(siteName); if (ftpSite == null) { return(ServerState.Unknown); } return(ConvertSiteStateToServerState(ftpSite.State)); }
/// <summary> /// Gets ftp site with given name. /// </summary> /// <param name="siteName">Site's name.</param> /// <returns>Ftp site.</returns> public FtpSite GetIisFtpSite(string siteName) { Site site = this.GetIisSite(siteName); if (site == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Site with given name doesn't exist.", "siteName"); } FtpSite ftpSiteElement = FtpHelper.GetFtpSiteElement(site); ftpSiteElement.SiteServiceId = Convert.ToString(site.Id); // return(ftpSiteElement); }
public void UpdateSite(FtpSite site) { try { Log.WriteStart("'{0}' UpdateSite", ProviderSettings.ProviderName); FtpProvider.UpdateSite(site); Log.WriteEnd("'{0}' UpdateSite", ProviderSettings.ProviderName); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteError(String.Format("'{0}' UpdateSite", ProviderSettings.ProviderName), ex); throw; } }
public FtpSite GetSite(string siteId) { try { Log.WriteStart("'{0}' GetSite", ProviderSettings.ProviderName); FtpSite result = FtpProvider.GetSite(siteId); Log.WriteEnd("'{0}' GetSite", ProviderSettings.ProviderName); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteError(String.Format("'{0}' GetSite", ProviderSettings.ProviderName), ex); throw; } }
public string CreateSite(FtpSite site) { try { Log.WriteStart("'{0}' CreateSite", ProviderSettings.ProviderName); string result = FtpProvider.CreateSite(site); Log.WriteEnd("'{0}' CreateSite", ProviderSettings.ProviderName); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteError(String.Format("'{0}' CreateSite", ProviderSettings.ProviderName), ex); throw; } }
public static void SerializeFtpSiteProperties(FtpSite ftpSite, PropertyBag bag) { bag[FtpSiteGlobals.FtpSite_AutoStart] = ftpSite.ServerAutoStart; bag[FtpSiteGlobals.Connections_UnauthenticatedTimeout] = ftpSite.Connections.UnauthenticatedTimeout; bag[FtpSiteGlobals.Connections_ControlChannelTimeout] = ftpSite.Connections.ControlChannelTimeout; bag[FtpSiteGlobals.Connections_DisableSocketPooling] = ftpSite.Connections.DisableSocketPooling; bag[FtpSiteGlobals.Connections_ServerListenBacklog] = ftpSite.Connections.ServerListenBacklog; bag[FtpSiteGlobals.Connections_DataChannelTimeout] = ftpSite.Connections.DataChannelTimeout; bag[FtpSiteGlobals.Connections_MinBytesPerSecond] = ftpSite.Connections.MinBytesPerSecond; bag[FtpSiteGlobals.Connections_MaxConnections] = ftpSite.Connections.MaxConnections; bag[FtpSiteGlobals.Connections_ResetOnMaxConnection] = ftpSite.Connections.ResetOnMaxConnections; bag[FtpSiteGlobals.Ssl_ServerCertHash] = ftpSite.Security.Ssl.ServerCertHash; bag[FtpSiteGlobals.Ssl_ControlChannelPolicy] = (int)ftpSite.Security.Ssl.ControlChannelPolicy; bag[FtpSiteGlobals.Ssl_DataChannelPolicy] = (int)ftpSite.Security.Ssl.DataChannelPolicy; bag[FtpSiteGlobals.Ssl_Ssl128] = ftpSite.Security.Ssl.Ssl128; bag[FtpSiteGlobals.Authentication_AnonymousEnabled] = ftpSite.Security.Authentication.AnonymousAuthentication.Enabled; bag[FtpSiteGlobals.Authentication_BasicEnabled] = ftpSite.Security.Authentication.BasicAuthentication.Enabled; }
public PropertyBag EditSiteProperties(PropertyBag bag) { if (bag == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("bag"); } string siteName = (string)bag[100]; PropertyBag bindingBag = (PropertyBag)bag[0x68]; if (bindingBag != null) { this.AddSiteBinding(siteName, bindingBag); } Site site = ServerManager.Sites[siteName]; if (site == null) { throw new Exception("SiteDoesNotExistCannotEditExceptionError"); } SitesHelper.DeserializeSiteProperties(site, bag); PropertyBag authBag = (PropertyBag)bag[0x1a6]; if (authBag != null) { this.AddAuthorizationRules(siteName, authBag); } // ServerManager.CommitChanges(); // site = ServerManager.Sites[siteName]; try { FtpSite ftpSiteElement = FtpHelper.GetFtpSiteElement(site); if (ftpSiteElement.ServerAutoStart) { ftpSiteElement.Start(); } } catch { } return(SitesHelper.SerializeSite(site)); }
/// <summary> /// 清除FtpSite对象 /// </summary> public void ClearFtpSite() { _FtpSite = null; }
private void StartFtpUploadInThread() { try { Thread.Sleep(50); String host =; String username = ftpDestNode.Site.username; String pwd = ftpDestNode.Site.pwd; String targetfolder = ftpDestNode.Path; if (sourceFiles != null) { int count = sourceFiles.Count(); int iFileCount = 0; foreach (var file in sourceFiles) { string basicProgress = (++iFileCount).ToString() + " of " + count.ToString() + " : " + file.Name; progress.SetProgress(basicProgress); if (this.cancelled) { break; } FtpWebResponse response = null; FileStream inputStream = null; Stream ftpStream = null; while (!this.cancelled) { bool success = false; Exception lastException = null; for (int i = 0; i < 4 && !this.cancelled; i++) { try { progress.SetProgress(basicProgress + " - Connecting"); lock (FtpSite.LockInstance()) { string ftpfullpath = "ftp://" + host + targetfolder + "/" + file.Name; FtpWebRequest ftp = (FtpWebRequest)FtpWebRequest.Create(ftpfullpath); ftp.UseBinary = true; ftp.KeepAlive = true; ftp.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile; ftp.Timeout = 2000; ftp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, pwd); response = (FtpWebResponse)ftp.GetResponse(); inputStream = File.OpenRead(file.FullName); // ftpStream = response.GetResponseStream(); ftpStream = ftp.GetRequestStream(); progress.SetProgress(basicProgress + " - Reponse Recieved"); int bufferSize = 2048 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2; int readCount; int totalCount = 0; byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; readCount = inputStream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize); while (readCount > 0 & !this.cancelled) { totalCount += readCount; progress.SetProgress(basicProgress + " - Uploading: " + totalCount.ToString() ); ftpStream.Write(buffer, 0, readCount); readCount = inputStream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize); } success = true; progress.SetProgress(basicProgress + " - Completed"); } break; } catch (Exception e) { lastException = e; } finally { try { if (ftpStream != null) { ftpStream.Close(); } } catch (Exception) { } try { if (inputStream != null) { inputStream.Close(); } } catch (Exception) { } try { if (response != null) { response.Close(); } } catch (Exception) { } } } if (this.cancelled) { return; } if (!success) { DialogResult keepGoing = MessageBox.Show("Keep Trying? Failed after 4 attempts to download: " + file + " Exception: " + lastException.Message , "FTP Failure" , MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel , MessageBoxIcon.Error , MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); if (keepGoing != DialogResult.OK) { return; // Don't true any more. } } if (success) { break; // Goto next file only on success. } } } } } finally { progress.DoClose(); } }
/// <summary> /// Installs Ftp7 provider. /// </summary> /// <returns>Error messages.</returns> public override string[] Install() { List<string> messages = new List<string>(); FtpSite site = null; string folder = FileUtils.EvaluateSystemVariables(DefaultFtpSiteFolder); string logsDirectory = FileUtils.EvaluateSystemVariables(DefaultFtpSiteLogsFolder); // Create site folder. if (!FileUtils.DirectoryExists(folder)) { FileUtils.CreateDirectory(folder); } // Create logs folder. if (!FileUtils.DirectoryExists(logsDirectory)) { FileUtils.CreateDirectory(logsDirectory); } site = new FtpSite(); site.Name = this.SiteId; site.SiteId = this.SiteId; site.ContentPath = DefaultFtpSiteFolder; site.Bindings = new ServerBinding[1]; // set default log directory site.LogFileDirectory = DefaultFtpSiteLogsFolder; // set default logging fields site[FtpSite.MSFTP7_LOG_EXT_FILE_FIELDS] = DEFAULT_LOG_EXT_FILE_FIELDS; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.SharedIP)) { site.Bindings[0] = new ServerBinding(this.SharedIP, "21", String.Empty); } else { site.Bindings[0] = new ServerBinding("*", "21", "*"); //// Get information on local server. //IPHostEntry localServerHostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()); //foreach (IPAddress address in localServerHostEntry.AddressList) //{ // if (address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) // { // site.Bindings[0] = new ServerBinding(address.ToString(), "21", String.Empty); // } //} } if (this.IsFtpServerBindingsInUse(site)) { messages.Add("Cannot create ftp site because requested bindings are already in use."); return messages.ToArray(); } try { SecurityUtils.EnsureOrganizationalUnitsExist(ServerSettings, UsersOU, GroupsOU); } catch (Exception ex) { messages.Add(String.Format("Could not check/create Organizational Units: {0}", ex.Message)); return messages.ToArray(); } // create folder if it not exists if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(SiteId)) { messages.Add("Please, select FTP site to create accounts on"); } else { // create FTP group name if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(FtpGroupName)) { messages.Add("FTP Group can not be blank"); } else { try { // create group if (!SecurityUtils.GroupExists(FtpGroupName, ServerSettings, GroupsOU)) { SystemGroup group = new SystemGroup(); group.Name = FtpGroupName; group.Members = new string[] { }; group.Description = "WebsitePanel System Group"; SecurityUtils.CreateGroup(group, ServerSettings, UsersOU, GroupsOU); } } catch (Exception ex) { messages.Add(String.Format("There was an error while adding '{0}' group: {1}", FtpGroupName, ex.Message)); return messages.ToArray(); } } if (!this.ftpSitesService.SiteExists(this.SiteId)) { this.CreateSite(site); } else { this.UpdateSite(site); } try { // set permissions on the site root SecurityUtils.GrantNtfsPermissions(site.ContentPath, FtpGroupName, NTFSPermission.Read, true, true, ServerSettings, UsersOU, GroupsOU); } catch (Exception ex) { messages.Add(String.Format("Can not set permissions on '{0}' folder: {1}", site.ContentPath, ex.Message)); return messages.ToArray(); } } return messages.ToArray(); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a value which shows whether supplied site contains bindings that are already in use. /// </summary> /// <param name="site">Site to check.</param> /// <returns>true - if any of supplied bindinds is in use; false -otherwise.</returns> private bool IsFtpServerBindingsInUse(FtpSite site) { if (site == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("site"); } // check for server bindings foreach (FtpSite existentSite in this.GetSites()) { if (existentSite.Name != site.Name) { foreach (ServerBinding usedBinding in existentSite.Bindings) { foreach (ServerBinding requestedBinding in site.Bindings) { if (usedBinding.IP == requestedBinding.IP && usedBinding.Port == usedBinding.Port) { return true; } } } } } return false; }
/// <summary> /// Checks if bindings listed in given site already in use. /// </summary> /// <param name="site">Site to check.</param> /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Is thrown in case supplied site contains bindings that are already in use.</exception> private void CheckFtpServerBindings(FtpSite site) { if (this.IsFtpServerBindingsInUse(site)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Some of ftp site's bindings are already in use."); } }
/// <summary> /// Fills iis configuration with information from ftp site. /// </summary> /// <param name="ftpSite">Ftp site that holds information.</param> private void FillIisFromFtpSite(FtpSite ftpSite) { IisFtpSite iisFtpSite = this.ftpSitesService.GetIisFtpSite(ftpSite.SiteId); string logExtFileFields = ftpSite[FtpSite.MSFTP7_LOG_EXT_FILE_FIELDS]; if (iisFtpSite != null) { // Security settings. iisFtpSite.Security.Authentication.AnonymousAuthentication.Enabled = ftpSite.AllowAnonymous; iisFtpSite.Security.Authentication.AnonymousAuthentication.UserName = ftpSite.AnonymousUsername; iisFtpSite.Security.Authentication.AnonymousAuthentication.Password = ftpSite.AnonymousUserPassword; // enable logging iisFtpSite.LogFile.Enabled = true; // set logging fields if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(logExtFileFields)) iisFtpSite.LogFile.LogExtFileFlags = (FtpLogExtFileFlags)Enum.Parse(typeof(FtpLogExtFileFlags), logExtFileFields); // set log files directory if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ftpSite.LogFileDirectory)) iisFtpSite.LogFile.Directory = ftpSite.LogFileDirectory; } // Set new bindings. this.CheckFtpServerBindings(ftpSite); this.ftpSitesService.SetSiteBindings(ftpSite.Name, ftpSite.Bindings); // Physical path this.ftpSitesService.SetSitePhysicalPath(ftpSite.SiteId, "/", ftpSite.ContentPath); }
/// <summary> /// Creates ftp site. /// </summary> /// <param name="site">Ftp site to be created.</param> /// <returns>Created site id.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Is thrown in case supplied argument is null.</exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"> /// Is thrown in case site id or its name is null or empty or if site id is not equal to default ftp site name. /// </exception> public string CreateSite(FtpSite site) { if (site == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("site"); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(site.SiteId) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(site.Name)) { throw new ArgumentException("Site id or name is null or empty."); } this.CheckFtpServerBindings(site); PropertyBag siteBag = this.ftpSitesService.GetSiteDefaults(); // Set site name siteBag[FtpSiteGlobals.Site_Name] = site.Name; // Set site physical path siteBag[FtpSiteGlobals.VirtualDirectory_PhysicalPath] = site.ContentPath; PropertyBag ftpBinding = new PropertyBag(); // Set site binding protocol ftpBinding[FtpSiteGlobals.BindingProtocol] = "ftp"; // fill binding summary info ftpBinding[FtpSiteGlobals.BindingInformation] = site.Bindings[0].ToString(); // Set site binding siteBag[FtpSiteGlobals.Site_SingleBinding] = ftpBinding; // Auto-start siteBag[FtpSiteGlobals.FtpSite_AutoStart] = true; // Set anonumous authentication siteBag[FtpSiteGlobals.Authentication_AnonymousEnabled] = true; siteBag[FtpSiteGlobals.Authentication_BasicEnabled] = true; this.ftpSitesService.AddSite(siteBag); AuthorizationRuleCollection rules = this.ftpSitesService.GetAuthorizationRuleCollection(site.Name); rules.Add(AuthorizationRuleAccessType.Allow, "*", String.Empty, PermissionsFlags.Read); IisFtpSite iisFtpSite = this.ftpSitesService.GetIisFtpSite(site.Name); iisFtpSite.UserIsolation.Mode = Mode.StartInUsersDirectory; iisFtpSite.Security.Ssl.ControlChannelPolicy = ControlChannelPolicy.SslAllow; iisFtpSite.Security.Ssl.DataChannelPolicy = DataChannelPolicy.SslAllow; this.FillIisFromFtpSite(site); this.ftpSitesService.CommitChanges(); // Do not start the site because it is started during creation. try { this.ChangeSiteState(site.Name, ServerState.Started); } catch { // Ignore the error if happened. } return site.Name; }
/// <summary> /// Gets ftp site with given name. /// </summary> /// <param name="siteId">Ftp site's name to get.</param> /// <returns>Ftp site.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"> Is thrown in case site name is null or empty. </exception> public FtpSite GetSite(string siteId) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(siteId)) { throw new ArgumentException("Site name is null or empty."); } FtpSite ftpSite = new FtpSite(); ftpSite.SiteId = siteId; ftpSite.Name = siteId; this.FillFtpSiteFromIis(ftpSite); return ftpSite; }
/// <summary> /// Updates site with given information. /// </summary> /// <param name="site">Ftp site.</param> public void UpdateSite(FtpSite site) { // Check server bindings. CheckFtpServerBindings(site); this.FillIisFromFtpSite(site); this.ftpSitesService.CommitChanges(); }
private void StartFtpDeleteInThread() { try { Thread.Sleep(50); String host =; String username = folder.Site.username; String pwd = folder.Site.pwd; String targetfolder = folder.Path; if (files != null) { int count = files.Count(); int iFileCount = 0; foreach (var file in files) { string basicProgress = (++iFileCount).ToString() + " of " + count.ToString() + " : " + file; progress.SetProgress(basicProgress); if (this.cancelled) { break; } FtpWebResponse response = null; while (!this.cancelled) { bool success = false; Exception lastException = null; for (int i = 0; i < 4 && !this.cancelled; i++) { try { progress.SetProgress(basicProgress + " - Connecting"); lock (FtpSite.LockInstance()) { string ftpfullpath = "ftp://" + host + targetfolder + "/" + file; FtpWebRequest ftp = (FtpWebRequest)FtpWebRequest.Create(ftpfullpath); ftp.UseBinary = true; ftp.KeepAlive = true; ftp.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DeleteFile; ftp.Timeout = 2000; ftp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, pwd); response = (FtpWebResponse)ftp.GetResponse(); progress.SetProgress(basicProgress + response.StatusDescription); success = true; } break; } catch (Exception e) { lastException = e; } finally { try { if (response != null) { response.Close(); } } catch (Exception) { } } } if (this.cancelled) { return; } if (!success) { DialogResult keepGoing = MessageBox.Show("Keep Trying? Failed after 4 attempts to delete: " + file + " Exception: " + lastException.Message , "FTP Failure" , MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel , MessageBoxIcon.Error , MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); if (keepGoing != DialogResult.OK) { return; // Don't true any more. } } if (success) { break; // Goto next file only on success. } } } } } finally { progress.DoClose(); } }
public static void DeserializeFtpSiteProperties(FtpSite ftpSite, PropertyBag bag) { foreach (int num in bag.ModifiedKeys) { switch (num) { case FtpSiteGlobals.Connections_UnauthenticatedTimeout: ftpSite.Connections.UnauthenticatedTimeout = (int)bag[num]; break; case FtpSiteGlobals.Connections_ControlChannelTimeout: ftpSite.Connections.ControlChannelTimeout = (int)bag[num]; break; case FtpSiteGlobals.Connections_DisableSocketPooling: ftpSite.Connections.DisableSocketPooling = (bool)bag[num]; break; case FtpSiteGlobals.Connections_ServerListenBacklog: ftpSite.Connections.ServerListenBacklog = (int)bag[num]; break; case FtpSiteGlobals.Connections_DataChannelTimeout: ftpSite.Connections.DataChannelTimeout = (int)bag[num]; break; case FtpSiteGlobals.Connections_MinBytesPerSecond: ftpSite.Connections.MinBytesPerSecond = (int)bag[num]; break; case FtpSiteGlobals.Connections_MaxConnections: ftpSite.Connections.MaxConnections = (long)bag[num]; break; case FtpSiteGlobals.Connections_ResetOnMaxConnection: ftpSite.Connections.ResetOnMaxConnections = (bool)bag[num]; break; case FtpSiteGlobals.Ssl_ServerCertHash: ftpSite.Security.Ssl.ServerCertHash = (string)bag[num]; break; case FtpSiteGlobals.Ssl_ControlChannelPolicy: ftpSite.Security.Ssl.ControlChannelPolicy = (ControlChannelPolicy)bag[num]; break; case FtpSiteGlobals.Ssl_DataChannelPolicy: ftpSite.Security.Ssl.DataChannelPolicy = (DataChannelPolicy)bag[num]; break; case FtpSiteGlobals.Authentication_AnonymousEnabled: ftpSite.Security.Authentication.AnonymousAuthentication.Enabled = (bool)bag[num]; break; case FtpSiteGlobals.Authentication_BasicEnabled: ftpSite.Security.Authentication.BasicAuthentication.Enabled = (bool)bag[num]; break; case FtpSiteGlobals.FtpSite_AutoStart: ftpSite.ServerAutoStart = (bool)bag[num]; break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Fills ftp site with data from iis ftp site. /// </summary> /// <param name="ftpSite">Ftp site to fill.</param> private void FillFtpSiteFromIis(FtpSite ftpSite) { IisFtpSite iisFtpSite = this.ftpSitesService.GetIisFtpSite(ftpSite.SiteId); if (iisFtpSite != null) { // Security settings. ftpSite.AllowAnonymous = iisFtpSite.Security.Authentication.AnonymousAuthentication.Enabled; ftpSite.AnonymousUsername = iisFtpSite.Security.Authentication.AnonymousAuthentication.UserName; ftpSite.AnonymousUserPassword = iisFtpSite.Security.Authentication.AnonymousAuthentication.Password; // Logging settings. ftpSite[FtpSite.MSFTP7_SITE_ID] = iisFtpSite.SiteServiceId; if (iisFtpSite.LogFile.Enabled) { ftpSite.LogFileDirectory = iisFtpSite.LogFile.Directory; ftpSite[FtpSite.MSFTP7_LOG_EXT_FILE_FIELDS] = iisFtpSite.LogFile.LogExtFileFlags.ToString(); } } // Bindings ftpSite.Bindings = this.ftpSitesService.GetSiteBindings(ftpSite.SiteId); // Physical path ftpSite.ContentPath = this.ftpSitesService.GetSitePhysicalPath(ftpSite.SiteId, "/"); }