public override ImportContactsData GetContacts(string fileName, IEnumerable <FieldViewModel> customFields, int jobId, IEnumerable <DropdownValueViewModel> DropdownFields)
            var persons = new List <RawContact>();
            var personCustomFieldData      = new List <ImportCustomData>();
            var personPhoneData            = new List <ImportPhoneData>();
            ImportContactsData data        = new ImportContactsData();
            string             leadsString = string.Empty;
            var oldNewValues = new Dictionary <string, dynamic> {
            Func <RawContact, bool> ValidateEmail = (c) =>
                 * If email is not empty or null then validate email
                 * If email is empty/or null then check for legth of first name and lastname
                if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.PrimaryEmail) && c.IsValidEmail(c.PrimaryEmail)) ||
                    (string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.PrimaryEmail) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.FirstName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.LastName)))

                Logger.Current.Verbose("Getting the data for BDX Lead adapter provider");

                var      ftpManager    = new FtpService();
                var      ftpcontent    = ftpManager.GetService(leadAdapterAndAccountMap.RequestGuid);
                DateTime lastProcessed = leadAdapterAndAccountMap.LastProcessed == null?DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().AddDays(-90) : leadAdapterAndAccountMap.LastProcessed.Value;

                string url = string.Format(ftpcontent.Host + "?CommunityID={0}&Username={1}&Password={2}&StartDate={3}&EndDate={4}",
                                           leadAdapterAndAccountMap.BuilderNumber, ftpcontent.UserName, ftpcontent.Password,
                                           lastProcessed.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                           DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                leadsString = this.ProcessWebRequest(url);

                string ext          = leadsString.Trim('\n', '\r');
                string formattedXml = XElement.Parse(ext).ToString();
                var    xDocument    = XDocument.Parse(formattedXml);
                var    leads        = xDocument.Descendants("Lead");
                customFields = customFields.Where(i => i.IsLeadAdapterField && i.LeadAdapterType == (byte)LeadAdapterTypes.PrivateCommunities && i.StatusId == FieldStatus.Active);
                IList <string>          hashes = new List <string>();
                LeadAdapterRecordStatus status = LeadAdapterRecordStatus.Undefined;

                int AccountID = leadAdapterAndAccountMap.AccountID;
                foreach (var lead in leads)
                    var guid            = Guid.NewGuid();
                    var propertyIntrest = lead.Descendants("PropertyInterest").FirstOrDefault();
                    var leadcontact     = lead.Descendants("Contact").FirstOrDefault();

                    string BuilderNumber = propertyIntrest.Attribute("BuilderNumber") != null?propertyIntrest.Attribute("BuilderNumber").Value : "";

                    bool builderNumberPass = leadAdapterAndAccountMap.BuilderNumber.ToLower().Split(',').Contains(BuilderNumber.ToLower());

                    string CommunityNumber = propertyIntrest.Attribute("CommunityNumber") != null?propertyIntrest.Attribute("CommunityNumber").Value : "";

                    bool communityNumberPass = true;
                    //bool communityNumberPass = String.IsNullOrEmpty(leadAdapterAndAccountMap.CommunityNumber) ? true :
                    //    leadAdapterAndAccountMap.CommunityNumber.ToLower().Split(',').Contains(CommunityNumber.ToLower()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CommunityNumber);
                    Logger.Current.Informational("Processing leads for account : " + leadAdapterAndAccountMap.AccountName + " IsCommunityPass : "******"FirstName") != null?leadcontact.Attribute("FirstName").Value : null;

                    string LastName = leadcontact.Attribute("LastName") != null?leadcontact.Attribute("LastName").Value : null;

                    string PrimaryEmail = leadcontact.Attribute("Email") != null?leadcontact.Attribute("Email").Value : null;

                    string CompanyName = string.Empty;

                    StringBuilder hash   = new StringBuilder();
                    IList <Email> emails = new List <Email>();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PrimaryEmail))
                        Email primaryemail = new Email()
                            EmailId   = PrimaryEmail,
                            AccountID = leadAdapterAndAccountMap.AccountID,
                            IsPrimary = true

                    Person person = new Person()
                        FirstName   = FirstName,
                        LastName    = LastName,
                        CompanyName = CompanyName,
                        Emails      = emails,
                        AccountID   = AccountID

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FirstName))

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastName))

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CompanyName))

                    bool IsNotValidContact = false;

                    bool isDuplicateFromFile = false;

                    if (!IsNotValidContact && builderNumberPass && communityNumberPass)
                        bool duplicateemailcount = hashes.Where(h => h.Contains(PrimaryEmail)).Any();
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PrimaryEmail) && duplicateemailcount)
                            isDuplicateFromFile = true;
                        else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PrimaryEmail) && !duplicateemailcount)
                            isDuplicateFromFile = false;
                        else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PrimaryEmail) && hashes.Where(h => h.Contains(hash.ToString())).Any())
                            isDuplicateFromFile = true;
                            isDuplicateFromFile = false;

                    SearchResult <Contact> duplicateResult = new SearchResult <Contact>();
                    if (!IsNotValidContact && builderNumberPass && isDuplicateFromFile == false && communityNumberPass)
                        SearchParameters parameters = new SearchParameters()
                            AccountId = AccountID
                        IEnumerable <Contact> duplicateContacts = contactService.CheckIfDuplicate(new CheckContactDuplicateRequest()
                            Person = person
                        duplicateResult = new SearchResult <Contact>()
                            Results = duplicateContacts, TotalHits = duplicateContacts != null?duplicateContacts.Count() : 0

                    if (!builderNumberPass)
                        status = LeadAdapterRecordStatus.BuilderNumberFailed;
                    else if (!communityNumberPass)
                        status = LeadAdapterRecordStatus.CommunityNumberFailed;
                    else if (IsNotValidContact)
                        status = LeadAdapterRecordStatus.ValidationFailed;
                    else if (isDuplicateFromFile)
                        status = LeadAdapterRecordStatus.DuplicateFromFile;
                    else if (duplicateResult.TotalHits > 0)
                        status = LeadAdapterRecordStatus.Updated;
                        guid   = duplicateResult.Results.FirstOrDefault().ReferenceId;
                        status = LeadAdapterRecordStatus.Added;

                    Contact duplicateperson = default(Person);
                    //contact.LeadAdapterRecordStatusId = (byte)status;
                    if (status == LeadAdapterRecordStatus.Updated)
                        duplicateperson = duplicateResult.Results.FirstOrDefault();
                        duplicateperson = new Person();


                    RawContact contact = new RawContact();
                    IList <ImportCustomData> contactCustomData = new List <ImportCustomData>();
                    IList <ImportPhoneData>  contactPhoneData  = new List <ImportPhoneData>();

                    StringBuilder CustomFieldData = new StringBuilder();
                        XDocument            doc           = XDocument.Parse(lead.ToString());
                        List <XMLTypeHolder> allattributes = new List <XMLTypeHolder>();
                        foreach (XElement node in doc.Nodes())
                            allattributes.AddRange(node.Attributes().Select(x => new XMLTypeHolder {
                                NodeName = node.Name.LocalName, LocalName = x.Name.LocalName, Value = x.Value
                            if (node.HasElements)
                                foreach (XElement ele in node.Elements())
                                    allattributes.AddRange(ele.Attributes().Select(x => new XMLTypeHolder {
                                        NodeName = ele.Name.LocalName, LocalName = x.Name.LocalName, Value = x.Value

                        foreach (var attribute in allattributes)
                            ImportCustomData customData = new ImportCustomData();
                                var elementvalue = string.Empty;
                                if (attribute.LocalName.ToLower() == "firstname" && attribute.NodeName == "Contact")
                                    elementvalue      = ((Person)duplicateperson).FirstName == null ? "" : ((Person)duplicateperson).FirstName;
                                    contact.FirstName = attribute.Value;
                                else if (attribute.LocalName.ToLower() == "lastname" && attribute.NodeName == "Contact")
                                    elementvalue     = ((Person)duplicateperson).LastName;
                                    contact.LastName = attribute.Value;
                                else if (attribute.LocalName.ToLower() == "email" && attribute.NodeName == "Contact")
                                    Email primaryemail = duplicateperson.Emails == null ? null : duplicateperson.Emails.Where(i => i.IsPrimary == true).FirstOrDefault();
                                    if (primaryemail != null)
                                        elementvalue = primaryemail.EmailId;
                                    contact.PrimaryEmail = attribute.Value;
                                else if (attribute.LocalName.ToLower() == "company" && attribute.NodeName == "Contact")
                                    elementvalue        = duplicateperson.CompanyName;
                                    contact.CompanyName = attribute.Value;
                                else if (attribute.LocalName.ToLower() == "phone" && attribute.NodeName == "Contact")
                                    DropdownValueViewModel drpvalue = DropdownFields.Where(i => i.DropdownValueTypeID == (short)DropdownValueTypes.MobilePhone).FirstOrDefault();
                                    var             mobilephone     = default(Phone);
                                    ImportPhoneData phoneData       = new ImportPhoneData();
                                    phoneData.ReferenceID = guid;
                                    if (drpvalue != null)
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attribute.Value))
                                            string nonnumericstring = GetNonNumericData(attribute.Value);
                                            if (IsValidPhoneNumberLength(nonnumericstring))
                                                contact.PhoneData     = drpvalue.DropdownValueID.ToString() + "|" + nonnumericstring;
                                                phoneData.PhoneType   = (int?)drpvalue.DropdownValueID;
                                                phoneData.PhoneNumber = nonnumericstring;
                                        mobilephone = duplicateperson.Phones == null ? null : duplicateperson.Phones.Where(i => i.PhoneType == drpvalue.DropdownValueID).FirstOrDefault();

                                    if (mobilephone != null)
                                        elementvalue = mobilephone.Number;
                                else if (attribute.LocalName.ToLower() == "country" && attribute.NodeName == "Contact")
                                    var countryvalue = attribute.Value.Replace(" ", string.Empty).ToLower();
                                    if (countryvalue == "usa" || countryvalue == "us" || countryvalue == "unitedstates" || countryvalue == "unitedstatesofamerica")
                                        contact.Country = "US";
                                    else if (countryvalue == "ca" || countryvalue == "canada")
                                        contact.Country = "CA";
                                        contact.Country = attribute.Value;
                                else if (attribute.LocalName.ToLower() == "title" && attribute.NodeName == "Contact")
                                    contact.Title = attribute.Value;
                                else if (attribute.LocalName.ToLower() == "streetadress" && attribute.NodeName == "Contact")
                                    contact.AddressLine1 = attribute.Value;
                                else if (attribute.LocalName.ToLower() == "city" && attribute.NodeName == "Contact")
                                    contact.City = attribute.Value;
                                else if (attribute.LocalName.ToLower() == "state" && attribute.NodeName == "Contact")
                                    contact.State = attribute.Value;
                                else if (attribute.LocalName.ToLower() == "postalcode" && attribute.NodeName == "Contact")
                                    contact.ZipCode = attribute.Value;
                                    var customField = customFields.Where(i => i.Title.Replace(" ", string.Empty).ToLower() == (attribute.LocalName.ToLower() + "(" + LeadAdapterTypes.PrivateCommunities.ToString().ToLower() + ")")).FirstOrDefault();
                                    if (customField != null)
                                        var customfielddata = duplicateperson.CustomFields == null ? null : duplicateperson.CustomFields.Where(i => i.CustomFieldId == customField.FieldId).FirstOrDefault();
                                        if (customfielddata != null)
                                            elementvalue = customfielddata.Value;

                                        customData.FieldID     = customField.FieldId;
                                        customData.FieldTypeID = (int?)customField.FieldInputTypeId;
                                        customData.ReferenceID = guid;

                                        if (customField.FieldInputTypeId == || customField.FieldInputTypeId == FieldType.datetime || customField.FieldInputTypeId == FieldType.time)
                                            DateTime converteddate;
                                            if (DateTime.TryParse(attribute.Value, out converteddate))
                                                CustomFieldData.Append("~" + customField.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customField.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + converteddate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt"));
                                                customData.FieldValue = converteddate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt");
                                        else if (customField.FieldInputTypeId == FieldType.number)
                                            double number;
                                            if (double.TryParse(attribute.Value, out number))
                                                CustomFieldData.Append("~" + customField.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customField.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + number.ToString());
                                                customData.FieldValue = number.ToString();
                                        else if (customField.FieldInputTypeId == FieldType.url)
                                            if (IsValidURL(attribute.Value.Trim()))
                                                CustomFieldData.Append("~" + customField.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customField.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + attribute.Value.Trim());
                                                customData.FieldValue = attribute.Value.Trim();
                                            CustomFieldData.Append("~" + customField.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customField.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + attribute.Value.Trim());
                                            customData.FieldValue = attribute.Value.Trim();
                                if (!oldNewValues.ContainsKey(attribute.LocalName))
                                    oldNewValues.Add(attribute.LocalName, new { OldValue = string.IsNullOrEmpty(elementvalue) ? string.Empty : elementvalue, NewValue = attribute.Value });
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Logger.Current.Error("An exception occured in Genereating old new values attribute in Private Communities : " + attribute.LocalName, ex);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logger.Current.Error("An exception occured in Genereating old new values attribute in Private Communities : ", ex);
                    if (CustomFieldData.Length > 0)
                        CustomFieldData.Remove(0, 1);
                    contact.CustomFieldsData          = CustomFieldData.ToString();
                    contact.ReferenceId               = guid;
                    contact.AccountID                 = AccountID;
                    contact.LeadAdapterRecordStatusId = (byte)status;
                    contact.JobID = jobId;
                    contact.IsCommunityNumberPass = communityNumberPass;
                    contact.IsBuilderNumberPass   = builderNumberPass;
                    contact.ContactStatusID       = 1;
                    contact.ContactTypeID         = 1;
                    JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                    contact.LeadAdapterSubmittedData = js.Serialize(oldNewValues);
                    contact.LeadAdapterRowData       = lead.ToString();

                    contact.ValidEmail = ValidateEmail(contact);

                    RawContact duplicate_data = null;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(contact.PrimaryEmail)))
                        duplicate_data = persons.Where(p => string.Compare(p.PrimaryEmail, Convert.ToString(contact.PrimaryEmail), true) == 0).FirstOrDefault();
                        duplicate_data = persons.Where(p => string.Compare(p.FirstName, Convert.ToString(contact.FirstName), true) == 0 && string.Compare(p.LastName, Convert.ToString(contact.LastName), true) == 0).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (duplicate_data != null)
                        contact.IsDuplicate = true;
                        //RawContact updatedperson = MergeDuplicateData(duplicate_data, contact, guid);
                        //duplicate_data = updatedperson;

            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Current.Error("Exception occured while getting bdx files :" + ex);
            data.ContactCustomData = personCustomFieldData;
            data.ContactPhoneData  = personPhoneData;
            data.ContactData       = persons;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //public override bool IsValidPhoneNumberLength(string phoneNumber)
        //    bool isValidPhone = false;
        //    string pattern = @"^[01]?[- .]?(\([2-9]\d{2}\)|[2-9]\d{2})[- .]?\d{3}[- .]?\d{4}$";
        //    Regex regex = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
        //    bool result = isValidPhone = regex.IsMatch(phoneNumber);
        //    return result;

        public override ImportContactsData GetContacts(string fileName, IEnumerable <FieldViewModel> customFields, int jobId, IEnumerable <DropdownValueViewModel> DropdownFields)
            var persons             = new List <RawContact>();
            ImportContactsData data = new ImportContactsData();
            var                     personCustomFieldData = new List <ImportCustomData>();
            var                     personPhoneData       = new List <ImportPhoneData>();
            string                  leadsString           = string.Empty;
            IList <string>          hashes        = new List <string>();
            Func <RawContact, bool> ValidateEmail = (c) =>
                 * If email is not empty or null then validate email
                 * If email is empty/or null then check for legth of first name and lastname
                if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.PrimaryEmail) && c.IsValidEmail(c.PrimaryEmail)) ||
                    (string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.PrimaryEmail) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.FirstName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.LastName)))

                int      AccountID     = leadAdapterAndAccountMap.AccountID;
                var      ftpManager    = new FtpService();
                var      ftpcontent    = ftpManager.GetService(leadAdapterAndAccountMap.RequestGuid);
                DateTime lastProcessed = leadAdapterAndAccountMap.LastProcessed == null?DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().AddDays(-90) : leadAdapterAndAccountMap.LastProcessed.Value;

                string url = string.Format(ftpcontent.Host + "/{0}/{1}/{2}?date={3}&time={4}",
                                           ftpcontent.UserName, "xmlfeeds", ftpcontent.Password,
                                           lastProcessed.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                leadsString = this.ProcessWebRequest(url);
                var xDocument           = XDocument.Parse(leadsString);
                var developmentElements = xDocument.Descendants("development");
                var builderagency       = xDocument.Descendants("developerbuilderagency");
                //string developerbuilderagency = builderagency != null ? builderagency.FirstOrDefault() == null ? "" : builderagency.FirstOrDefault().Value : "";
                LeadAdapterRecordStatus status = LeadAdapterRecordStatus.Undefined;
                customFields = customFields.Where(i => i.LeadAdapterType == (byte)LeadAdapterTypes.BuzzBuzzHomes && i.IsLeadAdapterField && i.StatusId == FieldStatus.Active);

                foreach (var developementElement in developmentElements)
                    // developementElement attributes
                    //string developmentname = developementElement.Element("developmentname") != null ? developementElement.Element("developmentname").Value : "";
                    //string providerdevelopmentid = developementElement.Element("providerdevelopmentid") != null ? developementElement.Element("providerdevelopmentid").Value : "";
                    var leads = developementElement.Descendants("lead");

                    foreach (var lead in leads)
                        // created the guid for reference in the contact
                        var        guid    = Guid.NewGuid();
                        RawContact contact = new RawContact();
                        IList <ImportCustomData> contactCustomData = new List <ImportCustomData>();
                        IList <ImportPhoneData>  contactPhoneData  = new List <ImportPhoneData>();
                        var oldNewValues = new Dictionary <string, dynamic> {
                        StringBuilder CustomFieldData = new StringBuilder();

                        StringBuilder hash = new StringBuilder();

                        string firstName = string.Empty;
                        string lastName  = string.Empty;

                        string fullName = lead.Element("name").Value;

                        string[] name = fullName.Split(' ');
                        if (name.Length == 1)
                            firstName = name[0];
                        else if (name.Length > 1)
                            for (var i = 0; i < name.Length; i++)
                                if (i == 0)
                                    firstName = name[i];
                                    lastName = name[i] + " ";
                        string PrimaryEmail = lead.Elements("email").FirstOrDefault() == null ? string.Empty : lead.Elements("email").First().Value;
                        string CompanyName  = lead.Elements("Company").FirstOrDefault() == null ? null : lead.Elements("Company").First().Value;

                        IList <Email> emails = new List <Email>();

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PrimaryEmail))
                            Email primaryemail = new Email()
                                EmailId   = PrimaryEmail,
                                AccountID = AccountID,
                                IsPrimary = true

                        Person person = new Person()
                            FirstName   = firstName,
                            LastName    = lastName,
                            CompanyName = CompanyName,
                            Emails      = emails,
                            AccountID   = AccountID

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstName))

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastName))

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CompanyName))

                        //var BrokenRules = person.GetBrokenRules();
                        bool IsNotValidContact = false;

                        bool isDuplicateFromFile = false;

                        if (!IsNotValidContact)
                            bool duplicateemailcount = hashes.Where(h => h.Contains(PrimaryEmail)).Any();
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PrimaryEmail) && duplicateemailcount)
                                isDuplicateFromFile = true;
                            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PrimaryEmail) && !duplicateemailcount)
                                isDuplicateFromFile = false;
                            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PrimaryEmail) && hashes.Where(h => h.Contains(hash.ToString())).Any())
                                isDuplicateFromFile = true;
                                isDuplicateFromFile = false;

                        SearchResult <Contact> duplicateResult = new SearchResult <Contact>();
                        if (!IsNotValidContact && isDuplicateFromFile == false)
                            SearchParameters parameters = new SearchParameters()
                                AccountId = AccountID
                            IEnumerable <Contact> duplicateContacts = contactService.CheckIfDuplicate(new CheckContactDuplicateRequest()
                                Person = person
                            duplicateResult = new SearchResult <Contact>()
                                Results = duplicateContacts, TotalHits = duplicateContacts != null?duplicateContacts.Count() : 0

                        if (IsNotValidContact)
                            status = LeadAdapterRecordStatus.ValidationFailed;
                        else if (isDuplicateFromFile)
                            status = LeadAdapterRecordStatus.DuplicateFromFile;
                        else if (duplicateResult.TotalHits > 0)
                            status = LeadAdapterRecordStatus.Updated;
                            guid   = duplicateResult.Results.FirstOrDefault().ReferenceId;
                            status = LeadAdapterRecordStatus.Added;

                        Contact duplicateperson = default(Person);
                        //contact.LeadAdapterRecordStatusId = (byte)status;
                        if (status == LeadAdapterRecordStatus.Updated)
                            duplicateperson = duplicateResult.Results.FirstOrDefault();
                            duplicateperson = new Person();
                            XDocument doc      = XDocument.Parse(lead.ToString());
                            var       elements = doc.Root.DescendantNodes().OfType <XElement>();
                            foreach (XElement element in elements)
                                    var elementvalue = string.Empty;
                                    if (element.Name.LocalName.ToLower() == "name")
                                        fullName = lead.Element("name").Value;

                                        string[] Name = fullName.Split(' ');

                                        if (Name.Length == 1)
                                            firstName = Name[0];
                                        else if (Name.Length > 1)
                                            for (var i = 0; i < Name.Length; i++)
                                                if (i == 0)
                                                    firstName = Name[i];
                                                    lastName = Name[i] + " ";
                                        string previousfirstname = ((Person)duplicateperson).FirstName == null ? "" : ((Person)duplicateperson).FirstName;
                                        string previouslastname  = ((Person)duplicateperson).LastName == null ? "" : ((Person)duplicateperson).LastName;

                                        elementvalue      = previousfirstname + " " + previouslastname;
                                        contact.FirstName = firstName;
                                        contact.LastName  = lastName;

                                    else if (element.Name.LocalName.ToLower() == "email")
                                        Email primaryemail = duplicateperson.Emails == null ? null : duplicateperson.Emails.Where(i => i.IsPrimary == true).FirstOrDefault();
                                        if (primaryemail != null)
                                            elementvalue = primaryemail.EmailId;
                                        contact.PrimaryEmail = element.Value;
                                    else if (element.Name.LocalName.ToLower() == "company")
                                        elementvalue        = duplicateperson.CompanyName;
                                        contact.CompanyName = element.Value;
                                    else if (element.Name.LocalName.ToLower() == "phone")
                                        DropdownValueViewModel drpvalue = DropdownFields.Where(i => i.DropdownValueTypeID == (short)DropdownValueTypes.MobilePhone).FirstOrDefault();
                                        var             mobilephone     = default(Phone);
                                        ImportPhoneData phoneData       = new ImportPhoneData();
                                        phoneData.ReferenceID = guid;
                                        if (drpvalue != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(element.Value))
                                            string nonnumericstring = GetNonNumericData(element.Value);
                                            if (IsValidPhoneNumberLength(nonnumericstring))
                                                contact.PhoneData     = drpvalue.DropdownValueID.ToString() + "|" + nonnumericstring;
                                                phoneData.PhoneType   = (int?)drpvalue.DropdownValueID;
                                                phoneData.PhoneNumber = nonnumericstring;

                                        if (mobilephone != null)
                                            elementvalue = mobilephone.Number;
                                        var customField             = customFields.Where(i => i.Title.Replace(" ", string.Empty).ToLower() == (element.Name.LocalName.ToLower() + "(" + LeadAdapterTypes.BuzzBuzzHomes.ToString().ToLower() + ")")).FirstOrDefault();
                                        ImportCustomData customData = new ImportCustomData();
                                        customData.FieldID     = customField.FieldId;
                                        customData.FieldTypeID = (int?)customField.FieldInputTypeId;
                                        customData.ReferenceID = guid;

                                        if (customField != null)
                                            var customfielddata = duplicateperson.CustomFields == null ? null : duplicateperson.CustomFields.Where(i => i.CustomFieldId == customField.FieldId).FirstOrDefault();
                                            if (customfielddata != null)
                                                elementvalue = customfielddata.Value;

                                            if (customField.FieldInputTypeId == || customField.FieldInputTypeId == FieldType.datetime || customField.FieldInputTypeId == FieldType.time)
                                                DateTime converteddate;
                                                if (DateTime.TryParse(element.Value.Trim(), out converteddate))
                                                    CustomFieldData.Append("~" + customField.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customField.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + converteddate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt"));
                                                    customData.FieldValue = converteddate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt");
                                            else if (customField.FieldInputTypeId == FieldType.number)
                                                double number;
                                                if (double.TryParse(element.Value.Trim(), out number))
                                                    CustomFieldData.Append("~" + customField.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customField.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + number.ToString());
                                                    customData.FieldValue = number.ToString();
                                            else if (customField.FieldInputTypeId == FieldType.url)
                                                if (IsValidURL(element.Value.Trim()))
                                                    CustomFieldData.Append("~" + customField.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customField.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + element.Value.Trim());
                                                    customData.FieldValue = element.Value.Trim();
                                                CustomFieldData.Append("~" + customField.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customField.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + element.Value.Trim());
                                                customData.FieldValue = element.Value.Trim();
                                    if (!oldNewValues.ContainsKey(element.Name.LocalName))
                                        oldNewValues.Add(element.Name.LocalName, new { OldValue = string.IsNullOrEmpty(elementvalue) ? string.Empty : elementvalue, NewValue = element.Value });
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    Logger.Current.Error("An exception occured in Genereating old new values element in BuzzBuzz Homes : " + element.Name.LocalName, ex);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Logger.Current.Error("An exception occured in Genereating old new values element in Buzzbuzz homes : ", ex);
                        if (CustomFieldData.Length > 0)
                            CustomFieldData.Remove(0, 1);

                        contact.CustomFieldsData          = CustomFieldData.ToString();
                        contact.CustomFieldsData          = CustomFieldData.ToString();
                        contact.ReferenceId               = guid;
                        contact.AccountID                 = AccountID;
                        contact.LeadAdapterRecordStatusId = (byte)status;
                        contact.JobID = jobId;
                        JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                        contact.LeadAdapterSubmittedData = js.Serialize(oldNewValues);
                        contact.LeadAdapterRowData       = lead.ToString();
                        contact.ContactStatusID          = 1;
                        contact.ContactTypeID            = 1;

                        contact.ValidEmail = ValidateEmail(contact);

                        RawContact duplicate_data = null;
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(contact.PrimaryEmail)))
                            duplicate_data = persons.Where(p => string.Compare(p.PrimaryEmail, Convert.ToString(contact.PrimaryEmail), true) == 0).FirstOrDefault();
                            duplicate_data = persons.Where(p => string.Compare(p.FirstName, Convert.ToString(contact.FirstName), true) == 0 && string.Compare(p.LastName, Convert.ToString(contact.LastName), true) == 0).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (duplicate_data != null)
                            contact.IsDuplicate = true;
                            //RawContact updatedperson = MergeDuplicateData(duplicate_data, contact, guid);
                            //duplicate_data = updatedperson;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Current.Error("An error occurred in zillow lead apapterprovider get data method", ex);
            data.ContactCustomData = personCustomFieldData;
            data.ContactPhoneData  = personPhoneData;
            data.ContactData       = persons;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override ImportContactsData GetContacts(string fileName, IEnumerable <FieldViewModel> customFields, int jobId, IEnumerable <DropdownValueViewModel> DropdownFields)
            List <RawContact> persons = new List <RawContact>();
            var personCustomFieldData = new List <ImportCustomData>();
            var personPhoneData       = new List <ImportPhoneData>();
            ImportContactsData data   = new ImportContactsData();

            Func <RawContact, bool> ValidateEmail = (c) =>
                 * If email is not empty or null then validate email
                 * If email is empty/or null then check for legth of first name and lastname
                if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.PrimaryEmail) && c.IsValidEmail(c.PrimaryEmail)) ||
                    (string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.PrimaryEmail) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.FirstName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.LastName)))

            string soapResult = string.Empty;

                var ftpManager = new FtpService();
                var ftpcontent = ftpManager.GetService(leadAdapterAndAccountMap.RequestGuid);
                var cid        = default(int);
                int.TryParse(ftpcontent.UserName, out cid);
                DateTime lastProcessed = leadAdapterAndAccountMap.LastProcessed == null?DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().AddDays(-90) : leadAdapterAndAccountMap.LastProcessed.Value;

                HttpWebRequest request         = CreateWebRequest(ftpcontent.Host);
                XmlDocument    soapEnvelopeXml = new XmlDocument();
                List <string>  hashes          = new List <string>();
                soapEnvelopeXml.LoadXml(@"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>
                <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="""" xmlns:xsd="""" xmlns:soap="""">
                  <soap:Body><listLeads xmlns=''><cid xsi:type="" xsd:int"">" + cid + @"</cid><password xsi:type="" xsd:string"">" + ftpcontent.Password + "</password>" +
                LeadAdapterRecordStatus status = LeadAdapterRecordStatus.Undefined;

                using (Stream stream = request.GetRequestStream())

                using (WebResponse response = request.GetResponse())
                    using (StreamReader rd = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                        soapResult = rd.ReadToEnd();

                int AccountID = leadAdapterAndAccountMap.AccountID;
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(soapResult))
                    int    startIndex = soapResult.IndexOf("<return xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">") + "<return xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">".Length;
                    int    endIndex   = soapResult.IndexOf("</return>");
                    string newString  = soapResult.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);

                    string[] leadsList = Regex.Split(newString, "\r\n|\r|\n");

                    /*The lead's ID 0 |
                     * The lead's name |
                     * The lead's primary email address |
                     * Agent Owner (by IDX assigned Agent ID) |
                     * The date the lead subscribed |
                     * The opt-in status of the lead (y = opted in) |
                     * The disabled status of the lead (y = disabled) |
                     * If the lead account is disabled |
                     * If the lead can login |
                     * If the lead unsubscribed from email updates |
                     * If the lead wants plain text of HTML emails |
                     * The area code of the lead |
                     * The first 3 digits of the lead phone number |
                     * The final 4 digits of the lead phone number |
                     * The lead street address |
                     * The lead city |
                     * The lead state |
                     * The lead zipcode |
                     * The last lead login date |
                     * The last lead update date |
                     * The lead category |
                     * If the lead has been flagged (starred)*/

                    leadsList = leadsList.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray();

                    customFields = customFields.Where(i => i.IsLeadAdapterField && i.StatusId == FieldStatus.Active && i.LeadAdapterType == (byte)LeadAdapterTypes.IDX);

                    foreach (var contact in leadsList)
                        var guid = Guid.NewGuid();

                        var contactDetails  = contact.Split('|');
                        var disabledstatus  = contactDetails[6];
                        var accountdisabled = contactDetails[7];

                        if (disabledstatus == "y" || accountdisabled == "y" ||
                            DateTime.Compare(lastProcessed, DateTime.Parse(contactDetails[5], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) > 0)

                        string fullName  = string.Empty;
                        string firstName = string.Empty;
                        string lastName  = string.Empty;
                        if (contactDetails.Length > 1)
                            fullName = contactDetails[1];

                        string[] name = fullName.Split(' ');
                        if (name.Length == 1)
                            firstName = name[0];
                        else if (name.Length > 1)
                            for (var i = 0; i < name.Length; i++)
                                if (i == 0)
                                    firstName = name[i];
                                    lastName = name[i] + " ";
                        IList <ImportCustomData> contactCustomData = new List <ImportCustomData>();
                        IList <ImportPhoneData>  contactPhoneData  = new List <ImportPhoneData>();
                        var oldNewValues           = new Dictionary <string, dynamic> {
                        StringBuilder hash         = new StringBuilder();
                        string        primaryemail = contactDetails.Length > 2 ? contactDetails[2] : string.Empty;
                        IList <Email> emails       = new List <Email>();

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(primaryemail))
                            Email email = new Email()
                                EmailId   = primaryemail,
                                AccountID = AccountID,
                                IsPrimary = true

                        Person person1 = new Person()
                            FirstName = firstName,
                            LastName  = lastName,
                            Emails    = emails,
                            AccountID = AccountID

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstName))

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastName))

                        bool IsNotValidContact   = false;
                        bool isDuplicateFromFile = false;

                        if (!IsNotValidContact)
                            bool duplicateemailcount = hashes.Where(h => h.Contains(primaryemail)).Any();
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(primaryemail) && duplicateemailcount)
                                isDuplicateFromFile = true;
                            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(primaryemail) && !duplicateemailcount)
                                isDuplicateFromFile = false;
                            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(primaryemail) && hashes.Where(h => h.Contains(hash.ToString())).Any())
                                isDuplicateFromFile = true;
                                isDuplicateFromFile = false;

                        SearchResult <Contact> duplicateResult = new SearchResult <Contact>();
                        if (!IsNotValidContact && isDuplicateFromFile == false)
                            SearchParameters parameters = new SearchParameters()
                                AccountId = AccountID
                            IEnumerable <Contact> duplicateContacts = contactService.CheckIfDuplicate(new CheckContactDuplicateRequest()
                                Person = person1
                            duplicateResult = new SearchResult <Contact>()
                                Results = duplicateContacts, TotalHits = duplicateContacts != null?duplicateContacts.Count() : 0

                        if (IsNotValidContact)
                            status = LeadAdapterRecordStatus.ValidationFailed;
                        else if (isDuplicateFromFile)
                            status = LeadAdapterRecordStatus.DuplicateFromFile;
                        else if (duplicateResult.TotalHits > 0)
                            status = LeadAdapterRecordStatus.Updated;
                            guid   = duplicateResult.Results.FirstOrDefault().ReferenceId;
                            status = LeadAdapterRecordStatus.Added;

                        Contact duplicateperson = default(Person);
                        //contact.LeadAdapterRecordStatusId = (byte)status;
                        if (status == LeadAdapterRecordStatus.Updated)
                            duplicateperson = duplicateResult.Results.FirstOrDefault();
                            duplicateperson = new Person();


                        StringBuilder    CustomFields = new StringBuilder();
                        ImportCustomData customData   = new ImportCustomData();
                        customData.ReferenceID = guid;

                        string elementvalue = string.Empty;
                        string leadsid      = contactDetails[0];
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(leadsid))
                            var customfield = customFields.Where(i => i.Title.Replace(" ", string.Empty).ToLower() == "lead'sid(idx)").FirstOrDefault();
                            if (customfield != null)
                                var customfielddata = duplicateperson.CustomFields == null ? null : duplicateperson.CustomFields.Where(i => i.CustomFieldId == customfield.FieldId).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (customfielddata != null)
                                    elementvalue = customfielddata.Value;
                                if (CustomFields.Length == 0)
                                    CustomFields.Append(customfield.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customfield.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + leadsid);
                                    CustomFields.Append("~" + customfield.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customfield.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + leadsid);

                            customData.FieldID     = customfield.FieldId;
                            customData.FieldTypeID = (int?)customfield.FieldInputTypeId;
                            customData.FieldValue  = leadsid;

                            oldNewValues.Add("lead's ID", new { OldValue = string.IsNullOrEmpty(elementvalue) ? string.Empty : elementvalue, NewValue = leadsid });
                        //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullName))
                        //    string oldname = string.Empty;
                        //    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(duplicateperson.))
                        //        oldname += duplicateperson.FirstName + " ";
                        //    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(duplicateperson.LastName))
                        //        oldname += duplicateperson.LastName;
                        //    oldNewValues.Add("The lead's name", new { OldValue = oldname, NewValue = fullName });

                        //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(primaryemail))
                        //    string oldemail = string.Empty;
                        //    if (duplicateperson.Emails != null && duplicateperson.Emails.Count(i => i.IsPrimary) > 0)
                        //        oldemail = duplicateperson.Emails.SingleOrDefault(i => i.IsPrimary).EmailId;
                        //    oldNewValues.Add("The lead's primary email address", new { OldValue = oldemail, NewValue = primaryemail });
                        string agentowner = contactDetails[3];
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(agentowner))
                            var customfield = customFields.Where(i => i.Title.Replace(" ", string.Empty).ToLower() == "agentowner(idx)").FirstOrDefault();
                            if (customfield != null)
                                var customfielddata = duplicateperson.CustomFields == null ? null : duplicateperson.CustomFields.Where(i => i.CustomFieldId == customfield.FieldId).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (customfielddata != null)
                                    elementvalue = customfielddata.Value;
                                if (CustomFields.Length == 0)
                                    CustomFields.Append(customfield.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customfield.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + agentowner);
                                    CustomFields.Append("~" + customfield.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customfield.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + agentowner);
                            customData.FieldID     = customfield.FieldId;
                            customData.FieldTypeID = (int?)customfield.FieldInputTypeId;
                            customData.FieldValue  = agentowner;

                            oldNewValues.Add("Agent Owner", new { OldValue = string.IsNullOrEmpty(elementvalue) ? string.Empty : elementvalue, NewValue = agentowner });

                        string leadsubscribeddate = contactDetails[5];
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(leadsubscribeddate))
                            var customfield = customFields.Where(i => i.Title.Replace(" ", string.Empty).ToLower() == "thedatetheleadsubscribed(idx)").FirstOrDefault();
                            if (customfield != null)
                                var customfielddata = duplicateperson.CustomFields == null ? null : duplicateperson.CustomFields.Where(i => i.CustomFieldId == customfield.FieldId).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (customfielddata != null)
                                    elementvalue = customfielddata.Value;
                                if (CustomFields.Length == 0)
                                    CustomFields.Append(customfield.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customfield.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + leadsubscribeddate);
                                    CustomFields.Append("~" + customfield.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customfield.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + leadsubscribeddate);
                            customData.FieldID     = customfield.FieldId;
                            customData.FieldTypeID = (int?)customfield.FieldInputTypeId;
                            customData.FieldValue  = leadsubscribeddate;

                            oldNewValues.Add("The date the lead subscribed", new { OldValue = string.IsNullOrEmpty(elementvalue) ? string.Empty : elementvalue, NewValue = leadsubscribeddate });

                        string optinstatusoflead = contactDetails[6];
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(optinstatusoflead))
                            var customfield = customFields.Where(i => i.Title.Replace(" ", string.Empty).ToLower() == "theopt-instatusofthelead(idx)").FirstOrDefault();
                            if (customfield != null)
                                var customfielddata = duplicateperson.CustomFields == null ? null : duplicateperson.CustomFields.Where(i => i.CustomFieldId == customfield.FieldId).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (customfielddata != null)
                                    elementvalue = customfielddata.Value;
                                if (CustomFields.Length == 0)
                                    CustomFields.Append(customfield.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customfield.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + optinstatusoflead);
                                    CustomFields.Append("~" + customfield.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customfield.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + optinstatusoflead);
                            customData.FieldID     = customfield.FieldId;
                            customData.FieldTypeID = (int?)customfield.FieldInputTypeId;
                            customData.FieldValue  = optinstatusoflead;
                            oldNewValues.Add("The opt-in status of the lead", new { OldValue = string.IsNullOrEmpty(elementvalue) ? string.Empty : elementvalue, NewValue = optinstatusoflead });

                        string donotemail = contactDetails[9];
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(donotemail))
                            var customfield = customFields.Where(i => i.Title.Replace(" ", string.Empty).ToLower() == "iftheleadunsubscribedfromemailupdates(idx)").FirstOrDefault();
                            if (customfield != null)
                                var customfielddata = duplicateperson.CustomFields == null ? null : duplicateperson.CustomFields.Where(i => i.CustomFieldId == customfield.FieldId).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (customfielddata != null)
                                    elementvalue = customfielddata.Value;

                                if (CustomFields.Length == 0)
                                    CustomFields.Append(customfield.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customfield.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + donotemail);
                                    CustomFields.Append("~" + customfield.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customfield.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + donotemail);
                            customData.FieldID     = customfield.FieldId;
                            customData.FieldTypeID = (int?)customfield.FieldInputTypeId;
                            customData.FieldValue  = donotemail;
                            oldNewValues.Add("If the lead unsubscribed from email updates", new { OldValue = string.IsNullOrEmpty(elementvalue) ? string.Empty : elementvalue, NewValue = donotemail });

                        StringBuilder phonedata           = new StringBuilder();
                        string        areacode            = contactDetails.Length > 11 ? contactDetails[11] : string.Empty;
                        string        first3digitsofphone = contactDetails.Length > 12 ? contactDetails[12] : string.Empty;
                        string        last4digitsofphone  = contactDetails.Length > 13 ? contactDetails[13] : string.Empty;

                        string Phone = string.Concat(areacode, first3digitsofphone, last4digitsofphone);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Phone))
                            //string nonnumericphonenumber = GetNonNumericData(Phone);
                            DropdownValueViewModel drpvalue = DropdownFields.Where(i => i.DropdownValueTypeID == (short)DropdownValueTypes.MobilePhone).FirstOrDefault();
                            var             mobilephone     = default(Phone);
                            ImportPhoneData phoneData       = new ImportPhoneData();
                            phoneData.ReferenceID = guid;
                            if (drpvalue != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Phone))
                                string nonnumericstring = GetNonNumericData(Phone);
                                if (IsValidPhoneNumberLength(nonnumericstring))
                                    phonedata.Append(drpvalue.DropdownValueID.ToString() + "|" + nonnumericstring);
                                    phoneData.PhoneType   = (int?)drpvalue.DropdownValueID;
                                    phoneData.PhoneNumber = nonnumericstring;

                            if (mobilephone != null)
                                elementvalue = mobilephone.Number;
                            oldNewValues.Add("Phone number", new { OldValue = string.IsNullOrEmpty(elementvalue) ? string.Empty : elementvalue, NewValue = Phone });

                        string leadsstreetadress = contactDetails[14];
                        oldNewValues.Add("The lead street address", new { OldValue = string.Empty, NewValue = leadsstreetadress });
                        string leadscity = contactDetails[15];
                        oldNewValues.Add("The lead city", new { OldValue = string.Empty, NewValue = leadscity });
                        string leadsstate = contactDetails[16];
                        oldNewValues.Add("The lead state", new { OldValue = string.Empty, NewValue = leadsstate });
                        string leadszipcode = contactDetails[17];
                        oldNewValues.Add("The lead zipcode", new { OldValue = string.Empty, NewValue = leadszipcode });

                        string leadlastlogindate = contactDetails[18];
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(leadlastlogindate))
                            var customfield = customFields.Where(i => i.Title.Replace(" ", string.Empty).ToLower() == "thelastleadlogindate(idx)").FirstOrDefault();
                            if (customfield != null)
                                var customfielddata = duplicateperson.CustomFields == null ? null : duplicateperson.CustomFields.Where(i => i.CustomFieldId == customfield.FieldId).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (customfielddata != null)
                                    elementvalue = customfielddata.Value;
                                if (CustomFields.Length == 0)
                                    CustomFields.Append(customfield.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customfield.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + leadlastlogindate);
                                    CustomFields.Append("~" + customfield.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customfield.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + leadlastlogindate);
                            customData.FieldID     = customfield.FieldId;
                            customData.FieldTypeID = (int?)customfield.FieldInputTypeId;
                            customData.FieldValue  = leadlastlogindate;

                            oldNewValues.Add("The last lead login date", new { OldValue = string.IsNullOrEmpty(elementvalue) ? string.Empty : elementvalue, NewValue = leadlastlogindate });

                        string leadlastupdatedate = contactDetails[19];
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(leadlastupdatedate))
                            var customfield = customFields.Where(i => i.Title.Replace(" ", string.Empty).ToLower() == "thelastleadupdatedate(idx)").FirstOrDefault();
                            if (customfield != null)
                                var customfielddata = duplicateperson.CustomFields == null ? null : duplicateperson.CustomFields.Where(i => i.CustomFieldId == customfield.FieldId).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (customfielddata != null)
                                    elementvalue = customfielddata.Value;
                                if (CustomFields.Length == 0)
                                    CustomFields.Append(customfield.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customfield.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + leadlastupdatedate);
                                    CustomFields.Append("~" + customfield.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customfield.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + leadlastupdatedate);
                            customData.FieldID     = customfield.FieldId;
                            customData.FieldTypeID = (int?)customfield.FieldInputTypeId;
                            customData.FieldValue  = leadlastupdatedate;

                            oldNewValues.Add("The last lead update date", new { OldValue = string.IsNullOrEmpty(elementvalue) ? string.Empty : elementvalue, NewValue = leadlastupdatedate });

                        string leadcategory = contactDetails[20];
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(leadcategory))
                            var customfield = customFields.Where(i => i.Title.Replace(" ", string.Empty).ToLower() == "theleadcategory(idx)").FirstOrDefault();
                            if (customfield != null)
                                var customfielddata = duplicateperson.CustomFields == null ? null : duplicateperson.CustomFields.Where(i => i.CustomFieldId == customfield.FieldId).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (customfielddata != null)
                                    elementvalue = customfielddata.Value;
                                if (CustomFields.Length == 0)
                                    CustomFields.Append(customfield.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customfield.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + leadcategory);
                                    CustomFields.Append("~" + customfield.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customfield.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + leadcategory);
                            customData.FieldID     = customfield.FieldId;
                            customData.FieldTypeID = (int?)customfield.FieldInputTypeId;
                            customData.FieldValue  = leadcategory;

                            oldNewValues.Add("The lead category", new { OldValue = string.IsNullOrEmpty(elementvalue) ? string.Empty : elementvalue, NewValue = leadcategory });

                        string isleadflagged = contactDetails[21];
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(isleadflagged))
                            var customfield = customFields.Where(i => i.Title.Replace(" ", string.Empty).ToLower() == "iftheleadhasbeenflagged(idx)").FirstOrDefault();
                            if (customfield != null)
                                var customfielddata = duplicateperson.CustomFields == null ? null : duplicateperson.CustomFields.Where(i => i.CustomFieldId == customfield.FieldId).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (customfielddata != null)
                                    elementvalue = customfielddata.Value;
                                if (CustomFields.Length == 0)
                                    CustomFields.Append(customfield.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customfield.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + isleadflagged);
                                    CustomFields.Append("~" + customfield.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customfield.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + isleadflagged);
                            customData.FieldID     = customfield.FieldId;
                            customData.FieldTypeID = (int?)customfield.FieldInputTypeId;
                            customData.FieldValue  = isleadflagged;
                            oldNewValues.Add("If the lead has been flagged", new { OldValue = string.IsNullOrEmpty(elementvalue) ? string.Empty : elementvalue, NewValue = isleadflagged });
                        var person = new RawContact
                            ReferenceId  = guid,
                            AccountID    = leadAdapterAndAccountMap.AccountID,
                            FirstName    = firstName,
                            LastName     = lastName,
                            PrimaryEmail = primaryemail,
                            AddressLine1 = leadsstreetadress,
                            City         = leadscity,
                            State        = leadsstate,
                            PhoneData    = phonedata.ToString(),

                            CustomFieldsData = CustomFields.ToString(),
                            ZipCode          = contactDetails.Length > 17 ? contactDetails[17] : string.Empty
                        person.ReferenceId = guid;
                        person.AccountID   = AccountID;
                        person.LeadAdapterRecordStatusId = (byte)status;
                        person.JobID           = jobId;
                        person.ContactStatusID = 1;
                        person.ContactTypeID   = 1;
                        JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                        person.LeadAdapterSubmittedData = js.Serialize(oldNewValues);
                        person.LeadAdapterRowData       = contact;

                        person.ValidEmail = ValidateEmail(person);

                        RawContact duplicate_data = null;
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(person.PrimaryEmail)))
                            duplicate_data = persons.Where(p => string.Compare(p.PrimaryEmail, Convert.ToString(person.PrimaryEmail), true) == 0).FirstOrDefault();
                            duplicate_data = persons.Where(p => string.Compare(p.FirstName, Convert.ToString(person.FirstName), true) == 0 && string.Compare(p.LastName, Convert.ToString(person.LastName), true) == 0).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (duplicate_data != null)
                            person.IsDuplicate = true;
                            //RawContact updatedperson = MergeDuplicateData(duplicate_data, person, guid);
                            //duplicate_data = updatedperson;

            catch (WebException ex)
                Logger.Current.Error("An error occurred in idx get data method(web exception): " + ex);
                Logger.Current.Error("The invalid xml file content: " + soapResult);
            catch (XmlException ex)
                Logger.Current.Error("An error occurred in idx get data method(web exception): " + ex);
                Logger.Current.Error("The invalid xml file content: " + soapResult);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Current.Error("An error occurred in idx get data method: " + ex);
            data.ContactPhoneData  = personPhoneData;
            data.ContactCustomData = personCustomFieldData;
            data.ContactData       = persons;
        public override ImportContactsData GetContacts(string fileName,
                                                       IEnumerable <ApplicationServices.ViewModels.FieldViewModel> Fields, int jobId, IEnumerable <ApplicationServices.ViewModels.DropdownValueViewModel> DropdownFields)
            ImportContactsData data            = new ImportContactsData();
            var                     ftpManager = new FtpService();
            Developments            result;
            Func <RawContact, bool> ValidateEmail = (c) =>
                 * If email is not empty or null then validate email
                 * If email is empty/or null then check for legth of first name and lastname
                if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.PrimaryEmail) && c.IsValidEmail(c.PrimaryEmail)) ||
                    (string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.PrimaryEmail) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.FirstName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.LastName)))

                var    ftpcontent = ftpManager.GetService(leadAdapterAndAccountMap.RequestGuid);
                string url        = ftpcontent.Host;
                var    xml        = this.ProcessWebRequest(url);
                var    serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Developments));

                //Read Lead XML File into C# Class
                using (TextReader reader = new StringReader(xml))
                    result = (Developments)serializer.Deserialize(reader);

                LeadAdapterRecordStatus status = LeadAdapterRecordStatus.Undefined;
                int accountID   = leadAdapterAndAccountMap.AccountID;
                var communities = result.AllLeads;

                Func <string, string> GetValue = (s) =>
                    return((string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) ? string.Empty : s);

                 * TODO: Process Leads
                 * */
                string[]       laCommunities         = null;//string.IsNullOrEmpty(leadAdapterAndAccountMap.CommunityNumber) ? default(string[]) : leadAdapterAndAccountMap.CommunityNumber.Split(',');
                var            builderNumber         = string.IsNullOrEmpty(leadAdapterAndAccountMap.BuilderNumber) ? string.Empty : leadAdapterAndAccountMap.BuilderNumber.ToLower();
                var            builderNumberPass     = true;
                IList <string> hashes                = new List <string>();
                var            personCustomFieldData = new List <ImportCustomData>();
                var            persons               = new List <RawContact>();

                #region Process Community Wise
                foreach (var community in communities)
                    var communityName       = string.IsNullOrEmpty(community.CommunityName) ? string.Empty : community.CommunityName;
                    var communityNumberPass = false;

                    if ((laCommunities != null && laCommunities.Any(c => c.ToLower().Contains(communityName.ToLower()))) || laCommunities == null)
                        communityNumberPass = true;
                    foreach (var lead in community.leads)
                        #region Process Lead
                        var oldNewValues = new Dictionary <string, dynamic>()
                        var           guid                = Guid.NewGuid();
                        var           firstName           = GetValue(lead.Name);
                        var           lastName            = string.Empty;
                        var           primaryEmail        = GetValue(lead.Email);
                        var           company             = string.Empty;
                        StringBuilder hash                = new StringBuilder();
                        bool          isNotValidContact   = false;
                        bool          isDuplicateFromFile = false;

                        Action <string> Append = (a) =>

                        IList <Email> emails = new List <Email>();
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(primaryEmail))
                            Email primaryEmailObject = new Email()
                                EmailId   = primaryEmail,
                                AccountID = leadAdapterAndAccountMap.AccountID,
                                IsPrimary = true

                        Person person = new Person()
                            FirstName   = firstName,
                            LastName    = lastName,
                            CompanyName = company,
                            Emails      = emails,
                            AccountID   = accountID

                        SearchResult <Contact> duplicateResult = new SearchResult <Contact>();
                        if (!isNotValidContact && builderNumberPass && communityNumberPass)
                            bool duplicatEemailCount = hashes.Where(h => h.Contains(primaryEmail)).Any();
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(primaryEmail) && duplicatEemailCount)
                                isDuplicateFromFile = true;
                            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(primaryEmail) && !duplicatEemailCount)
                                isDuplicateFromFile = false;
                            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(primaryEmail) && hashes.Where(h => h.Contains(hash.ToString())).Any())
                                isDuplicateFromFile = true;
                                isDuplicateFromFile = false;

                        if (!isNotValidContact && builderNumberPass && isDuplicateFromFile == false && communityNumberPass)
                            SearchParameters parameters = new SearchParameters()
                                AccountId = accountID
                            IEnumerable <Contact> duplicateContacts = contactService.CheckIfDuplicate(new CheckContactDuplicateRequest()
                                Person = person
                            duplicateResult = new SearchResult <Contact>()
                                Results = duplicateContacts, TotalHits = duplicateContacts != null?duplicateContacts.Count() : 0

                        if (!builderNumberPass)
                            status = LeadAdapterRecordStatus.BuilderNumberFailed;
                        else if (!communityNumberPass)
                            status = LeadAdapterRecordStatus.CommunityNumberFailed;
                        else if (isNotValidContact)
                            status = LeadAdapterRecordStatus.ValidationFailed;
                        else if (isDuplicateFromFile)
                            status = LeadAdapterRecordStatus.DuplicateFromFile;
                        else if (duplicateResult.TotalHits > 0)
                            status = LeadAdapterRecordStatus.Updated;
                            //guid = duplicateResult.Results.FirstOrDefault().ReferenceId;
                            status = LeadAdapterRecordStatus.Added;

                        Contact duplicateperson = new Person()
                            Emails = new List <Email>()
                                new Email()
                        if (status == LeadAdapterRecordStatus.Updated)
                            duplicateperson = duplicateResult.Results.FirstOrDefault();

                        RawContact contact = new RawContact();
                        IList <ImportCustomData> contactCustomData = new List <ImportCustomData>();
                        IList <ImportPhoneData>  contactPhoneData  = new List <ImportPhoneData>();

                        StringBuilder CustomFieldData = new StringBuilder();

                        Action <string, string, string> AddOldNewValues = (field, oldvalue, newvalue) =>
                            if (!oldNewValues.ContainsKey(field))
                                oldNewValues.Add(field, new { OldValue = string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldvalue) ? string.Empty : oldvalue, NewValue = newvalue });
                            ImportCustomData customData = new ImportCustomData();

                            contact.FirstName = firstName;
                            AddOldNewValues("Name", ((Person)duplicateperson).FirstName, firstName);

                            contact.PrimaryEmail = primaryEmail;
                            AddOldNewValues("Email", ((Person)duplicateperson).Emails.FirstOrDefault().EmailId, primaryEmail);

                            foreach (var propertyInfo in typeof(Lead).GetProperties())
                                #region Process Customfields
                                var    oldValue     = string.Empty;
                                string newValue     = string.Empty;
                                string propertyName = propertyInfo.Name.Trim();
                                var    customField  = Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Title.Replace(" ", "").ToLower().Contains(propertyInfo.Name));
                                if (customField != null)
                                    newValue = ((string)propertyInfo.GetValue(lead, null));
                                    var customfielddata = duplicateperson.CustomFields == null ? null : duplicateperson.CustomFields.Where(i => i.CustomFieldId == customField.FieldId).FirstOrDefault();
                                    if (customfielddata != null)
                                        oldValue = customfielddata.Value;

                                    customData.FieldID     = customField.FieldId;
                                    customData.FieldTypeID = (int?)customField.FieldInputTypeId;
                                    customData.ReferenceID = guid;

                                    if (customField.FieldInputTypeId == || customField.FieldInputTypeId == FieldType.datetime || customField.FieldInputTypeId == FieldType.time)
                                        DateTime converteddate;
                                        if (DateTime.TryParse(newValue, out converteddate))
                                            CustomFieldData.Append("~" + customField.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customField.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + converteddate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt"));
                                            customData.FieldValue = converteddate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt");
                                    else if (customField.FieldInputTypeId == FieldType.number)
                                        double number;
                                        if (double.TryParse(newValue, out number))
                                            CustomFieldData.Append("~" + customField.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customField.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + number.ToString());
                                            customData.FieldValue = number.ToString();
                                    else if (customField.FieldInputTypeId == FieldType.url)
                                        if (IsValidURL(newValue))
                                            CustomFieldData.Append("~" + customField.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customField.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + newValue);
                                            customData.FieldValue = newValue;
                                        CustomFieldData.Append("~" + customField.FieldId + "##$##" + (byte)customField.FieldInputTypeId + "|" + newValue);
                                        customData.FieldValue = newValue;

                                    AddOldNewValues(propertyInfo.Name, oldValue, newValue);
                            var brokenrules = contact.GetBrokenRules();
                            if ((brokenrules != null && brokenrules.Any()) && builderNumberPass && communityNumberPass)
                                status = LeadAdapterRecordStatus.ValidationFailed;
                            contact.ReferenceId               = guid;
                            contact.AccountID                 = accountID;
                            contact.IsBuilderNumberPass       = builderNumberPass;
                            contact.IsCommunityNumberPass     = communityNumberPass;
                            contact.LeadAdapterRecordStatusId = (byte)status;
                            contact.JobID              = jobId;
                            contact.ContactStatusID    = 1;
                            contact.ContactTypeID      = 1;
                            contact.LeadAdapterRowData = lead.ToString();
                            JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                            contact.LeadAdapterSubmittedData = js.Serialize(oldNewValues);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Logger.Current.Error("Error while preparing contact - Homefinder", ex);
                            ex.Data.Add("Account", accountID);

                        if (CustomFieldData.Length > 0)
                            CustomFieldData.Remove(0, 1);
                        contact.CustomFieldsData = CustomFieldData.ToString();

                        contact.ValidEmail = ValidateEmail(contact);

                        RawContact duplicate_data = null;
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(contact.PrimaryEmail)))
                            duplicate_data = persons.Where(p => string.Compare(p.PrimaryEmail, Convert.ToString(contact.PrimaryEmail), true) == 0).FirstOrDefault();
                            duplicate_data = persons.Where(p => string.Compare(p.FirstName, Convert.ToString(contact.FirstName), true) == 0 && string.Compare(p.LastName, Convert.ToString(contact.LastName), true) == 0).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (duplicate_data != null)
                            contact.IsDuplicate = true;
                data.ContactData       = persons;
                data.ContactCustomData = personCustomFieldData;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Current.Error("Error while processing GetContacts", ex);