Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void BtnShowDesigner_Click(object S, EventArgs E)
            var Designer = new FrmDesigner(this);             // Set up a new FrmDesigner with a reference to this

            Designer.VisibleChanged += (S2, E2) => {
                if (S2 is FrmDesigner D && D.Visible)
            };             // Add event handlers
            Designer.Closed += (S2, E2) => { Show(); };

            Designer.Show();             // Show designer

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Load a FrmDesigner with blocks stored in the .bs file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Path">The path to the .bs file</param>
        /// <returns>A reconstructed FrmDesigner</returns>
        public static FrmDesigner LoadFromFile(string Path)
            if (!File.Exists(Path) || !Path.EndsWith(".bs"))
                MessageBox.Show("An invalid path was provided.", "B#", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            var Contents = File.ReadAllLines(Path);

            var BlockSet = Contents.Select(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DeserializedProps>)
                           .Where(Rebuilt => !(Rebuilt is null))

            var Designer = new FrmDesigner();


            foreach (var Block in BlockSet)
                if (Block is VarCreateBlock VCB)
                    VCB.OnVarNameChanged += Designer.UpdateVarNameList;

                Block.MouseDown += Designer.Block_OnMouseDown;
                Block.MouseUp   += Designer.Block_OnMouseUp;


            Designer.FileInfo = $"{DateTime.Now:g}|{Path}";
            Designer.UpdateVarNameList(null, null);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <inheritdoc />
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialization with parameters. Allows debugging to begin
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FileToDebug">The path of the "*.exe" file to be debugged</param>
        /// <param name="MyParent">The FrmWelcome that instantiated the FrmDebugger</param>
        public FrmDebugger(string FileToDebug, FrmDesigner MyParent)
            InitializeComponent();                                      // Reqd. for forms

            BtnStartExecution.Enabled = true;                           // Text colour changes do not occur on disabled controls

            BtnStartExecution.EnabledChanged += Buttons_EnabledChanged; // Handle the events
            BtnExitDebugging.EnabledChanged  += Buttons_EnabledChanged; // By using the same handler, code can be
            BtnPauseExecution.EnabledChanged += Buttons_EnabledChanged; //   reduced to prevent unnecessary
            BtnSubmitInput.EnabledChanged    += Buttons_EnabledChanged; //   methods
            BtnStopExecution.EnabledChanged  += Buttons_EnabledChanged;

            StopDebuggingInterfaceChanges();             // Not sure if we're ready yet, so disable everything Just In Case (JIC)

            // Bind the enter key to sending an input
            TxtInputToProgram.KeyUp += (Sender, Args) => {
                if (Args.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
                    BtnSubmitInput_Click(null, null);
                    // null parameters because the delegate requires them, but we don't use them

            // If parameters are missing, don't function because otherwise things are going to break violently
            if (FileToDebug == null || MyParent == null)
                TxtStandardOutput.Text = @"No program was loaded, debugging will not occur";
                TxtVariableOutput.Text = @"No variables can be observed";
                TxtErrorOutput.Text    = @"No errors will be recorded";


            // If the App is closed, kill the process
            Application.ApplicationExit += (S, E) => {
                try {

                    // This is needed because otherwise the child process is not killed. It then keeps running,
                    //   causing RAM-leaking behaviours. We don't like those. They're bad for the RAM
                } catch (InvalidOperationException) {}                 // Don't break if the program has already been murdered

            // Instantiate the process
            _DebugProcess = new Process {
                StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo {
                    FileName = FileToDebug,

                    CreateNoWindow  = true,                  // No new window
                    UseShellExecute = false,                 // Don't run it in the system shell

                    Arguments = "DEBUG",                     // We are debugging after all, and it's crucial
                    //   to the behaviour of the programs

                    RedirectStandardError  = true,                   // Allows me to read the error output
                    RedirectStandardOutput = true,                   // Allows me to read normal output
                    RedirectStandardInput  = true                    // Allows me to send my own inputs to the program

                EnableRaisingEvents = true                 // Allows me to hook on to the "Exited" event

            _ParentFrmDesigner = MyParent;         // Set parent form

            _ParentFrmDesigner.Hide();             // Hide the parent form

            _IsDebugging = _DebugProcess.Start();             // Start the process

            if (!_IsDebugging)               // Did something break?
                MessageBox.Show(@"Something went wrong and the process couldn't start, sorry.",
                                @"Unable to start process", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

                KillDebugProcess();                          // Kill everything just in case

                _ParentFrmDesigner.Show();                   // Show the main form
                _ParentFrmDesigner._ParentFrmWelcome.Hide(); // Prevent some quirky behaviour

                Hide();                                      // Disappear
                Dispose();                                   // Clean up

            TxtStandardOutput.Text = $@": Process started at {_DebugProcess.StartTime:f} {Environment.NewLine}";
            // Feedback to user

            //Console.WriteLine($@"Process is called: {_DebugProcess.ProcessName} {Environment.NewLine}" +
            //                $@"Process was started at {_DebugProcess.StartTime:f} {Environment.NewLine}" +
            //                $@"Process has {(_DebugProcess.HasExited ? "" : "not ")}exited");
            //	// Feedback to me (plus string interpolation, yay)

            // Add output listeners
            _DebugProcess.ErrorDataReceived  += ReadError;            // Bind the ASYNC code
            _DebugProcess.OutputDataReceived += ReadOutput;           // MORE ASYNC CODE BINDING

            _DebugProcess.Exited += (Sender, E) => {
            };                                         // Sleep if the program exits

            StartDebuggingInterfaceChanges();          // Enable buttons because nothing broke

            TxtInputToProgram.Text = "";               // Empty the input
            TxtInputToProgram_TextChanged(null, null); // Disable the SUBMIT button


            TxtInputToProgram.Focus();             // Give focus to TxtInputToProgram
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the project at the file location specified by the user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Designer">The FrmDesigner to save</param>
        /// <returns>true: Save was successful, False: Save went bad</returns>
        public static bool SaveProject(FrmDesigner Designer)
            try {
                var Path = Designer.FileInfo.Split('|')[1];

                if (File.Exists(Path))
                    File.WriteAllText(Path, "");
                    var F = File.Create(Path);

                var DesignerAsJson = new StringBuilder();

                foreach (var Control in Designer.SContainer_Workspace.Panel2.Controls)
                    if (!(Control is BaseBlock Block))

                    var BlockAsJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Block, new JsonSerializerSettings {
                        ContractResolver = new BaseBlockContractResolver(),
                        //ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore

                    //MessageBox.Show($"Block: JSON Follows{Environment.NewLine}{BlockAsJson}");


                using (var SW = new StreamWriter(Path)) {
            } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException Ex) {     // Error handling
                MessageBox.Show($"You did not have permission to access the file. Details follow: {Environment.NewLine}{Ex.Message}",
                                "B#", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            } catch (ArgumentException Ex) {     // I probably did a bad thing
                MessageBox.Show($"Something broke but it wasn't your fault. Details follow: {Environment.NewLine}{Ex.Message}",
                                "B#", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException Ex) {     // FAKE
                MessageBox.Show($"We couldn't find that directory. Details follow: {Environment.NewLine}{Ex.Message}",
                                "B#", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            } catch (PathTooLongException Ex) {     // File path too long
                MessageBox.Show($"The file path was too long. Windows is mad at you. Details follow: {Environment.NewLine}{Ex.Message}",
                                "B#", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            } catch (IOException Ex) {     // IO Disagrees with my decisions
                MessageBox.Show($"Something broke but it wasn't your fault. Details follow: {Environment.NewLine}{Ex.Message}",
                                "B#", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            } catch (NotSupportedException Ex) {     // Windows hates me
                MessageBox.Show($"Something broke but it wasn't your fault. Details follow: {Environment.NewLine}{Ex.Message}",
                                "B#", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            } catch (System.Security.SecurityException Ex) {     // Get your permissions sorted
                MessageBox.Show($"Security settings stopped us from saving your work. Please contact your local sysadmin." +
                                $"Details follow: {Environment.NewLine}{Ex.Message}",
                                "B#", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
