Ejemplo n.º 1
    // Initialize fresh tracking instance for new scene. Read in skybox labels if exist.
    public void CreateNewScene(string sceneName)
        // Create a new instance of dictionaries we'll use
        labelDictionary   = new Dictionary <Color, List <string> >();
        eyeTrackingLogger = new EyeTrackingLogger();
        labelTexture      = new Texture2D(2, 2);

        // Initialize variables
        currentEyeBlinkCount = 0;
        lastEyeBlinkCount    = 0;
        lastEyeClosedStatus  = Fove.Managed.EFVR_Eye.Neither;
        currentScene         = sceneName;

        // Check if file exists
        if (File.Exists(LABEL_IMAGE + sceneName + ".jpg") == false)
        if (File.Exists(LABEL_TEXT + sceneName + ".txt") == false)

        // Read in texture label
        byte[] labelTextureByteStream = File.ReadAllBytes(LABEL_IMAGE + sceneName + ".jpg");

        // Read in the labels
        string[] labels = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(LABEL_TEXT + sceneName + ".txt");
        for (int i = 0; i < labels.Length; i += 2)
            // Get the path to object and remove trailing/leading white spaces
            string[] pathToObject = labels[i].Split(',');
            for (int k = 0; k < pathToObject.Length; k++)
                pathToObject[k] = pathToObject[k].Trim().Replace(' ', '_');

            // Get the color
            string[] colorRGB   = labels[i + 1].Split(' ');
            Color    labelColor = new Color(

            // Assign to dictionary to keep track
            labelDictionary.Add(labelColor, new List <string>(pathToObject));
Ejemplo n.º 2
    // Update is called once per frame. Figure out what the user is looking at
    void Update()
        // Get the current time
        long          currentTimeTicks      = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
        List <string> currentLookAtItemPath = null;

        // Get a normalize ray of the direction the user's eye is looking at
        FoveInterfaceBase.GazeConvergenceData gazeConvergenceData = FoveInterface.GetGazeConvergence();

        // Determine where the ray hit if it does hit something
        RaycastHit eyeRayHit;

        Physics.Raycast(gazeConvergenceData.ray, out eyeRayHit, Mathf.Infinity);

        // If the ray does hit something, put the cursor at that location
        if (eyeRayHit.point != Vector3.zero)
            transform.position    = eyeRayHit.point;
            currentLookAtItemPath = TransformToObjectPath(eyeRayHit.collider.transform);

        // Else, just set it as a point 3 meters away in the direction of the ray
        // and determine what user is looking at in the skybox
            transform.position = gazeConvergenceData.ray.GetPoint(3.0f);
            Vector3 gazeDirection = gazeConvergenceData.ray.direction;

            // Convert from spherical coordinates to longitude and latitude
            float magnitude = gazeDirection.magnitude;
            float longitude = Mathf.PI - Mathf.Acos(gazeDirection.y / magnitude);       // 0 to PI
            float latitude  = Mathf.Atan2(gazeDirection.x, gazeDirection.z) + Mathf.PI; // 0 to 2 * PI

            // Map longitude/latitude over to UV coordinates
            float U = (latitude / (Mathf.PI * 2.0f)) % 1.0f;
            float V = (longitude / Mathf.PI) % 1.0f;

            // See if user is looking at a labeled area
            Color gazeItemColor = labelTexture.GetPixel((int)(U * labelTexture.width), (int)(V * labelTexture.height));

            // Fix any floating point rounding issues -- nearest 0.01
            gazeItemColor.r = (float)Math.Round(gazeItemColor.r, 2);
            gazeItemColor.g = (float)Math.Round(gazeItemColor.g, 2);
            gazeItemColor.b = (float)Math.Round(gazeItemColor.b, 2);

            // Keep track of what the user is looking at
            if (labelDictionary.ContainsKey(gazeItemColor))
                currentLookAtItemPath = labelDictionary[gazeItemColor];
                currentLookAtItemPath = null;

        // Keep track of eye blink
        Fove.Managed.EFVR_Eye eyeClosedStatus = FoveInterface.CheckEyesClosed();
        if ((lastEyeClosedStatus != Fove.Managed.EFVR_Eye.Neither) && (eyeClosedStatus == Fove.Managed.EFVR_Eye.Neither))

        // Keep track of the duration we've looked at that item and blink count
        long totalLookAtDuration = eyeTrackingLogger.UpdateLabels(currentLookAtItemPath,
                                                                  currentTimeTicks - lastUpdateTimeTicks, currentEyeBlinkCount - lastEyeBlinkCount);

        // Make sure labeled text is facing user
        transform.RotateAround(transform.position, transform.up, 180.0f);

        // Set the labeler to how long we've looked at that item
        string itemName = (currentLookAtItemPath == null) ? "null" : currentLookAtItemPath[currentLookAtItemPath.Count - 1];

        ((TextMesh)eyeLabeler.GetComponent(typeof(TextMesh))).text = itemName +
                                                                     Environment.NewLine + (totalLookAtDuration / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond) + " ms";

        // Only render if user specified
        eyeCursor.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled  = renderCursor;
        eyeLabeler.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = renderCursor;

        // Update state
        lastUpdateTimeTicks = currentTimeTicks;
        lastEyeClosedStatus = eyeClosedStatus;
        lastEyeBlinkCount   = currentEyeBlinkCount;