public bool Update(Found found) { if (found == null) { return(false); } using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(connStr)) { try { conn.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("update found set name=@name, headpic=@headpic, detailimage=@detailimage, note=@note, updatedAt=now() where id=@id", conn); cmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("id",; cmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("name",; cmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("headpic", found.headpic)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("detailimage", found.detailimage)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("note", found.note)); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); return(true); } finally { conn.Close(); } } }
public bool AddFound(Found found) { if (found == null) { return(false); } using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(connStr)) { try { conn.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("insert into found(openId, name, nickName, headpic, city, note, detailimage, createdAt, updatedAt) values(@openId, @name, @nickName, @headpic, @city, @note, @detailimage, now(), now())", conn); cmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("openId", found.openId)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("name",; cmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("nickName", found.nickName)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("city",; cmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("headpic", found.headpic)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("note", found.note)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("detailimage", found.detailimage)); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); return(true); } finally { conn.Close(); } } }
public void Clear() { UtcEarliestEntry = DateTime.MaxValue; Found.Clear(); Unavailable.Clear(); Requested.Clear(); }
public void FoundPropertiesAssignedCorrectly() { var found = new Found <int>(true, 4); Assert.IsTrue(found.IsFound); Assert.AreEqual(4, found.Element); }
protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context) { try { string inVal = context.GetValue(this.SearchValue); DataTable dt = context.GetValue(this.SourceDatatable); string colName = context.GetValue(this.SourceColumn); int rowCounter = 0; bool found = false; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { string colVal = row[colName].ToString(); Console.WriteLine("Row value for column: " + colName + " is: " + colVal); if (string.Equals(colVal, inVal)) { found = true; Row.Set(context, row); break; } rowCounter++; } rowCounter = (found) ? rowCounter : -1; Found.Set(context, found); RowNumber.Set(context, rowCounter); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Exception.Set(context, ex); throw ex; } }
public string InsertFound(Found found) { //found.FindID = GetUserID(found.FindID); SqlCommand cmd = ConnectSql("Insert into Found Values(@FindID , @CategoryCode , @FoundDesc , @FoundColor , @FoundDate , @Remarks, @StatusCode , @Date, @FoundCityCode, @FoundLat, @FoundLng)"); try { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FindID", found.FindID); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CategoryCode", found.CategoryCode); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FoundDesc", found.FoundDesc); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FoundColor", found.FoundColor); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FoundDate", found.FoundDate); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Remarks", found.Remarks); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@StatusCode", found.StatusCode); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Date", found.Date); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FoundCityCode", found.FoundCityCode); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FoundLat", found.FoundLat); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FoundLng", found.FoundLng); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); return("Inserting Found Seccessfuly"); } catch (Exception e) { return("Exception Occre while inserting found:" + e.Message + "\t" + e.GetType()); } finally { connection.DisConnectSql(); } }
// MarkupExtension ::= '{' TYPENAME Arguments? '}' // Arguments ::= (PositionalArgs ( ',' NamedArgs)?) | NamedArgs // NamedArgs ::= NamedArg ( ',' NamedArg )* // NamedArg ::= PROPERTYNAME '=' (STRING | QUOTEDMARKUPEXTENSION | MarkupExtension) // PositionalArgs ::= (Value (',' PositionalArgs)?) | NamedArg // Value ::= STRING | QUOTEDMARKUPEXTENSION |MarkupExtension public IEnumerable <XamlNode> Parse(string text, int lineNumber, int linePosition) { _tokenizer = new MeScanner(_context, text, lineNumber, linePosition); _originalText = text; Found f = new Found(); NextToken(); foreach (XamlNode node in P_MarkupExtension(f)) { yield return(node); } if (!f.found) { string brokenRule = _brokenRule; _brokenRule = null; throw new XamlParseException(_tokenizer, brokenRule); } if (_tokenizer.Token != MeTokenType.None) { throw new XamlParseException(_tokenizer, SR.Get(SRID.UnexpectedTokenAfterME)); } if (_tokenizer.HasTrailingWhitespace) { throw new XamlParseException(_tokenizer, SR.Get(SRID.WhitespaceAfterME)); } }
public ActionResult Search(string searchString) { if (searchString != null && searchString != "") { if (searchString.Contains("movieid=")) { var movieid = int.Parse(searchString.Substring(8)); return(RedirectToAction("Details", "Movies", new { id = movieid })); } if (searchString.Contains("peopleid=")) { var peopleid = int.Parse(searchString.Substring(9)); return(RedirectToAction("Details", "People", new { id = peopleid })); } Found found = new Found(); found.Movies = db.Movies.Where(m => m.Title.ToUpper().Contains(searchString.ToUpper()) || m.TitlePL.ToUpper().Contains(searchString.ToUpper())).ToList(); found.Peoples = db.Peoples.Where(p => p.FirstName.ToUpper().Contains(searchString.ToUpper()) || p.LastName.ToUpper().Contains(searchString.ToUpper()) || searchString.ToUpper() == p.FirstName.ToUpper() + " " + p.LastName.ToUpper()).ToList(); return(View(found)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } }
public IEnumerable <XamlNode> Parse(string text, int lineNumber, int linePosition) { this._tokenizer = new MeScanner(this._context, text, lineNumber, linePosition); this._originalText = text; Found f = new Found(); this.NextToken(); foreach (XamlNode iteratorVariable1 in this.P_MarkupExtension(f)) { yield return(iteratorVariable1); } if (!f.found) { string message = this._brokenRule; this._brokenRule = null; throw new XamlParseException(this._tokenizer, message); } if (this._tokenizer.Token != MeTokenType.None) { throw new XamlParseException(this._tokenizer, System.Xaml.SR.Get("UnexpectedTokenAfterME")); } if (this._tokenizer.HasTrailingWhitespace) { throw new XamlParseException(this._tokenizer, System.Xaml.SR.Get("WhitespaceAfterME")); } }
private IEnumerable <XamlNode> P_NamedArgs(Found f) { Found iteratorVariable0 = new Found(); if (this._tokenizer.Token == MeTokenType.PropertyName) { foreach (XamlNode iteratorVariable1 in this.P_NamedArg(iteratorVariable0)) { yield return(iteratorVariable1); } f.found = iteratorVariable0.found; while (this._tokenizer.Token == MeTokenType.Comma) { this.NextToken(); foreach (XamlNode iteratorVariable2 in this.P_NamedArg(iteratorVariable0)) { yield return(iteratorVariable2); } } } else { this.SetBrokenRuleString("NamedArgs ::= @NamedArg ( ',' NamedArg )*"); } }
//ФУНКЦИЯ ВОЗВРАШАЕТ ДЛЯ БУКВЫ ИСХОДНОГО ТЕКСТА СТРОКУ И СТОЛБЕЦ ИЗ АЛФАВИТА private Found Find(char smb) { if (Char.IsUpper(smb)) { smb = Char.ToLower(smb); } for (int i = 0; i < alphabet.Length; i++) { if (smb == alphabet[i]) { Found infSmb = new Found(); infSmb.row = i / 10; infSmb.col = i % 10; infSmb.alpabet = alphabet[i]; return(infSmb); } } Found inf3Smb = new Found(); inf3Smb.alpabet = smb; return(inf3Smb); }
//////////////////////////////// // NamedArgs ::= NamedArg ( ',' NamedArg )* // private IEnumerable <XamlNode> P_NamedArgs(Found f) { Found f2 = new Found(); // NamedArgs ::= @NamedArg ( ',' NamedArg )* switch (_tokenizer.Token) { case MeTokenType.PropertyName: foreach (XamlNode node in P_NamedArg(f2)) { yield return(node); } f.found = f2.found; // NamedArgs ::= NamedArg @( ',' NamedArg )* while (_tokenizer.Token == MeTokenType.Comma) { // NamedArgs ::= NamedArg ( @',' NamedArg )* NextToken(); // NamedArgs ::= NamedArg ( ',' @NamedArg )* foreach (XamlNode node in P_NamedArg(f2)) { yield return(node); } } break; default: SetBrokenRuleString("NamedArgs ::= @NamedArg ( ',' NamedArg )*"); break; } }
private IEnumerable<XamlNode> P_Arguments (Found f) { Found iteratorVariable0 = new Found(); switch (this._tokenizer.Token) { case MeTokenType.PropertyName: { IEnumerator<XamlNode> enumerator = this.P_NamedArgs(iteratorVariable0).GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { XamlNode current = enumerator.Current; yield return current; } f.found = iteratorVariable0.found; break; } case MeTokenType.Close: break; default: /*this.SetBrokenRuleString("Arguments ::= @ (PositionalArgs ( ',' NamedArgs)?) | NamedArgs"); break;*/ foreach (XamlNode iteratorVariable1 in this.P_PositionalArgs(iteratorVariable0)) { yield return iteratorVariable1; } f.found = iteratorVariable0.found; if (f.found && (this._context.CurrentArgCount > 0)) { yield return this.Logic_EndPositionalParameters(); } while (this._tokenizer.Token == MeTokenType.Comma) { this.NextToken(); foreach (XamlNode iteratorVariable2 in this.P_NamedArgs(iteratorVariable0)) { yield return iteratorVariable2; } } break; } }
//ФУНКЦИЯ РАСШИФРОВАНИЯ public void PlayfairDecrypt() { char[] first_data = textBox1.Text.ToCharArray(); //функция добавления флага в алфавит FlagAlphabetAll(); Found f = null, s = null; //парные символы //расшифровываем List <Found> cooking_data = new List <Found>(); //здесь храятся все символы без разделителей List <Found> splitters = new List <Found>(); for (int i = 0; i < first_data.Length; i++) { Found smb = Find(first_data[i]); smb.address = i; if (smb.row != -1) { if (f == null) { f = smb; } else { s = smb; PlayfairDec(ref f, ref s); if (f.alpabet != '\xa0') { cooking_data.Add(f); } if (s.alpabet != '\xa0') { cooking_data.Add(s); } f = null; } } else { splitters.Add(smb); } } //теперь вствляем нешифруемые разделители foreach (Found var in splitters) { cooking_data.Insert(var.address, var); } string cooked_text = ""; //вывод в окно foreach (Found var in cooking_data) { cooked_text += var.alpabet; } textBox2.Text = cooked_text; alphabet = save_alpha; }
public void Stop() { m_Probe.Stop(); lock (m_Lock) { Found.Clear(); } }
private PlayfairEncrtypt(ref Found left, ref Found right) { if (left.row == right.row) { } if (left.col == right.col) { } }
public static void Start() { var launcherAssembly = typeof(LazuriteUI.Windows.Launcher.App).Assembly; var launcherExePath = Path.GetFullPath(Lazurite.Windows.Utils.Utils.GetAssemblyPath(launcherAssembly)); var launcherProcessName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(launcherExePath); var currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); var currentProcessName = currentProcess.ProcessName; var currentProcessLocation = GetProcessFilePath(currentProcess); var currentProcessId = currentProcess.Id; var listenInterval = DuplicatedProcessesListenerInterval; var action = (Action)(() => { try { var processes = Process.GetProcessesByName(currentProcessName) .Union(Process.GetProcessesByName(launcherProcessName)) .ToArray(); var targetProcesses = processes.Where(x => x.Id != currentProcessId && ((StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(x.ProcessName, launcherProcessName) && StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(GetProcessFilePath(x), launcherExePath)) || (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(x.ProcessName, currentProcessName) && StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(GetProcessFilePath(x), currentProcessLocation)))) .ToArray(); if (targetProcesses.Any()) { foreach (var process in targetProcesses) { process.Kill(); } Found?.Invoke(App.Current, new EventsArgs <Process[]>(targetProcesses)); listenInterval = DuplicatedProcessesListenerInterval_onFound; } else { listenInterval = DuplicatedProcessesListenerInterval; } //crutch foreach (var process in processes) { process.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Warn("Ошибка во время получения процессов в DuplicatedProcessesListener. Возможной причиной может являться антивирус или отсутвие доступа.", e); } }); SystemUtils.StartTimer((token) => action(), () => listenInterval); }
//////////////////////////////// // Arguments ::= (PositionalArgs ( ',' NamedArgs)?) | NamedArgs // private IEnumerable <XamlNode> P_Arguments(Found f) { Found f2 = new Found(); // Arguments ::= @ (PositionalArgs ( ',' NamedArgs)?) | NamedArgs switch (_tokenizer.Token) { case MeTokenType.Close: // not found break; // Arguments ::= (@ PositionalArgs ( ',' NamedArgs)?) | NamedArgs case MeTokenType.String: case MeTokenType.QuotedMarkupExtension: case MeTokenType.Open: foreach (XamlNode node in P_PositionalArgs(f2)) { yield return(node); } f.found = f2.found; if (f.found) { if (_context.CurrentArgCount > 0) { yield return(Logic_EndPositionalParameters()); } } // Arguments ::= (PositionalArgs @ ( ',' NamedArgs)?) | NamedArgs while (_tokenizer.Token == MeTokenType.Comma) { // Arguments ::= (PositionalArgs ( @ ',' NamedArgs)?) | NamedArgs NextToken(); // Arguments ::= (PositionalArgs ( ',' @ NamedArgs)?) | NamedArgs foreach (XamlNode node in P_NamedArgs(f2)) { yield return(node); } } break; // Arguments ::= (PositionalArgs ( ',' NamedArgs)?) | @ NamedArgs case MeTokenType.PropertyName: foreach (XamlNode node in P_NamedArgs(f2)) { yield return(node); } f.found = f2.found; break; default: SetBrokenRuleString("Arguments ::= @ (PositionalArgs ( ',' NamedArgs)?) | NamedArgs"); break; } }
private void pnlGreen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_foundEggs == Found.FoundRed) { _foundEggs = Found.FoundGreen; } else { _foundEggs = Found.None; } }
public Found[] ListAllByKind(string kind) { DataTable table = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable("select * from Tb_Found where Kind=@kind and IsDeleted=0 ", new SqlParameter("@Kind", kind)); Found[] dt = new Found[table.Rows.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { dt[i] = ToModel(table.Rows[i]); } return dt; }
private void pnlBlue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_foundEggs == Found.FoundGreen) { var win = new Form2(); win.ShowDialog(this); } else { _foundEggs = Found.None; } }
public static void MethodName3() { var myApp = new Application("C:\\TestApp\\UIAutomation.TestApp.exe"); var appWindow = myApp.Start(); var editBox = appWindow.Locate <ComboBox>(Found.ByAutomationId("comboboxAutomationId")); //editBox.GetSelection Assert.That(editBox.GetSelection, Is.EqualTo(0)); myApp.Close(); }
public static void MethodName() { var myApp = new Application("C:\\TestApp\\UIAutomation.TestApp.exe"); var appWindow = myApp.Start(); var editBox = appWindow.Locate <Edit>(Found.ByAutomationId("textboxAutomationId")); editBox.Value = "Hello World"; Assert.That(editBox.Value, Is.EqualTo("Hello World")); myApp.Close(); }
public static void MethodName2() { var myApp = new Application("C:\\TestApp\\UIAutomation.TestApp.exe"); var appWindow = myApp.Start(); var editBox = appWindow.Locate <CheckBox>(Found.ByAutomationId("checkboxAutomationId")); editBox.Check(); Assert.That(editBox.IsChecked, Is.True); myApp.Close(); }
public void Insert(Found model) { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(@"insert into Tb_Found(Id,Name,Address,Image,Phone,Remark,Time) values(@Id,@Name,@Address,@Image,@Phone,@Remark,@Time)", new SqlParameter("@Id", model.Id), new SqlParameter("@Name", model.Name), new SqlParameter("@Address", model.Address), new SqlParameter("@Image", model.Image), new SqlParameter("@Phone", model.Phone), new SqlParameter("@Remark", model.Remark), new SqlParameter("@Time", model.Time)); }
//ФУНКЦИЯ РАБОТЫ С АЛФАВИТОМ ПРИ РАСШИФРОВАНИИ private void PlayfairDec(ref Found left, ref Found right) { if (left.row == right.row) { if (left.col == 0) { left.alpabet = alphabet[left.row * 10 + 9]; } else { left.alpabet = alphabet[left.row * 10 + left.col - 1]; } if (right.col == 0) { right.alpabet = alphabet[right.row * 10 + 9]; } else { right.alpabet = alphabet[right.row * 10 + (right.col - 1)]; } return; } if (left.col == right.col) //50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 { if (left.row == 0) { left.alpabet = alphabet[50 + left.col]; } else { left.alpabet = alphabet[(left.row * 10 + left.col - 10)]; } if (right.row == 0) { right.alpabet = alphabet[50 + right.col]; } else { right.alpabet = alphabet[right.row * 10 + right.col - 10]; } return; } else { //квадратик left.alpabet = alphabet[left.row * 10 + right.col]; right.alpabet = alphabet[right.row * 10 + left.col]; return; } }
private IEnumerable <XamlNode> P_MarkupExtension(Found f) { if (this.Expect(MeTokenType.Open, "MarkupExtension ::= @'{' Expr '}'")) { this.NextToken(); if (this._tokenizer.Token != MeTokenType.TypeName) { this.SetBrokenRuleString("MarkupExtension ::= '{' @TYPENAME (Arguments)? '}'"); } else { XamlType tokenType = this._tokenizer.TokenType; yield return(this.Logic_StartElement(tokenType, this._tokenizer.Namespace)); this.NextToken(); Found iteratorVariable1 = new Found(); switch (this._tokenizer.Token) { case MeTokenType.PropertyName: case MeTokenType.String: case MeTokenType.QuotedMarkupExtension: case MeTokenType.Open: { IEnumerator <XamlNode> enumerator = this.P_Arguments(iteratorVariable1).GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { XamlNode current = enumerator.Current; yield return(current); } break; } default: this.SetBrokenRuleString("MarkupExtension ::= '{' TYPENAME @(Arguments)? '}'"); break; yield return(this.Logic_EndObject()); this.NextToken(); f.found = true; break; } if (iteratorVariable1.found && this.Expect(MeTokenType.Close, "MarkupExtension ::= '{' TYPENAME (Arguments)? @'}'")) { yield return(this.Logic_EndObject()); f.found = true; this.NextToken(); } } } }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (Found != false) { hash ^= Found.GetHashCode(); } if (FilePath.Length != 0) { hash ^= FilePath.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
public IRaycastable Raycast(out RaycastHit?hit) { if (lastFound.frame == Time.frameCount) { hit = lastFound.hit; return(lastFound.obj); } var raycastable = IRaycastable.Raycast(orientation.pos, orientation.rot, out hit); lastFound = new Found(Time.frameCount, hit, raycastable); return(raycastable); }
/// <summary> /// Checks if a domain exists in the DNS server's cache /// </summary> /// <params> /// <param name="dnsIp">DNS server's IP address</param> /// <param name="query">Query to be executed</param> /// </params> /// <returns>True if it exists</returns> private bool ExistsInDnsServerCache(string dnsIp, string query) { var r = new Heijden.DNS.Resolver(dnsIp) { Recursion = false }; if (r.Query(query, Heijden.DNS.QType.A, Heijden.DNS.QClass.IN).Answers.Count > 0) { Found?.Invoke(query, null); return(true); } return(false); }
public List <Found> GetFoundsPersonalArea(Person person) { SqlCommand cmd = ConnectSql(string.Format("Select * From Found Where FindID = '{0}'", person.PersonID)); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); List <Found> resultFound = new List <Found>(); Found found = new Found(); while (reader.Read()) { resultFound.Add(found.Initialization(reader)); } connection.DisConnectSql(); int x = resultFound.Count(); return(resultFound); }
private void _FetchRemaining ( ServerResponse mainResponse, int expected ) { if (ReferenceEquals(Found, null)) { return; } if (!_subCommand && expected > IrbisConstants.MaxPostings) { int firstRecord = FirstRecord + Found.Count; while (firstRecord < expected) { SearchCommand subCommand = Clone(); subCommand.FirstRecord = firstRecord; subCommand.NumberOfRecords = Math.Min ( expected - firstRecord + 1, IrbisConstants.MaxPostings ); subCommand._subCommand = true; ClientQuery clientQuery = subCommand.CreateQuery(); ServerResponse subResponse = subCommand .Execute(clientQuery); subCommand.CheckResponse(subResponse); List <FoundItem> found = subCommand.Found .ThrowIfNull("Found"); int count = found.Count; Found.ThrowIfNull().AddRange(found); Debug.Assert ( count != 0, "Found.Count == 0 in SubCommand" ); firstRecord += count; } } }
public void GetSeoul(DateTime today) { string url_Seoul = "" + 1 + "/" + 1000 + "/"; XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument(); xdoc.Load(url_Seoul); XmlNodeList xnodeList = xdoc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("/lostArticleInfo/row"); foreach (XmlNode xnode in xnodeList) { if (xnode["STATUS"].InnerText != "수령") { if (DateTime.Compare(today.AddDays(-7), Convert.ToDateTime(xnode["REG_DATE"].InnerText)) <= 0) { Found found_Seoul = new Found(); found_Seoul.Found_DateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(xnode["REG_DATE"].InnerText); found_Seoul.Found_BigCate = xnode["CATE"].InnerText; found_Seoul.Found_Name = xnode["GET_NAME"].InnerText; found_Seoul.Found_GetPosition = xnode["GET_POSITION"].InnerText; found_Seoul.Found_data = "서울시"; using (var db = new NoteDBContext()) { var data = db.Found .FirstOrDefault(d => d.Found_DateTime.Equals(found_Seoul.Found_DateTime) && d.Found_BigCate.Equals(found_Seoul.Found_BigCate) && d.Found_Name.Equals(found_Seoul.Found_Name) && d.Found_GetPosition.Equals(found_Seoul.Found_GetPosition) && d.Found_data.Equals(found_Seoul.Found_data) ); if (data == null) { db.Found.Add(found_Seoul); db.SaveChanges(); } } } } } }
public void Update(Found model) { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(@"UPDATE Tb_Found set Id = @Id, Name = @Name, Address = @Address, Image = @Image, Phone = @Phone, Remark = @Remark, Time = @Time WHERE Id=@Id", new SqlParameter("@Id", model.Id), new SqlParameter("@Name", model.Name), new SqlParameter("@Address", model.Address), new SqlParameter("@Image", model.Image), new SqlParameter("@Phone", model.Phone), new SqlParameter("@Remark", model.Remark), new SqlParameter("@Time", model.Time)); }
public IEnumerable<XamlNode> Parse(string text, int lineNumber, int linePosition) { this._tokenizer = new MeScanner(this._context, text, lineNumber, linePosition); this._originalText = text; Found f = new Found(); this.NextToken(); foreach (XamlNode iteratorVariable1 in this.P_MarkupExtension(f)) { yield return iteratorVariable1; } if (!f.found) { string message = this._brokenRule; this._brokenRule = null; throw new XamlParseException(this._tokenizer, message); } if (this._tokenizer.Token != MeTokenType.None) { throw new XamlParseException(this._tokenizer, System.Xaml.SR.Get("UnexpectedTokenAfterME")); } if (this._tokenizer.HasTrailingWhitespace) { throw new XamlParseException(this._tokenizer, System.Xaml.SR.Get("WhitespaceAfterME")); } }
private IEnumerable<XamlNode> P_MarkupExtension(Found f) { if (this.Expect(MeTokenType.Open, "MarkupExtension ::= @'{' Expr '}'")) { this.NextToken(); if (this._tokenizer.Token != MeTokenType.TypeName) { this.SetBrokenRuleString("MarkupExtension ::= '{' @TYPENAME (Arguments)? '}'"); } else { XamlType tokenType = this._tokenizer.TokenType; yield return this.Logic_StartElement(tokenType, this._tokenizer.Namespace); this.NextToken(); Found iteratorVariable1 = new Found(); switch (this._tokenizer.Token) { case MeTokenType.PropertyName: case MeTokenType.String: case MeTokenType.QuotedMarkupExtension: case MeTokenType.Open: { IEnumerator<XamlNode> enumerator = this.P_Arguments(iteratorVariable1).GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { XamlNode current = enumerator.Current; yield return current; } break; } default: this.SetBrokenRuleString("MarkupExtension ::= '{' TYPENAME @(Arguments)? '}'"); break; yield return this.Logic_EndObject(); this.NextToken(); f.found = true; break; } if (iteratorVariable1.found && this.Expect(MeTokenType.Close, "MarkupExtension ::= '{' TYPENAME (Arguments)? @'}'")) { yield return this.Logic_EndObject(); f.found = true; this.NextToken(); } } } }
private IEnumerable<XamlNode> P_NamedArg(Found f) { Found iteratorVariable0 = new Found(); if (this._tokenizer.Token == MeTokenType.PropertyName) { XamlMember tokenProperty = this._tokenizer.TokenProperty; yield return this.Logic_StartMember(); this.NextToken(); this.Expect(MeTokenType.EqualSign, "NamedArg ::= PROPERTYNAME @'=' Value"); this.NextToken(); switch (this._tokenizer.Token) { case MeTokenType.PropertyName: string str; if (this._context.CurrentMember == null) { str = System.Xaml.SR.Get("MissingComma1", new object[] { this._tokenizer.TokenText }); } else { str = System.Xaml.SR.Get("MissingComma2", new object[] { this._context.CurrentMember.Name, this._tokenizer.TokenText }); } throw new XamlParseException(this._tokenizer, str); case MeTokenType.QuotedMarkupExtension: { MePullParser iteratorVariable1 = new MePullParser(this._context); foreach (XamlNode iteratorVariable2 in iteratorVariable1.Parse(this._tokenizer.TokenText, this.LineNumber, this.LinePosition)) { yield return iteratorVariable2; } f.found = true; this.NextToken(); break; } case MeTokenType.Open: { IEnumerator<XamlNode> enumerator = this.P_Value(iteratorVariable0).GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { XamlNode current = enumerator.Current; yield return current; } f.found = iteratorVariable0.found; break; } default: this.SetBrokenRuleString("NamedArg ::= PROPERTYNAME '=' @(STRING | QUOTEDMARKUPEXTENSION | MarkupExtension)"); break; yield return this.Logic_Text(); f.found = true; this.NextToken(); break; } yield return this.Logic_EndMember(); } }
private Found ToModel(DataRow row) { Found model = new Found(); model.Id = (System.Guid)SqlHelper.FromDBValue(row["Id"]); model.Name = (System.String)SqlHelper.FromDBValue(row["Name"]); model.Address = (System.String)SqlHelper.FromDBValue(row["Address"]); model.Image = (System.Byte[])SqlHelper.FromDBValue(row["Image"]); model.Phone = (System.String)SqlHelper.FromDBValue(row["Phone"]); model.Remark = (System.String)SqlHelper.FromDBValue(row["Remark"]); model.Time = (System.DateTime)SqlHelper.FromDBValue(row["Time"]); return model; }
private IEnumerable<XamlNode> P_NamedArgs(Found f) { Found iteratorVariable0 = new Found(); if (this._tokenizer.Token == MeTokenType.PropertyName) { foreach (XamlNode iteratorVariable1 in this.P_NamedArg(iteratorVariable0)) { yield return iteratorVariable1; } f.found = iteratorVariable0.found; while (this._tokenizer.Token == MeTokenType.Comma) { this.NextToken(); foreach (XamlNode iteratorVariable2 in this.P_NamedArg(iteratorVariable0)) { yield return iteratorVariable2; } } } else { this.SetBrokenRuleString("NamedArgs ::= @NamedArg ( ',' NamedArg )*"); } }
private IEnumerable<XamlNode> P_Value(Found f) { Found iteratorVariable0 = new Found(); switch (this._tokenizer.Token) { case MeTokenType.QuotedMarkupExtension: { MePullParser iteratorVariable1 = new MePullParser(this._context); foreach (XamlNode iteratorVariable2 in iteratorVariable1.Parse(this._tokenizer.TokenText, this.LineNumber, this.LinePosition)) { yield return iteratorVariable2; } f.found = true; this.NextToken(); break; } case MeTokenType.Open: { IEnumerator<XamlNode> enumerator = this.P_MarkupExtension(iteratorVariable0).GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { XamlNode current = enumerator.Current; yield return current; } f.found = iteratorVariable0.found; break; } default: break; yield return this.Logic_Text(); f.found = true; this.NextToken(); break; } }
private IEnumerable<XamlNode> P_PositionalArgs(Found f) { Found iteratorVariable0 = new Found(); switch (this._tokenizer.Token) { case MeTokenType.PropertyName: { if (this._context.CurrentArgCount > 0) { yield return this.Logic_EndPositionalParameters(); } IEnumerator<XamlNode> enumerator = this.P_NamedArg(iteratorVariable0).GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { XamlNode current = enumerator.Current; yield return current; } if (!iteratorVariable0.found) { this.SetBrokenRuleString("PositionalArgs ::= (Value (',' PositionalArgs)?) | @ NamedArg"); } f.found = iteratorVariable0.found; break; } default: { int num2; this.SetBrokenRuleString("PositionalArgs ::= @ (Value (',' PositionalArgs)?) | NamedArg"); break; this._context.CurrentArgCount = (num2 = this._context.CurrentArgCount) + 1; if (num2 == 0) { yield return this.Logic_StartPositionalParameters(); } IEnumerator<XamlNode> iteratorVariable5 = this.P_Value(iteratorVariable0).GetEnumerator(); while (iteratorVariable5.MoveNext()) { XamlNode iteratorVariable1 = iteratorVariable5.Current; yield return iteratorVariable1; } if (!iteratorVariable0.found) { this.SetBrokenRuleString("PositionalArgs ::= (NamedArg | (@Value (',' PositionalArgs)?)"); } else { f.found = iteratorVariable0.found; if (this._tokenizer.Token == MeTokenType.Comma) { Found iteratorVariable2 = new Found(); this.NextToken(); foreach (XamlNode iteratorVariable3 in this.P_PositionalArgs(iteratorVariable2)) { yield return iteratorVariable3; } if (!iteratorVariable2.found) { this.SetBrokenRuleString("PositionalArgs ::= (Value (',' @ PositionalArgs)?) | NamedArg"); } } } break; } } }