Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void ToSharpLoad(GH_Model model)
            ForceVector forceVector = null;

            switch (model.ModelType)
            case SharpFE.ModelType.Truss2D:
                forceVector = model.Model.ForceFactory.CreateForTruss(Force.X, Force.Z);


            case SharpFE.ModelType.Full3D:

                forceVector = model.Model.ForceFactory.Create(Force.X, Force.Y, Force.Z, Moment.X, Moment.Y, Moment.Z);

                throw new Exception("No such model type implemented: " + model.ModelType);
            foreach (GH_Node node in Nodes)
                FiniteElementNode FEnode = model.Nodes[node.Index];

                model.Model.ApplyForceToNode(forceVector, FEnode);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void CalculateModelOfOneSpringWith2DegreesOfFreedom()
            FiniteElementModel model = new FiniteElementModel(ModelType.Truss1D);  // we will create and analyze a 1D truss system
            FiniteElementNode  node1 = model.NodeFactory.Create(0);                // create a node at the origin

            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.X);                         // constrain this node from moving in the X axis

            FiniteElementNode node2 = model.NodeFactory.Create(1.0);               // create a second node at a distance 1 metre along the X axis

            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinearConstantSpring(node1, node2, 2000.0); // create a spring between the two nodes of a stiffness of 2000 Newtons per metre

            ForceVector force = model.ForceFactory.Create(10.0);                   // Create a force of 10 Newtons in the x direction

            model.ApplyForceToNode(force, node2);                                  // Apply that force to the second node

            IFiniteElementSolver solver  = new MatrixInversionLinearSolver(model); // Create a new instance of the solver class and pass it the model to solve
            FiniteElementResults results = solver.Solve();                         // ask the solver to solve the model and return results

            DisplacementVector displacement = results.GetDisplacement(node2);      // get the displacement at the second node

            Assert.AreEqual(0.005, displacement.X);                                // Check that we have calculated a displacement of 0.005 metres (5 millimetres) along the X axis.

            ReactionVector reaction = results.GetReaction(node1);                  //get the reaction at the first node

            Assert.AreEqual(-10, reaction.X);                                      // Check that we have calculated a reaction of -10 Newtons in the X axis.
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override void ToSharpLoad(GH_Model model)
            ForceVector forceVector = null;

            switch (model.ModelType)
            case ModelType.Truss2D:
                forceVector = model.Model.ForceFactory.CreateForTruss(Force.X, Force.Z);

            case ModelType.Full3D:
                forceVector = model.Model.ForceFactory.Create(Force.X, Force.Y, Force.Z, Moment.X, Moment.Y, Moment.Z);

            case ModelType.Membrane3D:
                forceVector = model.Model.ForceFactory.Create(Force.X, Force.Y, Force.Z, 0, 0, 0);

                throw new Exception("No such model type implemented: " + model.ModelType);

            foreach (Point3d node in Nodes)
                IFiniteElementNode FEnode = model.FindOrCreateNode(node);
                model.Model.ApplyForceToNode(forceVector, FEnode);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void ReversedCantilever()
            FiniteElementModel model = new FiniteElementModel(ModelType.Beam1D);
            FiniteElementNode  node1 = model.NodeFactory.Create(0);

            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);
            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.YY);

            FiniteElementNode node2 = model.NodeFactory.Create(3.0);

            IMaterial     material = new GenericElasticMaterial(0, 210000000000, 0, 0);
            ICrossSection section  = new GenericCrossSection(0.0001, 0.0002);

            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinear1DBeam(node2, node1, material, section);  //connecting the nodes in reverse order to the Cantilever() example

            ForceVector force = model.ForceFactory.CreateFor1DBeam(-10000, 0);

            model.ApplyForceToNode(force, node2);

            IFiniteElementSolver solver  = new MatrixInversionLinearSolver(model);
            FiniteElementResults results = solver.Solve();

            ReactionVector reaction = results.GetReaction(node1);

            Assert.AreEqual(10000, reaction.Z, 0.001);
            Assert.AreEqual(-30000, reaction.YY, 0.001);

            DisplacementVector displacement = results.GetDisplacement(node2);

            Assert.AreEqual(-0.00214, displacement.Z, 0.0005);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.00107, displacement.YY, 0.0001);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void Cantilever()
            FiniteElementModel model = new FiniteElementModel(ModelType.Beam1D); // we will create and analyze a 1D beam system
            FiniteElementNode  node1 = model.NodeFactory.Create(0);              // create a node at the origin

            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);                       // constrain the node from moving in the Z-axis
            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.YY);                      // constrain this node from rotating around the Y-axis

            FiniteElementNode node2 = model.NodeFactory.Create(3.0);             // create a second node at a distance 1 metre along the X axis

            IMaterial     material = new GenericElasticMaterial(0, 210000000000, 0, 0);
            ICrossSection section  = new GenericCrossSection(0.0001, 0.0002);

            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinear1DBeam(node1, node2, material, section);

            ForceVector force = model.ForceFactory.CreateFor1DBeam(-10000, 0);     // Create a force of 10 KiloNewtons in the z direction

            model.ApplyForceToNode(force, node2);                                  // Apply that force to the second node

            IFiniteElementSolver solver  = new MatrixInversionLinearSolver(model); // Create a new instance of the solver class and pass it the model to solve
            FiniteElementResults results = solver.Solve();                         // ask the solver to solve the model and return results

            ReactionVector reaction = results.GetReaction(node1);                  //get the reaction at the first node

            Assert.AreEqual(10000, reaction.Z, 0.001);                             // Check that we have calculated a reaction of 10 KiloNewtons in the Z-axis
            Assert.AreEqual(-30000, reaction.YY, 0.001);                           // Check that we have calculated a reaction of -30 KiloNewtonMetres around the YY axis.

            DisplacementVector displacement = results.GetDisplacement(node2);      // get the displacement at the second node

            Assert.AreEqual(-0.00214, displacement.Z, 0.0005);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.00107, displacement.YY, 0.0001);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private static Dictionary <IFiniteElementNode, ForceVector> AddWindLoad(PixelStructure structure, FiniteElementModel model)
            Dictionary <IFiniteElementNode, ForceVector> map = new Dictionary <IFiniteElementNode, ForceVector>();

            if (structure.WindLoad != null)
                if (structure.WindLoad.Activated)
                    double forceX = structure.WindLoad.Direction.X;
                    double forceY = structure.WindLoad.Direction.Y;
                    foreach (var i in structure.WindLoad.NodeIndices)
                        var node = model.Nodes.ElementAt(i);

                        if (!map.ContainsKey(node))
                            map.Add(node, new ForceVector(0, 0, 0));

                        map[node] = new ForceVector(
                            map[node].X + forceX,
                            map[node].Z + forceY
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void SpringAt60DegreesInXYPlane()
            FiniteElementModel model = new FiniteElementModel(ModelType.Truss2D);     // we will create and analyze a 2D truss system
            FiniteElementNode  node1 = model.NodeFactory.CreateFor2DTruss(0, 0);      // create a node at the origin

            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.X);                            // constrain this node from moving in the X axis
            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);                            // also constrain it from moving in the Y axis

            FiniteElementNode node2 = model.NodeFactory.CreateFor2DTruss(1, 1.73205); // create a second node at a distance 1 metre along the X axis and 1.73 metres along the Y axis (giving an angle of 60 degrees from x-axis).

            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.X);

            LinearConstantSpring spring = model.ElementFactory.CreateLinearConstantSpring(node1, node2, 1000); // create a spring between the first two nodes of a stiffness of 1000 Newtons per metre

            ForceVector force = model.ForceFactory.CreateForTruss(0, 10);                                      // Create a force of with components of 10 Newtons along the y-axis.

            model.ApplyForceToNode(force, node2);                                                              // Apply that force to the second node

            IFiniteElementSolver solver  = new MatrixInversionLinearSolver(model);                             // Create a new instance of the solver class and pass it the model to solve
            FiniteElementResults results = solver.Solve();                                                     // ask the solver to solve the model and return results

            DisplacementVector displacementAtNode2 = results.GetDisplacement(node2);                           // get the displacement at the second node

            Assert.AreEqual(0, displacementAtNode2.X);                                                         // Check that there is no displacement in the x-axis
            Assert.AreEqual(0.013333, displacementAtNode2.Z, 0.001);                                           // and 0.01333 metres (13 millimetres) along the Y axis.

            ReactionVector reactionAtNode1 = results.GetReaction(node1);                                       //get the reaction at the first node

            Assert.AreEqual(-5.774, reactionAtNode1.X, 0.001);                                                 // Check that we have calculated a reaction of 10/SQRT(3) Newtons in the X axis.
            Assert.AreEqual(-10, reactionAtNode1.Z, 0.001);                                                    // and a reaction of -10 Newtons in the Y axis.
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void SpringInXAxis()
            FiniteElementModel model = new FiniteElementModel(ModelType.Truss2D);                              // we will create and analyze a 1D spring in the vertical
            FiniteElementNode  node1 = model.NodeFactory.CreateFor2DTruss(0, 0);                               // create a node at the origin

            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.X);                                                     // constrain this node from moving in the X axis
            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);                                                     // also constrain it from moving in the Y axis

            FiniteElementNode node2 = model.NodeFactory.CreateFor2DTruss(1, 0);                                // create a second node at a distance 1 metre along the X axis.

            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);                                                     // fix this node from moving along the Y-axis.  It is still free to move along the X-axis however.

            LinearConstantSpring spring = model.ElementFactory.CreateLinearConstantSpring(node1, node2, 1000); // create a spring between the two nodes of a stiffness of 1000 Newtons per metre

            ForceVector force = model.ForceFactory.CreateForTruss(10, 0);                                      // Create a force of 10 Newtons along the x-axis.

            model.ApplyForceToNode(force, node2);                                                              // Apply that force to the second node

            IFiniteElementSolver solver  = new MatrixInversionLinearSolver(model);                             // Create a new instance of the solver class and pass it the model to solve
            FiniteElementResults results = solver.Solve();                                                     // ask the solver to solve the model and return results

            DisplacementVector displacementAtNode2 = results.GetDisplacement(node2);                           // get the displacement at the second node

            Assert.AreEqual(0.01, displacementAtNode2.X);                                                      // check that we calculated 0.010 metres (10 millimetres) along the Y axis.

            ReactionVector reactionAtNode1 = results.GetReaction(node1);                                       //get the reaction at the first node

            Assert.AreEqual(-10, reactionAtNode1.X);                                                           // Check that we have calculated a reaction of -10 Newtons in the X axis.
            Assert.AreEqual(0, reactionAtNode1.Z);                                                             // and a reaction of 0 Newtons in the Y axis.
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void OneVerticalQuadFixed3PointsMembrane()
            FiniteElementModel model = new FiniteElementModel(ModelType.Membrane3D);
            FiniteElementNode  node1 = model.NodeFactory.Create(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.X);
            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.Y);
            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);

            FiniteElementNode node2 = model.NodeFactory.Create(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);

            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.X);
            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.Y);
            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);

            FiniteElementNode node3 = model.NodeFactory.Create(1.0, 0.0, 1.0);

            model.ConstrainNode(node3, DegreeOfFreedom.X);
            model.ConstrainNode(node3, DegreeOfFreedom.Y);
            model.ConstrainNode(node3, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);

            FiniteElementNode node4 = model.NodeFactory.Create(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

            model.ConstrainNode(node4, DegreeOfFreedom.Y);

            IMaterial material = new GenericElasticMaterial(0, 210000000000, 0.3, 0);

            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinearConstantStressQuadrilateral(node1, node2, node3, node4, material, 0.1);

            ForceVector force = model.ForceFactory.Create(10000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

            model.ApplyForceToNode(force, node4);

            IFiniteElementSolver solver  = new MatrixInversionLinearSolver(model);
            FiniteElementResults results = solver.Solve();

            ReactionVector reaction1 = results.GetReaction(node1);

            Console.WriteLine("\nReaction1 : \n" + reaction1);
            ReactionVector reaction2 = results.GetReaction(node2);

            Console.WriteLine("\nReaction2 : \n" + reaction2);
            ReactionVector reaction3 = results.GetReaction(node3);

            Console.WriteLine("\nReaction3 : \n" + reaction3);
            DisplacementVector displacement4 = results.GetDisplacement(node4);

            Console.WriteLine("\nDisplacement4 : \n" + displacement4);

            Assert.AreEqual(2621, reaction1.X, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(-3039, reaction1.Z, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(-5660, reaction2.X, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(1706, reaction2.Z, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(-6961, reaction3.X, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(1333, reaction3.Z, 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.0000012400, displacement4.X, 0.0000000001);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0000004875, displacement4.Z, 0.0000000001);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void CalculateGridOf3BeamsAnd24Dof()
            FiniteElementModel model = new FiniteElementModel(ModelType.Slab2D);

            FiniteElementNode node1 = model.NodeFactory.Create(4, 4);

            FiniteElementNode node2 = model.NodeFactory.Create(4, 0);

            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);
            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.XX);
            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.YY);

            FiniteElementNode node3 = model.NodeFactory.Create(0, 0);

            model.ConstrainNode(node3, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);
            model.ConstrainNode(node3, DegreeOfFreedom.XX);
            model.ConstrainNode(node3, DegreeOfFreedom.YY);

            FiniteElementNode node4 = model.NodeFactory.Create(0, 4);

            model.ConstrainNode(node4, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);
            model.ConstrainNode(node4, DegreeOfFreedom.XX);
            model.ConstrainNode(node4, DegreeOfFreedom.YY);

            IMaterial     material = new GenericElasticMaterial(0, 210000000000, 0, 84000000000);
            ICrossSection section  = new GenericCrossSection(0.02, 0.0002, 0.0002, 0.00005);

            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinear3DBeam(node1, node2, material, section);
            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinear3DBeam(node1, node3, material, section);
            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinear3DBeam(node1, node4, material, section);

            ForceVector force = model.ForceFactory.Create(0, 0, -20000, 0, 0, 0);

            model.ApplyForceToNode(force, node1);

            IFiniteElementSolver solver  = new LinearSolverSVD(model);
            FiniteElementResults results = solver.Solve();

            DisplacementVector node1Displacement = results.GetDisplacement(node1);
            ReactionVector     node2Reaction     = results.GetReaction(node2);
            ReactionVector     node3Reaction     = results.GetReaction(node3);
            ReactionVector     node4Reaction     = results.GetReaction(node4);

            Assert.AreEqual(-0.0033, node1Displacement.Z, 0.0001);
            Assert.AreEqual(-0.0010, node1Displacement.XX, 0.0001);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0010, node1Displacement.YY, 0.0001);

            Assert.AreEqual(10794, node2Reaction.Z, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(31776, node2Reaction.XX, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(-1019, node2Reaction.YY, 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(-1587, node3Reaction.Z, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(4030, node3Reaction.XX, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(-4030, node3Reaction.YY, 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(10794, node4Reaction.Z, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(1019, node4Reaction.XX, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(-31776, node4Reaction.YY, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void CanCreateAForce()
            ForceVector result = SUT.Create(0);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.X);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Y);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void TwoTriangleWall()
            FiniteElementModel model = new FiniteElementModel(ModelType.Membrane3D); // we will create and analyze a 2D slab system
            FiniteElementNode  node1 = model.NodeFactory.Create(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);      // create a node at the origin

            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.X);                           // constrain the node from moving in the x-axis
            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.Y);                           // constrain the node from moving in the y-axis
            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);                           // constrain the node from moving in the z-axis

            FiniteElementNode node2 = model.NodeFactory.Create(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);       // create a second node at a distance 1 metre along the X axis

            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.X);                           // constrain the node from moving in the x-axis
            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.Y);                           // constrain the node from moving in the y-axis
            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);                           // constrain the node from moving in the z-axis

            FiniteElementNode node3 = model.NodeFactory.Create(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);

            model.ConstrainNode(node3, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);             // constrain the node from moving in the z-axis

            FiniteElementNode node4 = model.NodeFactory.Create(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);

            model.ConstrainNode(node4, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);             // constrain the node from moving in the z-axis

            IMaterial material = new GenericElasticMaterial(0, 200000, 0.2, 84000);

            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinearConstantStrainTriangle(node1, node2, node3, material, 0.1);             // create a triangle of thickness of 0.1 metres
            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinearConstantStrainTriangle(node2, node4, node3, material, 0.1);

            ForceVector force = model.ForceFactory.Create(0, -10); // Create a force of 10 Newtons in the y direction

            model.ApplyForceToNode(force, node3);                  // Apply that force to the third node
            model.ApplyForceToNode(force, node4);

            IFiniteElementSolver solver  = new MatrixInversionLinearSolver(model);
            FiniteElementResults results = solver.Solve();

            ReactionVector reaction1 = results.GetReaction(node1);             //get the reaction at the first node

            Console.WriteLine("\nReaction1 : \n" + reaction1);
            ReactionVector reaction2 = results.GetReaction(node2);

            Console.WriteLine("\nReaction2 : \n" + reaction2);
            Assert.AreEqual(20, reaction1.Y + reaction2.Y, 0.001);

            DisplacementVector displacement3 = results.GetDisplacement(node3);              // get the displacement at the second node

            Console.WriteLine("\nDisplacement3 : \n" + displacement3);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0.0, displacement3.X);                          // TODO calculate the actual value, rather than just checking we have any value
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0.0, displacement3.Y);                          // TODO calculate the actual value, rather than just checking we have any value
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0, displacement3.Z);                             // TODO calculate the actual value, rather than just checking we have any value

            DisplacementVector displacement4 = results.GetDisplacement(node4); // get the displacement at the second node

            Console.WriteLine("\nDisplacement4 : \n" + displacement4);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0.0, displacement4.X);          // TODO calculate the actual value, rather than just checking we have any value
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0.0, displacement4.Y);          // TODO calculate the actual value, rather than just checking we have any value
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0, displacement4.Z);             // TODO calculate the actual value, rather than just checking we have any value
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void Calculate2DPortalFrameOf3BeamsAnd12Dof()
            FiniteElementModel model = new FiniteElementModel(ModelType.Full3D);
            FiniteElementNode  node1 = model.NodeFactory.Create(-3, 0, 0);

            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.X);
            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.Y);
            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);
            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.XX);
            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.YY);

            FiniteElementNode node2 = model.NodeFactory.Create(-3, 0, 6);

            FiniteElementNode node3 = model.NodeFactory.Create(3, 0, 6);

            FiniteElementNode node4 = model.NodeFactory.Create(3, 0, 0);

            model.ConstrainNode(node4, DegreeOfFreedom.X);
            model.ConstrainNode(node4, DegreeOfFreedom.Y);
            model.ConstrainNode(node4, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);
            model.ConstrainNode(node4, DegreeOfFreedom.XX);
            model.ConstrainNode(node4, DegreeOfFreedom.YY);

            IMaterial     material = new GenericElasticMaterial(0, 210000000000, 0, 84000000);
            ICrossSection section  = new GenericCrossSection(0.0002, 0.0002, 0.0002, 0.00005);

            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinear3DBeam(node1, node2, material, section);
            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinear3DBeam(node2, node3, material, section);
            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinear3DBeam(node3, node4, material, section);

            ForceVector force2 = model.ForceFactory.Create(15000, 0, 0, 0, -10000, 0);

            model.ApplyForceToNode(force2, node2);

            IFiniteElementSolver solver  = new LinearSolverSVD(model);
            FiniteElementResults results = solver.Solve();

            DisplacementVector node2Displacement = results.GetDisplacement(node2);
            DisplacementVector node3Displacement = results.GetDisplacement(node3);
            ReactionVector     node1Reaction     = results.GetReaction(node1);
            ReactionVector     node4Reaction     = results.GetReaction(node4);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.0052843, node2Displacement.X, 0.0001);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0006522, node2Displacement.Z, 0.0001);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0005, node2Displacement.YY, 0.0001);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.0044052, node3Displacement.X, 0.0001);
            Assert.AreEqual(-0.0006522, node3Displacement.Z, 0.0001);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0006, node3Displacement.YY, 0.0001);

            Assert.AreEqual(-9000, node1Reaction.X, 500);
            Assert.AreEqual(-5000, node1Reaction.Z, 500);
            Assert.AreEqual(-30022, node1Reaction.YY, 500);

            Assert.AreEqual(-6000, node4Reaction.X, 500);
            Assert.AreEqual(5000, node4Reaction.Z, 500);
            Assert.AreEqual(-22586, node4Reaction.YY, 500);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void ThreeNodeSimplySupportedBeam() //TODO verify results using independent check
            FiniteElementModel model = new FiniteElementModel(ModelType.Frame2D);
            FiniteElementNode  node1 = model.NodeFactory.CreateFor2DTruss(0, 0);

            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.X);
            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);

            FiniteElementNode node2 = model.NodeFactory.CreateFor2DTruss(1, 0);

            FiniteElementNode node3 = model.NodeFactory.CreateFor2DTruss(2, 0);

            model.ConstrainNode(node3, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);

            IMaterial     material = new GenericElasticMaterial(0, 10000000000, 0, 0);
            ICrossSection section  = new GenericCrossSection(0.0001, 0.0002);

            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinear1DBeam(node1, node2, material, section);
            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinear1DBeam(node2, node3, material, section);

            ForceVector force = model.ForceFactory.Create(0, 0, -10000, 0, 0, 0);

            model.ApplyForceToNode(force, node2);

            IFiniteElementSolver solver = new MatrixInversionLinearSolver(model);

            Stiffness.GlobalModelStiffnessMatrixBuilder gmsmb = new SharpFE.Stiffness.GlobalModelStiffnessMatrixBuilder(model);

            FiniteElementResults results = solver.Solve();

            DisplacementVector node1Displacement = results.GetDisplacement(node1);

            Console.WriteLine("node1Displacement : " + node1Displacement);

            DisplacementVector node2Displacement = results.GetDisplacement(node2);

            Console.WriteLine("node2Displacement : " + node2Displacement);

            DisplacementVector node3Displacement = results.GetDisplacement(node3);

            Console.WriteLine("node3Displacement : " + node3Displacement);

            ReactionVector node1Reaction = results.GetReaction(node1);

            Console.WriteLine("node1Reaction : " + node1Reaction);

            ReactionVector node3Reaction = results.GetReaction(node3);

            Console.WriteLine("node5Reaction : " + node3Reaction);

            Assert.AreEqual(-0.000833333, node2Displacement.Z, 0.0000001);
            Assert.AreEqual(5000, node1Reaction.Z, 0.001);
            Assert.AreEqual(5000, node3Reaction.Z, 0.001);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, node2Displacement.YY, 0.0001);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.00125, node1Displacement.YY, 0.0000001);
            Assert.AreEqual(-0.00125, node3Displacement.YY, 0.0000001);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public void Setup()
     SUT           = new ForceRepository();
     forceFactory  = new ForceFactory(ModelType.Truss1D, SUT);
     exampleForce1 = forceFactory.Create(1);
     exampleForce2 = forceFactory.Create(2);
     nodeFactory   = new NodeFactory(ModelType.Truss1D);
     node          = nodeFactory.Create(0);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public void SetUp()
     model   = null;
     node1   = null;
     node2   = null;
     spring1 = null;
     force1  = null;
     SUT     = null;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void Calculate2DTrussOf3BarsAnd8Dof()
            FiniteElementModel model = new FiniteElementModel(ModelType.Truss2D);

            FiniteElementNode node1 = model.NodeFactory.CreateFor2DTruss(0, 0);

            FiniteElementNode node2 = model.NodeFactory.CreateFor2DTruss(0, 10);

            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.X);
            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);

            FiniteElementNode node3 = model.NodeFactory.CreateFor2DTruss(10, 10);

            model.ConstrainNode(node3, DegreeOfFreedom.X);
            model.ConstrainNode(node3, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);

            FiniteElementNode node4 = model.NodeFactory.CreateFor2DTruss(10, 0);

            model.ConstrainNode(node4, DegreeOfFreedom.X);
            model.ConstrainNode(node4, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);

            IMaterial     material = new GenericElasticMaterial(0, 30000000, 0, 0);
            ICrossSection section  = new SolidRectangle(2, 1);

            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinearTruss(node1, node2, material, section);
            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinearTruss(node1, node3, material, section);
            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinearTruss(node1, node4, material, section);

            ForceVector externalForce = model.ForceFactory.CreateForTruss(0, -10000);

            model.ApplyForceToNode(externalForce, node1);

            IFiniteElementSolver solver  = new MatrixInversionLinearSolver(model);
            FiniteElementResults results = solver.Solve();

            ReactionVector reactionAtNode2 = results.GetReaction(node2);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, reactionAtNode2.X, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(7929, reactionAtNode2.Z, 1);

            ReactionVector reactionAtNode3 = results.GetReaction(node3);

            Assert.AreEqual(2071, reactionAtNode3.X, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(2071, reactionAtNode3.Z, 1);

            ReactionVector reactionAtNode4 = results.GetReaction(node4);

            Assert.AreEqual(-2071, reactionAtNode4.X, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, reactionAtNode4.Z, 1);

            DisplacementVector displacementAtNode1 = results.GetDisplacement(node1);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.00035, displacementAtNode1.X, 0.00001);               ///NOTE this does not match the example in the book, but was instead verified by commercial FE software.  It appears as it may be an errata in the book.
            Assert.AreEqual(-0.00132, displacementAtNode1.Z, 0.00001);              ///NOTE this does not match the example in the book, but was instead verified by commercial FE software.  It appears as it may be an errata in the book.
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void Calculate3DFrameOf3BeamsAnd24Dof()
            FiniteElementModel model = new FiniteElementModel(ModelType.Full3D);
            FiniteElementNode  node1 = model.NodeFactory.Create(0, 0, 0);

            FiniteElementNode node2 = model.NodeFactory.Create(3, 0, 0);

            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.X);
            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.Y);
            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);

            FiniteElementNode node3 = model.NodeFactory.Create(0, 3, 0);

            model.ConstrainNode(node3, DegreeOfFreedom.X);
            model.ConstrainNode(node3, DegreeOfFreedom.Y);
            model.ConstrainNode(node3, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);

            FiniteElementNode node4 = model.NodeFactory.Create(0, 0, -4);

            model.ConstrainNode(node4, DegreeOfFreedom.X);
            model.ConstrainNode(node4, DegreeOfFreedom.Y);
            model.ConstrainNode(node4, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);

            IMaterial     material = new GenericElasticMaterial(0, 210000000000, 0.3, 84000000000);
            ICrossSection section  = new GenericCrossSection(0.02, 0.0001, 0.0002, 0.00005);

            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinear3DBeam(node1, node2, material, section);
            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinear3DBeam(node1, node3, material, section);
            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinear3DBeam(node1, node4, material, section);

            ForceVector force = model.ForceFactory.Create(-10000, -15000, 0, 0, 0, 0);

            model.ApplyForceToNode(force, node1);

            IFiniteElementSolver solver  = new LinearSolverSVD(model);
            FiniteElementResults results = solver.Solve();

            DisplacementVector node1Displacement = results.GetDisplacement(node1);
            ReactionVector     node2Reaction     = results.GetReaction(node2);
            ReactionVector     node3Reaction     = results.GetReaction(node3);
            ReactionVector     node4Reaction     = results.GetReaction(node4);

            Console.WriteLine("\nNode1 displacement : \n" + node1Displacement);
            Console.WriteLine("\nNode2 reaction : \n" + node2Reaction);
            Console.WriteLine("\nNode3 reaction : \n" + node3Reaction);
            Console.WriteLine("\nNode4 reaction : \n" + node4Reaction);

            Assert.Inconclusive("The below x, y and zz pass, but z, xx, yy fail");
            Assert.AreEqual(-0.000007109, node1Displacement.X, 0.00000001);
            Assert.AreEqual(-0.000010680, node1Displacement.Y, 0.00000001);
            Assert.AreEqual(-0.000014704, node1Displacement.Z, 0.00000001);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.000001147, node1Displacement.XX, 0.00000001);
            Assert.AreEqual(-0.000001068, node1Displacement.YY, 0.00000001);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.000000595, node1Displacement.ZZ, 0.000000001);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void CanGetZeroCombinedForceOnNodeWithoutForces()
            Assert.AreEqual(0, SUT.GetAllForcesAppliedTo(node).Count);

            ForceVector result = SUT.GetCombinedForceOn(node);

            Assert.AreEqual(6, result.Count); // 6 DOF
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.X);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Y);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Z);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void CanGetCombinedForceOnNode()
            SUT.ApplyForceToNode(exampleForce1, node);
            SUT.ApplyForceToNode(exampleForce2, node);

            ForceVector result = SUT.GetCombinedForceOn(node);

            Assert.AreEqual(6, result.Count); // 6 DOF
            Assert.AreEqual(3, result.X);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Y);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new force for a 1D ModelType
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="valueOfXComponent">The component of the force along the global x-axis</param>
        /// <returns>The force vector which has been created</returns>
        public ForceVector Create(double valueOfXComponent)
            Guard.AgainstInvalidState(() => { return this.modelType != ModelType.Truss1D; },
                                      "Can only use the Create(double valueOfXComponent) method to create a force along the x-axis when a 1D system is in use");

            ForceVector newForce = new ForceVector(valueOfXComponent);
            if (this.repository != null)

            return newForce;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void SimplySupportedBeam()
            FiniteElementModel model = new FiniteElementModel(ModelType.Full3D);
            FiniteElementNode  node1 = model.NodeFactory.Create(0, 0, 0);

            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.X);
            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.Y);
            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);
            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.XX);

            FiniteElementNode node2 = model.NodeFactory.Create(1.0, 0, 0);

            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.X);
            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.Y);
            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);
            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.XX);

            IMaterial     material = new GenericElasticMaterial(0, 210000000000, 0, 84000000000);
            ICrossSection section  = new GenericCrossSection(0.0001, 0.0002, 0.0002, 0.00005);

            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinear3DBeam(node1, node2, material, section);

            ForceVector moment = model.ForceFactory.Create(0, 0, 0, 0, 10000, 0);

            model.ApplyForceToNode(moment, node1);

            IFiniteElementSolver solver  = new MatrixInversionLinearSolver(model);
            FiniteElementResults results = solver.Solve();

            // check the results
            DisplacementVector displacementAtNode1 = results.GetDisplacement(node1);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, displacementAtNode1.Z, 0.001);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.00007936, displacementAtNode1.YY, 0.000001);

            DisplacementVector displacementAtNode2 = results.GetDisplacement(node2);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, displacementAtNode2.Z, 0.001);
            Assert.AreEqual(-0.00003968, displacementAtNode2.YY, 0.000001);

            ReactionVector reactionAtNode1 = results.GetReaction(node1);

            Assert.AreEqual(-10000, reactionAtNode1.Z, 0.001);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, reactionAtNode1.YY, 0.001);

            ReactionVector reactionAtNode2 = results.GetReaction(node2);

            Assert.AreEqual(10000, reactionAtNode2.Z, 0.001);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, reactionAtNode2.YY, 0.001);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void SetUp()
            model = new FiniteElementModel(ModelType.Truss1D);
            node1 = model.NodeFactory.Create(0);
            node2 = model.NodeFactory.Create(1);

            spring1 = model.ElementFactory.CreateLinearConstantSpring(node1, node2, 4);

            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.X);

            force1 = model.ForceFactory.Create(20);
            model.ApplyForceToNode(force1, node2);

            SUT = new LinearSolverSVD(model);
 void OnMouseUp()
     if (isPlacingorceVector) {
         if (!(previewTarget.transform.localPosition.magnitude > maxSpawnDistance)) {
         else {
             forceVector = gameObject.AddComponent<ForceVector>();
             forceVector.target = previewTarget.transform;
             GetComponent<ColorStack>().Add(this, activeColor);
         previewTarget = null;
         isPlacingorceVector = false;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public void SetUp()
            model = new FiniteElementModel(ModelType.Truss1D);
            node1 = model.NodeFactory.Create(0);
            node2 = model.NodeFactory.Create(1);

            spring1 = model.ElementFactory.CreateLinearConstantSpring(node1, node2, 4);

            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.X);

            force1 = model.ForceFactory.Create(20);
            model.ApplyForceToNode(force1, node2);

            SUT = new LinearSolverSVD(model);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public void Setup()
            SUT = new FiniteElementModel(ModelType.Truss1D);

            node1   = SUT.NodeFactory.Create(0);
            node2   = SUT.NodeFactory.Create(1);
            node3   = SUT.NodeFactory.Create(2);
            spring1 = SUT.ElementFactory.CreateLinearConstantSpring(node1, node2, 3);
            spring2 = SUT.ElementFactory.CreateLinearConstantSpring(node2, node3, 2);

            SUT.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.X);
            SUT.ConstrainNode(node3, DegreeOfFreedom.X);

            force1 = SUT.ForceFactory.Create(20);
            SUT.ApplyForceToNode(force1, node2);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public void OneQuadMembraneLateralLoad()
            FiniteElementModel model = new FiniteElementModel(ModelType.Membrane2D);
            FiniteElementNode  node1 = model.NodeFactory.Create(0.0, 0.0);

            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.X);
            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.Y);

            FiniteElementNode node2 = model.NodeFactory.Create(1.0, 0.0);

            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.Y);

            FiniteElementNode node3 = model.NodeFactory.Create(1.0, 1.0);

            FiniteElementNode node4 = model.NodeFactory.Create(0.0, 1.0);

            IMaterial material = new GenericElasticMaterial(0, 210000000000, 0.3, 0);

            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinearConstantStressQuadrilateral(node1, node2, node3, node4, material, 0.1);

            ForceVector force = model.ForceFactory.Create(10000, 0);

            model.ApplyForceToNode(force, node4);

            IFiniteElementSolver solver  = new MatrixInversionLinearSolver(model);
            FiniteElementResults results = solver.Solve();

            ReactionVector reaction1 = results.GetReaction(node1);
//			Console.WriteLine("\nReaction1 : \n" + reaction1);
            ReactionVector reaction2 = results.GetReaction(node2);

//			Console.WriteLine("\nReaction2 : \n" + reaction2);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, reaction1.Y + reaction2.Y, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(-10000, reaction1.X, 1);

            DisplacementVector displacement3 = results.GetDisplacement(node3);
            DisplacementVector displacement4 = results.GetDisplacement(node4);

            Console.WriteLine("\nDisplacement3 : \n" + displacement3);
            Console.WriteLine("\nDisplacement4 : \n" + displacement4);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.000002619047, displacement3.X, 0.0000000001);
            Assert.AreEqual(-0.000001428571, displacement3.Y, 0.0000000001);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.000004047618, displacement4.X, 0.0000000001);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.000001428571, displacement4.Y, 0.0000000001);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        private void Create2DSingleSpringModelAroundOrigin(double x, double z)
            model = new FiniteElementModel(ModelType.Truss2D);
            node1 = model.NodeFactory.CreateFor2DTruss(0, 0);
            node2 = model.NodeFactory.CreateFor2DTruss(x, z);

            spring1 = model.ElementFactory.CreateLinearConstantSpring(node1, node2, 1000);

            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.X);
            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);
            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.X);

            force1 = model.ForceFactory.CreateForTruss(0, -10);
            model.ApplyForceToNode(force1, node2);

            SUT = new LinearSolverSVD(model);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void CalculateModelOfTwoBarsAndOneSpringWithFourDegreesOfFreedom()
            FiniteElementModel model = new FiniteElementModel(ModelType.Truss1D);
            FiniteElementNode  node1 = model.NodeFactory.Create(0);

            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.X);

            FiniteElementNode node2 = model.NodeFactory.Create(2.0);

            FiniteElementNode node3 = model.NodeFactory.Create(4.0);

            FiniteElementNode node4 = model.NodeFactory.Create(6.0);

            model.ConstrainNode(node4, DegreeOfFreedom.X);

            IMaterial     material = new GenericElasticMaterial(0, 70000000000, 0, 0);
            ICrossSection section  = new SolidRectangle(0.02, 0.01);

            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinearTruss(node1, node2, material, section);
            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinearTruss(node2, node3, material, section);
            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinearConstantSpring(node3, node4, 2000000);

            ForceVector externalForce = model.ForceFactory.Create(8000);

            model.ApplyForceToNode(externalForce, node2);

            IFiniteElementSolver solver  = new MatrixInversionLinearSolver(model);
            FiniteElementResults results = solver.Solve();

            DisplacementVector displacementAtNode2 = results.GetDisplacement(node2);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.000935, displacementAtNode2.X, 0.001);

            DisplacementVector displacementAtNode3 = results.GetDisplacement(node3);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.000727, displacementAtNode3.X, 0.001);

            ReactionVector reactionAtNode1 = results.GetReaction(node1);

            Assert.AreEqual(-6546, reactionAtNode1.X, 1);

            ReactionVector reactionAtNode4 = results.GetReaction(node4);

            Assert.AreEqual(-1455, reactionAtNode4.X, 1);
    void OnMouseDown()
        // Destroy existing target if exists.
        if (forceVector != null) {
            forceVector = null;

        // If holding LCTRL, delete everything.
        if (!Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl)) {
            // Spawn new target.
            isPlacingorceVector = true;
            previewTarget = (GameObject)Instantiate(prefabToSpawn);
            previewTarget.transform.position = mousePositionInWorldOnZPlane();
            previewTarget.transform.parent = transform;
Ejemplo n.º 31
        public void CalculateModelOfThreeSpringsWithFourDegreesOfFreedom()
            FiniteElementModel model = new FiniteElementModel(ModelType.Truss1D);
            FiniteElementNode  node1 = model.NodeFactory.Create(0);

            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.X);

            FiniteElementNode node2 = model.NodeFactory.Create(1.0);

            FiniteElementNode node3 = model.NodeFactory.Create(2.0);

            model.ConstrainNode(node3, DegreeOfFreedom.X);

            FiniteElementNode node4 = model.NodeFactory.Create(2.00001);             ///TODO allow multiple nodes to be added in the same location

            model.ConstrainNode(node4, DegreeOfFreedom.X);

            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinearConstantSpring(node1, node2, 1);
            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinearConstantSpring(node2, node3, 1);
            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinearConstantSpring(node2, node4, 1);

            ForceVector externalForce = model.ForceFactory.Create(10);

            model.ApplyForceToNode(externalForce, node2);

            IFiniteElementSolver solver  = new MatrixInversionLinearSolver(model);
            FiniteElementResults results = solver.Solve();

            DisplacementVector displacementAtNode2 = results.GetDisplacement(node2);

            Assert.AreEqual(3.333, displacementAtNode2.X, 0.001);

            ReactionVector reactionAtNode1 = results.GetReaction(node1);

            Assert.AreEqual(-3.333, reactionAtNode1.X, 0.001);

            ReactionVector reactionAtNode3 = results.GetReaction(node3);

            Assert.AreEqual(-3.333, reactionAtNode3.X, 0.001);

            ReactionVector reactionAtNode4 = results.GetReaction(node4);

            Assert.AreEqual(-3.333, reactionAtNode4.X, 0.001);
Ejemplo n.º 32
        public void SimplySupportedBeam()                                        //TODO verify using independent check
            FiniteElementModel model = new FiniteElementModel(ModelType.Beam1D); // we will create and analyze a 1D beam system
            FiniteElementNode  node1 = model.NodeFactory.Create(0);              // create a node at the origin

            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);                       // constrain the node from moving in the Z-axis

            FiniteElementNode node2 = model.NodeFactory.Create(1.0);             // create a second node at a distance 1 metre along the X axis

            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);                       // constrain the node from moving in the Z-axis

            IMaterial     material = new GenericElasticMaterial(0, 210000000000, 0, 0);
            ICrossSection section  = new GenericCrossSection(0.0001, 0.0002);

            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinear3DBeam(node1, node2, material, section); // create a spring between the two nodes of a stiffness of 2000 Newtons per metre

            ForceVector moment = model.ForceFactory.CreateFor1DBeam(0, 10000);        // Create a clockwise(?) moment of 10 KiloNewtonmetres around the yy axis

            model.ApplyForceToNode(moment, node1);                                    // Apply that moment to the first node

            IFiniteElementSolver solver  = new MatrixInversionLinearSolver(model);    // Create a new instance of the solver class and pass it the model to solve
            FiniteElementResults results = solver.Solve();                            // ask the solver to solve the model and return results

            // check the results
            DisplacementVector displacementAtNode1 = results.GetDisplacement(node1);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, displacementAtNode1.Z, 0.001);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.00007936, displacementAtNode1.YY, 0.00000001);

            DisplacementVector displacementAtNode2 = results.GetDisplacement(node2);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, displacementAtNode2.Z, 0.001);
            Assert.AreEqual(-0.00003968, displacementAtNode2.YY, 0.00000001);

            ReactionVector reactionAtNode1 = results.GetReaction(node1);

            Assert.AreEqual(-10000, reactionAtNode1.Z, 0.001);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, reactionAtNode1.YY, 0.001);

            ReactionVector reactionAtNode2 = results.GetReaction(node2);

            Assert.AreEqual(10000, reactionAtNode2.Z, 0.001);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, reactionAtNode2.YY, 0.001);
Ejemplo n.º 33
        public void ThreeNodeCantilever()
            FiniteElementModel model = new FiniteElementModel(ModelType.Full3D);
            FiniteElementNode  node1 = model.NodeFactory.Create(0, 0, 0);

            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.X);
            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.Y);
            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);
            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.XX);
            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.YY);
            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.ZZ);

            FiniteElementNode node2 = model.NodeFactory.Create(1.5, 0, 0);
            FiniteElementNode node3 = model.NodeFactory.Create(3.0, 0, 0);

            IMaterial     material = new GenericElasticMaterial(0, 210000000000, 0, 84000000000);
            ICrossSection section  = new GenericCrossSection(0.0001, 0.0002, 0.0002, 0.00005);

            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinear3DBeam(node1, node2, material, section);
            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinear3DBeam(node2, node3, material, section);

            ForceVector force = model.ForceFactory.Create(0, 0, -10000, 0, 0, 0);

            model.ApplyForceToNode(force, node3);

            IFiniteElementSolver solver  = new MatrixInversionLinearSolver(model);
            FiniteElementResults results = solver.Solve();

            ReactionVector reaction = results.GetReaction(node1);

            Assert.AreEqual(10000, reaction.Z, 0.001);
            Assert.AreEqual(-30000, reaction.YY, 0.001);

            DisplacementVector displacement2 = results.GetDisplacement(node2);

            Assert.AreEqual(-0.000670, displacement2.Z, 0.0005);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.000804, displacement2.YY, 0.0001);

            DisplacementVector displacement3 = results.GetDisplacement(node3);

            Assert.AreEqual(-0.00214, displacement3.Z, 0.0005);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.00107, displacement3.YY, 0.0001);
Ejemplo n.º 34
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="valueOfZComponent"></param>
        /// <param name="valueOfMomentAboutYY"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ForceVector CreateFor1DBeam(double valueOfZComponent, double valueOfMomentAboutYY)
            Guard.AgainstInvalidState(() => { return !(this.modelType == ModelType.Beam1D || this.modelType == ModelType.Frame2D); },
                                      "Can only use the CreateFor1DBeam(double valueOfZComponent, double valueOfMomentAboutYY) method when a 1D Beam system is in use");

            ForceVector newForce = new ForceVector(0, 0, valueOfZComponent, 0, valueOfMomentAboutYY, 0);
            if (this.repository != null)

            return newForce;
Ejemplo n.º 35
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new force for a 2D ModelType
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="valueOfXComponent">The component of the force along the global x-axis</param>
        /// <param name="valueOfYComponent">The component of the force along the global y-axis</param>
        /// <returns>The force vector which has been created</returns>
        public ForceVector Create(double valueOfXComponent, double valueOfYComponent)
            Guard.AgainstInvalidState(() => { return !this.modelType.IsAllowedDegreeOfFreedomForBoundaryConditions(DegreeOfFreedom.X); },
                                      "Cannot create a boundary condition along the x-axis for this model type.");
            Guard.AgainstInvalidState(() => { return !this.modelType.IsAllowedDegreeOfFreedomForBoundaryConditions(DegreeOfFreedom.Y); },
                                      "Cannot create a boundary condition along the y-axis for this model type.");

            ForceVector newForce = new ForceVector(valueOfXComponent, valueOfYComponent);
            if (this.repository != null)

            return newForce;
Ejemplo n.º 36
        public void UpdateTorque()
            // staticTorque will represent engine torque due to imbalanced placement
            // controlTorque is the maximum amount of torque applied by setting a control to 1.0.
            Vector3d pitchControl = Vector3d.zero;
            Vector3d yawControl = Vector3d.zero;
            Vector3d rollControl = Vector3d.zero;


            foreach (ModuleReactionWheel wheel in reactionWheelModules)
                if (wheel.isActiveAndEnabled && wheel.State == ModuleReactionWheel.WheelState.Active)
                    // TODO: Check to see if the component values depend on part orientation, and implement if needed.
                    rawTorque.x += wheel.PitchTorque;
                    rawTorque.z += wheel.YawTorque;
                    rawTorque.y += wheel.RollTorque;
            if (shared.Vessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.RCS])
                foreach (ModuleRCS rcs in rcsModules)
                    if (rcs.rcsEnabled && !rcs.part.ShieldedFromAirstream)
                        for (int i = 0; i < rcs.thrusterTransforms.Count; i++)
                            Transform thrustdir = rcs.thrusterTransforms[i];
                            ForceVector force = new ForceVector
                                Force = thrustdir.up * rcs.thrusterPower,
                                Position = thrustdir.position - centerOfMass,
                                // We need to adjust the relative center of mass because the rigid body
                                // will report the position of the parent part
                                ID = rcs.part.flightID.ToString() + "-" + i.ToString()
                            Vector3d torque = force.Torque;

                            // component values of the local torque are calculated using the dot product with the rotation axis.
                            // Only using positive contributions, which is only valid when symmetric placement is assumed
                            rawTorque.x += Math.Max(Vector3d.Dot(torque, vesselStarboard), 0);
                            rawTorque.z += Math.Max(Vector3d.Dot(torque, vesselTop), 0);
                            rawTorque.y += Math.Max(Vector3d.Dot(torque, vesselForward), 0);
            for (int i = 0; i < engineModules.Count; i++)
                ModuleEngines engine = engineModules[i];
                ModuleGimbal gimbal = gimbalModules[i];
                if (engine.isActiveAndEnabled && engine.EngineIgnited)
                    // if the engine is active and ignited, calculate torque
                    float gimbalRange = 0;
                    List<Quaternion> initRots = new List<Quaternion>();
                    if (gimbal != null && !gimbal.gimbalLock)
                        gimbalRange = gimbal.gimbalRange * gimbal.gimbalLimiter / 100;  // grab the gimbal range

                        // To determine the neutral thrust vector, we reset the gimbal transform to it's "initial" value
                        // from the initRots array and then read the direction from the thrustTransform.  We do this for
                        // each gimbal object, and then return them to the previous value after calculating the thrust
                        // transforms, so that we don't inerupt the gimbal logic.
                        for (int gblIdx = 0; gblIdx < gimbal.gimbalTransforms.Count; gblIdx++)
                            initRots.Add(gimbal.gimbalTransforms[gblIdx].localRotation); // store the current rotation
                            gimbal.gimbalTransforms[gblIdx].localRotation = gimbal.initRots[gblIdx]; // set the rotation to the "initial" value
                    for (int xfrmIdx = 0; xfrmIdx < engine.thrustTransforms.Count; xfrmIdx++)
                        // iterate through each thrust transform.  Some engines have multiple transforms for
                        // thrust and/or gimbal, so we need to be able to use as many as the part contains.
                        Transform thrustTransform = engine.thrustTransforms[xfrmIdx];
                        Vector3d position = thrustTransform.position;
                        if (gimbal != null && !gimbal.gimbalLock)
                            Transform gimbalTransform = FindParentTransform(thrustTransform, gimbal.gimbalTransformName, engine.part.transform);
                            if (gimbalTransform != null)
                                // The gimbal position will not move as the gimbal rotates.  As of KSP 1.0.5, the Vector engine appears
                                // to be the only engine that moves it's thrust transform location, because the transform itself is located
                                // at the end of the nozzel.  Doing so means that our calculated available torque could very well be inaccurate
                                // specifically in the case of roll torque, where it may appear that an axial engine's thrust transform is offset from the
                                // vessel's axial centerline when in fact the axial engine can produce no roll torque.
                                // If there is ever an engine where the thrust transform does not align to the gimbal transform, this assumption
                                // will no longer be valid.
                                position = gimbalTransform.position;  // use the gimbal position as the thrust position
                        Vector3d neut = -engine.thrustTransforms[xfrmIdx].forward * engine.finalThrust / engine.thrustTransforms.Count; // the neutral control thrust (force is opposite of exhaust direction)
                        Vector3d relCom = position - centerOfMass;

                        string id = string.Format("{0}[{1}]", engine.part.flightID, xfrmIdx);

                        // calculate the neutral gimbal force vector based on the neutral direction and thrust magnitude
                        ForceVector neutralForce = new ForceVector
                            Force = neut,
                            ID = id,
                            Position = relCom,
                        staticEngineTorque += neutralForce.Torque;
                        if (gimbalRange > EPSILON) // only do the gimbal calculation if the range allows it.
                            Vector3d pitchAxis = Vector3d.Exclude(neut, vesselStarboard);  // pitch rotates about the starboard vector
                            Vector3d yawAxis = Vector3d.Exclude(neut, vesselTop);  // yaw rotates about the top vector
                            Vector3d rollAxis = Vector3d.Exclude(vesselForward, relCom);  // roll rotates about the forward vector
                            ForceVector pitchForce = new ForceVector
                                Force = Quaternion.AngleAxis(gimbalRange, pitchAxis) * neut,
                                ID = id,
                                Position = relCom
                            pitchControl += pitchForce.Torque;
                            ForceVector yawForce = new ForceVector
                                Force = Quaternion.AngleAxis(gimbalRange, yawAxis) * neut,
                                ID = id,
                                Position = relCom
                            yawControl += yawForce.Torque;
                            ForceVector rollForce;

                            // because of deflection, sometimes an axial engine will look like it can 
                            // generate roll torque when it cannot do so reliably.  Ignore small offsets.
                            if (rollAxis.sqrMagnitude < 0.02)
                                rollForce = neutralForce;
                                rollForce = new ForceVector
                                    Force = neutralForce.Force,
                                    ID = id,
                                    Position = neutralForce.Position
                                rollForce = new ForceVector
                                    Force = Quaternion.AngleAxis(gimbalRange, rollAxis) * neut,
                                    ID = id,
                                    Position = relCom
                            rollControl += rollForce.Torque;
                            // if there is no gimbal available, or it's too small, just clone the neutral thrust vector
                            enginePitchVectors.Add(new ForceVector
                                Force = neutralForce.Force,
                                ID = id,
                                Position = neutralForce.Position
                            engineYawVectors.Add(new ForceVector
                                Force = neutralForce.Force,
                                ID = id,
                                Position = neutralForce.Position
                            engineRollVectors.Add(new ForceVector
                                Force = neutralForce.Force,
                                ID = id,
                                Position = neutralForce.Position

                            pitchControl += neutralForce.Torque;
                            yawControl += neutralForce.Torque;
                            rollControl += neutralForce.Torque;
                    if (gimbal != null && !gimbal.gimbalLock)
                        // Reset each of the gimbal rotations back to their previous values.  This prevents
                        // our calculations from interupting the internal gimbal logic, since some gimbals
                        // do not rotate instantly.
                        for (int gblIdx = 0; gblIdx < gimbal.gimbalTransforms.Count; gblIdx++)
                            gimbal.gimbalTransforms[gblIdx].localRotation = initRots[gblIdx]; // set the rotation to the previous value
                    // if an engine is disabled, hide the associated vectors (do this for all transforms)
                    for (int xfrmIdx = 0; xfrmIdx < engine.thrustTransforms.Count; xfrmIdx++)
                        string key = string.Format("{0}[{1}]", engine.part.flightID, xfrmIdx);
                        if (vEngines.Keys.Contains(key))
                        key = engine.part.flightID.ToString() + "gimbaled";
                        if (vEngines.Keys.Contains(key))
                        key = engine.part.flightID.ToString() + "torque";
                        if (vEngines.Keys.Contains(key))
                        key = engine.part.flightID.ToString() + "control";
                        if (vEngines.Keys.Contains(key))
                        key = engine.part.flightID.ToString() + "position";
                        if (vEngines.Keys.Contains(key))

            // Because the engines may generate torque about the other 2 axes when trying to rotate about one,
            // use a dot product to get the component of the torque in the desired direction.  Also subtract out
            // the static engine torque, to account for offset placement.  This still does not properly balance
            // engines that are offset, since the available torque may be drastically different between the
            // positive and negative limit.  If there is a large static torque, it's also possible for the
            // calculation to show that there is a small amount of available torque, even though the static
            // torque will actually overpower the control torque.  Eventually it would be nice to modify this
            // calculation to properly handle asymetric gimbal torque, but for now it will need to be a
            // constraint of ship design.
            controlEngineTorque.x = Math.Abs(Vector3d.Dot(pitchControl - staticEngineTorque, vesselStarboard));
            controlEngineTorque.z = Math.Abs(Vector3d.Dot(yawControl - staticEngineTorque, vesselTop));
            controlEngineTorque.y = Math.Abs(Vector3d.Dot(rollControl - staticEngineTorque, vesselForward));

            rawTorque.x += controlEngineTorque.x;
            rawTorque.z += controlEngineTorque.z;
            rawTorque.y += controlEngineTorque.y;

            rawTorque.x = (rawTorque.x + PitchTorqueAdjust) * PitchTorqueFactor;
            rawTorque.z = (rawTorque.z + YawTorqueAdjust) * YawTorqueFactor;
            rawTorque.y = (rawTorque.y + RollTorqueAdjust) * RollTorqueFactor;

            controlTorque = rawTorque + adjustTorque;
            //controlTorque = Vector3d.Scale(rawTorque, adjustTorque);
            //controlTorque = rawTorque;

            double minTorque = EPSILON;
            if (controlTorque.x < minTorque) controlTorque.x = minTorque;
            if (controlTorque.y < minTorque) controlTorque.y = minTorque;
            if (controlTorque.z < minTorque) controlTorque.z = minTorque;
Ejemplo n.º 37
 public void Setup()
     SUT = new ForceRepository();
     forceFactory = new ForceFactory(ModelType.Truss1D, SUT);
     exampleForce1 = forceFactory.Create(1);
     exampleForce2 = forceFactory.Create(2);
     nodeFactory = new NodeFactory(ModelType.Truss1D);
     node = nodeFactory.Create(0);
Ejemplo n.º 38
        private void Create2DSingleSpringModelAroundOrigin(double x, double z)
            model = new FiniteElementModel(ModelType.Truss2D);
            node1 = model.NodeFactory.CreateFor2DTruss(0, 0);
            node2 = model.NodeFactory.CreateFor2DTruss(x, z);

            spring1 = model.ElementFactory.CreateLinearConstantSpring(node1, node2, 1000);

            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.X);
            model.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);
            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.X);

            force1 = model.ForceFactory.CreateForTruss(0, -10);
            model.ApplyForceToNode(force1, node2);

            SUT = new LinearSolverSVD(model);
Ejemplo n.º 39
        public void UpdateTorque()
            // staticTorque will represent engine torque due to imbalanced placement
            // controlTorque is the maximum amount of torque applied by setting a control to 1.0.
            Vector3d pitchControl = Vector3d.zero;
            Vector3d yawControl = Vector3d.zero;
            Vector3d rollControl = Vector3d.zero;


            foreach (ModuleReactionWheel wheel in reactionWheelModules)
                if (wheel.isActiveAndEnabled && wheel.State == ModuleReactionWheel.WheelState.Active)
                    // TODO: Check to see if the component values depend on part orientation, and implement if needed.
                    rawTorque.x += wheel.PitchTorque;
                    rawTorque.z += wheel.YawTorque;
                    rawTorque.y += wheel.RollTorque;
            if (shared.Vessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.RCS])
                foreach (ModuleRCS rcs in rcsModules)
                    if (rcs.rcsEnabled && !rcs.part.ShieldedFromAirstream)
                        for (int i = 0; i < rcs.thrusterTransforms.Count; i++)
                            Transform thrustdir = rcs.thrusterTransforms[i];
                            ForceVector force = new ForceVector
                                Force = thrustdir.up * rcs.thrusterPower,
                                Position = thrustdir.position - centerOfMass,
                                // We need to adjust the relative center of mass because the rigid body
                                // will report the position of the parent part
                                ID = rcs.part.flightID.ToString() + "-" + i.ToString()
                            Vector3d torque = force.Torque;

                            // component values of the local torque are calculated using the dot product with the rotation axis.
                            // Only using positive contributions, which is only valid when symmetric placement is assumed
                            rawTorque.x += Math.Max(Vector3d.Dot(torque, vesselStarboard), 0);
                            rawTorque.z += Math.Max(Vector3d.Dot(torque, vesselTop), 0);
                            rawTorque.y += Math.Max(Vector3d.Dot(torque, vesselForward), 0);
            for (int i = 0; i < engineModules.Count; i++)
                ModuleEngines engine = engineModules[i];
                ModuleGimbal gimbal = gimbalModules[i];
                Quaternion gimbalRotation = new Quaternion();
                float gimbalRange = 0;
                bool hasGimbal = false;
                if (engine.isActiveAndEnabled && engine.EngineIgnited)
                    if (gimbal != null)
                        hasGimbal = true;
                        if (gimbal.gimbalLock)
                            foreach (var transform in gimbal.gimbalTransforms)
                                gimbalRotation = transform.rotation;
                                gimbalRange = 0;
                            if (gimbal.gimbalTransforms.Count > 1) shared.Logger.LogError("SteeringManager: multiple gimbal transforms found");
                            Transform transform = gimbal.gimbalTransforms[0];
                            // init rotations are stored in a local scope.  Need to convert back to global scope.
                            var initRotation = transform.localRotation;
                            transform.localRotation = gimbal.initRots[0];
                            //vEngines[key].Start = transform.localPosition;
                            gimbalRotation = transform.rotation;
                            gimbalRange = gimbal.gimbalRange * gimbal.gimbalLimiter / 100;
                            //gimbalRange = gimbal.gimbalRange;
                            transform.localRotation = initRotation;
                    if (engine.thrustTransforms.Count > 1) shared.Logger.LogError("SteeringManager: multiple engine transforms found");
                    foreach (var transform in engine.thrustTransforms)
                        if (!hasGimbal)
                            gimbalRotation = transform.rotation;
                        var relCom = transform.position - centerOfMass;
                        Vector3d neut = gimbalRotation * Vector3d.forward;
                        ForceVector neutralForce = new ForceVector
                            Force = neut * engine.finalThrust,
                            ID = engine.part.flightID.ToString(),
                            Position = relCom,
                        staticEngineTorque += neutralForce.Torque;
                        if (gimbalRange > EPSILON)
                            Vector3d pitchAxis = Vector3d.Exclude(neut, vesselStarboard);
                            Vector3d yawAxis = Vector3d.Exclude(neut, vesselTop);
                            Vector3d rollAxis = Vector3d.Exclude(vesselForward, relCom);
                            ForceVector pitchForce = new ForceVector
                                Force = Quaternion.AngleAxis(gimbalRange, pitchAxis) * neut,
                                Position = relCom
                            pitchControl += pitchForce.Torque;
                            ForceVector yawForce = new ForceVector
                                Force = Quaternion.AngleAxis(gimbalRange, yawAxis) * neut,
                                Position = relCom
                            yawControl += yawForce.Torque;
                            ForceVector rollForce;
                            if (rollAxis.sqrMagnitude < 0.02)
                                rollForce = neutralForce;
                                rollForce = new ForceVector
                                    Force = Quaternion.AngleAxis(gimbalRange, rollAxis) * neut,
                                    Position = relCom
                            rollControl += rollForce.Torque;

                            pitchControl += neutralForce.Torque;
                            yawControl += neutralForce.Torque;
                            rollControl += neutralForce.Torque;
                    string key = engine.part.flightID.ToString();
                    if (vEngines.Keys.Contains(key))
                    key = engine.part.flightID.ToString() + "gimbaled";
                    if (vEngines.Keys.Contains(key))
                    key = engine.part.flightID.ToString() + "torque";
                    if (vEngines.Keys.Contains(key))
                    key = engine.part.flightID.ToString() + "control";
                    if (vEngines.Keys.Contains(key))
                    key = engine.part.flightID.ToString() + "position";
                    if (vEngines.Keys.Contains(key))

            controlEngineTorque.x = pitchControl.magnitude;
            controlEngineTorque.z = yawControl.magnitude;
            controlEngineTorque.y = rollControl.magnitude;

            rawTorque.x += controlEngineTorque.x;
            rawTorque.z += controlEngineTorque.z;
            rawTorque.y += controlEngineTorque.y;

            rawTorque.x = (rawTorque.x + PitchTorqueAdjust) * PitchTorqueFactor;
            rawTorque.z = (rawTorque.z + YawTorqueAdjust) * YawTorqueFactor;
            rawTorque.y = (rawTorque.y + RollTorqueAdjust) * RollTorqueFactor;

            controlTorque = rawTorque + adjustTorque;
            //controlTorque = Vector3d.Scale(rawTorque, adjustTorque);
            //controlTorque = rawTorque;

            double minTorque = EPSILON;
            if (controlTorque.x < minTorque) controlTorque.x = minTorque;
            if (controlTorque.y < minTorque) controlTorque.y = minTorque;
            if (controlTorque.z < minTorque) controlTorque.z = minTorque;
Ejemplo n.º 40
        public void Setup()
            SUT = new FiniteElementModel(ModelType.Truss1D);

            node1 = SUT.NodeFactory.Create(0);
            node2 = SUT.NodeFactory.Create(1);
            node3 = SUT.NodeFactory.Create(2);
            spring1 = SUT.ElementFactory.CreateLinearConstantSpring(node1, node2, 3);
            spring2 = SUT.ElementFactory.CreateLinearConstantSpring(node2, node3, 2);

            SUT.ConstrainNode(node1, DegreeOfFreedom.X);
            SUT.ConstrainNode(node3, DegreeOfFreedom.X);

            force1 = SUT.ForceFactory.Create(20);
            SUT.ApplyForceToNode(force1, node2);
Ejemplo n.º 41
        public void Calculate3DTrussOf4BarsAnd15Dof()
            FiniteElementModel model = new FiniteElementModel(ModelType.Truss3D);

            FiniteElementNode node1 = model.NodeFactory.Create(4, 4, 3);

            FiniteElementNode node2 = model.NodeFactory.Create(0, 4, 0);

            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.X);
            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.Y);
            model.ConstrainNode(node2, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);

            FiniteElementNode node3 = model.NodeFactory.Create(0, 4, 6);

            model.ConstrainNode(node3, DegreeOfFreedom.X);
            model.ConstrainNode(node3, DegreeOfFreedom.Y);
            model.ConstrainNode(node3, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);

            FiniteElementNode node4 = model.NodeFactory.Create(4, 0, 3);

            model.ConstrainNode(node4, DegreeOfFreedom.X);
            model.ConstrainNode(node4, DegreeOfFreedom.Y);
            model.ConstrainNode(node4, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);

            FiniteElementNode node5 = model.NodeFactory.Create(8, -1, 1);

            model.ConstrainNode(node5, DegreeOfFreedom.X);
            model.ConstrainNode(node5, DegreeOfFreedom.Y);
            model.ConstrainNode(node5, DegreeOfFreedom.Z);

            IMaterial     material = new GenericElasticMaterial(0, 210000000000, 0, 0);
            ICrossSection section  = new SolidRectangle(0.01, 0.01);

            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinearTruss(node1, node2, material, section);
            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinearTruss(node1, node3, material, section);
            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinearTruss(node1, node4, material, section);
            model.ElementFactory.CreateLinearTruss(node1, node5, material, section);

            ForceVector externalForce = model.ForceFactory.Create(0, -10000, 0, 0, 0, 0);

            model.ApplyForceToNode(externalForce, node1);

            IFiniteElementSolver solver  = new MatrixInversionLinearSolver(model);
            FiniteElementResults results = solver.Solve();

            ReactionVector reactionAtNode2 = results.GetReaction(node2);

            Assert.AreEqual(270.9, reactionAtNode2.X, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, reactionAtNode2.Y, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(203.2, reactionAtNode2.Z, 1);

            ReactionVector reactionAtNode3 = results.GetReaction(node3);

            Assert.AreEqual(1354.6, reactionAtNode3.X, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, reactionAtNode3.Y, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(-1016, reactionAtNode3.Z, 1);

            ReactionVector reactionAtNode4 = results.GetReaction(node4);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, reactionAtNode4.X, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(7968.1, reactionAtNode4.Y, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, reactionAtNode4.Z, 1);

            ReactionVector reactionAtNode5 = results.GetReaction(node5);

            Assert.AreEqual(-1625.5, reactionAtNode5.X, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(2031.9, reactionAtNode5.Y, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(812.8, reactionAtNode5.Z, 1);

            DisplacementVector displacementAtNode1 = results.GetDisplacement(node1);

            Assert.AreEqual(-0.0003024, displacementAtNode1.X, 0.0001);             //NOTE the results given in the book are 1E03
            Assert.AreEqual(-0.0015177, displacementAtNode1.Y, 0.0001);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0002688, displacementAtNode1.Z, 0.0001);
Ejemplo n.º 42
 public void SetUp()
     model = null;
     node1 = null;
     node2 = null;
     spring1 = null;
     force1 = null;
     SUT = null;
Ejemplo n.º 43
 public void Setup()
     forceFactory = new ForceFactory(ModelType.Truss1D);
     SUT = forceFactory.Create(12);
Ejemplo n.º 44
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new force for a 2D ModelType
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="valueOfXComponent">The component of the force along the global x-axis</param>
        /// <param name="valueOfYComponent">The component of the force along the global y-axis</param>
        /// <param name="valueOfZComponent">The component of the force along the global z-axis</param>
        /// <returns>The force vector which has been created</returns>
        public ForceVector Create(double valueOfXComponent, double valueOfYComponent, double valueOfZComponent, double valueOfXXComponent, double valueOfYYComponent, double valueOfZZComponent)

            ForceVector newForce = new ForceVector(valueOfXComponent, valueOfYComponent,  valueOfZComponent, valueOfXXComponent, valueOfYYComponent, valueOfZZComponent);
            if (this.repository != null)

            return newForce;