Ejemplo n.º 1
    public bool CheckAgentRootCollisions(FootstepPlanningState state, 
	             FootstepPlanningState prevNeighborState, FootstepPlanningState neighborState)
        if (neighborState == null)
            return false;

        Vector3 neighborPosition = neighborState.currentPosition;

        if (prevNeighborState != null)
            float stateTime = state.time;
            float interval = neighborState.time - prevNeighborState.time;
            float a = 0;
            if (interval > 0)
                a = (stateTime - prevNeighborState.time)/interval;
            //float b = (neighborState.time - stateTime)/interval;

            Vector3 neighborTrajectory = neighborState.currentPosition - prevNeighborState.currentPosition;

            neighborPosition = prevNeighborState.currentPosition + a*(neighborTrajectory);

        float distance = (state.currentPosition - neighborPosition).magnitude;

        //float distance = (state.currentPosition - prevNeighborState.currentPosition).magnitude;

        //Debug.Log("Distance = " + (distance - 4*analyzer.GetRadius()));

        //if (distance - 4*analyzer.GetRadius() < 0)
            //Debug.Log("Possible collision detected");

        return distance - 2*analyzer.GetRadius() < 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 //Constructor for actions using dummytype for planningstate
 public FootstepPlanningAction(FootstepPlanningState previousState, AnotatedAnimation anim, float s, float meanStepSize, float mass, float dummyType)
     animInfo = anim;
     speed = s;
     cost = ComputeCost(meanStepSize,mass);
     state = new FootstepPlanningState(previousState, anim, s, NextActionPreconditions(), dummyType);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    // We are going to check for collisions from a coarse resolution to a finer grain resolution
    private bool CollisionCheck(FootstepPlanningState state)
        bool isColliding = true;

        // For every domain we have, we are going to make a collision check, from the coarser to the finer
        int d = 0;
        int numberOfDomains = planning.GetNumberOfDomains();

        while (isColliding && d < numberOfDomains)
            isColliding = planning.CheckDomainStateCollisions(d, state);

        // if collisions are not found in some of the checks we return false
        if (!isColliding)

        if (meshCollisions)
            // if collisions are found for all our previous checks
            // We are going a make a final check at the coarser possible resolution
            // using the whole mesh
Ejemplo n.º 4
    // Collision check for the lower resolutions model
    public bool CheckRootCollisions(FootstepPlanningState state)
        Vector3 start  = state.currentPosition - new Vector3(0, 10 * analyzer.GetHeight() / 2, 0);
        Vector3 end    = start + new Vector3(0, 10 * analyzer.GetHeight() / 2, 0);
        float   radius = analyzer.GetRadius();

        if (Physics.CheckCapsule(start, end, radius, layer))
            //if (Physics.CheckSphere(state.currentPosition,radius,layer))

        if (state.previousState != null)
            int samples            = analyzer.samples;
            AnotatedAnimation anim = analyzer.GetAnotatedAnimation(state.actionName);

            for (int i = 1; i < samples - 1; i++)
                start = state.previousState.currentPosition + anim.Root[i].position;
                end   = start + new Vector3(0, analyzer.GetHeight() / 2, 0);

                if (Physics.CheckCapsule(start, end, radius, layer))
                    //if (Physics.CheckSphere(state.previousState.currentPosition,radius,layer))

Ejemplo n.º 5
    override public bool CheckStateCollisions(DefaultState Dstate)
        //float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        FootstepPlanningState state = Dstate as FootstepPlanningState;

        //return CheckRootCollisions(state) || CheckAgentsCollisions(state);
        //return CheckJointsCollisions(state) || CheckAgentsCollisions(state);
        bool b = (CheckJointsCollisions(state) || CheckAgentsCollisions(state) || CheckDynamicObstaclesCollisions(state));

         * float endTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
         * timeSum += (endTime - startTime);
         * numCalls++;
         * float meanTime = 0.0f;
         * if (numCalls == 100)
         * {
         *      meanTime = timeSum / numCalls;
         *      Debug.Log("At time " + Time.time + " MeanTime = " + meanTime);
         *      numCalls = 0;
         *      timeSum = 0;
         * }

Ejemplo n.º 6
 //Constructor for actions using dummytype for planningstate
 public FootstepPlanningAction(FootstepPlanningState previousState, AnotatedAnimation anim, float s, float meanStepSize, float mass, float dummyType)
     animInfo = anim;
     speed    = s;
     cost     = ComputeCost(meanStepSize, mass);
     state    = new FootstepPlanningState(previousState, anim, s, NextActionPreconditions(), dummyType);
Ejemplo n.º 7
    public GridPlanningState(FootstepPlanningState footstepState)
        //float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        currentPosition = footstepState.currentPosition;

        previousState = footstepState.previousState;

        if (previousState != null)
            actionMov = currentPosition - footstepState.previousState.currentPosition;
            actionMov = new Vector3(0,0,0);

        float endTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        timeSum += (endTime - startTime);

        float meanTime = 0.0f;
        if (numCalls == 100)
            meanTime = timeSum / numCalls;
            Debug.Log("At time " + Time.time + " MeanTime = " + meanTime);
            numCalls = 0;
            timeSum = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
    //public static float timeSum = 0.0f;
    //public static int numCalls = 0;
    // Construction function for a state that comes from a previous state with an action
    public FootstepPlanningState(FootstepPlanningState prevState, AnotatedAnimation anim, float speed, AnotatedAnimation pre)
        //float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        previousState = prevState;

        actionName = anim.name;
        actionSpeed = speed;

        time = prevState.time;


        preconditions = pre;

        float endTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        timeSum += (endTime - startTime);

        float meanTime = 0.0f;
        if (numCalls == 100)
            meanTime = timeSum / numCalls;
            Debug.Log("At time " + Time.time + " MeanTime = " + meanTime);
            numCalls = 0;
            timeSum = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
    //public static float timeSum = 0.0f;
    //public static int numCalls = 0;

    // Construction function for a state that comes from a previous state with an action
    public FootstepPlanningState(FootstepPlanningState prevState, AnotatedAnimation anim, float speed, AnotatedAnimation pre)
        //float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        previousState = prevState;

        actionName  = anim.name;
        actionSpeed = speed;

        time = prevState.time;


        preconditions = pre;

         * float endTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
         * timeSum += (endTime - startTime);
         * numCalls++;
         * float meanTime = 0.0f;
         * if (numCalls == 100)
         * {
         *      meanTime = timeSum / numCalls;
         *      Debug.Log("At time " + Time.time + " MeanTime = " + meanTime);
         *      numCalls = 0;
         *      timeSum = 0;
         * }
Ejemplo n.º 10
    public GridPlanningState(FootstepPlanningState footstepState)
        //float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        currentPosition = footstepState.currentPosition;

        previousState = footstepState.previousState;

        if (previousState != null)
            actionMov = currentPosition - footstepState.previousState.currentPosition;
            actionMov = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

         * float endTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
         * timeSum += (endTime - startTime);
         * numCalls++;
         * float meanTime = 0.0f;
         * if (numCalls == 100)
         * {
         *      meanTime = timeSum / numCalls;
         *      Debug.Log("At time " + Time.time + " MeanTime = " + meanTime);
         *      numCalls = 0;
         *      timeSum = 0;
         * }
Ejemplo n.º 11
    public bool CurrentActionCollisionCheck()
        if (engine == null)

        if (!initialized)

        if (engine.action == null)

        FootstepPlanningState actionEndState = engine.action.state as FootstepPlanningState;

        if (actionEndState != null)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    public override bool ComputePlan()
        if (currentState == null)
            currentState = InitState();

        goalState = new FootstepPlanningState(goalStateTransform.position, Quaternion.identity,goalTime);
        currentGoal = goalStateTransform.position;

            outputPlan = new Stack<DefaultAction>();
            planInitialized = true;

        currentState.time = Time.time;

        DefaultState DcurrentState = currentState as DefaultState;
        DefaultState DgoalState = goalState as DefaultState;

        //Debug.Log("START: " + currentState.currentPosition);
        //Debug.Log("START TRANSFORM: " + currentStateTransform.position);
        //Debug.Log("GOAL: " + goalState.currentPosition);
        Debug.Log("GOAL TRANSFORM: " + goalStateTransform.position);

        bool planComputed = planner.computePlan(ref DcurrentState, ref DgoalState, ref outputPlan, inflationFactor, maxTime);

        if (goalMeshRenderer!= null && goalStateTransform.position == currentGoal)
            if(planComputed && goalCompletedMaterial != null)
                goalMeshRenderer.material = goalCompletedMaterial;
                goalMeshRenderer.material = goalMaterial;

        return (planComputed && outputPlan.Count > 0);
Ejemplo n.º 13
    override public float estimateTotalCost(ref DefaultState DcurrentState, ref DefaultState DidealGoalState, float currentg)
        //float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        FootstepPlanningState currentState   = DcurrentState as FootstepPlanningState;
        FootstepPlanningState idealGoalState = DidealGoalState as FootstepPlanningState;

        //Debug.Log("Estimating cost");

        // For now we are just estimating the cost as the distance between states;
        Vector3 toGoal = idealGoalState.currentPosition - currentState.currentPosition;

         * float spaceCost = toGoal.magnitude / analyzer.meanStepSize;
         * float timeCost = Int32.MaxValue;
         * if (idealGoalState.time - currentState.time > 0)
         *      timeCost = toGoal.magnitude / (idealGoalState.time - currentState.time);
         * float angle = -currentState.currentRotation.eulerAngles.y;
         * Vector3 orientation = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(angle*Mathf.Deg2Rad),0,Mathf.Sin(angle*Mathf.Deg2Rad));
         * toGoal.y = 0;
         * float toGoalAngle = Vector3.Angle(orientation,toGoal);
         * //Debug.Log("ToGoalAngle = " + toGoalAngle);
         * float angleCost = Mathf.Abs(toGoalAngle) / 180;
         * //float h = timeCost;
         * //float h = spaceCost;
         * float h = spaceCost + timeCost;
         * //float h = spaceCost + timeCost + angleCost;

        float h = 2 * analyzer.mass * toGoal.magnitude * Mathf.Sqrt(FootstepPlanningAction.e_s * FootstepPlanningAction.e_w);

        float f = currentg + W * h;

        //Debug.Log("Estimated cost = " + f);

         * float endTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
         * timeSum += (endTime - startTime);
         * numCalls++;
         * float meanTime = 0.0f;
         * if (numCalls == 100)
         * {
         *      meanTime = timeSum / numCalls;
         *      Debug.Log("At time " + Time.time + " MeanTime = " + meanTime);
         *      numCalls = 0;
         *      timeSum = 0;
         * }

Ejemplo n.º 14
    public override void generatePredecesors(ref DefaultState DcurrentState, ref DefaultState DpreviousState,
                                             ref DefaultState DidealGoalState, ref List <DefaultAction> transitions)
        FootstepPlanningState currentState   = DcurrentState as FootstepPlanningState;
        FootstepPlanningState idealGoalState = DidealGoalState as FootstepPlanningState;
        FootstepPlanningState previousState  = DpreviousState as FootstepPlanningState;

        float timeLeft   = idealGoalState.time - currentState.time;
        float timeWindow = window * analyzer.maxActionDuration;

        // If there is no time left
        if (timeLeft + timeWindow < 0)
            //We don't generate transitions

        AnotatedAnimation preconditions = currentState.preconditions;

        float meanStepSize = analyzer.meanStepSize;

        foreach (AnotatedAnimation anim in analyzer.analyzedAnimations.Values)
            float minAnimSpeed = 0.0f;
            float maxAnimSpeed = 1.0f;

            float animSpeedIncr = 0.1f;

            minAnimSpeed = 1.0f; maxAnimSpeed = 1.0f;

            FootstepPlanningAction newAction = new FootstepPlanningAction(previousState, anim, minAnimSpeed, meanStepSize, 0.0f);
            if (newAction.state != null)
                if (newAction.SatisfiesPreconditions(preconditions))
                    if (!CheckStateCollisions(newAction.state))

                    // and we generate the other actions using the same animation but at different speeds
                    for (float animSpeed = minAnimSpeed + animSpeedIncr; animSpeed <= maxAnimSpeed; animSpeed += animSpeedIncr)
                        newAction = new FootstepPlanningAction(previousState, anim, animSpeed, meanStepSize, 0.0f);

                        if (!CheckStateCollisions(newAction.state))
Ejemplo n.º 15
    //public static float timeSum = 0.0f;
    //public static int numCalls = 0;

    public override bool equals(DefaultState s1, DefaultState s2, bool isStart)
        //float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        bool b = false;

        FootstepPlanningState state1 = s1 as FootstepPlanningState;
        FootstepPlanningState state2 = s2 as FootstepPlanningState;

        if (isStart)
            if ((Mathf.Abs(state1.currentPosition.x - state2.currentPosition.x) < .5) &&
                (Mathf.Abs(state1.currentPosition.y - state2.currentPosition.y) < .5) &&
                (Mathf.Abs(state1.currentPosition.z - state2.currentPosition.z) < .5))
                b = true;                 //return true;
                b = false;                 //return false;
            if ((Mathf.Abs(state1.currentPosition.x - state2.currentPosition.x) < .1) &&
                (Mathf.Abs(state1.currentPosition.y - state2.currentPosition.y) < .1) &&
                (Mathf.Abs(state1.currentPosition.z - state2.currentPosition.z) < .1))
                b = true;                 //return true;
                b = false;                 //return false;

         * float endTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
         * timeSum += (endTime - startTime);
         * numCalls++;
         * float meanTime = 0.0f;
         * if (numCalls == 100)
         * {
         *      meanTime = timeSum / numCalls;
         *      Debug.Log("At time " + Time.time + " MeanTime = " + meanTime);
         *      numCalls = 0;
         *      timeSum = 0;
         * }

Ejemplo n.º 16
    // computes the min and max animatino speeds of an action that gives the character a speed of actionSpeed
    public void ComputeMinAndMaxAnimSpeeds(FootstepPlanningState currentState, FootstepPlanningState previousState,
                                           float actionSpeed, ref float minAnimSpeed, ref float maxAnimSpeed)
        if (actionSpeed == 0.0f)
            minAnimSpeed = 1.0f;
            maxAnimSpeed = 1.0f;

            float previousAcceleration = previousState.currentAcceleration;
            float currentAcceleration  = currentState.currentAcceleration;

            float minAcceleration = 0.0f;
            float maxAcceleration = 0.0f;

            bool accelerating = currentAcceleration >= previousAcceleration;

            // TODO: revise this part of the code
            if (accelerating)
                minAcceleration = currentAcceleration - 0.2f;
                maxAcceleration = currentAcceleration + 0.4f;
                minAcceleration = currentAcceleration - 0.4f;
                maxAcceleration = currentAcceleration + 0.2f;

            float currentSpeed = currentState.currentSpeed;
            float minSpeed     = currentSpeed + minAcceleration;
            float maxSpeed     = currentSpeed + maxAcceleration;

            if (minSpeed < 0)
                minSpeed = 0.01f;
            if (maxSpeed > MAX_HUMAN_SPEED)
                maxSpeed = MAX_HUMAN_SPEED;

            minAnimSpeed = minSpeed / actionSpeed;

            maxAnimSpeed = maxSpeed / actionSpeed;
            if (maxAnimSpeed > 1)
                maxAnimSpeed = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 17
    override public bool isAGoalState(ref DefaultState Dstate, ref DefaultState DidealGoalState)
        //float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        FootstepPlanningState state          = Dstate as FootstepPlanningState;
        FootstepPlanningState idealGoalState = DidealGoalState as FootstepPlanningState;

        // A state is a goal one if it's really close to the goal
        Vector3 toGoal = idealGoalState.currentPosition - state.currentPosition;

        //Debug.Log("distance to goal = " + toGoal.magnitude);

        float timeWindow = window * analyzer.maxActionDuration;

        bool inTime = (state.time <= (idealGoalState.time + timeWindow))
                      //&& (state.time >= (idealGoalState.time - timeWindow) )
        //if (inTime)
        //	Debug.Log("Max action duration = " + analyzer.maxActionDuration + " and " + state.time + " -> In time!");

         * if
         * (
         *      (toGoal.magnitude/analyzer.maxStepSize < 0.5)
         *      && inTime
         *              )
         *              Debug.Log("GoalState found");

        bool b = (
            (toGoal.magnitude / analyzer.maxStepSize < 0.5) &&

         * float endTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
         * timeSum += (endTime - startTime);
         * numCalls++;
         * float meanTime = 0.0f;
         * if (numCalls == 100)
         * {
         *      meanTime = timeSum / numCalls;
         *      Debug.Log("At time " + Time.time + " MeanTime = " + meanTime);
         *      numCalls = 0;
         *      timeSum = 0;
         * }

Ejemplo n.º 18
    public bool FrameCollisionCheck()
        if (!initialized)

        // we create a state determining the current frame
        FootstepPlanningState frameState = CreateFrameState();

Ejemplo n.º 19
    override public float estimateTotalCost(ref DefaultState DcurrentState, ref DefaultState DidealGoalState, float currentg)
        //float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        GridPlanningState currentState   = DcurrentState as GridPlanningState;
        GridPlanningState idealGoalState = DidealGoalState as GridPlanningState;

        if (currentState == null)
            FootstepPlanningState fsState = DcurrentState as FootstepPlanningState;
            currentState = new GridPlanningState(fsState);

        //Debug.Log("Estimating cost");

        Vector3 toGoal;

        if (idealGoalState != null)
            // A state is a goal one if it's really close to the goal
            toGoal = idealGoalState.currentPosition - currentState.currentPosition;
            FootstepPlanningState fsIdealGoalState = DidealGoalState as FootstepPlanningState;
            toGoal = fsIdealGoalState.currentPosition - currentState.currentPosition;

        float h = toGoal.magnitude / analyzer.meanStepSize;

        float f = currentg + W * h;

        //Debug.Log("Estimated cost = " + f);

         * float endTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
         * timeSum += (endTime - startTime);
         * numCalls++;
         * float meanTime = 0.0f;
         * if (numCalls == 100)
         * {
         *      meanTime = timeSum / numCalls;
         *      Debug.Log("At time " + Time.time + " MeanTime = " + meanTime);
         *      numCalls = 0;
         *      timeSum = 0;
         * }

Ejemplo n.º 20
    //This constructor creates a previous state given a current state and an action.
    //The dummyType is to differentiate it from the constructor used to create successors states.
    public FootstepPlanningState(FootstepPlanningState currentState, AnotatedAnimation anim,
                                 float speed, AnotatedAnimation pre, float dummyType)
        previousState = currentState;

        actionName  = anim.name;
        actionSpeed = speed;

        time = currentState.time;


        preconditions = pre;
Ejemplo n.º 21
    public void React()
        FootstepPlanningState frameState = CreateFrameState();


        AnotatedAnimation stopAnim = analyzer.GetAnotatedAnimation("Idle");

        FootstepPlanningAction stopAction = new FootstepPlanningAction(frameState, stopAnim, 1, analyzer.meanStepSize, analyzer.mass);


        reacting = true;
Ejemplo n.º 22
    public FootstepPlanningState InitState()

        //FootstepPlanningState initState = new FootstepPlanningState(root.position, currentStateTransform.rotation,0);
        FootstepPlanningState initState = new FootstepPlanningState(root.position, root.rotation, Time.time);

        initState.leftFoot  = leftFoot.position;
        initState.rightFoot = rightFoot.position;
        initState.leftHand  = leftHand.position;
        initState.rightHand = rightHand.position;

        initState.previousState = initState;

Ejemplo n.º 23
    override public void generateTransitions(ref DefaultState DcurrentState, ref DefaultState DpreviousState,
                                             ref DefaultState DidealGoalState, ref List <DefaultAction> transitions)
        GridPlanningState currentState   = DcurrentState as GridPlanningState;
        GridPlanningState idealGoalState = DidealGoalState as GridPlanningState;

        if (currentState == null)
            FootstepPlanningState fsState = DcurrentState as FootstepPlanningState;
            if (fsState != null)
                currentState = new GridPlanningState(fsState);
                currentState = new GridPlanningState(DcurrentState as GridTimeState);

        if (idealGoalState == null)
            FootstepPlanningState fsIdealGoalState = DidealGoalState as FootstepPlanningState;
            if (fsIdealGoalState != null)
                idealGoalState = new GridPlanningState(fsIdealGoalState);
                idealGoalState = new GridPlanningState(DidealGoalState as GridTimeState);

        foreach (Vector3 mov in movDirections)
            GridPlanningAction newAction = new GridPlanningAction(currentState, mov);

            //if (!CheckTransitionCollisions(newAction.state,DcurrentState))
            if (!CheckStateCollisions(newAction.state))
                //Debug.Log(Time.time + ": grid successor generated");

        //Debug.Log(transitions.Count + " grid transitions generated at time " + Time.time);
Ejemplo n.º 24
    public void PlaceFootStep()
        if (engine == null || engine.actionNum < 1)

        FootstepPlanningAction currentAction = engine.action;

        if (currentAction != null)
            AnotatedAnimation animInfo = currentAction.animInfo;
            if (animInfo != null)
                Vector3 translation = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

                //Quaternion quat = transform.rotation;
                Quaternion quat = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, transform.eulerAngles.y, 0));

                int endSample = animInfo.LeftFoot.Length - 1;

                if (animInfo.swing == Joint.LeftFoot)
                    translation = animInfo.LeftFoot[endSample].position;
                    translation = animInfo.RightFoot[endSample].position;

                Vector3 newFootStepPos = /*engine.lastRootPos*/ transform.position + quat * translation;

                newFootStepPos[1] = auxHeight;

                counter = (counter) % numberOfFootSteps;

                footSteps[counter] = GameObject.Instantiate((Object)redFootStep, newFootStepPos, quat);

                FootstepPlanningState state = currentAction.state as FootstepPlanningState;
                lastPos      = state.currentPosition;
                lastObstacle = state.obstaclePos;

Ejemplo n.º 25
    override public bool CheckStateCollisions(DefaultState Dstate)
        //float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        GridPlanningState state = Dstate as GridPlanningState;

        bool b = false;

        // If we are checking a state of this domain
        if (state != null)
            b = CheckRootCollisions(state); //return CheckRootCollisions(state);
        else                                // If not
            // We need to transform the state of the coarser domain
            // to our low resolution domain
            FootstepPlanningState footstepState = Dstate as FootstepPlanningState;
            if (footstepState != null)
                state = new GridPlanningState(footstepState);
                b     = CheckRootCollisions(state);             //return CheckRootCollisions(state);
                b = false;                //return false;

         * float endTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
         * timeSum += (endTime - startTime);
         * numCalls++;
         * float meanTime = 0.0f;
         * if (numCalls == 100)
         * {
         *      meanTime = timeSum / numCalls;
         *      Debug.Log("At time " + Time.time + " MeanTime = " + meanTime);
         *      numCalls = 0;
         *      timeSum = 0;
         * }

Ejemplo n.º 26
    //Compute previous state based on the effect of the action over the current state
    //Meant to be used with backtracking algorithms (ADA*)
    private void ComputePreviousState(Vector3 mov)
        GridPlanningState prevGridState = previousState as GridPlanningState;

        if (prevGridState != null)
            currentPosition = prevGridState.currentPosition - mov;
            FootstepPlanningState prevFootstepState = previousState as FootstepPlanningState;
            if (prevFootstepState != null)
                currentPosition = prevFootstepState.currentPosition - mov;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public FootstepPlanningState(FootstepPlanningState original)
     this.actionName          = original.actionName;
     this.actionSpeed         = original.actionSpeed;
     this.currentAcceleration = original.currentAcceleration;
     this.currentPosition     = original.currentPosition;
     this.currentRotation     = original.currentRotation;
     this.currentSpeed        = original.currentSpeed;
     this.leftFoot            = original.leftFoot;
     this.leftHand            = original.leftHand;
     this.obstaclePos         = original.obstaclePos;
     this.preconditions       = original.preconditions;
     this.previousState       = original.previousState;
     this.rightFoot           = original.rightFoot;
     this.rightHand           = original.rightHand;
     this.time = original.time;
Ejemplo n.º 28
    public override bool ComputePlan()
        if (currentState == null)
            currentState = InitState();

        goalState   = new FootstepPlanningState(goalStateTransform.position, Quaternion.identity, goalTime);
        currentGoal = goalStateTransform.position;

        if (!planInitialized)
            outputPlan      = new Stack <DefaultAction>();
            planInitialized = true;

        currentState.time = Time.time;

        DefaultState DcurrentState = currentState as DefaultState;
        DefaultState DgoalState    = goalState as DefaultState;

        //Debug.Log("START: " + currentState.currentPosition);
        //Debug.Log("START TRANSFORM: " + currentStateTransform.position);
        //Debug.Log("GOAL: " + goalState.currentPosition);
        Debug.Log("GOAL TRANSFORM: " + goalStateTransform.position);

        bool planComputed = planner.computePlan(ref DcurrentState, ref DgoalState, ref outputPlan, inflationFactor, maxTime);

        if (goalMeshRenderer != null && goalStateTransform.position == currentGoal)
            if (planComputed && goalCompletedMaterial != null)
                goalMeshRenderer.material = goalCompletedMaterial;
                goalMeshRenderer.material = goalMaterial;

        return(planComputed && outputPlan.Count > 0);
Ejemplo n.º 29
    public float time; // added time since the computation of the plan for the character to get to that state

    #endregion Fields

    #region Constructors

    // Construction function for an initial state
    public FootstepPlanningState(Vector3 gameObjectPosition, Quaternion gameObjectRotation, float t)
        previousState = null;

        actionName = null;
        actionSpeed = 0;

        currentPosition = gameObjectPosition;

        currentSpeed = 0.0f;
        currentAcceleration = 0.0f;

        float initAngle = gameObjectRotation.eulerAngles.y;
        currentRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(initAngle,new Vector3(0,1,0));

        preconditions = null;

        time = t;
Ejemplo n.º 30
    public FootstepPlanningState CreateFrameState()
        if (!initialized)

         * Quaternion rot;
         * if (planning.currentState != null)
         *      rot = planning.currentState.currentRotation;
         * else
         * {
         *      float initAngle = this.gameObject.transform.eulerAngles.y;
         *      rot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(initAngle,new Vector3(0,1,0));
         * }
         * FootstepPlanningState frameState;
         * if (engine.action != null && engine.action.state != null)
         * {
         *      frameState = new FootstepPlanningState(engine.action.state as FootstepPlanningState);
         *      frameState.currentPosition = root.position;
         *      frameState.currentRotation = rot;
         *      frameState.time = Time.time;
         * }
         * else
         * {
         *      frameState = new FootstepPlanningState(root.position,rot,Time.time);
         * }

        //FootstepPlanningState frameState = new FootstepPlanningState(engine.lastRootPos,engine.lastRootRot,Time.time);
        FootstepPlanningState frameState = new FootstepPlanningState(transform.position, transform.rotation, Time.time);

        frameState.leftFoot  = leftFoot.position;
        frameState.rightFoot = rightFoot.position;
        frameState.leftHand  = leftHand.position;
        frameState.rightHand = rightHand.position;

Ejemplo n.º 31
    public FootstepPlanningState CreateFrameState()
        if (!initialized)
            return null;

        Quaternion rot;
        if (planning.currentState != null)
            rot = planning.currentState.currentRotation;
            float initAngle = this.gameObject.transform.eulerAngles.y;
            rot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(initAngle,new Vector3(0,1,0));

        FootstepPlanningState frameState;
        if (engine.action != null && engine.action.state != null)
            frameState = new FootstepPlanningState(engine.action.state as FootstepPlanningState);

            frameState.currentPosition = root.position;
            frameState.currentRotation = rot;

            frameState.time = Time.time;
            frameState = new FootstepPlanningState(root.position,rot,Time.time);

        //FootstepPlanningState frameState = new FootstepPlanningState(engine.lastRootPos,engine.lastRootRot,Time.time);
        FootstepPlanningState frameState = new FootstepPlanningState(transform.position,transform.rotation,Time.time);

        frameState.leftFoot = leftFoot.position;
        frameState.rightFoot = rightFoot.position;
        frameState.leftHand = leftHand.position;
        frameState.rightHand = rightHand.position;

        return frameState;
Ejemplo n.º 32
    public override float ComputeEstimate(ref DefaultState Dfrom, ref DefaultState Dto, string estimateType)
        GridPlanningState _from = Dfrom as GridPlanningState;
        GridPlanningState _to   = Dto as GridPlanningState;

        if (_from == null)
            FootstepPlanningState fsState = Dfrom as FootstepPlanningState;
            _from = new GridPlanningState(fsState);

        if (estimateType == "g")
            return(Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Distance(_to.currentPosition, _from.currentPosition)));
        else if (estimateType == "h")
            Vector3 fromStart;
            if (_to != null)
                // A state is a goal one if it's really close to the goal
                fromStart = _to.currentPosition - _from.currentPosition;
                FootstepPlanningState fsIdealGoalState = Dto as FootstepPlanningState;
                fromStart = fsIdealGoalState.currentPosition - _from.currentPosition;

            float spaceCost = fromStart.magnitude / analyzer.meanStepSize;
Ejemplo n.º 33
    public override float ComputeEstimate(ref DefaultState Dfrom, ref DefaultState Dto, string estimateType)
        FootstepPlanningState _from = Dfrom as FootstepPlanningState;
        FootstepPlanningState _to   = Dto as FootstepPlanningState;

        if (estimateType == "g")
            Vector3 toGoal    = _to.currentPosition - _from.currentPosition;
            float   spaceCost = toGoal.magnitude / analyzer.meanStepSize;
            float   timeCost  = Int32.MaxValue;
            if (_to.time - _from.time > 0)
                timeCost = toGoal.magnitude / (_to.time - _from.time);

            return(Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Distance(_to.currentPosition, _from.currentPosition)));
            //return (spaceCost + timeCost);
            //return spaceCost;
        else if (estimateType == "h")
            Vector3 fromStart = _to.currentPosition - _from.currentPosition;
            float   spaceCost = fromStart.magnitude / analyzer.meanStepSize;
            float   timeCost  = Int32.MaxValue;
            if (_to.time - _from.time > 0)
                timeCost = fromStart.magnitude / (_to.time - _from.time);

            //return (Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Distance(_to.currentPosition, _from.currentPosition)));
            return(spaceCost + timeCost);
            //return spaceCost;
Ejemplo n.º 34
    public bool CheckObstacleCollision(FootstepPlanningState state, ObstaclesScript script)
        //if (state == null || script == null)
        //	return false;

        if (script.ShapeChoice.Shape == Enum.Enumeration.Sphere)
            Vector3 obstaclePos = script.gameObj.transform.position;
            Vector3 aux         = obstaclePos - state.currentPosition;

            float sphereRadius = script.size.x;

            return((aux.magnitude - sphereRadius - analyzer.GetRadius()) <= 0);
        else if (script.ShapeChoice.Shape == Enum.Enumeration.Rectangle)
            Bounds box = script.gameObj.collider.bounds;

            return(box.SqrDistance(state.currentPosition) <= analyzer.GetRadius());

Ejemplo n.º 35
    public bool CheckAgentRootCollisions(FootstepPlanningState state,
                                         FootstepPlanningState prevNeighborState, FootstepPlanningState neighborState)
        if (neighborState == null)

        Vector3 neighborPosition = neighborState.currentPosition;

        if (prevNeighborState != null)
            float stateTime = state.time;
            float interval  = neighborState.time - prevNeighborState.time;
            float a         = 0;
            if (interval > 0)
                a = (stateTime - prevNeighborState.time) / interval;
            //float b = (neighborState.time - stateTime)/interval;

            Vector3 neighborTrajectory = neighborState.currentPosition - prevNeighborState.currentPosition;

            neighborPosition = prevNeighborState.currentPosition + a * (neighborTrajectory);

        float distance = (state.currentPosition - neighborPosition).magnitude;

        //float distance = (state.currentPosition - prevNeighborState.currentPosition).magnitude;

        //Debug.Log("Distance = " + (distance - 4*analyzer.GetRadius()));

        //if (distance - 4*analyzer.GetRadius() < 0)
        //Debug.Log("Possible collision detected");

        return(distance - 2 * analyzer.GetRadius() < 0);
Ejemplo n.º 36
    public override bool HasExpired()
        bool expired = false;

        GridTimeAction lastAction = outputPlan.Last() as GridTimeAction;

        if (lastAction != null)
            GridTimeState lastState = lastAction.state as GridTimeState;
            if (lastState != null)
                float lastTime = lastState.time;
                if (Time.time > lastTime)
                    expired = true;
            FootstepPlanningAction lastFsAction = outputPlan.Last() as FootstepPlanningAction;
            if (lastFsAction != null)
                FootstepPlanningState lastFsState = lastFsAction.state as FootstepPlanningState;
                if (lastFsState != null)
                    float lastTime = lastFsState.time;
                    if (Time.time > lastTime)
                        expired = true;

Ejemplo n.º 37
    // Collisions check with other agents
    public bool CheckAgentsCollisions(FootstepPlanningState state)
        if (neighborhood == null)
            return false;

        if (neighborhood.neighbors == null)
            return false;

        Dictionary<int,Neighbor> neighbors = neighborhood.neighbors;

        if  (neighbors.Count <= 0)
            return false;

        //if (neighbors.Count > 0)
        //	Debug.Log("There are neighbors");
        //	Debug.Log("There are no neighbors");

        foreach(KeyValuePair<int,Neighbor> pair in neighbors)
            if (pair.Value.planning != null && pair.Value.triggers == 2)
                FootstepPlanningAction[] plan = pair.Value.planning.GetOutputPlan();

                if (plan.Length > 0 && plan[0] != null)
                    int i = 0;
                    FootstepPlanningAction action = plan[i];

                    FootstepPlanningState prevNeighborState = action.state as FootstepPlanningState;
                    while (prevNeighborState == null && i < plan.Length)
                        action = plan[i];
                        prevNeighborState = action.state as FootstepPlanningState;

                    bool thereIsTime = true;
                    while(i < plan.Length && plan[i] != null && action.state != null && thereIsTime)
                        FootstepPlanningState footstepState = action.state as FootstepPlanningState;
                        if ( footstepState != null && footstepState.time < state.time)
                            action = plan[i];
                            thereIsTime = false;

                    FootstepPlanningState neighborState = prevNeighborState;
                    if (action.state != null)
                     	neighborState = action.state as FootstepPlanningState;

                    if (state != null && prevNeighborState != null && neighborState != null)
                        return CheckAgentRootCollisions(state, prevNeighborState, neighborState);
                    FootstepPlanningState neighborState = pair.Value.planning.currentState;

                    return CheckAgentRootCollisions(state,null,neighborState);


        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 38
    public FootstepPlanningState InitState()

        //FootstepPlanningState initState = new FootstepPlanningState(root.position, currentStateTransform.rotation,0);
        FootstepPlanningState initState = new FootstepPlanningState(root.position, root.rotation,Time.time);
        initState.leftFoot = leftFoot.position;
        initState.rightFoot = rightFoot.position;
        initState.leftHand = leftHand.position;
        initState.rightHand = rightHand.position;

        initState.previousState = initState;

        return initState;
Ejemplo n.º 39
 public override bool CheckDomainStateCollisions(int d, FootstepPlanningState state)
     return domainList.ElementAt(d).CheckStateCollisions(state);
Ejemplo n.º 40
    // computes the min and max animatino speeds of an action that gives the character a speed of actionSpeed
    public void ComputeMinAndMaxAnimSpeeds(FootstepPlanningState currentState, FootstepPlanningState previousState,
			                                       float actionSpeed, ref float minAnimSpeed, ref float maxAnimSpeed)
        if (actionSpeed == 0.0f)
            minAnimSpeed = 1.0f;
            maxAnimSpeed = 1.0f;

            float previousAcceleration = previousState.currentAcceleration;
            float currentAcceleration = currentState.currentAcceleration;

            float minAcceleration = 0.0f;
            float maxAcceleration = 0.0f;

            bool accelerating = currentAcceleration >= previousAcceleration;

            // TODO: revise this part of the code
            if (accelerating)
                minAcceleration = currentAcceleration - 0.2f;
                maxAcceleration = currentAcceleration + 0.4f;
                minAcceleration = currentAcceleration - 0.4f;
                maxAcceleration = currentAcceleration + 0.2f;

            float currentSpeed = currentState.currentSpeed;
            float minSpeed = currentSpeed + minAcceleration;
            float maxSpeed = currentSpeed + maxAcceleration;

            if ( minSpeed < 0 ) minSpeed = 0.01f;
            if ( maxSpeed > MAX_HUMAN_SPEED ) maxSpeed = MAX_HUMAN_SPEED;

            minAnimSpeed = minSpeed / actionSpeed;

            maxAnimSpeed = maxSpeed / actionSpeed;
            if (maxAnimSpeed > 1) maxAnimSpeed = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 41
    //This constructor creates a previous state given a current state and an action.
    //The dummyType is to differentiate it from the constructor used to create successors states.
    public FootstepPlanningState(FootstepPlanningState currentState, AnotatedAnimation anim,
	                             float speed, AnotatedAnimation pre, float dummyType)
        previousState = currentState;

        actionName = anim.name;
        actionSpeed = speed;

        time = currentState.time;


        preconditions = pre;
Ejemplo n.º 42
    public FootstepPlanningState(GridPlanningState gridState)
        //float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        this.actionName = "GridAction";
        //this.actionSpeed = 1.0f;
        //this.currentAcceleration = 1.0f;
        this.previousState = gridState.previousState as FootstepPlanningState;
        this.currentPosition = gridState.currentPosition;
        //this.currentRotation = gridState.previousState.currentRotation;
        //this.currentSpeed = 1.0f;
        //this.leftFoot = gridState.currentPosition;
        //this.leftHand = gridState.currentPosition;
        //this.obstaclePos = original.obstaclePos;
        //this.preconditions = original.preconditions;
        //this.rightFoot = gridState.currentPosition;
        //this.rightHand = gridState.currentPosition;
        //this.time = original.time;

        float endTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        timeSum += (endTime - startTime);

        float meanTime = 0.0f;
        if (numCalls == 100)
            meanTime = timeSum / numCalls;
            Debug.Log("At time " + Time.time + " MeanTime = " + meanTime);
            numCalls = 0;
            timeSum = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 43
    // Collision check for the lower resolutions model
    public bool CheckRootCollisions(FootstepPlanningState state)
        Vector3 start = state.currentPosition - new Vector3(0,10*analyzer.GetHeight()/2,0);
        Vector3 end = start + new Vector3(0,10*analyzer.GetHeight()/2,0);
        float radius = analyzer.GetRadius();

        if (Physics.CheckCapsule(start,end,radius,layer))
        //if (Physics.CheckSphere(state.currentPosition,radius,layer))
            return true;

        if (state.previousState != null)
            int samples = analyzer.samples;
            AnotatedAnimation anim = analyzer.GetAnotatedAnimation(state.actionName);

            for (int i=1; i<samples-1; i++)
                start = state.previousState.currentPosition + anim.Root[i].position;
                end = start + new Vector3(0,analyzer.GetHeight()/2,0);

                if (Physics.CheckCapsule(start,end,radius,layer))
                //if (Physics.CheckSphere(state.previousState.currentPosition,radius,layer))
                return true;

        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 44
    public bool CheckObstacleCollision(FootstepPlanningState state, ObstaclesScript script)
        //if (state == null || script == null)
        //	return false;

        if (script.ShapeChoice.Shape == Enum.Enumeration.Sphere)
            Vector3 obstaclePos = script.gameObj.transform.position;
            Vector3 aux = obstaclePos - state.currentPosition;

            float sphereRadius = script.size.x;

         	return (aux.magnitude - sphereRadius - analyzer.GetRadius()) <= 0;
        else if (script.ShapeChoice.Shape == Enum.Enumeration.Rectangle)
            Bounds box = script.gameObj.collider.bounds;

            return box.SqrDistance(state.currentPosition) <= analyzer.GetRadius();

        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 45
 public FootstepPlanningState(FootstepPlanningState original)
     this.actionName = original.actionName;
     this.actionSpeed = original.actionSpeed;
     this.currentAcceleration = original.currentAcceleration;
     this.currentPosition = original.currentPosition;
     this.currentRotation = original.currentRotation;
     this.currentSpeed = original.currentSpeed;
     this.leftFoot = original.leftFoot;
     this.leftHand = original.leftHand;
     this.obstaclePos = original.obstaclePos;
     this.preconditions = original.preconditions;
     this.previousState = original.previousState;
     this.rightFoot = original.rightFoot;
     this.rightHand = original.rightHand;
     this.time = original.time;
Ejemplo n.º 46
    public void PlaceSequenceFootSteps(bool tunnel = false)
        FootstepPlanningAction[] plan = planning.GetOutputPlan();

        if (plan == null)

        numberOfActions = plan.Length;

        //Debug.Log("Number of actions = " + numberOfActions);

//		Debug.Log("Footsteps " +  this.gameObject.name + " " + numberOfActions);

        if (!tunnel)
            steps = new Object[numberOfActions];
            steps2    = new Object[numberOfActions];
            steps2Pos = new Vector3[numberOfActions];

        if (drawTimes)
            if (!tunnel)
                texts = new Object[numberOfActions];
                texts2 = new Object[numberOfActions];

        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfActions; i++)
            if (plan[i] != null)
                FootstepPlanningState state = plan[i].state as FootstepPlanningState;

                if (state != null)
                    AnotatedAnimation animInfo = analyzer.GetAnotatedAnimation(state.actionName);

                    Quaternion rotation = state.currentRotation;

                    Vector3 position;

                    if (animInfo.swing == Joint.LeftFoot)
                        position    = state.leftFoot;
                        position[1] = auxHeight;

                        if (!tunnel)
                            steps[i] = GameObject.Instantiate((Object)leftFootStep, position, rotation);
                            steps2[i] = GameObject.Instantiate((Object)leftFootStep, position, rotation);

                        debugText.alignment = TextAlignment.Left;
                        position    = state.rightFoot;
                        position[1] = auxHeight;

                        if (!tunnel)
                            steps[i] = GameObject.Instantiate((Object)rightFootStep, position, rotation);
                            steps2[i] = GameObject.Instantiate((Object)leftFootStep, position, rotation);

                        debugText.alignment = TextAlignment.Left;

                    if (drawTimes)
                        debugText.text = "" + state.time;
                        if (!tunnel)
                            texts[i] = GameObject.Instantiate((Object)debugText, position, rotation);
                            texts2[i] = GameObject.Instantiate((Object)debugText, position, rotation);

                else                 // if state is not a footstep state (it is a grid state or a gridTime state)
                    // we instantiate a gridstep

                    GridTimeState gridTimeState = plan[i].state as GridTimeState;
                    if (gridTimeState != null)
                        //Debug.Log("we place a gridTimeStep");
                        if (!tunnel)
                            steps[i] = GameObject.Instantiate((Object)gridTimeSphere, gridTimeState.currentPosition, Quaternion.identity);
                            steps2[i]    = GameObject.Instantiate((Object)gridTimeSphere, gridTimeState.currentPosition, Quaternion.identity);
                            steps2Pos[i] = gridTimeState.currentPosition;

                        if (drawTimes)
                            debugText.text = "" + gridTimeState.time;
                            if (!tunnel)
                                texts[i] = GameObject.Instantiate((Object)debugText, gridTimeState.currentPosition, Quaternion.identity);
                                texts2[i] = GameObject.Instantiate((Object)debugText, gridTimeState.currentPosition, Quaternion.identity);
                        //Debug.Log("We Should have a gridPlanningStep");

                        GridPlanningState gridState = plan[i].state as GridPlanningState;
                        if (gridState != null)
                            if (!tunnel)
                                steps[i] = GameObject.Instantiate((Object)sphere, gridState.currentPosition, Quaternion.identity);
                                steps2[i]    = GameObject.Instantiate((Object)sphere, gridState.currentPosition, Quaternion.identity);
                                steps2Pos[i] = gridState.currentPosition;

        footstepsPlaced = true;
Ejemplo n.º 47
    // We are going to check for collisions from a coarse resolution to a finer grain resolution
    private bool CollisionCheck(FootstepPlanningState state)
        bool isColliding = true;

        // For every domain we have, we are going to make a collision check, from the coarser to the finer
        int d = 0;
        int numberOfDomains = planning.GetNumberOfDomains();
        while ( isColliding && d < numberOfDomains)
            isColliding = planning.CheckDomainStateCollisions(d,state);

        // if collisions are not found in some of the checks we return false
        if (!isColliding)
            return false;

        if (meshCollisions)
            // if collisions are found for all our previous checks
            // We are going a make a final check at the coarser possible resolution
            // using the whole mesh
            return MeshCollisionCheck();
            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 48
    // Collision check for the coarser resolution model
    public bool CheckJointsCollisions(FootstepPlanningState state)
        // Check right foot collisions
        //Debug.Log("RightFoot.y = " + state.rightFoot.y);
        float radius = analyzer.footRadius;
        Vector3 start = state.rightFoot - new Vector3(0,2*radius,0);
        Vector3 end = start + new Vector3(0,analyzer.GetHeight(),0);
        if (Physics.CheckCapsule(start,end,radius,layer))
        //if (Physics.CheckCapsule(start,end,radius))
        //if (Physics.CheckSphere(start,radius))
            Vector3 direction = end - start;
            RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.CapsuleCastAll(start,end,radius,direction);

            for (int i=0; i<hits.Length; i++)
                Debug.Log("Hit " +i+ ".x: " + hits[i].point.x);
                Debug.Log("Hit " +i+ ".y: " + hits[i].point.y);
                Debug.Log("Hit " +i+ ".z: " + hits[i].point.z);

            return true;

        // Check left foot collisions
        start = state.leftFoot - new Vector3(0,2*radius,0);
        end = start + new Vector3(0,analyzer.GetHeight(),0);
        if (Physics.CheckCapsule(start,end,radius,layer))
            return true;

        // Check head collisions
        start = state.currentPosition;// - new Vector3(0,analyzer.GetHeight()/2,0);
        end = start + new Vector3(0,analyzer.GetHeight(),0);///2,0);
        radius = analyzer.headRadius;
        if (Physics.CheckCapsule(start,end,radius,layer))
            return true;

        // Check left hand collision
        start = state.leftHand;
        radius = analyzer.handRadius;
        if (Physics.CheckSphere(start,radius,layer))
            return true;

        // Check right hand collision
        start = state.rightHand;
        if (Physics.CheckSphere(start,radius,layer))
            return true;

        if (state.previousState != null)
            int samples = analyzer.samples;
            AnotatedAnimation anim = analyzer.GetAnotatedAnimation(state.actionName);

            for (int i=1; i<samples-1; i++)
                // Check right foot collisions
                //Debug.Log("RightFoot.y = " + state.rightFoot.y);
                radius = analyzer.footRadius;
                start = state.previousState.rightFoot + anim.RightFoot[i].position - new Vector3(0,2*radius,0);
                end = start + new Vector3(0,analyzer.GetHeight(),0);
                if (Physics.CheckCapsule(start,end,radius,layer))
                    return true;

                // Check left foot collisions
                start = state.previousState.leftFoot + anim.LeftFoot[i].position - new Vector3(0,2*radius,0);
                end = start + new Vector3(0,analyzer.GetHeight(),0);
                if (Physics.CheckCapsule(start,end,radius,layer))
                    return true;

                // Check head collisions
                start = state.previousState.currentPosition + anim.Root[i].position;// - new Vector3(0,analyzer.GetHeight()/2,0);
                end = start + new Vector3(0,analyzer.GetHeight(),0);///2,0);
                radius = analyzer.headRadius;
                if (Physics.CheckCapsule(start,end,radius,layer))
                    return true;

                // Check left hand collision
                start = state.previousState.leftHand + anim.LeftHand[i];
                radius = analyzer.handRadius;
                if (Physics.CheckSphere(start,radius,layer))
                    return true;

                // Check right hand collision
                start = state.previousState.rightHand + anim.RightHand[i];
                if (Physics.CheckSphere(start,radius,layer))
                    return true;


        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 49
    public override bool ComputePlan()
        bool stateWasNull = false;

        if (currentState == null)
            currentState = InitState();
            stateWasNull = true;

        goalState = new FootstepPlanningState(currentGoal, Quaternion.identity,goalTime);

        outputPlan = new Stack<DefaultAction>();

        if (stateWasNull || goalReached && !stateWasNull)
            if (currentState.previousState != null)
                float actionLength = currentState.time - currentState.previousState.time;
                currentState.previousState.time = Time.time - actionLength;
            currentState.time = Time.time;

        DefaultState DcurrentState = currentState as DefaultState;
        DefaultState DgoalState = goalState as DefaultState;

        if (useGridDomain)
            GridPlanningState currentGridState = new GridPlanningState(root.position);
            DcurrentState = currentGridState as DefaultState;

            GridPlanningState goalGridState = new GridPlanningState(currentGoal);
            DgoalState = goalGridState as DefaultState;

        if (useGridTimeDomain)
            GridTimeState currentTimeState = new GridTimeState(root.position, Time.time, currentSpeed);
            DcurrentState = currentTimeState as DefaultState;

            GridTimeState goalTimeState = new GridTimeState(currentGoal,goalTime);
            DgoalState = goalTimeState as DefaultState;

            //Debug.Log("current time = " + currentTimeState.time);

        //float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        bool planComputed = planner.computePlan(ref DcurrentState, ref DgoalState, ref outputPlan, maxTime);

        //List<Vector3> movDirections = (domainList[0] as GridPlanningDomain).getMovDirections();
        //TunnelSearch tunnelSearch = new TunnelSearch(outputPlan, 3, analyzer, movDirections);

        if (TunnelSearch)
            if (planComputed)
                GridTunnelSearch gridTunnelSearch = new GridTunnelSearch(outputPlan, root.position,
                Time.time, goalState.time, gtd,
                MaxNumberOfNodes, maxTime,
                //tunnelThresholdX, tunnelThresholdZ, tunnelThresholdT);
                tunnelThresholdD, tunnelThresholdT,

                outputPlanBeforeTunnel = outputPlan;
                outputPlan = gridTunnelSearch.newPlan;

                planComputed = gridTunnelSearch.goalReached;

                //Debug.Log("At time " + Time.time + " tunnel plan computed? " + planComputed);

        float endTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        timeSum += (endTime - startTime);

        float meanTime = 0.0f;
        if (numCalls == 100)
            meanTime = timeSum / numCalls;
            Debug.Log("At time " + Time.time + " Mean Computing Plan Time = " + meanTime);
            numCalls = 0;
            timeSum = 0;

        if (goalMeshRenderer!= null && goalStateTransform.position == currentGoal)
            if(planComputed && goalCompletedMaterial != null)
                goalMeshRenderer.material = goalCompletedMaterial;
                goalMeshRenderer.material = goalMaterial;

        //Debug.Log("new plan! at time: " + Time.time + " with " + outputPlan.Count + " actions");

        goalReached = false;

        if (planComputed)
            AnimationCurve[] curves = GetPlanAnimationCurve();
            curveX = curves[0];
            curveY = curves[1];
            curveZ = curves[2];

        return (planComputed && outputPlan.Count > 0);
Ejemplo n.º 50
    // Collisions check with deterministic dynamic obstacles
    public bool CheckDynamicObstaclesCollisions(FootstepPlanningState state)
        if (obstacles == null)
            return false;

        if (obstacles.closeObstacles == null)
            return false;

        List<DDObstacle> visibleObstacles = obstacles.visibleObstacles;

        if (visibleObstacles.Count <= 0)
            return false;

        //float[] actualTime = new float[visibleObstacles.Count];

        // Move obstacles
        //int i = 0;
        foreach(DDObstacle ddObstacle in visibleObstacles)
            ObstaclesScript obstacleScript = ddObstacle.script;

            float timeWindow = 0;
            //for (float timeWindow = -0.5f; timeWindow <= 0.5f; timeWindow += 0.5f)
                if (obstacleScript != null)
                    //actualTime[i] = obstacleScript.animation["test"].time;
                    float actualTime = obstacleScript.animation["test"].time;

                    float time = state.time + timeWindow;

                    obstacleScript.animation["test"].wrapMode = WrapMode.PingPong;
                    obstacleScript.animation["test"].enabled = true;
                    obstacleScript.animation["test"].time = time;
                    //obstacleScript.animation["test"].enabled = false;


                    state.obstaclePos = ddObstacle.obstacle.transform.position;

                    // Check collisions
                    //bool collision = CheckJointsCollisions(state);
                    //bool collision = CheckRootCollisions(state);
                    //Vector3 aux = state.obstaclePos - state.currentPosition;
                    //bool collision = (aux.magnitude - 1 - analyzer.GetRadius()) < 0;

                    bool collision = CheckObstacleCollision(state,obstacleScript);

                    //if (collision)

                        //Debug.Log("Possible collision detected at" + state.time);
                        //Debug.Break ();

                    obstacleScript.animation["test"].enabled = true;
                    //obstacleScript.animation["test"].time = actualTime[i];
                    obstacleScript.animation["test"].time = actualTime;

                    if (collision)
                        return true;

        return false;