private void btnDeleteIngredient_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (InventoryTable.SelectedRows.Count == 0) { return; } DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show( "آیا مطمئنید می خواهید " + InventoryTable.SelectedRows.Count.ToString() + " ماده اولیه را حذف کنید؟", "حذف ماده اولیه", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2, MessageBoxOptions.RtlReading ); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No) { return; } foreach (DataGridViewRow row in InventoryTable.SelectedRows) { FoodDB.DeleteIngredient(long.Parse(row.Cells[IngId.Index].Value.ToString())); } FillList(); }
private void OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { double amount; bool ValidNumber = double.TryParse(manualAmount.Text, out amount); manualAmount.BackColor = ValidNumber ? Color.White : Color.PaleVioletRed; if (!ValidNumber) { return; } int errorCode = FoodDB.AddIngredientChangeRecord( id:, changeAmount: increase.Checked ? amount : -amount, date: DateTime.Now); if (errorCode != 0) { MessageBox.Show( text: "خطا در هنگام وارد کردن گزارش", caption: "خطا", buttons: MessageBoxButtons.OK, icon: MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, defaultButton: MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, options: MessageBoxOptions.RtlReading); } else { (Owner as ViewIngredientInventory).FillList(); Close(); } }
private void btnDeleteFood_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (FoodTable.SelectedRows.Count == 0) { return; } DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show( "آیا مطمئنید می خواهید " + FoodTable.SelectedRows.Count.ToString() + " غذا را حذف کنید؟", "حذف غذا", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2, MessageBoxOptions.RtlReading ); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No) { return; } foreach (DataGridViewRow row in FoodTable.SelectedRows) { FoodDB.DeleteFood(long.Parse(row.Cells[FoodId.Index].Value.ToString())); } FillList(); FoodTable_RowEnter(null, null); }
private void OK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (!ControlsOK()) { return; } if (IngToEdit == default) { MessageBox.Show("شمارنده ماده اولیه مقدار دهی نشده!", "Ingredient ID", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.RtlReading ); return; } int errorCode = FoodDB.EditIngredient( id:, Name: IngName.Text, Scale: IngScale.Text, Quantity: float.Parse(IngQuantity.Text), ExpireDate: Converter.ToMiladi(IngExpireDate.Text) ); if (errorCode == 0) { ViewIngredientInventory caller = (ViewIngredientInventory)Owner; caller.FillList(); Close(); } }
private void listOfIngredients_ItemChecked(object sender, ItemCheckedEventArgs e) { if (isFilling) { return; } if (e.Item.Checked) { if (startDate.Text == "«شروع گزارش»" || endDate.Text == "«پایان گزارش»") { chart.Series.Add(FoodDB.GetIngredientReportChartAtMonth(long.Parse(e.Item.Tag.ToString()), DateTime.Now)); } else { DateTime dateA, dateB; dateA = Converter.ToMiladi(startDate.Text); dateB = Converter.ToMiladi(endDate.Text); chart.Series.Add(FoodDB.GetIngredientReportChartA_B(long.Parse(e.Item.Tag.ToString()), dateA, dateB)); } } else { chart.Series.Remove(chart.Series[e.Item.Text]); } }
public EditFood(Food FoodToEdit) { InitializeComponent(); if (FoodToEdit == null) { Close(); } FoodCategory.Items.AddRange(FoodDB.GetFoodCategories()); this.FoodToEdit = FoodToEdit; FoodName.Text = FoodToEdit.Name; FoodCategory.Text = FoodToEdit.Category; FoodSelfService.Checked = FoodToEdit.isSelfService; FoodDetails.Text = FoodToEdit.Details; RecipeString = FoodToEdit.RecipeString; List <RecipeIngredient> ingredients = Converter.ToRecipeList(RecipeString); foreach (RecipeIngredient Ing in ingredients) { listIngredients.Items.Add(FoodDB.GetIngredient(Ing.IngId).name + " - " + Ing.IngAmount); } }
public static DataSet listFood() { FoodDB foodDB = new FoodDB(); DataSet vals = foodDB.listFoodDB(); return(vals); }
private void btnEditIngredient_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (InventoryTable.SelectedRows.Count > 1) { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show( "آیا مطمئنید می خواهید " + InventoryTable.SelectedRows.Count.ToString() + " ماده اولیه را ویرایش کنید؟", "ویرایش ماده اولیه", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2, MessageBoxOptions.RtlReading ); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No) { return; } } Ingredient ing; foreach (DataGridViewRow row in InventoryTable.SelectedRows) { ing = FoodDB.GetIngredient(long.Parse(row.Cells["IngId"].Value.ToString())); EditIngredients edit = new EditIngredients(ing); edit.Owner = this; edit.Show(); } }
public void FillList() { FoodTable.Rows.Clear(); List <object[]> FoodList = FoodDB.GetFoodList(); foreach (object[] food in FoodList) { FoodTable.Rows.Add(food); } }
public void FillList() { InventoryTable.Rows.Clear(); List <object[]> IngList = FoodDB.GetIngredientList(); foreach (var Ingredient in IngList) { int addedRow = InventoryTable.Rows.Add(Ingredient); if (InventoryTable.Rows[addedRow].Cells[2].Value.ToString().StartsWith("0")) { InventoryTable.Rows[addedRow].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Pink; } } }
private void btnChangeStock_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (InventoryTable.SelectedRows.Count != 1) { return; } foreach (DataGridViewRow row in InventoryTable.SelectedRows) { changeStock = new ChangeStock(FoodDB.GetIngredient(long.Parse(row.Cells[IngId.Index].Value.ToString()))); changeStock.Owner = this; changeStock.Show(); } }
private void FillListOfIngredients() { isFilling = true; chart.Series.Clear(); List <object[]> ingredients = FoodDB.GetIngredientList(); foreach (var ing in ingredients) { listOfIngredients.Items.Add(text: ing[1 /*name*/].ToString()).Tag = ing[0 /*id*/].ToString(); } isFilling = false; }
private void btnEditFood_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (FoodTable.CurrentRow == null) { return; } long FoodID = long.Parse(FoodTable.CurrentRow.Cells[FoodId.Index].Value.ToString()); if (editFood == null || editFood.IsDisposed) { editFood = new EditFood(FoodDB.GetFood(FoodID)); editFood.Owner = this; } editFood.Show(); }
private void OK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (!ControlsOK()) { return; } int errorCode = FoodDB.AddIngredient( Name: IngName.Text, Scale: IngScale.Text, Quantity: float.Parse(IngQuantity.Text), ExpireDate: Converter.ToMiladi(IngExpireDate.Text) ); if (errorCode == 0) { Close(); } }
public void FoodTable_RowEnter(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (FoodTable.CurrentRow == null) { listIngredients.Items.Clear(); return; } listIngredients.Items.Clear(); string RecipeString = FoodTable.CurrentRow.Cells[FoodIngredients.Index].Value.ToString(); List <RecipeIngredient> ingredients = Converter.ToRecipeList(RecipeString); foreach (RecipeIngredient Ing in ingredients) { listIngredients.Items.Add(FoodDB.GetIngredient(Ing.IngId).name + " - " + Ing.IngAmount + " " + Ing.IngScale); } }
private void OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!ControlsOK()) { return; } int errorCode = FoodDB.AddFood( Name: FoodName.Text, Ingredients: RecipeString, SelfService: FoodSelfService.Checked, Category: FoodCategory.Text, Details: FoodDetails.Text ); if (errorCode == 0) { Close(); } }
private void btnPrintFood_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (FoodTable.SelectedRows.Count == 0) { return; } PrintDocument printDocument = new PrintDocument(); printDocument.PrintPage += PrintDocument_PrintPage; foodToPrint = FoodDB.GetFood(long.Parse(FoodTable.CurrentRow.Cells[FoodId.Index].Value.ToString())); PrintDialog printDialog = new PrintDialog(); printDialog.ShowDialog(this); printDocument.PrinterSettings = printDialog.PrinterSettings; printDocument.Print(); }
private void OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!ControlsOK()) { return; } int errorCode = FoodDB.EditFood( id: FoodToEdit.Id, Name: FoodName.Text, Ingredients: RecipeString, SelfService: FoodSelfService.Checked, Category: FoodCategory.Text, Details: FoodDetails.Text ); if (errorCode == 0) { ShowAllFood showAllFood = (ShowAllFood)Owner; showAllFood.FillList(); showAllFood.FoodTable_RowEnter(null, null); Close(); } }
private void Awake() { slots.AddRange(transform.GetComponentsInChildren <FoodSlot>()); db = FindObjectOfType <FoodDB>(); }
void Awake() { db = FindObjectOfType <FoodDB>(); }
private void AddFood_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { FoodCategory.Items.AddRange(FoodDB.GetFoodCategories()); }
private void PrintDocument_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e) { // Create font and brush. Font FoodTitleFont = new Font("B Titr", 18, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point); Font FoodCategoryFont = new Font("B Karim", 14, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point); Font IngredientsFont = new Font("B Mitra", 12, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point); Font IngFont = new Font("B Nazanin", 12, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point); SolidBrush drawBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black); // Create rectangle for drawing. RectangleF titleRect = new RectangleF( x: e.MarginBounds.Right - TextRenderer.MeasureText(foodToPrint.Name, FoodTitleFont).Width, y: e.MarginBounds.Top, width: TextRenderer.MeasureText(foodToPrint.Name, FoodTitleFont).Width + 10.0f, height: TextRenderer.MeasureText("ل", FoodTitleFont).Height ); RectangleF categoryRect = new RectangleF( x: titleRect.Left + TextRenderer.MeasureText(foodToPrint.Category, FoodCategoryFont).Width / 2, y: titleRect.Bottom + 2.0f, width: TextRenderer.MeasureText(foodToPrint.Category, FoodCategoryFont).Width, height: TextRenderer.MeasureText("ل", FoodCategoryFont).Height ); RectangleF ingredientsRect = new RectangleF( x: titleRect.X, // Center y: categoryRect.Bottom + 3.0f, width: TextRenderer.MeasureText("مواد لازم:", IngredientsFont).Width, height: TextRenderer.MeasureText("ل", IngredientsFont).Height ); RectangleF ingsRect = new RectangleF( x: e.MarginBounds.Left, y: ingredientsRect.Bottom + 2.0f, width: ingredientsRect.Right - e.MarginBounds.Left, height: e.MarginBounds.Bottom - (ingredientsRect.Bottom + 20.0f) ); string todayShamsi = "تاریخ: " + Converter.ToShamsi(DateTime.Now); RectangleF dateRect = new RectangleF( x: e.MarginBounds.Left, y: e.MarginBounds.Top, width: TextRenderer.MeasureText(todayShamsi, IngredientsFont).Width + 5, height: TextRenderer.MeasureText(todayShamsi, IngredientsFont).Height ); RectangleF detailsRect = new RectangleF( x: dateRect.Right, y: titleRect.Y + 2.0f, width: titleRect.Left - dateRect.Right, height: titleRect.Height ); // Set format of string. StringFormat drawFormat = new StringFormat(); drawFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near; drawFormat.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.DirectionRightToLeft; // Draw string to the page. e.Graphics.DrawString(foodToPrint.Name, FoodTitleFont, drawBrush, titleRect, drawFormat); e.Graphics.DrawString(foodToPrint.Category, FoodCategoryFont, drawBrush, categoryRect, drawFormat); e.Graphics.DrawString("مواد لازم:", IngredientsFont, drawBrush, ingredientsRect, drawFormat); // Print recipe one by one for each ingredient. List <RecipeIngredient> Recipe = Converter.ToRecipeList(foodToPrint.RecipeString); rLine = ""; foreach (RecipeIngredient Ing in Recipe) { rLine += FoodDB.GetIngredient(Ing.IngId).name + " - " + Ing.IngAmount + " " + Ing.IngScale + "\n"; } e.Graphics.DrawString(rLine, IngFont, drawBrush, ingsRect, drawFormat); e.Graphics.DrawString(todayShamsi, IngredientsFont, drawBrush, dateRect, drawFormat); e.Graphics.DrawString(foodToPrint.Details, FoodCategoryFont, drawBrush, detailsRect, drawFormat); }
private void Awake() { db = FindObjectOfType <FoodDB>(); spriteRenderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); }