protected override void ValidateFood(Food.Food food) { if (food.GetType().Name != nameof(Meat)) { this.Throw(food); } }
public void BeginPlacingFoodFurni(Food.Food Food, GameClient Client, Point UserPoint) { if (Client == null) { return; } if (Client.GetRoomUser() == null) { return; } if (base.CachedBot.DRoom == null) { return; } double MaxHeight = 0.0; Item ItemInFront; if (base.CachedBot.DRoom.GetGameMap().GetHighestItemForSquare(Client.GetRoomUser().SquareInFront, out ItemInFront)) { if (ItemInFront != null) { MaxHeight = ItemInFront.TotalHeight; } } base.CachedBot.DRoomUser.SetRot(Client.GetRoomUser().RotBody, false); RoleplayManager.PlaceItemToRoom(Client, Food.ItemId, 0, Client.GetRoomUser().SquareInFront.X, Client.GetRoomUser().SquareInFront.Y, MaxHeight, Client.GetRoomUser().RotBody, false, base.CachedBot.DRoom.Id, false, Food.ExtraData); }
protected override void ValidateFood(Food.Food food) { string type = food.GetType().Name; if (type != nameof(Vegetable) && type != nameof(Fruit)) { Throw(food); } }
protected override void ValidateFood(Food.Food food) { string type = food.GetType().Name; if (type != nameof(Meat)) { Throw(food); } }
public void Feed(Food.Food food) { if (!this.PrefferedFoods.Contains(food.GetType())) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"{this.GetType().Name} does not eat {food.GetType().Name}!"); } this.FoodEaten += food.Quantity; this.Weight += food.Quantity * this.WeightAddOnMultiplier; }
public void BeginServingFood(Food.Food Food, GameClient Client) { #region Checks if (!OnDuty) { return; } if (Client.GetRoleplay() == null) { return; } if (Client.GetRoomUser() == null) { return; } if (Client.LoggingOut) { return; } if (Client.GetRoleplay().Hunger <= 0) { return; } #endregion string RealName = Food.Name.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + Food.Name.Substring(1); this.GetBotRoleplay().WalkingToItem = true; this.GetRoomUser().Chat("Espere aí " + Client.GetHabbo().Username + "! Estou indo te servir um(a) " + RealName + " !", true); var UserPoint = new System.Drawing.Point(Client.GetRoomUser().X, Client.GetRoomUser().Y); var ServePoint = new System.Drawing.Point(Client.GetRoomUser().SquareBehind.X, Client.GetRoomUser().SquareBehind.Y); object[] Params = { Client, Food, ServePoint, UserPoint, RealName }; IBotHandler ServingHandler; if (!this.GetBotRoleplay().TryGetHandler(Handlers.FOODSERVE, out ServingHandler)) { this.GetBotRoleplay().StartHandler(Handlers.FOODSERVE, out ServingHandler, Params); } else { ServingHandler.Active = true; } this.GetRoomUser().MoveTo(ServePoint); GetBotRoleplay().TimerManager.CreateTimer("serving", GetBotRoleplay(), 10, true, Params); }
public override void Eat(Food.Food food) { if (food.GetType().Name == "Vegatable") { Console.WriteLine("Tigers are not eating that type of food!"); } else { base.FoodEaten = food.Quantity; } }
public override void IsFoodAppropriate(Food.Food food) { var type = food.GetType().Name; if (type == "Vegetable" || type == "Meat") { this.EatFood(food.Quantity); } else { throw new ArgumentException($"{this.GetType().Name} does not eat {food.GetType().Name}!"); } }
// GET: Home public ActionResult Index(int page = 1, int pagesize = 6) { var fo = new Food.Food(); var sv = new FoodSVClient(); ViewBag.Food_Slide = sv.ListSlideFood(); var or = Session[BookFoodSesstion]; var FoodOr = new List <OrderFood>(); if (or != null) { FoodOr = (List <OrderFood>)or; } ViewBag.MenuList = FoodOr; var model = sv.PageListFood().ToPagedList(page, pagesize); return(View(model)); }
public virtual void eatFood(Food.Food food) { if (this.GetType().Name == "Zebra" || this.GetType().Name == "Mouse") { if (food.GetType().Name != "Vegetable") { Console.WriteLine($"{this.GetType().Name}s are not eating that type of food!"); return; } } else if (this.GetType().Name == "Tiger") { if (food.GetType().Name == "Vegetable") { Console.WriteLine($"{this.GetType().Name}s are not eating that type of food!"); return; } } this.FoodEaten += food.Quantity; }
public void BeginServingFood(Food.Food Food, GameClient Client) { if (!OnDuty) { return; } if (Client.GetRoleplay() == null) { return; } if (Client.GetRoomUser() == null) { return; } if (Client.LoggingOut) { return; } if (Client.GetRoleplay().CurEnergy >= Client.GetRoleplay().MaxEnergy) { return; } string RealName = Food.Name.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + Food.Name.Substring(1); GetBotRoleplay().WalkingToItem = true; GetRoomUser().Chat("Servindo " + Client.GetHabbo().Username + "! Um copo de " + RealName + " estou indo aí!", true); var UserPoint = new System.Drawing.Point(Client.GetRoomUser().X, Client.GetRoomUser().Y); var ServePoint = new System.Drawing.Point(Client.GetRoomUser().SquareBehind.X, Client.GetRoomUser().SquareBehind.Y); object[] Params = { Client, Food, ServePoint, UserPoint, RealName }; GetRoomUser().MoveTo(ServePoint); GetBotRoleplay().TimerManager.CreateTimer("serving", GetBotRoleplay(), 10, true, Params); }
public ActionResult Edit(Food.Food food) { if (IsNum(food.Price.ToString())) { var res = new FoodSVClient().EditFood(food); if (res) { SetAlert("Sửa món ăn thành công", "success"); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Fooder")); } else { SetAlert("Sửa món ăn KHÔNG thành công", "error"); return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "Fooder")); } } else { SetAlert("Sửa món ăn KHÔNG thành công, Giá của món ăn KHÔNG HỢP LỆ", "error"); return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "Fooder")); } }
public abstract void AddFood(Food.Food food);
/// <summary> /// Begins serving food/drink process /// </summary> public override void Execute() { try { if (base.CachedBot == null || base.CachedBot.DRoomUser == null || base.CachedBot.DRoom == null) { base.EndTimer(); return; } GameClient Client = (GameClient)Params[0]; Food.Food Food = (Food.Food)Params[1]; Point ServePoint = (Point)Params[2]; Point UserPoint = (Point)Params[3]; string RealName = (string)Params[4]; bool StatCheck = false; if (base.CachedBot.DRoomUser.GetBotRoleplay().AIType == RoleplayBotAIType.DRINKSERVER) { if (Client.GetRoleplay().CurEnergy < Client.GetRoleplay().MaxEnergy) { StatCheck = true; } } else { if (Client.GetRoleplay().Hunger > 0) { StatCheck = true; } } if (Client != null && Client.GetRoomUser() != null && Client.GetRoleplay() != null && !Client.LoggingOut && StatCheck) { if (Client.GetRoomUser().Coordinate != UserPoint) { base.CachedBot.DRoomUser.GetBotRoleplay().WalkingToItem = false; InitiateGoHome(); base.EndTimer(); } if (base.CachedBot.DRoomUser.Coordinate != ServePoint) { return; } int Rot = Rotation.Calculate(Client.GetRoomUser().Coordinate.X, Client.GetRoomUser().Coordinate.Y, base.CachedBot.DRoomUser.Coordinate.X, base.CachedBot.DRoomUser.Coordinate.Y); base.CachedBot.DRoomUser.SetRot(Rot, false); base.CachedBot.DRoomUser.Chat("Aqui está " + Client.GetHabbo().Username + "! Espero que você goste da sua " + RealName + ".", true); BeginPlacingFoodFurni(Food, Client, UserPoint); InitiateGoHome(); } base.CachedBot.DRoomUser.GetBotRoleplay().WalkingToItem = false; InitiateGoHome(); base.EndTimer(); } catch { base.EndTimer(); } }
protected void Throw(Food.Food food) { throw new ArgumentException($"{this.GetType().Name} does not eat {food.GetType().Name}!"); }
protected abstract void ValidateFood(Food.Food food);
public virtual void EatFoood(Food.Food food) { ValidateFood(food); this.FoodEaten += food.Quantity; }
public override void Eat(Food.Food food) { base.FoodEaten = food.Quantity; }
public override void IsFoodAppropriate(Food.Food food) { this.EatFood(food.Quantity); }
protected override void ValidateFood(Food.Food food) { }