public int GetFontSize(AdaptiveFontType fontType, AdaptiveTextSize requestedSize) { return(FontTypes.GetFontType(fontType).FontSizes.GetFontSize(requestedSize) ?? FontTypes.Default.FontSizes.GetFontSize(requestedSize) ?? FontSizes.GetFontSize(requestedSize) ?? FontSizesConfig.GetDefaultFontSize(requestedSize)); }
private FontInfo(FontTypes type, float size) { FontSize = size; FontName = type; Font = new System.Drawing.Font(GetName(type), size); GFont = Program.GameLogic.Graphics.Fonts.CreateFont(Font.Name, Font, GorgonLibrary.Graphics.FontAntiAliasMode.AntiAlias); }
public GuiString(FontStyle font_style, FontTypes font_type, bool Center, string text) { this.font_style = font_style; this.font_type = font_type; this.Center = Center; this.Text = text; }
public int GetFontWeight(AdaptiveFontType fontType, AdaptiveTextWeight requestedWeight) { return(FontTypes.GetFontType(fontType).FontWeights.GetFontWeight(requestedWeight) ?? FontTypes.Default.FontWeights.GetFontWeight(requestedWeight) ?? FontWeights.GetFontWeight(requestedWeight) ?? FontWeightsConfig.GetDefaultFontWeight(requestedWeight)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a font object loaded from a stream of data. The font is loaded /// into the document. The caller does not need to free the returned object. /// </summary> /// <param name="document">Handle to the document.</param> /// <param name="cid">A value specifying if the font is a CID font or not.</param> /// <param name="data">The data, which will be copied by the font object.</param> /// <param name="index">The index of the first byte to be copied from <paramref name="data"/>.</param> /// <param name="count">The number of bytes to copy from <paramref name="data"/> or a negative value to copy all bytes.</param> /// <returns>Returns NULL on failure.</returns> public static FPDF_FONT FPDFText_LoadFont(FPDF_DOCUMENT document, FontTypes font_type, bool cid, byte[] data, int index = -1, int count = 0) { if (count < 0) { count = data.Length - index; } return(FPDFText_LoadFont(document, ref data[index], (uint)count, font_type, cid)); }
private FontManager(TGraphics graphics, FontTypes type, float size) { _graphics = graphics; FontSize = size; FontName = type; Font = new System.Drawing.Font(GetName(type), size); Bitmap = graphics.Content.Load <SpriteFont>(string.Format("{0}-{1}", GetName(type), FontFileSize)); }
protected void Create(FontTypes fontType, int width, int height, int tileWidth, int tileHeight, int tileHeightBank, int bankCount) { this.Create(width, height, tileWidth, tileHeight); this.BankCount = bankCount; this.TileHeightBank = tileHeightBank; this.TileSizeBank = (tileHeightBank * tileHeight) * width; this.AddressBank0 = this.Address; this.FontType = FontType; }
public void Initialize(Argb32[] pixels, int address, FontTypes fontType, int width, int height, int tileWidth, int tileHeight, int tileHeightBank, int bankCount) { this.Initialize(pixels, address, width, height, tileWidth, tileHeight); this.BankCount = bankCount; this.TileHeightBank = tileHeightBank; this.TileSizeBank = (tileHeightBank * tileHeight) * width; this.AddressBank0 = this.Address; this.FontType = fontType; }
// private HashTable charecterMetrics; public PdfFont(string fontName, FontTypes subType, InstalledFonts baseFont) { nameObj = new PdfName(fontName); subTypeObj = new PdfName(subType.ToString()); baseFontObj = new PdfName(baseFont.ToString()); this.Add(type, new PdfName("Font")); this.Add(, nameObj); this.Add(this.subType, subTypeObj); this.Add(this.baseFont, baseFontObj); // this.Add(new PdfName("Encoding"), new PdfName("MacRomanEncoding")); }
public Font GetFont(FontTypes type, FontStyle s) { int i = ((s & FontStyle.Bold) == FontStyle.Bold ? 1 : 0) | ((s & FontStyle.Italic) == FontStyle.Italic ? 2 : 0) | ((s & FontStyle.Underline) == FontStyle.Underline ? 4 : 0); if (shared_fonts[(int)type, i] == null) { shared_fonts[(int)type, i] = new Font(shared_fonts[(int)type, 0].FontFamily, shared_fonts[(int)type, 0].SizeInPoints, s); } return(shared_fonts[(int)type, i]); }
private static int EnumerateFontCallback( ref ENUMLOGFONTEXDV fontAttributes, ref NEWTEXTMETRICEX textMetrics, FontTypes fontType, LPARAM lParam) { var info = (List <FontInformation>)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(lParam).Target; info.Add(new FontInformation { FontType = fontType, TextMetrics = textMetrics, FontAttributes = fontAttributes }); return(1); }
public static FontInfo GetInstance(float size, FontTypes name) { foreach (FontInfo obj in _data) { if (obj.FontName == name && obj.FontSize == size) { return(obj); } } FontInfo font = new FontInfo(name, size); _data.Add(font); return(font); }
public static FontManager GetInstance(TGraphics graphics, float size, FontTypes name) { foreach (FontManager obj in _data) { if (obj.FontName == name && obj.FontSize == size && obj._graphics == graphics) { return(obj); } } FontManager font = new FontManager(graphics, name, size); _data.Add(font); return(font); }
private static string GetName(FontTypes type) { switch (type) { default: return(@"Arial"); case FontTypes.Sans: return(@"Arial"); case FontTypes.Serif_Mono: return(@"Courier New"); case FontTypes.Serif: return(@"Times New Roman"); case FontTypes.Sans_Mono: return(@"Lucida Sans Typewriter"); } }
public static void LoadFonts(ObservableCollection <KeyName> target, FontTypes type, TappedEventHandler tapped, Action callback) { var fonts = FontHelper.FontList.Where(x => type == FontTypes.All ? true : x.Type == type.ToString()); if (!FontHelper.IsLoaded) { ThreadPoolTimer.CreatePeriodicTimer((s) => { if (FontHelper.IsLoaded) { s.Cancel(); int i = 0; foreach (var font in fonts) { DispatcherHelper.CheckBeginInvokeOnUI(() => { font.ItemTapped = tapped; target.Add(font); if (callback != null && ++i == fonts.Count()) { callback(); } }); } } }, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300)); } else { foreach (var font in fonts) { font.ItemTapped = tapped; target.Add(font); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{type} 폰트 로드 : {font.Key}"); } callback?.Invoke(); } }
// Ignore deprecation warnings for Font[Family|Weights|Sizes] #pragma warning disable 0618 // Handles inheritance behavior for retrieving the name of the font family given the desired AdaptiveFontType public string GetFontFamily(AdaptiveFontType fontType) { // Value saved in FontTypes.<desiredStyle> string fontFamilyValue = FontTypes.GetFontType(fontType).FontFamily; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fontFamilyValue)) { if (fontType == AdaptiveFontType.Monospace) { fontFamilyValue = GetDefaultFontFamily(fontType); } else { // Fallback to deprecated fontFamily value fontFamilyValue = FontFamily; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fontFamilyValue)) { // Fallback to predefined system default value fontFamilyValue = GetDefaultFontFamily(fontType); } } } return(fontFamilyValue); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void Write(Stream stream) { using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile()) { FontTypes f = new FontTypes(); byte[] pdf = Utility.PdfBytes(f); zip.AddEntry(Utility.ResultFileName(f.ToString() + ".pdf"), pdf); IEnumerable <String> set1 = from m in new ListUsedFonts().ListFonts(pdf) orderby m select m; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); /* * i don't have c:/windows/fonts/ARBLI__.TTF on my system; * if you compare to Java example __THIS__ result file will have * one __LESS__ font listed! */ foreach (String fontname in set1) { sb.AppendLine(fontname); } zip.AddEntry(RESULT, sb.ToString()); zip.Save(stream); } }
/// <summary> /// Create a Font of the specific type, horizontal scale and vertical scale /// </summary> /// <param name="type">The type of the font</param> /// <param name="hscale">The horizontal scale of the font</param> /// <param name="vscale">the vertical scale of the fonr</param> public Font(FontTypes type, double hscale, double vscale) : this() { CvCoreInvoke.cvInitFont(ref this, type, hscale, vscale, 0, 1, LineTypes.EightConnected); }
public void SetFont(FontTypes aFont, string sourceName = "Global") { // m_DisplayText.fontStyle = m_TypesOfFonts[(int)aFont]; }
public static unsafe extern void cvInitFont(ref Font font, FontTypes fontFace, double hscale, double vscale, double shear, int thickness, LineTypes lineType);
public GuiString( FontStyle font_style, FontTypes font_type, bool Center, string text ) { this.font_style = font_style; this.font_type = font_type; this.Center = Center; this.Text = text; }
public static async void LoadAllFont(ObservableCollection <PickerItem <string, string> > fontListSource, FontTypes fontTypes, Action callback) { await ThreadPool.RunAsync(async handler => { if (fontTypes == FontTypes.All || fontTypes == FontTypes.CustomFont) { //사용자 폰트 var folder = await Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.CreateFolderAsync("Fonts", CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists); var files = await folder.GetFilesAsync(); foreach (var file in files.OrderByDescending(x => x.DateCreated)) { await DispatcherHelper.RunAsync(async() => { foreach (var fontItem in await GetFontItems(file)) { if (!IgnoreFonts.Contains(fontItem.Name) && !fontListSource.Any(x => x.Name == fontItem.Name)) { fontListSource.Add(fontItem); } } }); } } if (fontTypes == FontTypes.All || fontTypes == FontTypes.SystemFont) { var defaultFontName = "Global User Interface"; //시스템 폰트 IList <NativeHelper.Font> fontList = NativeHelper.FontList.GetSystemFontList("en-us"); for (int i = 0; i < fontList.Count; i++) { NativeHelper.Font font = fontList[i]; string name = font.FamilyName; //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(name); await Task.Delay(1);//한개씩 순차적 처리하기 위해 ... await DispatcherHelper.RunAsync(() => { if (!fontListSource.Any(x => x.Name == defaultFontName)) { var defaultValueIndex = fontListSource.IndexOf(fontListSource.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.CompareTo(defaultFontName) > 0)); fontListSource.Insert(defaultValueIndex == -1 ? 0 : i, new PickerItem <string, string>() { Name = defaultFontName, Key = defaultFontName, Payload = FontTypes.SystemFont.ToString() }); } if (!IgnoreFonts.Contains(name) && !fontListSource.Any(x => x.Name == name)) { fontListSource.Add(new PickerItem <string, string>() { Name = name, Key = name, Payload = FontTypes.SystemFont.ToString() }); } }); } } if (callback != null) { callback.Invoke(); } }); }
/// <summary> /// Create a Font of the specific type, horizontal scale and vertical scale /// </summary> /// <param name="type">The type of the font.</param> /// <param name="hscale">The horizontal scale of the font.</param> /// <param name="vscale">The vertical scale of the font.</param> /// <param name="thickness">Font thickness.</param> public Font(FontTypes type, double hscale, double vscale, int thickness = 1) : this() { CvCoreInvoke.cvInitFont(ref this, type, hscale, vscale, 0, thickness, LineTypes.EightConnected); }
public unsafe static extern void cvInitFont(ref Font font, FontTypes fontFace, double hscale, double vscale, double shear, int thickness, LineTypes lineType);
public static void DrawString(TGraphics graphics, string text, float size, FontTypes name, Point position, Color color) { FontManager font = GetInstance(graphics, size, name); DrawString(font, text, position, color); }
private static void PrepareBank(AssetFontSheet font, int tileWidth, int tileHeight, FontTypes fontType, int mapHeightBank) { font.TileWidth = tileWidth; font.TileHeight = tileHeight; int fontMapHeight = font.Height / tileHeight; switch (fontType) { case FontTypes.PolychromeStatic: if (mapHeightBank <= 0) { mapHeightBank = fontMapHeight; } font.BankCount = fontMapHeight / mapHeightBank; break; case FontTypes.MonochromeDynamic: // en mono il n'y a qu'une seule bank au départ mapHeightBank = fontMapHeight; font.BankCount = 1; break; } font.MapHeightBank = mapHeightBank; font.FontType = fontType; }
/// <summary> /// Draw some text (or don't) relative to the camera /// </summary> /// <param name="text"></param> /// <param name="position"></param> /// <param name="fontSize"></param> /// <param name="color"></param> /// <param name="type"></param> public static void DrawGameText(this string text, Vector2 position, float fontSize, Color?color = null, FontTypes type = FontTypes.Pericles) { // Only draw if on screen if (position.X > Globals.Camera.LeftDrawBound && position.X < Globals.Camera.RightDrawBound && position.Y > Globals.Camera.TopDrawBound && position.Y < Globals.Camera.BottomDrawBound) { var font = Globals.Fonts[type]; var size = font.MeasureString(text); var scale = fontSize / 50f; var scaledX = (position - scale * size / 2).X; var x = scaledX - Globals.Camera.ScreenLeft; var y = position.Y - Globals.Camera.ScreenTop; text.DrawLeftAlign(new Vector2(x, y), fontSize, color, type); } }
public static void LoadFont(string fileName, FontTypes type) { Fonts[type] = ContentManager.Load <SpriteFont>(fileName); }
public Font GetFont( FontTypes type, FontStyle s ) { int i = ((s & FontStyle.Bold) == FontStyle.Bold ? 1 : 0 ) | ((s & FontStyle.Italic) == FontStyle.Italic ? 2 : 0 ) | ((s & FontStyle.Underline) == FontStyle.Underline ? 4 : 0 ); if( shared_fonts[(int)type,i] == null ) shared_fonts[(int)type,i] = new Font( shared_fonts[(int)type,0].FontFamily, shared_fonts[(int)type,0].SizeInPoints, s ); return shared_fonts[(int)type,i]; }
public static void DrawLeftAlign(this string text, Vector2 position, float fontSize, Color?color = null, FontTypes type = FontTypes.Pericles) { var font = Globals.Fonts[type]; var size = font.MeasureString(text); var scale = fontSize / 50f; var y = (position - scale * size / 2).Y; var fontColor = color ?? Color.Black; Globals.SpriteDrawer.DrawString(font, text, new Vector2(position.X, y), fontColor, 0f, Vector2.Zero, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); }
public static void DrawRightAlign(this string text, Vector2 position, float fontSize, Color?color = null, FontTypes type = FontTypes.Pericles) { var font = Globals.Fonts[type]; var size = font.MeasureString(text); var scale = fontSize / 50f; var x = (position - scale * size).X; text.DrawLeftAlign(new Vector2(x, position.Y), fontSize, color, type); }
public static string Wrap(this string text, float maxLineWidth, float fontSize, FontTypes fontType = FontTypes.Pericles) { var font = Globals.Fonts[fontType]; var words = text.Split(' '); var sb = new StringBuilder(); var lineWidth = 0f; var spaceWidth = font.MeasureString(" ").X; foreach (var word in words) { var size = font.MeasureString(word) * fontSize / CodingConstants.FontSize; if (lineWidth + size.X < maxLineWidth) { sb.Append(word + " "); lineWidth += size.X + spaceWidth; } else { sb.Append("\n" + word + " "); lineWidth = size.X + spaceWidth; } } return(sb.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Importation /// </summary> /// <param name="assetName"></param> /// <param name="stream"></param> /// <param name="fontType"></param> /// <param name="tileWidth"></param> /// <param name="tileHeight"></param> /// <param name="mapHeightBank"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static AssetFontSheet Import(Cartridge cartridge, string assetName, Stream stream, int tileWidth, int tileHeight, FontTypes fontType, int mapHeightBank = int.MaxValue) { AssetFontSheet font = new AssetFontSheet(cartridge); font.Name = assetName; font.ImportImage(stream); font.TileWidth = tileWidth; font.TileHeight = tileHeight; if (mapHeightBank == int.MaxValue) { mapHeightBank = font.Height / font.TileHeight; } PrepareBank(font, tileWidth, tileHeight, fontType, mapHeightBank); return(font); }