private static void InternalGetInformation(Graphics g, FontInfo result, FontX font) { // get some properties of the font var gdiFont = GdiFontManager.ToGdi(font); result.Size = gdiFont.Size; result.cyLineSpace = gdiFont.GetHeight(g); // space between two lines int iCellSpace = gdiFont.FontFamily.GetLineSpacing(gdiFont.Style); int iCellAscent = gdiFont.FontFamily.GetCellAscent(gdiFont.Style); int iCellDescent = gdiFont.FontFamily.GetCellDescent(gdiFont.Style); result.cyAscent = result.cyLineSpace * iCellAscent / iCellSpace; result.cyDescent = result.cyLineSpace * iCellDescent / iCellSpace; }
public Options(FontInfo taskFont) { InitializeComponent(); tbArchiveFile.Text = User.Default.ArchiveFilePath; cbAutoArchive.IsChecked = User.Default.AutoArchive; cbAutoRefresh.IsChecked = User.Default.AutoRefresh; cbCaseSensitiveFilter.IsChecked = User.Default.FilterCaseSensitive; cbAddCreationDate.IsChecked = User.Default.AddCreationDate; cbDebugOn.IsChecked = User.Default.DebugLoggingOn; cbMinToSysTray.IsChecked = User.Default.MinimiseToSystemTray; cbRequireCtrlEnter.IsChecked = User.Default.RequireCtrlEnter; this.TaskListFont = taskFont; }
public FontViewer( FontInfo[] f, String Font, String FontPngDir, int Fontblock, String[] Textlines, bool BoxByBox, bool ApproxDialogueColor ) { InitializeComponent(); this.FontInfos = f; this.BoxByBox = BoxByBox; this.checkBoxApproxDialogue.Checked = ApproxDialogueColor; this.FontPngDir = FontPngDir; numericUpDownTileNumber.Value = Fontblock; comboBoxFilename.Text = Font; bgcolor = Color.FromArgb( 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xED ); UpdateTextures( comboBoxFilename.Text ); UpdateText( Textlines ); UpdateAny(); }
public Options(FontInfo taskFont) { InitializeComponent(); tbArchiveFile.Text = User.Default.ArchiveFilePath; cbAutoArchive.IsChecked = User.Default.AutoArchive; cbAutoRefresh.IsChecked = User.Default.AutoRefresh; cbCaseSensitiveFilter.IsChecked = User.Default.FilterCaseSensitive; cbIntellisenseCaseSensitive.IsChecked = User.Default.IntellisenseCaseSensitive; cbAddCreationDate.IsChecked = User.Default.AddCreationDate; cbDebugOn.IsChecked = User.Default.DebugLoggingOn; cbMinToSysTray.IsChecked = User.Default.MinimiseToSystemTray; cbRequireCtrlEnter.IsChecked = User.Default.RequireCtrlEnter; cbAllowGrouping.IsChecked = User.Default.AllowGrouping; cbMoveFocusToTaskListAfterAddingNewTask.IsChecked = User.Default.MoveFocusToTaskListAfterAddingNewTask; cbPreserveWhiteSpace.IsChecked = User.Default.PreserveWhiteSpace; cbWordWrap.IsChecked = User.Default.WordWrap; this.TaskListFont = taskFont; }
private void TurnOffCategory(FontCategory category, bool notifyChanges) { Guid categoryId = category.Id; var flags = __FCSTORAGEFLAGS.FCSF_LOADDEFAULTS; if ( notifyChanges ) { flags |= __FCSTORAGEFLAGS.FCSF_PROPAGATECHANGES; } int hr = fontsAndColors.OpenCategory(ref categoryId, (uint)flags); if ( ErrorHandler.Succeeded(hr) ) { FontInfo[] fontInfo = new FontInfo[] { category.FontInfo }; fontInfo[0].bFaceNameValid = 0; fontInfo[0].bCharSetValid = 0; fontInfo[0].bPointSizeValid = 1; fontsAndColors.SetFont(fontInfo); fontsAndColors.CloseCategory(); } }
public static Font GetFont(string name) { MySqlDataProviderPackage package = MySqlDataProviderPackage.Instance as MySqlDataProviderPackage; IVsFontAndColorStorage pStorage; pStorage = (IVsFontAndColorStorage)package.GetVsService( typeof(IVsFontAndColorStorage)); Guid textCategory = new Guid("{A27B4E24-A735-4d1d-B8E7-9716E1E3D8E0}"); int result = pStorage.OpenCategory(ref textCategory, (int)( __FCSTORAGEFLAGS.FCSF_LOADDEFAULTS)); if (result == VSConstants.S_OK) { FontInfo[] fi = new FontInfo[1]; fi[0] = new FontInfo(); result = pStorage.GetFont(null, fi); pStorage.CloseCategory(); if (result == VSConstants.S_OK) { return new Font(fi[0].bstrFaceName, (float)fi[0].wPointSize); } } return null; }
public IIncludedObject Load(Project project, XElement xmlNode) { var info = new FontInfo(); info.Name = xmlNode.RequireAttribute("name").Value; info.CharWidth = xmlNode.GetAttribute<int>("charwidth"); info.CaseSensitive = xmlNode.GetAttribute<bool>("cased"); foreach (var lineNode in xmlNode.Elements("Line")) { var x = lineNode.GetAttribute<int>("x"); var y = lineNode.GetAttribute<int>("y"); var lineText = lineNode.Value; info.AddLine(x, y, lineText); } info.ImagePath = FilePath.FromRelative(xmlNode.RequireAttribute("image").Value, project.BaseDir); project.AddFont(info); return info; }
private void TurnOffCategory(FontCategory category, bool notifyChanges) { Guid categoryId = category.Id; var flags = __FCSTORAGEFLAGS.FCSF_LOADDEFAULTS; if (notifyChanges) { flags |= __FCSTORAGEFLAGS.FCSF_PROPAGATECHANGES; } int hr = fontsAndColors.OpenCategory(ref categoryId, (uint)flags); if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(hr)) { FontInfo[] fontInfo = new FontInfo[] { category.FontInfo }; fontInfo[0].bFaceNameValid = 0; fontInfo[0].bCharSetValid = 0; fontInfo[0].bPointSizeValid = 1; fontsAndColors.SetFont(fontInfo); fontsAndColors.CloseCategory(); } }
public void LoadData(BinaryReader reader, FontInfo info) { this.reader = reader; = info; VerifyHeader(); while (reader.BaseStream.Position < reader.BaseStream.Length) { switch (reader.ReadByte()) { case 1: LoadInfo(); break; case 2: LoadCommon(); break; case 3: LoadPages(); break; case 4: LoadChars(); break; case 5: LoadKerningPairs(); break; } } }
private static bool TryGetFontInfoByFamily(string family, out FontInfo info, string subfamily = null, bool fallbackIfNoSubfamily = false) { ThrowIfNotInitialized(); if (subfamily == null) { fallbackIfNoSubfamily = true; } subfamily ??= "Regular"; // this is a typical default family name lock (fontInfoLookup) { if (fontInfoLookup.TryGetValue(family, out var fonts)) { info = fonts.FirstOrDefault(p => p?.Info.Subfamily == subfamily); if (info == null) { if (!fallbackIfNoSubfamily) { return(false); } else { info = fonts.First(); } } return(true); } else { info = null; return(false); } } }
public static Font GetFont(string name) { MySqlDataProviderPackage package = MySqlDataProviderPackage.Instance as MySqlDataProviderPackage; IVsFontAndColorStorage pStorage; pStorage = (IVsFontAndColorStorage)package.GetVsService( typeof(IVsFontAndColorStorage)); Guid textCategory = new Guid("{A27B4E24-A735-4d1d-B8E7-9716E1E3D8E0}"); int result = pStorage.OpenCategory(ref textCategory, (int)(__FCSTORAGEFLAGS.FCSF_LOADDEFAULTS)); if (result == VSConstants.S_OK) { FontInfo[] fi = new FontInfo[1]; fi[0] = new FontInfo(); result = pStorage.GetFont(null, fi); pStorage.CloseCategory(); if (result == VSConstants.S_OK) { return(new Font(fi[0].bstrFaceName, (float)fi[0].wPointSize)); } } return(null); }
public static bool GetGlyphBox( FontInfo info, int glyphIndex, out Rect glyphBox) { if (info == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(info)); } if (info.cff.Size != 0) { return(GetGlyphInfoT2(info, glyphIndex, out glyphBox) != 0); } else { int g = GetGlyphOffset(info, glyphIndex); if (g < 0) { glyphBox = default; return(false); } var data =; glyphBox = Rect.FromEdgePoints( tlX: ReadInt16(data[(g + 2)..]),
public int MaxFont(string text, int w, int h, int[] fonts, FontInfo fontInfo) { int li = 0, hi = fonts.Length - 1; while (li <= hi) { int mid = li + (hi - li) / 2; var height = fontInfo.GetHeight(fonts[mid]); var width = 0; foreach (var letter in text) { width += fontInfo.GetWidth(fonts[mid], letter); } if (height <= h && width <= w) { li = mid + 1; } else { hi = mid - 1; } } return(hi < 0 ? -1 : fonts[hi]); }
private double GetFontSize(FontAndColorsResourceKey key) { const __FCSTORAGEFLAGS flags = __FCSTORAGEFLAGS.FCSF_LOADDEFAULTS | __FCSTORAGEFLAGS.FCSF_NOAUTOCOLORS; const double defaultFontSize = 9; fncStorage.OpenCategory(key.Category, (uint)flags); try { var fontInfos = new FontInfo[1]; if (fncStorage.GetFont(null, fontInfos) != VSConstants.S_OK) { return(defaultFontSize); } if (fontInfos[0].bPointSizeValid == 1) { return(FontUtils.FontSizeFromPointSize(fontInfos[0].wPointSize)); } return(defaultFontSize); } finally { fncStorage.CloseCategory(); } }
public override void Load() { //draw 1 FormTestWinGLControl form = new FormTestWinGLControl(); var canvas = PixelFarm.Drawing.DrawingGL.CanvasGLPortal.P.CreateCanvas(0, 0, 800, 600); form.SetOnDestroyHandler((o, s) => { canvas.Dispose(); }); FontInfo fontinfo = null; form.SetGLPaintHandler((o, s) => { canvas.Orientation = CanvasOrientation.LeftTop; if (fontinfo == null) { fontinfo = PixelFarm.Drawing.DrawingGL.CanvasGLPortal.GetFontInfo("tahoma", 10, PixelFarm.Drawing.DrawingGL.FontLoadTechnique.GdiBitmapFont); canvas.CurrentFont = fontinfo.ResolvedFont; } canvas.ClearSurface(PixelFarm.Drawing.Color.White); canvas.FillRectangle(PixelFarm.Drawing.Color.Yellow, 3, 3, 200, 200); canvas.DrawRectangle(PixelFarm.Drawing.Color.Red, 0, 0, 400, 400); //test draw text canvas.DrawText("AaBbCc0123 +*/%$".ToCharArray(), 0, 0); canvas.CurrentTextColor = PixelFarm.Drawing.Color.Red; canvas.DrawText("AaBbCc0123 +*/%$".ToCharArray(), 0, 50); canvas.CurrentTextColor = PixelFarm.Drawing.Color.Green; canvas.DrawText("AaBbCc0123 +*/%$".ToCharArray(), 0, 100); canvas.CurrentTextColor = PixelFarm.Drawing.Color.Blue; canvas.DrawText("AaBbCc0123 +*/%$".ToCharArray(), 0, 150); canvas.CurrentTextColor = PixelFarm.Drawing.Color.Black; }); form.Show(); }
public static async Task AdjustFontSizeAsync(string categoryGuid, short change) { await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync(); IVsFontAndColorStorage storage = await VS.Shell.GetFontAndColorStorageAsync(); Assumes.Present(storage); // ReSharper disable once SuspiciousTypeConversion.Global var utilities = storage as IVsFontAndColorUtilities; if (utilities == null) { return; } var pLOGFONT = new LOGFONTW[1]; var pInfo = new FontInfo[1]; var category = new Guid(categoryGuid); ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(storage.OpenCategory(category, (uint)(__FCSTORAGEFLAGS.FCSF_LOADDEFAULTS | __FCSTORAGEFLAGS.FCSF_PROPAGATECHANGES))); try { if (!ErrorHandler.Succeeded(storage.GetFont(pLOGFONT, pInfo))) { return; } pInfo[0].wPointSize = checked ((ushort)(pInfo[0].wPointSize + change)); ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(storage.SetFont(pInfo)); ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(utilities.FreeFontInfo(pInfo)); } finally { storage.CloseCategory(); } }
private TextNode GetTextNode(PrintFieldType fieldType, FontInfo font) { TextNode node = null; string text = string.Empty; switch (fieldType) { case PrintFieldType.Title: text = _song.Title; break; case PrintFieldType.Artist: text = _song.Artist; break; case PrintFieldType.CCLI: text = _song.CCLI; break; case PrintFieldType.Copyright: text = _song.Copyright; break; case PrintFieldType.PageNum: text = "#PageNum"; break; case PrintFieldType.PageNumOfTotal: text = "#PageNum of #PageTotal"; break; } node = new TextNode(text, font); return(node); }
private static void GetSize() { try { IVsFontAndColorStorage storage = (IVsFontAndColorStorage)EditorExtensionsPackage.GetGlobalService(typeof(IVsFontAndColorStorage)); var guid = new Guid("A27B4E24-A735-4d1d-B8E7-9716E1E3D8E0"); if (storage != null && storage.OpenCategory(ref guid, (uint)(__FCSTORAGEFLAGS.FCSF_READONLY | __FCSTORAGEFLAGS.FCSF_LOADDEFAULTS)) == VS.VSConstants.S_OK) { LOGFONTW[] Fnt = new LOGFONTW[] { new LOGFONTW() }; FontInfo[] Info = new FontInfo[] { new FontInfo() }; storage.GetFont(Fnt, Info); _fontSize = (int)Info[0].wPointSize; } if (storage != null && storage.OpenCategory(ref guid, (uint)(__FCSTORAGEFLAGS.FCSF_NOAUTOCOLORS | __FCSTORAGEFLAGS.FCSF_LOADDEFAULTS)) == VS.VSConstants.S_OK) { var info = new ColorableItemInfo[1]; storage.GetItem("Plain Text", info); _backgroundColor = ConvertFromWin32Color((int)info[0].crBackground); } } catch { } }
public void FixtureSetUp() { fi = new Style().Font; }
internal void PaintDecoration(Canvas g, RectangleF rectangle, bool isFirst, bool isLast) { float y = 0f; switch (this.TextDecoration) { default: return; case Css.CssTextDecoration.Underline: { //TODO: correct this ... //var h = g.MeasureString(" ", ActualFont).Height; //float desc = FontsUtils.GetDescentPx(ActualFont); //y = (float)Math.Round(rectangle.Top + h - desc + 0.5); FontInfo fontInfo = ActualFont.FontInfo; var h = fontInfo.LineHeight; float desc = fontInfo.DescentPx; y = (float)Math.Round(rectangle.Top + h - desc); } break; case Css.CssTextDecoration.LineThrough: { y = rectangle.Top + rectangle.Height / 2f; } break; case Css.CssTextDecoration.Overline: { y = rectangle.Top; } break; } //y -= ActualPaddingBottom - ActualBorderBottomWidth; y -= (ActualPaddingBottom + ActualBorderBottomWidth); float x1 = rectangle.X; if (isFirst) { x1 += ActualPaddingLeft + ActualBorderLeftWidth; } float x2 = rectangle.Right; if (isLast) { x2 -= ActualPaddingRight + ActualBorderRightWidth; } var prevColor = g.StrokeColor; g.StrokeColor = ActualColor; g.DrawLine(x1, y, x2, y); g.StrokeColor = prevColor; }
/// <summary> /// Metoda vrátí text, který má být zobrazen v grafickém prvku /// </summary> /// <param name="e"></param> /// <param name="boundsAbsolute"></param> /// <param name="boundsVisibleAbsolute"></param> /// <param name="fontInfo"></param> /// <param name="textPosition"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected string GetCaption(GInteractiveDrawArgs e, Rectangle boundsAbsolute, Rectangle boundsVisibleAbsolute, FontInfo fontInfo, ExtendedContentAlignment textPosition) { // 1. Pokud je text v prvku uveden explicitně, pak jej použijeme: string text = this._FirstItem.Text; if (text != null) { return(text); } // 2. Text pro aktuální velikost je pravděpodobně uložený v paměti (od posledně): Size size = boundsAbsolute.Size; text = this.GetCaptionForSize(size); if (text != null) { return(text); } // 3. Pro danou velikost ještě text není zapamatován => Získáme text Caption z datového zdroje grafu a zapamatujeme si ho: CreateTextArgs args = new CreateTextArgs(this._ParentGraph, e, fontInfo, this, this._FirstItem, GraphControlPosition.Group, boundsAbsolute, boundsVisibleAbsolute); text = this._ParentGraph.GraphItemGetCaptionText(args); this.SetCaptionForSize(size, text); return(text); }
// Set the font in the return dialog object. private void SetFont() { FontStyle style = FontStyle.Regular; if(bold.Checked) { style |= FontStyle.Bold; } if(italic.Checked) { style |= FontStyle.Italic; } if(underline.Checked) { style |= FontStyle.Underline; } if(strikeout.Checked) { style |= FontStyle.Strikeout; } String family = name.Text.Trim(); float fontSize; try { #if CONFIG_EXTENDED_NUMERICS fontSize = Single.Parse(size.Text); #else fontSize = Int32.Parse(size.Text); #endif } catch { fontSize = 0.0f; } // Sanity-check the values a little. if(family == null || family == String.Empty) { return; } if(fontSize <= 0.0f) { return; } // Look for a font that matches the requirements. FontInfo info = new FontInfo(family, fontSize, style); info = (FontInfo)(fonts[info]); if(info == null) { Font font = new Font(family, fontSize, style); info = new FontInfo(font, true); fonts[info] = info; } dialog.Font = info.font; }
private static void customBuilder(TextAsset import, string exportPath, Texture2D texture) { if (!import) { throw new UnityException( + "is not a valid font file"); } Stream ms = new MemoryStream(import.bytes); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(ms); long sig = br.ReadInt32(); if (sig != 0x42544e46)// BTNF header { throw new UnityException( + "is not a valid BTNF fontfile"); } float texW = texture.width; float texH = texture.height; int char_nums = br.ReadInt32(); float m_FontSize = 0; Rect r; CharacterInfo[] charInfos = new CharacterInfo[char_nums]; for (int i = 0; i < char_nums; i++) { FontInfo mFontInfo = new FontInfo(br.ReadInt32(), br.ReadInt32(), br.ReadInt32(), br.ReadInt32(), br.ReadInt32()); br.ReadInt32(); CharacterInfo charInfo = new CharacterInfo(); r = new Rect(); r.x = ((float)mFontInfo.x) / texW; r.y = ((float)mFontInfo.y) / texH; r.width = ((float)mFontInfo.width) / texW; r.height = ((float)mFontInfo.height) / texH; r.y = 1f - r.y - r.height; charInfo.uvBottomLeft = new Vector2(r.xMin, r.yMin); charInfo.uvBottomRight = new Vector2(r.xMax, r.yMin); charInfo.uvTopLeft = new Vector2(r.xMin, r.yMax); charInfo.uvTopRight = new Vector2(r.xMax, r.yMax); charInfo.index = (int)mFontInfo.index; charInfo.advance = (int)mFontInfo.width; m_FontSize = (float)mFontInfo.height; r = new Rect(); r.x = (float)0f; r.y = (float)0f; r.width = (float)mFontInfo.width; r.height = (float)mFontInfo.height; r.y = -r.y; r.height = -r.height; charInfo.minX = (int)r.xMin; charInfo.maxX = (int)r.xMax; charInfo.minY = (int)r.yMax; charInfo.maxY = (int)r.yMin; charInfos[i] = charInfo; } br.Close(); ms.Close(); Shader shader = Shader.Find("UI/Default"); Material material = new Material(shader); material.mainTexture = texture; AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(material, exportPath + ".mat"); // Create font Font font = new Font(); font.material = material; =; font.characterInfo = charInfos; SerializedObject mFont = new SerializedObject(font); mFont.FindProperty("m_FontSize").floatValue = m_FontSize - 2f; mFont.FindProperty("m_LineSpacing").floatValue = m_FontSize + 2f; mFont.ApplyModifiedProperties(); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(font, exportPath + ".fontsettings"); Debug.Log(String.Format("创建自定义字库完成!{0}",; }
// generate source/header strings from a block list private void generateStringsFromCharacterDescriptorBlockList(FontInfo fontInfo, ArrayList characterBlockList, ref string resultTextSource, ref string resultTextHeader, ref bool blockLookupGenerated) { // get wheter there are multiple block lsits bool multipleDescBlocksExist = characterBlockList.Count > 1; // set whether we'll generate lookups blockLookupGenerated = multipleDescBlocksExist; // // Generate descriptor arrays // // iterate over blocks foreach (CharacterDescriptorArrayBlock block in characterBlockList) { // according to config if (m_outputConfig.commentVariableName) { string blockNumberString = String.Format("(block #{0})", characterBlockList.IndexOf(block)); // result string resultTextSource += String.Format("{0}Character descriptors for {1} {2}pt{3}{4}" + nl, m_commentStartString, fontInfo.font.Name, Math.Round(fontInfo.font.Size), multipleDescBlocksExist ? blockNumberString : "", m_commentEndString); // describe character array resultTextSource += String.Format("{0}{{ {1}{2}[Offset into {3}CharBitmaps in bytes] }}{4}" + nl, m_commentStartString, getCharacterDescName("width", m_outputConfig.descCharWidth), getCharacterDescName("height", m_outputConfig.descCharHeight), getFontName(ref fontInfo.font), m_commentEndString); } // output block header resultTextSource += String.Format("{0} = "+ nl+"{{" + nl, charDescArrayGetBlockName(fontInfo, characterBlockList.IndexOf(block), true, multipleDescBlocksExist)); // iterate characters foreach (CharacterDescriptorArrayBlock.Character character in block.characters) { // add character resultTextSource += String.Format("\t{{{0}{1}{2}}}, \t\t{3}{4}{5}" + nl, getCharacterDescString(m_outputConfig.descCharWidth, character.width), getCharacterDescString(m_outputConfig.descCharHeight, character.height), character.offset, m_commentStartString, character.character != '\\' ? character.character.ToString() : "'\\'", m_commentEndString + " "); } // terminate current block resultTextSource += "};" + nl + nl; } // // Generate block lookup // // if there is more than one block, we need to generate a block lookup if (multipleDescBlocksExist) { // start with comment, if required if (m_outputConfig.commentVariableName) { // result string resultTextSource += String.Format("{0}Block lookup array for {1} {2}pt {3}" + nl, m_commentStartString, fontInfo.font.Name, Math.Round(fontInfo.font.Size), m_commentEndString); // describe character array resultTextSource += String.Format("{0}{{ start character, end character, ptr to descriptor block array }}{1}" + nl, m_commentStartString, m_commentEndString); } // format the block lookup header resultTextSource += String.Format("const FONT_CHAR_INFO_LOOKUP {0} = " + nl+"{{" + nl, getCharacterDescriptorArrayLookupDisplayString(fontInfo)); // iterate foreach (CharacterDescriptorArrayBlock block in characterBlockList) { // get first/last chars CharacterDescriptorArrayBlock.Character firstChar = (CharacterDescriptorArrayBlock.Character)block.characters[0], lastChar = (CharacterDescriptorArrayBlock.Character)block.characters[block.characters.Count - 1]; // create current block description resultTextSource += String.Format("\t{{{0}, {1}, &{2}}}," + nl, getCharacterDisplayString(firstChar.character), getCharacterDisplayString(lastChar.character), charDescArrayGetBlockName(fontInfo, characterBlockList.IndexOf(block), false, true)); } // terminate block lookup resultTextSource += "};" + nl + nl; } }
// generate lookup array private void generateCharacterDescriptorArray(FontInfo fontInfo, ref string resultTextSource, ref string resultTextHeader, ref bool blockLookupGenerated) { // check if required by configuration if (m_outputConfig.generateLookupArray) { ArrayList characterBlockList = new ArrayList(); // populate list of blocks generateCharacterDescriptorBlockList(fontInfo, ref characterBlockList); // generate strings from block list generateStringsFromCharacterDescriptorBlockList(fontInfo, characterBlockList, ref resultTextSource, ref resultTextHeader, ref blockLookupGenerated); } }
// add a character to teh current char descriptor array private void charDescArrayAddCharacter(CharacterDescriptorArrayBlock desciptorBlock, FontInfo fontInfo, char character, int width, int height, int offset) { // create character descriptor CharacterDescriptorArrayBlock.Character charDescriptor = new CharacterDescriptorArrayBlock.Character(); charDescriptor.character = character; charDescriptor.font = fontInfo; charDescriptor.height = height; charDescriptor.width = width; charDescriptor.offset = offset; // shove this character to the descriptor block desciptorBlock.characters.Add(charDescriptor); }
// populate the font info private FontInfo populateFontInfo(Font font) { // the font information FontInfo fontInfo = new FontInfo(); // get teh characters we need to generate from the input text, removing duplicates fontInfo.generatedChars = getCharactersToGenerate(); // set font into into fontInfo.font = font; // array holding all bitmaps and info per character fontInfo.characters = new CharacterGenerationInfo[fontInfo.generatedChars.Length]; // // init char infos // for (int charIdx = 0; charIdx < fontInfo.generatedChars.Length; ++charIdx) { // create char info entity fontInfo.characters[charIdx] = new CharacterGenerationInfo(); // point back to teh font fontInfo.characters[charIdx].fontInfo = fontInfo; // set the character fontInfo.characters[charIdx].character = fontInfo.generatedChars[charIdx]; } // // Find the widest bitmap size we are going to draw // Rectangle largestBitmap = getLargestBitmapFromCharInfo(fontInfo.characters); // // create bitmaps per characater // // iterate over characters for (int charIdx = 0; charIdx < fontInfo.generatedChars.Length; ++charIdx) { // generate the original bitmap for the character convertCharacterToBitmap(fontInfo.generatedChars[charIdx], font, out fontInfo.characters[charIdx].bitmapOriginal, largestBitmap); // save // fontInfo.characters[charIdx].bitmapOriginal.Save(String.Format("C:/bms/{0}.bmp", fontInfo.characters[charIdx].character)); } // // iterate through all bitmaps and find the tightest common border. only perform // this if the configuration specifies // // this will contain the values of the tightest border around the characters BitmapBorder tightestCommonBorder = new BitmapBorder(); // only perform if padding type specifies if (m_outputConfig.paddingRemovalHorizontal == OutputConfiguration.PaddingRemoval.Fixed || m_outputConfig.paddingRemovalVertical == OutputConfiguration.PaddingRemoval.Fixed) { // find the common tightest border findTightestCommonBitmapBorder(fontInfo.characters, ref tightestCommonBorder); } // // iterate thruogh all bitmaps and generate the bitmap we will convert to string // this means performing all manipulation (pad remove, flip) // // iterate over characters for (int charIdx = 0; charIdx < fontInfo.generatedChars.Length; ++charIdx) { // generate the original bitmap for the character manipulateBitmap(fontInfo.characters[charIdx].bitmapOriginal, tightestCommonBorder, out fontInfo.characters[charIdx].bitmapToGenerate, m_outputConfig.spaceGenerationPixels, fontInfo.characters[charIdx].bitmapOriginal.Height); // for debugging // fontInfo.characters[charIdx].bitmapToGenerate.Save(String.Format("C:/bms/{0}_cropped.bmp", fontInfo.characters[charIdx].character)); } // // iterate through all characters and create the page array // // iterate over characters for (int charIdx = 0; charIdx < fontInfo.generatedChars.Length; ++charIdx) { // check if bitmap exists if (fontInfo.characters[charIdx].bitmapToGenerate != null) { // create the page array for the character convertBitmapToPageArray(fontInfo.characters[charIdx].bitmapToGenerate, out fontInfo.characters[charIdx].pages); } } // populate font info populateFontInfoFromCharacters(ref fontInfo); // return the font info return fontInfo; }
// private string getCharacterDescriptorArrayLookupDisplayString(FontInfo fontInfo) { // return the string return String.Format("{0}BlockLookup", getFontName(ref fontInfo.font)); }
private static string Convert(FontInfo font) { if (font == null) { return("null"); } string family = string.Empty; string size = string.Empty; string weight = string.Empty; string style = string.Empty; string textDecoration = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(font.Name)) { family = font.Name; } if ((font.Names != null) && (font.Names.Length > 0)) { family += ", " + string.Join(", ", font.Names); } if (font.Size.IsEmpty) { size = font.Size.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (font.Bold) { weight = "bold"; } if (font.Italic) { style = "italic"; } if (font.Underline) { textDecoration = "underline"; } if (font.Overline) { if (textDecoration.Length > 0) { textDecoration += " "; } textDecoration += "overline"; } if (font.Strikeout) { if (textDecoration.Length > 0) { textDecoration += " "; } textDecoration += "line-through"; } return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "new AjaxDataControls.FontInfo('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}')", family, size, weight, style, textDecoration)); }
/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// <summary> /// Updates the form based on a style being selected. /// </summary> /// <param name="styleInfo">The style info.</param> /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public void UpdateForStyle(StyleInfo styleInfo) { CheckDisposed(); #if __MonoCS__ // On Mono, the sequence of events when changing styles can cause this to be // called even when switching to a character style. See FWNX-870. if (!styleInfo.IsParagraphStyle) { return; } #endif m_dontUpdateInheritance = true; bool fDifferentStyle = m_StyleInfo == null ? true : (styleInfo.Name != m_StyleInfo.Name); // Don't use a 0 size bullet. Fixes FWNX-575. if (styleInfo != null && styleInfo.IBullet != null) { if (styleInfo.IBullet.Value.FontInfo.FontSize.Value == 0) { styleInfo.IBullet.Value.FontInfo.m_fontSize = new InheritableStyleProp <int>(FontInfo.kDefaultFontSize); } } m_StyleInfo = styleInfo; m_preview.IsRightToLeft = m_StyleInfo.DirectionIsRightToLeft == TriStateBool.triNotSet ? m_DefaultTextDirectionRtoL : m_StyleInfo.DirectionIsRightToLeft == TriStateBool.triTrue; m_preview.WritingSystemFactory = m_StyleInfo.Cache.WritingSystemFactory; m_preview.WritingSystemCode = m_StyleInfo.Cache.ServiceLocator.WritingSystems.DefaultVernacularWritingSystem.Handle; VwBulNum bulletType; // Note: don't assign m_currentStyleBulletInfo until the end of this method // since setting some of the values change m_currentStyleBulletInfo before we have set // everything. BulletInfo bulletInfo = new BulletInfo(styleInfo.IBullet.Value); bulletType = bulletInfo.m_numberScheme; // If we have a different style, we have to reload the font info. If it is the same // style we were here before so we keep the font info that we already have. if (fDifferentStyle) { if ((int)bulletType >= (int)VwBulNum.kvbnBulletBase) { // use font from style for bullets m_BulletsFontInfo = bulletInfo.FontInfo; // create a number font based on the font for bullets m_NumberFontInfo = new FontInfo(m_BulletsFontInfo); m_NumberFontInfo.m_fontName.ResetToInherited(styleInfo.FontInfoForWs(-1).UIFontName()); } else { // use font from style for numbers m_NumberFontInfo = bulletInfo.FontInfo; if (bulletType == VwBulNum.kvbnNone) { m_NumberFontInfo.m_fontName.ResetToInherited(styleInfo.FontInfoForWs(-1).UIFontName()); } // create a bullets font based on the font for numbers m_BulletsFontInfo = new FontInfo(m_NumberFontInfo); // The font for bullets is hard-coded in the views code, so there is no point // in letting the user select any other font for bullets. m_BulletsFontInfo.m_fontName.ResetToInherited("Quivira"); m_BulletsFontInfo.m_fontName.SetDefaultValue("Quivira"); } } m_nudStartAt.Value = bulletInfo.m_start; m_chkStartAt.Checked = (bulletInfo.m_start != 1); m_tbTextBefore.Text = bulletInfo.m_textBefore; m_tbTextAfter.Text = bulletInfo.m_textAfter; m_rbUnspecified.Enabled = styleInfo.Inherits; if (styleInfo.IBullet.IsInherited && styleInfo.Inherits) { m_rbUnspecified.Checked = true; } else if (bulletType == VwBulNum.kvbnNone) { m_rbNone.Checked = true; } else if ((int)bulletType >= (int)VwBulNum.kvbnBulletBase) { m_rbBullet.Checked = true; } else // NumberBase { m_rbNumber.Checked = true; } m_cboBulletScheme.SelectedIndex = GetBulletIndexForType(bulletType); m_cboNumberScheme.SelectedIndex = GetNumberSchemeIndexForType(bulletType); m_currentStyleBulletInfo = bulletInfo; UpdateBulletSchemeComboBox(); m_dontUpdateInheritance = false; }
public void MergeWith(FontInfo f) { }
public override object GetValue(object component) { try { if ( is Property <MousePointers> ) { return(((Property <MousePointers>); } else if (property is PropertyColor) { ThW.UI.Utils.Color c = (ThW.UI.Utils.Color)((PropertyColor); if (null == c) { return(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0)); } else { return(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb((int)(c.A * 255), (int)(c.R * 255), (int)(c.G * 255), (int)(c.B * 255))); } } else if ( is PropertyFont) { PropertyFont propertyFont = (PropertyFont); FontInfo font = this.control.FontInfo; FontStyle style = FontStyle.Regular; if (true == font.Bold) { style |= FontStyle.Bold; } if (true == font.Italic) { style |= FontStyle.Italic; } try { return(new Font(font.Name, (float)font.Size, style)); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(new Font(font.Name, (float)font.Size)); } } else if ( is PropertyAnchor) { AnchorStyle s = (AnchorStyle); AnchorStyles result = AnchorStyles.None; if ((s & AnchorStyle.AnchorTop) > 0) { result |= AnchorStyles.Top; } if ((s & AnchorStyle.AnchorLeft) > 0) { result |= AnchorStyles.Left; } if ((s & AnchorStyle.AnchorRight) > 0) { result |= AnchorStyles.Right; } if ((s & AnchorStyle.AnchorBottom) > 0) { result |= AnchorStyles.Bottom; } return(result); } else if (null != { return(; } else { return(""); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(""); } }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="fontInfo"></param> public void SetupFontInfo(FontInfo fontInfo) { this.fontInfo = fontInfo; this.fontSetup = new FontSetup( fontInfo, (options == null) ? FontType.Link : options.FontType); }
public static int Execute(List <string> args) { /* * FontDisplay * -fontinfofile tov.elf * -fontinfofiletype elf/fontinfo * -fontpngdir FontTex * -textfile text.txt * -mode gui/png * -font FONTTEX10 * -fontblock 0 * -outfile text.png */ string Filepath = "ffinfo.bin"; int FontInfoOffset = 0; String Textfile = null; ProgramMode Mode = ProgramMode.GUI; String Font = "FONTTEX10.TXV"; int Fontblock = 0; String Outfile = "out.png"; bool BoxByBox = false; bool DialogueBoxColor = false; String FontPngDir = @"FontTex"; try { for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; i++) { switch (args[i].ToLowerInvariant()) { case "-fontinfofile": Filepath = args[++i]; break; case "-fontinfofiletype": switch (args[++i].ToLowerInvariant()) { case "elf": FontInfoOffset = 0x00720860; break; case "fontinfo": FontInfoOffset = 0; break; } break; case "-textfile": Textfile = args[++i]; break; case "-fontpngdir": FontPngDir = args[++i]; break; case "-mode": switch (args[++i].ToLowerInvariant()) { case "gui": Mode = ProgramMode.GUI; break; case "png": Mode = ProgramMode.png; break; } break; case "-font": Font = args[++i]; break; case "-fontblock": Fontblock = Int32.Parse(args[++i]); break; case "-outfile": Outfile = args[++i]; break; case "-boxbybox": BoxByBox = true; break; case "-dialoguebubble": DialogueBoxColor = true; break; } } } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { PrintUsage(); return(-1); } try { byte[] File = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(Filepath); FontInfo[] f = new FontInfo[6]; f[0] = new FontInfo(File, FontInfoOffset); f[1] = new FontInfo(File, FontInfoOffset + 0x880); f[2] = new FontInfo(File, FontInfoOffset + 0x880 * 2); f[3] = new FontInfo(File, FontInfoOffset + 0x880 * 3); f[4] = new FontInfo(File, FontInfoOffset + 0x880 * 4); f[5] = new FontInfo(File, FontInfoOffset + 0x880 * 5); String[] TextLines = null; if (Textfile != null) { TextLines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(Textfile); } FontViewer form = new FontViewer(f, Font, FontPngDir, Fontblock, TextLines, BoxByBox, DialogueBoxColor); form.Filepath = Filepath; form.FontInfoOffset = FontInfoOffset; if (Mode == ProgramMode.GUI) { form.Show(); } else if (Mode == ProgramMode.png) { form.SaveAsPng(Outfile); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); PrintUsage(); return(-1); } return(0); }
/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// <summary> /// Appends the underline information to the description. /// </summary> /// <param name="fontInfo"></param> /// <param name="text">The text.</param> /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private static void AppendUnderline(FontInfo fontInfo, StringBuilder text) { string sUnder = ""; if (fontInfo.m_underlineColor.IsExplicit) { string sColor = ColorUtil.ColorToName(fontInfo.m_underlineColor.Value); if (fontInfo.m_underline.IsExplicit) { switch (fontInfo.m_underline.Value) { case FwUnderlineType.kuntNone: sUnder = String.Format(FwCoreDlgControls.ksNoColorUnderline, sColor); break; case FwUnderlineType.kuntSingle: sUnder = String.Format(FwCoreDlgControls.ksSingleColorUnderline, sColor); break; case FwUnderlineType.kuntDouble: sUnder = String.Format(FwCoreDlgControls.ksDoubleColorUnderline, sColor); break; case FwUnderlineType.kuntDotted: sUnder = String.Format(FwCoreDlgControls.ksDottedColorUnderline, sColor); break; case FwUnderlineType.kuntDashed: sUnder = String.Format(FwCoreDlgControls.ksDashedColorUnderline, sColor); break; case FwUnderlineType.kuntStrikethrough: sUnder = String.Format(FwCoreDlgControls.ksColorStrikethrough, sColor); break; } } else { sUnder = String.Format(FwCoreDlgControls.ksColorUnderline, sColor); } } else if (fontInfo.m_underline.IsExplicit) { switch (fontInfo.m_underline.Value) { case FwUnderlineType.kuntNone: sUnder = FwCoreDlgControls.ksNoUnderline; break; case FwUnderlineType.kuntSingle: sUnder = FwCoreDlgControls.ksSingleUnderline; break; case FwUnderlineType.kuntDouble: sUnder = FwCoreDlgControls.ksDoubleUnderline; break; case FwUnderlineType.kuntDotted: sUnder = FwCoreDlgControls.ksDottedUnderline; break; case FwUnderlineType.kuntDashed: sUnder = FwCoreDlgControls.ksDashedUnderline; break; case FwUnderlineType.kuntStrikethrough: sUnder = FwCoreDlgControls.ksStrikethrough; break; } } AppendToString(text, sUnder); }
internal static extern bool GetCurrentConsoleFontEx(IntPtr hConsoleOutput, bool MaximumWindow, ref FontInfo ConsoleCurrentFontEx);
private static Font GetNewFont(FontInfo fontInfo, Boolean ignoreMod = true) { var font = new Font(); var bold = (fontInfo.Font.BoldModified || ignoreMod) && fontInfo.Font.Bold ? new Bold() : null; var italic = (fontInfo.Font.ItalicModified || ignoreMod) && fontInfo.Font.Italic ? new Italic() : null; var underline = (fontInfo.Font.UnderlineModified || ignoreMod) && fontInfo.Font.Underline != XLFontUnderlineValues.None ? new Underline {Val = fontInfo.Font.Underline.ToOpenXml()} : null; var strike = (fontInfo.Font.StrikethroughModified || ignoreMod) && fontInfo.Font.Strikethrough ? new Strike() : null; var verticalAlignment = fontInfo.Font.VerticalAlignmentModified || ignoreMod ? new VerticalTextAlignment {Val = fontInfo.Font.VerticalAlignment.ToOpenXml()} : null; var shadow = (fontInfo.Font.ShadowModified || ignoreMod) && fontInfo.Font.Shadow ? new Shadow() : null; var fontSize = fontInfo.Font.FontSizeModified || ignoreMod ? new FontSize {Val = fontInfo.Font.FontSize} : null; var color = fontInfo.Font.FontColorModified || ignoreMod ? GetNewColor(fontInfo.Font.FontColor) : null; var fontName = fontInfo.Font.FontNameModified || ignoreMod ? new FontName {Val = fontInfo.Font.FontName} : null; var fontFamilyNumbering = fontInfo.Font.FontFamilyNumberingModified || ignoreMod ? new FontFamilyNumbering {Val = (Int32)fontInfo.Font.FontFamilyNumbering} : null; if (bold != null) font.AppendChild(bold); if (italic != null) font.AppendChild(italic); if (underline != null) font.AppendChild(underline); if (strike != null) font.AppendChild(strike); if (verticalAlignment != null) font.AppendChild(verticalAlignment); if (shadow != null) font.AppendChild(shadow); if (fontSize != null) font.AppendChild(fontSize); if (color != null) font.AppendChild(color); if (fontName != null) font.AppendChild(fontName); if (fontFamilyNumbering != null) font.AppendChild(fontFamilyNumbering); return font; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { GreetLabel.Text = "Greetings, visitor!"; LabelChangingButton.Text = "Change label!"; defaultFont = GreetLabel.Font; }
public void CopyFrom(FontInfo f) { }
private Font(String name, bool unused) { = null; this.pointSize = 0; = FontStyle.Normal; this.xname = name; this.infoList = null; }
private void Test(Type ctrlType) { string[] textArray2; try { this.GHTSubTestBegin(ctrlType, "Set legal value"); textArray2 = new string[] { "David", "Times New Roman", "Courier New" }; this.TestedControl.ControlStyle.Font.Names = textArray2; } catch (Exception exception8) { // ProjectData.SetProjectError(exception8); Exception exception1 = exception8; this.GHTSubTestUnexpectedExceptionCaught(exception1); // ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } this.GHTSubTestEnd(); try { this.GHTSubTestBegin(ctrlType, "Change Order"); FontInfo info1 = this.TestedControl.ControlStyle.Font; textArray2 = new string[] { "David", "Times New Roman", "Courier New" }; info1.Names = textArray2; string text1 = info1.Names[1]; info1.Names[1] = info1.Names[0]; info1.Names[0] = text1; info1 = null; } catch (Exception exception9) { // ProjectData.SetProjectError(exception9); Exception exception2 = exception9; this.GHTSubTestUnexpectedExceptionCaught(exception2); // ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } this.GHTSubTestEnd(); try { this.GHTSubTestBegin(ctrlType, "Setting Name changes Names."); textArray2 = new string[] { "David", "Times New Roman", "Courier New" }; this.TestedControl.ControlStyle.Font.Names = textArray2; this.TestedControl.ControlStyle.Font.Name = "Arial"; string text2 = string.Empty; string[] textArray1 = this.TestedControl.ControlStyle.Font.Names; for (int num1 = 0; num1 < textArray1.Length; num1++) { string text3 = textArray1[num1]; text2 = text2 + text3; } this.Compare(text2, this.TestedControl.ControlStyle.Font.Name); } catch (Exception exception10) { // ProjectData.SetProjectError(exception10); Exception exception3 = exception10; this.GHTSubTestUnexpectedExceptionCaught(exception3); // ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } this.GHTSubTestEnd(); try { this.GHTSubTestBegin(ctrlType, "Set Names in code + Names in CssClass."); this.TestedControl.ControlStyle.CssClass = "NamesCssClass"; textArray2 = new string[] { "Times New Roman", "Arial", "Courier New" }; this.TestedControl.ControlStyle.Font.Names = textArray2; } catch (ArgumentException exception11) { // ProjectData.SetProjectError(exception11); ArgumentException exception4 = exception11; this.GHTSubTestExpectedExceptionCaught(exception4); // ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } catch (Exception exception12) { // ProjectData.SetProjectError(exception12); Exception exception5 = exception12; this.GHTSubTestUnexpectedExceptionCaught(exception5); // ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } this.GHTSubTestEnd(); try { this.GHTSubTestBegin(ctrlType, "Set Names in code + Name in CssClass."); this.TestedControl.ControlStyle.CssClass = "NameCssClass"; textArray2 = new string[] { "Times New Roman", "Arial", "Courier New" }; this.TestedControl.ControlStyle.Font.Names = textArray2; } catch (ArgumentException exception13) { // ProjectData.SetProjectError(exception13); ArgumentException exception6 = exception13; this.GHTSubTestExpectedExceptionCaught(exception6); // ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } catch (Exception exception14) { // ProjectData.SetProjectError(exception14); Exception exception7 = exception14; this.GHTSubTestUnexpectedExceptionCaught(exception7); // ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } this.GHTSubTestEnd(); }
internal IntPtr GetFontSet(Display dpy, out FontExtents extents) { lock(typeof(Font)) { // Map this object to the one that actually stores // the font set information. Font font = (Font)(dpy.fonts[this]); if(font == null) { font = this; dpy.fonts[this] = this; } // Search for existing font set information. FontInfo info = font.infoList; while(info != null) { if(info.dpy == dpy) { extents = info.extents; return info.fontSet; } info =; } // Create a new font set. IntPtr fontSet; int ascent, descent, maxWidth; try { IntPtr display = dpy.Lock(); fontSet = CreateFontSet (display, out ascent, out descent, out maxWidth); if(fontSet == IntPtr.Zero) { extents = null; return IntPtr.Zero; } } finally { dpy.Unlock(); } // Associate the font set with the display. info = new FontInfo(); = font.infoList; info.extents = new FontExtents(ascent, descent, maxWidth); info.dpy = dpy; info.fontSet = fontSet; font.infoList = info; // Return the font set to the caller. extents = info.extents; return fontSet; } }
public void SetFontInfo( FontInfo fontInfo) { this.fontInfo = fontInfo; }
// Constructors. private Font(String family, int pointSize, FontStyle style) { if(family != null) = family; else = SansSerif; if(pointSize < 0 || pointSize > 10000) this.pointSize = 120; else this.pointSize = pointSize; = style; this.xname = null; this.infoList = null; }
// get the descriptors private string getFontInfoDescriptorsString(FontInfo fontInfo, bool blockLookupGenerated) { string descriptorString = ""; // if a lookup arrays are required, point to it if (m_outputConfig.generateLookupBlocks) { // add to string descriptorString += String.Format("\t{0}, {1} Character block lookup{2}" + nl, blockLookupGenerated ? getCharacterDescriptorArrayLookupDisplayString(fontInfo) : "NULL", m_commentStartString, m_commentEndString); // add to string descriptorString += String.Format("\t{0}, {1} Character descriptor array{2}" + nl, blockLookupGenerated ? "NULL" : getVariableNameFromExpression(String.Format(m_outputConfig.varNfCharInfo, getFontName(ref fontInfo.font))), m_commentStartString, m_commentEndString); } else { // add descriptor array descriptorString += String.Format("\t{0}, {1} Character descriptor array{2}" + nl, getVariableNameFromExpression(String.Format(m_outputConfig.varNfCharInfo, getFontName(ref fontInfo.font))), m_commentStartString, m_commentEndString); } // return the string return descriptorString; }
// Disassociate this font from a particular display. internal void Disassociate(Display dpy) { lock(typeof(Font)) { FontInfo info, prev; info = infoList; prev = null; while(info != null && info.dpy != dpy) { prev = info; info =; } if(info != null) { if(prev != null) { =; } else { infoList =; } FreeFontSet(dpy.dpy, info.fontSet); } } }
// get font info from string private void populateFontInfoFromCharacters(ref FontInfo fontInfo) { // do nothing if no chars defined if (fontInfo.characters.Length == 0) return; // total offset int charByteOffset = 0; int dummy = 0; // set start char fontInfo.startChar = (char)0xFFFF; fontInfo.endChar = ' '; // the fixed absolute character height // int fixedAbsoluteCharHeight; getAbsoluteCharacterDimensions(ref fontInfo.characters[0].bitmapToGenerate, ref dummy, ref fontInfo.charHeight); // iterate through letter string for (int charIdx = 0; charIdx < fontInfo.characters.Length; ++charIdx) { // skip empty bitmaps if (fontInfo.characters[charIdx].bitmapToGenerate == null) continue; // get char char currentChar = fontInfo.characters[charIdx].character; // is this character smaller than start char? if (currentChar < fontInfo.startChar) fontInfo.startChar = currentChar; // is this character bigger than end char? if (currentChar > fontInfo.endChar) fontInfo.endChar = currentChar; // populate number of rows getAbsoluteCharacterDimensions(ref fontInfo.characters[charIdx].bitmapToGenerate, ref fontInfo.characters[charIdx].width, ref fontInfo.characters[charIdx].height); // populate offset of character fontInfo.characters[charIdx].offsetInBytes = charByteOffset; // increment byte offset charByteOffset += fontInfo.characters[charIdx].pages.Count; } }
/// <summary> /// Initialize a new instance of <see cref="SystemFontSource" /> with the specified value. /// </summary> /// <param name="fontInfo">The new <see cref="WpfColorFontDialog.FontInfo" />.</param> public SystemFontSource(FontInfo fontInfo) { FontInfo = fontInfo; }
// get character descriptor array block name private string charDescArrayGetBlockName(FontInfo fontInfo, int currentBlockIndex, bool includeTypeDefinition, bool includeBlockIndex) { // get block id string blockIdString = String.Format("Block{0}", currentBlockIndex); // variable name string variableName = String.Format(m_outputConfig.varNfCharInfo, getFontName(ref fontInfo.font)); // remove type unless required if (!includeTypeDefinition) variableName = getVariableNameFromExpression(variableName); // return the block name return String.Format("{0}{1}", variableName, includeBlockIndex ? blockIdString : ""); }
private void Calculate(string text, FontInfo fontInfo, bool isWrapped) { var textLength = GetTextLength(fontInfo, text, isWrapped); var showTooltip = false; switch (_cutTextKind) { case CutTextKind.Height: showTooltip = (textLength.Height > _owner.DesiredSize.Height); break; case CutTextKind.Width: showTooltip = (textLength.Width > _owner.DesiredSize.Width); break; case CutTextKind.WithAndHeight: showTooltip = (textLength.Width > _owner.DesiredSize.Width || textLength.Height > _owner.DesiredSize.Height); break; } _owner.ToolTip = showTooltip ? text : null; }
// gnereate a list of blocks describing the characters private void generateCharacterDescriptorBlockList(FontInfo fontInfo, ref ArrayList characterBlockList) { char currentCharacter, previousCharacter = '\0'; // initialize first block CharacterDescriptorArrayBlock characterBlock = null; // get the difference between two characters required to create a new group int differenceBetweenCharsForNewGroup = m_outputConfig.generateLookupBlocks ? m_outputConfig.lookupBlocksNewAfterCharCount : int.MaxValue; // iterate over characters, saving previous character each time for (int charIndex = 0; charIndex < fontInfo.characters.Length; ++charIndex) { // get character currentCharacter = fontInfo.characters[charIndex].character; // check if this character is too far from the previous character and it isn't the first char if (currentCharacter - previousCharacter < differenceBetweenCharsForNewGroup && previousCharacter != '\0') { // it may not be far enough to generate a new group but it still may be non-sequential // in this case we need to generate place holders /* for (char sequentialCharIndex = (char)(previousCharacter + 1); sequentialCharIndex < currentCharacter; ++sequentialCharIndex) { // add the character placeholder to the current char block charDescArrayAddCharacter(characterBlock, fontInfo, sequentialCharIndex, 0, 0, 0); }*/ // fall through and add to current block } else { // done with current block, add to list (null is for first character which hasn't // created a group yet) if (characterBlock != null) characterBlockList.Add(characterBlock); // create new block characterBlock = new CharacterDescriptorArrayBlock(); characterBlock.characters = new ArrayList(); } // add to current block charDescArrayAddCharacter(characterBlock, fontInfo, currentCharacter, fontInfo.characters[charIndex].width, fontInfo.characters[charIndex].height, fontInfo.characters[charIndex].offsetInBytes); // save previous char previousCharacter = currentCharacter; } // done; add current block to list characterBlockList.Add(characterBlock); }
private Size GetTextLength(FontInfo fontInfo, string text, bool isWrapped) { var typeface = new Typeface(fontInfo.FontFamily, fontInfo.FontStyle, fontInfo.FontWeight, fontInfo.FontStretch); var formattedText = new FormattedText(text, Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture, fontInfo.FlowDirection, typeface, fontInfo.FontSize, fontInfo.Foreground); if (isWrapped) formattedText.MaxTextWidth = fontInfo.ActualWidth; var padding = GetPadding(); return new Size(formattedText.Width + padding.Left + padding.Right, formattedText.Height + padding.Bottom + padding.Top); }
// generate the strings private void generateStringsFromFontInfo(FontInfo fontInfo, ref string resultTextSource, ref string resultTextHeader) { // // Character bitmaps // // according to config if (m_outputConfig.commentVariableName) { // add source header resultTextSource += String.Format("{0}Character bitmaps for {1} {2}pt{3}" + nl, m_commentStartString, fontInfo.font.Name, Math.Round(fontInfo.font.Size), m_commentEndString); } // get bitmap name string charBitmapVarName = String.Format(m_outputConfig.varNfBitmaps, getFontName(ref fontInfo.font)); // Add the definition file for our structures resultTextHeader += "#include \"font.h\"" + nl + nl; // header var resultTextHeader += String.Format("extern {0};" + nl, charBitmapVarName); // source var resultTextSource += String.Format("{0} = " + nl+"{{" + nl, charBitmapVarName); // iterate through letters for (int charIdx = 0; charIdx < fontInfo.characters.Length; ++charIdx) { // skip empty bitmaps if (fontInfo.characters[charIdx].bitmapToGenerate == null) continue; // according to config if (m_outputConfig.commentCharDescriptor) { // output character header resultTextSource += String.Format("\t{0}@{1} '{2}' ({3} pixels wide){4}" + nl, m_commentStartString, fontInfo.characters[charIdx].offsetInBytes, fontInfo.characters[charIdx].character, fontInfo.characters[charIdx].width, m_commentEndString); } // now add letter array var charInfo = fontInfo.characters[charIdx]; var bitmap = fontInfo.characters[charIdx].bitmapToGenerate; resultTextSource += generateStringFromPageArray(bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, charInfo.pages); // space out if (charIdx != fontInfo.characters.Length - 1 && m_outputConfig.commentCharDescriptor) { // space between chars resultTextSource += nl; } } // space out resultTextSource += "};" + nl + nl; // // Charater descriptor // // whether or not block lookup was generated bool blockLookupGenerated = false; // generate the lookup array generateCharacterDescriptorArray(fontInfo, ref resultTextSource, ref resultTextHeader, ref blockLookupGenerated); // // Font descriptor // // according to config if (m_outputConfig.commentVariableName) { // result string resultTextSource += String.Format("{0}Font information for {1} {2}pt{3}" + nl, m_commentStartString, fontInfo.font.Name, Math.Round(fontInfo.font.Size), m_commentEndString); } // character name string fontInfoVarName = String.Format(m_outputConfig.varNfFontInfo, getFontName(ref fontInfo.font)); // add character array for header resultTextHeader += String.Format("extern {0};" + nl, fontInfoVarName); // the font character height string fontCharHeightString = "", spaceCharacterPixelWidthString = ""; // get character height sstring - displayed according to output configuration if (m_outputConfig.descFontHeight != OutputConfiguration.DescriptorFormat.DontDisplay) { // convert the value fontCharHeightString = String.Format("\t{0}, {1} Character height{2}" + nl, convertValueByDescriptorFormat(m_outputConfig.descFontHeight, fontInfo.charHeight), m_commentStartString, m_commentEndString); } // get space char width, if it is up to driver to generate if (!m_outputConfig.generateSpaceCharacterBitmap) { // convert the value spaceCharacterPixelWidthString = String.Format("\t{0}, {1} Width, in pixels, of space character{2}" + nl, m_outputConfig.spaceGenerationPixels, m_commentStartString, m_commentEndString); } // Generate the get function string getFunctionName = getFontName(ref fontInfo.font) + "GetFunction"; resultTextSource += "uint8_t " + getFunctionName + "(char c)" + nl + "{" + nl + "\tuint8_t b = (uint8_t)c;" + nl + nl; { int start_pos = 0; byte start_val = Convert.ToByte(fontInfo.characters[0].character); byte prev_val = start_val; bool first = true; for (int charIdx = 1; charIdx < fontInfo.characters.Length; ++charIdx) { byte b = Convert.ToByte(fontInfo.characters[charIdx].character); // If we don't have a continuous span, close the previous span and start a new one if (prev_val + 1 < b) { byte prev = Convert.ToByte(fontInfo.characters[charIdx - 1].character); if (first) { resultTextSource += "\t"; first = false; } else resultTextSource += "\telse "; resultTextSource += "if ("; // If the old span is greater than one character if (charIdx > start_pos + 1) { if (first) resultTextSource += "b >= " + start_val.ToString() + " && "; resultTextSource += "b <= " + prev.ToString() + ") return (c - " + start_val.ToString() + ") + " + start_pos.ToString() + ";" + nl; } // If it's just one character else resultTextSource += "b == " + start_val.ToString() + ") return " + start_pos.ToString() + ";" + nl; start_pos = charIdx; start_val = Convert.ToByte(fontInfo.characters[charIdx].character); } prev_val = b; } // Add the final condition int lastIdx = fontInfo.characters.Length - 1; byte last = Convert.ToByte(fontInfo.characters[lastIdx].character); if (!first) resultTextSource += "\telse "; else resultTextSource += "\t"; resultTextSource += "if ("; // If the old span is greater than one character if (lastIdx > start_pos + 1) resultTextSource += "b >= " + start_val.ToString() + " && " + "b <= " + last.ToString() + ") return (c - " + start_val.ToString() + ") + " + start_pos.ToString() + ";" + nl; // If it's just one character else resultTextSource += "b == " + start_val.ToString() + ") return " + start_pos.ToString() + ";" + nl; resultTextSource += "\telse return 0;" + nl; } resultTextSource += "}" + nl + nl; // font info resultTextSource += String.Format("{2} =" + nl+"{{" + nl + "{3}" + "\t{4}, {0} Start character{1}" + nl + "\t{5}, {0} End character{1}" + nl + "{6}" + "{7}" + "\t{8}, {0} Character bitmap array{1}" + nl + "\t{9}, {0} The function that translates regular characters to this font's characters{1}" + nl + "}};" + nl, m_commentStartString, m_commentEndString, fontInfoVarName, fontCharHeightString, getCharacterDisplayString(fontInfo.startChar), getCharacterDisplayString(fontInfo.endChar), spaceCharacterPixelWidthString, getFontInfoDescriptorsString(fontInfo, blockLookupGenerated), getVariableNameFromExpression(String.Format(m_outputConfig.varNfBitmaps, getFontName(ref fontInfo.font))), getFunctionName); // add the appropriate entity to the header if (blockLookupGenerated) { // add block lookup to header resultTextHeader += String.Format("extern const FONT_CHAR_INFO_LOOKUP {0};" + nl, getCharacterDescriptorArrayLookupDisplayString(fontInfo)); } else { // add block lookup to header resultTextHeader += String.Format("extern {0};" + nl, String.Format(m_outputConfig.varNfCharInfo, getFontName(ref fontInfo.font))); } resultTextHeader = Regex.Replace(resultTextHeader, "\\s?PROGMEM", ""); }
public override void Rebuild(CanvasUpdate update) { if (update == CanvasUpdate.LatePreRender) { MainThreadInvoker.Invoke(() => { ClearImages(); }); for (int i = 0; i < textInfo.characterCount; i++) { TMP_CharacterInfo c = textInfo.characterInfo[i]; if (!c.isVisible || string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) || c.index >= text.Length) { // Skip invisible/empty/out of range chars continue; } uint character = text[c.index]; if (c.index + 1 < text.Length && char.IsSurrogatePair(text[c.index], text[c.index + 1])) { // If it's a surrogate pair, convert the character character = (uint)char.ConvertToUtf32(text[c.index], text[c.index + 1]); } if (FontInfo == null || !FontInfo.TryGetImageInfo(character, out var imageInfo) || imageInfo is null) { // Skip characters that have no imageInfo registered continue; } MainThreadInvoker.Invoke(() => { var img = _imagePool.Alloc(); try { if (imageInfo.AnimControllerData != null) { img.animStateUpdater.controllerData = imageInfo.AnimControllerData; img.sprite = imageInfo.AnimControllerData.sprites[imageInfo.AnimControllerData.uvIndex]; } else { img.sprite = imageInfo.Sprite; } img.material = BeatSaberUtils.UINoGlowMaterial; img.rectTransform.localScale = new Vector3(fontScale * 1.08f, fontScale * 1.08f, fontScale * 1.08f); img.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(imageInfo.Width, imageInfo.Height); img.rectTransform.SetParent(rectTransform, false); img.rectTransform.localPosition = c.topLeft - new Vector3(0, imageInfo.Height * fontScale * 0.558f / 2); img.rectTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; img.gameObject.SetActive(true); _currentImages.Add(img); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.log.Error($"Exception while trying to overlay sprite. {ex.ToString()}"); _imagePool.Free(img); } }); } } base.Rebuild(update); if (update == CanvasUpdate.LatePreRender) { MainThreadInvoker.Invoke(OnLatePreRenderRebuildComplete); } }
}; // class FontInfo // Constructor. public FontDialogForm(FontDialog dialog) { // Record the parent for later access. this.dialog = dialog; // Create the initial font cache. fonts = new Hashtable(); FontInfo info = new FontInfo(dialog.Font, false); fonts.Add(info, info); // Set the title. Text = S._("SWF_FontDialog_Title", "Font"); // Construct the layout boxes for the font dialog. hbox = new HBoxLayout(); hbox.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; vbox1 = new VBoxLayout(); vbox2 = new VBoxLayout(); vbox3 = new VBoxLayout(); hbox2 = new HBoxLayout(); grid = new GridLayout(2, 3); grid.StretchColumn = 0; effects = new GroupBox(); effects.Text = S._("SWF_FontDialog_Effects", "Effects"); effects.Width = 80; hbox.Controls.Add(vbox1); hbox.Controls.Add(vbox2); hbox.StretchControl = vbox1; hbox2.Controls.Add(grid); hbox2.Controls.Add(effects); hbox2.StretchControl = grid; vbox1.Controls.Add(hbox2); vbox1.StretchControl = hbox2; effects.Controls.Add(vbox3); vbox3.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; // Create the main display area. Label label; label = new Label(); label.Text = S._("SWF_FontDialog_Name", "Font:"); name = new TextBox(); name.ReadOnly = true; nameList = new ListBox(); grid.SetControl(0, 0, label); grid.SetControl(0, 1, name); grid.SetControl(0, 2, nameList); label = new Label(); label.Text = S._("SWF_FontDialog_Size", "Size:"); size = new TextBox(); size.Width = 40; size.ReadOnly = true; sizeList = new ListBox(); sizeList.Width = 40; grid.SetControl(1, 0, label); grid.SetControl(1, 1, size); grid.SetControl(1, 2, sizeList); // Create the buttons. okButton = new Button(); okButton.Text = S._("SWF_MessageBox_OK", "OK"); cancelButton = new Button(); cancelButton.Text = S._("SWF_MessageBox_Cancel", "Cancel"); applyButton = new Button(); applyButton.Text = S._("SWF_MessageBox_Apply", "Apply"); helpButton = new Button(); helpButton.Text = S._("SWF_MessageBox_Help", "Help"); vbox2.Controls.Add(okButton); vbox2.Controls.Add(cancelButton); vbox2.Controls.Add(applyButton); vbox2.Controls.Add(helpButton); vbox2.Controls.Add(new EmptyControl()); AcceptButton = okButton; CancelButton = cancelButton; // Create the effects controls. bold = new CheckBox(); bold.Text = S._("SWF_FontDialog_Bold", "Bold"); italic = new CheckBox(); italic.Text = S._("SWF_FontDialog_Italic", "Italic"); underline = new CheckBox(); underline.Text = S._("SWF_FontDialog_Underline", "Underline"); strikeout = new CheckBox(); strikeout.Text = S._("SWF_FontDialog_Strikeout", "Strikeout"); Control spacing = new Control(); vbox3.Spacing = 0; vbox3.Controls.Add(bold); vbox3.Controls.Add(italic); vbox3.Controls.Add(underline); vbox3.Controls.Add(strikeout); vbox3.Controls.Add(spacing); // Create the sample box. sample = new Control(); sample.ForeColor = SystemColors.WindowText; sample.BackColor = SystemColors.Window; sample.BorderStyleInternal = BorderStyle.Fixed3D; sample.Height = 60; vbox1.Controls.Add(sample); // Add the top-level hbox to the dialog and set the size. Controls.Add(hbox); Size drawsize = hbox.RecommendedSize; if(drawsize.Width < 450) { drawsize.Width = 450; } if(drawsize.Height < 280) { drawsize.Height = 280; } ClientSize = drawsize; MinimumSize = drawsize; MinimizeBox = false; ShowInTaskbar = false; // Fill in the font names and sizes. nameList.BeginUpdate(); foreach(FontFamily family in FontFamily.Families) { nameList.Items.Add(family.Name); } nameList.EndUpdate(); sizeList.BeginUpdate(); foreach(int value in sizes) { sizeList.Items.Add(value); } sizeList.EndUpdate(); // Hook up interesting events. okButton.Click += new EventHandler(AcceptDialog); cancelButton.Click += new EventHandler(CancelDialog); applyButton.Click += new EventHandler(ApplyButtonClicked); helpButton.Click += new EventHandler(HelpButtonClicked); nameList.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(NameIndexChanged); sizeList.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(SizeIndexChanged); bold.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(FontStyleChanged); italic.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(FontStyleChanged); underline.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(FontStyleChanged); strikeout.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(FontStyleChanged); sample.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(PaintSample); // Match the requested settings from the dialog parent. UpdateDialog(); }
private Bitmap CreateGlyphForText(string text, ref int width, ref int height) { byte[] bitmapData = null; Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(512, 512, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); //Read ttf file into byte array byte[] ttfFileContent = File.ReadAllBytes(ttfSampleDir + '\\' + FontSelectorComboBox.SelectedItem as string); using (var ttf = new PinnedArray <byte>(ttfFileContent)) { //get pointer of the ttf file content var ttf_buffer = ttf.Pointer; //Initialize fontinfo FontInfo font = new FontInfo(); STBTrueType.InitFont(ref font, ttf_buffer, STBTrueType.GetFontOffsetForIndex(ttf_buffer, 0)); } //TODO build packed characters' bitmap for ASCII/Chinese/Japanse/Korean characters etc. PackContext pc = new PackContext(); width = 512; height = 512; bitmapData = new byte[width * height]; STBTrueType.PackBegin(ref pc, bitmapData, width, height, 0, 1, IntPtr.Zero); //Ref: //allocate packed char buffer PackedChar[] pdata = new PackedChar[text.Length]; using (var pin_pdata = new PinnedArray <PackedChar>(pdata)) { //get pointer of the pdata var ptr_pdata = pin_pdata.Pointer; PackRange[] vPackRange = new PackRange[text.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < text.Length; ++i) { //create a PackRange of one character PackRange pr = new PackRange(); pr.chardata_for_range = IntPtr.Add(ptr_pdata, i * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(PackedChar))); pr.first_unicode_char_in_range = text[i] & 0xFFFF; pr.num_chars_in_range = 1; pr.font_size = pixelHeight; //add it to the range list vPackRange[i] = pr; } STBTrueType.PackSetOversampling(ref pc, 2, 2); using (var ttf = new PinnedArray <byte>(ttfFileContent)) { //get pointer of the ttf file content var ttf_buffer = ttf.Pointer; STBTrueType.PackFontRanges(ref pc, ttf_buffer, 0, vPackRange, vPackRange.Length); } STBTrueType.PackEnd(ref pc); } var bitmapPackedCharacters = CreateBitmapFromRawData(bitmapData, width, height); //ref // //Draw characters to a bitmap by order Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp); g.Clear(Color.White); float x = 0, y = 0; for (var i = 0; i < text.Length; ++i) { var character = text[i]; AlignedQuad aq; //get character bitmaps in packed bitmap STBTrueType.GetPackedQuad(pdata, width, height, i, ref x, ref y, out aq, 0); #if DebugOutput Debug.WriteLine(i); Debug.WriteLine("x: {0}, y: {1}", x, y); Debug.WriteLine("src: left-top: ({0}, {1}), right-bottom: ({2}, {3})", aq.s0 * width, aq.t0 * height, aq.s1 * width, aq.t1 * height); Debug.WriteLine("dest: left-top: ({0}, {1}), right-bottom: ({2}, {3})", aq.x0, aq.y0, aq.x1, aq.y1); #endif var rectSrc = RectangleF.FromLTRB(aq.s0 * width, aq.t0 * height, aq.s1 * width, aq.t1 * height); var rectDest = RectangleF.FromLTRB(aq.x0, aq.y0, aq.x1, aq.y1); rectDest.Offset(x, y + pixelHeight);//ATTENTION! The offset of lineHeight(pixelHeight here) should be appended. #if DebugOutput Debug.WriteLine("rectSrc {0}", rectSrc); Debug.WriteLine("rectDest {0}", rectDest); #endif g.DrawImage(bitmapPackedCharacters, rectDest, rectSrc, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } g.Flush(); return(bmp); }
// Handle the "apply" button on this dialog. private void ApplyButtonClicked(Object sender, EventArgs e) { // Copy the font details into the dialog object. SetFont(); // Make sure that the font cannot be disposed just // in case the surrounding application keeps a copy. FontInfo info = new FontInfo(dialog.Font, false); info = (FontInfo)(fonts[info]); if(info != null) { info.disposable = false; } // Emit the "Apply" signal. dialog.EmitApply(e); }
// generate the strings private void generateStringsFromFontInfo(FontInfo fontInfo, ref string resultTextSource, ref string resultTextHeader) { // // Character bitmaps // // according to config if (m_outputConfig.commentVariableName) { // add source header resultTextSource += String.Format("{0}Character bitmaps for {1} {2}pt{3}" + nl, m_commentStartString, fontInfo.font.Name, Math.Round(fontInfo.font.Size), m_commentEndString); } // get bitmap name string charBitmapVarName = String.Format(m_outputConfig.varNfBitmaps, getFontName(ref fontInfo.font)) + "[]"; // header var resultTextHeader += String.Format("extern {0};" + nl, charBitmapVarName); // source var resultTextSource += String.Format("{0} = " + nl+"{{" + nl, charBitmapVarName); // iterate through letters for (int charIdx = 0; charIdx < fontInfo.characters.Length; ++charIdx) { // skip empty bitmaps if (fontInfo.characters[charIdx].bitmapToGenerate == null) continue; // according to config if (m_outputConfig.commentCharDescriptor) { // output character header resultTextSource += String.Format("\t{0}@{1} '{2}' ({3} pixels wide){4}" + nl, m_commentStartString, fontInfo.characters[charIdx].offsetInBytes, fontInfo.characters[charIdx].character, fontInfo.characters[charIdx].width, m_commentEndString); } // now add letter array var charInfo = fontInfo.characters[charIdx]; var bitmap = fontInfo.characters[charIdx].bitmapToGenerate; resultTextSource += generateStringFromPageArray(bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, charInfo.pages); // space out if (charIdx != fontInfo.characters.Length - 1 && m_outputConfig.commentCharDescriptor) { // space between chars resultTextSource += nl; } } // space out resultTextSource += "};" + nl + nl; // // Charater descriptor // // whether or not block lookup was generated bool blockLookupGenerated = false; // generate the lookup array generateCharacterDescriptorArray(fontInfo, ref resultTextSource, ref resultTextHeader, ref blockLookupGenerated); // // Font descriptor // // according to config if (m_outputConfig.commentVariableName) { // result string resultTextSource += String.Format("{0}Font information for {1} {2}pt{3}" + nl, m_commentStartString, fontInfo.font.Name, Math.Round(fontInfo.font.Size), m_commentEndString); } // character name string fontInfoVarName = String.Format(m_outputConfig.varNfFontInfo, getFontName(ref fontInfo.font)); // add character array for header resultTextHeader += String.Format("extern {0};" + nl, fontInfoVarName); // the font character height string fontCharHeightString = "", spaceCharacterPixelWidthString = "", fontCharMaxWidthString = ""; // get character height sstring - displayed according to output configuration if (m_outputConfig.descFontHeight != OutputConfiguration.DescriptorFormat.DontDisplay) { // convert the value fontCharHeightString = String.Format("\t{0}, {1} Character height{2}" + nl, convertValueByDescriptorFormat(m_outputConfig.descFontHeight, fontInfo.charHeight), m_commentStartString, m_commentEndString); } // get space char width, if it is up to driver to generate if (!m_outputConfig.generateSpaceCharacterBitmap) { // convert the value spaceCharacterPixelWidthString = String.Format("\t{0}, {1} Width, in pixels, of space character{2}" + nl, m_outputConfig.spaceGenerationPixels, m_commentStartString, m_commentEndString); } // get max char width fontCharMaxWidthString = String.Format("\t{0}, {1} Max width, in pixels, of widest character{2}" + nl, fontInfo.charMaxWidth, m_commentStartString, m_commentEndString); // font info resultTextSource += String.Format("{2} =" + nl+"{{" + nl + "{3}" + "\t{4}, {0} Start character{1}" + nl + "\t{5}, {0} End character{1}" + nl + "{6}" + "{7}" + "\t{8}, {0} Character bitmap array{1}" + nl + "{9}" + "\t{10}, {0} Character spacing{1}" + nl + "}};" + nl, m_commentStartString, m_commentEndString, fontInfoVarName, fontCharHeightString, getCharacterDisplayString(fontInfo.startChar), getCharacterDisplayString(fontInfo.endChar), spaceCharacterPixelWidthString, getFontInfoDescriptorsString(fontInfo, blockLookupGenerated), getVariableNameFromExpression(String.Format(m_outputConfig.varNfBitmaps, getFontName(ref fontInfo.font))), fontCharMaxWidthString, 2); // add the appropriate entity to the header if (blockLookupGenerated) { // add block lookup to header resultTextHeader += String.Format("extern const FONT_CHAR_INFO_LOOKUP {0}[];" + nl, getCharacterDescriptorArrayLookupDisplayString(fontInfo)); } else { // add block lookup to header resultTextHeader += String.Format("extern {0}[];" + nl, String.Format(m_outputConfig.varNfCharInfo, getFontName(ref fontInfo.font))); } }
public void EnsureInitialized(ContentManager contentManager) { if (_fontData == null) { _storage.ZeroFill(); uint fontOffset = 0; FontInfo CreateFont(string name) { if (contentManager.TryGetFontTitle(name, out ulong fontTitle) && contentManager.TryGetFontFilename(name, out string fontFilename)) { string contentPath = contentManager.GetInstalledContentPath(fontTitle, StorageId.BuiltInSystem, NcaContentType.Data); string fontPath = _device.FileSystem.SwitchPathToSystemPath(contentPath); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fontPath)) { byte[] data; using (IStorage ncaFileStream = new LocalStorage(fontPath, FileAccess.Read, FileMode.Open)) { Nca nca = new Nca(_device.System.KeySet, ncaFileStream); IFileSystem romfs = nca.OpenFileSystem(NcaSectionType.Data, _device.System.FsIntegrityCheckLevel); using var fontFile = new UniqueRef <IFile>(); romfs.OpenFile(ref fontFile.Ref(), ("/" + fontFilename).ToU8Span(), OpenMode.Read).ThrowIfFailure(); data = DecryptFont(fontFile.Get.AsStream()); } FontInfo info = new FontInfo((int)fontOffset, data.Length); WriteMagicAndSize(fontOffset, data.Length); fontOffset += 8; uint start = fontOffset; for (; fontOffset - start < data.Length; fontOffset++) { _storage.GetRef <byte>(fontOffset) = data[fontOffset - start]; } return(info); } else { if (!contentManager.TryGetSystemTitlesName(fontTitle, out string titleName)) { titleName = "Unknown"; } throw new InvalidSystemResourceException($"{titleName} ({fontTitle:x8}) system title not found! This font will not work, provide the system archive to fix this error. (See for more information)"); } } else { throw new ArgumentException($"Unknown font \"{name}\"!"); } } _fontData = new Dictionary <SharedFontType, FontInfo> { { SharedFontType.JapanUsEurope, CreateFont("FontStandard") }, { SharedFontType.SimplifiedChinese, CreateFont("FontChineseSimplified") }, { SharedFontType.SimplifiedChineseEx, CreateFont("FontExtendedChineseSimplified") }, { SharedFontType.TraditionalChinese, CreateFont("FontChineseTraditional") }, { SharedFontType.Korean, CreateFont("FontKorean") }, { SharedFontType.NintendoEx, CreateFont("FontNintendoExtended") } }; if (fontOffset > Horizon.FontSize) { throw new InvalidSystemResourceException("The sum of all fonts size exceed the shared memory size. " + $"Please make sure that the fonts don't exceed {Horizon.FontSize} bytes in total. (actual size: {fontOffset} bytes)."); } } }
public Task <ucFont> Create(FontInfo f) { return(Task.Run(() => new ucFont(f))); }