Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void ApplicationStartup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e)
            // This is required (just before the main window starts), in order to be able to display any dialog before the main window,
            // without closing the Application on this dialog close.
            Application.Current.ShutdownMode = ShutdownMode.OnExplicitShutdown;

            // If there is any splash screen or login screen we could display it here.

            // Here we should instantiate SettingsModel singleton (and therefore read settings from file).
            RSSettingsModel ProgramSettings = RSSettingsModel.Instance;

            // Here we can instantiate the rest of the models which needs to stay on during App lifetime.
            // Instantiate FolderListingModels for Processed and Raw files folders
            FolderListingModel MyProcessedFolderListing = new FolderListingModel(ProgramSettings.ProcessedFolderSetting, ProgramSettings.ProcessedExtensionSetting);
            FolderListingModel MyRawFolderListing       = new FolderListingModel(ProgramSettings.RawFolderSetting, ProgramSettings.RawExtensionSetting);

            // Here we sdould instantiate the ShellViewModel, which will stay on during App lifetime.
            ShellViewModel ShellVM = new ShellViewModel(MyProcessedFolderListing, MyRawFolderListing);

            // Create the ShellViewModel's View - i.e. MainWindow
            MainWindow wnd = new MainWindow();

            // Here we may optionally configure the Main Window or do some other stuff...
            wnd.DataContext = ShellVM;
            Application.Current.MainWindow   = wnd;
            Application.Current.ShutdownMode = ShutdownMode.OnMainWindowClose;

            //Show the Main Window and proceed...
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public DeltaViewModel(FolderListingModel rawListingModel)
            // Instantiate the main collection in this view model
            MyDeltaFiles = new ObservableCollection <FileDescriptorModel>();

            // Build the Delta Files collection (candidate files for deletion), based on BelongsToDelta information:
            QualifiedRawNo = 0;
            foreach (FileDescriptorModel fd1 in rawListingModel.FileList)
                if (fd1.IsQualified)
                if (fd1.BelongsToDelta)

            // Build Views of the above collections, so that we can manipulate it better
            MyDeltaFilesView = new ListCollectionView(MyDeltaFiles);

            SessionDeletedFiles = new List <FileDescriptorModel>();

            // Initiate commands
            RemoveDeltaListItemCommand = new RelayCommand(RemoveDeleteListItem, RemoveDeleteListItemCanUse);
            DeleteDeltaFilesCommand    = new RelayCommand(DeleteDeltaFiles, DeleteDeltaFilesCanUse);
            CancelDeletionCommand      = new RelayCommand(CancelDeletion, CancelDeletionCanUse);
            CloseDeltaCommand          = new RelayCommand(CloseDelta, CloseDeltaCanUse);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public ShellViewModel(FolderListingModel pfl, FolderListingModel rfl)
            MyProcessedFolderListing = pfl;
            MyRawFolderListing       = rfl;
            ProcessedFolder          = MyProcessedFolderListing.FolderPath;
            RawFolder = MyRawFolderListing.FolderPath;

            // Build observable collections of file descriptors in view model
            MyProcessedFolderFiles = new ObservableCollection <FileDescriptorModel>();
            foreach (FileDescriptorModel fd in MyProcessedFolderListing.FileList)

            MyRawFolderFiles = new ObservableCollection <FileDescriptorModel>();
            foreach (FileDescriptorModel fd in MyRawFolderListing.FileList)

            // Build Views of the above collections, which can then be filtered
            ListCollectionView MyProcessedFolderFilesView = new ListCollectionView(MyProcessedFolderFiles);

            MyProcessedFolderFilesView.Filter = new Predicate <object>(ProcessedQualifyFilter);
            MyProcessedGridView = MyProcessedFolderFilesView;

            ListCollectionView MyRawFolderFilesView = new ListCollectionView(MyRawFolderFiles);

            MyRawFolderFilesView.Filter = new Predicate <object>(RawQualifyFilter);
            MyRawGridView = MyRawFolderFilesView;

            // Initiate button commands
            SelectProcessedFolderCommand    = new RelayCommand(SelectProcessedFolder);
            SelectRawFolderCommand          = new RelayCommand(SelectRawFolder);
            RefreshProcessedFileListCommand = new RelayCommand(RefreshProcessedFileList);
            RefreshRawFileListCommand       = new RelayCommand(RefreshRawFileList);
            RemoveProcessedItemCommand      = new RelayCommand(RemoveProcessedItem, RemoveProcessedItemCanUse);
            RemoveRawItemCommand            = new RelayCommand(RemoveRawItem, RemoveRawItemCanUse);
            GetDeltaCommand     = new RelayCommand(GetDelta, GetDeltaCanUse);
            OpenSettingsCommand = new RelayCommand(OpenSettings);
            ProgramExitCommand  = new RelayCommand(ProgramExit);
            ProgramHelpCommand  = new RelayCommand(ProgramHelp);