Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AssumptionExecuter" /> class.
 /// Note that astElement can be n-ary expression with n > 1.
 /// However, it cannot be logical expression (and, or, xor). Logical expressions are eliminated
 /// in the stage of control-flow graph generation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="conditionForm">The condition form. See <see cref="ConditionForm"/> for more details.</param>
 /// <param name="astElement">The AST element corresponding to the condition.</param>
 /// <param name="log">The log of evaluation the astElement and its sub-expressions.</param>
 /// <param name="flowOutputSet">The Output set of a program point.</param>
 public AssumptionExecuter(ConditionForm conditionForm, LangElement astElement, EvaluationLog log, FlowOutputSet flowOutputSet)
     this.flowOutputSet = flowOutputSet;
     this.astElement    = astElement;
     this.conditionForm = conditionForm;
     this.log           = log;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal static void AssertVariable <T>(this FlowOutputSet outset, string variableName, string message, params T[] expectedValues)
            where T : IComparable, IComparable <T>, IEquatable <T>
            var variable = outset.ReadVariable(new VariableIdentifier(variableName));
            var entry    = variable.ReadMemory(outset.Snapshot);

            foreach (var value in entry.PossibleValues)
                if (value is UndefinedValue)
                    Assert.Fail("Undefined value is not allowed for variable ${0} in {1}", variableName, entry);

            var actualValues = new List <T>();

            foreach (Value value in entry.PossibleValues)
                ScalarValue <T> scalar = value as ScalarValue <T>;
                if (scalar != null)

            if (message == null)
                message = string.Format(" in variable ${0} containing {1}", variableName, entry);

            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(expectedValues, actualValues.ToArray(), message);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to get constant value from FlowOutputSet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outset">FlowOutputSet which contains values</param>
        /// <param name="name">Constant name</param>
        /// <param name="entry">Memory entry of possible values</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if constant is never defined, otherwise <c>true</c></returns>
        public static bool TryGetConstant(FlowOutputSet outset, QualifiedName name,
                                          out MemoryEntry entry)
            var context = outset.Snapshot;
            var values  = new HashSet <Value>();

            var constantArrays = outset.ReadControlVariable(constantVariable);

            Debug.Assert(constantArrays.IsDefined(context), "Internal array of constants is always defined");

            var caseInsensitiveConstant = constantArrays.ReadIndex(context, new MemberIdentifier("." + name.Name.LowercaseValue));

            if (caseInsensitiveConstant.IsDefined(context))
                entry = caseInsensitiveConstant.ReadMemory(context);

            //else there can be case sensitive constant

            var caseSensitiveConstant = constantArrays.ReadIndex(context, new MemberIdentifier("#" + name.Name.Value));

            if (caseSensitiveConstant.IsDefined(context))
                entry = caseSensitiveConstant.ReadMemory(context);

            // Undefined constant is interpreted as a string
            var stringValue = outset.CreateString(name.Name.Value);

            entry = new MemoryEntry(stringValue);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        internal static ReadWriteSnapshotEntryBase GetNumberedArgument(FlowOutputSet outSet, int number)
            var argId  = new VariableIdentifier(argument(number));
            var argVar = outSet.GetVariable(argId);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override IEnumerable <ThrowInfo> Throw(FlowController flow, FlowOutputSet outSet, ThrowStmt throwStmt, MemoryEntry throwedValue)
            //TODO this is only simple implementation
            var exceptionObj = (ObjectValue)throwedValue.PossibleValues.First();

            var catchBlocks = outSet.ReadControlVariable(CatchBlocks_Storage).ReadMemory(outSet.Snapshot);

            var throwBranches = new List <ThrowInfo>();

            //find catch blocks with valid scope and matching catch condition
            foreach (InfoValue <CatchBlockDescription> blockInfo in catchBlocks.PossibleValues)
                var throwedType = outSet.ObjectType(exceptionObj).QualifiedName;

                //check catch condition
                if (blockInfo.Data.CatchedType.QualifiedName != throwedType)

                var branch = new ThrowInfo(blockInfo.Data, throwedValue);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override void CallDispatchMerge(ProgramPointBase beforeCall, FlowOutputSet afterCall, IEnumerable <ExtensionPoint> dispatchedExtensions)
            var ends = (from callOutput in dispatchedExtensions where callOutput.Graph.End.OutSet != null select callOutput.Graph.End.OutSet as ISnapshotReadonly).ToArray();

            //TODO determine correct extension type
            var callType = dispatchedExtensions.First().Type;

            switch (callType)
            case ExtensionType.ParallelEval:
            case ExtensionType.ParallelInclude:
                //merging from includes behaves like usual
                //program points extend

            case ExtensionType.ParallelCall:
                //merging from calls needs special behaviour
                //from memory model (there are no propagation of locales e.g)
                afterCall.MergeWithCallLevel(beforeCall, ends);

                throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        internal static void AssertHasTaintStatus(FlowOutputSet outSet, string variableName, string assertMessage, TaintStatus taintStatus, Analysis.FlagType flag)
            var varID               = new VariableIdentifier(variableName);
            var variable            = outSet.GetVariable(varID);
            var values              = variable.ReadMemory(outSet.Snapshot).PossibleValues.ToArray();
            var computedTaintStatus = new TaintStatus(false, true);

            if (values.Count() == 0)
            foreach (var value in values)
                if (!(value is InfoValue <TaintInfo>))
                TaintInfo   valueTaintInfo   = (value as InfoValue <TaintInfo>).Data;
                TaintStatus valueTaintStatus = new TaintStatus(valueTaintInfo, flag);
                computedTaintStatus.tainted.copyTaint(true, valueTaintStatus.tainted);
                computedTaintStatus.priority.copyTaint(false, valueTaintStatus.priority);
            String taintStatusString         = taintStatus.ToString(flag);
            String computedTaintStatusString = computedTaintStatus.ToString(flag);

            Assert.IsTrue(taintStatus.EqualTo(computedTaintStatus, flag), "Taint status of the taint type {0} of variable ${1} should be {2}, taint analysis computed {3}", flag, variableName, taintStatusString, computedTaintStatusString);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets constant value from FlowOutputSet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outset">FlowOutputSet which contains values</param>
        /// <param name="name">Constant name</param>
        /// <returns>Memory entry of possible values</returns>
        public static MemoryEntry GetConstant(FlowOutputSet outset, QualifiedName name)
            MemoryEntry entry;

            TryGetConstant(outset, name, out entry);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void IncludeTest1()
            // Run analysis
            FileInfo          entryFile = new FileInfo(TrunkStructure.PHP_SOURCES_DIR + @"\test_programs\include_tests\include_test_01\index.php");
            ProgramPointGraph ppGraph   = Analyzer.Run(entryFile, MemoryModels.MemoryModels.VirtualReferenceMM);
            FlowOutputSet     outSet    = ppGraph.End.OutSet;

            // For each variable test whether it has given value
            testVariable(outSet, "include_main_dir", "In ./include_main_dir.php");
            testVariable(outSet, "include_main_dir2", "In ./include_main_dir2.php");
            testVariable(outSet, "include_included_dir", "In include_dir/include_included_dir.php");
            testVariable(outSet, "test_main", "In ./test.php");
            testVariable(outSet, "test_included", "");
            testVariable(outSet, "test2_included", "In included_dir/test2.php");
            testVariable(outSet, "test3_included", "In included_dir/test3.php");
            testVariable(outSet, "test4_included", "");
            testVariable(outSet, "test5_included", "In included_dir/test5.php");
            testVariable(outSet, "test6_included", "");
            testVariable(outSet, "test7_included", "");
            testVariable(outSet, "in_func1", "In function func1");
            testVariable(outSet, "in_func2", "");
            testVariable(outSet, "in_func3", "In function func3");
            testVariable(outSet, "in_meth1", "In method meth1 of class Cl");
            testVariable(outSet, "in_meth2", "");
            testVariable(outSet, "index1", "In ./index.php");
            testVariable(outSet, "index2", "In ./index.php");
            testVariable(outSet, "index3", "In ./index.php");
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private void setNamedArguments(FlowOutputSet callInput, MemoryEntry[] arguments, Signature signature)
            var callPoint     = (Flow.CurrentProgramPoint as ExtensionPoint).Caller as RCallPoint;
            var callSignature = callPoint.CallSignature;
            var enumerator    = callPoint.Arguments.GetEnumerator();

            for (int i = 0; i < signature.FormalParams.Count; ++i)

                var param     = signature.FormalParams[i];
                var callParam = callSignature.Value.Parameters[i];

                var argumentVar = callInput.GetVariable(new VariableIdentifier(param.Name));

                if (callParam.PublicAmpersand || param.PassedByRef)
                    argumentVar.SetAliases(callInput.Snapshot, enumerator.Current.Value);
                    argumentVar.WriteMemory(callInput.Snapshot, arguments[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void initTaintedVariable(FlowOutputSet outSet, String name)

            var TaintedVar = outSet.GetVariable(new VariableIdentifier(name), true);

            var taint = new TaintInfo();

            taint.taint    = new Taint(true);
            taint.priority = new TaintPriority(true);
            taint.tainted  = true;

            var Taint = outSet.CreateInfo(taint);

            //TaintedVar.WriteMemory(outSet.Snapshot, new MemoryEntry(Taint));

            var entry = TaintedVar.ReadIndex(EntryInput.Snapshot, MemberIdentifier.getAnyMemberIdentifier());

            entry.WriteMemory(EntryInput.Snapshot, new MemoryEntry(Taint));

             * TaintedVar = outSet.GetVariable(new VariableIdentifier(name), true);
             * Taint = outSet.CreateInfo(taint);
             * TaintedVar.WriteMemory(outSet.Snapshot, new MemoryEntry(Taint));*/
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Represents method which is used for confirming assumption condition. Assumption can be declined - it means that we can prove, that condition CANNOT be ever satisfied.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outSet">Output set where condition will be assumed</param>
        /// <param name="condition">Assumed condition</param>
        /// <param name="log">The evaluation log of the code constructs.</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///   <c>false</c> if condition cannot be ever satisfied, true otherwise.
        /// </returns>
        public override bool ConfirmAssumption(FlowOutputSet outSet, AssumptionCondition condition, EvaluationLog log)
            // Deprecated code that supported assumptions that are not decomposed using logical operators (&&, ||, xor)
            // But it had very limited abstract state refinemend

             * AssumptionConditionExecuterDepr conditionParts = new AssumptionConditionExecuterDepr(condition.Form, outSet, log, condition.Parts);
             * return conditionParts.MakeAssumption(null);

            // Non-primitive conditions in assumptions are now resolved on the level of control-flow graph
            PHP.Core.Debug.Assert(condition.Parts.Count() == 1);
            PHP.Core.Debug.Assert(condition.Form == ConditionForm.All || condition.Form == ConditionForm.None);

            var assumptionExecuter = new AssumptionExecuter(condition.Form, condition.Parts.First().SourceElement, log, outSet);

            AssumptionExecuter.PossibleValues enterAssumption = assumptionExecuter.IsSatisfied();

            if (enterAssumption == AssumptionExecuter.PossibleValues.OnlyFalse)
            if (enterAssumption == AssumptionExecuter.PossibleValues.Unknown)

Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void setNamedArguments(FlowOutputSet callInput, CallSignature?callSignature, Signature signature, IEnumerable <ValuePoint> arguments)
            int i = 0;

            foreach (var arg in arguments)
                if (i >= signature.FormalParams.Count)
                var param       = signature.FormalParams[i];
                var argumentVar = callInput.GetVariable(new VariableIdentifier(param.Name));

                // var argumentValue = arg.Value.ReadMemory(Output);

                List <ValueInfo> values     = new List <ValueInfo>();
                var          varID          = getVariableIdentifier(arg.Value);
                List <Value> argumentValues = new List <Value>(arg.Value.ReadMemory(Output).PossibleValues);
                values.Add(new ValueInfo(argumentValues, varID));
                bool nullValue = hasPossibleNullValue(arg);

                TaintInfo argTaint = mergeTaint(values, nullValue);
                setTaint(argumentVar, argTaint);

                /*var argTaint = getTaint(arg.Value);
                 *              setTaint(argumentVar, argTaint);
                 *              //argumentVar.WriteMemory(callInput.Snapshot, argumentValue);*/

            // TODO: if (arguments.Count() < signature.FormalParams.Count) and exists i > arguments.Count() signature.FormalParams[i].InitValue != null
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private void setOrderedArguments(FlowOutputSet callInput, MemoryEntry[] arguments)
            var argCount      = new MemoryEntry(callInput.CreateInt(arguments.Length));
            var argCountEntry = callInput.GetVariable(new VariableIdentifier(".argument_count"));

            argCountEntry.WriteMemory(callInput.Snapshot, argCount);

            var index     = 0;
            var callPoint = (Flow.CurrentProgramPoint as ExtensionPoint).Caller as RCallPoint;

            foreach (var arg in callPoint.Arguments)
                var argVar        = argument(index);
                var argumentEntry = callInput.GetVariable(new VariableIdentifier(argVar));

                //determine that argument value is based on variable, so we can get it's alias
                var aliasProvider = arg as LValuePoint;
                if (aliasProvider == null)
                    //assign value for parameter
                    argumentEntry.WriteMemory(callInput.Snapshot, arguments[index]);
                    //join parameter with alias (for testing we join all possible arguments)
                    //be carefull here - Flow.OutSet belongs to call context already - so we has to read variable from InSet
                    argumentEntry.SetAliases(callInput.Snapshot, aliasProvider.LValue);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Represents method which is used for confirming assumption condition. Assumption can be declined - it means that we can prove, that condition CANNOT be ever satisfied.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>False if you can prove that condition cannot be ever satisfied, true otherwise.</returns>
        public override bool ConfirmAssumption(FlowOutputSet outSet, AssumptionCondition condition, EvaluationLog log)
            _outSet = outSet;
            _log    = log;

            bool willAssume;

            switch (condition.Form)
            case ConditionForm.All:
                willAssume = needsAll(outSet.Snapshot, condition.Parts);

            case ConditionForm.None:
            //willAssume = needsNone(outSet.Snapshot, condition.Parts);
            case ConditionForm.SomeNot:
                willAssume = needsSomeNot(outSet.Snapshot, condition.Parts);

                //we has to assume, because we can't disprove assumption
                willAssume = true;

            if (willAssume)

Ejemplo n.º 16
        internal static void AssertVariableWithUndefined <T>(this FlowOutputSet outset, string variableName, string message, params T[] expectedValues)
            where T : IComparable, IComparable <T>, IEquatable <T>
            var variable = outset.ReadVariable(new VariableIdentifier(variableName));
            var entry    = variable.ReadMemory(outset.Snapshot);

            var actualValues = new List <T>();

            foreach (var value in entry.PossibleValues)
                //filter undefined values
                if (value is UndefinedValue)

                if (!(value is ScalarValue <T>))
                    Assert.Fail("Cannot convert {0} to {1} for variable ${2} in {3}. {4}", value, typeof(T), variableName, entry, message);

                actualValues.Add((value as ScalarValue <T>).Value);

            if (message == null)
                message = string.Format(" in variable ${0} containing {1}", variableName, entry);

            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(expectedValues, actualValues, message);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Return the singleton instance of NativeConstantAnalyzer. If it doesn't exist, it will be created here.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="outset">FlowOutputSet used for creating constant values.</param>
 /// <returns>Instance</returns>
 public static NativeConstantAnalyzer Create(FlowOutputSet outset)
     if (instance == null)
         instance = new NativeConstantAnalyzer(outset);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 private static void SetInputArray(FlowOutputSet entryInput)
     for (var i = 0; i < inputVariables.Length; ++i)
         var identifier    = new VariableIdentifier(inputVariables[i]);
         var snapshotEntry = entryInput.GetVariable(identifier, true);
         snapshotEntry.WriteMemoryWithoutCopy(entryInput.Snapshot, new MemoryEntry(inputValues[i]));
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Return singleton instance of NativeObjectAnalyzer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outSet">FlowOutputSet</param>
        /// <returns>singleton instance of NativeObjectAnalyzer</returns>
        public static NativeObjectAnalyzer GetInstance(FlowOutputSet outSet)
            if (instance == null)
                instance = new NativeObjectAnalyzer(outSet);

Ejemplo n.º 20
        internal static void AssertIsXSSDirty(FlowOutputSet outSet, string variableName, string assertMessage)
            var variable = outSet.GetVariable(new VariableIdentifier(variableName));
            var values   = variable.ReadMemory(outSet.Snapshot).PossibleValues.ToArray();

            if (!FlagsHandler.IsDirty(values, FlagType.SQLDirty))
                Assert.Fail("No possible value for variable ${0} is dirty", variableName);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void TryScopeStart(FlowOutputSet outSet, IEnumerable <CatchBlockDescription> catchBlockStarts)
            var          catchBlocks = outSet.GetControlVariable(new VariableName(".catchBlocks"));
            List <Value> result      = new List <Value>();

            foreach (var stack in catchBlocks.ReadMemory(outSet.Snapshot).PossibleValues)
                result.Add(outSet.CreateInfo(new TryBlockStack((stack as InfoValue <TryBlockStack>).Data, catchBlockStarts)));
            catchBlocks.WriteMemory(outSet.Snapshot, new MemoryEntry(result));
Ejemplo n.º 22
        internal static void AssertHasTaintStatus(FlowOutputSet outSet, string variableName, string assertMessage, bool taintStatus)
            var variable            = outSet.GetVariable(new VariableIdentifier(variableName));
            var values              = variable.ReadMemory(outSet.Snapshot).PossibleValues.ToArray();
            var computedTaintStatus = false;

            foreach (var value in values)
                computedTaintStatus = computedTaintStatus || (value as InfoValue <bool>).Data;
            Assert.IsTrue(taintStatus == computedTaintStatus, "Taint status of the variable ${0} should be {1}, taint analysis computed {2}", variableName, taintStatus, computedTaintStatus);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the value of return storage located in given output set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outSet">the output set in which the return storage is located</param>
        /// <returns>The memoryEntry of returned value</returns>
        protected static MemoryEntry GetReturn(FlowOutputSet outSet)
            if (outSet == null)

            var outSnapshot = outSet.Snapshot;
            var returnVar   = outSnapshot.GetLocalControlVariable(SnapshotBase.ReturnValue);

Ejemplo n.º 24
        private void TaintInitializer()
            FlowOutputSet outSet = this.EntryInput;

            initTaintedVariable(outSet, "_POST");
            initTaintedVariable(outSet, "_GET");
            initTaintedVariable(outSet, "_SERVER");
            initTaintedVariable(outSet, "_COOKIE");
            initTaintedVariable(outSet, "_SESSION");
            initTaintedVariable(outSet, "_FILES");
            initTaintedVariable(outSet, "_REQUEST");
            initTaintedVariable(outSet, "GLOBALS");
Ejemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializer which sets environment for tests before analyzing
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outSet"></param>
        private static void initialize(FlowOutputSet outSet)
            var POSTVar = outSet.GetVariable(new VariableIdentifier("_POST"), true);
            var POST    = outSet.CreateInfo(true);

            POSTVar.WriteMemory(outSet.Snapshot, new MemoryEntry(POST));

            POSTVar = outSet.GetVariable(new VariableIdentifier("_POST"), true);
            POST    = outSet.CreateInfo(true);

            POSTVar.WriteMemory(outSet.Snapshot, new MemoryEntry(POST));
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public override void Catch(CatchPoint catchPoint, FlowOutputSet outSet)
            //TODO this is simple catch demonstration - there should be catch stack unrolling

            var catchVariable    = catchPoint.CatchDescription.CatchVariable;
            var hasCatchVariable = catchVariable != null;

            if (hasCatchVariable)
                var catchVar = outSet.GetVariable(catchPoint.CatchDescription.CatchVariable);
                catchVar.WriteMemory(outSet.Snapshot, catchPoint.ThrowedValue);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        internal static void AssertIsXSSClean(FlowOutputSet outSet, string variableName, string assertMessage)
            var variable = outSet.GetVariable(new VariableIdentifier(variableName));
            var values   = variable.ReadMemory(outSet.Snapshot).PossibleValues.ToArray();

            foreach (var value in values)
                var info = value.GetInfo <SimpleInfo>();
                if (info != null && !info.XssSanitized)
                    Assert.IsTrue(info.XssSanitized, "Variable ${0} with value {1} is not sanitized", variableName, value);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public static bool ContainsSecurityWarning(FlowOutputSet outset, FlagType cause)
            var warnings = AnalysisWarningHandler.ReadWarnings <AnalysisSecurityWarning>(outset);

            foreach (var value in warnings)
                var infoValue = (InfoValue <AnalysisSecurityWarning>)value;
                if (infoValue.Data.Flag == cause)

Ejemplo n.º 29
        public override void TryScopeStart(FlowOutputSet outSet, IEnumerable <CatchBlockDescription> catchBlockStarts)
            var blockStarts = new List <InfoValue>();

            //NOTE this is only simple implementation without resolving try block stack
            foreach (var blockStart in catchBlockStarts)
                var blockValue = outSet.CreateInfo(blockStart);

            var catchBlocks = outSet.GetControlVariable(CatchBlocks_Storage);

            catchBlocks.WriteMemory(outSet.Snapshot, new MemoryEntry(blockStarts));
Ejemplo n.º 30
        private static void TestVariableResults(FlowOutputSet outSet, Value[] results,
                                                Func <int, string> nameGenerator)
            for (var i = 0; i < results.Length; ++i)
                var identifier    = new VariableIdentifier(nameGenerator(i));
                var snapshotEntry = outSet.GetVariable(identifier, true);

                var entry      = snapshotEntry.ReadMemory(outSet.Snapshot);
                var enumerator = entry.PossibleValues.GetEnumerator();
                var value = enumerator.Current as Value;

                Assert.AreEqual(results[i], value);