Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void CanAddFromXy()
            var series = new FlotSeries(null);

            series.Add(2, 3);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, series.Data.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public JsonReturn GetBreakerData()
            Dictionary <string, string> query = Request.QueryParameters();

            int   eventId = int.Parse(query["eventId"]);
            Event evt     = m_dataContext.Table <Event>().QueryRecordWhere("ID = {0}", eventId);
            Meter meter   = m_dataContext.Table <Meter>().QueryRecordWhere("ID = {0}", evt.MeterID);

            meter.ConnectionFactory = () => new AdoDataConnection(m_dataContext.Connection.Connection, typeof(SqlDataAdapter), false);

            DateTime  epoch     = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);
            DateTime  startTime = (query.ContainsKey("startDate") ? DateTime.Parse(query["startDate"]) : evt.StartTime);
            DateTime  endTime   = (query.ContainsKey("endDate") ? DateTime.Parse(query["endDate"]) : evt.EndTime);
            int       pixels    = int.Parse(query["pixels"]);
            DataTable table;

            int calcCycle = m_dataContext.Connection.ExecuteScalar <int?>("SELECT CalculationCycle FROM FaultSummary WHERE EventID = {0} AND IsSelectedAlgorithm = 1", evt.ID) ?? -1;
            Dictionary <string, FlotSeries> dict = new Dictionary <string, FlotSeries>();

            table = m_dataContext.Connection.RetrieveData("select ID from Event WHERE StartTime <= {0} AND EndTime >= {1} and MeterID = {2} AND LineID = {3}", ToDateTime2(m_dataContext.Connection, endTime), ToDateTime2(m_dataContext.Connection, startTime), evt.MeterID, evt.LineID);
            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                Dictionary <string, FlotSeries> temp = QueryBreakerData(int.Parse(row["ID"].ToString()), meter);
                foreach (string key in temp.Keys)
                    if (dict.ContainsKey(key))
                        dict[key].DataPoints = dict[key].DataPoints.Concat(temp[key].DataPoints).ToList();
                        dict.Add(key, temp[key]);

            if (dict.Count == 0)
            double calcTime = (calcCycle >= 0 ? dict.First().Value.DataPoints[calcCycle][0] : 0);

            List <FlotSeries> returnList = new List <FlotSeries>();

            foreach (string key in dict.Keys)
                FlotSeries series = new FlotSeries();
                series            = dict[key];
                series.DataPoints = Downsample(dict[key].DataPoints.Where(x => !double.IsNaN(x[1])).OrderBy(x => x[0]).ToList(), pixels, new Range <DateTime>(startTime, endTime));
            JsonReturn returnDict = new JsonReturn();

            returnDict.StartDate       = evt.StartTime;
            returnDict.EndDate         = evt.EndTime;
            returnDict.Data            = returnList;
            returnDict.CalculationTime = calcTime;

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void CheckSeriesDotChart()
            var chart  = new FlotChart("test");
            var series = new FlotSeries(chart);

            Assert.AreEqual(chart, series.Chart);
Ejemplo n.º 4
            public FlotSeries Clone()
                FlotSeries clone = (FlotSeries)MemberwiseClone();

                clone.DataPoints = new List <double[]>();
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void CanGetJsonWhenNotFieldsOrPoints()
            var    series = new FlotSeries(null);
            string json   = series.ToJson();

            Assert.AreEqual("null", json);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void CanAddSinglePoint()
            var series = new FlotSeries(null);

            series.Add(new FlotPoint(2, 3));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, series.Data.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void CanAddEnumerableFuncPoints()
            var indexes = new [] {1,2,3,4,5};

            var series = new FlotSeries(null);
            series.Add(indexes, x=> new FlotPoint(x,x));
            Assert.AreEqual(5, series.Data.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void CanAddEnumerableFuncPoints()
            var indexes = new [] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

            var series = new FlotSeries(null);

            series.Add(indexes, x => new FlotPoint(x, x));
            Assert.AreEqual(5, series.Data.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void CanAddEnumerablePoints()
            var points = new[] {
                new FlotPoint(1,1),
                new FlotPoint(2,2),
                new FlotPoint(3,3)

            var series = new FlotSeries(null);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, series.Data.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private Dictionary <string, FlotSeries> GetFrequencyDataLookup(VICycleDataGroup vICycleDataGroup, string type)
            IEnumerable <string>            names      = vICycleDataGroup.CycleDataGroups.Where(ds => ds.RMS.SeriesInfo.Channel.MeasurementType.Name == type).Select(ds => ds.RMS.SeriesInfo.Channel.Phase.Name);
            Dictionary <string, FlotSeries> dataLookup = new Dictionary <string, FlotSeries>();

            foreach (CycleDataGroup cdg in vICycleDataGroup.CycleDataGroups.Where(ds => ds.RMS.SeriesInfo.Channel.MeasurementType.Name == type))
                FlotSeries flotSeriesRMS = new FlotSeries
                    ChannelID                 = cdg.RMS.SeriesInfo.Channel.ID,
                    ChannelName               = cdg.RMS.SeriesInfo.Channel.Name,
                    ChannelDescription        = cdg.RMS.SeriesInfo.Channel.Description,
                    MeasurementCharacteristic = cdg.RMS.SeriesInfo.Channel.MeasurementCharacteristic.Name,
                    MeasurementType           = cdg.RMS.SeriesInfo.Channel.MeasurementType.Name,
                    Phase      = cdg.RMS.SeriesInfo.Channel.Phase.Name,
                    SeriesType = cdg.RMS.SeriesInfo.Channel.MeasurementType.Name,
                    DataPoints = cdg.RMS.DataPoints.Select(dataPoint => new double[] { dataPoint.Time.Subtract(m_epoch).TotalMilliseconds, dataPoint.Value }).ToList(),
                    ChartLabel = GetChartLabel(cdg.RMS.SeriesInfo.Channel, "RMS")
                dataLookup.Add(flotSeriesRMS.ChartLabel, flotSeriesRMS);

                FlotSeries flotSeriesWaveAmp = new FlotSeries
                    ChannelID                 = cdg.Peak.SeriesInfo.Channel.ID,
                    ChannelName               = cdg.Peak.SeriesInfo.Channel.Name,
                    ChannelDescription        = cdg.Peak.SeriesInfo.Channel.Description,
                    MeasurementCharacteristic = cdg.Peak.SeriesInfo.Channel.MeasurementCharacteristic.Name,
                    MeasurementType           = cdg.Peak.SeriesInfo.Channel.MeasurementType.Name,
                    Phase      = cdg.Peak.SeriesInfo.Channel.Phase.Name,
                    SeriesType = cdg.Peak.SeriesInfo.Channel.MeasurementType.Name,
                    DataPoints = cdg.Peak.DataPoints.Select(dataPoint => new double[] { dataPoint.Time.Subtract(m_epoch).TotalMilliseconds, dataPoint.Value }).ToList(),
                    ChartLabel = GetChartLabel(cdg.Peak.SeriesInfo.Channel, "Amplitude")
                dataLookup.Add(flotSeriesWaveAmp.ChartLabel, flotSeriesWaveAmp);

                FlotSeries flotSeriesPolarAngle = new FlotSeries
                    ChannelID                 = cdg.Phase.SeriesInfo.Channel.ID,
                    ChannelName               = cdg.Phase.SeriesInfo.Channel.Name,
                    ChannelDescription        = cdg.Phase.SeriesInfo.Channel.Description,
                    MeasurementCharacteristic = cdg.Phase.SeriesInfo.Channel.MeasurementCharacteristic.Name,
                    MeasurementType           = cdg.Phase.SeriesInfo.Channel.MeasurementType.Name,
                    Phase      = cdg.Phase.SeriesInfo.Channel.Phase.Name,
                    SeriesType = cdg.Phase.SeriesInfo.Channel.MeasurementType.Name,
                    DataPoints = cdg.Phase.DataPoints.Select(dataPoint => new double[] { dataPoint.Time.Subtract(m_epoch).TotalMilliseconds, dataPoint.Value }).ToList(),
                    ChartLabel = GetChartLabel(cdg.Phase.SeriesInfo.Channel, "Phase")
                dataLookup.Add(flotSeriesPolarAngle.ChartLabel, flotSeriesPolarAngle);

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void CanAddEnumerablePoints()
            var points = new[] {
                new FlotPoint(1, 1),
                new FlotPoint(2, 2),
                new FlotPoint(3, 3)

            var series = new FlotSeries(null);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, series.Data.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private KeyValuePair <string, FlotSeries> QueryFaultDistanceData(int faultCurveID, Meter meter)
            FaultCurve faultCurve = m_dataContext.Table <FaultCurve>().QueryRecordWhere("ID = {0}", faultCurveID);
            DataGroup  dataGroup  = ToDataGroup(meter, faultCurve.Data);
            FlotSeries flotSeries = new FlotSeries()
                ChannelID                 = 0,
                ChannelName               = faultCurve.Algorithm,
                ChannelDescription        = faultCurve.Algorithm,
                MeasurementCharacteristic = "FaultCurve",
                MeasurementType           = "FaultCurve",
                Phase      = "None",
                SeriesType = "None",
                DataPoints = dataGroup.DataSeries[0].DataPoints.Select(dataPoint => new double[] { dataPoint.Time.Subtract(m_epoch).TotalMilliseconds, dataPoint.Value }).ToList(),
                ChartLabel = faultCurve.Algorithm

            return(new KeyValuePair <string, FlotSeries> (faultCurve.Algorithm, flotSeries));
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public void CanAddFromXy()
     var series = new FlotSeries(null);
     series.Add(2, 3);
     Assert.AreEqual(1, series.Data.Count);
        public JsonReturn GetData()
            Dictionary <string, FlotSeries> temp;

            using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("dbOpenXDA"))
                Dictionary <string, string> query = Request.QueryParameters();
                int breakerID;
                int channelID;
                try { channelID = int.Parse(query["channelid"]); }
                catch { channelID = -1; }

                try { breakerID = int.Parse(query["breakerid"]); }
                catch { breakerID = -1; }

                Breaker breaker = new TableOperations <Breaker>(connection).QueryRecordWhere("ID = {0}", breakerID);

                temp = GetStatisticsLookup(breaker.ID, channelID);

            Dictionary <string, FlotSeries> dict = new Dictionary <string, FlotSeries>();

            foreach (string key in temp.Keys)
                if (temp[key].DataPoints.Count() > 0)
                    if (dict.ContainsKey(key))
                        dict[key].DataPoints = dict[key].DataPoints.Concat(temp[key].DataPoints).ToList();
                        dict.Add(key, temp[key]);
            if (dict.Count == 0)

            JsonReturn        returnDict = new JsonReturn();
            List <FlotSeries> returnList = new List <FlotSeries>();

            foreach (string key in dict.Keys)
                FlotSeries series = new FlotSeries();
                series = dict[key];

                series.DataPoints = dict[key].DataPoints.OrderBy(x => x[0]).ToList();


            //returnDict.StartDate = evt.StartTime;
            //returnDict.EndDate = evt.EndTime;
            returnDict.Data            = null;
            returnDict.CalculationTime = 0;
            returnDict.CalculationEnd  = 0;

Ejemplo n.º 15
    public List<FlotSeries> GetFlotData(int eventID, List<int> seriesIndexes)
        List<FlotSeries> flotSeriesList = new List<FlotSeries>();

        using (DbAdapterContainer dbAdapterContainer = new DbAdapterContainer(ConnectionString))
        using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(dbAdapterContainer.Connection, typeof(SqlDataAdapter), false))
            EventTableAdapter eventAdapter = dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter<EventTableAdapter>();
            EventDataTableAdapter eventDataAdapter = dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter<EventDataTableAdapter>();
            FaultCurveTableAdapter faultCurveAdapter = dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter<FaultCurveTableAdapter>();
            MeterInfoDataContext meterInfo = dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter<MeterInfoDataContext>();
            FaultLocationInfoDataContext faultLocationInfo = dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter<FaultLocationInfoDataContext>();

            MeterData.EventRow eventRow = eventAdapter.GetDataByID(eventID).FirstOrDefault();
            Meter meter = meterInfo.Meters.First(m => m.ID == eventRow.MeterID);

            List<Series> waveformInfo = GetWaveformInfo(meterInfo.Series, eventRow.MeterID, eventRow.LineID);
            List<string> faultCurveInfo = GetFaultCurveInfo(connection, eventID);
            DateTime epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);

            Lazy<Dictionary<int, DataSeries>> waveformData = new Lazy<Dictionary<int, DataSeries>>(() =>
                return ToDataGroup(meter, eventDataAdapter.GetTimeDomainData(eventRow.EventDataID)).DataSeries
                    .ToDictionary(dataSeries => dataSeries.SeriesInfo.ID);

            Lazy<DataGroup> cycleData = new Lazy<DataGroup>(() => ToDataGroup(meter, eventDataAdapter.GetFrequencyDomainData(eventRow.EventDataID)));

            Lazy<Dictionary<string, DataSeries>> faultCurveData = new Lazy<Dictionary<string, DataSeries>>(() =>
                return faultCurveAdapter
                    .Select(faultCurve => new
                        Algorithm = faultCurve.Algorithm,
                        DataGroup = ToDataGroup(meter, faultCurve.Data)
                    .Where(obj => obj.DataGroup.DataSeries.Count > 0)
                    .ToDictionary(obj => obj.Algorithm, obj => obj.DataGroup[0]);

            foreach (int index in seriesIndexes)
                DataSeries dataSeries = null;
                FlotSeries flotSeries = null;

                int waveformIndex = index;
                int cycleIndex = waveformIndex - waveformInfo.Count;
                int faultCurveIndex = cycleIndex - CycleDataInfo.Count;

                if (waveformIndex < waveformInfo.Count)
                    if (!waveformData.Value.TryGetValue(waveformInfo[index].ID, out dataSeries))

                    flotSeries = ToFlotSeries(waveformInfo[index]);
                else if (cycleIndex < CycleDataInfo.Count)
                    if (cycleIndex >= cycleData.Value.DataSeries.Count)

                    dataSeries = cycleData.Value[cycleIndex];

                    flotSeries = new FlotSeries()
                        MeasurementType = CycleDataInfo[cycleIndex].MeasurementType,
                        MeasurementCharacteristic = CycleDataInfo[cycleIndex].MeasurementCharacteristic,
                        Phase = CycleDataInfo[cycleIndex].Phase,
                        SeriesType = CycleDataInfo[cycleIndex].SeriesType
                else if (faultCurveIndex < faultCurveInfo.Count)
                    string algorithm = faultCurveInfo[faultCurveIndex];

                    if (!faultCurveData.Value.TryGetValue(algorithm, out dataSeries))

                    flotSeries = ToFlotSeries(faultCurveInfo[faultCurveIndex]);

                foreach (DataPoint dataPoint in dataSeries.DataPoints)
                    if (!double.IsNaN(dataPoint.Value))
                        flotSeries.DataPoints.Add(new double[] { dataPoint.Time.Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds, dataPoint.Value });


        return flotSeriesList;
Ejemplo n.º 16
    public List <FlotSeries> GetFlotData(int eventID, List <int> seriesIndexes)
        List <FlotSeries> flotSeriesList = new List <FlotSeries>();

        using (DbAdapterContainer dbAdapterContainer = new DbAdapterContainer(ConnectionString))
            using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(dbAdapterContainer.Connection, typeof(SqlDataAdapter), false))
                EventTableAdapter            eventAdapter      = dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter <EventTableAdapter>();
                EventDataTableAdapter        eventDataAdapter  = dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter <EventDataTableAdapter>();
                FaultCurveTableAdapter       faultCurveAdapter = dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter <FaultCurveTableAdapter>();
                MeterInfoDataContext         meterInfo         = dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter <MeterInfoDataContext>();
                FaultLocationInfoDataContext faultLocationInfo = dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter <FaultLocationInfoDataContext>();

                MeterData.EventRow eventRow = eventAdapter.GetDataByID(eventID).FirstOrDefault();
                Meter meter = meterInfo.Meters.First(m => m.ID == eventRow.MeterID);

                List <Series> waveformInfo   = GetWaveformInfo(meterInfo.Series, eventRow.MeterID, eventRow.LineID);
                List <string> faultCurveInfo = GetFaultCurveInfo(connection, eventID);
                DateTime      epoch          = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);

                Lazy <Dictionary <int, DataSeries> > waveformData = new Lazy <Dictionary <int, DataSeries> >(() =>
                    return(ToDataGroup(meter, eventDataAdapter.GetTimeDomainData(eventRow.EventDataID)).DataSeries
                           .ToDictionary(dataSeries => dataSeries.SeriesInfo.ID));

                Lazy <DataGroup> cycleData = new Lazy <DataGroup>(() => ToDataGroup(meter, eventDataAdapter.GetFrequencyDomainData(eventRow.EventDataID)));

                Lazy <Dictionary <string, DataSeries> > faultCurveData = new Lazy <Dictionary <string, DataSeries> >(() =>
                           .Select(faultCurve => new
                        Algorithm = faultCurve.Algorithm,
                        DataGroup = ToDataGroup(meter, faultCurve.Data)
                           .Where(obj => obj.DataGroup.DataSeries.Count > 0)
                           .ToDictionary(obj => obj.Algorithm, obj => obj.DataGroup[0]));

                foreach (int index in seriesIndexes)
                    DataSeries dataSeries = null;
                    FlotSeries flotSeries = null;

                    int waveformIndex   = index;
                    int cycleIndex      = waveformIndex - waveformInfo.Count;
                    int faultCurveIndex = cycleIndex - CycleDataInfo.Count;

                    if (waveformIndex < waveformInfo.Count)
                        if (!waveformData.Value.TryGetValue(waveformInfo[index].ID, out dataSeries))

                        flotSeries = ToFlotSeries(waveformInfo[index]);
                    else if (cycleIndex < CycleDataInfo.Count)
                        if (cycleIndex >= cycleData.Value.DataSeries.Count)

                        dataSeries = cycleData.Value[cycleIndex];

                        flotSeries = new FlotSeries()
                            MeasurementType           = CycleDataInfo[cycleIndex].MeasurementType,
                            MeasurementCharacteristic = CycleDataInfo[cycleIndex].MeasurementCharacteristic,
                            Phase      = CycleDataInfo[cycleIndex].Phase,
                            SeriesType = CycleDataInfo[cycleIndex].SeriesType
                    else if (faultCurveIndex < faultCurveInfo.Count)
                        string algorithm = faultCurveInfo[faultCurveIndex];

                        if (!faultCurveData.Value.TryGetValue(algorithm, out dataSeries))

                        flotSeries = ToFlotSeries(faultCurveInfo[faultCurveIndex]);

                    foreach (DataPoint dataPoint in dataSeries.DataPoints)
                        if (!double.IsNaN(dataPoint.Value))
                            flotSeries.DataPoints.Add(new double[] { dataPoint.Time.Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds, dataPoint.Value });


Ejemplo n.º 17
 public void CanCreateSeries()
     var series = new FlotSeries(null);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public void CanAddSinglePoint()
     var series = new FlotSeries(null);
     series.Add(new FlotPoint(2, 3));
     Assert.AreEqual(1, series.Data.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public void CanGetJsonWhenNotFieldsOrPoints()
     var series = new FlotSeries(null);
     string json = series.ToJson();
     Assert.AreEqual("null", json);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public void CanCreateSeries()
     var series = new FlotSeries(null);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Get canned/dummy flot chart
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mode">Mode for which to get the chart</param>
        /// <returns>Flot chart</returns>
        public FlotChart GetFlotChart(int mode)
            FlotOptions options = new FlotOptions
                xaxis = new JQFlot.SubOptions.AxisOptions {
                    axisLabel = "X axis label", axisLabelColor = "#222222"
                yaxis = new JQFlot.SubOptions.AxisOptions {
                    axisLabel = "Y axis label", axisLabelColor = "#222222"
                grid = new JQFlot.SubOptions.GridOptions {
                    borderWidth = 1

            List <FlotSeries> series = new List <FlotSeries>();
            FlotSeries        serie  = null;

            switch (mode)
            case 6:
                serie = new FlotSeries
                    label = "Sample Line Graph",
                    data  = GraphSampleData,
                    lines = new LineGraph {
                        show = true
                options = new FlotOptions
                    grid = new JQFlot.SubOptions.GridOptions
                        borderWidth = 1
                    xaxis = new JQFlot.SubOptions.AxisOptions
                        tickDecimals  = 2,
                        tickFormatter = new JsFunc
                            ParameterNames = new string[] { "val", "axis" },
                            Body           = "return val.toFixed(axis.tickDecimals);"
                        axisLabel      = "X Axis - Ticks to two decimals",
                        axisLabelColor = "#222222"
                    yaxis = new JQFlot.SubOptions.AxisOptions
                        axisLabel      = "Y Axis Label",
                        axisLabelColor = "#222222"

            case 5:
                goto default;

            case 4:
                series = Enumerable.Range(1, 5).Select(f => new FlotSeries
                    label = "Serie" + f.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                    data  = m_rand.NextDouble() * 100

                options = new FlotOptions
                    series = new JQFlot.SubOptions.SeriesOptions
                        pie = new PieGraph {
                            show = true

            case 3:
                serie = new FlotSeries
                    label = "Sample Bar Graph",
                    data  = GraphSampleData,
                    bars  = new BarGraph {
                        show = true

            case 2:
                serie = new FlotSeries
                    label       = "Sample Curved Line Graph",
                    data        = GraphSampleData,
                    curvedLines = new CurvedLineGraph {
                        show = true

                options = new FlotOptions
                    xaxis = new JQFlot.SubOptions.AxisOptions {
                        axisLabel = "X axis label", axisLabelColor = "#222222"
                    yaxis = new AxisOptions {
                        axisLabel = "Y axis label", axisLabelColor = "#222222"
                    grid = new GridOptions {
                        borderWidth = 1
                    series = new SeriesOptions {
                        curvedLines = new CurvedLineOptions {
                            active = true

            case 1:
                serie = new FlotSeries
                    label  = "Sample Dashed Line Graph",
                    data   = GraphSampleData,
                    dashes = new DashedLineGraph {
                        show = true

            case 0:
                serie = new FlotSeries
                    label = "Sample Line Graph",
                    data  = GraphSampleData,
                    lines = new LineGraph {
                        show = true

            FlotChart chart = new FlotChart
                chartOptions = options,
                chartSeries  = series.ToArray()

Ejemplo n.º 22
 public void CheckSeriesDotChart()
     var chart = new FlotChart("test");
     var series = new FlotSeries(chart);
     Assert.AreEqual(chart, series.Chart);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public ActionResult GetData()
            int   eventId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["eventId"]);
            Event evt     = m_dataContext.Table <Event>().QueryRecordWhere("ID = {0}", eventId);
            Meter meter   = m_dataContext.Table <Meter>().QueryRecordWhere("ID = {0}", evt.MeterID);

            meter.ConnectionFactory = () => new AdoDataConnection(m_dataContext.Connection.Connection, typeof(SqlDataAdapter), false);
            int    calcCycle       = m_dataContext.Connection.ExecuteScalar <int?>("SELECT CalculationCycle FROM FaultSummary WHERE EventID = {0} AND IsSelectedAlgorithm = 1", evt.ID) ?? -1;
            double systemFrequency = m_dataContext.Connection.ExecuteScalar <double?>("SELECT Value FROM Setting WHERE Name = 'SystemFrequency'") ?? 60.0;

            string type     = Request.QueryString["type"];
            string dataType = Request.QueryString["dataType"];

            DateTime  startTime = (Request.QueryString["startDate"] != null ? DateTime.Parse(Request.QueryString["startDate"]) : evt.StartTime);
            DateTime  endTime   = (Request.QueryString["endDate"] != null ? DateTime.Parse(Request.QueryString["endDate"]) : evt.EndTime);
            int       pixels    = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["pixels"]);
            DataTable table;

            Dictionary <string, FlotSeries> dict = new Dictionary <string, FlotSeries>();

            table = m_dataContext.Connection.RetrieveData("select ID from Event WHERE StartTime <= {0} AND EndTime >= {1} and MeterID = {2} AND LineID = {3}", ToDateTime2(m_dataContext.Connection, endTime), ToDateTime2(m_dataContext.Connection, startTime), evt.MeterID, evt.LineID);
            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                Dictionary <string, FlotSeries> temp;
                if (dataType == "Time")
                    temp = QueryEventData(int.Parse(row["ID"].ToString()), meter, type);
                    temp = QueryFrequencyData(int.Parse(row["ID"].ToString()), meter, type);

                foreach (string key in temp.Keys)
                    if (temp[key].MeasurementType == type)
                        if (dict.ContainsKey(key))
                            dict[key].DataPoints = dict[key].DataPoints.Concat(temp[key].DataPoints).ToList();
                            dict.Add(key, temp[key]);
            double calcTime = (calcCycle >= 0 ? dict.First().Value.DataPoints[calcCycle][0] : 0);

            List <FlotSeries> returnList = new List <FlotSeries>();

            foreach (string key in dict.Keys)
                FlotSeries series = new FlotSeries();
                series            = dict[key];
                series.DataPoints = Downsample(dict[key].DataPoints.OrderBy(x => x[0]).ToList(), pixels, new Range <DateTime>(startTime, endTime));
            JsonReturn returnDict = new JsonReturn();

            returnDict.StartDate       = evt.StartTime;
            returnDict.EndDate         = evt.EndTime;
            returnDict.Data            = returnList;
            returnDict.CalculationTime = calcTime;
            returnDict.CalculationEnd  = calcTime + 1000 / systemFrequency;

            return(Json(returnDict, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));