private void GenerateTextTypes()
        FloatingTextDatas = new Dictionary <FloatingTextType, FloatingTextData>();

        // Normal
        FloatingTextData normalType = new FloatingTextData()
            Animation = "ScaleSmall",
            FontSize  = 15,
            TextColor =

        FloatingTextDatas.Add(FloatingTextType.Normal, normalType);

        // Death points
        FloatingTextData deathType = new FloatingTextData()
            Animation = "FinalPoints",
            FontSize  = 20,
            TextColor = Color.yellow

        FloatingTextDatas.Add(FloatingTextType.DeathPoints, deathType);
    public void CreateFloatingText(Vector3 location, FloatingTextType type, string text)
        // Get the data from the dictionary
        FloatingTextData data = FloatingTextDatas[type];

        // Create parent object (so that all animations are relative to this location)
        GameObject parent = new GameObject();               = text;
        parent.transform.parent   = ParentFloatingTexts;
        parent.transform.position = location;

        // Instantiate a new floating text object
        GameObject floatingText = Instantiate(FloatingTextPrefab);

        floatingText.transform.parent        = parent.transform;
        floatingText.transform.localPosition =;

        // Rotate to face the camera
        Vector3 camLocation = MainCamera.transform.position;

        parent.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(parent.transform.position - camLocation);

        // Update text component
        TextMesh textMesh = floatingText.GetComponent <TextMesh>();

        textMesh.color    = data.TextColor;
        textMesh.text     = text;
        textMesh.fontSize = data.FontSize;

        // Start playing animation
        Animator anim = floatingText.GetComponent <Animator>();


        // Destroy once animation is complete
        Destroy(parent, anim.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(0)[0].clip.length);

        // Play sound