public void ShouldTruncateOverflow()
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();

            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("Default"), new Window(5));
            schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("Leading"), new Window(5) { TruncationPolicy = OverflowTruncationPolicy.TruncateLeading });
            schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("Trailing"), new Window(5) { TruncationPolicy = OverflowTruncationPolicy.TruncateTrailing });
            FixedLengthOptions options = new FixedLengthOptions();
            options.TruncationPolicy = OverflowTruncationPolicy.TruncateLeading; // this is the default anyway
            using (FixedLengthWriter writer = new FixedLengthWriter(stream, schema, options))
                writer.Write(new object[] { "Pineapple", "Pineapple", "Pineapple" });

            stream.Position = 0;

            string output = Encoding.Default.GetString(stream.ToArray());
            string expected = "appleapplePinea" + Environment.NewLine;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, output, "The values were not truncated properly.");
        public void TestAddColumn_DuplicateColumnName_Throws()
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("Name"), new Window(1));
            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentException>(() => schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("name"), new Window(1)));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void ShouldTruncateOverflow()
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("Default"), new Window(5));
            schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("Leading"), new Window(5)
                TruncationPolicy = OverflowTruncationPolicy.TruncateLeading
            schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("Trailing"), new Window(5)
                TruncationPolicy = OverflowTruncationPolicy.TruncateTrailing
            FixedLengthOptions options = new FixedLengthOptions();

            options.TruncationPolicy = OverflowTruncationPolicy.TruncateLeading; // this is the default anyway

            StringWriter      stringWriter = new StringWriter();
            FixedLengthWriter writer       = new FixedLengthWriter(stringWriter, schema, options);

            writer.Write(new object[] { "Pineapple", "Pineapple", "Pineapple" });

            string output = stringWriter.ToString();

            string expected = "appleapplePinea" + Environment.NewLine;

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, output);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void ShouldWriteHeader()
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("First"), new Window(10)
                FillCharacter = '@'
            schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("Second"), new Window(10)
                FillCharacter = '!'
            schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("Third"), new Window(10)
                FillCharacter = '$'
            FixedLengthOptions options = new FixedLengthOptions()
                IsFirstRecordHeader = true

            StringWriter      stringWriter = new StringWriter();
            FixedLengthWriter writer       = new FixedLengthWriter(stringWriter, schema, options);

            writer.Write(new object[] { "Apple", "Grape", "Pear" });

            string output = stringWriter.ToString();

            string expected = "First@@@@@Second!!!!Third$$$$$"
                              + Environment.NewLine
                              + "Apple@@@@@Grape!!!!!Pear$$$$$$"
                              + Environment.NewLine;

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, output);
        public void ShouldTruncateOverflow()
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();

            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("Default"), new Window(5));
            schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("Leading"), new Window(5)
                TruncationPolicy = OverflowTruncationPolicy.TruncateLeading
            schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("Trailing"), new Window(5)
                TruncationPolicy = OverflowTruncationPolicy.TruncateTrailing
            FixedLengthOptions options = new FixedLengthOptions();

            options.TruncationPolicy = OverflowTruncationPolicy.TruncateLeading; // this is the default anyway
            using (FixedLengthWriter writer = new FixedLengthWriter(stream, schema, options))
                writer.Write(new object[] { "Pineapple", "Pineapple", "Pineapple" });

            stream.Position = 0;

            string output   = Encoding.Default.GetString(stream.ToArray());
            string expected = "appleapplePinea" + Environment.NewLine;

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, output, "The values were not truncated properly.");
        public void TestAddColumn_DuplicateColumnName_Throws()
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("Name"), new Window(1));
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("name"), new Window(1));
        public void TestRead_RecordWithCP1251Characters_ReturnsCorrectCharacters()
            //---- Arrange -----------------------------------------------------
            // Need to convert the string to target encoding because otherwise a string declared in VS will always be encoded as UTF-8
            var text   = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.GetEncoding(1251), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(@"       123                  Лучиано 1/17/2014"));
            var schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), new Window(10))
            .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), new Window(25))
            .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), new Window(10));
            var options = new FixedLengthOptions()
                Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(1251)

            var testee = new FixedLengthReader(new MemoryStream(text), schema, options);

            //---- Act ---------------------------------------------------------
            var result = testee.Read();

            //---- Assert ------------------------------------------------------
            Assert.IsTrue(result, "Could not read the record.");
            object[] expected = { 123, "Лучиано", new DateTime(2014, 1, 17) };
            object[] actual   = testee.GetValues();
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The wrong values were parsed.");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void TestGetValues_WithPartitionedRecordFilter_SkipAllRecords()
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), new Window(10)
                Alignment = FixedAlignment.RightAligned
            .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), new Window(25)
                Alignment = FixedAlignment.RightAligned
            .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created")
                InputFormat = "M/d/yyyy"
            }, new Window(10)
                Alignment = FixedAlignment.RightAligned

            const string lines = @"       123                Bob Smith 4/21/2017
        -1                Jay Smith 8/14/2017
       234                Jay Smith 5/21/2017";

            StringReader      stringReader = new StringReader(lines);
            FixedLengthReader parser       = new FixedLengthReader(stringReader, schema);

            parser.RecordPartitioned += (sender, e) =>
                e.IsSkipped = true;

            Assert.IsFalse(parser.Read(), "All records should have been skipped.");
        public void TestParseValues_WrongNumber_Throws()
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 10);
            schema.ParseValues(new string[] { "bob", "smith" });
        public void TestParseValues_ParsesValues()
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("first_name"), new Window(10))
            .AddColumn(new StringColumn("last_name"), new Window(10))
            .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("birth_date")
                InputFormat = "yyyyMMdd"
            }, new Window(8))
            .AddColumn(new Int32Column("weight"), new Window(5));
            string[] values        = new string[] { "bob", "smith", "20120123", "185" };
            var      recordContext = new RecordContext()
                ExecutionContext = new FixedLengthExecutionContext()
                    Schema  = schema,
                    Options = new FixedLengthOptions()

            object[] parsed   = schema.ParseValues(recordContext, values);
            object[] expected = new object[] { "bob", "smith", new DateTime(2012, 1, 23), 185 };
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, parsed);
        public void TestGetValues_NoRecordSeparator_SplitsFile()
            const string      text   = "       123                      Bob 1/19/2013       234                      Sam12/20/2013";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), new Window(10))
            .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), new Window(25))
            .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), new Window(10));
            FixedLengthOptions options = new FixedLengthOptions()
                HasRecordSeparator = false

            StringReader      stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            FixedLengthReader parser       = new FixedLengthReader(stringReader, schema, options);

            Assert.IsTrue(parser.Read(), "Could not read the first record.");
            object[] expected = new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2013, 1, 19) };
            object[] actual   = parser.GetValues();
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

            Assert.IsTrue(parser.Read(), "Could not read the second record.");
            expected = new object[] { 234, "Sam", new DateTime(2013, 12, 20) };
            actual   = parser.GetValues();
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public FixedLengthFileSchema BuildSchema(RawFileSchema rawSchema)
            var fixedLengthFileSchema = new FixedLengthFileSchema();
            var rowDefinitionList     = rawSchema.Schema.RowDefinitions;

            foreach (var rowDefinition in rowDefinitionList)
                var columnDefinitions = rowDefinition.ColumnDefinitions;
                var rowSchema         = new FixedLengthSchema();

                foreach (var columnDefinition in columnDefinitions)
                    var definition = GetColumnDefinition(columnDefinition);
                    definition.NullHandler = ConstantNullHandler.For("NULL");
                        definition, BuildWindow(columnDefinition)

                fixedLengthFileSchema.FixedLengthRecordSchemas.Add(new FixedLengthRecordSchema
                    RecordIdentifier  = rowDefinition.Identifier,
                    FixedLengthSchema = rowSchema

Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void ShouldRoundTrip()
            const string         message      = @"Tom,Hanselman,2016-06-0426         Walking Ice,Ace
            StringReader         stringReader = new StringReader(message);
            SeparatedValueSchema outerSchema  = new SeparatedValueSchema();

            outerSchema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("FirstName"));
            outerSchema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("LastName"));

            FixedLengthSchema innerSchema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            innerSchema.AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("StartDate")
                InputFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", OutputFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
            }, 10);
            innerSchema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("Age"), 2);
            innerSchema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("StageName"), new Window(20)
                Alignment = FixedAlignment.RightAligned
            outerSchema.AddColumn(new FixedLengthComplexColumn("PlayerStats", innerSchema));
            outerSchema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("Nickname"));

            SeparatedValueReader reader = new SeparatedValueReader(stringReader, outerSchema);

            Assert.True(reader.Read(), "A record should have been read.");
            object[] values = reader.GetValues();
            Assert.Equal("Tom", values[0]);
            Assert.Equal("Hanselman", values[1]);
            Assert.IsType <object[]>(values[2]);
            object[] playerValues = (object[])values[2];
            Assert.Equal(new DateTime(2016, 06, 04), playerValues[0]);
            Assert.Equal(26, playerValues[1]);
            Assert.Equal("Walking Ice", playerValues[2]);
            Assert.Equal("Ace", values[3]);

            StringWriter         stringWriter = new StringWriter();
            SeparatedValueWriter writer       = new SeparatedValueWriter(stringWriter, outerSchema);


            string output = stringWriter.GetStringBuilder().ToString();

            Assert.Equal(message, output);
        public void TestRead_SkipRecord_NoParsingError()
            const string      text   = "a b c";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("A"), 8);
            schema.AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("B"), 23);
            schema.AddColumn(new GuidColumn("C"), 2);

            StringReader      stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            FixedLengthReader parser       = new FixedLengthReader(stringReader, schema);
            bool canRead = parser.Skip();

            Assert.IsTrue(canRead, "Could not skip the record.");
            canRead = parser.Read();
            Assert.IsFalse(canRead, "No more records should have been read.");
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void TestRead_GetValuesWithoutReading_Throws()
            const string      text   = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10).AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25).AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
            FixedLengthParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema);

 public void TestColumnDefinitions_GetEnumerable_Explicit()
     FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
     ColumnDefinition id = new Int32Column("id");
     ColumnDefinition name = new StringColumn("name");
     ColumnDefinition created = new DateTimeColumn("created");
     schema.AddColumn(id, 10).AddColumn(name, 25).AddColumn(created, 10);
     IEnumerable collection = schema.ColumnDefinitions;
     IEnumerator enumerator = collection.GetEnumerator();
        public void TestColumnDefinitions_GetEnumerable_Explicit()
            FixedLengthSchema schema  = new FixedLengthSchema();
            ColumnDefinition  id      = new Int32Column("id");
            ColumnDefinition  name    = new StringColumn("name");
            ColumnDefinition  created = new DateTimeColumn("created");

            schema.AddColumn(id, 10).AddColumn(name, 25).AddColumn(created, 10);
            IEnumerable collection = schema.ColumnDefinitions;
            IEnumerator enumerator = collection.GetEnumerator();
        public void TestColumnDefinitions_WithColumns_CountEqualsColumnCount()
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10)
            .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25)
            .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
            ColumnCollection collection = schema.ColumnDefinitions;

            Assert.AreEqual(3, collection.Count, "The column collection count was wrong.");
        public void TestColumnDefinitions_WithColumns_CountEqualsColumnCount()
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), new Window(10))
            .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), new Window(25))
            .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), new Window(10));
            ColumnCollection collection = schema.ColumnDefinitions;

            Assert.AreEqual(3, collection.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void TestGetSchema_SchemaProvided_ParsesValues()
            const string      text   = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10).AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25).AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
            IParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema);
            Schema  actual = parser.GetSchema();

            Assert.AreSame(schema.Schema, actual, "The underlying schema was not returned.");
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void TestRead_ValuesAfterEndOfFile_Throws()
            const string      text   = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10).AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25).AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
            FixedLengthParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema);

            Assert.IsTrue(parser.Read(), "Could not read the record.");
            Assert.IsFalse(parser.Read(), "We should have reached the end of the file.");
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void TestGetSchema_SchemaProvided_WrongNumberOfColumns_Throws()
            const string      text   = @"       123                      Bob";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10)
            .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25)
            .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
            FixedLengthParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema);

        public void TestGetSchema_SchemaProvided_WrongNumberOfColumns_Throws()
            const string text = @"       123                      Bob";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), new Window(10))
                  .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), new Window(25))
                  .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), new Window(10));

            StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            FixedLengthReader parser = new FixedLengthReader(stringReader, schema);
            Assert.Throws<FlatFileException>(() => parser.Read());
        public void TestGetSchema_SchemaProvided_ParsesValues()
            const string text = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), new Window(10))
                .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), new Window(25))
                .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), new Window(10));

            StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            IReader parser = new FixedLengthReader(stringReader, schema);
            ISchema actual = parser.GetSchema();
            Assert.Same(schema, actual);
        public void TestRead_GetValuesWithoutReading_Throws()
            const string      text   = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), new Window(10))
            .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), new Window(25))
            .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), new Window(10));

            StringReader      stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            FixedLengthReader parser       = new FixedLengthReader(stringReader, schema);

            Assert.ThrowsException <InvalidOperationException>(() => parser.GetValues());
        public void TestGetSchema_SchemaProvided_WrongNumberOfColumns_Throws()
            const string      text   = @"       123                      Bob";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), new Window(10))
            .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), new Window(25))
            .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), new Window(10));

            StringReader      stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            FixedLengthReader parser       = new FixedLengthReader(stringReader, schema);

            Assert.ThrowsException <RecordProcessingException>(() => parser.Read());
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public void TestReaderWriter_TrailingText_RoundTripsExtra()
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), new Window(10)
                Alignment = FixedAlignment.RightAligned
            .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), new Window(25)
                Alignment = FixedAlignment.RightAligned
            .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created")
                InputFormat = "M/d/yyyy", OutputFormat = "M/d/yyyy"
            }, new Window(10)
                Alignment = FixedAlignment.RightAligned
            .AddColumn(new StringColumn("extra"), Window.Trailing);

            const string lines = @"       123                Bob Smith 4/21/2017This
        -1                Jay Smith 8/14/2017is
       234                Jay Smith 5/21/2017extra

            StringReader      stringReader = new StringReader(lines);
            FixedLengthReader parser       = new FixedLengthReader(stringReader, schema);

            List <object[]> records = new List <object[]>()
                AssertExtra(parser, "This"),
                AssertExtra(parser, "is"),
                AssertExtra(parser, "extra")


            StringWriter      stringWriter = new StringWriter();
            FixedLengthWriter writer       = new FixedLengthWriter(stringWriter, schema);

            foreach (object[] record in records)

            string formatted = stringWriter.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual(lines, formatted, "The records did not round-trip.");
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public void TestRead_SingleRecord_ReturnsTrueOnce()
            const string      text   = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10).AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25).AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
            FixedLengthParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema);

            Assert.IsTrue(parser.Read(), "Could not read the record.");
            object[] expected = new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2013, 1, 19) };
            object[] actual   = parser.GetValues();
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The wrong values were parsed.");
            Assert.IsFalse(parser.Read(), "No more records should have been read.");
 public void TestColumnDefinitions_FindByIndex()
     FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
     ColumnDefinition id = new Int32Column("id");
     ColumnDefinition name = new StringColumn("name");
     ColumnDefinition created = new DateTimeColumn("created");
     schema.AddColumn(id, new Window(10))
           .AddColumn(name, new Window(25))
           .AddColumn(created, new Window(10));
     ColumnCollection collection = schema.ColumnDefinitions;
     Assert.AreSame(id, collection[0], "The first column definition was wrong.");
     Assert.AreSame(name, collection[1], "The second column definition was wrong.");
     Assert.AreSame(created, collection[2], "The third column definition was wrong.");
        public void TestGetSchema_SchemaProvided_ParsesValues()
            const string      text   = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), new Window(10))
            .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), new Window(25))
            .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), new Window(10));

            StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            IReader      parser       = new FixedLengthReader(stringReader, schema);
            ISchema      actual       = parser.GetSchema();

            Assert.AreSame(schema, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 31
        public void ShouldSubstituteBadValues_FixedLength()
            const string data         = @"ABC  2018-02-30{1234-5678-9123-000000}         ";
            var          stringReader = new StringReader(data);
            var          schema       = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("Int32"), 5);
            schema.AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("DateTime"), 10);
            schema.AddColumn(new GuidColumn("Guid"), 32);
            var csvReader = new FixedLengthReader(stringReader, schema);

            csvReader.ColumnError += (sender, e) =>
                if (e.ColumnContext.ColumnDefinition.ColumnName == "Int32")
                    e.Substitution = 1;
                    e.IsHandled    = true;
                else if (e.ColumnContext.ColumnDefinition.ColumnName == "DateTime")
                    e.Substitution = new DateTime(2018, 07, 08);
                    e.IsHandled    = true;
                else if (e.ColumnContext.ColumnDefinition.ColumnName == "Guid")
                    e.Substitution = Guid.Empty;
                    e.IsHandled    = true;
            Assert.IsTrue(csvReader.Read(), "Could not read the first record.");
            var values   = csvReader.GetValues();
            var expected = new object[] { 1, new DateTime(2018, 07, 08), Guid.Empty };

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, values, "The wrong values were substituted.");
            Assert.IsFalse(csvReader.Read(), "Read too many records.");
Ejemplo n.º 32
        public void TestRead_MultipleCallsToValues_ReturnsSameValues()
            const string      text   = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10).AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25).AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
            FixedLengthParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema);
            bool canRead             = parser.Read();

            Assert.IsTrue(canRead, "Could not read the record.");
            object[] expected = new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2013, 1, 19) };
            object[] actual   = parser.GetValues();
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The wrong values were parsed.");
            actual = parser.GetValues();
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The same values were not returned multiple times.");
        public void TestParseValues_ParsesValues()
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("first_name"), new Window(10))
            .AddColumn(new StringColumn("last_name"), new Window(10))
            .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("birth_date")
                InputFormat = "yyyyMMdd"
            }, new Window(8))
            .AddColumn(new Int32Column("weight"), new Window(5));
            string[] values   = new string[] { "bob", "smith", "20120123", "185" };
            object[] parsed   = schema.ParseValues(values);
            object[] expected = new object[] { "bob", "smith", new DateTime(2012, 1, 23), 185 };
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, parsed, "The values were not parsed as expected.");
        public void TestRead_ValuesAfterEndOfFile_Throws()
            const string      text   = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();

            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), new Window(10))
            .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), new Window(25))
            .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), new Window(10));

            StringReader      stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            FixedLengthReader parser       = new FixedLengthReader(stringReader, schema);

            Assert.IsTrue(parser.Read(), "Could not read the record.");
            Assert.IsFalse(parser.Read(), "We should have reached the end of the file.");
            Assert.ThrowsException <InvalidOperationException>(() => parser.GetValues());
        public void TestColumnDefinitions_FindByIndex()
            FixedLengthSchema schema  = new FixedLengthSchema();
            IColumnDefinition id      = new Int32Column("id");
            IColumnDefinition name    = new StringColumn("name");
            IColumnDefinition created = new DateTimeColumn("created");

            schema.AddColumn(id, new Window(10))
            .AddColumn(name, new Window(25))
            .AddColumn(created, new Window(10));
            ColumnCollection collection = schema.ColumnDefinitions;

            Assert.AreSame(id, collection[0]);
            Assert.AreSame(name, collection[1]);
            Assert.AreSame(created, collection[2]);
        public void ShouldHandleNullValues()
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();

            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("NullableInt32"), new Window(5));

            using (FixedLengthWriter writer = new FixedLengthWriter(stream, schema))
                writer.Write(new object[] { null });

            stream.Position = 0;

            string output = Encoding.Default.GetString(stream.ToArray());
            string expected = "     " + Environment.NewLine;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, output, "The values were not truncated properly.");
        public void TestRead_ValuesAfterEndOfFile_Throws()
            const string text = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), new Window(10))
                .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), new Window(25))
                .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), new Window(10));

            StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            FixedLengthReader parser = new FixedLengthReader(stringReader, schema);
            Assert.True(parser.Read(), "Could not read the record.");
            Assert.False(parser.Read(), "We should have reached the end of the file.");
            Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => parser.GetValues());
        public void TestGetValues_CustomFillCharacter_TrimsFill()
            const string text = "@@@@@@@123@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Bob@1/19/2013";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10)
                  .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25)
                  .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
            FixedLengthParserOptions options = new FixedLengthParserOptions() { FillCharacter = '@' };
            FixedLengthParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema, options);

            Assert.IsTrue(parser.Read(), "Could not read the first record.");
            object[] expected = new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2013, 1, 19) };
            object[] actual = parser.GetValues();
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The values for the first record were wrong.");
        public void TestGetValues_CustomFillCharacter_TrimsFill()
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), new Window(10) { Alignment = FixedAlignment.LeftAligned })
                  .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), new Window(25) { Alignment = FixedAlignment.LeftAligned })
                  .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created") { InputFormat = "M/d/yyyy", OutputFormat = "M/d/yyyy" }, new Window(10) { Alignment = FixedAlignment.LeftAligned });
            FixedLengthOptions options = new FixedLengthOptions() { FillCharacter = '@' };
            object[] sources = new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2013, 1, 19) };

            StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
            FixedLengthWriter builder = new FixedLengthWriter(stringWriter, schema, options);

            StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(stringWriter.ToString());
            FixedLengthReader parser = new FixedLengthReader(stringReader, schema, options);

            Assert.True(parser.Read(), "Could not read the first record.");
            object[] actual = parser.GetValues();
            Assert.Equal(sources, actual);
 public void TestGetSchema_SchemaProvided_ParsesValues()
     const string text = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
     FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
     schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10).AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25).AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
     IParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema);
     Schema actual = parser.GetSchema();
     Assert.AreSame(schema.Schema, actual, "The underlying schema was not returned.");
 public void TestParseValues_WrongNumber_Throws()
     FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
     schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 10);
     schema.ParseValues(new string[] { "bob", "smith" });
        public void TestGetValues_CustomRecordSeparator_SplitsFile()
            const string text = "       123                      Bob 1/19/2013BOOM       234                      Sam12/20/2013";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10)
                  .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25)
                  .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
            FixedLengthParserOptions options = new FixedLengthParserOptions() { RecordSeparator = "BOOM" };
            FixedLengthParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema, options);

            Assert.IsTrue(parser.Read(), "Could not read the first record.");
            object[] expected = new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2013, 1, 19) };
            object[] actual = parser.GetValues();
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The values for the first record were wrong.");

            Assert.IsTrue(parser.Read(), "Could not read the second record.");
            expected = new object[] { 234, "Sam", new DateTime(2013, 12, 20) };
            actual = parser.GetValues();
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The values for the second record were wrong.");
 public void TestRead_MultipleCallsToValues_ReturnsSameValues()
     const string text = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
     FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
     schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10).AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25).AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
     FixedLengthParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema);
     bool canRead = parser.Read();
     Assert.IsTrue(canRead, "Could not read the record.");
     object[] expected = new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2013, 1, 19) };
     object[] actual = parser.GetValues();
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The wrong values were parsed.");
     actual = parser.GetValues();
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The same values were not returned multiple times.");
 public void TestAddColumn_WidthZero_Throws()
     FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
     schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 0);
 public void TestAddColumn_NullDefinition_Throws()
     FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
     schema.AddColumn(null, new Window(1));
 public void TestAddColumn_DuplicateColumnName_Throws()
     FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
     schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("Name"), new Window(1));
     schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("name"), new Window(1));
 public void TestParseValues_ParsesValues()
     FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
     schema.AddColumn(new StringColumn("first_name"), new Window(10))
           .AddColumn(new StringColumn("last_name"), new Window(10))
           .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("birth_date") { InputFormat = "yyyyMMdd" }, new Window(8))
           .AddColumn(new Int32Column("weight"), new Window(5));
     string[] values = new string[] { "bob", "smith", "20120123", "185" };
     object[] parsed = schema.ParseValues(values);
     object[] expected = new object[] { "bob", "smith", new DateTime(2012, 1, 23), 185 };
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, parsed, "The values were not parsed as expected.");
 public void TestGetSchema_SchemaProvided_WrongNumberOfColumns_Throws()
     const string text = @"       123                      Bob";
     FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
     schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10)
           .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25)
           .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
     FixedLengthParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema);
 public void TestRead_SingleRecord_ReturnsTrueOnce()
     const string text = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
     FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
     schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10).AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25).AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
     FixedLengthParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema);
     Assert.IsTrue(parser.Read(), "Could not read the record.");
     object[] expected = new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2013, 1, 19) };
     object[] actual = parser.GetValues();
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The wrong values were parsed.");
     Assert.IsFalse(parser.Read(), "No more records should have been read.");
        public void TestRead_SkipRecord_NoParsingError()
            const string text = "a b c";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("A"), 8);
            schema.AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("B"), 23);
            schema.AddColumn(new GuidColumn("C"), 2);

            StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            FixedLengthReader parser = new FixedLengthReader(stringReader, schema);
            bool canRead = parser.Skip();
            Assert.True(canRead, "Could not skip the record.");
            canRead = parser.Read();
            Assert.False(canRead, "No more records should have been read.");
        public void TestRead_SingleRecord_ReturnsTrueOnce()
            const string text = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), new Window(10))
                .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), new Window(25))
                .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), new Window(10));

            StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            FixedLengthReader parser = new FixedLengthReader(stringReader, schema);
            Assert.True(parser.Read(), "Could not read the record.");
            object[] expected = new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2013, 1, 19) };
            object[] actual = parser.GetValues();
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
            Assert.False(parser.Read(), "No more records should have been read.");
        public void TestRead_RecordWithCP1252Characters_ReturnsCorrectCharacters()
            //---- Arrange -----------------------------------------------------
            // Need to convert the string to target encoding because otherwise a string declared in VS will always be encoded as UTF-8
            var text = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.GetEncoding(1252), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(@"       123                   Müller 1/17/2014"));
            var schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), new Window(10))
                .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), new Window(25))
                .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), new Window(10));
            var options = new FixedLengthOptions() { Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252) };

            var testee = new FixedLengthReader(new MemoryStream(text), schema, options);

            //---- Act ---------------------------------------------------------
            var result = testee.Read();

            //---- Assert ------------------------------------------------------
            Assert.IsTrue(result, "Could not read the record.");
            object[] expected = { 123, "Müller", new DateTime(2014, 1, 17) };
            object[] actual = testee.GetValues();
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The wrong values were parsed.");
        public void TestRead_GetValuesWithoutReading_Throws()
            const string text = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), new Window(10))
                .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), new Window(25))
                .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), new Window(10));

            StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            FixedLengthReader parser = new FixedLengthReader(stringReader, schema);
            Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => parser.GetValues());
 public void TestRead_ValuesAfterEndOfFile_Throws()
     const string text = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
     FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
     schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10).AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25).AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
     FixedLengthParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema);
     Assert.IsTrue(parser.Read(), "Could not read the record.");
     Assert.IsFalse(parser.Read(), "We should have reached the end of the file.");
        public void TestGetValues_CustomFillCharacter_TrimsFill()
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), new Window(10) { Alignment = FixedAlignment.LeftAligned })
                  .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), new Window(25) { Alignment = FixedAlignment.LeftAligned })
                  .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created") { InputFormat = "M/d/yyyy", OutputFormat = "M/d/yyyy" }, new Window(10) { Alignment = FixedAlignment.LeftAligned });
            FixedLengthOptions options = new FixedLengthOptions() { FillCharacter = '@' };
            object[] sources = new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2013, 1, 19) };
            using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
                using (FixedLengthWriter builder = new FixedLengthWriter(stream, schema, options))
                stream.Position = 0;

                FixedLengthReader parser = new FixedLengthReader(stream, schema, options);

                Assert.IsTrue(parser.Read(), "Could not read the first record.");
                object[] actual = parser.GetValues();
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(sources, actual, "The values for the first record were wrong.");
        public void TestGetValues_NoRecordSeparator_SplitsFile()
            const string text = "       123                      Bob 1/19/2013       234                      Sam12/20/2013";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), new Window(10))
                  .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), new Window(25))
                  .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), new Window(10));
            FixedLengthOptions options = new FixedLengthOptions() { RecordSeparator = null };

            StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            FixedLengthReader parser = new FixedLengthReader(stringReader, schema, options);

            Assert.True(parser.Read(), "Could not read the first record.");
            object[] expected = new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2013, 1, 19) };
            object[] actual = parser.GetValues();
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);

            Assert.True(parser.Read(), "Could not read the second record.");
            expected = new object[] { 234, "Sam", new DateTime(2013, 12, 20) };
            actual = parser.GetValues();
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
        public void TestRead_MultipleCallsToValues_ReturnsSameValues()
            const string text = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
            FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
            schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), new Window(10))
                .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), new Window(25))
                .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), new Window(10));

            StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            FixedLengthReader parser = new FixedLengthReader(stringReader, schema);
            bool canRead = parser.Read();
            Assert.True(canRead, "Could not read the record.");
            object[] expected = new object[] { 123, "Bob", new DateTime(2013, 1, 19) };
            object[] actual = parser.GetValues();
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
            actual = parser.GetValues();
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
 public void TestColumnDefinitions_WithColumns_CountEqualsColumnCount()
     FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
     schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), new Window(10))
           .AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), new Window(25))
           .AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), new Window(10));
     ColumnCollection collection = schema.ColumnDefinitions;
     Assert.AreEqual(3, collection.Count, "The column collection count was wrong.");
 public void TestRead_GetValuesWithoutReading_Throws()
     const string text = @"       123                      Bob 1/19/2013";
     FixedLengthSchema schema = new FixedLengthSchema();
     schema.AddColumn(new Int32Column("id"), 10).AddColumn(new StringColumn("name"), 25).AddColumn(new DateTimeColumn("created"), 10);
     FixedLengthParser parser = new FixedLengthParser(new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text)), schema);