Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void HandleCollision(Manifold m, TFRigidbody a, TFRigidbody b)
            TFEdgeCollider   A = (TFEdgeCollider)a.coll;
            TFCircleCollider B = (TFCircleCollider)b.coll;

            // No line segments, return out.
            if (A.vertices.Count < 2)

            // Transform circle center to Edge model space
            FixVec2 circleCenter = A.u.Transposed() * (b.Position - a.Position);

            // Iterate through all the line segments to find contact point.
            for (int i = 0; i < A.vertices.Count - 1; i++)
                FixVec2 rayDir    = (A.vertices[i + 1] - A.vertices[i]);
                FixVec2 centerRay = (A.vertices[i] - circleCenter);
                Fix     k         = rayDir.Dot(rayDir);
                Fix     l         = 2 * centerRay.Dot(rayDir);
                Fix     n         = centerRay.Dot(centerRay) - (B.radius * B.radius);

                Fix discriminant = l * l - 4 * k * n;

                // No intersection.
                if (discriminant <= Fix.zero)

                discriminant = FixMath.Sqrt(discriminant);

                Fix t1 = (-l - discriminant) / (2 * k);
                Fix t2 = (-l + discriminant) / (2 * k);

                Fix s = FixVec2.Dot(A.normals[i], circleCenter - A.vertices[i]);

                if (t1 >= Fix.zero && t1 <= Fix.one)
                    //t1 is the intersection, and it's closer than t2.
                    m.contactCount = 1;
                    m.contacts[0]  = (A.u * A.vertices[i] + a.Position) + (t1 * rayDir);
                    m.normal       = A.normals[i];
                    m.penetration  = B.radius - s;

                if (t2 >= Fix.zero && t2 <= Fix.one)
                    // t1 didn't insection, so we either started inside the circle
                    // or completely past it.
                    m.contactCount = 1;
                    m.contacts[0]  = (A.u * A.vertices[i] + a.Position) + (t2 * rayDir);
                    m.normal       = A.normals[i];
                    m.penetration  = B.radius - s;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void FindIncidentFace(FixVec2[] v, TFPolygonCollider refPoly, TFPolygonCollider incPoly, int referenceIndex)
            FixVec2 referenceNormal = refPoly.normals[referenceIndex];

            // Calculate normal in incident's frame of reference
            referenceNormal = refPoly.u * referenceNormal;              // To world space
            referenceNormal = incPoly.u.Transposed() * referenceNormal; // To incident's model space

            // Find most anti-normal face on incident polygon
            int incidentFace = 0;
            Fix minDot       = Fix.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < incPoly.VertexCount; ++i)
                Fix dot = FixVec2.Dot(referenceNormal, incPoly.normals[i]);
                if (dot < minDot)
                    minDot       = dot;
                    incidentFace = i;

            // Assign face vertices for incidentFace
            v[0]         = incPoly.u * incPoly.GetVertex(incidentFace) + incPoly.body.info.position;
            incidentFace = incidentFace + 1 >= (int)incPoly.VertexCount ? 0 : incidentFace + 1;
            v[1]         = incPoly.u * incPoly.GetVertex(incidentFace) + incPoly.body.info.position;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private int Clip(FixVec2 n, Fix c, FixVec2[] face)
            int sp = 0;

            FixVec2[] o = { face[0], face[1] };

            // Retrieve distances from each endpoint to the line
            Fix d1 = FixVec2.Dot(n, face[0]) - c;
            Fix d2 = FixVec2.Dot(n, face[1]) - c;

            // If negative (behind plane) clip
            if (d1 <= Fix.zero)
                o[sp++] = face[0];
            if (d2 <= Fix.zero)
                o[sp++] = face[1];

            // If the points are on different sides of the plane
            if (d1 * d2 < Fix.zero) // less than to ignore -0.0f
                // Push interesection point
                Fix alpha = d1 / (d1 - d2);
                o[sp] = face[0] + alpha * (face[1] - face[0]);

            // Assign our new converted values
            face[0] = o[0];
            face[1] = o[1];

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override bool Raycast(out TFRaycastHit2D hit, FixVec2 pointA, FixVec2 pointB, Fix maxFraction)
            hit = default;
            FixVec2 center = (FixVec2)tdTransform.Position;
            FixVec2 s      = pointA - center;
            Fix     b      = FixVec2.Dot(s, s) - radius * radius;

            // Solve quadratic equation.
            FixVec2 r     = pointB - pointA;
            Fix     c     = FixVec2.Dot(s, r);
            Fix     rr    = FixVec2.Dot(r, r);
            Fix     sigma = c * c - rr * b;

            // Check for negative discriminant and short segment.
            if (sigma < Fix.zero || rr < Fix.Epsilon)

            // Find the point of intersection on the line with the circle.
            Fix a = -(c + FixMath.Sqrt(sigma));

            // Is the intersection point on the segment?
            if (Fix.zero <= a && a <= maxFraction * rr)
                a           /= rr;
                hit.fraction = a;
                hit.normal   = s + a * r;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public FixVec2 getSupport(FixVec2 dir)
            Fix     bestProjection = -Fix.MaxValue;
            FixVec2 bestVertex     = new FixVec2(0, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; ++i)
                FixVec2 v          = vertices[i];
                Fix     projection = FixVec2.Dot(v, dir);

                if (projection > bestProjection)
                    bestVertex     = v;
                    bestProjection = projection;

Ejemplo n.º 6
        // Calculate the projection of a polygon on an axis and returns it as a [min, max] interval
        private static void ProjectPolygon(FixVec2 axis, FixPolygon polygon, out Fix min, out Fix max)
            // To project a point on an axis use the dot product
            var d = axis.Dot(polygon.Points[0]);

            min = d;
            max = d;
            for (var i = 0; i < polygon.Points.Length; i++)
                d = polygon.Points[i].Dot(axis);
                if (d < min)
                    min = d;
                else if (d > max)
                    max = d;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public Fix FindAxisLeastPenetration(int[] faceIndex, TFPolygonCollider A, TFPolygonCollider B)
            Fix bestDistance = -Fix.MaxValue;
            int bestIndex    = 0;

            Mat22 buT;

            for (int i = 0; i < A.VertexCount; ++i)
                // Retrieve a face normal from A
                FixVec2 nw = A.u * A.normals[i];

                // Transform face normal into B's model space
                buT = B.u;
                FixVec2 n = buT * nw;

                // Retrieve support point from B along -n
                // Vec2 s = B->GetSupport( -n );
                FixVec2 s = B.getSupport(-n);

                // Retrieve vertex on face from A, transform into
                FixVec2 v = A.GetVertex(i);
                v  = A.u * v + A.body.Position;
                v -= B.body.info.position;
                v  = buT * v;

                // Compute penetration distance (in B's model space)
                Fix d = FixVec2.Dot(n, s - v);

                // Store greatest distance
                if (d > bestDistance)
                    bestDistance = d;
                    bestIndex    = i;

            faceIndex[0] = bestIndex;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void HandleCollision(Manifold m, TFRigidbody a, TFRigidbody b)
            TFCircleCollider  A = (TFCircleCollider)a.coll;
            TFPolygonCollider B = (TFPolygonCollider)b.coll;

            m.contactCount = 0;

            // Transform circle center to Polygon model space
            FixVec2 center = B.u.Transposed() * (a.Position - b.Position);

            // Find edge with minimum penetration
            // Exact concept as using support points in Polygon vs Polygon
            Fix separation = -Fix.MaxValue;
            int faceNormal = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < B.VertexCount; ++i)
                Fix s = FixVec2.Dot(B.normals[i], center - B.GetVertex(i));

                if (s > A.radius)

                if (s > separation)
                    separation = s;
                    faceNormal = i;

            // Grab face's vertices
            FixVec2 v1 = B.GetVertex(faceNormal);
            int     i2 = (faceNormal + 1) < B.VertexCount ? faceNormal + 1 : 0;
            FixVec2 v2 = B.GetVertex(i2);

            // Check to see if center is within polygon
            if (separation < Fix.Epsilon)
                m.contactCount = 1;
                m.normal       = -(B.u * B.normals[faceNormal]);
                m.contacts[0]  = m.normal * A.radius + a.Position;
                m.penetration  = A.radius;

            // Determine which voronoi region of the edge center of circle lies within
            Fix dot1 = FixVec2.Dot(center - v1, v2 - v1);
            Fix dot2 = FixVec2.Dot(center - v2, v1 - v2);

            m.penetration = A.radius - separation;

            //Closest to v1
            if (dot1 <= Fix.zero)
                if ((center - v1).GetMagnitudeSquared() > A.radius * A.radius)

                m.contactCount = 1;
                FixVec2 n = v1 - center;
                n             = B.u * n;
                n             = n.Normalized();
                m.normal      = n;
                v1            = B.u * v1 + b.Position;
                m.contacts[0] = v1;
            else if (dot2 <= Fix.zero)
                //Closest to v2
                if ((center - v2).GetMagnitudeSquared() > A.radius * A.radius)

                m.contactCount = 1;
                FixVec2 n = v2 - center;
                v2            = B.u * v2 + b.Position;
                m.contacts[0] = v2;
                n             = B.u * n;
                n             = n.Normalized();
                m.normal      = n;
                //Closest to face
                FixVec2 n = B.normals[faceNormal];
                if (FixVec2.Dot(center - v1, n) > A.radius)

                n              = B.u * n;
                m.normal       = -n;
                m.contacts[0]  = m.normal * A.radius + a.Position;
                m.contactCount = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        internal TFRaycastHit2D Raycast(ITreeRaycastCallback callback, FixVec2 pointA, FixVec2 pointB, TFLayerMask mask)
            TFRaycastHit2D hit = new TFRaycastHit2D();
            FixVec2        r   = pointB - pointA;

            if (r.GetMagnitudeSquared() <= Fix.zero)

            // v is perpendicular to the segment.
            FixVec2 v     = FixVec2.Cross(Fix.one, r);
            FixVec2 abs_v = FixVec2.Abs(v);

            // Separating axis for segment (Gino, p80).
            // |dot(v, p1 - c)| > dot(|v|, h)
            Fix maxFraction = Fix.one;

            // Build a bounding box for the segment.
            AABB    segmentAABB = new AABB();
            FixVec2 t           = pointA + maxFraction * (pointB - pointA);

            segmentAABB.min = FixVec2.Min(pointA, t);
            segmentAABB.max = FixVec2.Max(pointA, t);

            Stack <int> stack = new Stack <int>();


            List <TFRaycastOutput> hitNodes = new List <TFRaycastOutput>(2);

            while (stack.Count > 0)
                var nodeId = stack.Pop();
                if (nodeId == nullNode)

                var node = nodes[nodeId];

                if (!node.aabb.Overlaps(segmentAABB))

                // Separating axis for segment (Gino, p80).
                // |dot(v, p1 - c)| > dot(|v|, h)
                var c          = node.aabb.GetCenter();
                var h          = node.aabb.GetExtents();
                var separation = FixMath.Abs(FixVec2.Dot(v, pointA - c)) - FixVec2.Dot(abs_v, h);
                if (separation > Fix.zero)

                if (node.IsLeaf())
                    // If value is >= 0, then we hit the node.
                    TFRaycastHit2D rHit;
                    Fix            value = callback.RayCastCallback(pointA, pointB, maxFraction, nodeId, out rHit, mask);

                    if (value == Fix.zero)
                        // The client has terminated the ray cast.
                        if (rHit)
                            // We actually hit the node, add it to the list.
                            hitNodes.Add(new TFRaycastOutput(nodeId, rHit));

                    if (value == maxFraction)
                        if (rHit)
                            // We actually hit the node, add it to the list.
                            hitNodes.Add(new TFRaycastOutput(nodeId, rHit));
                    else if (value > Fix.zero)
                        if (rHit)
                            // We actually hit the node, add it to the list.
                            hitNodes.Add(new TFRaycastOutput(nodeId, rHit));
                        // Update segment bounding box.
                        maxFraction = value;
                        FixVec2 g = pointA + maxFraction * (pointB - pointA);
                        segmentAABB.min = FixVec2.Min(pointA, g);
                        segmentAABB.max = FixVec2.Max(pointA, g);

            // Decide which node was the closest to the starting point.
            Fix closestNode = maxFraction;

            for (int i = 0; i < hitNodes.Count; i++)
                if (hitNodes[i].hit.fraction < closestNode)
                    closestNode = hitNodes[i].hit.fraction;
                    hit         = hitNodes[i].hit;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void HandleCollision(Manifold m, TFRigidbody a, TFRigidbody b)
            TFPolygonCollider A = (TFPolygonCollider)a.coll;
            TFPolygonCollider B = (TFPolygonCollider)b.coll;

            m.contactCount = 0;

            // Check for a separating axis with A's face planes
            int[] faceA        = { 0 };
            Fix   penetrationA = FindAxisLeastPenetration(faceA, A, B);

            if (penetrationA >= Fix.zero)

            int[] faceB        = { 0 };
            Fix   penetrationB = FindAxisLeastPenetration(faceB, B, A);

            if (penetrationB >= Fix.zero)

            int  referenceIndex;
            bool flip; //Always point from a to b

            TFPolygonCollider refPoly; //Reference
            TFPolygonCollider incPoly; //Incident

            //Determine which shape contains reference face
            if (TFPhysics.instance.BiasGreaterThan(penetrationA, penetrationB))
                refPoly        = A;
                incPoly        = B;
                referenceIndex = faceA[0];
                flip           = false;
                refPoly        = B;
                incPoly        = A;
                referenceIndex = faceB[0];
                flip           = true;

            // World space incident face
            FixVec2[] incidentFace = new FixVec2[2];
            FindIncidentFace(incidentFace, refPoly, incPoly, referenceIndex);

            // Setup reference face certices
            FixVec2 v1 = refPoly.GetVertex(referenceIndex);

            referenceIndex = referenceIndex + 1 == refPoly.VertexCount ? 0 : referenceIndex + 1;
            FixVec2 v2 = refPoly.GetVertex(referenceIndex);

            // Transform vertices to world space
            v1 = refPoly.u * v1 + refPoly.body.info.position;
            v2 = refPoly.u * v2 + refPoly.body.info.position;

            //Calculate reference face side normal in world space
            FixVec2 sidePlaneNormal = v2 - v1;

            sidePlaneNormal = sidePlaneNormal.Normalized();

            // Orthogonalize
            FixVec2 refFaceNormal = new FixVec2(sidePlaneNormal.Y, -sidePlaneNormal.X);

            // ax + by = c
            // c is distance from origin
            Fix refC    = FixVec2.Dot(refFaceNormal, v1);
            Fix negSide = -FixVec2.Dot(sidePlaneNormal, v1);
            Fix posSide = FixVec2.Dot(sidePlaneNormal, v2);

            // Clip incident face to reference face side planes
            if (Clip(-sidePlaneNormal, negSide, incidentFace) < 2)
                return; // Due to floating point error, possible to not have required points

            if (Clip(sidePlaneNormal, posSide, incidentFace) < 2)

            // Flip
            m.normal = flip ? -refFaceNormal : refFaceNormal;

            // Keep points behind reference face
            int cp         = 0; // clipped points behind reference face
            Fix separation = FixVec2.Dot(refFaceNormal, incidentFace[0]) - refC;

            if (separation <= Fix.zero)
                m.contacts[cp] = incidentFace[0];
                m.penetration  = -separation;
                m.penetration = 0;

            separation = FixVec2.Dot(refFaceNormal, incidentFace[1]) - refC;
            if (separation <= Fix.zero)
                m.contacts[cp] = incidentFace[1];
                m.penetration += -separation;

                // Average penetration
                m.penetration /= cp;

            m.contactCount = cp;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        internal void Raycast(ITreeRaycastCallback callback, FixVec2 pointA, FixVec2 pointB)
            FixVec2 r = pointB - pointA;

            if (r.GetMagnitudeSquared() <= Fix.zero)

            // v is perpendicular to the segment.
            FixVec2 v     = FixVec2.Cross(Fix.one, r);
            FixVec2 abs_v = FixVec2.Abs(v);

            // Separating axis for segment (Gino, p80).
            // |dot(v, p1 - c)| > dot(|v|, h)

            Fix maxFraction = Fix.one;

            // Build a bounding box for the segment.
            AABB    segmentAABB = new AABB();
            FixVec2 t           = pointA + maxFraction * (pointB - pointA);

            segmentAABB.min = FixVec2.Min(pointA, t);
            segmentAABB.max = FixVec2.Max(pointA, t);

            Stack <int> stack = new Stack <int>();


            while (stack.Count > 0)
                var nodeId = stack.Pop();
                if (nodeId == nullNode)

                var node = nodes[nodeId];

                if (!node.aabb.Overlaps(segmentAABB))

                // Separating axis for segment (Gino, p80).
                // |dot(v, p1 - c)| > dot(|v|, h)
                var c          = node.aabb.GetCenter();
                var h          = node.aabb.GetExtents();
                var separation = FixMath.Abs(FixVec2.Dot(v, pointA - c)) - FixVec2.Dot(abs_v, h);
                if (separation > Fix.zero)

                if (node.IsLeaf())
                    Fix value = callback.RayCastCallback(pointA, pointB, maxFraction, nodeId);

                    if (value == Fix.zero)
                        // The client has terminated the ray cast.

                    if (value > Fix.zero)
                        // Update segment bounding box.
                        maxFraction = value;
                        FixVec2 g = pointA + maxFraction * (pointB - pointA);
                        segmentAABB.min = FixVec2.Min(pointA, g);
                        segmentAABB.max = FixVec2.Max(pointA, g);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void ApplyImpulse()
            // Early out and positional correct if both objects have infinite mass
            if (A.invMass + B.invMass == 0)

            for (int i = 0; i < contactCount; ++i)
                // Calculate radii from COM to contact
                FixVec2 ra = contacts[i] - A.Position;
                FixVec2 rb = contacts[i] - B.Position;

                //Relative velocity
                FixVec2 rv = B.info.velocity + FixVec2.Cross(B.info.angularVelocity, rb) - A.info.velocity - FixVec2.Cross(A.info.angularVelocity, ra);

                //Relative velocity along the normal
                Fix contactVel = rv.Dot(normal);

                if (contactVel > 0)

                Fix raCrossN   = FixVec2.Cross(ra, normal);
                Fix rbCrossN   = FixVec2.Cross(rb, normal);
                Fix invMassSum = A.invMass + B.invMass
                                 + (raCrossN * raCrossN) * A.invInertia
                                 + (rbCrossN * rbCrossN) * B.invInertia;

                // Calculate impulse scalar
                Fix j = -(Fix.one + e) * contactVel;
                j /= invMassSum;
                j /= contactCount;

                // Apply impulse
                FixVec2 impulse = normal * j;
                A.ApplyImpulse(-impulse, ra);
                B.ApplyImpulse(impulse, rb);

                // Friction Impulse
                rv = B.info.velocity + FixVec2.Cross(B.info.angularVelocity, rb)
                     - A.info.velocity - FixVec2.Cross(A.info.angularVelocity, ra);

                FixVec2 t = rv - (normal * FixVec2.Dot(rv, normal));
                t = t.Normalized();

                // j tangent magnitude
                Fix jt = -FixVec2.Dot(rv, t);
                jt /= invMassSum;
                jt /= contactCount;

                //Don't apply tiny friction impulses
                if (FixMath.Abs(jt) <= Fix.zero)

                // Coulumb's law
                FixVec2 tangentImpulse;
                if (FixMath.Abs(jt) < j * sf)
                    tangentImpulse = t * jt;
                    tangentImpulse = t * -j * df;

                // Apply friction impulse
                A.ApplyImpulse(-tangentImpulse, ra);
                B.ApplyImpulse(tangentImpulse, rb);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public override bool Raycast(out TFRaycastHit2D hit, FixVec2 pointA, FixVec2 pointB, Fix maxFraction)
            hit = new TFRaycastHit2D();

            // Put the ray into the polygon's frame of reference.
            var p1 = u.Transposed() * (pointA - (FixVec2)tdTransform.Position);
            var p2 = u.Transposed() * (pointB - (FixVec2)tdTransform.Position);
            var d  = p2 - p1;

            Fix lower = Fix.zero, upper = maxFraction;

            var index = -1;

            for (var i = 0; i < vertices.Count; ++i)
                // p = p1 + a * d
                // dot(normal, p - v) = 0
                // dot(normal, p1 - v) + a * dot(normal, d) = 0
                var numerator   = FixVec2.Dot(normals[i], GetVertex(i) - p1);
                var denominator = FixVec2.Dot(normals[i], d);

                if (denominator == Fix.zero)
                    if (numerator < Fix.zero)
                    // Note: we want this predicate without division:
                    // lower < numerator / denominator, where denominator < 0
                    // Since denominator < 0, we have to flip the inequality:
                    // lower < numerator / denominator <==> denominator * lower > numerator.
                    if (denominator < Fix.zero && numerator < lower * denominator)
                        // Increase lower.
                        // The segment enters this half-space.
                        lower = numerator / denominator;
                        index = i;
                    else if (denominator > Fix.zero && numerator < upper * denominator)
                        // Decrease upper.
                        // The segment exits this half-space.
                        upper = numerator / denominator;

                // The use of epsilon here causes the assert on lower to trip
                // in some cases. Apparently the use of epsilon was to make edge
                // shapes work, but now those are handled separately.
                //if (upper < lower - b2_epsilon)
                if (upper < lower)

            if (index >= 0)
                hit.fraction = lower;
                hit.normal   = tdTransform.Rotation * normals[index];
                hit.collider = this;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        // Check if polygon A is going to collide with polygon B for the given velocity
        public static PolygonCollisionResult CheckCollision(FixPolygon polygonA, FixPolygon polygonB, FixVec2 velocity)
            var result = new PolygonCollisionResult {
                Intersect = true, WillIntersect = true

            var edgeCountA          = polygonA.Edges.Length;
            var edgeCountB          = polygonB.Edges.Length;
            var minIntervalDistance = Fix.MaxValue;
            var translationAxis     = new FixVec2();

            // Loop through all the edges of both polygons
            for (var edgeIndex = 0; edgeIndex < edgeCountA + edgeCountB; edgeIndex++)
                var edge = edgeIndex < edgeCountA ? polygonA.Edges[edgeIndex] : polygonB.Edges[edgeIndex - edgeCountA];

                // ===== 1. Find if the polygons are currently intersecting =====

                // Find the axis perpendicular to the current edge
                var axis = new FixVec2(-edge.Y, edge.X).Normalize();

                // Find the projection of the polygon on the current axis
                Fix minA;
                Fix maxA;
                Fix minB;
                Fix maxB;
                ProjectPolygon(axis, polygonA, out minA, out maxA);
                ProjectPolygon(axis, polygonB, out minB, out maxB);

                // Check if the polygon projections are currently intersecting
                if (IntervalDistance(minA, maxA, minB, maxB) > 0)
                    result.Intersect = false;

                // ===== 2. Now find if the polygons *will* intersect =====

                // Project the velocity on the current axis
                var velocityProjection = axis.Dot(velocity);

                // Get the projection of polygon A during the movement
                if (velocityProjection < 0)
                    minA += velocityProjection;
                    maxA += velocityProjection;

                // Do the same test as above for the new projection
                var intervalDistance = IntervalDistance(minA, maxA, minB, maxB);
                if (intervalDistance > 0)
                    result.WillIntersect = false;

                // If the polygons are not intersecting and won't intersect, exit the loop
                if (!result.Intersect && !result.WillIntersect)

                // Check if the current interval distance is the minimum one. If so store
                // the interval distance and the current distance.
                // This will be used to calculate the minimum translation FixVec2
                intervalDistance = FixMath.Abs(intervalDistance);
                if (intervalDistance < minIntervalDistance)
                    minIntervalDistance = intervalDistance;
                    translationAxis     = axis;

                    var d = polygonA.Center - polygonB.Center;
                    if (d.Dot(translationAxis) < 0)
                        translationAxis = -translationAxis;

            // The minimum translation FixVec2 can be used to push the polygons apart.
            // First moves the polygons by their velocity
            // then move polygonA by MinimumTranslationVector.
            if (result.WillIntersect)
                result.MinimumTranslationVector = translationAxis * minIntervalDistance;
