Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static Fix16 seekerTimeToTarget(CombatObject attacker, CombatObject target, SeekingWeaponInfo skrinfo)
            //Fix16 distance_toTarget = Trig.distance(attacker.cmbt_loc, target.cmbt_loc);
            PointXd px = new PointXd(attacker.cmbt_loc - target.cmbt_loc);
            Fix16   distance_toTarget = px.Length;
            //SeekingWeaponInfo seekerinfo = (SeekingWeaponInfo)weapon.Template.ComponentTemplate.WeaponInfo;
            int   hitpoints    = skrinfo.SeekerDurability;
            Fix16 mass         = hitpoints * 0.1;
            int   wpnskrspd    = skrinfo.SeekerSpeed;
            Fix16 Thrust       = calcFowardThrust(skrinfo);
            Fix16 acceleration = Thrust / mass * -1; //*-1 because we should be accelerating towards the target, not away.
            Fix16 startV       = seekerClosingSpeed_base(attacker, target);
            //Fix16 endV = ???
            Fix16 baseTimetoTarget = distance_toTarget / startV;

            //Fix16 deltaV = baseTimetoTarget
            //Fix16[] ttt = NMath.quadratic(acceleration, startV, distance_toTarget);
            Fix64[] ttt2 = NMath.quadratic64(acceleration, startV, distance_toTarget);

            Fix16 TimetoTarget;

            if (ttt2[2] == 1)
                TimetoTarget = Fix16.Max((Fix16)ttt2[0], (Fix16)ttt2[1]);
                TimetoTarget = (Fix16)ttt2[0];
            Console.WriteLine("SeekerTimeToTarget = " + TimetoTarget);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override Tuple <Compass, bool?> Nav(Compass angletoWaypoint)
            Compass angletoturn   = new Compass();
            bool?   thrustTowards = true;

            CombatWaypoint wpt = this.waypointTarget;

            angletoturn = new Compass(angletoWaypoint.Degrees - this.cmbt_head.Degrees, false);
            PointXd vectortowaypoint = this.cmbt_loc - this.waypointTarget.cmbt_loc;

            //this stuff doesn't actualy do anything yet:
            Fix16 acceleration = maxfowardThrust / cmbt_mass;
            Fix16 startSpeed   = NMath.distance(cmbt_vel, wpt.cmbt_vel);
            Fix16 distance     = vectortowaypoint.Length;

            Fix16 closingSpeed = NMath.closingRate(this.cmbt_loc, this.cmbt_vel, this.waypointTarget.cmbt_loc, this.waypointTarget.cmbt_vel);
            Fix16 timetowpt    = distance / closingSpeed;

            Fix64[] ttt2 = NMath.quadratic64(acceleration, startSpeed, distance);

            Fix16 TimetoTarget;

            if (ttt2[2] == 1)
                TimetoTarget = Fix16.Max((Fix16)ttt2[0], (Fix16)ttt2[1]);
                TimetoTarget = (Fix16)ttt2[0];
            Fix16 endV = startSpeed + acceleration * TimetoTarget;

            //above doesn't actualy do anything yet.
            Console.WriteLine("seeker ttt: " + TimetoTarget);
            Console.WriteLine("timetowpt: " + timetowpt);
            Console.WriteLine("seeker distance: " + distance);
            Console.WriteLine("seeker startV: " + startSpeed);
            Console.WriteLine("seeker endV: " + endV);

            return(new Tuple <Compass, bool?>(angletoturn, thrustTowards));