Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Firestore_DefaultInstanceShouldBeStable()
            FirebaseFirestore db1 = FirebaseFirestore.DefaultInstance;
            FirebaseFirestore db2 = FirebaseFirestore.DefaultInstance;

            Assert.That(db1, Is.SameAs(db2));
            Assert.That(db1, Is.SameAs(db1.Collection("a").WhereEqualTo("x", 1).Firestore));
            Assert.That(db2, Is.SameAs(db2.Document("a/b").Firestore));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void SubmitScore(string playerName)
            FirebaseUser currentUser = FirebaseAuthManager.Instance.User;

            _firestoreLeaderData = new FirestoreLeaderData(playerName,
                                                           SessionViewModel.Instance.won, currentUser.UserId);
            Debug.Log("Should write to db");
            FirebaseFirestore firestore = FirebaseFirestore.DefaultInstance;

        public static IEnumerable <object[]> TestData(FirebaseFirestore database)
            // TODO(b/153551034): Refactor this using structs or classes.
            return(new List <object[]>
                // Simple types
                { new object[] { null, null } },
                { new object[] { true, true } },
                { new object[] { false, false } },
                { new object[] { "test", "test" } },
                { new object[] { (byte)1, 1L } },
                { new object[] { (sbyte)1, 1L } },
                { new object[] { (short)1, 1L } },
                { new object[] { (ushort)1, 1L } },
                { new object[] { 1, 1L } },
                { new object[] { 1U, 1L } },
                { new object[] { 1L, 1L } },
                { new object[] { 1UL, 1L } },
                { new object[] { 1.5F, 1.5D } },
                { new object[] { float.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity } },
                { new object[] { float.NegativeInfinity, double.NegativeInfinity } },
                { new object[] { float.NaN, double.NaN } },
                { new object[] { 1.5D, 1.5D } },
                { new object[] { double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity } },
                { new object[] { double.NegativeInfinity, double.NegativeInfinity } },
                { new object[] { double.NaN, double.NaN } },

                // Min/max values of each integer type
                { new object[] { byte.MinValue, (long)byte.MinValue } },
                { new object[] { byte.MaxValue, (long)byte.MaxValue } },
                { new object[] { sbyte.MinValue, (long)sbyte.MinValue } },
                { new object[] { sbyte.MaxValue, (long)sbyte.MaxValue } },
                { new object[] { short.MinValue, (long)short.MinValue } },
                { new object[] { short.MaxValue, (long)short.MaxValue } },
                { new object[] { ushort.MinValue, (long)ushort.MinValue } },
                { new object[] { ushort.MaxValue, (long)ushort.MaxValue } },
                { new object[] { int.MinValue, (long)int.MinValue } },
                { new object[] { int.MaxValue, (long)int.MaxValue } },
                { new object[] { uint.MinValue, (long)uint.MinValue } },
                { new object[] { uint.MaxValue, (long)uint.MaxValue } },
                { new object[] { long.MinValue, long.MinValue } },
                { new object[] { long.MaxValue, long.MaxValue } },
                // We don't cover the whole range of ulong
                { new object[] { (ulong)0, 0L } },
                { new object[] { (ulong)long.MaxValue, long.MaxValue } },

                // Enum types
                { new object[] { ByteEnum.MinValue, (long)byte.MinValue } },
                { new object[] { ByteEnum.MaxValue, (long)byte.MaxValue } },
                { new object[] { SByteEnum.MinValue, (long)sbyte.MinValue } },
                { new object[] { SByteEnum.MaxValue, (long)sbyte.MaxValue } },
                { new object[] { Int16Enum.MinValue, (long)short.MinValue } },
                { new object[] { Int16Enum.MaxValue, (long)short.MaxValue } },
                { new object[] { UInt16Enum.MinValue, (long)ushort.MinValue } },
                { new object[] { UInt16Enum.MaxValue, (long)ushort.MaxValue } },
                { new object[] { Int32Enum.MinValue, (long)int.MinValue } },
                { new object[] { Int32Enum.MaxValue, (long)int.MaxValue } },
                { new object[] { UInt32Enum.MinValue, (long)uint.MinValue } },
                { new object[] { UInt32Enum.MaxValue, (long)uint.MaxValue } },
                { new object[] { Int64Enum.MinValue, (long)long.MinValue } },
                { new object[] { Int64Enum.MaxValue, (long)long.MaxValue } },
                // We don't cover the whole range of ulong
                { new object[] { UInt64Enum.MinValue, (long)0 } },
                { new object[] { UInt64Enum.MaxRepresentableValue, (long)long.MaxValue } },
                { new object[] { CustomConversionEnum.Foo, "Foo" } },
                { new object[] { CustomConversionEnum.Bar, "Bar" } },

                // Timestamps
                { new object[] { Timestamp.FromDateTime(dateTime),
                                 Timestamp.FromDateTime(dateTime) } },
                { new object[] { dateTime,
                                 Timestamp.FromDateTime(dateTime) } },
                { new object[] { dateTimeOffset,
                                 Timestamp.FromDateTimeOffset(dateTimeOffset) } },

                // Blobs
                { new object[] { new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 },
                                 Blob.CopyFrom(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }) } },
                { new object[] { Blob.CopyFrom(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }),
                                 Blob.CopyFrom(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }) } },

                // GeoPoints
                { new object[] { new GeoPoint(1.5, 2.5), new GeoPoint(1.5, 2.5) } },

                // Array values
                { new object[] { new string[] { "x", "y" }, new List <object> {
                                     "x", "y"
                                 } } },
                { new object[] { new List <string> {
                                     "x", "y"
                                 }, new List <object> {
                                     "x", "y"
                                 } } },
                { new object[] { new int[] { 3, 4 }, new List <object> {
                                     3L, 4L
                                 } } },
                // Deliberately DateTime rather than Timestamp here - we need to be able to detect the element type to perform the
                // per-element deserialization correctly
                { new object[] { new List <DateTime> {
                                     dateTime, dateTime
                                 new List <object> {
                                     Timestamp.FromDateTime(dateTime), Timestamp.FromDateTime(dateTime)
                                 } } },

                // Map values (that can be deserialized again): dictionaries, attributed types, expandos (which are
                // just dictionaries), custom serialized map-like values

                // Dictionaries
                { new object[] { new Dictionary <string, byte> {
                                     { "A", 10 }, { "B", 20 }
                                 new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                     { "A", 10L }, { "B", 20L }
                                 } } },
                { new object[] { new Dictionary <string, int> {
                                     { "A", 10 }, { "B", 20 }
                                 new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                     { "A", 10L }, { "B", 20L }
                                 } } },
                { new object[] { new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                     { "name", "Jon" }, { "score", 10L }
                                 new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                     { "name", "Jon" }, { "score", 10L }
                                 } } },
                // Attributed type (each property has an attribute)
                { new object[] { new GameResult {
                                     Name = "Jon", Score = 10
                                 new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                     { "name", "Jon" }, { "Score", 10L }
                                 } } },
                // Attributed type contained in a dictionary
                { new object[] {
                      new Dictionary <string, GameResult>
                          { "result", new GameResult {
                                Name = "Jon", Score = 10
                            } }
                      new Dictionary <string, object>
                          { "result",
                            new Dictionary <string, object>
                                { "name", "Jon" }, { "Score", 10L }
                            } }
                  } },
                // Attributed type containing a dictionary
                { new object[] { new DictionaryInterfaceContainer {
                                     Integers = new Dictionary <string, int> {
                                         { "A", 10 }, { "B", 20 }
                                 new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                     { "Integers", new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                           { "A", 10L }, { "B", 20L }
                                       } }
                                 } } },
                // Attributed type serialized and deserialized by CustomPlayerConverter
                { new object[] { new CustomPlayer {
                                     Name = "Amanda", Score = 15
                                 new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                     { "PlayerName", "Amanda" }, { "PlayerScore", 15L }
                                 } } },

                // Attributed value type serialized and deserialized by CustomValueTypeConverter
                { new object[] { new CustomValueType("xyz", 10),
                                 new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                     { "Name", "xyz" }, { "Value", 10L }
                                 } } },

                // Attributed type with enums (name and number)
                { new object[] { new ModelWithEnums {
                                     EnumDefaultByName = CustomConversionEnum.Foo, EnumAttributedByName = Int32Enum.MinValue, EnumByNumber = Int32Enum.MaxValue
                                 new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                     { "EnumDefaultByName", "Foo" },
                                     { "EnumAttributedByName", "MinValue" },
                                     { "EnumByNumber", (long)int.MaxValue }
                                 } } },

                // Attributed struct
                { new object[] { new StructModel {
                                     Name = "xyz", Value = 10
                                 new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                     { "Name", "xyz" }, { "Value", 10L }
                                 } } },

                // Document references
                { new object[] { database.Document("a/b"), database.Document("a/b") } },
        public static IEnumerable <TestCase> TestData(FirebaseFirestore database)
            return(new List <TestCase> {
                // Simple types
                { new TestCase(null, null) },
                { new TestCase(true, true) },
                { new TestCase(false, false) },
                { new TestCase("test", "test") },
                { new TestCase((byte)1, 1L) },
                { new TestCase((sbyte)1, 1L) },
                { new TestCase((short)1, 1L) },
                { new TestCase((ushort)1, 1L) },
                { new TestCase(1, 1L) },
                { new TestCase(1U, 1L) },
                { new TestCase(1L, 1L) },
                { new TestCase(1UL, 1L) },
                { new TestCase(1.5F, 1.5D) },
                { new TestCase(float.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity) },
                { new TestCase(float.NegativeInfinity, double.NegativeInfinity) },
                { new TestCase(float.NaN, double.NaN) },
                { new TestCase(1.5D, 1.5D) },
                { new TestCase(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity) },
                { new TestCase(double.NegativeInfinity, double.NegativeInfinity) },
                { new TestCase(double.NaN, double.NaN) },

                // Min/max values of each integer type
                { new TestCase(byte.MinValue, (long)byte.MinValue) },
                { new TestCase(byte.MaxValue, (long)byte.MaxValue) },
                { new TestCase(sbyte.MinValue, (long)sbyte.MinValue) },
                { new TestCase(sbyte.MaxValue, (long)sbyte.MaxValue) },
                { new TestCase(short.MinValue, (long)short.MinValue) },
                { new TestCase(short.MaxValue, (long)short.MaxValue) },
                { new TestCase(ushort.MinValue, (long)ushort.MinValue) },
                { new TestCase(ushort.MaxValue, (long)ushort.MaxValue) },
                { new TestCase(int.MinValue, (long)int.MinValue) },
                { new TestCase(int.MaxValue, (long)int.MaxValue) },
                { new TestCase(uint.MinValue, (long)uint.MinValue) },
                { new TestCase(uint.MaxValue, (long)uint.MaxValue) },
                { new TestCase(long.MinValue, long.MinValue) },
                { new TestCase(long.MaxValue, long.MaxValue) },
                // We don't cover the whole range of ulong
                { new TestCase((ulong)0, 0L) },
                { new TestCase((ulong)long.MaxValue, long.MaxValue) },

                // Enum types
                { new TestCase(ByteEnum.MinValue, (long)byte.MinValue) },
                { new TestCase(ByteEnum.MaxValue, (long)byte.MaxValue) },
                { new TestCase(SByteEnum.MinValue, (long)sbyte.MinValue) },
                { new TestCase(SByteEnum.MaxValue, (long)sbyte.MaxValue) },
                { new TestCase(Int16Enum.MinValue, (long)short.MinValue) },
                { new TestCase(Int16Enum.MaxValue, (long)short.MaxValue) },
                { new TestCase(UInt16Enum.MinValue, (long)ushort.MinValue) },
                { new TestCase(UInt16Enum.MaxValue, (long)ushort.MaxValue) },
                { new TestCase(Int32Enum.MinValue, (long)int.MinValue) },
                { new TestCase(Int32Enum.MaxValue, (long)int.MaxValue) },
                { new TestCase(UInt32Enum.MinValue, (long)uint.MinValue) },
                { new TestCase(UInt32Enum.MaxValue, (long)uint.MaxValue) },
                { new TestCase(Int64Enum.MinValue, (long)long.MinValue) },
                { new TestCase(Int64Enum.MaxValue, (long)long.MaxValue) },
                // We don't cover the whole range of ulong
                { new TestCase(UInt64Enum.MinValue, (long)0) },
                { new TestCase(UInt64Enum.MaxRepresentableValue, (long)long.MaxValue) },
                { new TestCase(CustomConversionEnum.Foo, "Foo") },
                { new TestCase(CustomConversionEnum.Bar, "Bar") },

                // Timestamps
                { new TestCase(Timestamp.FromDateTime(dateTime), Timestamp.FromDateTime(dateTime)) },
                { new TestCase(dateTime, Timestamp.FromDateTime(dateTime)) },
                { new TestCase(dateTimeOffset, Timestamp.FromDateTimeOffset(dateTimeOffset)) },

                // Blobs
                { new TestCase(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, Blob.CopyFrom(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 })) },
                { new TestCase(Blob.CopyFrom(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }),
                               Blob.CopyFrom(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 })) },

                // GeoPoints
                { new TestCase(new GeoPoint(1.5, 2.5), new GeoPoint(1.5, 2.5)) },

                // Array values
                { new TestCase(new string[] { "x", "y" }, new List <object> {
                        "x", "y"
                    }) },
                { new TestCase(new List <string> {
                        "x", "y"
                    }, new List <object> {
                        "x", "y"
                    }) },
                { new TestCase(new int[] { 3, 4 }, new List <object> {
                        3L, 4L
                    }) },

                // Deliberately DateTime rather than Timestamp here - we need to be able to detect the
                // element type to perform the per-element deserialization correctly
                { new TestCase(new List <DateTime> {
                        dateTime, dateTime
                               new List <object> {
                    }) },

                // Map values (that can be deserialized again): dictionaries, attributed types, expandos
                // (which are just dictionaries), custom serialized map-like values

                // Dictionaries
                { new TestCase(new Dictionary <string, byte> {
                        { "A", 10 }, { "B", 20 }
                               new Dictionary <string, object> {
                        { "A", 10L }, { "B", 20L }
                    }) },
                { new TestCase(new Dictionary <string, int> {
                        { "A", 10 }, { "B", 20 }
                               new Dictionary <string, object> {
                        { "A", 10L }, { "B", 20L }
                    }) },
                { new TestCase(new Dictionary <string, object> {
                        { "name", "Jon" }, { "score", 10L }
                               new Dictionary <string, object> {
                        { "name", "Jon" }, { "score", 10L }
                    }) },
                // Attributed type (each property has an attribute)
                { new TestCase(new GameResult {
                        Name = "Jon", Score = 10
                               new Dictionary <string, object> {
                        { "name", "Jon" }, { "Score", 10L }
                    }) },
                // Attributed type contained in a dictionary
                { new TestCase(
                      new Dictionary <string, GameResult> {
                        { "result",
                          new GameResult {
                              Name = "Jon", Score = 10
                          } }
                      new Dictionary <string, object> {
                        { "result", new Dictionary <string, object> {
                              { "name", "Jon" }, { "Score", 10L }
                          } }
                    }) },
                // Attributed type containing a dictionary
                { new TestCase(
                      new DictionaryInterfaceContainer {
                        Integers = new Dictionary <string, int> {
                            { "A", 10 }, { "B", 20 }
                      new Dictionary <string, object> {
                        { "Integers", new Dictionary <string, object> {
                              { "A", 10L }, { "B", 20L }
                          } }
                    }) },
                // Attributed type serialized and deserialized by CustomPlayerConverter
                { new TestCase(new CustomPlayer {
                        Name = "Amanda", Score = 15
                               new Dictionary <string, object> {
                        { "PlayerName", "Amanda" },
                        { "PlayerScore", 15L }
                    }) },

                // Attributed value type serialized and deserialized by CustomValueTypeConverter
                { new TestCase(new CustomValueType("xyz", 10),
                               new Dictionary <string, object> {
                        { "Name", "xyz" }, { "Value", 10L }
                    }) },

                // Attributed type with enums (name and number)
                { new TestCase(new ModelWithEnums {
                        EnumDefaultByName = CustomConversionEnum.Foo,
                        EnumAttributedByName = Int32Enum.MinValue,
                        EnumByNumber = Int32Enum.MaxValue
                               new Dictionary <string, object> {
                        { "EnumDefaultByName", "Foo" },
                        { "EnumAttributedByName", "MinValue" },
                        { "EnumByNumber", (long)int.MaxValue }
                    }) },

                // Attributed type with List field
                { new TestCase(new CustomUser {
                        Name = "Jon", HighScore = 10,
                        Emails = new List <string> {
                               new Dictionary <string, object> {
                        { "Name", "Jon" },
                        { "HighScore", 10L },
                        { "Emails", new List <object> {
                          } }
                    }) },

                // Attributed type with IEnumerable field
                { new TestCase(
                      new CustomUserEnumerableEmails()
                        Name = "Jon", HighScore = 10,
                        Emails = new List <string> {
                      new Dictionary <string, object> {
                        { "Name", "Jon" },
                        { "HighScore", 10L },
                        { "Emails",
                          new List <object> {
                          } }
                    }) },

                // Attributed type with Set field and custom converter.
                { new TestCase(
                      new CustomUserSetEmailsWithConverter()
                        Name = "Jon", HighScore = 10, Emails = new HashSet <string> {
                      new Dictionary <string, object> {
                        { "Name", "Jon" },
                        { "HighScore", 10L },
                        { "Emails",
                          new List <object> {
                          } }
                    }) },

                // Attributed struct
                { new TestCase(new StructModel {
                        Name = "xyz", Value = 10
                               new Dictionary <string, object> {
                        { "Name", "xyz" }, { "Value", 10L }
                    }) },

                // Document references
                { new TestCase(database.Document("a/b"), database.Document("a/b")) },
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public IDocumentReference GetDocument(string documentPath)
     return(new DocumentReferenceWrapper(_firestore.Document(documentPath)));