Ejemplo n.º 1
         * Simplify a finite automaton by merging simulation equivalent states
         * @param fa: a finite automaton
         * @param Sim: some simulation rel_specation over states in the spec automaton
         * @return an equivalent finite automaton
        private FiniteAutomaton quotient(FiniteAutomaton fa, HashSet <Pair <FAState, FAState> > rel)
            FiniteAutomaton result                   = new FiniteAutomaton();
            Dictionary <FAState, FAState> map        = new Dictionary <FAState, FAState>();
            Dictionary <FAState, FAState> reducedMap = new Dictionary <FAState, FAState>();

            foreach (FAState state in fa.states)
                map.Add(state, state);
                foreach (FAState state2 in fa.states)
                    if (rel.Contains(new Pair <FAState, FAState>(state, state2)) &&
                        rel.Contains(new Pair <FAState, FAState>(state2, state)))
                        map.Add(state, state2);

            FAState init = result.createState();

            reducedMap.Add(map[fa.InitialState], init);
            result.InitialState = init;

            foreach (FAState state in fa.states)
                if (!reducedMap.ContainsKey(map[state]))
                    reducedMap.Add(map[state], result.createState());
                if (fa.F.Contains(state))
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, HashSet <FAState> > sym_it in state.next)
                    String sym = sym_it.Key;
                    foreach (FAState to in sym_it.Value)
                        if (!reducedMap.ContainsKey(map[to]))
                            reducedMap.Add(map[to], result.createState());
                        result.addTransition(reducedMap[map[state]], reducedMap[map[to]], sym);
            HashSet <Pair <FAState, FAState> > newrel_spec = new HashSet <Pair <FAState, FAState> >();

            foreach (Pair <FAState, FAState> sim in rel)
                newrel_spec.Add(new Pair <FAState, FAState>(reducedMap[map[sim.Left]], reducedMap[map[sim.Right]]));
            rel = new HashSet <Pair <FAState, FAState> >(newrel_spec);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private bool lasso_finding_test(HashSet <Arc> g, HashSet <Arc> h, int init)
            if (!Head.ContainsKey(g.ToString()))
                HashSet <int> H = new HashSet <int>();

                foreach (Arc arc_g in g)
                    if (arc_g.From == init)
                Head.Add(g.ToString(), H);

            if (!Tail.ContainsKey(h.ToString()))
                FiniteAutomaton fa = new FiniteAutomaton();
                OneToOneTreeMap <int, FAState> st = new OneToOneTreeMap <int, FAState>();

                foreach (Arc arc_h in h)
                    if (!st.containsKey(arc_h.From))
                        st.put(arc_h.From, fa.createState());
                    if (!st.containsKey(arc_h.To))
                        st.put(arc_h.To, fa.createState());
                    fa.addTransition(st.getValue(arc_h.From), st.getValue(arc_h.To), arc_h.Label ? "1" : "0");

                SCC           s = new SCC(fa);
                HashSet <int> T = new HashSet <int>();

                foreach (FAState state in s.getResult())

                int TailSize = 0;

                HashSet <Arc> isolatedArcs = h;

                while (TailSize != T.Count)
                    TailSize = T.Count;

                    HashSet <Arc> isolatedArcsTemp = new HashSet <Arc>();
                    foreach (Arc arc in isolatedArcs)
                        if (!T.Contains(arc.To))
                    isolatedArcs = isolatedArcsTemp;
                Tail.Add(h.ToString(), T);
            HashSet <int> intersection = new HashSet <int>(Head[g.ToString()]);


            //    if(intersection.isEmpty()){
            //        //debug("g_graph:"+g+", Head: "+Head.get(g.ToString()));
            //        //debug("h_graph:"+h+", Tail: "+Tail.get(h.ToString()));
            //    }

            return(intersection.Count > 0);