Ejemplo n.º 1
        public MyUIElement(RPARemoteObj context)
            this.context           = context;
            node                   = new UiElement(SelectorStrategy.DEFAULT);
            node.Timeout           = 30000;
            node.WaitForReadyLevel = WaitForReady.INTERACTIVE;
            var selector = context.selector;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selector))
                Selector  filter = new Selector(selector);
                FindScope scope  = filter.IsTopLevel() ? FindScope.FIND_TOP_LEVELS : FindScope.FIND_DESCENDANTS;
                node = node.FindFirst(scope, filter);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    // find by text - Exact
    public static List<Phrase> FindPhrases(Book book, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result, string text, LanguageType language_type, string translation, TextLocation text_location, bool case_sensitive, TextWordness wordness, int multiplicity, bool at_word_start, bool with_diacritics)
        List<Phrase> result = new List<Phrase>();

        if (language_type == LanguageType.Arabic)
            result = DoFindPhrases(book, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result, text, language_type, translation, text_location, case_sensitive, wordness, multiplicity, at_word_start, with_diacritics, true);
        else if (language_type == LanguageType.Translation)
            if (book.Verses != null)
                if (book.Verses.Count > 0)
                    foreach (string key in book.Verses[0].Translations.Keys)
                        List<Phrase> new_phrases = DoFindPhrases(book, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result, text, language_type, key, text_location, case_sensitive, wordness, multiplicity, at_word_start, with_diacritics, false);

        return result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 // find by revelation place
 public static List<Chapter> FindChapters(Book book, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result, RevelationPlace revelation_place)
     return DoFindChapters(book, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result, revelation_place);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private static List<Chapter> DoFindChapters(Book book, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result, RevelationPlace revelation_place)
     List<Verse> source = GetSourceVerses(book, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result);
     return DoFindChapters(source, revelation_place);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 // helper methods for finds
 public static List<Verse> GetSourceVerses(Book book, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result)
     List<Verse> result = new List<Verse>();
     if (book != null)
         if (find_scope == FindScope.Book)
             result = book.Verses;
         else if (find_scope == FindScope.Selection)
             result = current_selection.Verses;
         else if (find_scope == FindScope.Result)
             if (previous_result != null)
                 result = new List<Verse>(previous_result);
     return result;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 // find by numbers - Words
 public static List<Word> FindWords(Book book, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result, NumberQuery query)
     return DoFindWords(book, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result, query);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 // find by similarity - verse similar to given verse
 public static List<Verse> FindVerses(Book book, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result, Verse verse, SimilarityMethod similarity_method, double similarity_percentage)
     return DoFindVerses(book, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result, verse, similarity_method, similarity_percentage);
Ejemplo n.º 8
    // find by text - Root
    public static List<Phrase> FindPhrases(Book book, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result, string roots, int multiplicity, bool with_diacritics)
        List<Phrase> result = new List<Phrase>();
        List<Verse> found_verses = null;

        while (roots.Contains("  "))
            roots = roots.Replace("  ", " ");

        string[] parts = roots.Split();
        if (parts.Length == 0)
            return result;
        else if (parts.Length == 1)
            return DoFindPhrases(book, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result, roots, multiplicity, with_diacritics);
        else if (parts.Length > 1) // enable nested searches
            if (roots.Length > 1) // enable nested searches
                List<Phrase> phrases = null;

                List<string> negative_words = new List<string>();
                List<string> positive_words = new List<string>();
                List<string> neutral_words = new List<string>();
                foreach (string part in parts)
                    if ((part.StartsWith("-")) || (part.EndsWith("-")))
                        int index = part.IndexOf("-");
                        negative_words.Add(part.Remove(index, 1));
                    else if ((part.StartsWith("+")) || (part.EndsWith("+")))
                        int index = part.IndexOf("+");
                        positive_words.Add(part.Remove(index, 1));

                foreach (string negative_word in negative_words)
                    phrases = DoFindPhrases(book, find_scope, current_selection, found_verses, negative_word, 0, with_diacritics); // multiplicity = 0 for exclude
                    AddToResult(phrases, ref found_verses, ref find_scope, ref result);

                foreach (string positive_word in positive_words)
                    phrases = DoFindPhrases(book, find_scope, current_selection, found_verses, positive_word, multiplicity, with_diacritics);
                    AddToResult(phrases, ref found_verses, ref find_scope, ref result);

                foreach (string neutral_word in neutral_words)
                    phrases = DoFindPhrases(book, find_scope, current_selection, found_verses, neutral_word, multiplicity, with_diacritics);
                    AddToResult(phrases, ref found_verses, ref find_scope, ref result);
        return result;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 private static List<Phrase> DoFindPhrases(Book book, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result, string word_text, double similarity_percentage)
     List<Verse> source = GetSourceVerses(book, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result);
     return DoFindPhrases(source, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result, word_text, similarity_percentage);
Ejemplo n.º 10
    private static List<Phrase> DoFindPhrases(List<Verse> source, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result, string root, int multiplicity, bool with_diacritics)
        List<Phrase> result = new List<Phrase>();
        List<Verse> found_verses = new List<Verse>();
        if (source != null)
            if (source.Count > 0)
                Book book = source[0].Book;
                if (root.Length > 0)
                        Dictionary<string, List<Word>> root_words_dictionary = book.RootWords;
                        if (root_words_dictionary != null)
                            List<Word> root_words = null;
                            if (root_words_dictionary.ContainsKey(root))
                                // get all pre-identified root_words
                                root_words = root_words_dictionary[root];
                            else // if no such root, search for the matching root_word by its verse position and get its root and then get all root_words
                                string new_root = book.GetBestRoot(root, with_diacritics);
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(new_root))
                                    // get all pre-identified root_words for new root
                                    root_words = root_words_dictionary[new_root];

                            if (root_words != null)
                                result = GetPhrasesWithRootWords(source, root_words, multiplicity, with_diacritics);
                                foreach (Phrase phrase in result)
                                    if (phrase != null)
                                        if (!found_verses.Contains(phrase.Verse))
                        // log exception
        return result;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 private static List<Phrase> DoFindPhrases(Book book, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result, string root, int multiplicity, bool with_diacritics)
     List<Verse> source = GetSourceVerses(book, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result);
     return DoFindPhrases(source, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result, root, multiplicity, with_diacritics);
Ejemplo n.º 12
    private static List<Phrase> DoFindPhrases(string translation, List<Verse> source, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result, string text, TextLocation text_location, bool case_sensitive, TextWordness wordness, int multiplicity, bool at_word_start)
        List<Phrase> result = new List<Phrase>();
        List<Verse> found_verses = new List<Verse>();
        if (source != null)
            if (source.Count > 0)
                Book book = source[0].Book;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                    RegexOptions regex_options = case_sensitive ? RegexOptions.None : RegexOptions.IgnoreCase;
                    if (text.IsArabic()) // Arabic letters in translation (Emlaaei, Urdu, Farsi, etc.)
                        regex_options |= RegexOptions.RightToLeft;

                        string pattern_empty_line = @"^$";
                        string pattern_whole_line = "(" + @"^" + text + @"$" + ")";

                        string pattern_any_with_prefix = "(" + @"\S+?" + text + ")";
                        string pattern_any_with_prefix_and_suffix = "(" + @"\S+?" + text + @"\S+?" + ")";
                        string pattern_any_with_suffix = "(" + text + @"\S+?" + ")";

                        string pattern_word_with_prefix = "(" + pattern_any_with_prefix + @"\b" + ")";
                        string pattern_word_with_prefix_and_suffix = "(" + pattern_any_with_prefix_and_suffix + ")";
                        string pattern_word_with_suffix = "(" + @"\b" + pattern_any_with_suffix + ")";
                        string pattern_word_with_any_fixes = "(" + pattern_word_with_prefix + "|" + pattern_word_with_prefix_and_suffix + "|" + pattern_any_with_suffix + ")";

                        // Whole word
                        string pattern_whole_word_at_start = "(" + pattern_whole_line + "|" + @"^" + text + @"\b" + ")";
                        string pattern_whole_word_at_middle = "(" + pattern_whole_line + "|" + @"(?<!^)" + @"\b" + text + @"\b" + @"(?!$)" + ")";
                        string pattern_whole_word_at_end = "(" + pattern_whole_line + "|" + @"\b" + text + @"$" + ")";
                        string pattern_whole_word_anywhere = "(" + pattern_whole_line + "|" + @"\b" + text + @"\b" + ")";

                        // Part of word
                        string pattern_part_word_at_start = "(" + @"^" + pattern_word_with_any_fixes + ")";
                        string pattern_part_word_at_middle = "(" + @"(?<!^)" + pattern_word_with_any_fixes + @"(?!$)" + ")";
                        string pattern_part_word_at_end = "(" + pattern_word_with_any_fixes + @"$" + ")";
                        string pattern_part_word_anywhere = "(" + pattern_part_word_at_start + "|" + pattern_part_word_at_middle + "|" + pattern_part_word_at_end + ")";

                        // Any == Whole word | Part of word
                        string pattern_any_at_start = "(" + pattern_whole_line + "|" + @"^" + text + ")";
                        string pattern_any_at_middle = "(" + pattern_whole_line + "|" + @"(?<!^)" + text + @"(?!$)" + ")";
                        string pattern_any_at_end = "(" + pattern_whole_line + "|" + text + @"$" + ")";
                        string pattern_any_anywhere = text;

                        string pattern = null;
                        List<string> negative_words = new List<string>();
                        List<string> positive_words = new List<string>();
                        List<string> unsigned_words = new List<string>();

                        if (at_word_start)
                            pattern = @"(?<=\b)(" + pattern + @")"; // positive lookbehind

                        switch (text_location)
                            case TextLocation.Anywhere:
                                    if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                        pattern += pattern_whole_word_anywhere;
                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                        pattern += pattern_part_word_anywhere;
                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                        pattern += pattern_any_anywhere;
                                        pattern += pattern_empty_line;
                            case TextLocation.AtStart:
                                    if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                        pattern += pattern_whole_word_at_start;
                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                        pattern += pattern_part_word_at_start;
                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                        pattern += pattern_any_at_start;
                                        pattern += pattern_empty_line;
                            case TextLocation.AtMiddle:
                                    if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                        pattern += pattern_whole_word_at_middle;
                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                        pattern += pattern_part_word_at_middle;
                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                        pattern += pattern_any_at_middle;
                                        pattern += pattern_empty_line;
                            case TextLocation.AtEnd:
                                    if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                        pattern += pattern_whole_word_at_end;
                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                        pattern += pattern_part_word_at_end;
                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                        pattern += pattern_any_at_end;
                                        pattern += pattern_empty_line;
                            case TextLocation.AllWords:
                            case TextLocation.AnyWord:
                                    pattern = Regex.Replace(text.Trim(), @"\s+", " "); // remove double space or higher if any

                                    string[] pattern_words = pattern.Split();
                                    foreach (string pattern_word in pattern_words)
                                        if (pattern_word.StartsWith("-"))
                                        else if (pattern_word.EndsWith("-"))
                                            negative_words.Add(pattern_word.Substring(0, pattern_word.Length - 1));
                                        else if (pattern_word.StartsWith("+"))
                                        else if (pattern_word.EndsWith("+"))
                                            positive_words.Add(pattern_word.Substring(0, pattern_word.Length - 1));
                                    return new List<Phrase>();

                        // do actual search
                        foreach (Verse verse in source)
                            if (text_location == TextLocation.AllWords)
                                bool found = false;
                                foreach (string negative_word in negative_words)
                                    if (verse.Translations[translation].Contains(negative_word))
                                        found = true;
                                if (found) continue;

                                foreach (string positive_word in positive_words)
                                    if (!verse.Translations[translation].Contains(positive_word))
                                        found = true;
                                if (found) continue;

                                if (
                                     (unsigned_words.Count == 0) ||
                                    result.Add(new Phrase(verse, 0, ""));
                            else if (text_location == TextLocation.AnyWord)
                                bool skip = false;
                                foreach (string negative_word in negative_words)
                                    if (verse.Translations[translation].Contains(negative_word))
                                        skip = true;
                                if (skip) continue;

                                foreach (string positive_word in positive_words)
                                    if (!verse.Translations[translation].Contains(positive_word))
                                        skip = true;
                                if (skip) continue;

                                if (
                                     (negative_words.Count > 0) ||
                                     (positive_words.Count > 0) ||
                                       (unsigned_words.Count == 0) ||
                                    result.Add(new Phrase(verse, 0, ""));
                            else // at start, middle, end, or anywhere
                                MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(verse.Translations[translation], pattern, regex_options);
                                if (multiplicity != -1) // with multiplicity
                                    if (matches.Count >= multiplicity)
                                        if (matches.Count > 0)
                                            result.AddRange(BuildPhrasesAndOriginify(verse, matches));
                                            result.Add(new Phrase(verse, 0, ""));
                                else // without multiplicity
                                    if (matches.Count > 0)
                                        result.AddRange(BuildPhrasesAndOriginify(verse, matches));
                        } // end for
                        // log exception
        return result;
Ejemplo n.º 13
    private static List<Phrase> DoFindPhrases(List<Verse> source, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result, string text, TextLocation text_location, TextWordness wordness, int multiplicity, bool at_word_start, bool with_diacritics, bool try_emlaaei_if_nothing_found)
        List<Phrase> result = new List<Phrase>();
        List<Verse> found_verses = new List<Verse>();
        if (source != null)
            if (source.Count > 0)
                Book book = source[0].Book;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                    RegexOptions regex_options = RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.RightToLeft;

                    string pattern = null;
                    List<string> unsigned_words = null;
                    List<string> positive_words = null;
                    List<string> negative_words = null;

                        if (with_diacritics)
                            // search in original text first (without simplification)
                            pattern = BuildPattern(text, text_location, wordness, at_word_start, out unsigned_words, out positive_words, out negative_words);
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pattern))
                                foreach (Verse verse in source)
                                    // process negative_words
                                    if (negative_words.Count > 0)
                                        bool found = false;
                                        foreach (string negative_word in negative_words)
                                            foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                string word_text = word.Text;
                                                if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                    if (word_text.Contains(negative_word))
                                                        found = true; // next verse
                                                else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                    if ((word_text.Contains(negative_word)) && (word_text.Length > negative_word.Length))
                                                        found = true; // next verse
                                                else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                    if (word_text == negative_word)
                                                        found = true; // next verse
                                            if (found)
                                        if (found) continue; // next verse

                                    // process positive_words
                                    if (positive_words.Count > 0)
                                        int matches = 0;
                                        foreach (string positive_word in positive_words)
                                            foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                string word_text = word.Text;
                                                if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                    if (word_text.Contains(positive_word))
                                                        break; // next positive_word
                                                else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                    if ((word_text.Contains(positive_word)) && (word_text.Length > positive_word.Length))
                                                        break; // next positive_word
                                                else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                    if (word_text == positive_word)
                                                        break; // next positive_word

                                        // verse failed test, so skip it
                                        if (matches < positive_words.Count)
                                            continue; // next verse

                                    // both negative and positive conditions have been met

                                    // process unsigned_words
                                    // FindByText WORDS All
                                    if (text_location == TextLocation.AllWords)
                                        int matches = 0;
                                        foreach (string unsigned_word in unsigned_words)
                                            foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                string word_text = word.Text;
                                                if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                    if (word_text.Contains(unsigned_word))
                                                        break; // no need to continue even if there are more matches
                                                else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                    if ((word_text.Contains(unsigned_word)) && (word_text.Length > unsigned_word.Length))
                                                        break; // no need to continue even if there are more matches
                                                else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                    if (word_text == unsigned_word)
                                                        break; // no need to continue even if there are more matches

                                        if (matches == unsigned_words.Count)
                                            // all negative, positive and unsigned conditions have been met

                                            // add positive matches
                                            foreach (string positive_word in positive_words)
                                                foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                    string word_text = word.Text;
                                                    if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                        if (word_text.Contains(positive_word))
                                                            result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                            //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                        if ((word_text.Contains(positive_word)) && (word_text.Length > positive_word.Length))
                                                            result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                            //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                        if (word_text == positive_word)
                                                            result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                            //break; // no break in case there are more matches

                                            // add unsigned matches
                                            foreach (string unsigned_word in unsigned_words)
                                                foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                    string word_text = word.Text;
                                                    if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                        if (word_text.Contains(unsigned_word))
                                                            result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                            //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                        if ((word_text.Contains(unsigned_word)) && (word_text.Length > unsigned_word.Length))
                                                            result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                            //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                        if (word_text == unsigned_word)
                                                            result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                            //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                        else // verse failed test, so skip it
                                            continue; // next verse
                                    // FindByText WORDS Any
                                    else if (text_location == TextLocation.AnyWord)
                                        bool found = false;
                                        foreach (string unsigned_word in unsigned_words)
                                            foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                string word_text = word.Text;
                                                if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                    if (word_text.Contains(unsigned_word))
                                                        found = true;
                                                        break; // next unsigned_word
                                                else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                    if ((word_text.Contains(unsigned_word)) && (word_text.Length > unsigned_word.Length))
                                                        found = true;
                                                        break; // next unsigned_word
                                                else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                    if (word_text == unsigned_word)
                                                        found = true;
                                                        break; // next unsigned_word
                                            if (found)

                                        if (found) // found 1 unsigned word in verse, which is enough
                                            // all negative, positive and unsigned conditions have been met

                                            // add positive matches
                                            foreach (string positive_word in positive_words)
                                                foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                    string word_text = word.Text;
                                                    if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                        if (word_text.Contains(positive_word))
                                                            result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                            //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                        if ((word_text.Contains(positive_word)) && (word_text.Length > positive_word.Length))
                                                            result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                            //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                        if (word_text == positive_word)
                                                            result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                            //break; // no break in case there are more matches

                                            // add unsigned matches
                                            foreach (string unsigned_word in unsigned_words)
                                                foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                    string word_text = word.Text;
                                                    if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                        if (word_text.Contains(unsigned_word))
                                                            result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                            //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                        if ((word_text.Contains(unsigned_word)) && (word_text.Length > unsigned_word.Length))
                                                            result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                            //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                        if (word_text == unsigned_word)
                                                            result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                            //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                        else // verse failed test, so skip it
                                            continue; // next verse
                                    // FindByText EXACT
                                    else // at start, middle, end, or anywhere
                                        string verse_text = verse.Text;
                                        //??? whole_word still needs verification in border cases in all text_modes
                                        MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(verse_text, pattern, regex_options);
                                        if (multiplicity != -1) // with multiplicity
                                            if (matches.Count >= multiplicity)
                                                if (matches.Count > 0)
                                                    result.AddRange(BuildPhrases(verse, matches));
                                                    result.Add(new Phrase(verse, 0, ""));
                                        else // without multiplicity
                                            if (matches.Count > 0)
                                                result.AddRange(BuildPhrases(verse, matches));
                                } // end for
                        //DON'T use else{} in case with_diacritics didn't find any result, so try simplified text first before emlaaei text
                        if (result.Count == 0)
                            // simplify all text_modes (Original will be simplified29 automatically)
                            text = text.SimplifyTo(s_numerology_system.TextMode);
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) // re-test in case text was just harakaat which is simplifed to nothing
                                pattern = BuildPattern(text, text_location, wordness, at_word_start, out unsigned_words, out positive_words, out negative_words);
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pattern))
                                    foreach (Verse verse in source)
                                        // process negative_words
                                        if (negative_words.Count > 0)
                                            bool found = false;
                                            foreach (string negative_word in negative_words)
                                                foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                    // simplify all text_modes (Original will be simplified29 automatically)
                                                    string word_text = word.Text.SimplifyTo(s_numerology_system.TextMode);
                                                    if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                        if (word_text.Contains(negative_word))
                                                            found = true; // next verse
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                        if ((word_text.Contains(negative_word)) && (word_text.Length > negative_word.Length))
                                                            found = true; // next verse
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                        if (word_text == negative_word)
                                                            found = true; // next verse
                                                if (found)
                                            if (found) continue; // next verse

                                        // process positive_words
                                        if (positive_words.Count > 0)
                                            int matches = 0;
                                            foreach (string positive_word in positive_words)
                                                foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                    // simplify all text_modes (Original will be simplified29 automatically)
                                                    string word_text = word.Text.SimplifyTo(s_numerology_system.TextMode);
                                                    if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                        if (word_text.Contains(positive_word))
                                                            break; // next positive_word
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                        if ((word_text.Contains(positive_word)) && (word_text.Length > positive_word.Length))
                                                            break; // next positive_word
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                        if (word_text == positive_word)
                                                            break; // next positive_word

                                            // verse failed test, so skip it
                                            if (matches < positive_words.Count)
                                                continue; // next verse

                                        // both negative and positive conditions have been met

                                        // process unsigned_words
                                        // FindByText WORDS All
                                        if (text_location == TextLocation.AllWords)
                                            int matches = 0;
                                            foreach (string unsigned_word in unsigned_words)
                                                foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                    // simplify all text_modes (Original will be simplified29 automatically)
                                                    string word_text = word.Text.SimplifyTo(s_numerology_system.TextMode);
                                                    if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                        if (word_text.Contains(unsigned_word))
                                                            break; // no need to continue even if there are more matches
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                        if ((word_text.Contains(unsigned_word)) && (word_text.Length > unsigned_word.Length))
                                                            break; // no need to continue even if there are more matches
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                        if (word_text == unsigned_word)
                                                            break; // no need to continue even if there are more matches

                                            if (matches == unsigned_words.Count)
                                                // all negative, positive and unsigned conditions have been met

                                                // add positive matches
                                                foreach (string positive_word in positive_words)
                                                    foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                        // simplify all text_modes (Original will be simplified29 automatically)
                                                        string word_text = word.Text.SimplifyTo(s_numerology_system.TextMode);
                                                        if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                            if (word_text.Contains(positive_word))
                                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                                //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                        else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                            if ((word_text.Contains(positive_word)) && (word_text.Length > positive_word.Length))
                                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                                //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                        else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                            if (word_text == positive_word)
                                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                                //break; // no break in case there are more matches

                                                // add unsigned matches
                                                foreach (string unsigned_word in unsigned_words)
                                                    foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                        // simplify all text_modes (Original will be simplified29 automatically)
                                                        string word_text = word.Text.SimplifyTo(s_numerology_system.TextMode);
                                                        if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                            if (word_text.Contains(unsigned_word))
                                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                                //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                        else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                            if ((word_text.Contains(unsigned_word)) && (word_text.Length > unsigned_word.Length))
                                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                                //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                        else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                            if (word_text == unsigned_word)
                                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                                //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                            else // verse failed test, so skip it
                                                continue; // next verse
                                        // FindByText WORDS Any
                                        else if (text_location == TextLocation.AnyWord)
                                            bool found = false;
                                            foreach (string unsigned_word in unsigned_words)
                                                foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                    // simplify all text_modes (Original will be simplified29 automatically)
                                                    string word_text = word.Text.SimplifyTo(s_numerology_system.TextMode);
                                                    if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                        if (word_text.Contains(unsigned_word))
                                                            found = true;
                                                            break; // next unsigned_word
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                        if ((word_text.Contains(unsigned_word)) && (word_text.Length > unsigned_word.Length))
                                                            found = true;
                                                            break; // next unsigned_word
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                        if (word_text == unsigned_word)
                                                            found = true;
                                                            break; // next unsigned_word
                                                if (found)

                                            if (found) // found 1 unsigned word in verse, which is enough
                                                // all negative, positive and unsigned conditions have been met

                                                // add positive matches
                                                foreach (string positive_word in positive_words)
                                                    foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                        // simplify all text_modes (Original will be simplified29 automatically)
                                                        string word_text = word.Text.SimplifyTo(s_numerology_system.TextMode);
                                                        if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                            if (word_text.Contains(positive_word))
                                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                                //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                        else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                            if ((word_text.Contains(positive_word)) && (word_text.Length > positive_word.Length))
                                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                                //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                        else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                            if (word_text == positive_word)
                                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                                //break; // no break in case there are more matches

                                                // add unsigned matches
                                                foreach (string unsigned_word in unsigned_words)
                                                    foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                        // simplify all text_modes (Original will be simplified29 automatically)
                                                        string word_text = word.Text.SimplifyTo(s_numerology_system.TextMode);
                                                        if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                            if (word_text.Contains(unsigned_word))
                                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                                //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                        else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                            if ((word_text.Contains(unsigned_word)) && (word_text.Length > unsigned_word.Length))
                                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                                //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                        else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                            if (word_text == unsigned_word)
                                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                                //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                            else // verse failed test, so skip it
                                                continue; // next verse
                                        // FindByText EXACT
                                        else // at start, middle, end, or anywhere
                                            // simplify all text_modes (Original will be simplified29 automatically)
                                            string verse_text = verse.Text.SimplifyTo(s_numerology_system.TextMode);
                                            MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(verse_text, pattern, regex_options);
                                            if (multiplicity != -1) // with multiplicity
                                                if (matches.Count >= multiplicity)
                                                    if (matches.Count > 0)
                                                        result.AddRange(BuildPhrasesAndOriginify(verse, matches));
                                                        result.Add(new Phrase(verse, 0, ""));
                                            else // without multiplicity
                                                if (matches.Count > 0)
                                                    result.AddRange(BuildPhrasesAndOriginify(verse, matches));
                                    } // end for

                        // if nothing found
                        if ((multiplicity != 0) && (result.Count == 0))
                            //  search in emlaaei
                            if (try_emlaaei_if_nothing_found)
                                // always simplify29 for emlaaei comparison
                                pattern = pattern.Simplify29();
                                pattern = pattern.Trim();
                                while (pattern.Contains("  "))
                                    pattern = pattern.Replace("  ", " ");

                                if ((source != null) && (source.Count > 0))
                                    foreach (Verse verse in source)
                                        // always simplify29 for emlaaei comparison
                                        string simplified_emlaaei_text = verse.Translations[DEFAULT_EMLAAEI_TEXT].Simplify29();
                                        simplified_emlaaei_text = simplified_emlaaei_text.Trim();
                                        while (simplified_emlaaei_text.Contains("  "))
                                            simplified_emlaaei_text = simplified_emlaaei_text.Replace("  ", " ");

                                        if (text_location == TextLocation.AllWords)
                                            bool found = false;
                                            foreach (string pattern_word in negative_words)
                                                if (simplified_emlaaei_text.Contains(pattern_word))
                                                    found = true;
                                            if (found) continue;

                                            foreach (string pattern_word in positive_words)
                                                if (!simplified_emlaaei_text.Contains(pattern_word))
                                                    found = true;
                                            if (found) continue;

                                            if (
                                                 (unsigned_words.Count == 0) ||
                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, 0, ""));
                                        else if (text_location == TextLocation.AnyWord)
                                            bool found = false;
                                            foreach (string pattern_word in negative_words)
                                                if (simplified_emlaaei_text.Contains(pattern_word))
                                                    found = true;
                                            if (found) continue;

                                            foreach (string pattern_word in positive_words)
                                                if (!simplified_emlaaei_text.Contains(pattern_word))
                                                    found = true;
                                            if (found) continue;

                                            if (
                                                 (negative_words.Count > 0) ||
                                                 (positive_words.Count > 0) ||
                                                   (unsigned_words.Count == 0) ||
                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, 0, ""));
                                        else // at start, middle, end, or anywhere
                                            MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(simplified_emlaaei_text, pattern, regex_options);
                                            if (multiplicity != -1) // with multiplicity
                                                if (matches.Count >= multiplicity)
                                                    // don't colorize emaleei matches to let user know this is unofficial spelling
                                                    //result.AddRange(BuildPhrases(verse, matches));
                                                    result.Add(new Phrase(verse, 0, ""));
                                            else // without multiplicity
                                                if (matches.Count > 0)
                                                    // don't colorize emaleei matches to let user know this is unofficial spelling
                                                    //result.AddRange(BuildPhrases(verse, matches));
                                                    result.Add(new Phrase(verse, 0, ""));
                                    } // end for
                        // log exception
        return result;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 private static List<Phrase> DoFindPhrases(Book book, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result, string text, LanguageType language_type, string translation, TextLocation text_location, bool case_sensitive, TextWordness wordness, int multiplicity, bool at_word_start, bool with_diacritics, bool try_emlaaei_if_nothing_found)
     List<Verse> source = GetSourceVerses(book, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result);
     if (language_type == LanguageType.Arabic)
         return DoFindPhrases(source, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result, text, text_location, wordness, multiplicity, at_word_start, with_diacritics, try_emlaaei_if_nothing_found);
     else //if (language_type == FindByTextLanguageType.Translation)
         return DoFindPhrases(translation, source, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result, text, text_location, case_sensitive, wordness, multiplicity, at_word_start);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 private static List<Word> DoFindWords(Book book, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result, NumberQuery query)
     List<Verse> source = GetSourceVerses(book, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result);
     return DoFindWords(source, query);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 private static List<Word> DoFindWords(Book book, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result, string phrase, int letter_frequency_sum, FrequencySumType frequency_sum_type)
     List<Verse> source = GetSourceVerses(book, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result);
     return DoFindWords(source, phrase, letter_frequency_sum, frequency_sum_type);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 private static List<Phrase> DoFindPhrases(List<Verse> source, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result, string word_text, double similarity_percentage)
     List<Phrase> result = new List<Phrase>();
     List<Verse> found_verses = new List<Verse>();
     if (source != null)
         if (source.Count > 0)
             if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(word_text))
                 Book book = source[0].Book;
                 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(word_text))
                         foreach (Verse verse in source)
                             foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                 if (word.Text.IsSimilarTo(word_text, similarity_percentage))
                                     if (!found_verses.Contains(verse))
                                     result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                         // log exception
     return result;
Ejemplo n.º 18
    // find by similarity - phrases similar to given text
    public static List<Phrase> FindPhrases(Book book, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result, string text, double similarity_percentage)
        List<Phrase> result = new List<Phrase>();
        List<Verse> found_verses = null;

        while (text.Contains("  "))
            text = text.Replace("  ", " ");
        while (text.Contains("+"))
            text = text.Replace("+", "");
        while (text.Contains("-"))
            text = text.Replace("-", "");

        string[] word_texts = text.Split();
        if (word_texts.Length == 0)
            return result;
        else if (word_texts.Length == 1)
            return DoFindPhrases(book, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result, text, similarity_percentage);
        else if (word_texts.Length > 1) // enable nested searches
            if (text.Length > 1) // enable nested searches
                List<Phrase> phrases = null;
                List<Verse> verses = null;

                foreach (string word_text in word_texts)
                    phrases = DoFindPhrases(book, find_scope, current_selection, found_verses, word_text, similarity_percentage);
                    verses = new List<Verse>(GetVerses(phrases));

                    // if first result
                    if (found_verses == null)
                        // fill it up with a copy of the first similar word search result
                        result = new List<Phrase>(phrases);
                        found_verses = new List<Verse>(verses);

                        // prepare for nested search by search
                        find_scope = FindScope.Result;
                    else // subsequent search result
                        found_verses = new List<Verse>(verses);

                        List<Phrase> union_phrases = new List<Phrase>(phrases);
                        foreach (Phrase phrase in result)
                            if (phrase != null)
                                if (verses.Contains(phrase.Verse))
                        result = union_phrases;
        return result;
Ejemplo n.º 19
    private static List<List<Verse>> DoFindVerseRanges(List<Verse> source, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result, SimilarityMethod find_similarity_method, double similarity_percentage)
        List<List<Verse>> result = new List<List<Verse>>();
        Dictionary<Verse, List<Verse>> verse_ranges = new Dictionary<Verse, List<Verse>>(); // need dictionary to check if key exist
        bool[] already_compared = new bool[Verse.MAX_NUMBER];
        if (source != null)
            if (source.Count > 0)
                Book book = source[0].Book;
                switch (find_similarity_method)
                    case SimilarityMethod.SimilarText:
                            for (int i = 0; i < source.Count - 1; i++)
                                for (int j = i + 1; j < source.Count; j++)
                                    if (!already_compared[j])
                                        if (source[i].Text.IsSimilarTo(source[j].Text, similarity_percentage))
                                            if (!verse_ranges.ContainsKey(source[i])) // first time matching verses found
                                                List<Verse> similar_verses = new List<Verse>();
                                                verse_ranges.Add(source[i], similar_verses);
                                                already_compared[i] = true;
                                                already_compared[j] = true;
                                            else // matching verses already exists
                                                List<Verse> similar_verses = verse_ranges[source[i]];
                                                already_compared[j] = true;
                    case SimilarityMethod.SimilarWords:
                            for (int i = 0; i < source.Count - 1; i++)
                                for (int j = i + 1; j < source.Count; j++)
                                    if (!already_compared[j])
                                        if (source[i].Text.HasSimilarWordsTo(source[j].Text, (int)Math.Round((Math.Min(source[i].Words.Count, source[j].Words.Count) * similarity_percentage)), 1.0))
                                            if (!verse_ranges.ContainsKey(source[i])) // first time matching verses found
                                                List<Verse> similar_verses = new List<Verse>();
                                                verse_ranges.Add(source[i], similar_verses);
                                                already_compared[i] = true;
                                                already_compared[j] = true;
                                            else // matching verses already exists
                                                List<Verse> similar_verses = verse_ranges[source[i]];
                                                already_compared[j] = true;
                    case SimilarityMethod.SimilarFirstWord:
                            for (int i = 0; i < source.Count - 1; i++)
                                for (int j = i + 1; j < source.Count; j++)
                                    if (!already_compared[j])
                                        if (source[j].Text.HasSimilarFirstWordTo(source[j].Text, similarity_percentage))
                                            if (!verse_ranges.ContainsKey(source[i])) // first time matching verses found
                                                List<Verse> similar_verses = new List<Verse>();
                                                verse_ranges.Add(source[i], similar_verses);
                                                already_compared[i] = true;
                                                already_compared[j] = true;
                                            else // matching verses already exists
                                                List<Verse> similar_verses = verse_ranges[source[i]];
                                                already_compared[j] = true;
                    case SimilarityMethod.SimilarLastWord:
                            for (int i = 0; i < source.Count - 1; i++)
                                for (int j = i + 1; j < source.Count; j++)
                                    if (!already_compared[j])
                                        if (source[i].Text.HasSimilarLastWordTo(source[j].Text, similarity_percentage))
                                            if (!verse_ranges.ContainsKey(source[i])) // first time matching verses found
                                                List<Verse> similar_verses = new List<Verse>();
                                                verse_ranges.Add(source[i], similar_verses);
                                                already_compared[i] = true;
                                                already_compared[j] = true;
                                            else // matching verses already exists
                                                List<Verse> similar_verses = verse_ranges[source[i]];
                                                already_compared[j] = true;

        // copy dictionary to list of list
        if (verse_ranges.Count > 0)
            foreach (List<Verse> verse_range in verse_ranges.Values)
        return result;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 // find by prostration type
 public static List<Verse> FindVerses(Book book, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result, ProstrationType prostration_type)
     return DoFindVerses(book, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result, prostration_type);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 private static List<Verse> DoFindVerses(Book book, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result, Verse verse, SimilarityMethod similarity_method, double similarity_percentage)
     List<Verse> source = GetSourceVerses(book, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result);
     return DoFindVerses(source, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result, verse, similarity_method, similarity_percentage);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 // find by letter frequency sum
 public static List<Word> FindWords(Book book, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result, string phrase, int letter_frequency_sum, FrequencySumType frequency_sum_type)
     return DoFindWords(book, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result, phrase, letter_frequency_sum, frequency_sum_type);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 private static List<Verse> DoFindVerses(List<Verse> source, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result, Verse verse, SimilarityMethod find_similarity_method, double similarity_percentage)
     List<Verse> result = new List<Verse>();
     if (source != null)
         if (source.Count > 0)
             Book book = source[0].Book;
             if (verse != null)
                 switch (find_similarity_method)
                     case SimilarityMethod.SimilarText:
                             for (int j = 0; j < source.Count; j++)
                                 if (verse.Text.IsSimilarTo(source[j].Text, similarity_percentage))
                     case SimilarityMethod.SimilarWords:
                             for (int j = 0; j < source.Count; j++)
                                 if (verse.Text.HasSimilarWordsTo(source[j].Text, (int)Math.Round((Math.Min(verse.Words.Count, source[j].Words.Count) * similarity_percentage)), 1.0))
                     case SimilarityMethod.SimilarFirstHalf:
                             for (int j = 0; j < source.Count; j++)
                                 if (verse.Text.HasSimilarFirstHalfTo(source[j].Text, similarity_percentage))
                     case SimilarityMethod.SimilarLastHalf:
                             for (int j = 0; j < source.Count; j++)
                                 if (verse.Text.HasSimilarLastHalfTo(source[j].Text, similarity_percentage))
                     case SimilarityMethod.SimilarFirstWord:
                             for (int j = 0; j < source.Count; j++)
                                 if (verse.Text.HasSimilarFirstWordTo(source[j].Text, similarity_percentage))
                     case SimilarityMethod.SimilarLastWord:
                             for (int j = 0; j < source.Count; j++)
                                 if (verse.Text.HasSimilarLastWordTo(source[j].Text, similarity_percentage))
     return result;
Ejemplo n.º 24
    private static void AddToResult(List<Phrase> phrases, ref List<Verse> source, ref FindScope find_scope, ref List<Phrase> previous_result)
        if (phrases != null)
            List<Verse> verses = new List<Verse>(GetVerses(phrases));
            // if first result
            if (source == null)
                // fill it up with a copy of the first root search result
                previous_result = new List<Phrase>(phrases);
                source = new List<Verse>(verses);

                // prepare for nested search by search
                find_scope = FindScope.Result;
            else // subsequent search result
                source = new List<Verse>(verses);

                List<Phrase> union_phrases = new List<Phrase>(phrases);
                if (previous_result != null)
                    foreach (Phrase phrase in previous_result)
                        if (phrase != null)
                            if (verses.Contains(phrase.Verse))
                previous_result = union_phrases;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 private static List<Verse> DoFindVerses(Book book, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result, ProstrationType prostration_type)
     List<Verse> source = GetSourceVerses(book, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result);
     return DoFindVerses(source, prostration_type);