public void AddHeaderStrategy()
            var services = new ServiceCollection();
            var builder  = new FinbuckleMultiTenantBuilder <TenantInfo>(services);

            var sp = services.BuildServiceProvider();

            var strategy = sp.GetRequiredService <IMultiTenantStrategy>();

            Assert.IsType <HeaderStrategy>(strategy);
        public void AddDelegateStrategy()
            var services = new ServiceCollection();
            var builder  = new FinbuckleMultiTenantBuilder <TenantInfo>(services);

            builder.WithDelegateStrategy(_ => Task.FromResult <string?>("Hi"));
            var sp = services.BuildServiceProvider();

            var strategy = sp.GetRequiredService <IMultiTenantStrategy>();

            Assert.IsType <DelegateStrategy>(strategy);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public void AddRemoteAuthenticationServices()
        var services = new ServiceCollection();
        var builder  = new FinbuckleMultiTenantBuilder(services);

        var sp = services.BuildServiceProvider();

        var authService    = sp.GetRequiredService <IAuthenticationService>();        // Throw fails
        var schemeProvider = sp.GetRequiredService <IAuthenticationSchemeProvider>(); // Throw fails
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public void AddBasePathStrategy()
        var services = new ServiceCollection();
        var builder  = new FinbuckleMultiTenantBuilder(services);

        var sp = services.BuildServiceProvider();

        var strategy = sp.GetRequiredService <IMultiTenantStrategy>();

        Assert.IsType <MultiTenantStrategyWrapper <BasePathStrategy> >(strategy);
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public void AddFallbackTenantIdentifier()
        var services = new ServiceCollection();
        var builder  = new FinbuckleMultiTenantBuilder(services);

        var sp = services.BuildServiceProvider();

        var strategy = sp.GetRequiredService <FallbackStrategy>();

        Assert.Equal("test", strategy.identifier);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void AddEfCoreStoreWithExistingDbContext()
            var services = new ServiceCollection();
            var builder  = new FinbuckleMultiTenantBuilder <TenantInfo>(services);

            services.AddDbContext <TestEfCoreStoreDbContext>(o => o.UseSqlite("DataSource=:memory:"));
            builder.WithStaticStrategy("initech").WithEFCoreStore <TestEfCoreStoreDbContext, TenantInfo>();
            var sp = services.BuildServiceProvider().CreateScope().ServiceProvider;

            var resolver = sp.GetRequiredService <IMultiTenantStore <TenantInfo> >();

            Assert.IsType <EFCoreStore <TestEfCoreStoreDbContext, TenantInfo> >(resolver);
        public void AddHttpRemoteStoreAndHttpRemoteStoreClient()
            var services = new ServiceCollection();
            var builder  = new FinbuckleMultiTenantBuilder <TenantInfo>(services);

            var sp = services.BuildServiceProvider();

            sp.GetRequiredService <HttpRemoteStoreClient <TenantInfo> >();
            var store = sp.GetRequiredService <IMultiTenantStore <TenantInfo> >();

            Assert.IsType <HttpRemoteStore <TenantInfo> >(store);
        public void AddDistributedCacheStoreWithSlidingExpiration()
            var services = new ServiceCollection();

            var builder = new FinbuckleMultiTenantBuilder <TenantInfo>(services);

            var sp    = services.BuildServiceProvider();
            var store = sp.GetRequiredService <IMultiTenantStore <TenantInfo> >();

            Assert.IsType <DistributedCacheStore <TenantInfo> >(store);
Ejemplo n.º 9
    public void AddRouteStrategy()
        var services = new ServiceCollection();
        var adcp     = new Mock <IActionDescriptorCollectionProvider>().Object;

        services.AddSingleton <IActionDescriptorCollectionProvider>(adcp);
        var builder = new FinbuckleMultiTenantBuilder(services);

        builder.WithRouteStrategy("routeParam", cr => cr.MapRoute("test", "test"));
        var sp = services.BuildServiceProvider();

        var strategy = sp.GetRequiredService <IMultiTenantStrategy>();

        Assert.IsType <MultiTenantStrategyWrapper <RouteStrategy> >(strategy);
    public void AddPerTenantOptions()
        var services = new ServiceCollection();
        var accessor = new Mock <IMultiTenantContextAccessor <TenantInfo> >();

        accessor.Setup(a => a.MultiTenantContext).Returns((IMultiTenantContext <TenantInfo>)null);
        services.AddSingleton <IMultiTenantContextAccessor <TenantInfo> >(accessor.Object);
        var builder = new FinbuckleMultiTenantBuilder <TenantInfo>(services);

        // Note: using MultiTenantBuilderShould as our test options class.
        builder.WithPerTenantOptions <MultiTenantBuilderShould>((o, tc) => o.TestProperty = 1);
        var sp = services.BuildServiceProvider();

        var cache = sp.GetRequiredService <IOptionsMonitorCache <MultiTenantBuilderShould> >();
    public void ThrowIfMissingIdOrIdentifierInTenantConfig(string jsonFile)
        var configBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();

        var configuration = configBuilder.Build();

        var services = new ServiceCollection();
        var builder  = new FinbuckleMultiTenantBuilder(services);

        builder.WithInMemoryStore(o => configuration.GetSection("Finbuckle:MultiTenant:InMemoryStore").Bind(o));
        var sp = services.BuildServiceProvider();

        Assert.Throws <MultiTenantException>(() => sp.GetRequiredService <IMultiTenantStore>());
Ejemplo n.º 12
    public void AddHttpRemoteStoreWithHttpClientBuilders()
        var services = new ServiceCollection();
        var builder  = new FinbuckleMultiTenantBuilder(services);
        var flag     = false;

        builder.WithHttpRemoteStore("", b => flag = true);
        var sp = services.BuildServiceProvider();

        sp.GetRequiredService <HttpRemoteStoreClient>();
        var store = sp.GetRequiredService <IMultiTenantStore>();

        Assert.IsType <MultiTenantStoreWrapper <HttpRemoteStore> >(store);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void AddPerTenantNamedOptions()
            var services = new ServiceCollection();
            var accessor = new Mock <IMultiTenantContextAccessor <TenantInfo> >();

            accessor.Setup(a => a.MultiTenantContext).Returns((IMultiTenantContext <TenantInfo>?)null);
            var builder = new FinbuckleMultiTenantBuilder <TenantInfo>(services);

            // Note: using MultiTenantBuilderShould as our test options class.
            builder.WithPerTenantNamedOptions <MultiTenantBuilderShould>("a name", (o, _) => o.TestProperty = 1);
            var sp = services.BuildServiceProvider();

            sp.GetRequiredService <ITenantConfigureNamedOptions <MultiTenantBuilderShould, TenantInfo> >();
        public void AddBasePathStrategyWithOptions()
            var services = new ServiceCollection();
            var builder  = new FinbuckleMultiTenantBuilder <TenantInfo>(services);

            builder.WithBasePathStrategy(options => options.RebaseAspNetCorePathBase = true);
            var sp = services.BuildServiceProvider();

            var strategy = sp.GetRequiredService <IMultiTenantStrategy>();

            Assert.IsType <BasePathStrategy>(strategy);

            var options = sp.GetRequiredService <IOptions <BasePathStrategyOptions> >();

        private static FinbuckleMultiTenantBuilder <TenantInfo> WithMultiTenantStrategy(this FinbuckleMultiTenantBuilder <TenantInfo> builder)
            // Build the intermediate service provider
            var defaultTenantConfig = _configuration.GetSection("DefaultTenant");

                   // A template pattern can be specified with the overloaded version. The default pattern is "__tenant__.*"
                   // For example, a request to "" would use "contoso" as the identifier when resolving the tenant.
                   // For example, a request to "" would use "contoso" as the identifier when resolving the tenant.
                   // For example, a request to "" and a route configuration of {__tenant__}/{controller=Home}/{action=Index} would use "contoso" as the identifier when resolving the tenant.
                   // If the called with e.g. "" and the identifer "not_a_tenant"
                   // is not in the store, then the identifier of "DefaultTenant" will be used as a fallback.
                   // Make sure to include a multitenant store !
                   .WithStaticStrategy(defaultTenantConfig.GetValue <string>("Identifier")));
            // .WithRemoteAuthentication() for per-tenant remote authentication
 /// <Summary>
 /// Finbuckle.MultiTenant provides four basic multitenant stores :
 /// * InMemoryStore - a simple, thread safe in-memory implementation based on ConcurrentDictionary<string, object>.
 /// * ConfigurationStore - a read-only store that is back by app configuration (e.g. appsettings.json).
 /// * EFCoreStore - an Entity Framework Core based implementation to query tenant information from a database.
 /// ** HttpRemoteStore - a read-only store that sends the tenant identifier to an http(s) endpoint to get the tenant information.
 /// </Summary>
 private static FinbuckleMultiTenantBuilder <TenantInfo> WithMultiTenantStore(this FinbuckleMultiTenantBuilder <TenantInfo> builder)
     // Register to use the database context and TTenantInfo types show above.
     return(builder.WithEFCoreStore <TenantStoreDbContext, TenantInfo>());