Ejemplo n.º 1
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Get account

        int financialAccountId = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["FinancialAccountId"]);

        _account = FinancialAccount.FromIdentity(financialAccountId);
        int year = DateTime.Today.Year;

        if (!_authority.HasPermission(Permission.CanDoBudget, _account.OrganizationId, -1, Authorization.Flag.ExactOrganization))
            throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("Access Denied");

        this.ComboOwner.Authority = _authority;

        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            // Populate all data

            this.LabelBudgetYear.Text   = year.ToString();
            this.LabelAccount.Text      = _account.Name;
            this.LabelOrganization.Text = _account.Organization.Name;
            this.TextBudget.Text        = _account.GetBudget(year).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            if (_account.Owner != null)
                this.ComboOwner.Text = _account.Owner.Name + " (#" + _account.Owner.Identity.ToString() + ")";

        // Page.Title = "Editing Budget: " + _account.Name + ", " + year.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the btnEdit control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FinancialAccountService service = new FinancialAccountService(new RockContext());
            FinancialAccount        account = service.Get(hfAccountId.ValueAsInt());

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static BudgetRemainder[] GetRemainingBudgets()
            Dictionary <int, bool> accountLookup = GetAttestationRights();

            if (accountLookup.Count == 0)
                return(new BudgetRemainder[0]);

            Organization organization = FinancialAccount.FromIdentity(accountLookup.Keys.First()).Organization;

            List <BudgetRemainder> result = new List <BudgetRemainder>();
            int currentYear = DateTime.UtcNow.Year;

            foreach (int accountId in accountLookup.Keys)
                FinancialAccount account   = FinancialAccount.FromIdentity(accountId);
                Int64            remaining = account.GetBudgetCentsRemaining(currentYear);

                result.Add(new BudgetRemainder {
                    AccountId = accountId, Remaining = remaining / 100.0

Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the btnCancel control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void btnCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (hfAccountId.Value.Equals("0"))
                int?parentAccountId = PageParameter("ParentAccountId").AsIntegerOrNull();
                if (parentAccountId.HasValue)
                    // Cancelling on Add, and we know the parentGroupID, so we are probably in treeview mode, so navigate to the current page
                    var qryParams = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    if (parentAccountId != 0)
                        qryParams["AccountId"] = parentAccountId.ToString();

                    qryParams["ExpandedIds"] = PageParameter("ExpandedIds");
                    NavigateToPage(RockPage.Guid, qryParams);
                    // Cancelling on Add.  Return to Grid
                    NavigateToPage(RockPage.Guid, null);
                // Cancelling on Edit.  Return to Details
                FinancialAccountService service = new FinancialAccountService(new RockContext());
                FinancialAccount        account = service.Get(hfAccountId.ValueAsInt());
Ejemplo n.º 5
    private FinancialAccounts GetRootLevelResultAccounts()
        Organization org = this.CurrentOrganization;

        if (org == null && Page.IsPostBack)
            // If we're being called from Page_Init to create controls just to catch events, then this.CurrentOrganization won't be set.
            // We need to create it temporarily from a hidden field:

            org = Organization.FromIdentity(Int32.Parse(Request["ctl00$PlaceHolderMain$HiddenInitOrganizationId"]));

        FinancialAccount  yearlyResult = org.FinancialAccounts.CostsYearlyResult;
        FinancialAccounts allAccounts  = FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization(org, FinancialAccountType.Result);

        // Select root accounts

        FinancialAccounts accounts = new FinancialAccounts();

        foreach (FinancialAccount account in allAccounts)
            if (account.ParentFinancialAccountId == 0 && account.Identity != yearlyResult.Identity)

Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the detail.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accountId">The account identifier.</param>
        public void ShowDetail(int accountId)
            FinancialAccount account = null;

            bool editAllowed = UserCanEdit;

            if (!accountId.Equals(0))
                account     = new FinancialAccountService(new RockContext()).Get(accountId);
                editAllowed = editAllowed || account.IsAuthorized(Authorization.EDIT, CurrentPerson);
                pdAuditDetails.SetEntity(account, ResolveRockUrl("~"));

            if (account == null)
                account = new FinancialAccount {
                    Id = 0, IsActive = true
                // hide the panel drawer that show created and last modified dates
                pdAuditDetails.Visible = false;

            hfAccountId.Value = account.Id.ToString();

            nbEditModeMessage.Text = string.Empty;
            if (editAllowed)
                nbEditModeMessage.Text = EditModeMessage.ReadOnlyEditActionNotAllowed(FinancialAccount.FriendlyTypeName);
        private static FinancialAccount CreateFinancialAccount(
            Guid guid,
            string name,
            string key,
            int?parentAccountId = null)
            var account = _accountService.GetByGuids(new List <Guid> {

            if (null == account)
                account = new FinancialAccount
                    Guid            = guid,
                    IsTaxDeductible = true,
                    IsActive        = true,
                    IsPublic        = true,
                    Name            = name,
                    ForeignKey      = key

                if (parentAccountId.HasValue)
                    account.ParentAccountId = parentAccountId.Value;


Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static bool SetAccountParent(int accountId, int parentAccountId)
            AuthenticationData authData = GetAuthenticationDataAndCulture();
            FinancialAccount   account  = FinancialAccount.FromIdentity(accountId);

            if (account.ParentFinancialAccountId == parentAccountId)
                // no change

            if (!PrepareAccountChange(account, authData, true))

            FinancialAccount newParent = null; // to cover the root account case (reparenting to root)

            if (parentAccountId > 0)           // the group parent IDs are -1 ... -4
                newParent = FinancialAccount.FromIdentity(parentAccountId);
                if (newParent.OrganizationId != authData.CurrentOrganization.Identity)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Parent account mismatches with organization identity");

            account.Parent = newParent;
Ejemplo n.º 9
    protected void Page_Load (object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Get account

        int financialAccountId = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["FinancialAccountId"]);
        _account = FinancialAccount.FromIdentity(financialAccountId);
        int year = DateTime.Today.Year;

        if (!_authority.HasPermission(Permission.CanDoBudget, _account.OrganizationId, -1, Authorization.Flag.ExactOrganization))
            throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("Access Denied");

        this.ComboOwner.Authority = _authority;

        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            // Populate all data

            this.LabelBudgetYear.Text = year.ToString();
            this.LabelAccount.Text = _account.Name;
            this.LabelOrganization.Text = _account.Organization.Name;
            this.TextBudget.Text = _account.GetBudget(year).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            if (_account.Owner != null)
                this.ComboOwner.Text = _account.Owner.Name + " (#" + _account.Owner.Identity.ToString() + ")";

        // Page.Title = "Editing Budget: " + _account.Name + ", " + year.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 10
    protected void ButtonAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!_authority.HasPermission(Permission.CanDoEconomyTransactions, _transaction.OrganizationId, -1, Authorization.Flag.ExactOrganization))
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, Page.GetType(), "getlost",
                                                "alert ('You do not have access to change financial records.');", true);

        int accountId = Int32.Parse(this.DropAccounts.SelectedValue);

        if (accountId == 0)
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, Page.GetType(), "getlost",
                                                "alert ('Please select an account.');", true);

        FinancialAccount account = FinancialAccount.FromIdentity(accountId);

        string amountString = this.TextAmount.Text;
        Double amount       = Double.Parse(amountString, new CultureInfo("sv-SE"));

        // Register new row in transaction

        GetTransaction().AddRow(account, amount, _currentUser);


        this.TextAmount.Text = (-GetTransaction().Rows.AmountTotal).ToString("N2", new CultureInfo("sv-SE"));
Ejemplo n.º 11
    protected void Page_Load (object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Get account

        int financialAccountId = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["FinancialAccountId"]);
        _account = FinancialAccount.FromIdentity(financialAccountId);
        int year = DateTime.Today.Year;

        if (!_authority.HasPermission(Permission.CanDoEconomyTransactions, _account.OrganizationId, -1, Authorization.Flag.ExactOrganization))
            throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("Access Denied");

        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            // Populate all data

            this.LabelAccount.Text = _account.Name;
            this.LabelOrganization.Text = _account.Organization.Name;
            this.TextTransactionTag.Text = _account.BankTransactionTag;

            if (_account.AssignedGeography != null)
                this.DropGeographies.SelectedGeography = _account.AssignedGeography;

        // Page.Title = "Editing Budget: " + _account.Name + ", " + year.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the edit details.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="account">The account.</param>
        private void ShowEditDetails(FinancialAccount account)
            if (account.Id == 0)
                lActionTitle.Text = ActionTitle.Add(FinancialAccount.FriendlyTypeName).FormatAsHtmlTitle();
                lActionTitle.Text = account.Name.FormatAsHtmlTitle();

            hlInactive.Visible = !account.IsActive;



            tbName.Text        = account.Name;
            cbIsActive.Checked = account.IsActive;
            tbDescription.Text = account.Description;

            tbPublicName.Text         = account.PublicName;
            cpCampus.SelectedCampusId = account.CampusId;

            tbGLCode.Text             = account.GlCode;
            cbIsTaxDeductible.Checked = account.IsTaxDeductible;
            dtpStartDate.SelectedDate = account.StartDate;
            dtpEndDate.SelectedDate   = account.EndDate;
Ejemplo n.º 13
    public void CreateExpandCollapseButton(GridItem item, string columnUniqueName)
        if (item is GridDataItem)
            FinancialAccount account = (FinancialAccount)item.DataItem;

            if (item.FindControl("MyExpandCollapseButton") == null)
                Button button = new Button();
                button.Click      += new EventHandler(button_Click);
                button.CommandName = "ExpandCollapse";
                button.CssClass    = (item.Expanded) ? "rgCollapse" : "rgExpand";
                button.ID          = "MyExpandCollapseButton";

                if (item.OwnerTableView.HierarchyLoadMode == GridChildLoadMode.Client)
                    string script = String.Format(@"$find(""{0}"")._toggleExpand(this, event); ToggleLineMode('{1}'); return false;", item.Parent.Parent.ClientID, account.Identity);

                    button.OnClientClick = script;

                int level = item.ItemIndexHierarchical.Split(':').Length;
                if (level > 1)
                    button.Style["margin-left"] = level * 10 + "px";

                TableCell cell = ((GridDataItem)item)[columnUniqueName];
                cell.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("&nbsp;"));
                cell.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(((GridDataItem)item).GetDataKeyValue(columnUniqueName).ToString()));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of the ancestor FinancialAccounts of the specified FinancialAccount.
        /// If the ParentFinancialAccount property of the FinancialAccount is not populated, it is assumed to be a top-level node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="financialAccount">The financial account.</param>
        /// <param name="ancestorFinancialAccountIds">The ancestor financial account ids.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <int> GetFinancialAccountAncestorsIdList(FinancialAccount financialAccount, List <int> ancestorFinancialAccountIds = null)
            if (ancestorFinancialAccountIds == null)
                ancestorFinancialAccountIds = new List <int>();

            if (financialAccount == null)

            // If we have encountered this node previously in our tree walk, there is a recursive loop in the tree.
            if (ancestorFinancialAccountIds.Contains(financialAccount.Id))

            // Create or add this node to the history stack for this tree walk.
            ancestorFinancialAccountIds.Insert(0, financialAccount.Id);

            ancestorFinancialAccountIds = this.GetFinancialAccountAncestorsIdList(financialAccount.ParentAccount, ancestorFinancialAccountIds);

    protected void DropYear_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int year = Int32.Parse(this.DropYear.SelectedValue);

        if (year < 2000)

        FinancialAccounts balanceAccounts = FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization(CurrentOrganization,

        FinancialAccounts resultAccounts = FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization(CurrentOrganization,

        FinancialAccount ownCapital    = CurrentOrganization.FinancialAccounts.DebtsEquity;
        FinancialAccount resultAsNoted = CurrentOrganization.FinancialAccounts.CostsYearlyResult;

        FinancialAccounts balancesWithoutCapital =
            FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization(CurrentOrganization, FinancialAccountType.Balance);


        FinancialAccounts resultAccountsWithoutNotedResult = FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization(CurrentOrganization,


        Currency currency = CurrentOrganization.DefaultCountry.Currency;

        this.LabelResultsAll.Text = String.Format("{0} {1:N2}", currency.Code,
                                                  resultAccounts.GetDeltaCents(new DateTime(year, 1, 1),
                                                                               new DateTime(year + 1, 1, 1)) / 100.0);

        this.LabelResultsNoted.Text = String.Format("{0} {1:N2}", currency.Code,
                                                    resultAsNoted.GetDeltaCents(new DateTime(year, 1, 1),
                                                                                new DateTime(year + 1, 1, 1)) / 100.0);

        this.LabelEoyBalance.Text = String.Format("{0} {1:N2}", currency.Code,
                                                  balanceAccounts.GetDeltaCents(new DateTime(1900, 1, 1),
                                                                                new DateTime(year + 1, 1, 1)) / 100.0);

        Int64 endOfLastYearCapital = ownCapital.GetDeltaCents(new DateTime(1900, 1, 1),
                                                              new DateTime(year, 1, 1));

        Int64 endOfSelectedYearCapital = ownCapital.GetDeltaCents(new DateTime(1900, 1, 1),
                                                                  new DateTime(year + 1, 1, 1));

        this.LabelEolyOwnCapital.Text = String.Format("{0} {1:N2}", currency.Code, endOfLastYearCapital / 100.0);

        this.LabelEocyOwnCapital.Text = String.Format("{0} {1:N2}", currency.Code,
                                                      endOfSelectedYearCapital / 100.0);

        this.LabelOwnCapitalDiff.Text = String.Format("{0} {1:N2}", currency.Code,
                                                      (endOfSelectedYearCapital - endOfLastYearCapital) / 100.0);

        this.LabelOwnCapitalDelta.Text = String.Format("{0} {1:N2}", currency.Code,
                                                       ownCapital.GetDeltaCents(new DateTime(year, 1, 1),
                                                                                new DateTime(year + 1, 1, 1)) / 100.0);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="account">The account.</param>
        public void SetValue(FinancialAccount account)
            if (account != null)
                ItemId = account.Id.ToString();
                List <int> parentAccountIds = new List <int>();
                var        parentAccount    = account.ParentAccount;

                while (parentAccount != null)
                    if (parentAccountIds.Contains(parentAccount.Id))
                        // infinite recursion

                    parentAccountIds.Insert(0, parentAccount.Id);
                    parentAccount = parentAccount.ParentAccount;

                InitialItemParentIds = parentAccountIds.AsDelimited(",");
                ItemName             = account.PublicName;
                ItemId   = Constants.None.IdValue;
                ItemName = Constants.None.TextHtml;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the readonly details.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="account">The account.</param>
        private void ShowReadonlyDetails(FinancialAccount account)

            lActionTitle.Text        = account.Name.FormatAsHtmlTitle();
            hlInactive.Visible       = !account.IsActive;
            lAccountDescription.Text = account.Description;

            DescriptionList leftDescription = new DescriptionList();

            leftDescription.Add("Public Name", account.PublicName);
            leftDescription.Add("Campus", account.Campus != null ? account.Campus.Name : string.Empty);
            leftDescription.Add("GLCode", account.GlCode);
            leftDescription.Add("Is Tax Deductible", account.IsTaxDeductible);
            lLeftDetails.Text = leftDescription.Html;

            var followingsFromDatabase  = GetAccountParticipantStateFromDatabase().OrderBy(a => a.PersonFullName).ToList();
            var accountParticipantsHtml = followingsFromDatabase.Select(a => $"{a.PersonFullName} ({a.PurposeKeyDescription})").ToList().AsDelimited("<br>\n");

            DescriptionList rightDescription = new DescriptionList();

            rightDescription.Add("Account Participants", accountParticipantsHtml);
            lRightDetails.Text = rightDescription.Html;

            Helper.AddDisplayControls(account, Helper.GetAttributeCategories(account, true, false), phAttributesView, null, false);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public static void InitializeProcessing(string guid, string accountIdString)
            // Start an async thread that does all the work, then return

            AuthenticationData authData = GetAuthenticationDataAndCulture();

            int accountId            = Int32.Parse(accountIdString);
            FinancialAccount account = FinancialAccount.FromIdentity(accountId);

            if (account.Organization.Identity != authData.CurrentOrganization.Identity ||
                !authData.Authority.HasAccess(new Access(authData.CurrentOrganization, AccessAspect.Bookkeeping,
                throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();

            Thread initThread = new Thread(ProcessUploadThread);

            ProcessThreadArguments args = new ProcessThreadArguments
                Guid = guid, Organization = authData.CurrentOrganization, Account = account

Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the corepro customer and account.
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateCustomer()
            if (_bankService.HasFinancialAccount())

            var familyMember = _familyService.GetMember();

            // Creates the corepro customer
            var customer = _coreproService.CreateCustomer(familyMember);

            // Creates the corepro account
            var accountId = _coreproService.CreateAccount(customer.CustomerId.Value, familyMember.Firstname);

            // Creates the new finance account
            var financialAccount = new FinancialAccount
                CustomerID     = customer.CustomerId.Value,
                AccountID      = accountId,
                FamilyMemberID = _currentUserService.MemberID,

        public static void SetChequeStatusToCancelled(FinancialAccount financialAccount, DateTime today)
            var loanAccount = financialAccount.LoanAccount;
            var application = financialAccount.Agreement.Application;

            var chequesAssoc = Context.ChequeApplicationAssocs.Where(entity => entity.ApplicationId == application.Id).ToList();

            foreach (var cheque in chequesAssoc)
                var check = cheque.Cheque;
                var currentChequeStatus = check.CurrentStatus;
                currentChequeStatus.IsActive = false;

                ChequeStatu newChequeStatus = CreateCancelledChequeStatus(check, today);

                var payment = check.Payment;
                //var receipt = payment.Receipt;
                var receipt = Context.ReceiptPaymentAssocs.FirstOrDefault(entity => entity.PaymentId == payment.Id).Receipt;

                var receiptCurrentStatus = receipt.CurrentStatus;
                receiptCurrentStatus.IsActive = false;

                ReceiptStatu newReceiptStatus = CreateCancelledReceiptStatus(receipt, today);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        // GET: FinancialAccounts/Delete/5
        public PartialViewResult Delete(int?id)
            var userId      = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var householdId = db.Users.Find(userId).HouseholdId;

            if (id == null)
            FinancialAccount financialAccount = db.Accounts.Find(id);

            if (financialAccount == null)
            if (financialAccount.AccountHolderUserId == userId)

            var NotYourAccount = "Sorry.  You can only delete your own accounts.";

            TempData["NotYourAccountmessage"] = NotYourAccount;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public static OutboundComm CreateNotificationAttestationNeeded(FinancialAccount budget, Person concernedPerson, string supplier, double amountRequested, string purpose, NotificationResource notification)
            NotificationPayload payload = new NotificationPayload(notification.ToString());

            payload.Strings[NotificationString.CurrencyCode]        = budget.Organization.Currency.Code;
            payload.Strings[NotificationString.OrganizationName]    = budget.Organization.Name;
            payload.Strings[NotificationString.BudgetAmountFloat]   = amountRequested.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            payload.Strings[NotificationString.RequestPurpose]      = purpose;
            payload.Strings[NotificationString.Description]         = purpose;
            payload.Strings[NotificationString.Supplier]            = supplier;
            payload.Strings[NotificationString.BudgetName]          = budget.Name;
            payload.Strings[NotificationString.ConcernedPersonName] = concernedPerson.Canonical;

            OutboundComm comm = OutboundComm.Create(null, null, budget.Organization, CommResolverClass.Unknown, null,
                                                    new PayloadEnvelope(payload).ToXml(),

            if (budget.OwnerPersonId == 0)
                comm.AddRecipient(Person.FromIdentity(1)); // Add admin - not good, should be org admins // HACK // TODO

            comm.Resolved = true;

Ejemplo n.º 23
        public static void BalanceTransactionManually(int transactionId, int accountId)
            if (transactionId == 0 || accountId == 0)

            AuthenticationData authData = GetAuthenticationDataAndCulture();

            if (
                !authData.Authority.HasAccess(new Access(authData.CurrentOrganization,
                throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();

            FinancialTransaction transaction = FinancialTransaction.FromIdentity(transactionId);
            FinancialAccount     account     = FinancialAccount.FromIdentity(accountId);

            if (transaction.OrganizationId != authData.CurrentOrganization.Identity || account.OrganizationId != authData.CurrentOrganization.Identity)
                throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();

            transaction.AddRow(account, -transaction.Rows.AmountCentsTotal, authData.CurrentUser);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        private void PopulateControls()
            Parleys parleys = Parleys.ForOwner(_currentUser);


            foreach (Parley parley in parleys)
                this.DropParleys.Items.Add(new ListItem(parley.Name + " / " + parley.Organization.Name,

            bool   selectedParley         = false;
            string accountParameterString = Request.QueryString["ParleyId"];

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(accountParameterString))
                int parleyId = Int32.Parse(accountParameterString);

                if (FinancialAccount.FromIdentity(parleyId).OwnerPersonId == _currentUser.Identity)
                    this.DropParleys.SelectedValue = parleyId.ToString();

            if (this.DropParleys.SelectedIndex >= 0)
                ViewState[this.ClientID + "_ParleyId"] = this.DropParleys.SelectedValue;
Ejemplo n.º 25
    protected void GridBudgetAccounts_ItemCreated(object sender, GridItemEventArgs e)
        // CreateExpandCollapseButton(e.Item, "Name");

        if (e.Item is GridHeaderItem && e.Item.OwnerTableView != this.GridBudgetAccounts.MasterTableView)
            e.Item.Style["display"] = "none";

        if (e.Item is GridNestedViewItem)
            e.Item.Cells[0].Visible = false;

        if (e.Item is GridDataItem)
            FinancialAccount account = (FinancialAccount)e.Item.DataItem;

            if (account == null)

            int year = DateTime.Today.Year;

            HyperLink editLink = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("ManageLink");
            editLink.Attributes["href"]    = "#";
            editLink.Attributes["onclick"] = String.Format("return ShowBudgetForm('{0}','{1}');",
                                                           account.FinancialAccountId, e.Item.ItemIndex);

            editLink.Visible = userHasChangeAuthority;

            Label   labelAccountName   = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("LabelAccountName");
            Literal literalBudgetLast  = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("LiteralBudgetLastYear");
            Literal literalActualsLast = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("LiteralActualsLastYear");
            Literal literalBudgetThis  = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("LiteralBudgetThisYear");
            Literal literalActualsThis = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("LiteralActualsThisYear");
            Label   labelOwner         = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("LabelAccountOwner");

            PopulateDualFigure(literalBudgetLast, "LastBudget", ColumnType.LastYearBudget, account.Identity);
            PopulateDualFigure(literalActualsLast, "LastActuals", ColumnType.LastYearActuals, account.Identity);
            PopulateDualFigure(literalBudgetThis, "ThisBudget", ColumnType.ThisYearBudget, account.Identity);
            PopulateDualFigure(literalActualsThis, "ThisActuals", ColumnType.ThisYearActuals, account.Identity);

            labelAccountName.Text = account.Name;

            Person owner = account.Owner;

            if (owner != null)
                labelOwner.Text = owner.Initials;
                labelOwner.Text = "---";
Ejemplo n.º 26
    protected void GridBudgetAccounts_ItemCreated(object sender, GridItemEventArgs e)
        // CreateExpandCollapseButton(e.Item, "Name");

        if (e.Item is GridHeaderItem && e.Item.OwnerTableView != this.GridBudgetAccounts.MasterTableView)
            e.Item.Style["display"] = "none";

        if (e.Item is GridNestedViewItem)
            e.Item.Cells[0].Visible = false;

        if (e.Item is GridDataItem)
            int year = DateTime.Today.Year;

            FinancialAccount account = (FinancialAccount)e.Item.DataItem;

            if (account == null)

            HyperLink editLink = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("ManageLink");
            editLink.Attributes["href"]    = "#";
            editLink.Attributes["onclick"] = String.Format("return ShowAccountForm('{0}','{1}');",
                                                           account.FinancialAccountId, e.Item.ItemIndex);

Ejemplo n.º 27
        public static AjaxUploadCallResult UploadBankStatement(string guid, string itemId)
            AuthenticationData authData = GetAuthenticationDataAndCulture();

            if (!authData.Authority.HasAccess(new Access(authData.CurrentOrganization, AccessAspect.BookkeepingDetails)))
                throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();

            string[]         parts   = itemId.Split('-');
            FinancialAccount account = FinancialAccount.FromIdentity(Int32.Parse(parts[1]));
            int      yearMonth       = Int32.Parse(parts[2]);
            DateTime statementStart  = new DateTime(yearMonth / 100, yearMonth % 100, 1);

            if (account.OrganizationId != authData.CurrentOrganization.Identity)
                throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();

            Documents documents = Documents.RecentFromDescription(guid);

            FinancialAccountDocument accountDoc = FinancialAccountDocument.Create(account, FinancialAccountDocumentType.BankStatement, authData.CurrentUser,
                                                                                  statementStart, statementStart.AddMonths(1), string.Empty);


            return(new AjaxUploadCallResult {
                Success = true, StillProcessing = false
Ejemplo n.º 28
    protected void PopulateLine(GridItem item)
        FinancialAccount account = (FinancialAccount)item.DataItem;

        if (account == null)

        Label   labelAccountName = (Label)item.FindControl("LabelAccountName");
        Literal literalLastYear  = (Literal)item.FindControl("LiteralLastYear");
        Literal literalQ1        = (Literal)item.FindControl("LiteralQuarter1");
        Literal literalQ2        = (Literal)item.FindControl("LiteralQuarter2");
        Literal literalQ3        = (Literal)item.FindControl("LiteralQuarter3");
        Literal literalQ4        = (Literal)item.FindControl("LiteralQuarter4");
        Literal literalYtd       = (Literal)item.FindControl("LiteralThisYear");

        PopulateDualFigure(literalLastYear, "LastYear", 0, account.Identity);
        PopulateDualFigure(literalQ1, "Q1", 1, account.Identity);
        PopulateDualFigure(literalQ2, "Q2", 2, account.Identity);
        PopulateDualFigure(literalQ3, "Q3", 3, account.Identity);
        PopulateDualFigure(literalQ4, "Q4", 4, account.Identity);
        PopulateDualFigure(literalYtd, "Ytd", 5, account.Identity);
        labelAccountName.Text = account.Name;
Ejemplo n.º 29
    protected void ChargeBudget(FinancialAccount budget, double amount, string comment)
        FinancialTransaction newTransaction = FinancialTransaction.Create(1, DateTime.Now, comment);

        newTransaction.AddRow(budget, amount, _currentUser);
        newTransaction.AddRow(Organization.FromIdentity(Organization.PPSEid).FinancialAccounts.CostsInfrastructure, -amount, _currentUser);
Ejemplo n.º 30
    protected void ButtonSetBudgets_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        foreach (RepeaterItem repeaterItem in this.RepeaterAccountBudgets.Items)
            HiddenField      hiddenAccountId = (HiddenField)repeaterItem.FindControl("HiddenAccountId");
            TextBox          textBudget      = (TextBox)repeaterItem.FindControl("TextBudget");
            FinancialAccount account         = FinancialAccount.FromIdentity(Int32.Parse(hiddenAccountId.Value));

            // TODO: Possible race condition here, fix with HiddenField

            Int64 newBudgetAmount = Int64.Parse(textBudget.Text.Replace(",", "").Replace(" ", ""), Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture);  // TODO: May throw -- catch and send error message

            Int64 currentBudgetAmount = account.GetTree().GetBudgetSumCents(_year) / 100;

            // Set the new amount to the difference between the single budget of this account and the intended amount

            if (newBudgetAmount != currentBudgetAmount)
                                       account.GetBudgetCents(_year) + (newBudgetAmount - currentBudgetAmount) * 100);

        // After updating budgets, rebind repeater

        FinancialAccounts accounts = GetRootLevelResultAccounts();


        this.RepeaterAccountBudgets.DataSource = accounts;
Ejemplo n.º 31
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="account">The account.</param>
        public void SetValue( FinancialAccount account )
            if ( account != null )
                ItemId = account.Id.ToString();
                List<int> parentAccountIds = new List<int>();
                var parentAccount = account.ParentAccount;

                while ( parentAccount != null )
                    if ( parentAccountIds.Contains( parentAccount.Id ) )
                        // infinite recursion

                    parentAccountIds.Insert( 0, parentAccount.Id );
                    parentAccount = parentAccount.ParentAccount;

                InitialItemParentIds = parentAccountIds.AsDelimited( "," );
                ItemName = account.PublicName;
                ItemId = Constants.None.IdValue;
                ItemName = Constants.None.TextHtml;
Ejemplo n.º 32
    protected FinancialAccount SelectBudget(Geography geo)
        //TODO: Greate a general funtion to select local budget based on geography
        int financialAccountId = 0;

        if (geo.Identity == 32 || geo.Inherits(32))
            financialAccountId = 18;
        else if (geo.Identity == 33 || geo.Inherits(33))
            financialAccountId = 15;
        else if (geo.Identity == 34 || geo.Inherits(34))
            financialAccountId = 17;
        else if (geo.Identity == 35 || geo.Inherits(35))
            financialAccountId = 16;
        else if (geo.Identity == 39 || geo.Inherits(39))
            financialAccountId = 19;
            financialAccountId = 27;

Ejemplo n.º 33
        public static bool SetAccountSwitch(int accountId, string switchName, bool switchValue)
            AuthenticationData authData = GetAuthenticationDataAndCulture();
            FinancialAccount   account  = FinancialAccount.FromIdentity(accountId);

            if (!PrepareAccountChange(account, authData, false))

            switch (switchName)
            case "Active":
                account.Active = switchValue;

            case "Administrative":
                account.Administrative = switchValue;

            case "Expensable":
                account.Expensable = switchValue;

                throw new NotImplementedException("Unknown switchName parameter");

Ejemplo n.º 34
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the detail.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accountId">The account identifier.</param>
        public void ShowDetail( int accountId )
            FinancialAccount account = null;

            bool editAllowed = UserCanEdit;

            if ( !accountId.Equals( 0 ) )
                account = new FinancialAccountService( new RockContext() ).Get( accountId );
                editAllowed = editAllowed || account.IsAuthorized( Authorization.EDIT, CurrentPerson );
                pdAuditDetails.SetEntity( account, ResolveRockUrl( "~" ) );

            if ( account == null )
                account = new FinancialAccount { Id = 0, IsActive = true };
                // hide the panel drawer that show created and last modified dates
                pdAuditDetails.Visible = false;

            hfAccountId.Value = account.Id.ToString();

            nbEditModeMessage.Text = string.Empty;
            if (editAllowed)
                nbEditModeMessage.Text = EditModeMessage.ReadOnlyEditActionNotAllowed(FinancialAccount.FriendlyTypeName);
Ejemplo n.º 35
    protected void Page_Load (object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Get account

        int financialAccountId = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["FinancialAccountId"]);
        _account = FinancialAccount.FromIdentity(financialAccountId);
        int year = DateTime.Today.Year;

        if (_account.OwnerPersonId != _currentUser.Identity)
            throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("Access Denied");

        this.ComboOwner.Authority = _authority;

        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            // Populate all data

            this.LabelAccount.Text = _account.Name;
            this.LabelOrganization.Text = _account.Organization.Name;

            if (_account.Owner != null)
                this.ComboOwner.Text = _account.Owner.Name + " (#" + _account.Owner.Identity.ToString() + ")";

        // Page.Title = "Editing Budget: " + _account.Name + ", " + year.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 36
        private static bool PrepareAccountChange(FinancialAccount account, AuthenticationData authData,
                                                 bool checkOpenedYear)
            // TODO: Check permissions, too (may be read-only)

            if (account.OrganizationId != authData.CurrentOrganization.Identity)
                throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("A million nopes");

                int ledgersClosedUntilYear = authData.CurrentOrganization.Parameters.FiscalBooksClosedUntilYear;

                if (checkOpenedYear && ledgersClosedUntilYear > 0 && account.OpenedYear <= ledgersClosedUntilYear)
                    // This requires breaking the account, which we can't do yet (in this sprint, will come next sprint).
            catch (Exception)
                // OpenedYear throws because there isn't a transaction. That's fine.

Ejemplo n.º 37
    public void Populate(FinancialAccount root)
        FinancialAccounts accounts = root.GetTree();

        if (accounts.Count > 0)
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the detail.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemKey">The item key.</param>
        /// <param name="itemKeyValue">The item key value.</param>
        public void ShowDetail( string itemKey, int itemKeyValue )
            pnlDetails.Visible = false;

            if ( !itemKey.Equals( "accountId" ) )

            bool editAllowed = true;

            FinancialAccount account = null;

            if ( !itemKeyValue.Equals( 0 ) )
                account = new FinancialAccountService( new RockContext() ).Get( itemKeyValue );
                editAllowed = account.IsAuthorized( Authorization.EDIT, CurrentPerson );
                account = new FinancialAccount { Id = 0, IsActive = true };

            if ( account == null )

            pnlDetails.Visible = true;
            hfAccountId.Value = account.Id.ToString();

            bool readOnly = false;

            nbEditModeMessage.Text = string.Empty;
            if ( !editAllowed || !IsUserAuthorized( Authorization.EDIT ) )
                readOnly = true;
                nbEditModeMessage.Text = EditModeMessage.ReadOnlyEditActionNotAllowed( FinancialAccount.FriendlyTypeName );

            if ( readOnly )
                ShowReadonlyDetails( account );
                ShowEditDetails( account );
Ejemplo n.º 39
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the account.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lookupContext">The lookup context.</param>
        /// <param name="fundName">Name of the fund.</param>
        /// <param name="fundCampusId">The fund campus identifier.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static FinancialAccount AddAccount( RockContext lookupContext, string fundName, int? fundCampusId, int? parentAccountId )
            lookupContext = lookupContext ?? new RockContext();

            var account = new FinancialAccount();
            account.Name = fundName;
            account.PublicName = fundName;
            account.IsTaxDeductible = true;
            account.IsActive = true;
            account.CampusId = fundCampusId;
            account.ParentAccountId = parentAccountId;
            account.CreatedByPersonAliasId = ImportPersonAlias.Id;

            lookupContext.FinancialAccounts.Add( account );
            lookupContext.SaveChanges( DisableAudit );

            return account;
Ejemplo n.º 40
    static internal int WriteFinancialAccount(FinancialAccount o) {
      DataOperation operation = DataOperation.Parse("writeFSMFinancialAccount", o.Id,
                              o.FinancialProduct.Id, o.Institution.Id, o.Customer.Id, o.SellerId,
                              o.SalesChannelId, o.AuthorizedById, o.ManagerId, o.ExecutiveId,
                              o.CollectorId, o.ContractNumber, o.ContractDate, o.InstitutionCustomerNumber,
                              o.AccountNumber, o.InterBankAccountNumber, o.Notes, o.Keywords,
                              o.BaseCurrency.Id, o.RequestedLimit, o.AuthorizedLimit,
                              o.BillingCycle, o.BillingMode, o.BillingWeekDays, o.BillingNotes,
                              o.CollectCycle, o.CollectMode, o.CollectWeekDays, o.CollectNotes,
                              o.DocumentationVector, o.Score, o.RequestedDate, o.OpeningDate,
                              o.ClosingDate, o.PostedById, o.ReplacedById, o.Status, o.StartDate, o.EndDate);

      int i = DataWriter.Execute(operation);

      //GasFacilityData.ChangeCreditAccountStatus(o.CustomerId, o.Status);


      return i;
Ejemplo n.º 41
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="account">The account.</param>
        public void SetValue( FinancialAccount account )
            if ( account != null )
                ItemId = account.Id.ToString();
                var parentAccountIds = string.Empty;
                var parentAccount = account.ParentAccount;

                while ( parentAccount != null )
                    parentAccountIds = parentAccount.Id + "," + parentAccountIds;
                    parentAccount = parentAccount.ParentAccount;

                InitialItemParentIds = parentAccountIds.TrimEnd( new[] { ',' } );
                ItemName = account.PublicName;
                ItemId = Constants.None.IdValue;
                ItemName = Constants.None.TextHtml;
Ejemplo n.º 42
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the detail.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accountId">The account identifier.</param>
        public void ShowDetail( int accountId )
            FinancialAccount account = null;

            bool editAllowed = UserCanEdit;

            if ( !accountId.Equals( 0 ) )
                account = new FinancialAccountService( new RockContext() ).Get( accountId );
                editAllowed = editAllowed || account.IsAuthorized( Authorization.EDIT, CurrentPerson );

            if ( account == null )
                account = new FinancialAccount { Id = 0, IsActive = true };

            hfAccountId.Value = account.Id.ToString();

            bool readOnly = false;

            nbEditModeMessage.Text = string.Empty;
            if ( !editAllowed || !editAllowed )
                readOnly = true;
                nbEditModeMessage.Text = EditModeMessage.ReadOnlyEditActionNotAllowed( FinancialAccount.FriendlyTypeName );

            if ( readOnly )
                ShowReadonlyDetails( account );
                ShowEditDetails( account );
        private FinancialAccountRole CreateFinancialAccountRole(FinancialAccount financialAccount, PartyRole role)
            FinancialAccountRole financialAccountRole = new FinancialAccountRole();
            financialAccountRole.FinancialAccount = financialAccount;
            financialAccountRole.PartyRole = role;

            return financialAccountRole;
Ejemplo n.º 44
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the edit details.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="account">The account.</param>
        private void ShowEditDetails( FinancialAccount account )
            if ( account.Id == 0 )
                lActionTitle.Text = ActionTitle.Add( FinancialAccount.FriendlyTypeName ).FormatAsHtmlTitle();
                lActionTitle.Text = account.Name.FormatAsHtmlTitle();

            hlInactive.Visible = !account.IsActive;

            SetEditMode( true );


            tbName.Text = account.Name;
            cbIsActive.Checked = account.IsActive;
            tbDescription.Text = account.Description;

            apParentAccount.SetValue( account.ParentAccount );
            ddlAccountType.SetValue( account.AccountTypeValueId );
            tbPublicName.Text = account.PublicName;
            cpCampus.SelectedCampusId = account.CampusId;

            tbGLCode.Text = account.GlCode;
            cbIsTaxDeductible.Checked = account.IsTaxDeductible;
            dtpStartDate.SelectedDate = account.StartDate;
            dtpEndDate.SelectedDate = account.EndDate;
Ejemplo n.º 45
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the readonly details.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="account">The account.</param>
        private void ShowReadonlyDetails( FinancialAccount account )
            SetEditMode( false );

            hfAccountId.SetValue( account.Id );
            lActionTitle.Text = account.Name.FormatAsHtmlTitle();
            hlInactive.Visible = !account.IsActive;
            lAccountDescription.Text = account.Description;

            DescriptionList descriptionList = new DescriptionList();
            descriptionList.Add( string.Empty, string.Empty );
            lblMainDetails.Text = descriptionList.Html;
Ejemplo n.º 46
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the edit details.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="account">The account.</param>
        private void ShowEditDetails( FinancialAccount account )
            if ( account.Id == 0 )
                lActionTitle.Text = ActionTitle.Add( FinancialAccount.FriendlyTypeName ).FormatAsHtmlTitle();

                // hide the panel drawer that show created and last modified dates
                pdAuditDetails.Visible = false;
                lActionTitle.Text = account.Name.FormatAsHtmlTitle();

            hlInactive.Visible = !account.IsActive;

            SetEditMode( true );


            tbName.Text = account.Name;
            cbIsActive.Checked = account.IsActive;
            cbIsPublic.Checked = account.IsPublic.HasValue ? account.IsPublic.Value : false;
            tbDescription.Text = account.Description;
            cePublicDescription.Text = account.PublicDescription;

            apParentAccount.SetValue( account.ParentAccount );
            ddlAccountType.SetValue( account.AccountTypeValueId );
            tbPublicName.Text = account.PublicName;
            tbUrl.Text = account.Url;
            cpCampus.SelectedCampusId = account.CampusId;

            tbGLCode.Text = account.GlCode;
            cbIsTaxDeductible.Checked = account.IsTaxDeductible;
            dtpStartDate.SelectedDate = account.StartDate;
            dtpEndDate.SelectedDate = account.EndDate;
Ejemplo n.º 47
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the pledge.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryable">The queryable.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.NotImplementedException"></exception>
        private void MapPledge( IQueryable<Row> tableData )
            var accountService = new FinancialAccountService();

            List<FinancialAccount> importedAccounts = accountService.Queryable().ToList();

            List<DefinedValue> pledgeFrequencies = new DefinedValueService().GetByDefinedTypeGuid( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.FINANCIAL_FREQUENCY ) ).ToList();

            List<FinancialPledge> importedPledges = new FinancialPledgeService().Queryable().ToList();

            var newPledges = new List<FinancialPledge>();

            int completed = 0;
            int totalRows = tableData.Count();
            int percentage = ( totalRows - 1 ) / 100 + 1;
            ReportProgress( 0, string.Format( "Checking pledge import ({0:N0} found).", totalRows ) );

            foreach ( var row in tableData )
                decimal? amount = row["Total_Pledge"] as decimal?;
                DateTime? startDate = row["Start_Date"] as DateTime?;
                DateTime? endDate = row["End_Date"] as DateTime?;
                if ( amount != null && startDate != null && endDate != null )
                    int? individualId = row["Individual_ID"] as int?;
                    int? householdId = row["Household_ID"] as int?;
                    int? personId = GetPersonId( individualId, householdId );
                    if ( personId != null && !importedPledges.Any( p => p.PersonId == personId && p.TotalAmount == amount && p.StartDate.Equals( startDate ) ) )
                        var pledge = new FinancialPledge();
                        pledge.CreatedByPersonAliasId = ImportPersonAlias.Id;
                        pledge.StartDate = (DateTime)startDate;
                        pledge.EndDate = (DateTime)endDate;
                        pledge.TotalAmount = (decimal)amount;

                        string frequency = row["Pledge_Frequency_Name"] as string;
                        if ( frequency != null )
                            if ( frequency == "One Time" || frequency == "As Can" )
                                pledge.PledgeFrequencyValueId = pledgeFrequencies.FirstOrDefault( f => f.Guid == new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.TRANSACTION_FREQUENCY_ONE_TIME ) ).Id;
                                pledge.PledgeFrequencyValueId = pledgeFrequencies
                                    .Where( f => f.Name.StartsWith( frequency ) || f.Description.StartsWith( frequency ) )
                                    .Select( f => f.Id ).FirstOrDefault();

                        string fundName = row["Fund_Name"] as string;
                        string subFund = row["Sub_Fund_Name"] as string;
                        if ( fundName != null )
                            FinancialAccount matchingAccount = null;
                            int? fundCampusId = null;
                            if ( subFund != null )
                                // match by campus if the subfund appears to be a campus
                                fundCampusId = CampusList.Where( c => c.Name.StartsWith( subFund ) || c.ShortCode == subFund )
                                    .Select( c => (int?)c.Id ).FirstOrDefault();

                                if ( fundCampusId != null )
                                    matchingAccount = importedAccounts.FirstOrDefault( a => a.Name.StartsWith( fundName ) && a.CampusId != null && a.CampusId.Equals( fundCampusId ) );
                                    matchingAccount = importedAccounts.FirstOrDefault( a => a.Name.StartsWith( fundName ) && a.Name.StartsWith( subFund ) );
                                matchingAccount = importedAccounts.FirstOrDefault( a => a.Name.StartsWith( fundName ) );

                            if ( matchingAccount == null )
                                matchingAccount = new FinancialAccount();
                                matchingAccount.Name = fundName;
                                matchingAccount.PublicName = fundName;
                                matchingAccount.IsTaxDeductible = true;
                                matchingAccount.IsActive = true;
                                matchingAccount.CampusId = fundCampusId;
                                matchingAccount.CreatedByPersonAliasId = ImportPersonAlias.Id;

                                accountService.Add( matchingAccount );
                                accountService.Save( matchingAccount );
                                importedAccounts.Add( matchingAccount );
                                pledge.AccountId = matchingAccount.Id;

                        // Attributes to add?
                        // Pledge_Drive_Name

                        newPledges.Add( pledge );
                        if ( completed % percentage < 1 )
                            int percentComplete = completed / percentage;
                            ReportProgress( percentComplete, string.Format( "{0:N0} pledges imported ({1}% complete).", completed, percentComplete ) );
                        else if ( completed % ReportingNumber < 1 )
                            RockTransactionScope.WrapTransaction( () =>
                                var pledgeService = new FinancialPledgeService();
                                pledgeService.RockContext.FinancialPledges.AddRange( newPledges );
                            } );


            if ( newPledges.Any() )
                RockTransactionScope.WrapTransaction( () =>
                    var pledgeService = new FinancialPledgeService();
                    pledgeService.RockContext.FinancialPledges.AddRange( newPledges );
                } );

            ReportProgress( 100, string.Format( "Finished pledge import: {0:N0} pledges imported.", completed ) );
        private FinancialAccount CreateFinancialAccount(Agreement agreement, DateTime today)
            FinancialAccount financialAccountNew1 = new FinancialAccount();
            financialAccountNew1.Agreement = agreement;
            financialAccountNew1.FinancialAccountType = FinancialAccountType.LoanAccountType;

            return financialAccountNew1;
        private void ChequeModelPrepareForSave(FinancialAccount financialAccount, PartyRole customerPartyRole, int employeePartyRoleId, DateTime today, ChequeModel model)
            if (model.IsNew)
                var application = financialAccount.Agreement.Application;
                var loanAccount = financialAccount.LoanAccount;

                //new payment
                Payment payment = CreatePayment(customerPartyRole, employeePartyRoleId, model, today);

                //new cheque
                Cheque newCheck = new Cheque();
                newCheck.BankPartyRoleId = model.BankId;
                newCheck.CheckDate = model.ChequeDate;
                newCheck.Payment = payment;

                //new cheque association
                ChequeApplicationAssoc chequeAssoc = new ChequeApplicationAssoc();
                chequeAssoc.Cheque = newCheck;
                chequeAssoc.Application = application;

                //new cheque loan association
                ChequeLoanAssoc chequeLoanAssoc = new ChequeLoanAssoc();
                chequeLoanAssoc.Cheque = newCheck;
                chequeLoanAssoc.LoanAccount = loanAccount;

                //new receipt
                Receipt newReceipt = CreateReceipt(customerPartyRole, payment, model);

                //new receipt payment assoc
                ReceiptPaymentAssoc newReceiptAssoc = CreateReceiptPaymentAssoc(payment, newReceipt);

                //new receipt status
                CreateReceiptStatus(newReceipt, model, today);

                //new cheque status
                CreateChequeStatus(newCheck, model, today);

            else if (model.ToBeDeleted)
                //throw new NotImplementedException();
                var payment = Context.Payments.SingleOrDefault(entity => entity.Id == model.PaymentId);
                var receiptPaymentAssoc = Context.ReceiptPaymentAssocs.SingleOrDefault(entity => entity.PaymentId == payment.Id);
                var receipts = receiptPaymentAssoc.Receipt;
                var cheque = Context.Cheques.SingleOrDefault(entity => entity.Id == model.ChequeId && entity.PaymentId == payment.Id);

                var assoc = Context.ChequeApplicationAssocs.SingleOrDefault(entity => entity.ChequeId == cheque.Id);

Ejemplo n.º 50
        protected FinancialAccount CreateNewFinancialAccount()
            FinancialAccount newFinancialAccount = new FinancialAccount();

            return newFinancialAccount;
    public void Populate(FinancialAccount root)
        Controls_v4_FinancialAccountTree tree = (Controls_v4_FinancialAccountTree)this.DropFinancialAccounts.Items[0].FindControl("FinancialAccountTree");

        private FinancialAccount CreateFinancialAccountWithParent(Agreement agreement, DateTime today, FinancialAccount financialAccountParent)
            FinancialAccount financialAccountNew1 = new FinancialAccount();
            financialAccountNew1.Agreement = agreement;
            financialAccountNew1.FinancialAccountType = FinancialAccountType.LoanAccountType;
            financialAccountNew1.ParentFinancialAccountId = financialAccountParent.Id;

            return financialAccountNew1;
Ejemplo n.º 53
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the contribution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableData">The table data.</param>
        /// <param name="selectedColumns">The selected columns.</param>
        private void MapContribution( IQueryable<Row> tableData, List<string> selectedColumns = null )
            int transactionEntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read( "Rock.Model.FinancialTransaction" ).Id;
            var accountService = new FinancialAccountService();
            var attributeService = new AttributeService();

            var transactionTypeContributionId = DefinedValueCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.TRANSACTION_TYPE_CONTRIBUTION ) ).Id;

            int currencyTypeACH = DefinedValueCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.CURRENCY_TYPE_ACH ) ).Id;
            int currencyTypeCash = DefinedValueCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.CURRENCY_TYPE_CASH ) ).Id;
            int currencyTypeCheck = DefinedValueCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.CURRENCY_TYPE_CHECK ) ).Id;
            int currencyTypeCreditCard = DefinedValueCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.CURRENCY_TYPE_CREDIT_CARD ) ).Id;

            List<DefinedValue> refundReasons = new DefinedValueService().Queryable().Where( dv => dv.DefinedType.Guid == new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.FINANCIAL_TRANSACTION_REFUND_REASON ) ).ToList();

            List<FinancialPledge> pledgeList = new FinancialPledgeService().Queryable().ToList();

            List<FinancialAccount> accountList = accountService.Queryable().ToList();

            // Add an Attribute for the unique F1 Contribution Id
            int contributionAttributeId = attributeService.Queryable().Where( a => a.EntityTypeId == transactionEntityTypeId
                && a.Key == "F1ContributionId" ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
            if ( contributionAttributeId == 0 )
                var newContributionAttribute = new Rock.Model.Attribute();
                newContributionAttribute.Key = "F1ContributionId";
                newContributionAttribute.Name = "F1 Contribution Id";
                newContributionAttribute.FieldTypeId = IntegerFieldTypeId;
                newContributionAttribute.EntityTypeId = transactionEntityTypeId;
                newContributionAttribute.EntityTypeQualifierValue = string.Empty;
                newContributionAttribute.EntityTypeQualifierColumn = string.Empty;
                newContributionAttribute.Description = "The FellowshipOne identifier for the contribution that was imported";
                newContributionAttribute.DefaultValue = string.Empty;
                newContributionAttribute.IsMultiValue = false;
                newContributionAttribute.IsRequired = false;
                newContributionAttribute.Order = 0;

                attributeService.Add( newContributionAttribute, ImportPersonAlias );
                attributeService.Save( newContributionAttribute, ImportPersonAlias );
                contributionAttributeId = newContributionAttribute.Id;

            var contributionAttribute = AttributeCache.Read( contributionAttributeId );

            // Get all imported contributions
            var importedContributions = new AttributeValueService().GetByAttributeId( contributionAttributeId )
               .Select( av => new { ContributionId = av.Value.AsType<int?>(), TransactionId = av.EntityId } )
               .ToDictionary( t => t.ContributionId, t => t.TransactionId );

            // List for batching new contributions
            var newTransactions = new List<FinancialTransaction>();

            int completed = 0;
            int totalRows = tableData.Count();
            int percentage = ( totalRows - 1 ) / 100 + 1;
            ReportProgress( 0, string.Format( "Checking contribution import ({0:N0} found, {1:N0} already exist).", totalRows, importedContributions.Count() ) );
            foreach ( var row in tableData )
                int? individualId = row["Individual_ID"] as int?;
                int? householdId = row["Household_ID"] as int?;
                int? contributionId = row["ContributionID"] as int?;

                if ( contributionId != null && !importedContributions.ContainsKey( contributionId ) )
                    var transaction = new FinancialTransaction();
                    transaction.TransactionTypeValueId = transactionTypeContributionId;
                    transaction.AuthorizedPersonId = GetPersonId( individualId, householdId );
                    transaction.CreatedByPersonAliasId = ImportPersonAlias.Id;
                    transaction.AuthorizedPersonId = GetPersonId( individualId, householdId );

                    string summary = row["Memo"] as string;
                    if ( summary != null )
                        transaction.Summary = summary;

                    int? batchId = row["BatchID"] as int?;
                    if ( batchId != null && ImportedBatches.Any( b => b.Key == batchId ) )
                        transaction.BatchId = ImportedBatches.FirstOrDefault( b => b.Key == batchId ).Value;

                    DateTime? receivedDate = row["Received_Date"] as DateTime?;
                    if ( receivedDate != null )
                        transaction.TransactionDateTime = receivedDate;
                        transaction.CreatedDateTime = receivedDate;

                    bool isTypeNonCash = false;
                    string contributionType = row["Contribution_Type_Name"] as string;
                    if ( contributionType != null )
                        if ( contributionType == "ACH" )
                            transaction.CurrencyTypeValueId = currencyTypeACH;
                        else if ( contributionType == "Cash" )
                            transaction.CurrencyTypeValueId = currencyTypeCash;
                        else if ( contributionType == "Check" )
                            transaction.CurrencyTypeValueId = currencyTypeCheck;
                        else if ( contributionType == "Credit Card" )
                            transaction.CurrencyTypeValueId = currencyTypeCreditCard;
                            isTypeNonCash = true;

                    string checkNumber = row["Check_Number"] as string;
                    if ( checkNumber != null && checkNumber.AsType<int?>() != null )
                        // routing & account set to zero
                        transaction.CheckMicrEncrypted = Encryption.EncryptString( string.Format( "{0}_{1}_{2}", 0, 0, checkNumber ) );

                    string fundName = row["Fund_Name"] as string;
                    string subFund = row["Sub_Fund_Name"] as string;
                    decimal? amount = row["Amount"] as decimal?;
                    if ( fundName != null & amount != null )
                        FinancialAccount matchingAccount = null;
                        fundName = fundName.Trim();

                        int? fundCampusId = null;
                        if ( subFund != null )
                            subFund = subFund.Trim();
                            fundCampusId = CampusList.Where( c => c.Name.StartsWith( subFund ) || c.ShortCode == subFund )
                                .Select( c => (int?)c.Id ).FirstOrDefault();

                            if ( fundCampusId != null )
                                matchingAccount = accountList.FirstOrDefault( a => a.Name.StartsWith( fundName )
                                    && a.CampusId != null && a.CampusId.Equals( fundCampusId ) );
                                matchingAccount = accountList.FirstOrDefault( a => a.Name.StartsWith( fundName ) && a.Name.StartsWith( subFund ) );
                            matchingAccount = accountList.FirstOrDefault( a => a.Name.StartsWith( fundName ) && a.CampusId == null );

                        if ( matchingAccount == null )
                            matchingAccount = new FinancialAccount();
                            matchingAccount.Name = fundName;
                            matchingAccount.PublicName = fundName;
                            matchingAccount.IsTaxDeductible = true;
                            matchingAccount.IsActive = true;
                            matchingAccount.CampusId = fundCampusId;
                            matchingAccount.CreatedByPersonAliasId = ImportPersonAlias.Id;

                            accountService.Add( matchingAccount );
                            accountService.Save( matchingAccount );
                            accountList.Add( matchingAccount );

                        var transactionDetail = new FinancialTransactionDetail();
                        transactionDetail.Amount = (decimal)amount;
                        transactionDetail.CreatedDateTime = receivedDate;
                        transactionDetail.AccountId = matchingAccount.Id;
                        transactionDetail.IsNonCash = isTypeNonCash;
                        transaction.TransactionDetails.Add( transactionDetail );

                        if ( amount < 0 )
                            var transactionRefund = new FinancialTransactionRefund();
                            transactionRefund.CreatedDateTime = receivedDate;
                            transactionRefund.RefundReasonSummary = summary;
                            transactionRefund.RefundReasonValueId = refundReasons.Where( dv => summary != null && dv.Name.Contains( summary ) )
                                .Select( dv => (int?)dv.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                            transaction.Refund = transactionRefund;

                    // Other Attributes to create:
                    // Pledge_Drive_Name
                    // Stated_Value
                    // True_Value
                    // Liquidation_cost

                    transaction.Attributes = new Dictionary<string, AttributeCache>();
                    transaction.AttributeValues = new Dictionary<string, List<AttributeValue>>();
                    transaction.Attributes.Add( contributionAttribute.Key, contributionAttribute );
                    transaction.AttributeValues.Add( contributionAttribute.Key, new List<AttributeValue>() );
                    transaction.AttributeValues[contributionAttribute.Key].Add( new AttributeValue()
                        AttributeId = contributionAttribute.Id,
                        Value = contributionId.ToString(),
                        Order = 0
                    } );

                    newTransactions.Add( transaction );
                    if ( completed % percentage < 1 )
                        int percentComplete = completed / percentage;
                        ReportProgress( percentComplete, string.Format( "{0:N0} contributions imported ({1}% complete).", completed, percentComplete ) );
                    else if ( completed % ReportingNumber < 1 )
                        RockTransactionScope.WrapTransaction( () =>
                            var transactionService = new FinancialTransactionService();
                            transactionService.RockContext.FinancialTransactions.AddRange( newTransactions );

                            var attributeValueService = new AttributeValueService();
                            foreach ( var contribution in newTransactions.Where( c => c.Attributes.Any() ) )
                                var attributeValue = contribution.AttributeValues[contributionAttribute.Key].FirstOrDefault();
                                if ( attributeValue != null )
                                    attributeValue.EntityId = contribution.Id;
                                    attributeValueService.RockContext.AttributeValues.Add( attributeValue );

                        } );


            if ( newTransactions.Any() )
                RockTransactionScope.WrapTransaction( () =>
                    var transactionService = new FinancialTransactionService();
                    transactionService.RockContext.FinancialTransactions.AddRange( newTransactions );

                    var attributeValueService = new AttributeValueService();
                    foreach ( var contribution in newTransactions.Where( c => c.Attributes.Any() ) )
                        var attributeValue = contribution.AttributeValues[contributionAttribute.Key].FirstOrDefault();
                        if ( attributeValue != null )
                            attributeValue.EntityId = contribution.Id;
                            attributeValueService.RockContext.AttributeValues.Add( attributeValue );

                } );

            ReportProgress( 100, string.Format( "Finished contribution import: {0:N0} contributions imported.", completed ) );
        private LoanAccount CreateLoanAccount(FinancialAccount financialAccount, AmortizationItemsModel item, DateTime maturityDate, DateTime today)
            LoanAccount loanAccountNew = new LoanAccount();
            loanAccountNew.FinancialAccount = financialAccount;
            loanAccountNew.LoanAmount = item.NewLoanAmount;
            loanAccountNew.LoanBalance = item.NewLoanAmount;
            //loanAccountNew.LoanReleaseDate = today.Date;
            loanAccountNew.LoanReleaseDate = item.LoanReleaseDate;
            loanAccountNew.InterestType = InterestType.PercentageInterestTYpe;
            if(item.Term != 0)
                loanAccountNew.MaturityDate = maturityDate;

            return loanAccountNew;
            public AgingAccountsModel(FinancialAccount financialAccount, DateTime selectedDate)
                var owner = ObjectContext.FinancialAccountRoles.FirstOrDefault(entity => entity.FinancialAccountId == financialAccount.Id
                                            && entity.PartyRole.RoleTypeId == RoleType.OwnerFinancialType.Id && entity.PartyRole.EndDate == null);

                //var person = owner.PartyRole.Party.Person;
                var party = owner.PartyRole.Party;

                this.AccountName = party.Name;

                this.SelectedDate = selectedDate;

                var loanAccount = financialAccount.LoanAccount;
                var payments = loanAccount.FinancialAccount.FinAcctTrans.Where(entity => entity.FinancialAcctTransTypeId == FinlAcctTransType.AccountPaymentType.Id).OrderByDescending(entity => entity.TransactionDate).FirstOrDefault();

                if (payments != null)
                    this.DueDate1 = payments.TransactionDate;
                    this.LastPaymentDate1 = this.DueDate1;
                    this.DueDate = this.DueDate1.Value.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy");
                    this.LastPaymentDate = this.DueDate;
                    this.LastPaymentDate = "None";
                    this.DueDate1 = loanAccount.LoanReleaseDate;
                    this.DueDate = this.DueDate1.Value.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy");
                    this.LoanReleaseDate = this.DueDate;
                    this.LoanReleaseDate1 = this.DueDate1;

                this.Balance = loanAccount.LoanBalance;
                var dateDiff = 0;

                if (this.SelectedDate.Date.CompareTo(this.DueDate1.Value.Date) <= 0)
                    this.Current = this.Balance;
                    dateDiff = this.SelectedDate.Date.Subtract(this.DueDate1.Value.Date).Days;

                    if (dateDiff >= 1 && dateDiff <= 30)
                        this.OneToThirty = this.Balance;
                    else if (dateDiff >= 31 && dateDiff <= 60)
                        this.ThirtyOneToSixty = this.Balance;
                    else if (dateDiff >= 61 && dateDiff <= 90)
                        this.SixtyOneToNinety = this.Balance;
                    else if (dateDiff > 90)
                        this.OverNinety = this.Balance;
        private LoanModificationPrevItem CreateLoanModificationPrevItem(LoanModification loanModification, FinancialAccount financialAccount)
            LoanModificationPrevItem loanModificationPrevItem = new LoanModificationPrevItem();
            loanModificationPrevItem.FinancialAccount = financialAccount;
            loanModificationPrevItem.LoanModification = loanModification;

            return loanModificationPrevItem;
        private Agreement CreateNewAgreementWithParent(Application application, DateTime today, FinancialAccount financialAccount)
            Agreement agreement = new Agreement();
            agreement.Application = application;
            agreement.AgreementType = AgreementType.LoanAgreementType;
            agreement.EffectiveDate = today;
            agreement.AgreementDate = today;
            agreement.ParentAgreementId = financialAccount.AgreementId;

            return agreement;
Ejemplo n.º 58
        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the <see cref="E:System.Web.UI.Control.Load" /> event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="T:System.EventArgs" /> object that contains the event data.</param>
        protected override void OnLoad( EventArgs e )
            base.OnLoad( e );

            var accountId = PageParameter("accountId").AsInteger();
            if ( !Page.IsPostBack )
                ShowDetail( accountId );

            // Add any attribute controls.
            // This must be done here regardless of whether it is a postback so that the attribute values will get saved.
            var account = new FinancialAccountService(new RockContext()).Get(accountId);
            if (account == null)
                account = new FinancialAccount();
            Helper.AddEditControls(account, phAttributes, true, BlockValidationGroup);
        private FinancialAccountProduct CreateFinancialAccountProduct(FinancialAccount financialAccount, FinancialProduct financialProduct, DateTime today)
            FinancialAccountProduct financialAccountProductNew1 = new FinancialAccountProduct();
            financialAccountProductNew1.FinancialAccount = financialAccount;
            financialAccountProductNew1.FinancialProduct = financialProduct;
            financialAccountProductNew1.EffectiveDate = today;

            return financialAccountProductNew1;
Ejemplo n.º 60
     private void FixupFinancialAccount(FinancialAccount previousValue)
         if (IsDeserializing)
         if (previousValue != null && previousValue.FundFlows.Contains(this))
         if (FinancialAccount != null)
             if (!FinancialAccount.FundFlows.Contains(this))
             FinancialAccountId = FinancialAccount.Id;
         if (ChangeTracker.ChangeTrackingEnabled)
             if (ChangeTracker.OriginalValues.ContainsKey("FinancialAccount")
                 && (ChangeTracker.OriginalValues["FinancialAccount"] == FinancialAccount))
                 ChangeTracker.RecordOriginalValue("FinancialAccount", previousValue);
             if (FinancialAccount != null && !FinancialAccount.ChangeTracker.ChangeTrackingEnabled)