Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
Ejemplo n.º 1
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     audioHandler = GameObject.Find("AudioHandler").GetComponent <AudioHandlerScript>();
     glow         = GameObject.Find("EndGlow").GetComponent <ParticleSystem>();
     //Set the fadingAlpha to 1 so that things will fade correctly
     fadingAlpha = 1;
     //Find the final level script
     finalLevelCutscene = GameObject.Find("HallwayRoom1").GetComponent <FinalLevelCutscene> ();
     //Find the basement room
     basementRoom = GameObject.Find("EndingBasement");
     //Find the silhouette
     //silhouette = GameObject.Find ("tempSilhouette");
     //Find the hunter monster
     //hunterEnemy = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("HunterEnemy");
     hunterFog = GameObject.Find("FogLeft");
     //Get the spotlight for the hunter monster
     spotlight = GameObject.Find("hunter_spotlight_test_1");
     //Make the silhouette invisible
     //silhouette.GetComponent<Renderer> ().material.color = Color.clear;
     //Make it inactive until the ending cutscene starts
     //silhouette.SetActive (false);
     //find the player
     player        = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
     clickPosition = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    //GameObject retryButton;
    //GameObject menuButton;
    //GameObject spottedCue;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        Time.timeScale = 1f;
        // spottedCue = GameObject.Find("SpottedIndicator");
        // spottedCue.SetActive(false);
        player       = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player");
        playerScript = player.GetComponent <PlayerControl> ();
        audioHandler = GameObject.Find("AudioHandler").GetComponent <AudioHandlerScript>();
        // set the initial position of the player
        initialPlayerPos = player.transform.position;

        //only store this if the player is on level 1, 2, or 3
        if (Application.loadedLevel >= 3 && Application.loadedLevel <= 5)
            openCutscene = GameObject.Find("Cutscene").GetComponent <OpeningCutscene>();
        //only store if final level
        else if (Application.loadedLevel == 6)
            endCutscene = GameObject.Find("HallwayRoom1").GetComponent <FinalLevelCutscene>();
        gameOverPanel = GameObject.Find("GameOverPanel");
        //retryButton = GameObject.Find("RetryButton");
        //menuButton = GameObject.Find("MenuButton");
        overlay_image = overlay.GetComponent <Image>();
        //play music clip #3 (intro music)

         * audioHandler.LoopMusic(false);
         * audioHandler.PlayMusic(3);
        //start level music at certain time
Ejemplo n.º 3
    //GameObject retryButton;
    //GameObject menuButton;
    //GameObject spottedCue;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        Time.timeScale = 1f;
        // spottedCue = GameObject.Find("SpottedIndicator");
        // spottedCue.SetActive(false);
        player = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player");
        playerScript = player.GetComponent<PlayerControl> ();
        audioHandler = GameObject.Find("AudioHandler").GetComponent<AudioHandlerScript>();
        // set the initial position of the player
        initialPlayerPos = player.transform.position;

        //only store this if the player is on level 1, 2, or 3
        if (Application.loadedLevel >= 3 && Application.loadedLevel <= 5)
            openCutscene = GameObject.Find("Cutscene").GetComponent<OpeningCutscene>();
        //only store if final level
        else if(Application.loadedLevel == 6)
            endCutscene = GameObject.Find("HallwayRoom1").GetComponent<FinalLevelCutscene>();
        gameOverPanel = GameObject.Find("GameOverPanel");
        //retryButton = GameObject.Find("RetryButton");
        //menuButton = GameObject.Find("MenuButton");
        overlay_image = overlay.GetComponent<Image>();
        //play music clip #3 (intro music)
        //start level music at certain time
Ejemplo n.º 4
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     audioHandler = GameObject.Find("AudioHandler").GetComponent<AudioHandlerScript>();
     glow = GameObject.Find("EndGlow").GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();
     //Set the fadingAlpha to 1 so that things will fade correctly
     fadingAlpha = 1;
     //Find the final level script
     finalLevelCutscene = GameObject.Find ("HallwayRoom1").GetComponent<FinalLevelCutscene> ();
     //Find the basement room
     basementRoom = GameObject.Find ("EndingBasement");
     //Find the silhouette
     //silhouette = GameObject.Find ("tempSilhouette");
     //Find the hunter monster
     //hunterEnemy = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("HunterEnemy");
     hunterFog = GameObject.Find("FogLeft");
     //Get the spotlight for the hunter monster
     spotlight = GameObject.Find ("hunter_spotlight_test_1");
     //Make the silhouette invisible
     //silhouette.GetComponent<Renderer> ().material.color = Color.clear;
     //Make it inactive until the ending cutscene starts
     //silhouette.SetActive (false);
     //find the player
     player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player");
     clickPosition = new Vector2(0f, 0f);