private bool FilmInfoValid(FilmInfo filmInfo) { return(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filmInfo.Name) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(filmInfo.Description) && filmInfo.StartDate < filmInfo.EndDate && filmInfo.Duration != 0); }
private void FilmListing_Tap(object sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e) { FilmInfo newFI = null; if (sender is Image) { Image img = sender as Image; newFI = img.Tag as FilmInfo; } else if (sender is Grid) { Grid grid = sender as Grid; newFI = grid.Tag as FilmInfo; } else { return; } if (newFI == null) { return; } List <FilmInfo> films = App.CinemaFilms[SelectedCinema.ID]; ShowPerformances.SelectedFilm = films.First(f => f.EDI == newFI.EDI); ShowPerformances.SelectedCinema = SelectedCinema; ShowPerformances.ShowCinemaDetails = false; ShowPerformances.ShowFilmDetails = true; NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/ShowPerformances.xaml", UriKind.Relative)); }
public ActionResult Create(FilmInfo film) { Genre genre = _db.GetAllGenres().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == film.GenreId); ApplicationUser user = UserManager.FindById(User.Identity.GetUserId()); if (genre != null) { film.User = user.UserName; film.Email = user.Email; film.Genre = genre; film.PosterFilePAth = "/posterPicStore/" + film.PosterFilePAth; if (film.PosterFilePAth == "/posterPicStore/") { film.PosterFilePAth = "/posterPicStore/default.jpg"; } if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (user.Email != "") { _db.CreateCard(film); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } } } ViewBag.Message = "Введите информацию о фильме"; ViewBag.Title = "Создание карточки фильма."; SelectList items = new SelectList(_db.GetAllGenres(), "Id", "Name"); ViewBag.Genres = items; FilmInfo newFilmInfoCard = new FilmInfo(); newFilmInfoCard.Id = _db.GetMaxCardId(); return(View(newFilmInfoCard)); }
private void lbInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lbInfo.SelectedIndex == -1) { return; } LogUnit logUnit = (LogUnit)updateService.GetLog()[lbInfo.SelectedIndex]; Film film =; FilmInfo filmInfo = logUnit.filmInfo; tbRussianTitle.Text = film.russianTitle; tbOriginalTitle.Text = film.originalTitle; tbYear.Text = film.year; tbCountry.Text =; tbGenre.Text = film.genre; tbDirector.Text = film.director; rtbActors.Text = film.actors; tbWorldDate.Text = film.worldDate; tbRussianDate.Text = film.russianDate; tbDiscDate.Text = film.discDate; tbRusTitle.Text = filmInfo.russianTitle; tbOrigTitle.Text = filmInfo.originalTitle; tbY.Text = filmInfo.year; tbC.Text =; tbG.Text = filmInfo.genre; tbD.Text = filmInfo.director; rtbA.Text = filmInfo.actors; tbWDate.Text = filmInfo.worldPremiere; tbRDate.Text = filmInfo.russianPremiere; tbDDate.Text = filmInfo.discPremiere; }
public override async Task GetCinemaFilmListings(int cinemaID, bool bForce = false) { string FileName = String.Format(FilmsPerCinemaFileName, cinemaID); await base.GetCinemaFilmListings(cinemaID, bForce); List<FilmHeader> filmheaders = await DeserialiseObject<List<FilmHeader>>(FileName); List<FilmInfo> films = new List<FilmInfo>(); foreach (var fh in filmheaders) { FilmInfo fi = null; if (App.Films.TryGetValue(fh.EDI, out fi)) { FilmInfo newfi = fi.Clone(); if (newfi != null) newfi.Performances = fh.Performances; foreach (var p in newfi.Performances) p.FilmTitle = newfi.Title; films.Add(newfi); } } App.CinemaFilms[cinemaID] = films; }
public string Post([FromBody] FilmInfo value) { if (!cinemaContext.FilmInfo.Any(film => film.Name.Equals(value.Name))) { FilmInfo film = new FilmInfo(); film.Name = value.Name; film.Year = value.Year; film.Country = value.Country; film.Duration = value.Duration; film.Genre = value.Genre; film.Description = value.Description; film.Poster = value.Poster; film.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); try { cinemaContext.Add(film); cinemaContext.SaveChanges(); return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject("Фильм успешно добавлен")); } catch (Exception ex) { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ex.Message)); } } else { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject("Такой фильм уже добавлен!")); } }
public FilmInfo GetIndividualFilm(int filmID) { Film film = DB.Films.First(f => f.ID == filmID); var showtimes = DB.Showtimes .Where(showtime => showtime.FilmID == filmID) .ToList(); var seatsForAllShowtimes = DB.Showtimes .Where(showtime => showtime.FilmID == filmID) .Select(s => s.Seats); var returnFilm = new FilmInfo { BriefSummary = film.BriefSummary, Country = film.Country, Director = film.Director, FullDescription = film.FullDescription, ID = film.ID, InfoImgPath = film.InfoImgPath, Runtime = film.Runtime, Title = film.Title, YearReleased = film.YearReleased, Showtimes = showtimes, }; return(returnFilm); }
public void InsertFilm(FilmInfo item) { var dt = MtimeHelper.Query("select * from FilmInfo where 1!=1").Tables[0]; var dateNow = DateTime.Now; DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["FilmName"] = item.FilmName.Transferred(); dr["FilmTypes"] = item.FilmTypes.Transferred(); dr["FilmLenth"] = item.FilmLenth; dr["FilmDirector"] = item.FilmDirector.Transferred(); dr["FilmActor"] = item.FilmActor.Transferred(); dr["FilmBrief"] = item.FilmBrief.Transferred(); dr["FilmYear"] = item.FilmYear; dr["FilmOtherName"] = item.FilmOtherName.Transferred(); dr["CreateDate"] = DateTime.Now; dr["FilmCountry"] = item.FilmCountry.Transferred(); dr["FilmScreenwriter"] = item.FilmScreenwriter.Transferred(); dr["Mtime_FilmID"] = item.Mtime_FilmID; dr["FilmPic"] = item.FilmPic.Transferred(); dr["ShangYing"] = item.ShangYing; dr["ZhiShi"] = item.ZhiShi.Transferred(); dr["FilmHref"] = item.FilmHref.TrimStr(); dt.Rows.Add(dr); MtimeHelper.BulkToDB("FilmInfo", dt); }
async void miSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MenuItem mi = sender as MenuItem; if (mi != null) { ContextMenu cm = mi.Parent as ContextMenu; FilmInfo fi = (FilmInfo)cm.Tag; string original = fi.MediumPosterUrl.OriginalString.Replace("w500", "original"); using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) { await new AsyncWebClient().SavePictureLocally(original, stream); stream.Position = 0; string filename = Path.GetFileName(original); mediaLib.SavePicture(filename, stream); } //StorageFolder folder = KnownFolders.SavedPictures; //StorageFile file = await folder.CreateFileAsync(String.Format("{0}.jpg", fi.Title), CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); //using (Stream s = await file.OpenStreamForWriteAsync()) //{ // s.Write(data, 0, data.Length); //} } }
void miAllow_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MenuItem mi = sender as MenuItem; if (mi != null) { ContextMenu cm = mi.Parent as ContextMenu; FilmInfo fi = (FilmInfo)cm.Tag; IEnumerable <FilmInfo> filmsToIgnore = App.Films.Values.Where(f => f.MediumPosterUrl != null && String.Compare(fi.MediumPosterUrl.OriginalString, f.MediumPosterUrl.OriginalString, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0); if (filmsToIgnore != null) { List <int> films = new List <int>(Config.FilmPostersToIgnore); foreach (var film in filmsToIgnore) { films.Remove(film.EDI); } Config.FilmPostersToIgnore = films; } this.LoadPosters(); } }
public Result EditFilm(int filmId, FilmInfo filmInfo) { if (!FilmExists(filmId)) { return(new Result { ResultOk = false, Details = "Such film does not exist." }); } if (!FilmInfoValid(filmInfo)) { return(new Result { ResultOk = false, Details = "Invalid film data." }); } Film film = dbContext.Films.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FilmId == filmId); film.Name = filmInfo.Name; film.StartDate = filmInfo.StartDate; film.EndDate = filmInfo.EndDate; film.Duration = filmInfo.Duration; film.Description = filmInfo.Description; dbContext.SaveChanges(); return(new Result { ResultOk = true }); }
//private void SpinAndWait(bool bNewVal) //{ // this.gBody.Visibility = bNewVal ? Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Collapsed : Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible; // this.gProgress.Visibility = bNewVal ? Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Visible : Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Collapsed; // this.prProgress.IsActive = bNewVal; //} protected async override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { base.OnNavigatedTo(e); DataTransferManager.GetForCurrentView().DataRequested += FilmDetails_DataRequested; this.AllowSearch(false); PlayToManager.GetForCurrentView().SourceRequested += PlayToManagerOnSourceRequested; if (!bLoaded) { SelectedFilm = e.Parameter as FilmInfo; //App.Films[iFilm]; this.piPoster.Source = new BitmapImage(SelectedFilm.PosterImage); if (!Config.ShowCleanBackground) { if (SelectedFilm.BackdropUrl != null) { this.LayoutRoot.Background = new ImageBrush() { ImageSource = new BitmapImage(SelectedFilm.BackdropUrl), Opacity = 0.2, Stretch = Stretch.UniformToFill }; } else { string uri = (SelectedFilm.PosterImage.AbsoluteUri); if (uri.Contains("w500")) { uri = uri.Replace("w500", "original"); this.gBody.Background = new ImageBrush() { ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri(uri)), Opacity = 0.2, Stretch = Stretch.UniformToFill }; } } } try { await LoadFilmDetails(); this.dtHideAppBar.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10); this.dtHideAppBar.Tick += dtHideAppBar_Tick; this.filmDetailsAppBar.IsOpen = true; this.dtHideAppBar.Start(); } catch { } bLoaded = true; } }
public static FilmInfo GetFromTitle(string title, int index) { FilmInfo ans = new FilmInfo(); string hexedTitle = TitleManipulator.HexIt(title); ans.HexedTitle = hexedTitle; ans.Key = title; ans.titre = currMovie.Title; ans.orig_titre = currMovie.OriginalTitle; ans.year = currMovie.ProductionYear.ToString(); if (currMovie.CastingShort != null) { ans.realisateur = currMovie.CastingShort.Directors; } if (currMovie.Statistics != null && currMovie.Statistics.PressRating != null) { ans.presse = (double)currMovie.Statistics.PressRating; } ans.totalInSearch = currCount; if (currMovie.LinkList != null && currMovie.LinkList.Count > 0) { = currMovie.LinkList[0].Href; } if (currMovie.Runtime != null) { ans.duree = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(int.Parse(currMovie.Runtime)).ToString(); } ans.genre = ""; if (currMovie.GenreList != null) { foreach (var genre in currMovie.GenreList) { ans.genre += genre.Value + ", "; } ans.genre = ans.genre.TrimEnd(' '); ans.genre = ans.genre.TrimEnd(','); } if (currMovie.SynopsisShort != null) { ans.synopsis = currMovie.SynopsisShort.Replace("<br />", "\n").Replace("<br/>", "\n"); ans.synopsis = noHTMLreg.Replace(ans.synopsis, ""); } if (currMovie.Poster != null) { ans.jaquette = BitmapFromWeb(currMovie.Poster.Href); ans.jaquetteTime = DateTime.Now; } return(ans); }
public IActionResult Delete(int id) { //x = each individual FilmInfo where x has x.FilmID == id FilmInfo itemRemove = _context.FilmInfo.Where(x => x.FilmID == id).FirstOrDefault(); _context.FilmInfo.Remove(itemRemove); _context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Confirmation")); }
public IActionResult EnterMovie(FilmInfo filmInput) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.FilmInfo.Add(filmInput); _context.SaveChanges(); return(View("Confirmation")); } return(View(filmInput)); }
public IActionResult EditFilm([FromBody] FilmInfo filmInfo, int filmId) { Result result = filmService.EditFilm(filmId, filmInfo); if (result.ResultOk) { return(Ok()); } return(NotFound(result)); }
public IActionResult CreateFilm([FromBody] FilmInfo filmInfo) { ResultCreated result = filmService.CreateFilm(filmInfo); if (result.ResultOk) { return(Created($"api/films/{result.Id}", typeof(Film))); } return(BadRequest(result)); }
private async Task SpeakFilmInfo(FilmInfo fi) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(fi.Title); sb.AppendFormat("classification {0}\n", fi.Classification); sb.AppendFormat("release date {0}", fi.Release.ToLongDateString()); await SpeechSynthesisService.SpeakOutLoud(sb.ToString()); }
public ActionResult Edit(int id) { ViewBag.Message = "Введите информацию о фильме"; ViewBag.Title = "Редактироание карточки фильма."; SelectList items = new SelectList(_db.GetAllGenres(), "Id", "Name"); ViewBag.Genres = items; FilmInfo tempCard = _db.GetCard(id); return(View(tempCard)); }
public void UpdateCell(FilmInfo film, UIImage image) { this.Film = film; this.Header.Text = film.TitleWithClassification; this.Description.Text = film.ShortDesc; this.Poster.Image = image; this.Poster.Layer.CornerRadius = 10f; this.Poster.Layer.MasksToBounds = true; this.Poster.Layer.RasterizationScale = UIScreen.MainScreen.Scale; this.Poster.Layer.Opaque = true; this.Duration.Text = String.Format("Duration: {0} mins", film.Runtime); PDRatingView ratingView; UILabel reviewCount; foreach (var sub in this.Rating.Subviews) { sub.RemoveFromSuperview(); } //if(this.Rating.Subviews.Length == 0) //{ // Create the view. ratingView = new PDRatingView(new RectangleF(0f, 0f, 50f, 30f), ratingConfig, Convert.ToDecimal(film.AverageRating)); // [Required] Add the view to the this.Rating.AddSubview(ratingView); reviewCount = new UILabel(new RectangleF(60f, 0f, 60f, 30f)); reviewCount.Font = this.Duration.Font; reviewCount.Text = String.Format("{0} ratings", film.Reviews.Count); this.Rating.AddSubview(reviewCount); //} //else //{ // foreach(var sub in this.Rating.Subviews) // { // ratingView = sub as PDRatingView; // if(ratingView != null) // { // ratingView.AverageRating = Convert.ToDecimal (film.AverageRating); // break; // } // // reviewCount = sub as UILabel; // if (reviewCount != null) // { // reviewCount.Text = String.Format ("{0} ratings", film.Reviews.Count); // } // } //} }
private void Image_Tap(object sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e) { FilmInfo fi = (FilmInfo)(sender as Image).Tag; List <FilmInfo> films = App.CinemaFilms[SelectedCinema.ID]; ShowPerformances.SelectedFilm = films.First(f => f.EDI == fi.EDI); ShowPerformances.SelectedCinema = SelectedCinema; ShowPerformances.ShowCinemaDetails = false; ShowPerformances.ShowFilmDetails = true; NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/ShowPerformances.xaml", UriKind.Relative)); }
public string Delete(string id) { FilmInfo film = cinemaContext.FilmInfo.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id.ToString().Equals(id)); if (film == null) { return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject("Фильм не найден!")); } cinemaContext.FilmInfo.Remove(film); cinemaContext.SaveChangesAsync(); return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject("Успешно удален!")); }
public ActionResult Create() { ViewBag.Message = "Введите информацию о фильме"; ViewBag.Title = "Создание карточки фильма."; SelectList items = new SelectList(_db.GetAllGenres(), "Id", "Name"); ViewBag.Genres = items; FilmInfo newFilmInfoCard = new FilmInfo(); newFilmInfoCard.Id = _db.GetMaxCardId(); return(View(newFilmInfoCard)); }
void miAllow_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MenuItem mi = sender as MenuItem; if (mi != null) { ContextMenu cm = mi.Parent as ContextMenu; FilmInfo fi = (FilmInfo)cm.Tag; this.posterViewModel.AllowFilm(fi); } }
private void FilmInfoToForm(FilmInfo filmInfo) { tbRussianTitle.Text = filmInfo.russianTitle; tbOriginalTitle.Text = filmInfo.originalTitle; tbYear.Text = filmInfo.year; tbCountry.Text =; tbGenre.Text = filmInfo.genre; tbDirector.Text = filmInfo.director; rtbActors.Text = filmInfo.actors; tbWorldDate.Text = filmInfo.worldPremiere; tbRussianDate.Text = filmInfo.russianPremiere; tbDiscDate.Text = filmInfo.discPremiere; }
private async void FilmListing_Tap(object sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e) { FilmInfo newFI = null; if (sender is Image) { Image img = sender as Image; newFI = img.Tag as FilmInfo; } else if (sender is Grid) { Grid grid = sender as Grid; newFI = grid.Tag as FilmInfo; } else { return; } if (newFI == null) { return; } if (!Config.AudioSupport || fi == newFI) { List <FilmInfo> films = App.CinemaFilms[SelectedCinema.ID]; ShowPerformances.SelectedFilm = films.First(f => f.EDI == newFI.EDI); ShowPerformances.SelectedCinema = SelectedCinema; ShowPerformances.ShowCinemaDetails = false; ShowPerformances.ShowFilmDetails = true; NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/ShowPerformances.xaml", UriKind.Relative)); } else { fi = newFI; if (this.pMain.SelectedIndex == 0) { await SpeakFilmInfoWithShowTimes(newFI); } else { await SpeakFilmInfo(newFI); } } }
private void Image_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e) { FilmInfo fi = (FilmInfo)(sender as Image).Tag; List <FilmInfo> films = App.CinemaFilms[SelectedCinema.ID]; ShowPerformances.SelectedFilm = films.Find(f => f.EDI == fi.EDI); ShowPerformances.SelectedCinema = SelectedCinema; ShowPerformances.ShowFilmDetails = true; ShowPerformances.ShowCinemaDetails = false; this.Frame.Navigate(typeof(ShowPerformances)); }
public ActionResult Edit(FilmInfo film) { Genre genre = _db.GetAllGenres().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == film.GenreId); if (genre != null) { ApplicationUser user = UserManager.FindById(User.Identity.GetUserId()); film.User = user.UserName; film.Email = user.Email; film.Genre = genre; string tempPath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/posterPicStore/") + film.PosterFilePAth; FileInfo tempFileInfo = new FileInfo(tempPath); bool pathExistFlag = tempFileInfo.Exists; if (!(pathExistFlag)) { string prevPath = _db.GetPicCardPath(film.Id); bool fileInfo = false; if (prevPath != null) { fileInfo = (new FileInfo(HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/posterPicStore/") + Path.GetFileName(prevPath))).Exists; } if (fileInfo == true) { film.PosterFilePAth = prevPath; } else { film.PosterFilePAth = "/posterPicStore/default.jpg"; } } else { film.PosterFilePAth = "/posterPicStore/" + film.PosterFilePAth; } if (ModelState.IsValid) { _db.UpdateCard(film); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } } ViewBag.Message = "Введите информацию о фильме"; ViewBag.Title = "Редактироание карточки фильма."; SelectList items = new SelectList(_db.GetAllGenres(), "Id", "Name"); ViewBag.Genres = items; return(View(_db.GetCard(film.Id))); }
public string InsertFilm(string film) { FilmInfo filmObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FilmInfo>(film); string output = ""; var parameters = new { Id =, Title = filmObject.title, Overview = filmObject.overview, PosterPath = filmObject.poster_path, ReleaseDate = filmObject.release_date, GenreIds = String.Join(',', filmObject.genre_ids), BackdropPath = filmObject.backdrop_path, VoteAverage = filmObject.vote_average }; string query = "INSERT INTO MOVIES (Id, Title, Overview, Poster_Path, Release_Date, Genre_Ids_String, Backdrop_Path, Vote_Average) VALUES (@Id, @Title, @Overview, @PosterPath, @ReleaseDate, @GenreIds, @BackdropPath, @VoteAverage)"; SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(_connectionString); using (var db = sqlConnection) { db.Open(); output = db.Query <string>(query, parameters).FirstOrDefault(); } return(output); }
public string DeleteFilm(string film) { FilmInfo filmObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FilmInfo>(film); string output = ""; var parameters = new { Id = }; string query = "DELETE FROM MOVIES WHERE ID = @Id"; SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(_connectionString); using (var db = sqlConnection) { db.Open(); output = db.Query <string>(query, parameters).FirstOrDefault(); } return(output); }