Ejemplo n.º 1
        public virtual TResult UploadFile <TResult>(FileUploadRequestBase <TResult> request)
            where TResult : FileResponse
            Logger.DebugFormat("numthreads {0}", request.ThreadCount);
            TResult file = null;

            RetryLogic.DoWithRetry(ClientSettings.RetryAttempts, string.Format("Uploading file {0}", request.FileInfo.Name),
                                   () =>
                request.MultiPart = request.FileInfo.Length >= ClientSettings.FileUploadMultipartSizeThreshold;

                file = request.MultiPart.Value ?
                       UploadFile_MultiPart(request) :
            }, Logger, retryHandler:
                                   (exc) =>
                var appExc = exc as ApplicationException;
                if (appExc != null && appExc.InnerException != null)
                    var wse = appExc.InnerException as WebServiceException;
                    if (wse != null)
                        // we need to reupload the file with the conflict error
                        if (wse.StatusCode == 409)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected virtual TResult UploadFile_MultiPart <TResult>(FileUploadRequestBase <TResult> request)
            where TResult : FileResponse
            Logger.InfoFormat("File Upload: {0}: Initiating multipart upload", request.FileInfo.Name);

            var fileUploadresp = WebClient.Send(request);

            var server = ClientSettings.BaseSpaceApiUrl.TrimEnd('/');

            uint chunkSize = ClientSettings.FileUploadMultipartChunkSize;

            if (fileUploadresp == null)
                Logger.ErrorFormat("File Upload: Failed initiating upload");

            if (fileUploadresp.Response == null)
                Logger.ErrorFormat("File Upload: {0}: Failed initiating upload", fileUploadresp.ResponseStatus.Message);

            var fileId = fileUploadresp.Response.Id;
            var zeroBasedPartNumberMax = (request.FileInfo.Length - 1) / chunkSize;

            if (zeroBasedPartNumberMax > 9999)
                long l = request.FileInfo.Length;
                // use the good old division formula: N=Q*D+R where N,Q,D and R are integers and R=N%D ==> partnumber(zerobased)=Q=(N-N%D)/D
                // the trick is that R=N%D only makes sense for zero based numbers since it's a modulo so
                // N needs to be zero-based and then Q is zero based since N%D is also a zero-based number and D is one-based... pheww!
                var  chunkSize10000Parts = (uint)(((l - 1) - (l - 1) % 10000) / 10000 + 1);
                uint newChunkSize        = Math.Max(ClientSettings.FileDownloadMultipartSizeThreshold, chunkSize10000Parts);

                Logger.DebugFormat("the file you are trying to upload is too big ({0} bytes) for the part size you specified ({1} bytes) (there can be at most 10000 parts). the chunksize parameter will be overridden with {2} bytes", request.FileInfo.Length, ClientSettings.FileUploadMultipartChunkSize, newChunkSize);
                chunkSize = newChunkSize;
                zeroBasedPartNumberMax = (request.FileInfo.Length - 1) / chunkSize;

            // shared signal to let all threads know if one part failed
            // if so, other threads shouldn't bother uploading
            var errorSignal        = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            var sync               = new object();
            var totalPartsUploaded = 0;

            Parallel.For(0, (int)(1 + zeroBasedPartNumberMax),
                         new ParallelOptions()
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = request.ThreadCount
                         (zeroBasedPartNumber =>
                var partNumber = zeroBasedPartNumber + 1;
                var byteOffset = zeroBasedPartNumber * chunkSize;
                var serviceUrl = string.Format("{0}/{1}/files/{2}/parts/{3}", server, ClientSettings.Version, fileId, partNumber);
                Logger.DebugFormat("Uploading part {0}/{1} of {2}", partNumber, 1 + zeroBasedPartNumberMax, request.FileInfo.FullName);

                UploadPart(serviceUrl, request.FileInfo, byteOffset, zeroBasedPartNumber, errorSignal, string.Format("{0}/{1}", partNumber, zeroBasedPartNumberMax + 1), chunkSize);
                lock (sync)
                    Logger.DebugFormat("Done Uploading part {0}/{1} of {2}, {3} total parts uploaded",
                                       partNumber, 1 + zeroBasedPartNumberMax, request.FileInfo.FullName,

            bool success = errorSignal.WaitOne(0) == false;

            var status = success ? FileUploadStatus.complete : FileUploadStatus.aborted;

            var statusReq = new FileRequestPost <TResult>
                Id           = fileId,
                UploadStatus = status

            var response = WebClient.Send(statusReq);

            Logger.InfoFormat("File Upload: {0}: Finished with status {1}", request.FileInfo.FullName, status);
