Ejemplo n.º 1
    protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string mymap = Server.MapPath("~/");
        // save the image name into ImageName
        string ImageName = FileUpload1.FileName;
        //save the full url of the image with folder name and image name
        string cat = DropDownList1.Text + "\\";
        //string ImageSaveURL = "~/" + "Typeimages\\" + cat + ImageName;
        string ImageSaveURL = mymap + "Typeimages\\" + cat + ImageName;

        //upload image to the path of image
        ImageSaveURL = "~/" + "Typeimages\\" + cat + ImageName;
        Cluster  cluster = Cluster.Builder().AddContactPoint("").Build();
        ISession session = cluster.Connect("cardb");
        string   p1      = DropDownList1.Text;
        string   p2      = TextBox1.Text;
        string   p3      = ImageSaveURL;
        int      p4      = Convert.ToInt32(txtCost.Text);
        int      p5      = Convert.ToInt32(txtQty.Text);
        string   p6      = txtDescription.Text;

        obj_business.insertItem(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6);
        // Insert
        session.Execute("insert into tbl_item (itemname,description,itemimage,itemtype,price,qty,status) values ('" + TextBox1.Text + "','" + txtDescription.Text + "','" + ImageSaveURL + "','" + DropDownList1.Text + "'," + txtCost.Text + "," + txtQty.Text + ",'Not Booked')");
        lblmessage.Text = "Car Added Succesfully";