Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void ParseFile(FileTextContentProvider fileContent)
            if (fileContent.Path.EndsWith(".py", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                PythonAst           ast;
                CollectingErrorSink errorSink;
                ParsePythonCode(fileContent, out ast, out errorSink);

                if (ast != null)
                    IProjectEntry       analysis;
                    IPythonProjectEntry pyAnalysis;
                    if (fileContent != null &&
                        _projectFiles.TryGetValue(fileContent.Path, out analysis) &&
                        (pyAnalysis = analysis as IPythonProjectEntry) != null)
                        pyAnalysis.UpdateTree(ast, new FileCookie(fileContent.Path));
                        _analysisQueue.Enqueue(analysis, AnalysisPriority.Normal);
            else if (fileContent.Path.EndsWith(".xaml", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                IProjectEntry    analysis;
                XamlProjectEntry xamlProject;
                if (_projectFiles.TryGetValue(fileContent.Path, out analysis) &&
                    (xamlProject = analysis as XamlProjectEntry) != null)
                    xamlProject.UpdateContent(fileContent.GetReader(), new FileCookie(fileContent.Path));
                    _analysisQueue.Enqueue(analysis, AnalysisPriority.Normal);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Parse(TextContentProvider /*!*/ content)
            var            errorSink = new CollectingErrorSink();
            SourceUnitTree ast       = MakeParseTree(content, errorSink);

            ISnapshotTextContentProvider snapshotContent = content as ISnapshotTextContentProvider;

            if (snapshotContent != null)
                // queue analysis of the parsed tree at High Pri so the active buffer is quickly re-analyzed
                var snapshot = snapshotContent.Snapshot;

                var analysis = AnalysisItem.GetAnalysis(snapshot.TextBuffer);

                // only update the AST when we're error free, this way we don't remove
                // a useful analysis with an incomplete and useless analysis.
                if (errorSink.Errors.Count == 0)
                    analysis.UpdateTree(ast, new SnapshotCookie(snapshot));
                    _analysisQueue.Enqueue(analysis, AnalysisPriority.High);

                SimpleTagger <ErrorTag> squiggles = _squiggleProvider.GetErrorTagger(snapshot.TextBuffer);
                squiggles.RemoveTagSpans(x => true);

                // update squiggles for the live buffer
                foreach (ErrorResult warning in errorSink.Warnings)
                    var span  = warning.Span;
                    var tspan = CreateSpan(snapshot, span);
                    squiggles.CreateTagSpan(tspan, new ErrorTag("Warning", warning.Message));

                foreach (ErrorResult error in errorSink.Errors)
                    var span  = error.Span;
                    var tspan = CreateSpan(snapshot, span);
                    squiggles.CreateTagSpan(tspan, new ErrorTag("Error", error.Message));
                FileTextContentProvider fileContent = content as FileTextContentProvider;
                AnalysisItem            analysis;
                if (fileContent != null && _projectFiles.TryGetValue(fileContent.Path, out analysis))
                    analysis.UpdateTree(ast, new FileCookie(fileContent.Path));
                    _analysisQueue.Enqueue(analysis, AnalysisPriority.Normal);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public AnalysisItem AnalyzeFile(string path)
            AnalysisItem item;

            if (!_projectFiles.TryGetValue(path, out item))
                var entry = new ProjectEntry(FileTextContentProvider.Make(_engine, path), path, null);

                _projectFiles[path] = item = new AnalysisItem(entry);


Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void Parse(TextContentProvider content)
            ISnapshotTextContentProvider snapshotContent = content as ISnapshotTextContentProvider;

            if (snapshotContent != null)
                FileTextContentProvider fileContent = content as FileTextContentProvider;
                if (fileContent != null)