private Task FileSystemChangedAsync(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs args)
            // We only need to raise the containers updated event in case a js file contained in the
            // test root is updated.
            // Any changes to the 'package.json' will be handled by the FileScannerCompleted event.
            if (IsJavaScriptFile(args.FullPath) || args.IsDirectoryChanged())
                // use a flag so we don't raise the event while under the lock
                var testsUpdated = false;
                lock (this.containerLock)
                    foreach (var container in this.containers)
                        if (container.IsContained(args.FullPath))
                            testsUpdated = true;
                if (testsUpdated)
                    this.TestContainersUpdated?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
