Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Stages the files listed in the <see cref="FilesToStage"/> list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="allFileStagingArtifacts">An optional collection to customize and receive information about the file staging process.
        /// For more information see <see cref="IFileStagingArtifact"/>.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="System.Threading.Tasks.Task"/> that represents the asynchronous operation.</returns>
        /// <remarks>The staging operation runs asynchronously.</remarks>
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task StageFilesAsync(ConcurrentDictionary <Type, IFileStagingArtifact> allFileStagingArtifacts = null)
            // stage all these files
            // TODO: align this copy with threadsafe implementation of the IList<>
            List <IFileStagingProvider> allFiles = this.FilesToStage == null ? new List <IFileStagingProvider>() : new List <IFileStagingProvider>(this.FilesToStage);

            //TODO: There is a threading issue doing this - expose a change tracking box directly and use a lock?
            if (this.FilesToStage != null && this.ResourceFiles == null)
                this.ResourceFiles = new List <ResourceFile>(); //We're about to have some resource files

            // now we have all files, send off to file staging machine
            System.Threading.Tasks.Task fileStagingTask = FileStagingLinkedSources.StageFilesAsync(allFiles, allFileStagingArtifacts);

            // wait for file staging async task
            await fileStagingTask.ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext : false);

            // now update Task with its new ResourceFiles
            foreach (IFileStagingProvider curFile in allFiles)
                IEnumerable <ResourceFile> curStagedFiles = curFile.StagedFiles;

                foreach (ResourceFile curStagedFile in curStagedFiles)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs file staging and also issues the AddTaskCollection request for the set of tasks to add.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tasksToAdd">The set of tasks to add.</param>
        /// <param name="namingFragment"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task StageFilesAndAddTasks(
            Dictionary <string, TrackedCloudTask> tasksToAdd,
            string namingFragment)
            List <Models.TaskAddParameter> protoTasksToAdd = new List <Models.TaskAddParameter>();


            // Perform file staging

            // list of all files to be staged across all Tasks
            List <IFileStagingProvider> allFiles = new List <IFileStagingProvider>();

            // collect all files to be staged
            foreach (TrackedCloudTask trackedCloudTask in tasksToAdd.Values)
                if (trackedCloudTask.Task.FilesToStage != null)
                    // add in the files for the current task

            //This dictonary is only for the purpose of this batch add
            ConcurrentDictionary <Type, IFileStagingArtifact> legStagingArtifacts = new ConcurrentDictionary <Type, IFileStagingArtifact>();

            //Add the file staging artifacts for this let to the overall bag so as to allow customers to track the file staging progress

            // now we have all files, send off to file staging machine
            System.Threading.Tasks.Task fileStagingTask = FileStagingLinkedSources.StageFilesAsync(allFiles, legStagingArtifacts, namingFragment);

            // wait for file staging async task
            await fileStagingTask.ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext : false);

            // now update each non-finalized Task with its new ResourceFiles
            foreach (TrackedCloudTask taskToAdd in tasksToAdd.Values)
                //Update the resource files if the task hasn't already been finalized
                if (taskToAdd.Task.FilesToStage != null)
                    foreach (IFileStagingProvider curFile in taskToAdd.Task.FilesToStage)
                        IEnumerable <ResourceFile> curStagedFiles = curFile.StagedFiles;

                        if (null != curStagedFiles && !((IReadOnly)taskToAdd.Task).IsReadOnly)
                            //TODO: There is a threading issue here -- lock this property down somehow?
                            if (taskToAdd.Task.ResourceFiles == null)
                                taskToAdd.Task.ResourceFiles = new List <ResourceFile>();

                            foreach (ResourceFile curStagedFile in curStagedFiles)

                    //Mark the file staging collection as read only just incase there's another reference to it
                    ConcurrentChangeTrackedList <IFileStagingProvider> filesToStageListImpl =
                        taskToAdd.Task.FilesToStage as ConcurrentChangeTrackedList <IFileStagingProvider>;

                    filesToStageListImpl.IsReadOnly = true; //Set read only

                Models.TaskAddParameter protoTask = taskToAdd.GetProtocolTask();


            // Fire the protocol add collection request
            var asyncTask = this._jobOperations.ParentBatchClient.ProtocolLayer.AddTaskCollection(

            var response = await asyncTask.ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext : false);

            // Process the results of the add task collection request
            this.ProcessProtocolAddTaskResults(response.Body.Value, tasksToAdd);