Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task ListScannedFilePathsAsync_ReturnsManyFilePaths()
            // ARRANGE
            var             files     = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedFile> >();
            var             locations = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedLocation> >();
            FileHashService service   = new FileHashService(files.Object, locations.Object);

            files.Setup(t => t.ListData())
            .Returns(() =>
                List <ScannedFile> scannedFiles = new List <ScannedFile>();
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    scannedFiles.Add(new ScannedFile()
                        Path = "testing"

            // ACT
            List <string> results = await service.ListScannedFilePathsAsync(null);

            // ASSERT
            Assert.AreEqual(3, results.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("testing", results[2]);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task ReturnDuplicatesAsync_NoDuplicateHashes_ReturnsEmptyList()
            // ARRANGE
            var             files     = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedFile> >();
            var             locations = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedLocation> >();
            FileHashService service   = new FileHashService(files.Object, locations.Object);

            files.Setup(t => t.ListData())
            .Returns(() =>
                List <ScannedFile> scannedFiles = new List <ScannedFile>();
                for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
                    byte[] updatedBytes = new byte[32];
                    updatedBytes[0]     = System.Convert.ToByte(i);
                    scannedFiles.Add(new ScannedFile()
                        Hash = updatedBytes

            // ACT
            List <ScannedFile> results = await service.ReturnDuplicatesAsync();

            // ASSERT
            Assert.AreEqual(0, results.Count, "The number of found scanned files does not match what was expected");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task InsertScannedLocationAsync_IgnoresDuplicateScannedLocation()
            // ARRANGE
            var             files     = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedFile> >();
            var             locations = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedLocation> >();
            FileHashService service   = new FileHashService(files.Object, locations.Object);

            locations.Setup(t => t.ListData())
            .Returns(() =>
                List <ScannedLocation> scannedLocations = new List <ScannedLocation>()
                    new ScannedLocation()
                        Path = "bar"

            // ACT
            await service.InsertScannedLocationAsync(new ScannedLocation()
                Path = "bar"

            // ASSERT
            locations.Verify(t => t.InsertData(It.IsAny <ScannedLocation>()), Times.Never());
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task InsertScannedFileAsync_IgnoresDuplicateFile()
            // ARRANGE
            var files           = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedFile> >();
            var locations       = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedLocation> >();
            var mockScannedFile = new ScannedFile()
                Name = "foo",
                Path = "bar",
                Hash = new byte[32]
            FileHashService service = new FileHashService(files.Object, locations.Object);

            files.Setup(t => t.ListData()).Returns(() => new List <ScannedFile>()
                new ScannedFile()
                    Name = "foo",
                    Path = "bar",
                    Hash = new byte[32]

            // ACT
            await service.InsertScannedFileAsync(mockScannedFile);

            // ASSERT
            files.Verify(t => t.InsertData(It.IsAny <ScannedFile>()), Times.Never());
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public async Task RemoveScannedFilesByFilePathAsync_OneMatch_RemovesOne()
            // ARRANGE
            string          searchPath = "C:\\foobar.foo";
            var             files      = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedFile> >();
            var             locations  = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedLocation> >();
            FileHashService service    = new FileHashService(files.Object, locations.Object);

            files.Setup(t => t.ListData()).Returns(() =>
                return(new List <ScannedFile>()
                    new ScannedFile()
                        Name = "foo",
                        Path = "C:\\foobar.foo"

            // ACT
            int result = await service.RemoveScannedFilesByFilePathAsync(searchPath);

            // ASSERT
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result, "The number of items removed does not match what was expected.");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public async Task PurgeScannedLocations_RemovesScannedLocations()
            // ARRANGE
            var             files     = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedFile> >();
            var             locations = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedLocation> >();
            FileHashService service   = new FileHashService(files.Object, locations.Object);

            files.Setup(t => t.ListData()).Returns(() =>
                return(new List <ScannedFile>()
                    new ScannedFile()
                        Name = "Foobar",
                        Path = "C:\\Foo",
                        Hash = new byte[32]
                    new ScannedFile()
                        Name = "Foobar",
                        Path = "C:\\Foobar",
                        Hash = new byte[32]
                    new ScannedFile()
                        Name = "Foobar",
                        Path = "C:\\Foo\\Bar",
                        Hash = new byte[32]
            locations.Setup(t => t.ListData()).Returns(() =>
                return(new List <ScannedLocation>()
                    new ScannedLocation()
                        Path = "C:\\Foo"
                    new ScannedLocation()
                        Path = "C:\\Foobar"
                    new ScannedLocation()
                        Path = "C:\\Foo\\Bar"

            // ACT
            await service.PurgeScannedLocationsAsync(new List <string>()

            // ASSERT
            locations.Verify(t => t.PurgeData(It.IsAny <IQueryable <ScannedLocation> >()), Times.Once);
            // ToDo: Assert right collection of ScannedLocations
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public async Task PurgeScannedLocations_PurgesCorrectScannedFiles()
            // ARRANGE
            List <ScannedLocation> locationData = new List <ScannedLocation>()
                new ScannedLocation()
                    Path = "C:\\Foo"
            List <ScannedFile> fileData = new List <ScannedFile>()
                new ScannedFile()
                    Name = "Foobar",
                    Path = "C:\\Foo\\Foobar",
                    Hash = new byte[32]
                new ScannedFile()
                    Name = "Foobar",
                    Path = "C:\\Bar\\Foobar",
                    Hash = new byte[32]
                new ScannedFile()
                    Name = "Foobar",
                    Path = "C:\\Foo\\Bar\\Foobar",
                    Hash = new byte[32]
                new ScannedFile()
                    Name = "Foobar",
                    Path = "C:\\Foobar\\Foobar",
                    Hash = new byte[32]
                new ScannedFile()
                    Name = "Foobar",
                    Path = "C:\\Foobar",
                    Hash = new byte[32]
            var             files     = new DataCache <ScannedFile>(fileData);
            var             locations = new DataCache <ScannedLocation>(locationData);
            FileHashService service   = new FileHashService(files, locations);

            // ACT
            await service.PurgeScannedLocationsAsync(locationData.Select(t => t.Path).ToList());

            // ASSERT
            List <string> results = await service.ListScannedFilePathsAsync(null);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, results.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("C:\\Bar\\Foobar", results[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual("C:\\Foobar\\Foobar", results[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual("C:\\Foobar", results[2]);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public async Task ListScannedFilePathsAsync_FiltersFiles()
            // ARRANGE
            var             files     = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedFile> >();
            var             locations = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedLocation> >();
            FileHashService service   = new FileHashService(files.Object, locations.Object);

            files.Setup(t => t.ListData())
            .Returns(() =>
                List <ScannedFile> scannedFiles = new List <ScannedFile>()
                    new ScannedFile()
                        Name = "Foobar",
                        Path = "C:\\Foo\\Foobar"
                    new ScannedFile()
                        Name = "Foobar",
                        Path = "C:\\Bar\\Foobar"
                    new ScannedFile()
                        Name = "Foobar",
                        Path = "C:\\Foo\\Bar\\Foobar"
                    new ScannedFile()
                        Name = "Foobar",
                        Path = "C:\\Foobar\\Foobar"
                    new ScannedFile()
                        Name = "Foobar",
                        Path = "C:\\Foobar"

            // ACT
            var results = await service.ListScannedFilePathsAsync(new List <string>()

            // ASSERT
            Assert.AreEqual(2, results.Count);
                results[0].Equals("C:\\Foo\\Foobar", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase),
                "The wrong path was returned.");
                results[1].Equals("C:\\Foo\\Bar\\Foobar", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase),
                "The wrong path was returned.");
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public async Task ReturnDuplicatesAsync_ManyDuplicateHash_ReturnsSortedList()
            // ARRANGE
            var             files     = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedFile> >();
            var             locations = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedLocation> >();
            FileHashService service   = new FileHashService(files.Object, locations.Object);

            files.Setup(t => t.ListData())
            .Returns(() =>
                byte[] uniqueBytesOne           = new byte[32];
                byte[] uniqueBytesTwo           = new byte[32];
                uniqueBytesOne[1]               = 0x01;
                uniqueBytesTwo[2]               = 0x02;
                List <ScannedFile> scannedFiles = new List <ScannedFile>();
                for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                    ScannedFile file = new ScannedFile()
                        Hash = new byte[32]
                    switch (i)
                    case 1:
                        file.Name = "foo1";
                        Array.Copy(uniqueBytesOne, file.Hash, 32);

                    case 2:
                        file.Name = "bar1";
                        Array.Copy(uniqueBytesTwo, file.Hash, 32);

                    case 3:
                        file.Name = "bar2";
                        Array.Copy(uniqueBytesTwo, file.Hash, 32);

                    case 4:
                        file.Name = "foo2";
                        Array.Copy(uniqueBytesOne, file.Hash, 32);

            // ACT
            List <ScannedFile> results = await service.ReturnDuplicatesAsync();

            // ASSERT
            Assert.AreEqual("foo2", results[1].Name, "The collection was not sorted as expected.");
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public async Task RemoveScannedFilesByFilePathAsync_NoMatches_RemovesNothing()
            // ARRANGE
            string          searchPath = "C:\foobar.foo";
            var             files      = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedFile> >();
            var             locations  = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedLocation> >();
            FileHashService service    = new FileHashService(files.Object, locations.Object);

            // ACT
            int result = await service.RemoveScannedFilesByFilePathAsync(searchPath);

            // ASSERT
            // ToDo: Fix this test, this will likely be a false positive
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result);
        public async Task RescanLocationAsync_PreviouslyScannedFilesPersist()
            // ARRANGE
            Dictionary <string, MockFileData> dictionaryMockFileData = new Dictionary <string, MockFileData>();

            dictionaryMockFileData.Add(@"C:\foobar\file1.txt", new MockFileData("This is a test file."));
            MockFileSystem     fileSystem   = new MockFileSystem(dictionaryMockFileData);
            List <ScannedFile> scannedFiles = new List <ScannedFile>()
                new ScannedFile()
                    Name = "file1.txt",
                    Path = @"C:\foobar\file1.txt",
                    Hash = new byte[32]
                new ScannedFile()
                    Name = "file2.txt",
                    Path = @"C:\foobar\file2.txt",
                    Hash = new byte[32]
            List <ScannedLocation> scannedLocations = new List <ScannedLocation>()
                new ScannedLocation()
                    Path = @"C:\foobar"
            IDataCache <ScannedFile> scannedFileDataCache = new DataCache <ScannedFile>(scannedFiles);
            IFileHashService         service = new FileHashService(
                new DataCache <ScannedLocation>(scannedLocations));
            ScannedFileStore scannedFileStore = new ScannedFileStore(fileSystem, service);

            // ACT
            await scannedFileStore.RescanLocationsAsync(new List <string>
            }, new MockScannedFileStoreProgress());

            // ASSERT
            var result = scannedFileDataCache.ListData().ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public async Task ReturnDuplicatesAsync_ManyDuplicateHash_ReturnsManyScannedFiles()
            // ARRANGE
            var             files     = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedFile> >();
            var             locations = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedLocation> >();
            FileHashService service   = new FileHashService(files.Object, locations.Object);

            files.Setup(t => t.ListData())
            .Returns(() =>
                byte[] uniqueBytesOne           = new byte[32];
                byte[] uniqueBytesTwo           = new byte[32];
                uniqueBytesOne[1]               = 0x01;
                uniqueBytesTwo[2]               = 0x02;
                List <ScannedFile> scannedFiles = new List <ScannedFile>();
                for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                    ScannedFile file = new ScannedFile()
                        Hash = new byte[32]
                    switch (i)
                    case 1:
                    case 2:
                        Array.Copy(uniqueBytesOne, file.Hash, 32);

                    case 3:
                    case 4:
                        Array.Copy(uniqueBytesTwo, file.Hash, 32);

                        file.Hash[31] = (byte)i;

            // ACT
            List <ScannedFile> results = await service.ReturnDuplicatesAsync();

            // ASSERT
            Assert.AreEqual(4, results.Count, "The number of found scanned files does not match what was expected");
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public async Task PurgeScannedLocations_RemovesAllScannedFileAndLocationEntities()
            // ARRANGE
            var             files     = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedFile> >();
            var             locations = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedLocation> >();
            FileHashService service   = new FileHashService(files.Object, locations.Object);

            // ACT
            await service.PurgeScannedLocationsAsync(null);

            // ASSERT
            files.Verify(t => t.PurgeData(It.IsAny <IQueryable <ScannedFile> >()), Times.Once(),
                         "The complete range of entities was not removed from the entity set.");
            locations.Verify(t => t.PurgeData(It.IsAny <IQueryable <ScannedLocation> >()), Times.Once(),
                             "The complete range of entities was not removed from the entity set.");
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public async Task InsertScannedLocationAsync_InsertsScannedLocation()
            // ARRANGE
            var             files     = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedFile> >();
            var             locations = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedLocation> >();
            FileHashService service   = new FileHashService(files.Object, locations.Object);

            // ACT
            await service.InsertScannedLocationAsync(new ScannedLocation()
                Path = "bar"

            // ASSERT
            locations.Verify(t => t.InsertData(It.IsAny <ScannedLocation>()), Times.Once());
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public async Task InsertScannedFileAsync_InsertsScannedFile()
            // ARRANGE
            var             files     = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedFile> >();
            var             locations = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedLocation> >();
            FileHashService service   = new FileHashService(files.Object, locations.Object);

            files.Setup(t => t.ListData()).Returns(() => new List <ScannedFile>().AsQueryable());

            // ACT
            await service.InsertScannedFileAsync(new ScannedFile()
                Name = "foo",
                Path = "bar"

            // ASSERT
            files.Verify(t => t.InsertData(It.IsAny <ScannedFile>()), Times.Once());
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public async Task ReturnDuplicatesAsync_OneDuplicateHash_ReturnsTwoScannedFiles()
            // ARRANGE
            var             files     = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedFile> >();
            var             locations = new Mock <IDataCache <ScannedLocation> >();
            FileHashService service   = new FileHashService(files.Object, locations.Object);

            files.Setup(t => t.ListData())
            .Returns(() =>
                byte[] uniqueBytesOne           = new byte[32];
                byte[] uniqueBytesTwo           = new byte[32];
                List <ScannedFile> scannedFiles = new List <ScannedFile>()
                    new ScannedFile()
                        Hash = new byte[32]
                    new ScannedFile()
                        Hash = new byte[32]
                    new ScannedFile()
                        Hash = new byte[32]
                uniqueBytesOne[0] = 0x11;
                uniqueBytesTwo[0] = 0xFF;
                Array.Copy(uniqueBytesOne, scannedFiles[0].Hash, 32);
                Array.Copy(uniqueBytesOne, scannedFiles[1].Hash, 32);
                Array.Copy(uniqueBytesTwo, scannedFiles[2].Hash, 32);

            // ACT
            List <ScannedFile> results = await service.ReturnDuplicatesAsync();

            // ASSERT
            Assert.AreEqual(2, results.Count, "The number of found scanned files does not match what was expected");