Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Return false if required CSV column are missing or there is a problem matching the CSV file headers against the DB headers.
        static private bool VerifyCSVHeaders(FileDatabase fileDatabase, List <string> dataLabelsFromCSV, List <string> importErrors)
            bool abort = false;
            // Get the dataLabels from the database and from the headers in the CSV files (and remove any empty trailing headers from the CSV file list)
            List <string> dataLabelsFromDB = fileDatabase.GetDataLabelsExceptIDInSpreadsheetOrder();
            List <string> dataLabelsInHeaderButNotFileDatabase = dataLabelsFromCSV.Except(dataLabelsFromDB).ToList();

            // Abort if the File and Relative Path columns are missing from the CSV file
            // While the CSV data labels can be a subset of the DB data labels,
            // the File and Relative Path are a required CSV datalabel, as we can't match the DB data row without it.
            if (dataLabelsFromCSV.Contains(Constant.DatabaseColumn.File) == false || dataLabelsFromCSV.Contains(Constant.DatabaseColumn.RelativePath) == false)
                importErrors.Add("CSV columns necessary to locate your image or video files are missing: ");
                if (dataLabelsFromCSV.Contains(Constant.DatabaseColumn.File) == false)
                    importErrors.Add(String.Format("- the '{0}' column.", Constant.DatabaseColumn.File));
                if (dataLabelsFromCSV.Contains(Constant.DatabaseColumn.RelativePath) == false)
                    importErrors.Add(String.Format("- the '{0}' column (You still need it even if your files are all in your root folder).", Constant.DatabaseColumn.RelativePath));
                abort = true;

            // Abort if a column header in the CSV file does not exist in the template
            // NOTE: could do this as a warning rather than as an abort, but...
            if (dataLabelsInHeaderButNotFileDatabase.Count != 0)
                importErrors.Add("These CSV column headings do not match any of the template'sDataLabels:");
                foreach (string dataLabel in dataLabelsInHeaderButNotFileDatabase)
                    importErrors.Add(String.Format("- {0}", dataLabel));
                    abort = true;

            if (abort)
                // We failed. abort.
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Export all the database data associated with the selected view to the .csv file indicated in the file path so that spreadsheet applications (like Excel) can display it.
        /// </summary>
        public static void ExportToCsv(FileDatabase database, string filePath, bool excludeDateTimeAndUTCOffset)
            using (TextWriter fileWriter = new StreamWriter(filePath, false))
                // Write the header as defined by the data labels in the template file
                // If the data label is an empty string, we use the label instead.
                // The append sequence results in a trailing comma which is retained when writing the line.
                StringBuilder header     = new StringBuilder();
                List <string> dataLabels = database.GetDataLabelsExceptIDInSpreadsheetOrder();
                foreach (string dataLabel in dataLabels)
                    // Skip the DateTime and Utc offset column headers
                    if (excludeDateTimeAndUTCOffset == true && (dataLabel == Constant.DatabaseColumn.DateTime || dataLabel == Constant.DatabaseColumn.UtcOffset))

                // For each row in the data table, write out the columns in the same order as the
                // data labels in the template file
                int countAllCurrentlySelectedFiles = database.CountAllCurrentlySelectedFiles;
                for (int row = 0; row < countAllCurrentlySelectedFiles; row++)
                    StringBuilder csvRow = new StringBuilder();
                    ImageRow      image  = database.FileTable[row];
                    foreach (string dataLabel in dataLabels)
                        // Skip the DateTime and Utc offset data
                        if (excludeDateTimeAndUTCOffset == true && (dataLabel == Constant.DatabaseColumn.DateTime || dataLabel == Constant.DatabaseColumn.UtcOffset))
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Try importing a CSV file, checking its headers and values against the template's DataLabels and data types.
        // Return a list of errors if needed.
        public static async Task <Tuple <bool, List <string> > > TryImportFromCsv(string filePath, FileDatabase fileDatabase)
            // Set up a progress handler that will update the progress bar
            Progress <ProgressBarArguments> progressHandler = new Progress <ProgressBarArguments>(value =>
                // Update the progress bar
                CsvReaderWriter.UpdateProgressBar(GlobalReferences.BusyCancelIndicator, value.PercentDone, value.Message, value.IsCancelEnabled, value.IsIndeterminate);
            IProgress <ProgressBarArguments> progress = progressHandler;

            bool          abort        = false;
            List <string> importErrors = new List <string>();

            return(await Task.Run(() =>
                progress.Report(new ProgressBarArguments(0, "Reading the CSV file. Please wait", false, true));
                List <List <string> > parsedFile = ReadAndParseCSVFile(filePath);
                if (parsedFile == null)
                    // Could not open the file
                    importErrors.Add(String.Format("The file '{0}' could not be read. To check: Is opened by another application? Is it a valid CSV file?", Path.GetFileName(filePath)));
                    return new Tuple <bool, List <string> >(false, importErrors);

                if (parsedFile.Count < 2)
                    // The CSV file is empty or only contains a header row
                    importErrors.Add(String.Format("The file '{0}' does not contain any data.", Path.GetFileName(filePath)));
                    return new Tuple <bool, List <string> >(false, importErrors);

                List <string> dataLabels = fileDatabase.GetDataLabelsExceptIDInSpreadsheetOrder();

                // Get the header (and remove any empty trailing headers from the list)
                List <string> dataLabelsFromHeader = parsedFile[0].Where(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)).Distinct().ToList();

                // validate .csv file headers against the database
                List <string> dataLabelsInHeaderButNotFileDatabase = dataLabelsFromHeader.Except(dataLabels).ToList();

                // File - Required datalabel and contents as we can't update the file's data row without it.
                if (dataLabelsFromHeader.Contains(Constant.DatabaseColumn.File) == false)
                    importErrors.Add(String.Format("A '{0}' column containing matching file names to your images is required to do the update.", Constant.DatabaseColumn.File));
                    abort = true;

                // Required: the column headers must exist in the template as valid DataLabels
                // Note: could do this as a warning rather than as an abort, but...
                foreach (string dataLabel in dataLabelsInHeaderButNotFileDatabase)
                    importErrors.Add(String.Format("The column heading '{0}' in the CSV file does not match any DataLabel in the template.", dataLabel));
                    abort = true;

                if (abort)
                    // We failed. abort.
                    return new Tuple <bool, List <string> >(false, importErrors);

                // Create a List of all data rows, where each row is a dictionary containing the header and that row's valued for the header
                List <Dictionary <string, string> > rowDictionaryList = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >();
                int rowNumber = 0;
                int numberOfHeaders = dataLabelsFromHeader.Count;
                foreach (List <string> parsedRow in parsedFile)
                    // For each data row
                    if (rowNumber == 1)
                        // Skip the 1st header row

                    // for this row, create a dictionary of matching the CSV column Header and that column's value
                    Dictionary <string, string> rowDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfHeaders; i++)
                        string valueToAdd = (i < parsedRow.Count) ? parsedRow[i] : String.Empty;
                        rowDictionary.Add(dataLabelsFromHeader[i], parsedRow[i]);

                // Validate each value in the dictionary against the Header type and expected
                foreach (string header in dataLabelsFromHeader)
                    ControlRow controlRow = fileDatabase.GetControlFromTemplateTable(header);

                    // We don't need to worry about File-related or Date-related controls as they are mot updated
                    if (controlRow.Type == Constant.Control.Flag ||
                        controlRow.Type == Constant.DatabaseColumn.DeleteFlag ||
                        controlRow.Type == Constant.Control.Counter ||
                        controlRow.Type == Constant.Control.FixedChoice ||
                        controlRow.Type == Constant.DatabaseColumn.ImageQuality
                        rowNumber = 0;
                        foreach (Dictionary <string, string> rowDict in rowDictionaryList)
                            switch (controlRow.Type)
                            case Constant.Control.Flag:
                            case Constant.DatabaseColumn.DeleteFlag:
                                if (!Boolean.TryParse(rowDict[header], out _))
                                    // Flag values must be true or false, but its not. So raise an error
                                    importErrors.Add(String.Format("Error in row {1}. {0} values must be true or false, but is '{2}'", header, rowNumber, rowDict[header]));
                                    abort = true;

                            case Constant.Control.Counter:
                                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rowDict[header]) && !Int32.TryParse(rowDict[header], out _))
                                    // Counters must be integers / blanks
                                    importErrors.Add(String.Format("Error in row {1}. {0} values must be blank or a number, but is '{2}'", header, rowNumber, rowDict[header]));
                                    abort = true;

                            case Constant.Control.FixedChoice:
                            case Constant.DatabaseColumn.ImageQuality:
                                if (controlRow.List.Contains(rowDict[header]) == false)
                                    // Fixed Choices must be in the Choice List
                                    importErrors.Add(String.Format("Error in row {1}. {0} values must be in the template's choice list, but '{2}' isn't in it.", header, rowNumber, rowDict[header]));
                                    abort = true;

                if (abort)
                    // We failed. abort.
                    return new Tuple <bool, List <string> >(false, importErrors);

                // Create the data structure for the query
                // Update the database 100 rows at a time.
                List <ColumnTuplesWithWhere> imagesToUpdate = new List <ColumnTuplesWithWhere>();
                foreach (Dictionary <string, string> rowDict in rowDictionaryList)
                    // Process each row
                    ColumnTuplesWithWhere imageToUpdate = new ColumnTuplesWithWhere();
                    foreach (string header in rowDict.Keys)
                        ControlRow controlRow = fileDatabase.GetControlFromTemplateTable(header);
                        // process each column but only if its off the specific type
                        if (controlRow.Type == Constant.Control.Flag ||
                            controlRow.Type != Constant.DatabaseColumn.DeleteFlag ||
                            controlRow.Type == Constant.Control.Counter ||
                            controlRow.Type == Constant.Control.FixedChoice ||
                            controlRow.Type == Constant.DatabaseColumn.ImageQuality
                            imageToUpdate.Columns.Add(new ColumnTuple(header, rowDict[header]));

                    // Add to the query only if there are columns to add!
                    if (imageToUpdate.Columns.Count > 0)
                        if (rowDict.ContainsKey(Constant.DatabaseColumn.RelativePath) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rowDict[Constant.DatabaseColumn.RelativePath]))
                            imageToUpdate.SetWhere(rowDict[Constant.DatabaseColumn.RelativePath], rowDict[Constant.DatabaseColumn.File]);

                    // write current batch of updates to database
                    if (imagesToUpdate.Count >= 100)
                // perform any remaining updates
                return new Tuple <bool, List <string> >(true, importErrors);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Export all the database data associated with the selected view to the .csv file indicated in the file path so that spreadsheet applications (like Excel) can display it.
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task <bool> ExportToCsv(FileDatabase database, string filePath, CSVDateTimeOptionsEnum csvDateTimeOptions, bool csvInsertSpaceBeforeDates)
            // Set up a progress handler that will update the progress bar
            Progress <ProgressBarArguments> progressHandler = new Progress <ProgressBarArguments>(value =>
                // Update the progress bar
                CsvReaderWriter.UpdateProgressBar(GlobalReferences.BusyCancelIndicator, value.PercentDone, value.Message, value.IsCancelEnabled, value.IsIndeterminate);
            IProgress <ProgressBarArguments> progress = progressHandler;

            return(await Task.Run(() =>
                //The separator, while normally a comma, can be different in some countries
                // We special case the separator as a ';' for countries that us a comma for a decimal point, e.g., Germany
                String separator = String.Equals(",", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator)
                    ? ";"
                    : ",";
                    progress.Report(new ProgressBarArguments(0, "Writing the CSV file. Please wait", false, true));
                    using (StreamWriter fileWriter = new StreamWriter(filePath, false))
                        // Write the header as defined by the data labels in the template file
                        // If the data label is an empty string, we use the label instead.
                        // The append sequence results in a trailing comma which is retained when writing the line.
                        StringBuilder header = new StringBuilder();
                        List <string> dataLabels = database.GetDataLabelsExceptIDInSpreadsheetOrder();
                        foreach (string dataLabel in dataLabels)
                            if (dataLabel == Constant.DatabaseColumn.UtcOffset)
                                // Always skip UTC Offset, as the user has the option of including that in the DateTime column instead
                            // Skip the DateTime and Utc offset column headers
                            //if (excludeDateTimeAndUTCOffset == true && (dataLabel == Constant.DatabaseColumn.DateTime || dataLabel == Constant.DatabaseColumn.UtcOffset))
                            if ((dataLabel == Constant.DatabaseColumn.Date || dataLabel == Constant.DatabaseColumn.Time) && csvDateTimeOptions != CSVDateTimeOptionsEnum.DateAndTimeColumns)
                                // Skip the Date column and Time column if the CSVDateTimeOptions are set to a parameter other than the two Date / Time columns
                            if (dataLabel == Constant.DatabaseColumn.DateTime && csvDateTimeOptions == CSVDateTimeOptionsEnum.DateAndTimeColumns)
                                // Skip the DateTime column if the CSVDateTimeOptions is set to show the two Date / Time columns instead
                            header.Append(AddColumnValue(dataLabel, separator));

                        // For each row in the data table, write out the columns in the same order as the
                        // data labels in the template file
                        int countAllCurrentlySelectedFiles = database.CountAllCurrentlySelectedFiles;
                        for (int row = 0; row < countAllCurrentlySelectedFiles; row++)
                            StringBuilder csvRow = new StringBuilder();
                            ImageRow image = database.FileTable[row];
                            foreach (string dataLabel in dataLabels)
                                if (dataLabel == Constant.DatabaseColumn.UtcOffset)
                                    // Always skip UTC Offset, as the user has the option of including that in the DateTime column instead
                                if ((dataLabel == Constant.DatabaseColumn.Date || dataLabel == Constant.DatabaseColumn.Time) && csvDateTimeOptions != CSVDateTimeOptionsEnum.DateAndTimeColumns)
                                    // Skip the Date column and Time column if the CSVDateTimeOptions are set to a parameter other than the two Date / Time columns
                                if (dataLabel == Constant.DatabaseColumn.DateTime)
                                    if (csvDateTimeOptions == CSVDateTimeOptionsEnum.DateAndTimeColumns)
                                        // Skip the DateTime column if the CSVDateTimeOptions is set to show the two Date / Time columns instead
                                        string prefix = csvInsertSpaceBeforeDates ? " " : String.Empty;
                                        if (csvDateTimeOptions == CSVDateTimeOptionsEnum.DateTimeColumnWithTSeparator)
                                            csvRow.Append(prefix + AddColumnValue(image.GetValueCSVDateTimeWithTSeparatorString(), separator));
                                        else if (csvDateTimeOptions == CSVDateTimeOptionsEnum.DateTimeWithoutTSeparatorColumn)
                                            csvRow.Append(prefix + AddColumnValue(image.GetValueCSVDateTimeWithoutTSeparatorString(), separator));
                                            //Defunct, no longer used, should not get here
                                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("In CSVWriter: Should not be trying to write a UTC Offset formatted date!");
                                            //if (csvDateTimeOptions == CSVDateTimeOptionsEnum.DateTimeUTCWithOffset)
                                            //    csvRow.Append(prefix + AddColumnValue(image.GetValueCSVDateTimeUTCWithOffsetString()));
                                else if (dataLabel == Constant.DatabaseColumn.Date || dataLabel == Constant.DatabaseColumn.Time)
                                    string prefix = csvInsertSpaceBeforeDates ? " " : String.Empty;
                                    csvRow.Append(prefix + AddColumnValue(image.GetValueDatabaseString(dataLabel), separator));
                                    csvRow.Append(AddColumnValue(image.GetValueDatabaseString(dataLabel), separator));
                            if (row % 5000 == 0)
                                progress.Report(new ProgressBarArguments(Convert.ToInt32(((double)row) / countAllCurrentlySelectedFiles * 100.0), String.Format("Writing {0}/{1} file entries to CSV file. Please wait...", row, countAllCurrentlySelectedFiles), false, false));
                    return true;
                    return false;