Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 添加文件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileCollectionDto"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <string> AddFileRecord(FileCollectionDto fileCollectionDto)
            var entity = _mapper.Map <FileCollectionDto, FileCollectionEntity>(fileCollectionDto);

            entity.CreateUserId = "SYSTEM";
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <NormalResult <IList <string> > > UpLoadFile([FromForm] IFormCollection upfiles)
            var  getFiles     = upfiles;
            var  cpuId        = Request.Form["CpuId"].ToString() ?? string.Empty;
            var  userFilePath = Request.Form["UserFilePath"].ToString() ?? string.Empty;
            var  files        = Request.Form.Files.ToList();
            long size         = files.Sum(f => f.Length);
            // full path to file in temp location
            //var filePath = Path.GetTempFileName();
            //var filePath = @"D:\UploadingFiles\" + formFile.FileName;
            var list = new List <string>();

            list.AddRange(files.FindAll(c => c.Length > 0).ConvertAll(c => c.FileName));
            #region 文件流
            //foreach (var formFile in files)
            //    if (formFile.Length <= 0) continue;

            //    using (var stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create))
            //    {
            //            await formFile.CopyToAsync(stream);

            //        BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(stream);
            //        var byData = br.ReadBytes((int)stream.Length);

            //    }
            #region 内存流

            //foreach (var formFile in files)
            //    if (formFile.Length <= 0) continue;

            //    //using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
            //    //{
            //    //    await formFile.CopyToAsync(stream);

            //    //    BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(stream);
            //    //    var byData = br.ReadBytes((int)stream.Length);

            //    //}

            //    using var stream = formFile.OpenReadStream();
            //    BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(stream);
            //    var byData = br.ReadBytes((int)stream.Length);

            #region 流
                foreach (var formFile in files)
                    if (formFile.Length <= 0)
                    using var stream = formFile.OpenReadStream();
                    var savePath = Path.Combine("FileUpLoads", cpuId);
                    if (!Directory.Exists(savePath))
                    string       saveFile = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
                    BinaryReader br       = new BinaryReader(stream);
                    var          byData   = br.ReadBytes((int)stream.Length);
                    using FileStream fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(savePath, saveFile + ".png"), FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
                    MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(byData);
                    var dto = new FileCollectionDto {
                        CpuId = cpuId, FileName = formFile.FileName, FilePath = Path.Combine(savePath, saveFile + ".png"), UserFilePath = userFilePath, ImageFileStream = null
                    await _fileCollectionService.AddFileRecord(dto);
            catch (Exception ex)
            // process uploaded files
            // Don't rely on or trust the FileName property without validation.
            return(new NormalResult <IList <string> > {
                Data = list