Ejemplo n.º 1
        public PosixFile(string fName)
            this.SnapFullPath = fName;
            //this.Name = this.SnapFullPath.Substring(this.SnapFullPath.LastIndexOf('/')+1);
            ufi       = new UnixFileInfo(this.SnapFullPath);
            this.Name = ufi.Name;
            this.Kind = GetUKind();
            Console.WriteLine("file " + this.SnapFullPath + ", kind=" + this.Kind.ToString());
            this.ID = ufi.Inode;
            //this.IsSparse = false;
            if (this.Kind == FileType.File)            // though dirs also have sizes, useless to get it
                this.FileSize = ufi.Length;
            //this.LastAccessedTime = ufi.LastAccessTime;
            this.LastModifiedTime         = Utilities.Utils.GetUtcUnixTime(ufi.LastWriteTimeUtc);        //ufi.LastWriteTime.ToFileTimeUtc();
            this.LastMetadataModifiedTime = Utilities.Utils.GetUtcUnixTime(ufi.LastStatusChangeTimeUtc); //ufi.LastStatusChangeTime.ToFileTimeUtc();
            this.CreateTime  = 0;                                                                        // dummy value for correctness of incrementals using filecompare
            this.Permissions = (uint)ufi.FileAccessPermissions;

            this.SpecialAttributes = (int)ufi.FileSpecialAttributes;

            if (this.Kind == FileType.Symlink)
                UnixSymbolicLinkInfo link = new UnixSymbolicLinkInfo(this.SnapFullPath);
                if (link.HasContents)
                    this.TargetName = link.GetContents().FullName;
            this.OwnerUser  = (uint)ufi.OwnerUserId;
            this.OwnerGroup = (uint)ufi.OwnerGroupId;
            BlockMetadata   = new FileBlockMetadata();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public NTBackupFile(Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileSystemEntryInfo fsi)
            fileName  = fsi.FullPath;
            this.Name = fsi.FileName;
            fseInfo   = fsi;
            this.Kind = GetKind(fsi);

            /*this.FileSize = 0;
             * try{
             *      this.FileSize += GetSize ();
             * }
             * catch(Exception e){
             *      Logger.Append(Severity.ERROR, "Unable to get size of item "+SnapFullPath+" "+e.Message);
             *              throw(e);
             * }*/
            this.FileSize = fsi.FileSize;

            if (this.Kind == FileType.Symlink)
                this.TargetName = fsi.VirtualFullPath;
            if (this.Kind != FileType.Directory || this.Kind != FileType.Unsupported)
                this.LastModifiedTime = Utilities.Utils.GetUtcUnixTime(fsi.LastModified);                 //fsi.LastModified.ToFileTimeUtc();
                this.LastModifiedTime = DateTime.MaxValue.ToFileTimeUtc();

            this.LastMetadataModifiedTime = 0;                             // dummy value for correctness of incrementals using filecompare
            this.CreateTime = Utilities.Utils.GetUtcUnixTime(fsi.Created); //fsi.Created.ToFileTimeUtc();


            if (fseInfo.IsMountPoint || fseInfo.IsReparsePoint || fseInfo.IsSymbolicLink)
                //this.TargetName = fseInfo.VirtualFullPath;
                Console.WriteLine("** Item " + fileName + " is a " + this.Kind + ", target=" + TargetName);
                //Console.WriteLine ("reparsepoint tag(s)="+fsi.ReparsePointTag.ToString());
            if (this.Kind == FileType.Unsupported)
                Console.WriteLine("unsupported file " + fileName + " with attributes " + fseInfo.Attributes.ToString());
            this.Attributes = (int)fsi.Attributes;
            //wSecurity =  GetSecurity(); // unneeded as we save using BackupRead(), which includes security info
            //ownerUser = wSecurity.GetOwner(typeof(NTAccount)).;
            BlockMetadata = new FileBlockMetadata();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /*public BFile(){
         * }*/

        public FreeBSDFile(string fN, long chunkStartPos)
            fileName              = fN;
            ufi                   = new UnixFileInfo(fN);
            this.chunkStartPos    = chunkStartPos;
            this.fileSize         = ufi.Length;
            unixPermissions       = ufi.FileAccessPermissions;
            fileSpecialAttributes = (int)ufi.FileSpecialAttributes;
            fileAttributes        = 0;
            fileKind              = GetUKind();
            ownerUser             = ufi.OwnerUserId;
            ownerGroup            = ufi.OwnerGroupId;
            BlockMetadata         = new FileBlockMetadata();
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public UnixFile(string fileName)
     this.fileName           = fileName;
     ufi                     = new UnixFileInfo(fileName);
     this.Name               = ufi.Name;
     this.fileSize           = ufi.Length;
     this.Permissions        = (uint)ufi.FileAccessPermissions;
     fileSpecialAttributes   = (int)ufi.FileSpecialAttributes;
     fileAttributes          = 0;
     fileKind                = GetUKind();
     ownerUser               = (uint)ufi.OwnerUserId;
     ownerGroup              = (uint)ufi.OwnerGroupId;
     BlockMetadata           = new FileBlockMetadata();
     this.ExtendedAttributes = new List <Tuple <string, byte[]> >();
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public MinimalFsItem(string name)
            this.fileName = name;
            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(fileName);

            this.FileSize = fi.Length;
            this.Name     = fi.Name;
            this.ID       = 0;
            this.ParentID = 0;
            this.LastMetadataModifiedTime = 0;
            this.LastModifiedTime         = fi.LastWriteTimeUtc.ToFileTimeUtc();
            this.CreateTime = fi.CreationTimeUtc.ToFileTimeUtc();
            //this.Kind = GetKind(fi);
            this.Kind     = FileType.File;
            BlockMetadata = new FileBlockMetadata();
Ejemplo n.º 6
 protected UnixFile(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
     /*	this.ID = info.GetInt64("id");
      *      this.ParentID = info.GetInt64("pid");*/
     /*this.Attributes = info.GetInt32("attrs");
      * //this.CreateTime = info.GetInt64("crtime");
      * this.LastMetadataModifiedTime = info.GetInt64("ctime");
      * this.LastModifiedTime = info.GetInt64("mtime");*/
     /*this.Kind = (Node.FileType)info.GetValue("k", typeof(Node.FileType));
      * this.FileSize = info.GetInt64("s");*/
     /*this.ChunkStartPos = info.GetUInt32("csp");
      * this.FileStartPos = info.GetInt64("fsp");
      * this.OwnerGroup = info.GetUInt32("og");
      * this.OwnerUser = info.GetUInt32("ou");
      * this.Permissions = (Mono.Unix.FileAccessPermissions)info.GetValue("perm", typeof(Node.FileType));
      * this.SpecialAttributes = info.GetInt32("sattr");*/
     this.BlockMetadata = (FileBlockMetadata)info.GetValue("data", typeof(FileBlockMetadata));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public PosixFile(Dirent entry)
            unixEntry         = entry;     // used for clone()
            this.SnapFullPath = entry.d_name;
            this.Name         = this.SnapFullPath.Substring(this.SnapFullPath.LastIndexOf('/') + 1);
            ID        = (long)entry.d_ino;
            this.Kind = GetKind(entry);
            //this.IsSparse = false;
            // try to get ID version (inode generation number), for easier delete/move/renames detection
            // EOPNOTSUP = 95

            Stat entryStat;

            if (this.Kind != FileType.Symlink)
                //Syscall.fstat(fd, out entryStat);
                Syscall.stat(this.SnapFullPath, out entryStat);
                string[] xattrs = new string[16];
                Syscall.listxattr(this.SnapFullPath, out xattrs);
                Syscall.lstat(this.SnapFullPath, out entryStat);
                System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(2048);
                Syscall.readlink(this.SnapFullPath, sb);
                this.TargetName = sb.ToString();
                //Console.WriteLine ("symlink pointing to "+targetName);
            //this.LastAccessedTime = Utils.GetDateTimeFromUnixTime(entryStat.st_atime);
            this.LastMetadataModifiedTime = entryStat.st_ctime;
            this.LastModifiedTime         = entryStat.st_mtime;
            this.CreateTime  = 0;            //DateTime.MinValue.ToFileTimeUtc();
            this.Permissions = (uint)entryStat.st_mode;
            if (this.Kind == FileType.File)  // though dirs also have sizes, useless to get it
                this.FileSize = entryStat.st_size;
            this.OwnerUser         = entryStat.st_uid;
            this.OwnerGroup        = entryStat.st_gid;
            this.SpecialAttributes = 0;            // TODO!!!
            BlockMetadata          = new FileBlockMetadata();
Ejemplo n.º 8
        protected PosixFile(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            //this.Attributes = info.GetInt32("attrs");
            //Console.WriteLine ("PosixFile GetObjectData() : got attrs");
            //this.CreateTime = info.GetInt64("crtime");
            //this.LastMetadataModifiedTime = info.GetInt64("ctime");
            //Console.WriteLine ("PosixFile GetObjectData() : got crtime & ctime");
            //this.LastModifiedTime = info.GetInt64("mtime");
            //Console.WriteLine ("PosixFile GetObjectData() : got mtime");

            /*this.Kind = (Node.FileType)info.GetValue("k", typeof(Node.FileType));
             * //Console.WriteLine ("PosixFile GetObjectData() : got k");
             * this.FileSize = info.GetInt64("s");*/
            //Console.WriteLine ("PosixFile GetObjectData() : got s");
            //this.ChunkStartPos = info.GetUInt32("csp");
            //Console.WriteLine ("PosixFile GetObjectData() : got csp");
            //this.FileStartPos = info.GetInt64("fsp");
            //Console.WriteLine ("PosixFile GetObjectData() : got fsp");
            //this.OwnerGroup = info.GetUInt32("og");
            //Console.WriteLine ("PosixFile GetObjectData() : got og");
            //this.OwnerUser = info.GetUInt32("ou");
            //Console.WriteLine ("PosixFile GetObjectData() : got ou");
            //this.Permissions = (Mono.Unix.FileAccessPermissions)info.GetValue("perm", typeof(Mono.Unix.FileAccessPermissions));
            //Console.WriteLine ("PosixFile GetObjectData() : got perm");
            //this.SpecialAttributes = info.GetInt32("sattr");
            //Console.WriteLine ("PosixFile GetObjectData() : getting xattrs..");
                this.ExtendedAttributes = (List <Tuple <string, byte[]> >)info.GetValue("xattr", typeof(List <Tuple <string, byte[]> >));
            }catch {}
            //Console.WriteLine ("PosixFile GetObjectData() : getting blockmetadata (excepted dedupinfo)..");
                this.BlockMetadata = new FileBlockMetadata();
                this.BlockMetadata.BlockMetadata = (List <IFileBlockMetadata>)info.GetValue("data", typeof(List <IFileBlockMetadata>));
            }catch {
                this.TargetName = (string)info.GetValue("tgt", typeof(string));
            }catch {}
Ejemplo n.º 9
 protected NTBackupFile(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
     /*this.ID = info.GetInt64("id");
      * //Console.WriteLine ("PosixFile GetObjectData() : got id");
      * this.ParentID = info.GetInt64("pid");*/
     //Console.WriteLine ("PosixFile GetObjectData() : got pid");
     //this.Attributes = info.GetInt32("attrs");
     //Console.WriteLine ("PosixFile GetObjectData() : got attrs");
     //this.CreateTime = info.GetInt64("crtime");
     //this.LastMetadataModifiedTime = info.GetInt64("ctime");
     //Console.WriteLine ("PosixFile GetObjectData() : got crtime & ctime");
     //this.LastModifiedTime = info.GetInt64("mtime");
     //Console.WriteLine ("PosixFile GetObjectData() : got mtime");
     //this.Kind = (Node.FileType)info.GetValue("k", typeof(Node.FileType));
     //Console.WriteLine ("PosixFile GetObjectData() : got k");
     //this.FileSize = info.GetInt64("s");
     //Console.WriteLine ("PosixFile GetObjectData() : got s");
     //this.ChunkStartPos = info.GetUInt32("csp");
     //Console.WriteLine ("PosixFile GetObjectData() : got csp");
     //this.FileStartPos = info.GetInt64("fsp");
     //Console.WriteLine ("PosixFile GetObjectData() : got fsp");
     //this.OwnerGroup = info.GetUInt32("og");
     //Console.WriteLine ("PosixFile GetObjectData() : got og");
     //this.OwnerUser = info.GetUInt32("ou");
     //Console.WriteLine ("PosixFile GetObjectData() : got ou");
     //this.Permissions = info.GetInt32("perm");
     //Console.WriteLine ("PosixFile GetObjectData() : got perm");
     //this.SpecialAttributes = info.GetInt32("sattr");
         this.TargetName = info.GetString("tgt");
     }catch {}           // target is null, nothing wrong with that if not a symlink/reparsepoint
     Console.WriteLine("PosixFile GetObjectData() : getting blockmetadata (excepted dedupinfo)..");
         this.BlockMetadata = new FileBlockMetadata();
         this.BlockMetadata.BlockMetadata = (List <IFileBlockMetadata>)info.GetValue("data", typeof(List <IFileBlockMetadata>));
     }catch {
     }             // data is null, nothing wrong with that
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public NTBackupFile()
     BlockMetadata = new FileBlockMetadata();
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public NTBackupFile(string fullName)
            if (fullName == null)
                throw new Exception("NTBackupFileXP(byname): NULL name");
            //Console.WriteLine ("NTBackupFile(byname): raw name="+fullName);

            Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo fsi = new Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo(fullName);

            fseInfo          = fsi.SystemInfo;
            fseInfo.FullPath = fullName;
            this.Name        = fsi.Name;
            fileName         = fullName;
            GetHandleInfos();             // gets ID and sparse attribute.
            //this.fileSize = fileI.Length;
            this.FileStartPos  = 0;
            this.ChunkStartPos = 0;
            this.Kind          = GetKind(fseInfo);

            // GetSize is more precise (though not yet 100%) but slower. As we will generally work on snapshot,
            // don't be so obsessed with getting real size and reporting sizes changes during backup on NT.
            //GetSize ();
            this.FileSize = fseInfo.FileSize;

            if (this.Kind == FileType.Symlink)
                this.TargetName = fsi.SystemInfo.VirtualFullPath;

            if (this.Kind != FileType.Directory || this.Kind != FileType.Unsupported)
                this.LastModifiedTime = Utilities.Utils.GetUtcUnixTime(fsi.LastWriteTime);                // fsi.LastWriteTime.ToFileTimeUtc();
                this.LastModifiedTime = 0;                                      //fsi.LastWriteTime.ToFileTimeUtc(); //DateTime.MaxValue.ToFileTimeUtc();
            this.LastMetadataModifiedTime = 0;                                  // dummy value for correctness of incrementals using filecompare
            this.CreateTime = Utilities.Utils.GetUtcUnixTime(fsi.CreationTime); //fsi.CreationTime.ToFileTimeUtc();
            //this.ID = Utilities.Utils.GetUnixTime(fsi.CreationTime);
            if (fsi.Attributes.HasFlag(Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileAttributes.SparseFile))
                this.ChangeStatus |= DataLayoutInfos.SparseFile;
            if (fseInfo.IsMountPoint || fseInfo.IsReparsePoint || fseInfo.IsSymbolicLink)
                this.TargetName = fseInfo.VirtualFullPath;
                Console.WriteLine("** Item " + fileName + " is a " + this.Kind);
                Console.WriteLine("reparsepoint tag(s)=" + fsi.SystemInfo.ReparsePointTag.ToString());
            if (this.Kind == FileType.Unsupported)
                Console.WriteLine("unsupported file " + fileName + " with attributes " + fseInfo.Attributes.ToString());
            this.Attributes = (int)fsi.Attributes;
            //wSecurity =  GetSecurity(); // unneeded as we save using BackupRead(), which includes security info
            //ownerUser = wSecurity.GetOwner(typeof(NTAccount)).;
            BlockMetadata = new FileBlockMetadata();
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public PosixFile()
     BlockMetadata = new FileBlockMetadata();
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public FreeBSDFile(string fileName)
     this.fileName = fileName;
     //ufi = new UnixFileInfo(fileName);
     BlockMetadata = new FileBlockMetadata();